コード例 #1
ファイル: shooting_method.cpp プロジェクト: rtkg/acado
returnValue ShootingMethod::differentiateBackward( const int    &idx ,
                                                   const Matrix &seed,
                                                         Matrix &Gx  ,
                                                         Matrix &Gp  ,
                                                         Matrix &Gu  ,
                                                         Matrix &Gw    ){

    uint run1;

    Gx.init( seed.getNumRows(), nx );
    Gp.init( seed.getNumRows(), np );
    Gu.init( seed.getNumRows(), nu );
    Gw.init( seed.getNumRows(), nw );

    for( run1 = 0; run1 < seed.getNumRows(); run1++ ){

         Vector tmp = seed.getRow( run1 );
         Vector tmpX( nx );
         Vector tmpP( np );
         Vector tmpU( nu );
         Vector tmpW( nw );

         ACADO_TRY( integrator[idx]->setBackwardSeed( 1, tmp )                              );
         ACADO_TRY( integrator[idx]->integrateSensitivities( )                              );
         ACADO_TRY( integrator[idx]->getBackwardSensitivities( tmpX, tmpP, tmpU, tmpW , 1 ) );

         Gx.setRow( run1, tmpX );
         Gp.setRow( run1, tmpP );
         Gu.setRow( run1, tmpU );
         Gw.setRow( run1, tmpW );

コード例 #2
ファイル: BernoulliRBM.cpp プロジェクト: BryanBo-Cao/grt
bool BernoulliRBM::train_(MatrixFloat &data){
    const UINT numTrainingSamples = data.getNumRows();
    numInputDimensions = data.getNumCols();
    numOutputDimensions = numHiddenUnits;
    numVisibleUnits = numInputDimensions;
    trainingLog << "NumInputDimensions: " << numInputDimensions << std::endl;
    trainingLog << "NumOutputDimensions: " << numOutputDimensions << std::endl;
    if( randomizeWeightsForTraining ){
        //Init the weights matrix
        weightsMatrix.resize(numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits);
        Float a = 1.0 / numVisibleUnits;
        for(UINT i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++) {
            for(UINT j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++) {
                weightsMatrix[i][j] = rand.getRandomNumberUniform(-a, a);

        //Init the bias units
        visibleLayerBias.resize( numVisibleUnits );
        hiddenLayerBias.resize( numHiddenUnits );
        if( weightsMatrix.getNumRows() != numHiddenUnits ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Weights matrix row size does not match the number of hidden units!" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( weightsMatrix.getNumCols() != numVisibleUnits ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Weights matrix row size does not match the number of visible units!" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( visibleLayerBias.size() != numVisibleUnits ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Visible layer bias size does not match the number of visible units!" << std::endl;
            return false;
        if( hiddenLayerBias.size() != numHiddenUnits ){
            errorLog << "train_(MatrixFloat &data) - Hidden layer bias size does not match the number of hidden units!" << std::endl;
            return false;
    //Flag the model has been trained encase the user wants to save the model during a training iteration using an observer
    trained = true;
    //Make sure the data is scaled between [0 1]
    ranges = data.getRanges();
    if( useScaling ){
        for(UINT i=0; i<numTrainingSamples; i++){
            for(UINT j=0; j<numInputDimensions; j++){
                data[i][j] = grt_scale(data[i][j], ranges[j].minValue, ranges[j].maxValue, 0.0, 1.0);

