std::vector< std::string> split (std::string s) { std::vector< std::string> retsv; int desde; int c = 0; int i = 0; int len = s.size(); while(s[i] == ' ') i++; desde = i; for(; i < len ; i++) { if (s[i] == ' ') { if(s[i+1] == ' ') continue; std::string tmpstr( s.substr(desde, i - desde) ); retsv.insert(retsv.begin() + c++, tmpstr) ; desde = i + 1; } } // i == len - 1 std::string tmpstr( s.substr(desde, ++i - desde ) ); retsv.insert(retsv.begin() + c, tmpstr) ; return retsv; }
QStringList KGpgImport::getImportedIds(const QStringList &log, const int reason) { QStringList res; foreach (const QString &str, log) { if (!str.startsWith(QLatin1String("[GNUPG:] IMPORT_OK "))) continue; QString tmpstr(str.mid(19).simplified()); int space = tmpstr.indexOf(QLatin1Char( ' ' )); if (space <= 0) { qDebug() << __LINE__ << "invalid format:" << str; continue; } bool ok; unsigned char code = tmpstr.left(space).toUInt(&ok); if (!ok) { qDebug() << __LINE__ << "invalid format:" << str << space << tmpstr.left(space - 1); continue; } if ((reason == -1) || ((reason == 0) && (code == 0)) || ((reason & code) != 0)) res << tmpstr.mid(space + 1); } return res; }
bool segmentSina::SegmentPos(string & sentence,WPList & result) { char tmp[1024]; int iret = AnalyTextWithLex2(lexicon, sentence.c_str(), sentence.length(), "GBK", wordseg, flags , 0); if( iret < 0 ) { return false; } for (int j = 0; j < wordseg->word_num; j++) { int lenth = uniToBytes(wordseg->uni+wordseg->wordlist[j].wordPos, wordseg->wordlist[j]. wordLen, tmp, 1023, "GBK"); tmp[lenth] =0; string tmpstr(tmp); int posid=wordseg->wordlist[j].postagid; WordPos segpos; segpos.word=tmpstr; segpos.pos=posid; result.push_back(segpos); } return true; }
posfreq qgramGM::mostFrequent(uInt gramLen, const string & s){ posfreq posFreq; assert(gramLen <= s.size()); uInt count, pos; pos = 0; count = 0; substrCmp compclass(s); // map<string,uInt> counts; map<substr, uInt, substrCmp> counts(compclass); // cout << "qgramGM::mostFrequent(" << k << "'" << s << "'" << endl; for(uInt i = 0; i < s.size() - gramLen + 1; i++){ // string tmpstr = s.substr(i, k); substr tmpstr(i, gramLen); // map<string,uInt>::iterator it = counts.find(tmpstr); map<substr, uInt, substrCmp>::iterator it = counts.find(tmpstr); if(it != counts.end()){ (*it).second ++; if((*it).second > count){ count = (*it).second; pos = i; } } else { counts[tmpstr] = 1; if(1 > count){ count = 1; pos = i; } } } posFreq.pos = pos; posFreq.freq = count; return posFreq; }
wxString ReplaceString(const wxString &str, const wxString &oldStr, const wxString &newStr) { int buflen = str.Length() + 100; int len = 0; wxChar *buf = new wxChar[buflen + 1]; const wxChar *ptrIn = str.c_str(); const wxChar *ptrFound = wxStrstr(ptrIn, oldStr); while (ptrFound) { AppendBuf(buf, buflen, len, ptrIn, ptrFound - ptrIn); AppendBuf(buf, buflen, len, newStr.c_str()); ptrIn = ptrFound + oldStr.Length(); ptrFound = wxStrstr(ptrIn, oldStr); } AppendBuf(buf, buflen, len, ptrIn); buf[len] = 0; wxString tmpstr(buf); delete[] buf; return tmpstr; }
bool segmentSina::SegmentIdf(string & sentence,WPList & result) { char tmp[1024]; int iret = AnalyTextWithLex2(lexicon, sentence.c_str(), sentence.length(), "GBK", wordseg, flags , 0); if( iret < 0 ) { return false; } for (int j = 0; j < wordseg->word_num; j++) { int lenth = uniToBytes(wordseg->uni+wordseg->wordlist[j].wordPos, wordseg->wordlist[j].wordLen, tmp, 1023, "GBK"); tmp[lenth] =0; string tmpstr(tmp); int posid=wordseg->wordlist[j].idf; if(posid==0)//some new word has the idf value=0,that is wrong,so give a high value posid=70; WordPos segpos; segpos.word=tmpstr; segpos.pos=posid; result.push_back(segpos); } }
