int time_elapsed_with_signal(void) { struct timespec ts, rts; struct timeval stv, etv; pid_t pid; int status; signal(SIGUSR1, sighandler); pid = getpid(); switch(fork()) { case -1: err(1, "fork"); default: ts.tv_sec = 1; ts.tv_nsec = 0; nanosleep(&ts, NULL); kill(pid, SIGUSR1); exit(0); } ts.tv_sec = 10; ts.tv_nsec = 0; rts.tv_sec = 0; rts.tv_nsec = 0; if (gettimeofday(&stv, NULL) < 0) { warn("gettimeofday"); return 1; } if (nanosleep(&ts, &rts) == 0) { warnx("nanosleep"); return 1; } if (gettimeofday(&etv, NULL) < 0) { warn("gettimeofday"); return 1; } timersub(&etv, &stv, &stv); etv.tv_sec = rts.tv_sec; etv.tv_usec = rts.tv_nsec / 1000 + 1; /* the '+ 1' is a "roundup" */ timeradd(&etv, &stv, &stv); if (stv.tv_sec < 10) { warnx("slept time + leftover time < 10 sec"); return 1; } if (wait(&status) < 0) err(1, "wait"); return 0; }
/* Thread taking care of respecting the times of the experiment. */ void *timeKeeper(void *null){ int rc; t_counters countersBegin, countersEnd; struct rusage rusageBegin, rusageEnd; struct timeval timeBegin, timeEnd; struct timeval startSomme, stopSomme, diffCPU, diffTimeval; // Warm-up phase usleep(warmup * 1000000); // Measurement phase if (gettimeofday(&timeBegin, NULL ) < 0) ERROR_AT_LINE(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, __FILE__, __LINE__, "gettimeofday"); if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusageBegin) < 0) ERROR_AT_LINE(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, __FILE__, __LINE__, "getrusage"); countersBegin = counters; usleep(measurement * 1000000); if (gettimeofday(&timeEnd, NULL ) < 0) ERROR_AT_LINE(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, __FILE__, __LINE__, "gettimeofday"); if (getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusageEnd) < 0) ERROR_AT_LINE(EXIT_FAILURE, errno, __FILE__, __LINE__, "getrusage"); countersEnd = counters; measurementDone = true; // Cool-down phase usleep(cooldown * 1000000); // We display the results printf( "%s --broadcasters %d --cooldown %d --wagonMaxLen %d --measurement %d --number %d --size %d --trainsNumber %d --warmup %d\n", programName, broadcasters, cooldown, alternateMaxWagonLen, measurement, number, size, trainsNumber, warmup); printDiffTimeval("time for tr_init (in sec)", timeTrInitEnd, timeTrInitBegin); printDiffTimeval("elapsed time (in sec)", timeEnd, timeBegin); printDiffTimeval("ru_utime (in sec)", rusageEnd.ru_utime, rusageBegin.ru_utime); printDiffTimeval("ru_stime (in sec)", rusageEnd.ru_stime, rusageBegin.ru_stime); timeradd(&rusageBegin.ru_utime, &rusageBegin.ru_stime, &startSomme); timeradd(&rusageEnd.ru_utime, &rusageEnd.ru_stime, &stopSomme); printDiffTimeval("ru_utime+ru_stime (in sec)", stopSomme, startSomme); printf("number of messages delivered to the application ; %llu\n", countersEnd.messages_delivered - countersBegin.messages_delivered); printf("number of bytes delivered to the application ; %llu\n", countersEnd.messages_bytes_delivered - countersBegin.messages_bytes_delivered); printf("number of bytes of trains received from the network ; %llu\n", countersEnd.trains_bytes_received - countersBegin.trains_bytes_received); printf("number of trains received from the network ; %llu\n", countersEnd.trains_received - countersBegin.trains_received); printf("number of bytes of recent trains received from the network ; %llu\n", countersEnd.recent_trains_bytes_received - countersBegin.recent_trains_bytes_received); printf("number of recent trains received from the network ; %llu\n", countersEnd.recent_trains_received - countersBegin.recent_trains_received); printf("number of wagons delivered to the application ; %llu\n", countersEnd.wagons_delivered - countersBegin.wagons_delivered); printf("number of times automaton has been in state WAIT ; %llu\n", countersEnd.wait_states - countersBegin.wait_states); printf("number of calls to commRead() ; %llu\n", countersEnd.comm_read - countersBegin.comm_read); printf("number of bytes read by commRead() calls ; %llu\n", countersEnd.comm_read_bytes - countersBegin.comm_read_bytes); printf("number of calls to commReadFully() ; %llu\n", countersEnd.comm_readFully - countersBegin.comm_readFully); printf("number of bytes read by commReadFully() calls ; %llu\n", countersEnd.comm_readFully_bytes - countersBegin.comm_readFully_bytes); printf("number of calls to commWrite() ; %llu\n", countersEnd.comm_write - countersBegin.comm_write); printf("number of bytes written by commWrite() calls ; %llu\n", countersEnd.comm_write_bytes - countersBegin.comm_write_bytes); printf("number of calls to commWritev() ; %llu\n", countersEnd.comm_writev - countersBegin.comm_writev); printf("number of bytes written by commWritev() calls ; %llu\n", countersEnd.comm_writev_bytes - countersBegin.comm_writev_bytes); printf("number of calls to newmsg() ; %llu\n", countersEnd.newmsg - countersBegin.newmsg); printf( "number of times there was flow control when calling newmsg() ; %llu\n", countersEnd.flowControl - countersBegin.flowControl); timersub(&stopSomme, &startSomme, &diffCPU); timersub(&timeEnd, &timeBegin, &diffTimeval); printf( "Broadcasters / number / size / ntr / Average number of delivered wagons per recent train received / Average number of msg per wagon / Throughput of o-broadcasts in Mbps / %%CPU ; %d ; %d ; %d ; %d ; %g ; %g ; %g ; %g\n", broadcasters, number, size, ntr, ((double) (countersEnd.wagons_delivered - countersBegin.wagons_delivered)) / ((double) (countersEnd.recent_trains_received - countersBegin.recent_trains_received)), ((double) (countersEnd.messages_delivered - countersBegin.messages_delivered)) / ((double) (countersEnd.wagons_delivered - countersBegin.wagons_delivered)), ((double) (countersEnd.messages_bytes_delivered - countersBegin.messages_bytes_delivered) * 8) / ((double) (diffTimeval.tv_sec * 1000000 + diffTimeval.tv_usec)), ((double) (diffCPU.tv_sec * 1000000 + diffCPU.tv_usec) / (double) (diffTimeval.tv_sec * 1000000 + diffTimeval.tv_usec))); // Termination phase rc = trTerminate(); if (rc < 0) { trError_at_line(rc, trErrno, __FILE__, __LINE__, "tr_init()"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); return NULL ; }
void countdown(Timer* timer, unsigned int timeout) { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); struct timeval interval = { timeout, 0 }; timeradd(&now, &interval, &timer->end_time); }
bool vlinda_in_generic_unsafe(bool to_remove, struct timeval timeout, const char * match_string, va_list * v_init) { int tuple_index = -1; //Time now struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); //Timestamp end of waiting struct timeval timeout_end_timeval; //After that, its end of searching timeradd(&now, &timeout, &timeout_end_timeval); while(true) { //Check if matching tuple was found tuple_index = extract_tuple_from_shmem(match_string); if(tuple_index != -1) break; //If not - we are waiting, if timeout ends - we are not waiting anymore time_t timeout_timespec_sec = timeout_end_timeval.tv_sec; //Modify clock, not more than 10^9 nsec unsigned long timeout_timespec_nsec = timeout_end_timeval.tv_usec * 1000; timeout_timespec_sec += (timeout_timespec_nsec / (1000 * 1000 * 1000)); timeout_timespec_nsec %= (1000 * 1000 * 1000); struct timespec timeout_timespec = {timeout_timespec_sec, timeout_timespec_nsec}; int wait_result = pthread_cond_timedwait(&linda_memory->output_cond, &linda_memory->mem_mutex, &timeout_timespec); if(wait_result != 0) { if(wait_result == ETIMEDOUT) { break; } printf("pthread_cond_timedwait(): %d\n", wait_result); if(linda_logging) syslog(3, "pthread_cond_timedwait(): %d", errno); return false; } } if(tuple_index == -1) { return false; } //Tuple is returned by extract_tuple_from_shmem, so its validate with va_list arguments. const struct tuple *found_tuple = linda_memory->first_tuple + tuple_index; const size_t info_string_length = strlen(found_tuple->tuple_content); size_t info_string_position = 0; size_t tuple_position = info_string_length + 1; va_list va_read; va_copy(va_read, *v_init); //Memcpy for arguments in va_list while (found_tuple->tuple_content[info_string_position] != 0) { switch (found_tuple->tuple_content[info_string_position]) { case 'i': { memcpy(va_arg(v_init, int *), &found_tuple->tuple_content[0] + tuple_position, sizeof(int)); tuple_position += sizeof(int); break; } case 'f': { memcpy(va_arg(v_init, double *), &found_tuple->tuple_content[0] + tuple_position, sizeof(double)); tuple_position += sizeof(double); break; } case 's': { const size_t string_length = strlen(&found_tuple->tuple_content[0] + tuple_position); memcpy(va_arg(v_init, char *), &found_tuple->tuple_content[0] + tuple_position, string_length + 1); tuple_position += string_length + 1; break; } default: { printf("Unknown character in info_string: `%c` (%d)", found_tuple->tuple_content[info_string_position], found_tuple->tuple_content[info_string_position]); break; } } ++info_string_position; } va_end(va_read); if(to_remove) { //Delete tuple by replacing it and decrementing tuple_count. memcpy(&linda_memory->first_tuple[tuple_index], &linda_memory->first_tuple[tuple_index + 1], (--linda_memory->tuple_count - tuple_index) * sizeof(struct tuple)); if(linda_logging) syslog(6, "Removed tuple"); } return true; }
/* * cl_update (CUDA version) */ static void update_func_cuda(void *descr[], void *arg) { struct block_description *block = arg; int workerid = starpu_worker_get_id(); DEBUG( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); if (block->bz == 0) fprintf(stderr,"!!! DO update_func_cuda z %d CUDA%d !!!\n", block->bz, workerid); else DEBUG( "!!! DO update_func_cuda z %d CUDA%d !!!\n", block->bz, workerid); #ifdef STARPU_USE_MPI int rank = 0; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); DEBUG( "!!! RANK %d !!!\n", rank); #endif DEBUG( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); unsigned block_size_z = get_block_size(block->bz); unsigned i; update_per_worker[workerid]++; struct timeval tv, tv2, diff, delta = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = get_ticks()*1000}; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timersub(&tv, &start, &tv2); timersub(&tv2, &last_tick[block->bz], &diff); while (timercmp(&diff, &delta, >=)) { timeradd(&last_tick[block->bz], &delta, &last_tick[block->bz]); timersub(&tv2, &last_tick[block->bz], &diff); if (who_runs_what_index[block->bz] < who_runs_what_len) who_runs_what[block->bz + (who_runs_what_index[block->bz]++) * get_nbz()] = -1; } if (who_runs_what_index[block->bz] < who_runs_what_len) who_runs_what[block->bz + (who_runs_what_index[block->bz]++) * get_nbz()] = global_workerid(workerid); /* * Load neighbours' boundaries : TOP */ /* The offset along the z axis is (block_size_z + K) */ load_subblock_from_buffer_cuda(descr[0], descr[2], block_size_z+K); load_subblock_from_buffer_cuda(descr[1], descr[3], block_size_z+K); /* * Load neighbours' boundaries : BOTTOM */ load_subblock_from_buffer_cuda(descr[0], descr[4], 0); load_subblock_from_buffer_cuda(descr[1], descr[5], 0); /* * Stencils ... do the actual work here :) TODO */ for (i=1; i<=K; i++) { starpu_block_interface_t *oldb = descr[i%2], *newb = descr[(i+1)%2]; TYPE *old = (void*) oldb->ptr, *new = (void*) newb->ptr; /* Shadow data */ cuda_shadow_host(block->bz, old, oldb->nx, oldb->ny, oldb->nz, oldb->ldy, oldb->ldz, i); /* And perform actual computation */ #ifdef LIFE cuda_life_update_host(block->bz, old, new, oldb->nx, oldb->ny, oldb->nz, oldb->ldy, oldb->ldz, i); #else cudaMemcpy(new, old, oldb->nx * oldb->ny * oldb->nz * sizeof(*new), cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); #endif /* LIFE */ } cudaError_t cures; if ((cures = cudaThreadSynchronize()) != cudaSuccess) STARPU_CUDA_REPORT_ERROR(cures); } #endif /* STARPU_USE_CUDA */ /* * cl_update (CPU version) */ static void update_func_cpu(void *descr[], void *arg) { struct block_description *block = arg; int workerid = starpu_worker_get_id(); DEBUG( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); if (block->bz == 0) fprintf(stderr,"!!! DO update_func_cpu z %d CPU%d !!!