    const UINT numBatches = static_cast<UINT>( ceil( Float(numTrainingSamples)/batchSize ) );
    //Setup the batch indexs
    Vector< BatchIndexs > batchIndexs( numBatches );
    UINT startIndex = 0;
    for(UINT i=0; i<numBatches; i++){
        batchIndexs[i].startIndex = startIndex;
        batchIndexs[i].endIndex = startIndex + batchSize;
        //Make sure the last batch end index is not larger than the number of training examples
        if( batchIndexs[i].endIndex >= numTrainingSamples ){
            batchIndexs[i].endIndex = numTrainingSamples;
        //Get the batch size
        batchIndexs[i].batchSize = batchIndexs[i].endIndex - batchIndexs[i].startIndex;
        //Set the start index for the next batch
        startIndex = batchIndexs[i].endIndex;
    Timer timer;
    UINT i,j,n,epoch,noChangeCounter = 0;
    Float startTime = 0;
    Float alpha = learningRate;
    Float error = 0;
    Float err = 0;
    Float delta = 0;
    Float lastError = 0;
    Vector< UINT > indexList(numTrainingSamples);
    TrainingResult trainingResult;
    MatrixFloat wT( numVisibleUnits, numHiddenUnits );       //Stores a transposed copy of the weights vector
    MatrixFloat vW( numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits );       //Stores the weight velocity updates
    MatrixFloat tmpW( numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits );     //Stores the weight values that will be used to update the main weights matrix at each batch update
    MatrixFloat v1( batchSize, numVisibleUnits );            //Stores the real batch data during a batch update
    MatrixFloat v2( batchSize, numVisibleUnits );            //Stores the sampled batch data during a batch update
    MatrixFloat h1( batchSize, numHiddenUnits );             //Stores the hidden states given v1 and the current weightsMatrix
    MatrixFloat h2( batchSize, numHiddenUnits );             //Stores the sampled hidden states given v2 and the current weightsMatrix
    MatrixFloat c1( numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits );       //Stores h1' * v1
    MatrixFloat c2( numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits );       //Stores h2' * v2
    MatrixFloat vDiff( batchSize, numVisibleUnits );         //Stores the difference between v1-v2
    MatrixFloat hDiff( batchSize, numVisibleUnits );         //Stores the difference between h1-h2
    MatrixFloat cDiff( numHiddenUnits, numVisibleUnits );    //Stores the difference between c1-c2
    VectorFloat vDiffSum( numVisibleUnits );                 //Stores the column sum of vDiff
    VectorFloat hDiffSum( numHiddenUnits );                  //Stores the column sum of hDiff
    VectorFloat visibleLayerBiasVelocity( numVisibleUnits ); //Stores the velocity update of the visibleLayerBias
    VectorFloat hiddenLayerBiasVelocity( numHiddenUnits );   //Stores the velocity update of the hiddenLayerBias
    //Set all the velocity weights to zero
    vW.setAllValues( 0 );
    //Randomize the order that the training samples will be used in
    for(UINT i=0; i<numTrainingSamples; i++) indexList[i] = i;
    if( randomiseTrainingOrder ){
        std::random_shuffle(indexList.begin(), indexList.end());
    //Start the main training loop
    for(epoch=0; epoch<maxNumEpochs; epoch++) {
        startTime = timer.getMilliSeconds();
        error = 0;
        //Randomize the batch order
        //Run each of the batch updates
        for(UINT k=0; k<numBatches; k+=batchStepSize){
            //Resize the data matrices, the matrices will only be resized if the rows cols are different
            v1.resize( batchIndexs[k].batchSize, numVisibleUnits );
            h1.resize( batchIndexs[k].batchSize, numHiddenUnits );
            v2.resize( batchIndexs[k].batchSize, numVisibleUnits );
            h2.resize( batchIndexs[k].batchSize, numHiddenUnits );
            //Setup the data pointers, using data pointers saves a few ms on large matrix updates
            Float **w_p = weightsMatrix.getDataPointer();
            Float **wT_p = wT.getDataPointer();
            Float **vW_p = vW.getDataPointer();
            Float **data_p = data.getDataPointer();
            Float **v1_p = v1.getDataPointer();
            Float **v2_p = v2.getDataPointer();
            Float **h1_p = h1.getDataPointer();
            Float **h2_p = h2.getDataPointer();
            Float *vlb_p = &visibleLayerBias[0];
            Float *hlb_p = &hiddenLayerBias[0];
            //Get the batch data
            UINT index = 0;
            for(i=batchIndexs[k].startIndex; i<batchIndexs[k].endIndex; i++){