void output(MotifSearch* ms) { string tmpstr(outfile); string outstr(outfile); string lockstr(outfile); tmpstr.append(""); outstr.append(".ms"); lockstr.append(".lock"); ofstream tmp(tmpstr.c_str(), ios::trunc); ms->full_output(tmp); tmp.close(); struct flock fl; int fd; fl.l_type = F_WRLCK; fl.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fl.l_start = 0; fl.l_len = 0; fl.l_pid = getpid(); fd = open(lockstr.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0644); while(fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &fl) == -1) { cerr << "Waiting for lock release on archive file...\n"; sleep(10); } rename(tmpstr.c_str(), outstr.c_str()); cerr << "Archive output completed.\n"; fl.l_type = F_UNLCK; fcntl(fd, F_SETLK, &fl); close(fd); }
bool segmentSina::SegmentOnly(string & sentence,vector<string> & result) { char tmp[1024]; int iret = AnalyTextWithLex2(lexicon, sentence.c_str(), sentence.length(), "GBK", wordseg, flags , 0); if( iret < 0 ) { return false; } // cout<<"word-num="<<wordseg->word_num<<endl; for (int j = 0; j < wordseg->word_num; j++) { int lenth = uniToBytes(wordseg->uni+wordseg->wordlist[j].wordPos, wordseg->wordlist[j].wordLen, tmp, 1023, "GBK"); tmp[lenth] =0; string tmpstr(tmp); result.push_back(tmpstr); } return true; }
QString GBuildMakefileGenerator::writeOne(QString filename, QString pathtoremove) { QString s(""); QString origfilename(filename); s += filename.remove(pathtoremove); if (filename.endsWith(Option::h_ext.first()) && mocable(origfilename)) { QString corename(filename.section(QDir::separator(), -1)); corename.remove(Option::h_ext.first()); corename.append(Option::cpp_ext.first()); corename.prepend(Option::h_moc_mod); s += "\t[MOC/Qt Header]\n"; s += "\t-o "; s += "work/"; s += pathtoremove; s += QDir::separator(); s += corename; s += "\n"; } else if (filename.section(QDir::separator(), -1).startsWith("qrc_")) { QString tmpstr(filename.section("/", -1).section(".", 0, -1).remove("qrc_").remove(".cpp")); s += "\n\t:depends="; s += tmpstr; s += ".qrc"; s += "\n"; } else if (filename.endsWith(Option::cpp_ext.first()) && mocable(origfilename)) { QString tmpstr(filename.section("/", -1)); QString filepath(pathtoremove); if (!project->values("QT_SOURCE_TREE").isEmpty()) { filepath.remove(project->values("QT_SOURCE_TREE").first()); filepath.remove(0, 1); } s += "\n\t:preexecShellSafe='${QT_BUILD_DIR}/bin/moc "; s += "-nn "; s += varGlue("DEFINES", "-D", " -D", " "); s += varGlue("INCLUDEPATH", "-I", " -I", " "); s += filepath; s += filename; s += " -o "; tmpstr.replace(Option::cpp_ext.first(), Option::cpp_moc_ext); s += "work/"; s += pathtoremove; s += QDir::separator(); s += tmpstr; s += "\n"; } else s += "\n"; return s; }
int host_request_update() { char value[MAX_PATH] = ""; char *url = lo_server_get_url(_osc_server); sprintf(value, "%s%s", url, _osc_path); int err = lo_send(_osc_host_addr, tmpstr("%s/update", _osc_path), "s", value); free(url); return err; }
static const char * type_str(ir_unit_t *iu, const ir_type_t *it) { int len = type_print(NULL, iu, it); char *dst = tmpstr(iu, len); const char *ret = dst; int x = type_print(&dst, iu, it); assert(x == len); return ret; }
static const char * type_str_index(ir_unit_t *iu, int id) { int l = type_print_id(NULL, iu, id); char *dst = tmpstr(iu, l); const char *ret = dst; int x = type_print_id(&dst, iu, id); assert(x == l); return ret; }