\n", block->bz, workerid); else DEBUG( "!!! DO update_func_cpu z %d CPU%d !!!\n", block->bz, workerid); #ifdef STARPU_USE_MPI int rank = 0; MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank); DEBUG( "!!! RANK %d !!!\n", rank); #endif DEBUG( "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\n"); unsigned block_size_z = get_block_size(block->bz); unsigned i; update_per_worker[workerid]++; struct timeval tv, tv2, diff, delta = {.tv_sec = 0, .tv_usec = get_ticks() * 1000}; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); timersub(&tv, &start, &tv2); timersub(&tv2, &last_tick[block->bz], &diff); while (timercmp(&diff, &delta, >=)) { timeradd(&last_tick[block->bz], &delta, &last_tick[block->bz]); timersub(&tv2, &last_tick[block->bz], &diff); if (who_runs_what_index[block->bz] < who_runs_what_len) who_runs_what[block->bz + (who_runs_what_index[block->bz]++) * get_nbz()] = -1; } if (who_runs_what_index[block->bz] < who_runs_what_len) who_runs_what[block->bz + (who_runs_what_index[block->bz]++) * get_nbz()] = global_workerid(workerid); /* * Load neighbours' boundaries : TOP */ /* The offset along the z axis is (block_size_z + K) */ load_subblock_from_buffer_cpu(descr[0], descr[2], block_size_z+K); load_subblock_from_buffer_cpu(descr[1], descr[3], block_size_z+K); /* * Load neighbours' boundaries : BOTTOM */ load_subblock_from_buffer_cpu(descr[0], descr[4], 0); load_subblock_from_buffer_cpu(descr[1], descr[5], 0); /* * Stencils ... do the actual work here :) TODO */ for (i=1; i<=K; i++) { starpu_block_interface_t *oldb = descr[i%2], *newb = descr[(i+1)%2]; TYPE *old = (void*) oldb->ptr, *new = (void*) newb->ptr; /* Shadow data */ unsigned ldy = oldb->ldy, ldz = oldb->ldz; unsigned nx = oldb->nx, ny = oldb->ny, nz = oldb->nz; unsigned x, y, z; unsigned stepx = 1; unsigned stepy = 1; unsigned stepz = 1; unsigned idx = 0; unsigned idy = 0; unsigned idz = 0; TYPE *ptr = old; # include "shadow.h" /* And perform actual computation */ #ifdef LIFE life_update(block->bz, old, new, oldb->nx, oldb->ny, oldb->nz, oldb->ldy, oldb->ldz, i); #else memcpy(new, old, oldb->nx * oldb->ny * oldb->nz * sizeof(*new)); #endif /* LIFE */ } } /* Performance model and codelet structure */ static struct starpu_perfmodel_t cl_update_model = { .type = STARPU_HISTORY_BASED, .symbol = "cl_update" }; starpu_codelet cl_update = { .where = #ifdef STARPU_USE_CUDA STARPU_CUDA| #endif STARPU_CPU, .cpu_func = update_func_cpu, #ifdef STARPU_USE_CUDA .cuda_func = update_func_cuda, #endif .model = &cl_update_model, .nbuffers = 6 }; /* * Save the block internal boundaries to give them to our neighbours. */ /* CPU version */ static void load_subblock_into_buffer_cpu(starpu_block_interface_t *block, starpu_block_interface_t *boundary, unsigned firstz) { /* Sanity checks */ STARPU_ASSERT(block->nx == boundary->nx); STARPU_ASSERT(block->ny == boundary->ny); STARPU_ASSERT(boundary->nz == K); /* NB: this is not fully garanteed ... but it's *very* likely and that * makes our life much simpler */ STARPU_ASSERT(block->ldy == boundary->ldy); STARPU_ASSERT(block->ldz == boundary->ldz); /* We do a contiguous memory transfer */ size_t boundary_size = K*block->ldz*block->elemsize; unsigned offset = firstz*block->ldz; TYPE *block_data = (TYPE *)block->ptr; TYPE *boundary_data = (TYPE *)boundary->ptr; memcpy(boundary_data, &block_data[offset], boundary_size); } /* CUDA version */ #ifdef STARPU_USE_CUDA static void load_subblock_into_buffer_cuda(starpu_block_interface_t *block, starpu_block_interface_t *boundary, unsigned firstz) { /* Sanity checks */ STARPU_ASSERT(block->nx == boundary->nx); STARPU_ASSERT(block->ny == boundary->ny); STARPU_ASSERT(boundary->nz == K); /* NB: this is not fully garanteed ... but it's *very* likely and that * makes our life much simpler */ STARPU_ASSERT(block->ldy == boundary->ldy); STARPU_ASSERT(block->ldz == boundary->ldz); /* We do a contiguous memory transfer */ size_t boundary_size = K*block->ldz*block->elemsize; unsigned offset = firstz*block->ldz; TYPE *block_data = (TYPE *)block->ptr; TYPE *boundary_data = (TYPE *)boundary->ptr; cudaMemcpy(boundary_data, &block_data[offset], boundary_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); } #endif /* STARPU_USE_CUDA */ /* Record how many top/bottom saves each worker performed */ unsigned top_per_worker[STARPU_NMAXWORKERS]; unsigned bottom_per_worker[STARPU_NMAXWORKERS]; /* top save, CPU version */ static void dummy_func_top_cpu(void *descr[] __attribute__((unused)), void *arg) { struct block_description *block = arg; int workerid = starpu_worker_get_id(); top_per_worker[workerid]++; DEBUG( "DO SAVE Bottom block %d\n", block->bz); /* The offset along the z axis is (block_size_z + K)- K */ unsigned block_size_z = get_block_size(block->bz); load_subblock_into_buffer_cpu(descr[0], descr[2], block_size_z); load_subblock_into_buffer_cpu(descr[1], descr[3], block_size_z); } /* bottom save, CPU version */ static void dummy_func_bottom_cpu(void *descr[] __attribute__((unused)), void *arg) { struct block_description *block = arg; int workerid = starpu_worker_get_id(); bottom_per_worker[workerid]++; DEBUG( "DO SAVE Top block %d\n", block->bz); load_subblock_into_buffer_cpu(descr[0], descr[2], K); load_subblock_into_buffer_cpu(descr[1], descr[3], K); } /* top save, CUDA version */ #ifdef STARPU_USE_CUDA static void dummy_func_top_cuda(void *descr[] __attribute__((unused)), void *arg) { struct block_description *block = arg; int workerid = starpu_worker_get_id(); top_per_worker[workerid]++; DEBUG( "DO SAVE Top block %d\n", block->bz); /* The offset along the z axis is (block_size_z + K)- K */ unsigned block_size_z = get_block_size(block->bz); load_subblock_into_buffer_cuda(descr[0], descr[2], block_size_z); load_subblock_into_buffer_cuda(descr[1], descr[3], block_size_z); cudaThreadSynchronize(); } /* bottom save, CUDA version */ static void dummy_func_bottom_cuda(void *descr[] __attribute__((unused)), void *arg) { struct block_description *block = arg; int workerid = starpu_worker_get_id(); bottom_per_worker[workerid]++; DEBUG( "DO SAVE Bottom block %d on CUDA\n", block->bz); load_subblock_into_buffer_cuda(descr[0], descr[2], K); load_subblock_into_buffer_cuda(descr[1], descr[3], K); cudaThreadSynchronize(); } #endif /* STARPU_USE_CUDA */ /* Performance models and codelet for save */ static struct starpu_perfmodel_t save_cl_bottom_model = { .type = STARPU_HISTORY_BASED, .symbol = "save_cl_bottom" }; static struct starpu_perfmodel_t save_cl_top_model = { .type = STARPU_HISTORY_BASED, .symbol = "save_cl_top" }; starpu_codelet save_cl_bottom = { .where = #ifdef STARPU_USE_CUDA STARPU_CUDA| #endif STARPU_CPU, .cpu_func = dummy_func_bottom_cpu, #ifdef STARPU_USE_CUDA .cuda_func = dummy_func_bottom_cuda, #endif .model = &save_cl_bottom_model, .nbuffers = 4 }; starpu_codelet save_cl_top = { .where = #ifdef STARPU_USE_CUDA STARPU_CUDA| #endif STARPU_CPU, .cpu_func = dummy_func_top_cpu, #ifdef STARPU_USE_CUDA .cuda_func = dummy_func_top_cuda, #endif .model = &save_cl_top_model, .nbuffers = 4 };
int udpclient(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* lhost, *lport, *phost, *pport, *rhost, *rport; list_t* clients; list_t* conn_clients; client_t* client; client_t* client2; socket_t* tcp_serv = NULL; socket_t* tcp_sock = NULL; socket_t* udp_sock = NULL; char data[MSG_MAX_LEN]; char addrstr[ADDRSTRLEN]; char pport_s[6]; struct timeval curr_time; struct timeval check_time; struct timeval check_interval; struct timeval timeout; fd_set client_fds; fd_set read_fds; uint16_t tmp_id; uint8_t tmp_type; uint16_t tmp_len; uint16_t tmp_req_id; int num_fds; int ret; int i; int icmp_sock ; int timeexc = -1; struct sockaddr_in src, dest, rsrc; struct hostent* hp; uint32_t timeexc_ip; signal(SIGINT, &signal_handler); i = 0; if(index(argv[i], 58) || index(argv[i], 46)) lhost = argv[i++]; else lhost = NULL; lport = argv[i++]; phost = argv[i++]; if(index(argv[i], 58) || index(argv[i], 46)) { snprintf(pport_s, 5, "2222"); pport = pport_s; } else pport = argv[i++]; rhost = argv[i++]; rport = argv[i++]; /* Get info about localhost IP */ if(!lhost){ char szHostName[255]; gethostname(szHostName, 255); hp = gethostbyname(szHostName); }else{ hp = gethostbyname(lhost); } memset(&rsrc, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); timeexc_ip = *(uint32_t*)hp->h_addr_list[0]; rsrc.sin_family = AF_INET; rsrc.sin_port = 0; rsrc.sin_addr.s_addr = timeexc_ip; /* IP of destination */ memset(&src, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); hp = gethostbyname(phost); timeexc_ip = *(uint32_t*)hp->h_addr_list[0]; src.sin_family = AF_INET; src.sin_port = 0; src.sin_addr.s_addr = timeexc_ip; /* IP of where the fake packet (echo request) was going */ hp = gethostbyname(""); memcpy(&dest.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); inet_pton(AF_INET, "", &(dest.sin_addr)); srand(time(NULL)); next_req_id = rand() % 0xffff; /* Create an empty list for the clients */ clients = list_create(sizeof(client_t), p_client_cmp, p_client_copy, p_client_free); ERROR_GOTO(clients == NULL, "Error creating clients list.", done); /* Create and empty list for the connecting clients */ conn_clients = list_create(sizeof(client_t), p_client_cmp, p_client_copy, p_client_free); ERROR_GOTO(conn_clients == NULL, "Error creating clients list.", done); /* Create a TCP server socket to listen for incoming connections */ tcp_serv = sock_create(lhost, lport, ipver, SOCK_TYPE_TCP, 1, 1); ERROR_GOTO(tcp_serv == NULL, "Error creating TCP socket.", done); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) { printf("Listening on TCP %s\n", sock_get_str(tcp_serv, addrstr, sizeof(addrstr))); } FD_ZERO(&client_fds); /* Initialize all the timers */ timerclear(&timeout); check_interval.tv_sec = 0; check_interval.tv_usec = 500000; gettimeofday(&check_time, NULL); /* open raw socket */ create_icmp_socket(&icmp_sock); if(icmp_sock == -1) { printf("[main] can't open raw socket\n"); exit(1); } while(running) { if(!timerisset(&timeout)) timeout.tv_usec = 50000; if(++timeexc==100) { timeexc=0; /* Send ICMP TTL exceeded to penetrate remote NAT */ send_icmp(icmp_sock, &rsrc, &src, &dest, 0); } read_fds = client_fds; FD_SET(SOCK_FD(tcp_serv), &read_fds); ret = select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); PERROR_GOTO(ret < 0, "select", done); num_fds = ret; gettimeofday(&curr_time, NULL); /* Go through all the clients and check if didn't get an ACK for sent data during the timeout period */ if(timercmp(&curr_time, &check_time, >)) { for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(clients); i++) { client = list_get_at(clients, i); ret = client_check_and_resend(client, curr_time); if(ret == -2) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds); i--; continue; } ret = client_check_and_send_keepalive(client, curr_time); if(ret == -2) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds); i--; } } timeradd(&curr_time, &check_interval, &check_time); } if(num_fds == 0) continue; timeexc=0; /* Check if pending TCP connection to accept and create a new client and UDP connection if one is ready */ if(FD_ISSET(SOCK_FD(tcp_serv), &read_fds)) { tcp_sock = sock_accept(tcp_serv); udp_sock = sock_create(phost, pport, ipver, SOCK_TYPE_UDP, 0, 1); client = client_create(next_req_id++, tcp_sock, udp_sock, 1); if(!client || !tcp_sock || !udp_sock) { if(tcp_sock) sock_close(tcp_sock); if(udp_sock) sock_close(udp_sock); } else { client2 = list_add(conn_clients, client); client_free(client); client = NULL; client_send_hello(client2, rhost, rport, CLIENT_ID(client2)); client_add_tcp_fd_to_set(client2, &client_fds); client_add_udp_fd_to_set(client2, &client_fds); } sock_free(tcp_sock); sock_free(udp_sock); tcp_sock = NULL; udp_sock = NULL; num_fds--; } /* Check for pending handshakes from UDP connection */ for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(conn_clients) && num_fds > 0; i++) { client = list_get_at(conn_clients, i); if(client_udp_fd_isset(client, &read_fds)) { num_fds--; tmp_req_id = CLIENT_ID(client); ret = client_recv_udp_msg(client, data, sizeof(data), &tmp_id, &tmp_type, &tmp_len); if(ret == 0) ret = handle_message(client, tmp_id, tmp_type, data, tmp_len); if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(tmp_req_id, conn_clients, &client_fds); i--; } else { client = list_add(clients, client); list_delete_at(conn_clients, i); client_remove_udp_fd_from_set(client, &read_fds); i--; } } } /* Check if data is ready from any of the clients */ for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(clients) && num_fds > 0; i++) { client = list_get_at(clients, i); /* Check for UDP data */ if(client_udp_fd_isset(client, &read_fds)) { num_fds--; ret = client_recv_udp_msg(client, data, sizeof(data), &tmp_id, &tmp_type, &tmp_len); if(ret == 0) ret = handle_message(client, tmp_id, tmp_type, data, tmp_len); if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds); i--; continue; /* Don't go to check the TCP connection */ } } /* Check for TCP data */ if(client_tcp_fd_isset(client, &read_fds)) { num_fds--; ret = client_recv_tcp_data(client); if(ret == 0) ret = client_send_udp_data(client); #if 0 /* if udptunnel is taking up 100% of cpu, try including this */ else if(ret == 1) #ifdef _WIN32 _sleep(1); #else usleep(1000); /* Quick hack so doesn't use 100% of CPU if data wasn't ready yet (waiting for ack) */ #endif /*WIN32*/ #endif /*0*/ if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds); i--; } } } } done: if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("Cleaning up...\n"); if(tcp_serv) { sock_close(tcp_serv); sock_free(tcp_serv); } if(udp_sock) { sock_close(udp_sock); sock_free(udp_sock); } if(clients) list_free(clients); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("Goodbye.\n"); return 0; }
/* * Write out process accounting information, on process exit. * Data to be written out is specified in Leffler, et al. * and are enumerated below. (They're also noted in the system * "acct.h" header file.) */ int acct_process(struct proc *p) { struct acct acct; struct rusage *r; struct timeval ut, st, tmp; int t; struct vnode *vp; struct plimit *oplim = NULL; int error; /* If accounting isn't enabled, don't bother */ vp = acctp; if (vp == NULL) return (0); /* * Raise the file limit so that accounting can't be stopped by the * user. (XXX - we should think about the cpu limit too). */ if (p->p_p->ps_limit->p_refcnt > 1) { oplim = p->p_p->ps_limit; p->p_p->ps_limit = limcopy(p->p_p->ps_limit); } p->p_rlimit[RLIMIT_FSIZE].rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; /* * Get process accounting information. */ /* (1) The name of the command that ran */ bcopy(p->p_comm, acct.ac_comm, sizeof acct.ac_comm); /* (2) The amount of user and system time that was used */ calcru(p, &ut, &st, NULL); acct.ac_utime = encode_comp_t(ut.tv_sec, ut.tv_usec); acct.ac_stime = encode_comp_t(st.tv_sec, st.tv_usec); /* (3) The elapsed time the commmand ran (and its starting time) */ acct.ac_btime = p->p_stats->p_start.tv_sec; getmicrotime(&tmp); timersub(&tmp, &p->p_stats->p_start, &tmp); acct.ac_etime = encode_comp_t(tmp.tv_sec, tmp.tv_usec); /* (4) The average amount of memory used */ r = &p->p_stats->p_ru; timeradd(&ut, &st, &tmp); t = tmp.tv_sec * hz + tmp.tv_usec / tick; if (t) acct.ac_mem = (r->ru_ixrss + r->ru_idrss + r->ru_isrss) / t; else acct.ac_mem = 0; /* (5) The number of disk I/O operations done */ acct.ac_io = encode_comp_t(r->ru_inblock + r->ru_oublock, 0); /* (6) The UID and GID of the process */ acct.ac_uid = p->p_cred->p_ruid; acct.ac_gid = p->p_cred->p_rgid; /* (7) The terminal from which the process was started */ if ((p->p_flag & P_CONTROLT) && p->p_pgrp->pg_session->s_ttyp) acct.ac_tty = p->p_pgrp->pg_session->s_ttyp->t_dev; else acct.ac_tty = NODEV; /* (8) The boolean flags that tell how the process terminated, etc. */ acct.ac_flag = p->p_acflag; /* * Now, just write the accounting information to the file. */ error = vn_rdwr(UIO_WRITE, vp, (caddr_t)&acct, sizeof (acct), (off_t)0, UIO_SYSSPACE, IO_APPEND|IO_UNIT, p->p_ucred, NULL, p); if (oplim) { limfree(p->p_p->ps_limit); p->p_p->ps_limit = oplim; } return error; }
int edfready(Proc *p) { Edf *e; Schedq *rq; Proc *l, *pp; void (*pt)(Proc*, int, vlong); if((e = edflock(p)) == nil) return 0; if (e->d <= now){ /* past deadline, arrange for next release */ if ((e->flags & Sporadic) == 0){ /* Non sporadic processes stay true to their period, calculate next release time */ while(e->t < now) e->t += e->T; } if (now < e->t){ /* Next release is in the future, schedule it */ if (e->tt == nil || e->tf != releaseintr){ e->tns = e->t; e->tmode = Tabsolute; e->tf = releaseintr; e->ta = p; timeradd(e); DPRINT("%t edfready %lud[%s], release=%t\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state], e->t); } if(p->state == Running && (e->flags & (Yield|Yieldonblock)) == 0 && (e->flags & Extratime)){ /* If we were running, we've overrun our CPU allocation * or missed the deadline, continue running best-effort at low priority * Otherwise we were blocked. If we don't yield on block, we continue * best effort */ DPRINT(">"); p->pri = PriExtra; edfunlock(); return 0; /* Stick on runq[PriExtra] */ } DPRINT("%t edfready %lud[%s] wait release at %t\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state], e->t); p->state = Waitrelease; edfunlock(); return 1; /* Make runnable later */ } DPRINT("%t edfready %lud %s release now\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state]); /* release now */ release(p); } edfunlock(); DPRINT("^"); rq = &runq[PriEdf]; /* insert in queue in earliest deadline order */ lock(runq); l = nil; for(pp = rq->head; pp; pp = pp->rnext){ if(pp->edf->d > e->d) break; l = pp; } p->rnext = pp; if (l == nil) rq->head = p; else l->rnext = p; if(pp == nil) rq->tail = p; rq->n++; nrdy++; runvec |= 1 << PriEdf; p->pri = PriEdf; p->readytime = m->ticks; p->state = Ready; unlock(runq); if(pt = proctrace) pt(p, SReady, now); return 1; }
char * edfadmit(Proc *p) { char *err; Edf *e; int i; Proc *r; void (*pt)(Proc*, int, vlong, vlong); long tns; e = p->edf; if (e->flags & Admitted) return "task state"; /* should never happen */ /* simple sanity checks */ if (e->T == 0) return "T not set"; if (e->C == 0) return "C not set"; if (e->D > e->T) return "D > T"; if (e->D == 0) /* if D is not set, set it to T */ e->D = e->T; if (e->C > e->D) return "C > D"; qlock(&edfschedlock); if (err = testschedulability(p)){ qunlock(&edfschedlock); return err; } e->flags |= Admitted; edflock(p); if(p->trace && (pt = proctrace)) pt(p, SAdmit, 0, 0); /* Look for another proc with the same period to synchronize to */ for(i=0; (r = psincref(i)) != nil; i++) { if(r->state == Dead || r == p){ psdecref(r); continue; } if (r->edf == nil || (r->edf->flags & Admitted) == 0){ psdecref(r); continue; } if (r->edf->T == e->T) break; } if (r == nil){ /* Can't synchronize to another proc, release now */ e->t = now; e->d = 0; release(p); if (p == up){ DPRINT("%lud edfadmit self %d[%s], release now: r=%lud d=%lud t=%lud\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state], e->r, e->d, e->t); /* We're already running */ edfrun(p, 1); }else{ /* We're releasing another proc */ DPRINT("%lud edfadmit other %d[%s], release now: r=%lud d=%lud t=%lud\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state], e->r, e->d, e->t); p->ta = p; edfunlock(); qunlock(&edfschedlock); releaseintr(nil, p); return nil; } }else{ /* Release in synch to something else */ e->t = r->edf->t; psdecref(r); if (p == up){ DPRINT("%lud edfadmit self %d[%s], release at %lud\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state], e->t); }else{ DPRINT("%lud edfadmit other %d[%s], release at %lud\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state], e->t); if(e->tt == nil){ e->tf = releaseintr; e->ta = p; tns = e->t - now; if(tns < 20) tns = 20; e->tns = 1000LL * tns; e->tmode = Trelative; timeradd(e); } } } edfunlock(); qunlock(&edfschedlock); return nil; }
my_type & __AddAssign(my_type const & rhs) { timeradd(&value_, &rhs.value_, &value_); return *this; }
/* Transmit a packet via UDP */ int send_packet(bool_t is_ack, rudp_socket_t rsocket, struct rudp_packet *p, struct sockaddr_in *recipient) { char type[5]; short t=p->header.type; if(t == 1) strcpy(type, "DATA"); else if(t == 2) strcpy(type, "ACK"); else if(t == 4) strcpy(type, "SYN"); else if(t == 5) strcpy(type, "FIN"); else strcpy(type, "BAD"); printf("Sending %s packet to %s:%d seq number=%u on socket=%d\n",type, inet_ntoa(recipient->sin_addr), ntohs(recipient->sin_port), p->header.seqno, (int)rsocket); if (DROP != 0 && rand() % DROP == 1) { printf("Dropped\n"); } else { if (sendto((int)rsocket, p, sizeof(struct rudp_packet), 0, (struct sockaddr*)recipient, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "rudp_sendto: sendto failed\n"); return -1; } } if(!is_ack) { /* Set a timeout event if the packet isn't an ACK */ struct timeoutargs *timeargs = malloc(sizeof(struct timeoutargs)); if(timeargs == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "send_packet: Error allocating timeout args\n"); return -1; } timeargs->packet = malloc(sizeof(struct rudp_packet)); if(timeargs->packet == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "send_packet: Error allocating timeout args packet\n"); return -1; } timeargs->recipient = malloc(sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if(timeargs->packet == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "send_packet: Error allocating timeout args recipient\n"); return -1; } timeargs->fd = rsocket; memcpy(timeargs->packet, p, sizeof(struct rudp_packet)); memcpy(timeargs->recipient, recipient, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); struct timeval currentTime; gettimeofday(¤tTime, NULL); struct timeval delay; delay.tv_sec = RUDP_TIMEOUT/1000; delay.tv_usec= 0; struct timeval timeout_time; timeradd(¤tTime, &delay, &timeout_time); struct rudp_socket_list *curr_socket = socket_list_head; while(curr_socket != NULL) { if(curr_socket->rsock == timeargs->fd) { break; } curr_socket = curr_socket->next; } if(curr_socket->rsock == timeargs->fd) { bool_t session_found = false; /* Check if we already have a session for this peer */ struct