コード例 #1
 * Timeshift thread
void *timeshift_reader ( void *p )
  timeshift_t *ts = p;
  int nfds, end, run = 1, wait = -1, state;
  timeshift_seek_t *seek = &ts->seek;
  timeshift_file_t *tmp_file;
  int cur_speed = 100, keyframe_mode = 0;
  int64_t mono_now, mono_play_time = 0, mono_last_status = 0;
  int64_t deliver, deliver0, pause_time = 0, last_time = 0, skip_time = 0;
  int64_t i64;
  streaming_message_t *sm = NULL, *ctrl = NULL;
  streaming_skip_t *skip = NULL;
  tvhpoll_t *pd;
  tvhpoll_event_t ev = { 0 };

  pd = tvhpoll_create(1);
  ev.fd     = ts->rd_pipe.rd;
  ev.events = TVHPOLL_IN;
  tvhpoll_add(pd, &ev, 1);

  /* Output */
  while (run) {

    // Note: Previously we allowed unlimited wait, but we now must wake periodically
    //       to output status message
    if (wait < 0 || wait > 1000)
      wait = 1000;

    /* Wait for data */
      nfds = tvhpoll_wait(pd, &ev, 1, wait);
      nfds = 0;
    wait      = -1;
    end       = 0;
    skip      = NULL;
    mono_now  = getfastmonoclock();

    /* Control */
    if (nfds == 1) {
      if (_read_msg(NULL, ts->rd_pipe.rd, &ctrl) > 0) {

        /* Exit */
        if (ctrl->sm_type == SMT_EXIT) {
          tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d read exit request", ts->id);
          run = 0;
          ctrl = NULL;

        /* Speed */
        } else if (ctrl->sm_type == SMT_SPEED) {
          int speed = ctrl->sm_code;
          int keyframe;

          /* Bound it */
          if (speed > 3200)  speed = 3200;
          if (speed < -3200) speed = -3200;

          /* Ignore negative */
          if (!ts->dobuf && (speed < 0))
            speed = seek->file ? speed : 0;

          /* Process */
          if (cur_speed != speed) {

            /* Live playback */
            state = ts->state;
            if (state == TS_LIVE) {

              /* Reject */
              if (speed >= 100) {
                tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d reject 1x+ in live mode", ts->id);
                speed = 100;

              /* Set position */
              } else {
                tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d enter timeshift mode", ts->id);
                ts->dobuf = 1;
                tmp_file = timeshift_filemgr_newest(ts);
                if (tmp_file != NULL) {
                  i64 = tmp_file->last;
                } else {
                  i64 = ts->buf_time;
                seek->file = timeshift_filemgr_get(ts, i64);
                if (seek->file != NULL) {
                  seek->file->roff = seek->file->size;
                  pause_time       = seek->file->last;
                  last_time        = pause_time;
                } else {
                  pause_time       = i64;
                  last_time        = pause_time;

            /* Check keyframe mode */
            keyframe      = (speed < 0) || (speed > 400);
            if (keyframe != keyframe_mode) {
              tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "using keyframe mode? %s", keyframe ? "yes" : "no");
              keyframe_mode = keyframe;
              if (keyframe)
                seek->frame = NULL;

            /* Update */
            if (speed != 100 || state != TS_LIVE) {
              ts->state = speed == 0 ? TS_PAUSE : TS_PLAY;
              tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "reader - set %s", speed == 0 ? "TS_PAUSE" : "TS_PLAY");
            if ((ts->state == TS_PLAY && state != TS_PLAY) || (speed != cur_speed)) {
              mono_play_time = mono_now;
              tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "update play time TS_LIVE - %"PRId64" play buffer from %"PRId64,
                       mono_now, pause_time);
              if (speed != cur_speed)
                pause_time = last_time;
            } else if (ts->state == TS_PAUSE && state != TS_PAUSE) {
              pause_time = last_time;
            cur_speed = speed;
            tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d change speed %d", ts->id, speed);

          /* Send on the message */
          ctrl->sm_code = speed;
          streaming_target_deliver2(ts->output, ctrl);
          ctrl = NULL;

        /* Skip/Seek */
        } else if (ctrl->sm_type == SMT_SKIP) {
          skip = ctrl->sm_data;
          switch (skip->type) {
            case SMT_SKIP_LIVE:
              if (ts->state != TS_LIVE) {

                /* Reset */
                if (ts->full) {
                  timeshift_filemgr_flush(ts, NULL);
                  ts->full = 0;