bool kd::findGood(QString &text, struct GoodsSearch *searchres) { QString tmpstr(""); QString input_substr; QString price; int offset=0; QTreeWidgetItem *sub_item; QTreeWidgetItem *tree_item = items_tree->invisibleRootItem(); if(text.length() == 0) { text = QString(""); return false; } items_tree->collapseAll(); for(int i=0; i < tree_item->childCount(); ++i) { sub_item = tree_item->child(i); input_substr = text.mid(offset); qDebug() << "Offset:" << offset << " = " << input_substr << " comparing to " << sub_item->data(2,0).toString(); if( input_substr.length() >= sub_item->data(2,0).toString().length() && input_substr.startsWith(sub_item->data(2,0).toString()) ) { tmpstr += sub_item->data(0,0).toString() + QString(" / "); price = sub_item->data(1,0).toString(); offset += sub_item->data(2,0).toString().length(); searchres->found_item = sub_item; i = -1; tree_item = sub_item; items_tree->expandItem(sub_item); items_tree->setCurrentItem(sub_item,0,QItemSelectionModel::ClearAndSelect); } } searchres->count = 1; if (offset < item_input->text().length()) { searchres->count = text.mid(offset).toDouble(); } text = tmpstr; if(!price.isEmpty()) { searchres->price = price.toDouble(); searchres->total_price = searchres->price * searchres->count; return true; } else return false; }
int InternalRegisterEffectDefinition(UnityAudioEffectDefinition& definition) { static const char* bandname[] = { "Low", "Mid", "High" }; int numparams = P_NUM; definition.paramdefs = new UnityAudioParameterDefinition[numparams]; RegisterParameter(definition, "MasterGain", "dB", -100.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, P_MasterGain, "Overall gain"); RegisterParameter(definition, "LowFreq", "Hz", 0.01f, 24000.0f, 800.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f, P_LowFreq, "Low/Mid cross-over frequency"); RegisterParameter(definition, "HighFreq", "Hz", 0.01f, 24000.0f, 5000.0f, 1.0f, 3.0f, P_HighFreq, "Mid/High cross-over frequency"); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) RegisterParameter(definition, tmpstr(0, "%sGain", bandname[i]), "dB", -100.0f, 100.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, P_LowGain + i, tmpstr(1, "%s band gain in dB", bandname[i])); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) RegisterParameter(definition, tmpstr(0, "%sAttackTime", bandname[i]), "ms", 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.1f, 1000.0f, 4.0f, P_LowAttack + i, tmpstr(1, "%s band attack time in seconds", bandname[i])); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) RegisterParameter(definition, tmpstr(0, "%sReleaseTime", bandname[i]), "ms", 0.0f, 10.0f, 0.5f, 1000.0f, 4.0f, P_LowRelease + i, tmpstr(1, "%s band release time in seconds", bandname[i])); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) RegisterParameter(definition, tmpstr(0, "%sThreshold", bandname[i]), "dB", -50.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, P_LowThreshold + i, tmpstr(1, "%s band compression level threshold time in dB", bandname[i])); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) RegisterParameter(definition, tmpstr(0, "%sRatio", bandname[i]), "%", 1.0f, 30.0f, 1.0f, 100.0f, 1.0f, P_LowRatio + i, tmpstr(1, "%s band compression ratio time in percent", bandname[i])); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) RegisterParameter(definition, tmpstr(0, "%sKnee", bandname[i]), "dB", 0.0f, 40.0f, 10.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, P_LowKnee + i, tmpstr(1, "%s band compression curve knee range in dB", bandname[i])); RegisterParameter(definition, "FilterOrder", "", 1.0f, (float)MAXORDER, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, P_FilterOrder, "Filter order of cross-over filters"); RegisterParameter(definition, "UseLogScale", "", 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, P_UseLogScale, "Use logarithmic scale for plotting the filter curve frequency response and input/output spectra"); RegisterParameter(definition, "ShowSpectrum", "", 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, P_ShowSpectrum, "Overlay input spectrum (green) and output spectrum (red)"); RegisterParameter(definition, "SpectrumDecay", "dB/s", -50.0f, 0.0f, -10.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, P_SpectrumDecay, "Hold time for overlaid spectra"); return numparams; }