session *curr_session = curr_socket->sessions_list_head; while(curr_session != NULL) { if(compare_sockaddr(&curr_session->address, timeargs->recipient) == 1) { /* Found an existing session */ session_found = true; break; } curr_session = curr_session->next; } if(session_found) { if(timeargs->packet->header.type == RUDP_SYN) { curr_session->sender->syn_timeout_arg = timeargs; } else if(timeargs->packet->header.type == RUDP_FIN) { curr_session->sender->fin_timeout_arg = timeargs; } else if(timeargs->packet->header.type == RUDP_DATA) { int i; int index; for(i = 0; i < RUDP_WINDOW; i++) { if(curr_session->sender->sliding_window[i] != NULL && curr_session->sender->sliding_window[i]->header.seqno == timeargs->packet->header.seqno) { index = i; } } curr_session->sender->data_timeout_arg[index] = timeargs; } } } event_timeout(timeout_time, timeout_callback, timeargs, "timeout_callback"); } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) { int i, j, bsize; int ptc[2]; int ctp[2]; double avg; char *arr; pid_t pid; struct timeval sum, start, end, timeDiff; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: pipe <size>\n"); exit(1); } bsize = atoi(argv[1]); sum.tv_sec = 0; sum.tv_usec = 0; pipe(ptc); pipe(ctp); pid = fork(); if (pid > 0) { close(ptc[0]); close(ctp[1]); arr = malloc(MB * bsize); if (arr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc returned null. X_X\n"); exit(1); } for (j = 0; j < MB * bsize; ++j) { arr[j] = 1; } for (i = 0; i < ITERS; ++i) { gettimeofday(&start, NULL); write(ptc[1], arr, MB * bsize); read(ctp[0], arr, MB * bsize); gettimeofday(&end, NULL); timersub(&end, &start, &timeDiff); timeradd(&sum, &timeDiff, &sum); } close(ctp[0]); close(ptc[1]); } else if (pid == 0) { close(ptc[1]); close(ctp[0]); arr = malloc(MB * bsize); if (arr == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "malloc returned null. X_X\n"); exit(1); } for (i = 0; i < ITERS; ++i) { read(ptc[0], arr, MB * bsize); write(ctp[1], arr, MB * bsize); } free(arr); exit(0); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Problem with fork()! I'll just die now. X_X\n"); exit(1); } avg = ((double)sum.tv_sec * 1000000 + (double)sum.tv_usec) / ITERS; printf("%d\t%f\n", bsize, avg); free(arr); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; tor_libevent_cfg cfg; memset(&cfg, 0, sizeof(cfg)); tor_libevent_initialize(&cfg); timers_initialize(); int i; int ret; struct timeval now; tor_gettimeofday(&now); monotime_get(&started_at); for (i = 0; i < N_TIMERS; ++i) { struct timeval delay; delay.tv_sec = crypto_rand_int_range(0,MAX_DURATION); delay.tv_usec = crypto_rand_int_range(0,1000000); delay_usec[i] = delay.tv_sec * 1000000 + delay.tv_usec; timeradd(&now, &delay, &fire_at[i]); timers[i] = timer_new(timer_cb, &timers[i]); timer_schedule(timers[i], &delay); ++n_active_timers; } /* Disable some; we'll make sure they don't trigger. */ for (i = 0; i < N_DISABLE; ++i) { int idx = crypto_rand_int_range(0, N_TIMERS); if (is_disabled[idx]) continue; is_disabled[idx] = 1; timer_disable(timers[idx]); --n_active_timers; } event_base_loop(tor_libevent_get_base(), 0); int64_t total_difference = 0; uint64_t total_square_difference = 0; tor_assert(n_fired == n_active_timers); for (i = 0; i < N_TIMERS; ++i) { if (is_disabled[i]) { tor_assert(fired[i] == 0); continue; } tor_assert(fired[i] == 1); //int64_t diff = difference[i].tv_usec + difference[i].tv_sec * 1000000; int64_t diff = diffs_mono_usec[i]; total_difference += diff; total_square_difference += diff*diff; } const int64_t mean_diff = total_difference / n_active_timers; printf("mean difference: "I64_FORMAT" usec\n", I64_PRINTF_ARG(mean_diff)); const double mean_sq = ((double)total_square_difference)/ n_active_timers; const double sq_mean = mean_diff * mean_diff; const double stddev = sqrt(mean_sq - sq_mean); printf("standard deviation: %lf usec\n", stddev); #define MAX_DIFF_USEC (500*1000) #define MAX_STDDEV_USEC (500*1000) #define ODD_DIFF_USEC (2000) #define ODD_STDDEV_USEC (2000) if (mean_diff < 0 || mean_diff > MAX_DIFF_USEC || stddev > MAX_STDDEV_USEC) { printf("Either your system is under ridiculous load, or the " "timer backend is broken.\n"); ret = 1; } else if (mean_diff > ODD_DIFF_USEC || stddev > ODD_STDDEV_USEC) { printf("Either your system is a bit slow or the " "timer backend is odd.\n"); ret = 0; } else { printf("Looks good enough.\n"); ret = 0; } timer_free(NULL); for (i = 0; i < N_TIMERS; ++i) { timer_free(timers[i]); } timers_shutdown(); return ret; }
/* * Use POSIX timers. */ ssize_t diag_tty_read(struct diag_l0_device *dl0d, void *buf, size_t count, int timeout) { ssize_t rv; ssize_t n; char *p; #if defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) /* * You have to create the timer at startup and then test this code. */ #error "POSIX timer code not finished" /* Set our alarm to the timeout: */ struct itimerspec it; timerclear(&it.it_interval); timerclear(&it.it_value); tv.it_value.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; tv.it_value.tv_nsec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000000; /* ns */ dl0d->expired = 0; /* Clear flag */ timer_settime(dl0d->timerid, 0, &tv, 0); /* Arm timer */ #else /* * No POSIX timers. We're going to count on the alarm clock * going off regularly to cause us to time out. */ struct timeval now, incr, then; dl0d->expired = 0; /* Clear flag */ (void)gettimeofday(&now, NULL); incr.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; incr.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000; /* us */ timeradd(&now, &incr, &then); /* Expiration time */ #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "timeout %d now %d:%d incr %d:%d then %d:%d\n", timeout, now.tv_sec, now.tv_usec, incr.tv_sec, incr.tv_usec, then.tv_sec, then.tv_usec); #endif #endif errno = 0; p = (char *)buf; /* For easy pointer I/O */ n = 0; rv = 0; /* Loop until timeout or we've gotten something. */ errno = 0; while (count > 0 && dl0d->expired == 0 && ((rv = read(dl0d->fd, p + n, count)) >= 0 || (rv == -1 && errno == EINTR))) { if (rv == -1) { rv = 0; errno = 0; } count -= rv; n += rv; #if !defined(_POSIX_TIMERS) (void)gettimeofday(&now, NULL); dl0d->expired = timercmp(&now, &then, >); #if 0 fprintf(stderr, "now %d:%d\n", now.tv_sec, now.tv_usec); #endif #endif } /* * XXX I'm not exactly sure what we want here. If we timeout and have * read some characters, do we want to return that? That's what * I'm doing now. */ if (rv >= 0) { if (n > 0) return n; else if (dl0d->expired) return diag_iseterr(DIAG_ERR_TIMEOUT); } fprintf(stderr, FLFMT "read on fd %d returned %s.\n", FL, dl0d->fd, strerror(errno)); /* Unspecific Error */ return diag_iseterr(DIAG_ERR_GENERAL); }
int pageinout_test(int test_runs, unsigned long long file_size) { int fd; char tmpname[] = "pageinoutXXXXXX"; unsigned char *vec; int i; long long j; volatile char *buf; int ret = -1; int rc; struct timeval begin_time, end_time, elapsed_time, total_time_in, total_time_out; long pagesize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE); timerclear(&total_time_in); timerclear(&total_time_out); fd = create_tmp_file(tmpname, file_size); if (fd < 0) { return -1; } vec = alloc_mincore_vec(file_size); if (vec == NULL) { goto err_alloc; } buf = mmap(NULL, file_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0); if (buf == ((void *)-1)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to mmap file: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto err_mmap; } if (!check_caching((void *)buf, vec, file_size, false)) { goto err; } for (i = 0; i < test_runs; i++) { gettimeofday(&begin_time, NULL); //Read backwards to prevent mmap prefetching for (j = ((file_size - 1) & ~(pagesize - 1)); j >= 0; j -= pagesize) { buf[j]; } gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL); timersub(&end_time, &begin_time, &elapsed_time); timeradd(&total_time_in, &elapsed_time, &total_time_in); if (!check_caching((void *)buf, vec, file_size, true)) { goto err; } gettimeofday(&begin_time, NULL); rc = madvise((void *)buf, file_size, MADV_DONTNEED) || posix_fadvise(fd, 0, file_size, POSIX_FADV_DONTNEED); gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL); if (rc) { fprintf(stderr, "posix_fadvise/madvise DONTNEED failed\n"); goto err; } timersub(&end_time, &begin_time, &elapsed_time); timeradd(&total_time_out, &elapsed_time, &total_time_out); if (!check_caching((void *)buf, vec, file_size, false)) { goto err; } } printf("page-in: %llu MB/s\n", (file_size * test_runs * USEC_PER_SEC) / (1024 * 1024 * (total_time_in.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC + total_time_in.tv_usec))); printf("page-out (clean): %llu MB/s\n", (file_size * test_runs * USEC_PER_SEC) / (1024 * 1024 * (total_time_out.tv_sec * USEC_PER_SEC + total_time_out.tv_usec))); ret = 0; err: munmap((void *)buf, file_size); err_mmap: free(vec); err_alloc: close(fd); return ret; }
char * edfadmit(Proc *p) { char *err; Edf *e; int i; Proc *r; void (*pt)(Proc*, int, vlong); e = p->edf; if (e->flags & Admitted) return "task state"; /* should never happen */ /* simple sanity checks */ if (e->T == 0) return "T not set"; if (e->C == 0) return "C not set"; if (e->D > e->T) return "D > T"; if (e->D == 0) /* if D is not set, set it to T */ e->D = e->T; if (e->C > e->D) return "C > D"; qlock(&edfschedlock); if (err = testschedulability(p)){ qunlock(&edfschedlock); return err; } e->flags |= Admitted; edflock(p); if(pt = proctrace) pt(p, SAdmit, now); /* Look for another proc with the same period to synchronize to */ SET(r); for(i=0; i<conf.nproc; i++) { r = proctab(i); if(r->state == Dead || r == p) continue; if (r->edf == nil || (r->edf->flags & Admitted) == 0) continue; if (r->edf->T == e->T) break; } if (i == conf.nproc){ /* Can't synchronize to another proc, release now */ e->t = now; e->d = 0; release(p); if (p == up){ DPRINT("%t edfadmit self %lud[%s], release now: r=%t d=%t t=%t\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state], e->r, e->d, e->t); /* We're already running */ edfrun(p, 1); }else{ /* We're releasing another proc */ DPRINT("%t edfadmit other %lud[%s], release now: r=%t d=%t t=%t\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state], e->r, e->d, e->t); p->ta = p; edfunlock(); qunlock(&edfschedlock); releaseintr(nil, p); return nil; } }else{ /* Release in synch to something else */ e->t = r->edf->t; if (p == up){ DPRINT("%t edfadmit self %lud[%s], release at %t\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state], e->t); edfunlock(); qunlock(&edfschedlock); return nil; }else{ DPRINT("%t edfadmit other %lud[%s], release at %t\n", now, p->pid, statename[p->state], e->t); if(e->tt == nil){ e->tf = releaseintr; e->ta = p; e->tns = e->t; e->tmode = Tabsolute; timeradd(e); } } } edfunlock(); qunlock(&edfschedlock); return nil; }
