コード例 #1
ファイル: timestamp.c プロジェクト: krihal/twamp-protocol
static uint64_t get_usec(TWAMPTimestamp ts)
    struct timeval tv;
    timestamp_to_timeval(&ts, &tv);

    return tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec;
コード例 #2
ファイル: timestamp.c プロジェクト: homework/policy
int seconds_to_midnight(tstamp_t ts) {
   struct timeval tv;
   struct tm tmv;
   int save_daylight;
   long save_timezone;
   timestamp_to_timeval(ts, &tv);
   save_daylight = daylight; daylight = 0;
   save_timezone = timezone; timezone = 0;
   (void) gmtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, &tmv);
   daylight = save_daylight;
   timezone = save_timezone;
   return (60*(60*(23-tmv.tm_hour) + (59-tmv.tm_min)) + (59-tmv.tm_sec) + 2);
コード例 #3
ファイル: timestamp.c プロジェクト: krihal/twamp-protocol
void print_metrics(int j, int port, ReflectorUPacket pack) {
    struct timeval recv_resp_time, send_time, recv_time, reflect_time;

    /* Get Time of the received TWAMP-Test response message */
    gettimeofday(&recv_resp_time, NULL);

    /* Get the timestamps from the reflected message */
    timestamp_to_timeval(&pack.sender_time, &send_time);
    timestamp_to_timeval(&pack.receive_time, &recv_time);
    timestamp_to_timeval(&pack.time, &reflect_time);

    /* Print different metrics */

    /* Compute round-trip */
    fprintf(stderr, "Round-trip time for TWAMP-Test packet %d for port %hd is %" PRIu64 " [usec]\n",
            j, port, get_time_difference(&recv_resp_time, &send_time));
    fprintf(stderr, "Receive time - Send time for TWAMP-Test"
            " packet %d for port %d is %" PRIu64 " [usec]\n", j, port,
            get_time_difference(&recv_time, &send_time));
    fprintf(stderr, "Reflect time - Send time for TWAMP-Test"
            " packet %d for port %d is %" PRIu64 " [usec]\n", j, port,
            get_time_difference(&reflect_time, &send_time));

コード例 #4
ファイル: timestamp.c プロジェクト: homework/policy
 * Similar to the timestamp_to_datestring() function above.
 * Returns a string representation of the current date/time,
 * suitable for DB filenames: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
 * As an example, for a database Foo the filename is:
char *timestamp_to_filestring(tstamp_t ts) {
   char buf[64];
   struct timeval tv;
   struct tm tmv;
   int save_daylight;
   long save_timezone;

   timestamp_to_timeval(ts, &tv);
   save_daylight = daylight; daylight = 0;
   save_timezone = timezone; timezone = 0;
   (void) gmtime_r(&tv.tv_sec, &tmv);
   daylight = save_daylight;
   timezone = save_timezone;
   sprintf(buf, "%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d", tmv.tm_year+1900, tmv.tm_mon+1,
           tmv.tm_mday, tmv.tm_hour, tmv.tm_min, tmv.tm_sec);
   return str_dupl(buf);