void qgramGM::Frequent(uInt gramLen, const string & s, std::map<substr, uInt, substrCmp> & counts){ assert(gramLen <= s.size()); // cout << "qgramGM::mostFrequent(" << k << "'" << s << "'" << endl; for(uInt i = 0; i < s.size() - gramLen + 1; i++){ substr tmpstr(i, gramLen); map<substr, uInt, substrCmp>::iterator it = counts.find(tmpstr); if(it != counts.end()){ (*it).second ++; } else { counts[tmpstr] = 1; } } }
DWORD MainDlg::RefreshDiskList() { std::vector<PhysicalDisk*> disks; PhysicalDisk::EnumDisks( disks ); HWND hList = GetDlgItem( _hMainDlg, IDC_LIST_DISKS ); ListView_DeleteAllItems( hList ); for (auto& disk : disks) { auto& id_data = disk->id_data(); LVITEMW lvi = { 0 }; int idx = 0; lvi.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvi.pszText = (LPWSTR)disk->path().c_str(); lvi.cchTextMax = (int)disk->path().length() + 1; lvi.lParam = reinterpret_cast<LPARAM>(disk); int pos = ListView_InsertItem( hList, &lvi ); LVITEMA lva = { 0 }; for (idx = sizeof(id_data.ModelNumber) - 3; idx >= 0; idx--) if (id_data.ModelNumber[idx] != ' ') break; std::string tmpstr( (LPSTR)id_data.ModelNumber, (LPSTR)id_data.ModelNumber + idx ); lva.iSubItem = 1; lva.pszText = disk->identified() ? (LPSTR)tmpstr.c_str() : "Unknown"; SendMessage( hList, LVM_SETITEMTEXTA, pos, (LPARAM)&lva ); for (idx = 0; idx < sizeof(id_data.SerialNumber); idx++) if (id_data.SerialNumber[idx] != ' ') break; tmpstr = std::string( (LPSTR)(id_data.SerialNumber + idx), (LPSTR)(id_data.SerialNumber + sizeof(id_data.SerialNumber)) ); lva.iSubItem = 2; lva.pszText = disk->identified() ? (LPSTR)tmpstr.c_str() : "Unknown"; SendMessage( hList, LVM_SETITEMTEXTA, pos, (LPARAM)&lva ); } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc < 5) { g_critical("not enough arguments supplied"); return 1; } gtk_init(&argc, &argv); //char *exe_path = argv[0]; char *host_url = argv[1]; //char *lib_name = argv[2]; char *plug_name = argv[3]; char *identifier = argv[4]; _osc_path = lo_url_get_path(host_url); _osc_host_addr = lo_address_new_from_url(host_url); _osc_server = lo_server_new(NULL, osc_error); lo_server_add_method(_osc_server, tmpstr("/%s/control", _osc_path), "if", osc_control_handler, NULL); lo_server_add_method(_osc_server, tmpstr("/%s/sample-rate", _osc_path), "i", osc_samplerate_handler, NULL); lo_server_add_method(_osc_server, tmpstr("/%s/program", _osc_path), "ii", osc_program_handler, NULL); lo_server_add_method(_osc_server, tmpstr("/%s/show", _osc_path), NULL, osc_show_handler, NULL); lo_server_add_method(_osc_server, tmpstr("/%s/hide", _osc_path), NULL, osc_hide_handler, NULL); lo_server_add_method(_osc_server, tmpstr("/%s/quit", _osc_path), NULL, osc_quit_handler, NULL); lo_server_add_method(_osc_server, NULL, NULL, osc_fallback_handler, NULL); host_request_update(); gdk_input_add(lo_server_get_socket_fd(_osc_server), GDK_INPUT_READ, (GdkInputFunction)lo_server_recv_noblock, _osc_server); _window = GTK_WINDOW(gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL)); gtk_window_set_title(_window, tmpstr("%s - %s", plug_name, identifier)); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(_window), "delete-event", on_window_deleted, NULL); size_t i; for (i=0; i<kAmsynthParameterCount; i++) { gdouble value = 0, lower = 0, upper = 0, step_increment = 0; get_parameter_properties(i, &lower, &upper, &value, &step_increment); _adjustments[i] = (GtkAdjustment *)gtk_adjustment_new(value, lower, upper, step_increment, 0, 0); g_signal_connect(_adjustments[i], "value-changed", (GCallback)&on_adjustment_value_changed, (gpointer)i); } GtkWidget *editor = editor_pane_new(new SynthesizerStub, _adjustments, TRUE); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(_window), editor); gtk_widget_show_all(GTK_WIDGET(editor)); gtk_main(); return 0; }