JNIEXPORT jdouble JNICALL Java_sun_management_OperatingSystemImpl_getProcessCpuLoad (JNIEnv *env, jobject dummy) { // This code is influenced by the darwin top source struct task_basic_info_64 task_info_data; struct task_thread_times_info thread_info_data; struct timeval user_timeval, system_timeval, task_timeval; struct timeval now; mach_port_t task = mach_task_self(); kern_return_t kr; static jlong last_task_time = 0; static jlong last_time = 0; mach_msg_type_number_t thread_info_count = TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT; kr = task_info(task, TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO, (task_info_t)&thread_info_data, &thread_info_count); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { // Most likely cause: |task| is a zombie. return -1; } mach_msg_type_number_t count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_COUNT; kr = task_info(task, TASK_BASIC_INFO_64, (task_info_t)&task_info_data, &count); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { // Most likely cause: |task| is a zombie. return -1; } /* Set total_time. */ // thread info contains live time... TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&thread_info_data.user_time, &user_timeval); TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&thread_info_data.system_time, &system_timeval); timeradd(&user_timeval, &system_timeval, &task_timeval); // ... task info contains terminated time. TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&task_info_data.user_time, &user_timeval); TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&task_info_data.system_time, &system_timeval); timeradd(&user_timeval, &task_timeval, &task_timeval); timeradd(&system_timeval, &task_timeval, &task_timeval); if (gettimeofday(&now, NULL) < 0) { return -1; } jint ncpus = JVM_ActiveProcessorCount(); jlong time = TIME_VALUE_TO_MICROSECONDS(now) * ncpus; jlong task_time = TIME_VALUE_TO_MICROSECONDS(task_timeval); if ((last_task_time == 0) || (last_time == 0)) { // First call, just set the last values. last_task_time = task_time; last_time = time; // return 0 since we have no data, not -1 which indicates error return 0; } jlong task_time_delta = task_time - last_task_time; jlong time_delta = time - last_time; if (time_delta == 0) { return -1; } jdouble cpu = (jdouble) task_time_delta / time_delta; last_task_time = task_time; last_time = time; return cpu; }
/* * Read proc's from memory file into buffer bp, which has space to hold * at most maxcnt procs. */ static int kvm_proclist(kvm_t *kd, int what, int arg, struct proc *p, struct kinfo_proc *bp, int maxcnt) { int cnt = 0; struct kinfo_proc kinfo_proc, *kp; struct pgrp pgrp; struct session sess; struct cdev t_cdev; struct tty tty; struct vmspace vmspace; struct sigacts sigacts; #if 0 struct pstats pstats; #endif struct ucred ucred; struct prison pr; struct thread mtd; struct proc proc; struct proc pproc; struct sysentvec sysent; char svname[KI_EMULNAMELEN]; kp = &kinfo_proc; kp->ki_structsize = sizeof(kinfo_proc); /* * Loop on the processes. this is completely broken because we need to be * able to loop on the threads and merge the ones that are the same process some how. */ for (; cnt < maxcnt && p != NULL; p = LIST_NEXT(&proc, p_list)) { memset(kp, 0, sizeof *kp); if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)p, &proc)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read proc at %p", p); return (-1); } if (proc.p_state == PRS_NEW) continue; if (proc.p_state != PRS_ZOMBIE) { if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)TAILQ_FIRST(&proc.p_threads), &mtd)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read thread at %p", TAILQ_FIRST(&proc.p_threads)); return (-1); } } if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)proc.p_ucred, &ucred) == 0) { kp->ki_ruid = ucred.cr_ruid; kp->ki_svuid = ucred.cr_svuid; kp->ki_rgid = ucred.cr_rgid; kp->ki_svgid = ucred.cr_svgid; kp->ki_cr_flags = ucred.cr_flags; if (ucred.cr_ngroups > KI_NGROUPS) { kp->ki_ngroups = KI_NGROUPS; kp->ki_cr_flags |= KI_CRF_GRP_OVERFLOW; } else kp->ki_ngroups = ucred.cr_ngroups; kvm_read(kd, (u_long)ucred.cr_groups, kp->ki_groups, kp->ki_ngroups * sizeof(gid_t)); kp->ki_uid = ucred.cr_uid; if (ucred.cr_prison != NULL) { if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)ucred.cr_prison, &pr)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read prison at %p", ucred.cr_prison); return (-1); } kp->ki_jid = pr.pr_id; } } switch(what & ~KERN_PROC_INC_THREAD) { case KERN_PROC_GID: if (kp->ki_groups[0] != (gid_t)arg) continue; break; case KERN_PROC_PID: if (proc.p_pid != (pid_t)arg) continue; break; case KERN_PROC_RGID: if (kp->ki_rgid != (gid_t)arg) continue; break; case KERN_PROC_UID: if (kp->ki_uid != (uid_t)arg) continue; break; case KERN_PROC_RUID: if (kp->ki_ruid != (uid_t)arg) continue; break; } /* * We're going to add another proc to the set. If this * will overflow the buffer, assume the reason is because * nprocs (or the proc list) is corrupt and declare an error. */ if (cnt >= maxcnt) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "nprocs corrupt"); return (-1); } /* * gather kinfo_proc */ kp->ki_paddr = p; kp->ki_addr = 0; /* XXX uarea */ /* kp->ki_kstack = proc.p_thread.td_kstack; XXXKSE */ kp->ki_args = proc.p_args; kp->ki_tracep = proc.p_tracevp; kp->ki_textvp = proc.p_textvp; kp->ki_fd = proc.p_fd; kp->ki_vmspace = proc.p_vmspace; if (proc.p_sigacts != NULL) { if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)proc.p_sigacts, &sigacts)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read sigacts at %p", proc.p_sigacts); return (-1); } kp->ki_sigignore = sigacts.ps_sigignore; kp->ki_sigcatch = sigacts.ps_sigcatch; } #if 0 if ((proc.p_flag & P_INMEM) && proc.p_stats != NULL) { if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)proc.p_stats, &pstats)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read stats at %x", proc.p_stats); return (-1); } kp->ki_start = pstats.p_start; /* * XXX: The times here are probably zero and need * to be calculated from the raw data in p_rux and * p_crux. */ kp->ki_rusage = pstats.p_ru; kp->ki_childstime = pstats.p_cru.ru_stime; kp->ki_childutime = pstats.p_cru.ru_utime; /* Some callers want child-times in a single value */ timeradd(&kp->ki_childstime, &kp->ki_childutime, &kp->ki_childtime); } #endif if (proc.p_oppid) kp->ki_ppid = proc.p_oppid; else if (proc.p_pptr) { if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)proc.p_pptr, &pproc)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read pproc at %p", proc.p_pptr); return (-1); } kp->ki_ppid = pproc.p_pid; } else kp->ki_ppid = 0; if (proc.p_pgrp == NULL) goto nopgrp; if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)proc.p_pgrp, &pgrp)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read pgrp at %p", proc.p_pgrp); return (-1); } kp->ki_pgid = pgrp.pg_id; kp->ki_jobc = pgrp.pg_jobc; if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)pgrp.pg_session, &sess)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read session at %p", pgrp.pg_session); return (-1); } kp->ki_sid = sess.s_sid; (void)memcpy(kp->ki_login, sess.s_login, sizeof(kp->ki_login)); kp->ki_kiflag = sess.s_ttyvp ? KI_CTTY : 0; if (sess.s_leader == p) kp->ki_kiflag |= KI_SLEADER; if ((proc.p_flag & P_CONTROLT) && sess.s_ttyp != NULL) { if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)sess.s_ttyp, &tty)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read tty at %p", sess.s_ttyp); return (-1); } if (tty.t_dev != NULL) { if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)tty.t_dev, &t_cdev)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read cdev at %p", tty.t_dev); return (-1); } #if 0 kp->ki_tdev = t_cdev.si_udev; #else kp->ki_tdev = NODEV; #endif } if (tty.t_pgrp != NULL) { if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)tty.t_pgrp, &pgrp)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read tpgrp at %p", tty.t_pgrp); return (-1); } kp->ki_tpgid = pgrp.pg_id; } else kp->ki_tpgid = -1; if (tty.t_session != NULL) { if (KREAD(kd, (u_long)tty.t_session, &sess)) { _kvm_err(kd, kd->program, "can't read session at %p", tty.t_session); return (-1); } kp->ki_tsid = sess.s_sid; } } else { nopgrp: kp->ki_tdev = NODEV; } if ((proc.p_state != PRS_ZOMBIE) && mtd.td_wmesg) (void)kvm_read(kd, (u_long)mtd.td_wmesg, kp->ki_wmesg, WMESGLEN); (void)kvm_read(kd, (u_long)proc.p_vmspace, (char *)&vmspace, sizeof(vmspace)); kp->ki_size = vmspace.vm_map.size; /* * Approximate the kernel's method of calculating * this field. */ #define pmap_resident_count(pm) ((pm)->pm_stats.resident_count) kp->ki_rssize = pmap_resident_count(&vmspace.vm_pmap); kp->ki_swrss = vmspace.vm_swrss; kp->ki_tsize = vmspace.vm_tsize; kp->ki_dsize = vmspace.vm_dsize; kp->ki_ssize = vmspace.vm_ssize; switch (what & ~KERN_PROC_INC_THREAD) { case KERN_PROC_PGRP: if (kp->ki_pgid != (pid_t)arg) continue; break; case KERN_PROC_SESSION: if (kp->ki_sid != (pid_t)arg) continue; break; case KERN_PROC_TTY: if ((proc.p_flag & P_CONTROLT) == 0 || kp->ki_tdev != (dev_t)arg) continue; break; } if (proc.p_comm[0] != 0) strlcpy(kp->ki_comm, proc.p_comm, MAXCOMLEN); (void)kvm_read(kd, (u_long)proc.p_sysent, (char *)&sysent, sizeof(sysent)); (void)kvm_read(kd, (u_long)sysent.sv_name, (char *)&svname, sizeof(svname)); if (svname[0] != 0) strlcpy(kp->ki_emul, svname, KI_EMULNAMELEN); if ((proc.p_state != PRS_ZOMBIE) && (mtd.td_blocked != 0)) { kp->ki_kiflag |= KI_LOCKBLOCK; if (mtd.td_lockname) (void)kvm_read(kd, (u_long)mtd.td_lockname, kp->ki_lockname, LOCKNAMELEN); kp->ki_lockname[LOCKNAMELEN] = 0; } kp->ki_runtime = cputick2usec(proc.p_rux.rux_runtime); kp->ki_pid = proc.p_pid; kp->ki_siglist = proc.p_siglist; SIGSETOR(kp->ki_siglist, mtd.td_siglist); kp->ki_sigmask = mtd.td_sigmask; kp->ki_xstat = KW_EXITCODE(proc.p_xexit, proc.p_xsig); kp->ki_acflag = proc.p_acflag; kp->ki_lock = proc.p_lock; if (proc.p_state != PRS_ZOMBIE) { kp->ki_swtime = (ticks - proc.p_swtick) / hz; kp->ki_flag = proc.p_flag; kp->ki_sflag = 0; kp->ki_nice = proc.p_nice; kp->ki_traceflag = proc.p_traceflag; if (proc.p_state == PRS_NORMAL) { if (TD_ON_RUNQ(&mtd) || TD_CAN_RUN(&mtd) || TD_IS_RUNNING(&mtd)) { kp->ki_stat = SRUN; } else if (mtd.td_state == TDS_INHIBITED) { if (P_SHOULDSTOP(&proc)) { kp->ki_stat = SSTOP; } else if ( TD_IS_SLEEPING(&mtd)) { kp->ki_stat = SSLEEP; } else if (TD_ON_LOCK(&mtd)) { kp->ki_stat = SLOCK; } else { kp->ki_stat = SWAIT; } } } else { kp->ki_stat = SIDL; } /* Stuff from the thread */ kp->ki_pri.pri_level = mtd.td_priority; kp->ki_pri.pri_native = mtd.td_base_pri; kp->ki_lastcpu = mtd.td_lastcpu; kp->ki_wchan = mtd.td_wchan; kp->ki_oncpu = mtd.td_oncpu; if (mtd.td_name[0] != '\0') strlcpy(kp->ki_tdname, mtd.td_name, sizeof(kp->ki_tdname)); kp->ki_pctcpu = 0; kp->ki_rqindex = 0; /* * Note: legacy fields; wraps at NO_CPU_OLD or the * old max CPU value as appropriate */ if (mtd.td_lastcpu == NOCPU) kp->ki_lastcpu_old = NOCPU_OLD; else if (mtd.td_lastcpu > MAXCPU_OLD) kp->ki_lastcpu_old = MAXCPU_OLD; else kp->ki_lastcpu_old = mtd.td_lastcpu; if (mtd.td_oncpu == NOCPU) kp->ki_oncpu_old = NOCPU_OLD; else if (mtd.td_oncpu > MAXCPU_OLD) kp->ki_oncpu_old = MAXCPU_OLD; else kp->ki_oncpu_old = mtd.td_oncpu; } else { kp->ki_stat = SZOMB; } kp->ki_tdev_freebsd11 = kp->ki_tdev; /* truncate */ bcopy(&kinfo_proc, bp, sizeof(kinfo_proc)); ++bp; ++cnt; } return (cnt); }
bool KPtyDevicePrivate::doWait(int msecs, bool reading) { Q_Q(KPtyDevice); #ifndef __linux__ struct timeval etv; #endif struct timeval tv, *tvp; if (msecs < 0) tvp = 0; else { tv.tv_sec = msecs / 1000; tv.tv_usec = (msecs % 1000) * 1000; #ifndef __linux__ gettimeofday(&etv, 0); timeradd(&tv, &etv, &etv); #endif tvp = &tv; } while (reading ? readNotifier->isEnabled() : !writeBuffer.isEmpty()) { fd_set rfds; fd_set wfds; FD_ZERO(&rfds); FD_ZERO(&wfds); if (readNotifier->isEnabled()) FD_SET(q->masterFd(), &rfds); if (!writeBuffer.isEmpty()) FD_SET(q->masterFd(), &wfds); #ifndef __linux__ if (tvp) { gettimeofday(&tv, 0); timersub(&etv, &tv, &tv); if (tv.tv_sec < 0) tv.tv_sec = tv.tv_usec = 0; } #endif switch (select(q->masterFd() + 1, &rfds, &wfds, 0, tvp)) { case -1: if (errno == EINTR) break; return false; case 0: q->setErrorString(QLatin1String("PTY operation timed out")); return false; default: if (FD_ISSET(q->masterFd(), &rfds)) { bool canRead = _k_canRead(); if (reading && canRead) return true; } if (FD_ISSET(q->masterFd(), &wfds)) { bool canWrite = _k_canWrite(); if (!reading) return canWrite; } break; } } return false; }