                /* Release */
                if (sm)

                /* Find end */
                skip_time = 0x7fffffffffffffffLL;
                // TODO: change this sometime!

            case SMT_SKIP_ABS_TIME:
              /* -fallthrough */
            case SMT_SKIP_REL_TIME:

              /* Convert */
              skip_time = ts_rescale(skip->time, 1000000);
              tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d skip %"PRId64" requested %"PRId64, ts->id, skip_time, skip->time);

              /* Live playback (stage1) */
              if (ts->state == TS_LIVE) {
                tmp_file = timeshift_filemgr_newest(ts);
                if (tmp_file) {
                  i64 = tmp_file->last;
                if (tmp_file && (seek->file = timeshift_filemgr_get(ts, i64)) != NULL) {
                  seek->file->roff = seek->file->size;
                  last_time        = seek->file->last;
                } else {
                  last_time        = ts->buf_time;

              /* May have failed */
              if (skip->type == SMT_SKIP_REL_TIME)
                skip_time += last_time;
              tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d skip time %"PRId64, ts->id, skip_time);

              /* Live (stage2) */
              if (ts->state == TS_LIVE) {
                if (skip_time >= ts->buf_time - TIMESHIFT_PLAY_BUF) {
                  tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d skip ignored, already live", ts->id);
                  skip = NULL;
                } else {
                  ts->state = TS_PLAY;
                  ts->dobuf = 1;
                  tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "reader - set TS_PLAY");

              /* OK */
              if (skip) {
                /* seek */
                seek->frame = NULL;
                end = _timeshift_do_skip(ts, skip_time, last_time, seek);
                if (seek->frame) {
                  pause_time = seek->frame->time;
                  tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d skip - play buffer from %"PRId64" last_time %"PRId64,
                           ts->id, pause_time, last_time);

                  /* Adjust time */
                  if (mono_play_time != mono_now)
                    tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d update play time skip - %"PRId64, ts->id, mono_now);
                  mono_play_time = mono_now;

                  /* Clear existing packet */
                  if (sm) {
                    sm = NULL;
                } else {
                  skip = NULL;
              tvherror(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d invalid/unsupported skip type: %d", ts->id, skip->type);
              skip = NULL;

          /* Error */
          if (!skip) {
            ((streaming_skip_t*)ctrl->sm_data)->type = SMT_SKIP_ERROR;
            streaming_target_deliver2(ts->output, ctrl);
            ctrl = NULL;

        /* Ignore */
        } else {
          ctrl = NULL;

    /* Done */
    if (!run || !seek->file || ((ts->state != TS_PLAY && !skip))) {
      if (mono_now >= (mono_last_status + sec2mono(1))) {
        timeshift_status(ts, last_time);
        mono_last_status = mono_now;

    /* Calculate delivery time */
    deliver0 = (mono_now - mono_play_time) + TIMESHIFT_PLAY_BUF;
    deliver = (deliver0 * cur_speed) / 100;
    deliver = (deliver + pause_time);
    tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "speed %d now %"PRId64" play_time %"PRId64" deliver %"PRId64" deliver0 %"PRId64,
             cur_speed, mono_now, mono_play_time, deliver, deliver0);

    /* Determine next packet */
    if (!sm) {

      /* Rewind or Fast forward (i-frame only) */
      if (skip || keyframe_mode) {
        int64_t req_time;

        /* Time */
        if (!skip)
          req_time = last_time + ((cur_speed < 0) ? -1 : 1);
          req_time = skip_time;

        end = _timeshift_do_skip(ts, req_time, last_time, seek);

      /* Clear old message */
      if (sm) {
        sm = NULL;

      /* Find packet */
      if (_timeshift_read(ts, seek, &sm, &wait) == -1) {

    /* Send skip response */
    if (skip) {
      if (sm) {
        /* Status message */
        skip->time = ts_rescale_inv(sm->sm_time, 1000000);
        skip->type = SMT_SKIP_ABS_TIME;
        tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d skip to pts %"PRId64" ok", ts->id, sm->sm_time);
        /* Update timeshift status */
        timeshift_fill_status(ts, &skip->timeshift, sm->sm_time);
        mono_last_status = mono_now;
      } else {
        /* Report error */
        skip->type = SMT_SKIP_ERROR;
        skip       = NULL;
        tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d skip failed (%d)", ts->id, sm ? sm->sm_type : -1);
      streaming_target_deliver2(ts->output, ctrl);
    } else {
    ctrl = NULL;