void kd::onItemClick(QTreeWidgetItem * item, int column) { QString tmpstr(""); QTreeWidgetItem *current_item = item; //QTreeWidgetItem *top_item = items_tree->invisibleRootItem(); while(current_item->parent()) { tmpstr.prepend(current_item->data(2,0).toString()); current_item = current_item->parent(); } tmpstr.prepend(current_item->data(2,0).toString()); item_input->setText(tmpstr); return; }
void Csetparam::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: 在此添加消息处理程序代码和/或调用默认值 CWnd * child = this -> GetWindow(GW_CHILD); RECT standardrect; this -> GetWindowRect(&standardrect); point.x += standardrect.left; point.y +=; while(child){ CString str; child -> GetWindowTextW(str); CStringA tmpstr(str.GetBuffer(0)); string res(tmpstr.GetBuffer(0)); tmpstr.ReleaseBuffer(); str.ReleaseBuffer(); RECT rect; child -> GetWindowRect(&rect); for(int i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i){ if(res[i] >= 'A' && res[i] <= 'Z'){ res[i] = res[i] +'a' - 'A'; } } if(explain.find(res) != explain.end()){ if(point.x >= rect.left && point.x <= rect.right && point.y <= rect.bottom && point.y >={ if(explain_label.use_count() == 0){ explain_label.reset(new CStatic()); explain_label -> Create(L"hello world", WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|SS_CENTER, CRect(50,80,150,150), this); CFont * font = new CFont(); font -> CreateFont(15,0,0,0,700,0,0,0,ANSI_CHARSET,OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY,DEFAULT_PITCH|FF_DONTCARE,L"Courier New"); explain_label -> SetFont(font, false); } explain_label -> SetWindowTextW(string_to_lpsctr(explain[res])); explain_label -> MoveWindow(point.x - standardrect.left, point.y -, 100, 50); explain_label -> ShowWindow(true); CDialogEx::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); return; } } child = child -> GetWindow(GW_HWNDNEXT); } if(explain_label.use_count() > 0){ explain_label -> ShowWindow(false); } CDialogEx::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); }
void XMLParser::Error(const char* errstr) { char strLine[1024]; snprintf(strLine, 1024, " in file: %s line: %d", m_pFileName, (int)XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(m_Parser)); std::string tmpstr(errstr); tmpstr += strLine; tmpstr += "\n"; #ifdef PYTHON_WRAPPER PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SyntaxError, (char*)tmpstr.c_str()); #else Tracer::Error((char*)tmpstr.c_str()); #endif m_bErrorDetectedStopParsing = true; }
LRESULT WaitingUsersFrame::onCopyFilename(WORD /*wNotifyCode*/, WORD /*wID*/, HWND /*hWndCtl*/, BOOL& /*bHandled*/) { HTREEITEM selectedItem = ctrlQueued.GetSelectedItem(), parentItem = ctrlQueued.GetParentItem(selectedItem); if (!selectedItem || !parentItem || selectedItem == parentItem) return 0; TCHAR filenameBuf[256]; ctrlQueued.GetItemText(selectedItem, filenameBuf, 255); *_tcschr(filenameBuf, _T('(')) = NULL; tstring tmpstr(filenameBuf); if(!tmpstr.empty()) { // remove last space tmpstr.erase(tmpstr.length() - 1); WinUtil::setClipboard(tmpstr); } return 0; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------- string SQLQuery::str(const SQLQueryParms &p) const { SQLQuery *const_this = const_cast<SQLQuery *>(this); if (!parsed.empty()) const_this->proc(const_cast<SQLQueryParms&>(p)); *const_this << ends; strstreambuf *tmpbuf = const_this->rdbuf(); uint length = tmpbuf->pcount() + 1; char *s = new char[length]; const_this->get(s, length, '\0'); const_this->seekg (0,ios::beg); const_this->seekp (-1,ios::cur); // FIX: work-around for memory leak; make temporary string, copy s in it, // free s and return the temporary string string tmpstr(s); delete[] s; return tmpstr; }