static void lz_analyze_block(lz_info *lzi) { int *lentab, *lenp; unsigned char **prevtab, **prevp; unsigned char *bbp, *bbe; unsigned char *chartab[256]; unsigned char *cursor; int prevlen; int ch; int maxlen; long wasinc; int max_dist = lzi->max_dist; #ifdef DEBUG_ANALYZE_BLOCK static short n = 0; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_PERF struct rusage innerloop; struct timeval innertime, tmptime; struct rusage outerloop; struct timeval outertime; struct rusage initialloop; struct timeval initialtime; struct rusage totalloop; struct timeval totaltime; #endif #ifdef DEBUG_ANALYZE_BLOCK fprintf(stderr, "Analyzing block %d, cur_loc = %06x\n", n, lzi->cur_loc); #endif memset(chartab, 0, sizeof(chartab)); prevtab = prevp = lzi->prevtab; lentab = lenp = lzi->lentab; memset(prevtab, 0, sizeof(*prevtab) * lzi->chars_in_buf); memset(lentab, 0, sizeof(*lentab) * lzi->chars_in_buf); #ifdef DEBUG_PERF memset(&innertime, 0, sizeof(innertime)); memset(&outertime, 0, sizeof(outertime)); getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &initialloop); totalloop = initialloop; #endif bbp = lzi->block_buf; bbe = bbp + lzi->chars_in_buf; while (bbp < bbe) { if (chartab[ch = *bbp]) { *prevp = chartab[ch]; *lenp = 1; } chartab[ch] = bbp; bbp++; prevp++; lenp++; } #ifdef DEBUG_PERF initialtime = initialloop.ru_utime; getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &initialloop); timersub(&initialloop.ru_utime, &initialtime, &initialtime); #endif wasinc = 1; for (maxlen = 1; wasinc && (maxlen < lzi->max_match); maxlen++) { #ifdef DEBUG_PERF getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &outerloop); #endif bbp = bbe - maxlen - 1; lenp = lentab + lzi->chars_in_buf - maxlen - 1; prevp = prevtab + lzi->chars_in_buf - maxlen - 1; wasinc = 0; while (bbp > lzi->block_buf) { if (*lenp == maxlen) { #ifdef DEBUG_PERF getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &innerloop); #endif ch = bbp[maxlen]; cursor = *prevp; while(cursor && ((bbp - cursor) <= max_dist)) { prevlen = *(cursor - lzi->block_buf + lentab); if (cursor[maxlen] == ch) { *prevp = cursor; (*lenp)++; wasinc++; break; } if (prevlen != maxlen) break; cursor = *(cursor - lzi->block_buf + prevtab); } #ifdef DEBUG_PERF tmptime = innerloop.ru_utime; getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &innerloop); timersub(&innerloop.ru_utime, &tmptime, &tmptime); timeradd(&tmptime, &innertime, &innertime); #endif } bbp--; prevp--; lenp--; } #ifdef DEBUG_PERF tmptime = outerloop.ru_utime; getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &outerloop); timersub(&outerloop.ru_utime, &tmptime, &tmptime); timeradd(&tmptime, &outertime, &outertime); #endif // fprintf(stderr, "maxlen = %d, wasinc = %ld\n", maxlen, wasinc); } #ifdef DEBUG_PERF totaltime = totalloop.ru_utime; getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &totalloop); timersub(&totalloop.ru_utime, &totaltime, &totaltime); fprintf(stderr, "Time spend in initial loop = %f\n", initialtime.tv_sec + initialtime.tv_usec/(double)1E6); fprintf(stderr, "Time spend in outer loop = %f\n", outertime.tv_sec + outertime.tv_usec/(double)1E6); fprintf(stderr, "Time spend in inner loop = %f\n", innertime.tv_sec + innertime.tv_usec/(double)1E6); fprintf(stderr, "Time spend in all loops = %f\n", totaltime.tv_sec + totaltime.tv_usec/(double)1E6); #endif lzi->analysis_valid = 1; #ifdef DEBUG_ANALYZE_BLOCK fprintf(stderr, "Done analyzing block %d, cur_loc = %06x\n", n++, lzi->cur_loc); #endif }
/// Update information about threads count and CPU usage. /// @param task [in] The port of task for with information is to be reterned. /// @param tinfo [out] Information was updated with list of threads within given task. /// @return Upon successful completion 0 is returned. static int update_threads_info(task_t task, task_record_t *tinfo) { kern_return_t kr; thread_act_port_array_t threads_list; mach_msg_type_number_t threads_count, i; thread_record_t *thread; kr = task_threads(task, &threads_list, &threads_count); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { syslog(LOG_WARNING, "error in task_threads(): %s", mach_error_string(kr)); return -1; } free_threads_array(tinfo->threads_arr, tinfo->threads); free(tinfo->threads_arr); tinfo->threads = threads_count; tinfo->threads_arr = malloc(sizeof(thread_record_t*)*threads_count); for (i = 0; i < threads_count; i++) { thread_basic_info_data_t mach_thread_info; mach_msg_type_number_t count = THREAD_BASIC_INFO_COUNT; thread = calloc(1, sizeof(thread_record_t)); tinfo->threads_arr[i] = thread; kr = thread_info(threads_list[i], THREAD_BASIC_INFO, (thread_info_t)&mach_thread_info, &count); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "error in thread_info(basic_info): %s", mach_error_string(kr)); continue; } thread->run_state = mach_thread_info.run_state; thread->sleep_time = mach_thread_info.sleep_time; thread->suspend_count = mach_thread_info.suspend_count; thread->user_time = mach_thread_info.user_time; thread->system_time = mach_thread_info.system_time; thread->flags = mach_thread_info.flags; if ((mach_thread_info.flags & TH_FLAGS_IDLE) == 0) { struct timeval tv; TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&mach_thread_info.user_time, &tv); timeradd(&tinfo->time_user, &tv, &tinfo->time_user); TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&mach_thread_info.system_time, &tv); timeradd(&tinfo->time_kernel, &tv, &tinfo->time_kernel); } thread_identifier_info_data_t mach_thread_id_info; count = THREAD_IDENTIFIER_INFO_COUNT; kr = thread_info(threads_list[i], THREAD_IDENTIFIER_INFO, (thread_info_t)&mach_thread_id_info, &count); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "error in thread_info(id_info): %s", mach_error_string(kr)); continue; } thread->thread_id = mach_thread_id_info.thread_id; kr = mach_port_deallocate(mach_task_self(), threads_list[i]); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "%s, error in mach_port_deallocate(): ", __FUNCTION__, mach_error_string(kr)); } } kr = vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t)threads_list, threads_count * sizeof(thread_act_t)); return 0; }
int udpclient(int argc, char *argv[]) { list_t *clients = NULL; list_t *conn_clients; client_t *client; client_t *tunnel; client_t *client2; char data[MSG_MAX_LEN]; char addrstr[ADDRSTRLEN]; char taddrstr[ADDRSTRLEN]; socket_t *tcp_sock = NULL; socket_t *udp_sock = NULL; socket_t *next_sock = NULL; struct timeval curr_time; struct timeval check_time; struct timeval check_interval; struct timeval timeout; fd_set client_fds; fd_set read_fds; uint16_t tmp_id; uint8_t tmp_type; uint16_t tmp_len; // uint16_t tmp_req_id; int num_fds; uint32_t sourceid; int ret; int i; signal(SIGINT, &signal_handler); i = 0; lhost = (argc - i == 5) ? NULL : argv[i++]; lport = argv[i++]; rport = argv[i++]; phost = argv[i++]; pport = argv[i++]; relays = atoi(argv[i++]); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("relays need %d \n",relays); /* Check validity of ports (can't check ip's b/c might be host names) */ ERROR_GOTO(!isnum(lport), "Invalid listen port.", done); ERROR_GOTO(!isnum(rport), "Invalid recv port.", done); ERROR_GOTO(!isnum(pport), "Invalid inter port.", done); //ERROR_GOTO(!isnum(rport), "Invalid remote port.", done); srand(inet_addr(lhost)); localid=(rand()); generate_rsakey(lhost); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) { printf("local id %d \n",localid); } next_req_id = rand() % 0xffff; /* Create an empty list for the clients */ clients = list_create(sizeof(client_t), p_client_cmp, p_client_copy, p_client_free, 1); ERROR_GOTO(clients == NULL, "Error creating clients list.", done); /* Create and empty list for the connecting clients */ conn_clients = list_create(sizeof(client_t), p_client_cmp, p_client_copy, p_client_free, 1); ERROR_GOTO(conn_clients == NULL, "Error creating conn_clients list.", done); relay_clients = list_create(sizeof(client_t), p_client_cmp, p_client_copy, p_client_free, 1); ERROR_GOTO(relay_clients == NULL, "Error creating clients list.", done); /* Create a TCP server socket to listen for incoming connections */ tcp_serv = sock_create(lhost, lport, ipver, SOCK_TYPE_TCP, 1, 1); ERROR_GOTO(tcp_serv == NULL, "Error creating TCP socket.", done); udp_serv = sock_create(lhost, rport,ipver, SOCK_TYPE_UDP, 1, 1); ERROR_GOTO(udp_serv == NULL, "Error creating TCP socket.", done); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) { printf("Listening on TCP %s,UDP %s \n", sock_get_str(tcp_serv, addrstr, sizeof(addrstr)),sock_get_str(udp_serv, taddrstr, sizeof(taddrstr))); } next_sock = sock_create(phost, pport, ipver, SOCK_TYPE_UDP, 0, 1); msg_send_req(next_sock,lhost,rport,0,localid); sock_free(next_sock); next_sock = NULL; FD_ZERO(&client_fds); /* Initialize all the timers */ timerclear(&timeout); check_interval.tv_sec = 0; check_interval.tv_usec = 500000; gettimeofday(&check_time, NULL); while(running) { if(!timerisset(&timeout)) timeout.tv_usec = 50000; read_fds = client_fds; FD_SET(SOCK_FD(tcp_serv), &read_fds); FD_SET(SOCK_FD(udp_serv), &read_fds); ret = select(FD_SETSIZE, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &timeout); PERROR_GOTO(ret < 0, "select", done); num_fds = ret; gettimeofday(&curr_time, NULL); /* Go through all the clients and check if didn't get an ACK for sent data during the timeout period */ if(timercmp(&curr_time, &check_time, >)) { for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(clients); i++) { client = list_get_at(clients, i); ret = client_check_and_resend(client, curr_time); if(ret == -2) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; continue; } ret = client_check_and_send_keepalive(client, curr_time); if(ret == -2) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; } } timeradd(&curr_time, &check_interval, &check_time); } if(num_fds == 0) continue; /* Check if pending TCP connection to accept and create a new client and UDP connection if one is ready */ if(FD_ISSET(SOCK_FD(tcp_serv), &read_fds)) { tcp_sock = sock_accept(tcp_serv); if(tcp_sock == NULL) continue; if(SelectMethod(tcp_sock->fd)==-1) { if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("socks version error\n"); return-1; } rhost=ParseCommand(tcp_sock->fd); if (0<LIST_LEN(relay_clients)) { tunnel = list_get_at(relay_clients, 0); udp_sock =sock_copy(CLIENT_TCP_SOCK(tunnel)); SOCK_FD(udp_sock)=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); } if(udp_sock == NULL) { sock_close(tcp_sock); sock_free(tcp_sock); continue; } client = client_create(next_req_id++, localid, tcp_sock, udp_sock, 1); memcpy(client->rsakey,tunnel->rsakey,strlen(tunnel->rsakey)); printf("expid rsakey is %s",client->rsakey); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("create client id %d \n",CLIENT_ID(client)); if(!client || !tcp_sock || !udp_sock) { if(tcp_sock) sock_close(tcp_sock); if(udp_sock) sock_close(udp_sock); } else { client2 = list_add(conn_clients, client, 