    /* Deliver */
    if (sm && (skip ||
               (((cur_speed < 0) && (sm->sm_time >= deliver)) ||
                ((cur_speed > 0) && (sm->sm_time <= deliver))))) {

      last_time = sm->sm_time;
      if (!skip && keyframe_mode) /* always send status on keyframe mode */
        timeshift_status(ts, last_time);
      timeshift_packet_log("out", ts, sm);
      streaming_target_deliver2(ts->output, sm);
      sm        = NULL;
      wait      = 0;

    } else if (sm) {

      if (cur_speed > 0)
        wait = (sm->sm_time - deliver) / 1000;
        wait = (deliver - sm->sm_time) / 1000;
      if (wait == 0) wait = 1;
      tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d wait %d speed %d sm_time %"PRId64" deliver %"PRId64,
               ts->id, wait, cur_speed, sm->sm_time, deliver);


    /* Periodic timeshift status */
    if (mono_now >= (mono_last_status + sec2mono(1))) {
      timeshift_status(ts, last_time);
      mono_last_status = mono_now;

    /* Terminate */
    if (!seek->file || end != 0) {

      /* Back to live (unless buffer is full) */
      if ((end == 1 && !ts->full) || !seek->file) {
        tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d eob revert to live mode", ts->id);
        cur_speed = 100;
        ctrl      = streaming_msg_create_code(SMT_SPEED, cur_speed);
        streaming_target_deliver2(ts->output, ctrl);
        ctrl      = NULL;
        tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "reader - set TS_LIVE");

        /* Flush timeshift buffer to live */
        if (_timeshift_flush_to_live(ts, seek, &wait) == -1) {

        ts->state = TS_LIVE;

        /* Close file (if open) */

      /* Pause */
      } else {
        if (cur_speed <= 0) {
          cur_speed = 0;
          tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "reader - set TS_PAUSE");
          ts->state = TS_PAUSE;
        } else {
          cur_speed = 100;
          tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "reader - set TS_PLAY");
          if (ts->state != TS_PLAY) {
            ts->state = TS_PLAY;
            ts->dobuf = 1;
            if (mono_play_time != mono_now)
              tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "update play time (pause) - %"PRId64, mono_now);
            mono_play_time = mono_now;
        tvhdebug(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d sob speed %d last time %"PRId64, ts->id, cur_speed, last_time);
        pause_time = last_time;
        ctrl       = streaming_msg_create_code(SMT_SPEED, cur_speed);
        streaming_target_deliver2(ts->output, ctrl);
        ctrl       = NULL;



  /* Cleanup */
  if (sm)       streaming_msg_free(sm);
  if (ctrl)     streaming_msg_free(ctrl);
  tvhtrace(LS_TIMESHIFT, "ts %d exit reader thread", ts->id);

  return NULL;
コード例 #2
ファイル: timeshift_filemgr.c プロジェクト: atiti/tvheadend
 * Get current / new file
timeshift_file_t *timeshift_filemgr_get ( timeshift_t *ts, int create )
  int fd;
  struct timespec tp;
  timeshift_file_t *tsf_tl, *tsf_hd, *tsf_tmp;
  timeshift_index_data_t *ti;
  char path[512];
  time_t time;

  /* Return last file */
  if (!create)
    return timeshift_filemgr_newest(ts);

  /* No space */
  if (ts->full)
    return NULL;

  /* Store to file */
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, &tp);
  time   = tp.tv_sec / TIMESHIFT_FILE_PERIOD;
  tsf_tl = TAILQ_LAST(&ts->files, timeshift_file_list);
  if (!tsf_tl || tsf_tl->time != time) {
    tsf_hd = TAILQ_FIRST(&ts->files);

    /* Close existing */
    if (tsf_tl && tsf_tl->fd != -1)

    /* Check period */
    if (ts->max_time && tsf_hd && tsf_tl) {
      time_t d = (tsf_tl->time - tsf_hd->time) * TIMESHIFT_FILE_PERIOD;
      if (d > (ts->max_time+5)) {
        if (!tsf_hd->refcount) {
          timeshift_filemgr_remove(ts, tsf_hd, 0);
          tsf_hd = NULL;
        } else {
          tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "timeshift", "ts %d buffer full", ts->id);
          ts->full = 1;

    /* Check size */
    if (!timeshift_unlimited_size &&
        atomic_pre_add_u64(&timeshift_total_size, 0) >= timeshift_max_size) {