/*! * Handling of CDATA */ void XMLParser::CharacterHandler(void *userData, const XML_Char *s, int len) { XMLParser* p = (XMLParser*)userData; if (p == NULL) { return; } if (p->m_pstrCData != NULL) { // assign string value p->m_pstrCData->append(s,len); } else if (p->m_pintCData != NULL) { std::string tmpstr(s,len); *(p->m_pintCData) = atoi(tmpstr.c_str()); p->m_pintCData = NULL; } }
int host_configure(const char *key, const char *value) { int err = lo_send(_osc_host_addr, tmpstr("%s/configure", _osc_path), "ss", key, value); return err; }
Document::Document(const std::string& doc) { std::string tmpstr(doc); Util::strip(&tmpstr); Util::split(&_word_vec, tmpstr, ' '); }
int host_set_control(int control, float value) { int err = lo_send(_osc_host_addr, tmpstr("%s/control", _osc_path), "if", control, value); return err; }
bool GBuildMakefileGenerator::write() { QStringList tmp; QString filename(Option::output.fileName()); QString pathtoremove(qmake_getpwd()); QString relpath(pathtoremove); QString strtarget(project->first("TARGET").toQString()); bool isnativebin = nativebins.contains(strtarget); relpath.replace(Option::output_dir, ""); /* correct output for non-prl, non-recursive case */ QString outname(qmake_getpwd()); outname += QDir::separator(); outname += fileInfo(Option::output.fileName()).baseName(); outname += projectSuffix(); Option::output.close(); Option::output.setFileName(outname); MakefileGenerator::openOutput(Option::output, QString()); if (strtarget != fileInfo(project->projectFile()).baseName()) { QString gpjname(strtarget); QString outputName(qmake_getpwd()); outputName += QDir::separator(); outputName += fileInfo(project->projectFile()).baseName(); outputName += projectSuffix(); QFile f(outputName); | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate); QTextStream t(&f); t << "#!gbuild\n"; t << "[Project]\n"; t << gpjname << projectSuffix() << "\n"; if ((project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") && project->isActiveConfig("shared")) t << gpjname << "_shared" << projectSuffix() << "\n"; t.flush(); gpjname += projectSuffix(); Option::output.close(); Option::output.setFileName(gpjname); MakefileGenerator::openOutput(Option::output, QString()); } if ((project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") && (!isnativebin)) { QTextStream t(&Option::output); QString intname(strtarget); intname += ".int"; /* this is for bulding an INTEGRITY application. * generate the .int integrate file and the .gpj INTEGRITY Application * project file, then go on with regular files */ t << "#!gbuild\n"; t << "[INTEGRITY Application]\n"; t << "\t:binDirRelative=.\n"; t << "\t-o " << strtarget << "\n"; t << intname << "\n"; t << strtarget << "_app" << projectSuffix() << "\n"; t.flush(); /* generate integrate file */ QFile f(intname); | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate); QTextStream ti(&f); ti << "# This is a file automatically generated by qmake\n"; ti << "# Modifications will be lost next time you run qmake\n"; ti << "Kernel\n"; ti << "\tFilename\tDynamicDownload\n"; ti << "EndKernel\n\n"; ti << "AddressSpace\n"; ti << "\tName\t" << strtarget << "\n"; ti << "\tFilename\t" << strtarget << "_app\n"; ti << "\tMemoryPoolSize\t0x100000\n"; ti << "\tLanguage\tC++\n"; /* FIXME : heap size is huge to be big enough for every example * it should probably be tailored for each example, btu there is no * good way to guess that */ ti << "\tHeapSize\t0x00D00000\n"; ti << "\tTask\tInitial\n"; ti << "\t\tStackSize\t0x30000\n"; ti << "\tEndTask\n"; ti << "EndAddressSpace\n"; ti.flush(); /* change current project file to <projectname>_app.gpj and continue * generation */ filename.insert(filename.lastIndexOf("."), "_app"); Option::output.close(); Option::output.setFileName(filename); MakefileGenerator::openOutput(Option::output, QString()); } else