                for(j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++){
                    v1_p[index][j] = data_p[ indexList[i] ][j];
            //Copy a transposed version of the weights matrix, this is used to compute h1 and h2
            for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++)
                for(j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++)
                    wT_p[j][i] = w_p[i][j];
            //Compute h1
            h1.multiple(v1, wT);
            for(n=0; n<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; n++){
                for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++){
                    h1_p[n][i] = sigmoidRandom( h1_p[n][i] + hlb_p[i] );
            //Compute v2
            v2.multiple(h1, weightsMatrix);
            for(n=0; n<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; n++){
                for(i=0; i<numVisibleUnits; i++){
                    v2_p[n][i] = sigmoidRandom( v2_p[n][i] + vlb_p[i] );
            //Compute h2
            for(n=0; n<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; n++){
                for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++){
                    h2_p[n][i] = grt_sigmoid( h2_p[n][i] + hlb_p[i] );
            //Compute c1, c2 and the difference between v1-v2
            vDiff.subtract(v1, v2);
            //Compute the sum of vdiff
            for(j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++){
                vDiffSum[j] = 0;
                for(i=0; i<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; i++){
                    vDiffSum[j] += vDiff[i][j];
            //Compute the difference between h1 and h2
            hDiff.subtract(h1, h2);
            for(j=0; j<numHiddenUnits; j++){
                hDiffSum[j] = 0;
                for(i=0; i<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; i++){
                    hDiffSum[j] += hDiff[i][j];
            //Compute the difference between c1 and c2
            //Update the weight velocities
            for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++){
                for(j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++){
                    vW_p[i][j] = ((momentum * vW_p[i][j]) + (alpha * cDiff[i][j])) / batchIndexs[k].batchSize;
            for(i=0; i<numVisibleUnits; i++){
                visibleLayerBiasVelocity[i] = ((momentum * visibleLayerBiasVelocity[i]) + (alpha * vDiffSum[i])) / batchIndexs[k].batchSize;
            for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++){
                hiddenLayerBiasVelocity[i] = ((momentum * hiddenLayerBiasVelocity[i]) + (alpha * hDiffSum[i])) / batchIndexs[k].batchSize;
            //Update the weights
            weightsMatrix.add( vW );
            //Update the bias for the visible layer
            for(i=0; i<numVisibleUnits; i++){
                visibleLayerBias[i] += visibleLayerBiasVelocity[i];
            //Update the bias for the visible layer
            for(i=0; i<numHiddenUnits; i++){
                hiddenLayerBias[i] += hiddenLayerBiasVelocity[i];
            //Compute the reconstruction error
            err = 0;
            for(i=0; i<batchIndexs[k].batchSize; i++){
                for(j=0; j<numVisibleUnits; j++){
                    err += SQR( v1[i][j] - v2[i][j] );
            error += err / batchIndexs[k].batchSize;
        error /= numBatches;
        delta = lastError - error;
        lastError = error;
        trainingLog << "Epoch: " << epoch+1 << "/" << maxNumEpochs;
        trainingLog << " Epoch time: " << (timer.getMilliSeconds()-startTime)/1000.0 << " seconds";
        trainingLog << " Learning rate: " << alpha;
        trainingLog << " Momentum: " << momentum;
        trainingLog << " Average reconstruction error: " << error;
        trainingLog << " Delta: " << delta << std::endl;
        //Update the learning rate
        alpha *= learningRateUpdate;
        trainingResult.setClassificationResult(epoch, error, this);
        trainingResultsObserverManager.notifyObservers( trainingResult );
        //Check for convergance
        if( fabs(delta) < minChange ){
            if( ++noChangeCounter >= minNumEpochs ){
                trainingLog << "Stopping training. MinChange limit reached!" << std::endl;
        }else noChangeCounter = 0;
    trainingLog << "Training complete after " << epoch << " epochs. Total training time: " << timer.getMilliSeconds()/1000.0 << " seconds" << std::endl;
    trained = true;
    return true;