      /* Remove the last file (if we can) */
      if (tsf_hd && !tsf_hd->refcount) {
        timeshift_filemgr_remove(ts, tsf_hd, 0);

      /* Full */
      } else {
        tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "timeshift", "ts %d buffer full", ts->id);
        ts->full = 1;
    /* Create new file */
    tsf_tmp = NULL;
    if (!ts->full) {

      /* Create directories */
      if (!ts->path) {
        if (timeshift_filemgr_makedirs(ts->id, path, sizeof(path)))
          return NULL;
        ts->path = strdup(path);

      /* Create File */
      snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/tvh-%"PRItime_t, ts->path, time);
      tvhtrace("timeshift", "ts %d create file %s", ts->id, path);
      if ((fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600)) > 0) {
        tsf_tmp = calloc(1, sizeof(timeshift_file_t));
        tsf_tmp->time     = time;
        tsf_tmp->fd       = fd;
        tsf_tmp->path     = strdup(path);
        tsf_tmp->refcount = 0;
        tsf_tmp->last     = getmonoclock();
        TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&ts->files, tsf_tmp, link);

        /* Copy across last start message */
        if (tsf_tl && (ti = TAILQ_LAST(&tsf_tl->sstart, timeshift_index_data_list))) {
          tvhtrace("timeshift", "ts %d copy smt_start to new file",
          timeshift_index_data_t *ti2 = calloc(1, sizeof(timeshift_index_data_t));
          ti2->data = streaming_msg_clone(ti->data);
          TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&tsf_tmp->sstart, ti2, link);
    tsf_tl = tsf_tmp;

  if (tsf_tl)
  return tsf_tl;
コード例 #3
static int _timeshift_skip
  ( timeshift_t *ts, int64_t req_time, int64_t cur_time,
    timeshift_seek_t *seek, timeshift_seek_t *nseek )
  timeshift_index_iframe_t *tsi  = seek->frame;
  timeshift_file_t         *tsf  = seek->file, *tsf_last;
  int64_t                   sec  = mono2sec(req_time) / TIMESHIFT_FILE_PERIOD;
  int                       back = (req_time < cur_time) ? 1 : 0;
  int                       end  = 0;

  /* Coarse search */
  if (!tsi) {
    while (tsf && !end) {
      if (back) {
        if ((tsf->time <= sec) &&
            (tsi = TAILQ_LAST(&tsf->iframes, timeshift_index_iframe_list)))
        tsf = timeshift_filemgr_prev(tsf, &end, 1);
      } else {
        if ((tsf->time >= sec) &&
            (tsi = TAILQ_FIRST(&tsf->iframes)))
        tsf = timeshift_filemgr_next(tsf, &end, 0);
      tsi = NULL;

  /* Fine search */
  if (back) {
    while (!end && tsf && tsi && (tsi->time > req_time)) {
      tsi = TAILQ_PREV(tsi, timeshift_index_iframe_list, link);
      while (!end && tsf && !tsi) {
        if ((tsf = timeshift_filemgr_prev(tsf, &end, 1)))
          tsi = TAILQ_LAST(&tsf->iframes, timeshift_index_iframe_list);
  } else {
    while (!end && tsf && tsi && (tsi->time < req_time)) {
      tsi = TAILQ_NEXT(tsi, link);
      while (!end && tsf && !tsi) {
        if ((tsf = timeshift_filemgr_next(tsf, &end, 0)))
          tsi = TAILQ_FIRST(&tsf->iframes);

  /* End */
  if (!tsf || !tsi)
    end = 1;

  /* Find start/end of buffer */
  if (end) {
    if (back) {
      tsf = tsf_last = timeshift_filemgr_oldest(ts);
      tsi = NULL;
      while (tsf && !tsi) {
        tsf_last = tsf;
        if (!(tsi = TAILQ_FIRST(&tsf->iframes)))
          tsf = timeshift_filemgr_next(tsf, &end, 0);
      if (!tsf)
        tsf = tsf_last;
      end = -1;
    } else {
      tsf = tsf_last = timeshift_filemgr_newest(ts);
      tsi = NULL;
      while (tsf && !tsi) {
        tsf_last = tsf;
        if (!(tsi = TAILQ_LAST(&tsf->iframes, timeshift_index_iframe_list)))
          tsf = timeshift_filemgr_prev(tsf, &end, 0);
      if (!tsf)
        tsf = tsf_last;
      end = 1;