if ((project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") && project->isActiveConfig("shared")) { QString gpjname(strtarget); gpjname += "_shared"; gpjname += projectSuffix(); QFile f(gpjname); | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate); QTextStream t(&f); t << "#!gbuild\n" "[Program]\n" "\t-A\n" "\t-A\n" "\t-A\n" "\t-A\n" "\t-e __ghsbegin_text\n" "\t-startfile=-\n" "\t:syslibraries=-\n" "\t-Onolink\n"; t << "\t-o lib" << strtarget << ".so\n"; t << "\t-l" << strtarget << "\n"; t << "\t-extractall=-l" << strtarget << "\n"; t << "\t:outputDir=work/" << filename.section(QDir::separator(), 0, -1).remove(".gpj") << "\n"; t << strtarget << "_shared.ld\n"; t << "$(__OS_DIR)/intlib/sharedobjbssinit.c\n"; t.flush(); QFile fl(strtarget + "_shared.ld"); | QIODevice::Text | QIODevice::Truncate); QTextStream tl(&fl); tl << "CONSTANTS {\n" " __INTEGRITY_MinPageAlign = 16K\n" " __INTEGRITY_MaxPageAlign = 16K\n" " __INTEGRITY_LibCBaseAddress = \n"; tl << dllbase << "\n"; tl << "}\n" "-sec\n" "{\n" " .picbase __INTEGRITY_LibCBaseAddress :\n" " .text :\n" " .syscall :\n" " .intercall :\n" " .interfunc :\n" " .secinfo :\n" " .rodata align(16) :\n" " .fixaddr :\n" " .fixtype :\n" " .rombeg :\n" " .textchecksum :\n" " // The above sections may be large. Leave a bigger gap for large pages.\n" " .pidbase align(__INTEGRITY_MaxPageAlign) :\n" " .sdabase :\n" " .data :\n" " .toc :\n" " .opd :\n" " .datachecksum :\n" " .bss align(__INTEGRITY_MinPageAlign) :\n" " .heap :\n" "}\n"; tl.flush(); dllbase += DLLOFFSET; } QTextStream t(&Option::output); QString primaryTarget(project->values("QMAKE_CXX").at(0).toQString()); pathtoremove += QDir::separator(); filename.remove(qmake_getpwd()); //HEADER t << "#!gbuild\n"; /* find the architecture out of the compiler name */ if (filename.endsWith("projects.gpj")) { primaryTarget.remove(0, 5); t << "macro QT_BUILD_DIR=%expand_path(.)\n"; t << "macro __OS_DIR=" << project->values("INTEGRITY_DIR").first() << "\n"; t << "primaryTarget=" << primaryTarget << "_integrity.tgt\n"; t << "customization=util/integrity/qt.bod\n"; } /* project type */ if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") { t << "[Program]\n"; if (isnativebin) { t << "\t:binDir=bin\n"; t << "\t-o " << strtarget << "\n"; } else { t << "\t:binDirRelative=.\n"; t << "\t-o " << strtarget << "_app\n"; } } else if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "lib") { t << "[Library]\n"; t << "\t:binDir=lib\n"; t << "\t-o lib" << strtarget << ".a\n"; } else if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "subdirs") t << "[Project]\n"; else t << project->first("TEMPLATE") << "\n"; /* compilations options */ t << "\t:sourceDir=.\n"; t << "\t:outputDir=work" << relpath << "\n"; if (filename.endsWith("projects.gpj")) { t << "\t:sourceDir=work\n"; t << "\t-Iwork\n"; t << "\t-Llib\n"; t << "\t"; const ProStringList &l = project->values("QMAKE_CXXFLAGS"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).startsWith("-")) t << "\n\t" << (*it); else t << " " << (*it); } t << "\n"; } t << "\n"; t << varGlue("DEFINES", "\t-D", "\n\t-D", "\n"); t << "\t-I.\n\t-I" << specdir() << "\n"; t << varGlue("INCLUDEPATH", "\t-I", "\n\t-I", "\n"); t << "\t--cxx_include_directory .