1); client_free(client); client = NULL; if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) { sock_get_str(CLIENT_TCP_SOCK(client2), addrstr, sizeof(addrstr)); printf("tunnel(%d): local %s ",client2->sourceid, addrstr); sock_get_str(CLIENT_UDP_SOCK(client2), addrstr, sizeof(addrstr)); printf("to %s \n",addrstr); } client_send_hello(client2,rhost,CLIENT_ID(client2)); client_add_tcp_fd_to_set(client2, &client_fds); //client_add_udp_fd_to_set(client2, &client_fds); } sock_free(tcp_sock); sock_free(udp_sock); tcp_sock = NULL; udp_sock = NULL; num_fds--; } /* Check for UDP data */ if(FD_ISSET(SOCK_FD(udp_serv), &read_fds)) { //ret = client_recv_udp_msg(client, data, sizeof(data), // &tmp_id, &tmp_type, &tmp_len,&sourceid); ret = msg_recv_msg(udp_serv, data, sizeof(data), &tmp_id, &tmp_type, &tmp_len,&sourceid); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL2) printf("recv msg from %d type %d %d bytes \n ",sourceid,tmp_type,tmp_len); if(ret == 0) ret = handle_message(tmp_id, tmp_type, data, tmp_len,sourceid,clients, conn_clients); /*if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(tmp_id, clients, &client_fds, 1); } */ } /* Check if data is ready from any of the clients */ for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(clients); i++) { client = list_get_at(clients, i); /* Check for TCP data */ if(num_fds > 0 && client_tcp_fd_isset(client, &read_fds)) { ret = client_recv_tcp_data(client); if(ret == -1) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; continue; } else if(ret == -2) { client_mark_to_disconnect(client); disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 0); } num_fds--; } /* send any TCP data that was ready */ ret = client_send_udp_data(client); if(ret < 0) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; } } /* Finally, send any udp data that's still in the queue */ for(i = 0; i < LIST_LEN(clients); i++) { client = list_get_at(clients, i); ret = client_send_udp_data(client); if(ret < 0 || client_ready_to_disconnect(client)) { disconnect_and_remove_client(CLIENT_ID(client), clients, &client_fds, 1); i--; } } } done: if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("Cleaning up...\n"); if(tcp_serv) { sock_close(tcp_serv); sock_free(tcp_serv); } if(udp_serv) { sock_close(udp_serv); sock_free(udp_serv); } if(clients) list_free(clients); if(conn_clients) list_free(conn_clients); if(debug_level >= DEBUG_LEVEL1) printf("Goodbye.\n"); return 0; }
std::string MachTask::GetProfileData (DNBProfileDataScanType scanType) { std::string result; static int32_t numCPU = -1; struct host_cpu_load_info host_info; if (scanType & eProfileHostCPU) { int32_t mib[] = {CTL_HW, HW_AVAILCPU}; size_t len = sizeof(numCPU); if (numCPU == -1) { if (sysctl(mib, sizeof(mib) / sizeof(int32_t), &numCPU, &len, NULL, 0) != 0) return result; } mach_port_t localHost = mach_host_self(); mach_msg_type_number_t count = HOST_CPU_LOAD_INFO_COUNT; kern_return_t kr = host_statistics(localHost, HOST_CPU_LOAD_INFO, (host_info_t)&host_info, &count); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) return result; } task_t task = TaskPort(); if (task == TASK_NULL) return result; struct task_basic_info task_info; DNBError err; err = BasicInfo(task, &task_info); if (!err.Success()) return result; uint64_t elapsed_usec = 0; uint64_t task_used_usec = 0; if (scanType & eProfileCPU) { // Get current used time. struct timeval current_used_time; struct timeval tv; TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&task_info.user_time, ¤t_used_time); TIME_VALUE_TO_TIMEVAL(&task_info.system_time, &tv); timeradd(¤t_used_time, &tv, ¤t_used_time); task_used_usec = current_used_time.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + current_used_time.tv_usec; struct timeval current_elapsed_time; int res = gettimeofday(¤t_elapsed_time, NULL); if (res == 0) { elapsed_usec = current_elapsed_time.tv_sec * 1000000ULL + current_elapsed_time.tv_usec; } } std::vector<uint64_t> threads_id; std::vector<std::string> threads_name; std::vector<uint64_t> threads_used_usec; if (scanType & eProfileThreadsCPU) { get_threads_profile_data(scanType, task, m_process->ProcessID(), threads_id, threads_name, threads_used_usec); } struct vm_statistics vm_stats; uint64_t physical_memory; mach_vm_size_t rprvt = 0; mach_vm_size_t rsize = 0; mach_vm_size_t vprvt = 0; mach_vm_size_t vsize = 0; mach_vm_size_t dirty_size = 0; mach_vm_size_t purgeable = 0; mach_vm_size_t anonymous = 0; if (m_vm_memory.GetMemoryProfile(scanType, task, task_info, m_process->GetCPUType(), m_process->ProcessID(), vm_stats, physical_memory, rprvt, rsize, vprvt, vsize, dirty_size, purgeable, anonymous)) { std::ostringstream profile_data_stream; if (scanType & eProfileHostCPU) { profile_data_stream << "num_cpu:" << numCPU << ';'; profile_data_stream << "host_user_ticks:" << host_info.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_USER] << ';'; profile_data_stream << "host_sys_ticks:" << host_info.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_SYSTEM] << ';'; profile_data_stream << "host_idle_ticks:" << host_info.cpu_ticks[CPU_STATE_IDLE] << ';'; } if (scanType & eProfileCPU) { profile_data_stream << "elapsed_usec:" << elapsed_usec << ';'; profile_data_stream << "task_used_usec:" << task_used_usec << ';'; } if (scanType & eProfileThreadsCPU) { int num_threads = threads_id.size(); for (int i=0; i<num_threads; i++) { profile_data_stream << "thread_used_id:" << std::hex << threads_id[i] << std::dec << ';'; profile_data_stream << "thread_used_usec:" << threads_used_usec[i] << ';'; if (scanType & eProfileThreadName) { profile_data_stream << "thread_used_name:"; int len = threads_name[i].size(); if (len) { const char *thread_name = threads_name[i].c_str(); // Make sure that thread name doesn't interfere with our delimiter. profile_data_stream << RAW_HEXBASE << std::setw(2); const uint8_t *ubuf8 = (const uint8_t *)(thread_name); for (int j=0; j<len; j++) { profile_data_stream << (uint32_t)(ubuf8[j]); } // Reset back to DECIMAL. profile_data_stream << DECIMAL; } profile_data_stream << ';'; } } } if (scanType & eProfileHostMemory) profile_data_stream << "total:" << physical_memory << ';'; if (scanType & eProfileMemory) { static vm_size_t pagesize; static bool calculated = false; if (!calculated) { calculated = true; pagesize = PageSize(); } profile_data_stream << "wired:" << vm_stats.wire_count * pagesize << ';'; profile_data_stream << "active:" << vm_stats.active_count * pagesize << ';'; profile_data_stream << "inactive:" << vm_stats.inactive_count * pagesize << ';'; uint64_t total_used_count = vm_stats.wire_count + vm_stats.inactive_count + vm_stats.active_count; profile_data_stream << "used:" << total_used_count * pagesize << ';'; profile_data_stream << "free:" << vm_stats.free_count * pagesize << ';'; profile_data_stream << "rprvt:" << rprvt << ';'; profile_data_stream << "rsize:" << rsize << ';'; profile_data_stream << "vprvt:" << vprvt << ';'; profile_data_stream << "vsize:" << vsize << ';'; if (scanType & eProfileMemoryDirtyPage) profile_data_stream << "dirty:" << dirty_size << ';'; if (scanType & eProfileMemoryAnonymous) { profile_data_stream << "purgeable:" << purgeable << ';'; profile_data_stream << "anonymous:" << anonymous << ';'; } } profile_data_stream << "--end--;"; result = profile_data_stream.str(); } return result; }
/** * @brief synchronized create_shard/write/read/delete/delete_shard operations */ void user_operations_cursor_test(uint64_t args) { struct replication_test_framework *test_framework = (struct replication_test_framework *)args; SDF_boolean_t op_ret = SDF_FALSE; struct SDF_shard_meta *shard_meta = NULL; SDF_replication_props_t *replication_props = NULL; int failed = 0; uint64_t seqno = 0; SDF_shardid_t shard_id = 2; vnode_t node_id = 1; struct timeval now; struct timeval when; /* timeval incre */ struct timeval incre; void *data_read; size_t data_read_len; uint64_t seqno_start, seqno_len, seqno_max; int i; int ncursors; it_cursor_t *pit; resume_cursor_t *prc = NULL; char skey[1024]; SDF_time_t exptime; SDF_time_t createtime; int key_len; size_t data_len; void *pdata; int resume_cursor_size = 0; char *pcur; shard_id = __sync_add_and_fetch(&test_framework->max_shard_id, 1); char *key; char *data; failed = !plat_calloc_struct(&meta); replication_test_meta_init(meta); /* Assure test_framework is started?! */ plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "start test_framework"); rtfw_start(test_framework); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "test_framework started\n"); /* Start all nodes */ plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "start nodes"); rtfw_start_all_nodes(test_framework); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "nodes started"); plat_assert(!failed); failed = !plat_calloc_struct(&replication_props); plat_assert(!failed); rtfw_set_default_replication_props(&test_framework->config, replication_props); shard_meta = rtfw_init_shard_meta(&test_framework->config, 1 /* first_node */, shard_id /* shard_id, in real system generated by generate_shard_ids() */, replication_props); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n**************************************************\n" " create shard sync " "\n**************************************************"); op_ret = rtfw_create_shard_sync(test_framework, 1, shard_meta); plat_assert(op_ret == SDF_SUCCESS); /* - write on node 1, key:google:1, data:Sebstian:1 */ plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n**************************************************\n" " write object sync " "\n**************************************************"); plat_asprintf(&key, "google:%d", 1); plat_asprintf(&data, "Sebstian:%d", 1); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_TRACE, "write key:%s, key_len:%u, data:%s, data_len:%u", key, (int)(strlen(key)), data, (int)(strlen(data))); op_ret = rtfw_write_sync(test_framework, shard_id /* shard */, 1 /* node */, meta /* test_meta */, key, strlen(key)+1, data, strlen(data)+1); plat_assert(op_ret == SDF_SUCCESS); plat_free(key); plat_free(data); /* - read on node 1, key:google:1 */ plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n**************************************************\n" " read object sync " "\n**************************************************"); replication_test_framework_read_data_free_cb_t free_cb = replication_test_framework_read_data_free_cb_create(PLAT_CLOSURE_SCHEDULER_ANY_OR_SYNCHRONOUS, &rtfw_read_free, test_framework); plat_asprintf(&key, "google:%d", 1); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_TRACE, "KEY:%s, key_len:%d", key, (int)strlen(key)); op_ret = rtfw_read_sync(test_framework, shard_id /* shard */, node_id /* node */, key, strlen(key) + 1, &data_read, &data_read_len, &free_cb); plat_free(key); plat_assert(op_ret == SDF_SUCCESS); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_TRACE, "read data:%s, data_len:%d", (char *)data_read, (int)data_read_len); plat_free(data_read); /* crash node 2 */ plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n**************************************************\n" " crash node 2 sync " "\n**************************************************"); rtfw_crash_node_sync(test_framework, 2); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_TRACE, "crash node:%"PRIu32" complete", 2); /** * write on node 1, key2: google:2, data2: Sebstian:2, * key3: google:3, data3: Sebstian:3 */ plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n**************************************************\n" " write object sync " "\n**************************************************"); plat_asprintf(&key, "google:%d", 2); plat_asprintf(&data, "Sebstian:%d", 2); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_TRACE, "write key:%s, key_len:%u, data:%s, data_len:%u", key, (int)(strlen(key)), data, (int)(strlen(data))); op_ret = rtfw_write_sync(test_framework, shard_id /* shard */, 1 /* node */, meta /* test_meta */, key, strlen(key)+1, data, strlen(data)+1); plat_assert(op_ret == SDF_SUCCESS); plat_free(key); plat_free(data); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n**************************************************\n" " write object sync " "\n**************************************************"); plat_asprintf(&key, "google:%d", 3); plat_asprintf(&data, "Sebstian:%d", 3); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_TRACE, "write key:%s, key_len:%u, data:%s, data_len:%u", key, (int)(strlen(key)), data, (int)(strlen(data))); op_ret = rtfw_write_sync(test_framework, shard_id /* shard */, 1 /* node */, meta /* test_meta */, key, strlen(key)+1, data, strlen(data)+1); plat_assert(op_ret == SDF_SUCCESS); plat_free(key); plat_free(data); /* read on node 1, key2: google:2 */ plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n**************************************************\n" " read object sync " "\n**************************************************"); plat_asprintf(&key, "google:%d", 2); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_TRACE, "KEY:%s, key_len:%d", key, (int)strlen(key)); op_ret = rtfw_read_sync(test_framework, shard_id /* shard */, 1 /* node */, key, strlen(key) + 1, &data_read, &data_read_len, &free_cb); plat_free(key); plat_assert(op_ret == SDF_SUCCESS); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_TRACE, "read data:%s, data_len:%d", (char *)data_read, (int)data_read_len); plat_free(data_read); /* delete from node 1, key3: google3 */ plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n***************************************************\n" " delete object sync " "\n***************************************************"); plat_asprintf(&key, "google:%d", 3); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_TRACE, "KEY:%s, key_len:%d", key, (int)(strlen(key))); op_ret = rtfw_delete_sync(test_framework, shard_id /* shard */, 1 /* node */, key, strlen(key)+1); plat_assert(op_ret == SDF_SUCCESS); plat_free(key); /* restart node 2 */ op_ret = rtfw_start_node(test_framework, 2); plat_assert(op_ret == SDF_SUCCESS); /* block a while */ now = test_framework->now; incre.tv_sec = 10; incre.tv_usec = 0; timeradd(&now, &incre, &when); rtfw_block_until(test_framework, (const struct timeval)when); rtfw_sleep_usec(test_framework, SLEEP_US); /* get last seqno from node 2 */ plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n************************************************************\n" " get latest seqno from node 2 " "\n************************************************************"); op_ret = rtfw_get_last_seqno_sync(test_framework, 2, shard_id, &seqno); if (op_ret == SDF_SUCCESS) { plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_INFO, "get_last_seqno succeeded! (seqno=%"PRIu64")", seqno); } else { plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_INFO, "get_last_seqno failed!"); } plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n************************************************************\n" " get iteration cursors " "\n************************************************************"); prc = NULL; resume_cursor_size = 0; while (1) { replication_test_framework_read_data_free_cb_t free_cb = replication_test_framework_read_data_free_cb_create(PLAT_CLOSURE_SCHEDULER_ANY_OR_SYNCHRONOUS, &rtfw_read_free, test_framework); seqno_start = 0; seqno_len = 10; seqno_max = UINT64_MAX - 1; op_ret = rtfw_get_cursors_sync(test_framework, shard_id, node_id, seqno_start, seqno_len, seqno_max, (void *) prc, resume_cursor_size, (void **) &pit, &data_len, &free_cb); if (op_ret != SDF_SUCCESS) { plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_INFO, "get_iteration_cursors failed!"); break; } else { ncursors = pit->cursor_count; if (ncursors == 0) { break; } prc = &(pit->resume_cursor); resume_cursor_size = sizeof(resume_cursor_t); plat_assert(data_len == (sizeof(it_cursor_t) + seqno_len*pit->cursor_len)); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "get_iteration_cursors succeeded (%d cursors returned)!", ncursors); pcur = pit->cursors; for (i = 0; i < ncursors; i++) { replication_test_framework_read_data_free_cb_t free_cb = replication_test_framework_read_data_free_cb_create(PLAT_CLOSURE_SCHEDULER_ANY_OR_SYNCHRONOUS, &rtfw_read_free, test_framework); op_ret = rtfw_get_by_cursor_sync(test_framework, shard_id, node_id, (void *) pcur, pit->cursor_len, skey, 1024, &key_len, &exptime, &createtime, &seqno, &pdata, &data_len, &free_cb); pcur += pit->cursor_len; if (op_ret == SDF_SUCCESS) { plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_TRACE, "get_by_cursor: %s, key_len:%u, data:%s, data_len:%u," "seqno: %"PRIu64", exptime:%"PRIu32", createtime:%"PRIu32"", skey, key_len, (char *)pdata, (unsigned)data_len, seqno, exptime, createtime); plat_free(pdata); } else { plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_INFO, "get_by_cursor failed!"); } } } } plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n************************************************************\n" " Test framework shutdown " "\n************************************************************"); rtfw_shutdown_sync(test_framework); plat_log_msg(LOG_ID, LOG_CAT, LOG_DBG, "\n************************************************************\n" " Test framework sync summary " "\n************************************************************"); plat_free(meta); plat_free(replication_props); plat_free(shard_meta); /* Terminate scheduler if idle_thread exit */ while (test_framework->timer_dispatcher) { fthYield(-1); } plat_free(test_framework); fthKill(1); }
void timer_set(struct timeval* timeout, int msec) { _temp_time.tv_sec = msec / 1000; _temp_time.tv_usec = (msec % 1000) * 1000; gettimeofday(&_current_time, 0); timeradd(&_current_time, &_temp_time, timeout); }
/* If the VM is running as a single instance and there is a pre-existing * instance then look for a pre-existing instance and if found send it a * drop event of the argument and if successful exit. Otherwise return * and allow the normal start-up sequence to continue. */ static int dndLaunchFile(char *filename) { long data[5]; char abspath[MAXPATHLEN+1]; struct timeval start, now, timeout; time_t tnow; int pid = getpid(); Window target; tnow = time(0); printf("dndLaunchFile(%s,%d) \"%s\" %s", filename, pid, defaultWindowLabel, ctime(&tnow)); target = findWindowWithLabel(DefaultRootWindow(stDisplay), defaultWindowLabel); if (!target) { tnow = time(0); printf("dndLaunchFile(%s,%d) %s\tFAILED TO FIND WINDOW:\"%s\"\n", filename, pid, ctime(&tnow), defaultWindowLabel); return 0; } if (*filename == '/') strcpy(abspath,filename); else { /* For consistency with drops files should be relative to the image. * For sanity creating streams drops should be absolute paths (i.e. * primDropRequestFileHandle: doesn't know what the image path is and * so interprets things relative to pwd, so give it an absolute path). * So by default make the full path by prepending the image. */ #if !defined(DROP_FILENAMES_RELATIVE_TO_PWD) # define DROP_FILENAMES_RELATIVE_TO_PWD 0 #endif #if DROP_FILENAMES_RELATIVE_TO_PWD getcwd(abspath,sizeof(abspath)); abspath[strlen(abspath)] = '/'; strcat(abspath,filename); #else strcpy(abspath,imageName); strcpy(strrchr(abspath,'/')+1,filename); #endif } /* Only drop if the file exists. */ if (access(abspath, F_OK|R_OK)) { tnow = time(0); printf("dndLaunchFile(%s,%d) %s\tFAILED TO VALIDATE:\"%s\"\n", filename, pid, ctime(&tnow), abspath); return 0; } tnow = time(0); printf("dndLaunchFile(%s,%d) %s\tvalidated:\"%s\"\n", filename, pid, ctime(&tnow), abspath); /* Include the null in the filename so that we're immune to XGetWindowProp' * answering the size in 32-bit units. */ XChangeProperty(stDisplay, stParent, XdndSqueakLaunchDrop, XA_ATOM, 8, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char *)abspath, strlen(abspath) + 1); memset(data, 0, sizeof(data)); data[0] = stParent; /* => xdndDrop_sourceWindow */ sendClientMessage(data, stParent, target, XdndSqueakLaunchDrop); /* How can there be 10 odd get event functions and yet none provide * peek with timeout functionality? X is sad. */ timeout.tv_sec = launchDropTimeoutMsecs / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (launchDropTimeoutMsecs % 1000) * 1000; gettimeofday(&start, 0); timeradd(&start, &timeout, &timeout); do { XEvent evt; /* Don't spin hard; the dnd recipient needs cycles to receive and ack. */ yieldCyclesToRecipient(); if (XCheckIfEvent(stDisplay, &evt, isDropAck, 0)) { tnow = time(0); printf("dndLaunchFile(%s,%d) %s\tgot drop ack for:\"%s\"\n", filename, pid, ctime(&tnow), abspath); return 1; } gettimeofday(&now, 0); } while (timercmp(&now, &timeout, <)); tnow = time(0); printf("dndLaunchFile(%s,%d) %s\t%ld msec DROP TIMEOUT FOR:\"%s\"\n", filename, pid, ctime(&tnow), launchDropTimeoutMsecs, abspath); return 0; }
/* * time pipeline (really a statement, not a built-in command) */ int timex(struct op *t, int f, volatile int *xerrok) { #define TF_NOARGS BIT(0) #define TF_NOREAL BIT(1) /* don't report real time */ #define TF_POSIX BIT(2) /* report in posix format */ int rv = 0; struct rusage ru0, ru1, cru0, cru1; struct timeval usrtime, systime, tv0, tv1; int tf = 0; extern struct timeval j_usrtime, j_systime; /* computed by j_wait */ gettimeofday(&tv0, NULL); getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru0); getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &cru0); if (t->left) { /* * Two ways of getting cpu usage of a command: just use t0 * and t1 (which will get cpu usage from other jobs that * finish while we are executing t->left), or get the * cpu usage of t->left. at&t ksh does the former, while * pdksh tries to do the later (the j_usrtime hack doesn't * really work as it only counts the last job). */ timerclear(&j_usrtime); timerclear(&j_systime); rv = execute(t->left, f | XTIME, xerrok); if (t->left->type == TCOM) tf |= t->left->str[0]; gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL); getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &ru1); getrusage(RUSAGE_CHILDREN, &cru1); } else tf = TF_NOARGS; if (tf & TF_NOARGS) { /* ksh93 - report shell times (shell+kids) */ tf |= TF_NOREAL; timeradd(&ru0.ru_utime, &cru0.ru_utime, &usrtime); timeradd(&ru0.ru_stime, &cru0.ru_stime, &systime); } else { timersub(&ru1.ru_utime, &ru0.ru_utime, &usrtime); timeradd(&usrtime, &j_usrtime, &usrtime); timersub(&ru1.ru_stime, &ru0.ru_stime, &systime); timeradd(&systime, &j_systime, &systime); } if (!(tf & TF_NOREAL)) { timersub(&tv1, &tv0, &tv1); if (tf & TF_POSIX) p_time(shl_out, 1, &tv1, 5, "real ", "\n"); else p_time(shl_out, 0, &tv1, 5, NULL, " real "); } if (tf & TF_POSIX) p_time(shl_out, 1, &usrtime, 5, "user ", "\n"); else p_time(shl_out, 0, &usrtime, 5, NULL, " user "); if (tf & TF_POSIX) p_time(shl_out, 1, &systime, 5, "sys ", "\n"); else p_time(shl_out, 0, &systime, 5, NULL, " system\n"); shf_flush(shl_out); return rv; }