  /* Done */
  nseek->file  = tsf;
  nseek->frame = tsi;
  return end;
コード例 #4
 * Get current / new file
timeshift_file_t *timeshift_filemgr_get ( timeshift_t *ts, int create )
  int fd;
  struct timespec tp;
  timeshift_file_t *tsf_tl, *tsf_hd, *tsf_tmp;
  timeshift_index_data_t *ti;
  char path[PATH_MAX];
  time_t time;

  /* Return last file */
  if (!create)
    return timeshift_filemgr_newest(ts);

  /* No space */
  if (ts->full)
    return NULL;

  /* Store to file */
  clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE, &tp);
  time   = tp.tv_sec / TIMESHIFT_FILE_PERIOD;
  tsf_tl = TAILQ_LAST(&ts->files, timeshift_file_list);
  if (!tsf_tl || tsf_tl->time != time ||
      (tsf_tl->ram && tsf_tl->woff >= timeshift_conf.ram_segment_size)) {
    tsf_hd = TAILQ_FIRST(&ts->files);

    /* Close existing */
    if (tsf_tl)

    /* Check period */
    if (!timeshift_conf.unlimited_period &&
        ts->max_time && tsf_hd && tsf_tl) {
      time_t d = (tsf_tl->time - tsf_hd->time) * TIMESHIFT_FILE_PERIOD;
      if (d > (ts->max_time+5)) {
        if (!tsf_hd->refcount) {
          timeshift_filemgr_remove(ts, tsf_hd, 0);
          tsf_hd = NULL;
        } else {
          tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "timeshift", "ts %d buffer full", ts->id);
          ts->full = 1;

    /* Check size */
    if (!timeshift_conf.unlimited_size &&
        atomic_pre_add_u64(&timeshift_conf.total_size, 0) >= timeshift_conf.max_size) {

      /* Remove the last file (if we can) */
      if (tsf_hd && !tsf_hd->refcount) {
        timeshift_filemgr_remove(ts, tsf_hd, 0);

      /* Full */
      } else {
        tvhlog(LOG_DEBUG, "timeshift", "ts %d buffer full", ts->id);
        ts->full = 1;

    /* Create new file */
    tsf_tmp = NULL;
    if (!ts->full) {

      tvhtrace("timeshift", "ts %d RAM total %"PRId64" requested %"PRId64" segment %"PRId64,
                   ts->id, atomic_pre_add_u64(&timeshift_total_ram_size, 0),
                   timeshift_conf.ram_size, timeshift_conf.ram_segment_size);
      if (timeshift_conf.ram_size >= 8*1024*1024 &&
          atomic_pre_add_u64(&timeshift_total_ram_size, 0) <
            timeshift_conf.ram_size + (timeshift_conf.ram_segment_size / 2)) {
        tsf_tmp = timeshift_filemgr_file_init(ts, time);
        tsf_tmp->ram_size = MIN(16*1024*1024, timeshift_conf.ram_segment_size);
        tsf_tmp->ram = malloc(tsf_tmp->ram_size);
        if (!tsf_tmp->ram) {
          tsf_tmp = NULL;
        } else {
          tvhtrace("timeshift", "ts %d create RAM segment with %"PRId64" bytes (time %li)",
                   ts->id, tsf_tmp->ram_size, (long)time);
      if (!tsf_tmp && !timeshift_conf.ram_only) {
        /* Create directories */
        if (!ts->path) {
          if (timeshift_filemgr_makedirs(ts->id, path, sizeof(path)))
            return NULL;
          ts->path = strdup(path);

        /* Create File */
        snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/tvh-%"PRItime_t, ts->path, time);
        tvhtrace("timeshift", "ts %d create file %s", ts->id, path);
        if ((fd = open(path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0600)) > 0) {
          tsf_tmp = timeshift_filemgr_file_init(ts, time);
          tsf_tmp->wfd = fd;
          tsf_tmp->path = strdup(path);

      if (tsf_tmp) {
        /* Copy across last start message */
        if (tsf_tl && (ti = TAILQ_LAST(&tsf_tl->sstart, timeshift_index_data_list))) {
          tvhtrace("timeshift", "ts %d copy smt_start to new file",
          timeshift_index_data_t *ti2 = calloc(1, sizeof(timeshift_index_data_t));
          ti2->data = streaming_msg_clone(ti->data);
          TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(&tsf_tmp->sstart, ti2, link);
    tsf_tl = tsf_tmp;

  if (tsf_tl)
  return tsf_tl;