\n\t--cxx_include_directory " << specdir() << "\n"; t << varGlue("INCLUDEPATH", "\t--cxx_include_directory ", "\n\t--cxx_include_directory ", "\n"); if (project->first("TEMPLATE") == "app") { /* include linker flags if it's an application */ static const char * const src[] = { "QMAKE_LFLAGS", "QMAKE_LIBS", "LIBS", 0 }; for (int i = 0; src[i]; i++) { /* skip target libraries for native tools */ if (isnativebin && (i == 0)) continue; t << "\t"; const ProStringList &l = project->values(src[i]); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).startsWith("-")) t << "\n\t" << (*it); else t << " " << (*it); } t << "\n"; } } /* first subdirectories/subprojects */ { const ProStringList &l = project->values("SUBDIRS"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { QString gpjname((*it).toQString()); /* avoid native tools */ if (nativebins.contains(gpjname.section("_", -1))) continue; const ProKey skey(*it + ".subdir"); if (!project->first(skey).isEmpty()) gpjname = project->first(skey).toQString(); else gpjname.replace("_", QDir::separator()); gpjname += QDir::separator() + gpjname.section(QDir::separator(), -1); gpjname += projectSuffix(); /* make relative */ if (!project->values("QT_SOURCE_TREE").isEmpty()) { gpjname.replace(project->values("QT_SOURCE_TREE").first() + QDir::separator(), ""); } t << gpjname << "\n"; } } { const ProStringList &l = project->values("RESOURCES"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { QString tmpstr((*it).toQString()); tmpstr.remove(pathtoremove); t << tmpstr << "\t[Qt Resource]\n"; tmpstr = tmpstr.section(".", -2, -1).section(QDir::separator(), -1); tmpstr.remove(".qrc"); t << "\t-name " << tmpstr << "\n"; tmpstr.insert(tmpstr.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator()) + 1, "qrc_"); tmpstr.append(".cpp"); t << "\t-o work/" << tmpstr << "\n"; } } { const ProStringList &l = project->values("FORMS"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { QString tmpstr((*it).toQString()); tmpstr.remove(pathtoremove); t << tmpstr << "\t[Qt Dialog]\n"; tmpstr = tmpstr.section(".", 0, 0).section(QDir::separator(), -1); tmpstr.insert(tmpstr.lastIndexOf(QDir::separator()) + 1, "ui_"); tmpstr.remove(".ui"); tmpstr.append(".h"); t << "\t-o work/" << tmpstr << "\n"; } } /* source files for this project */ static const char * const src[] = { "HEADERS", "SOURCES", 0 }; for (int i = 0; src[i]; i++) { const ProStringList &l = project->values(src[i]); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { if ((*it).isEmpty()) continue; /* native tools aren't preprocessed */ if (!isnativebin) t << writeOne((*it).toQString(), pathtoremove); else t << (*it).toQString().remove(pathtoremove) << "\n"; } } t << "\n"; { const ProStringList &l = project->values("GENERATED_SOURCES"); for (ProStringList::ConstIterator it = l.begin(); it != l.end(); ++it) { t << "work/" << (*it).toQString().section(QDir::separator(), -1) << "\n"; } } return true; }
int host_gui_exiting() { int err = lo_send(_osc_host_addr, tmpstr("%s/exiting", _osc_path), ""); return err; }
vector<string> generateParenthesis(int n) { vector<string> res; if(n<01) return res; res.push_back("()"); for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) { //left parenthesis set<string> tmp; for(const auto& str: res){ for(int j = 0; j < str.length(); ++j){ if(j == 0 || str[j-1] != '('){ string tmpstr(str); tmpstr.insert(j, 1, '('); tmp.insert(move(tmpstr)); } } string tmpstr(str); if(tmpstr.back() != '(') tmpstr.push_back('('); tmp.insert(move(tmpstr)); } //right parenthensis set<string> tmp2; for(const auto& str: tmp) { int left = 0; int right = 0; for (int j = 0; j < str.length(); ++j) { if (j>0 && left > right && str[j - 1] == '(') { int k = j; int kleft = left; int kright = right; bool binsert = true; for (int k = j; k < str.length() ; ++k){ if(str[k] == '(') ++kleft; else{ ++kright; if(kleft <= kright) binsert = false; } } if(binsert ){ string tmpstr(str); tmpstr.insert(j, 1, ')'); #ifdef DEBUG cout << j << ":" << str << "-->" << tmpstr << "\n"; #endif tmp2.insert(move(tmpstr)); } } if(str[j] == '(') ++left; else if(str[j] == ')') ++right; } } res.assign(tmp2.begin(), tmp2.end()); } return res; }
void XMLParser::Error(const char* errstr, const char* param1) { std::string tmpstr(errstr); tmpstr += param1; Error(tmpstr.c_str()); }