コード例 #1
ファイル: SliderView.cpp プロジェクト: spiricn/Wt
void SliderView::onMouseDrag(const MouseMotionEvent* evt){
	glm::vec2 pos = toLocalCoords(evt->mX, evt->mY);

	if(mMode == eMODE_HORIZONTAL){
		setValue( (pos.x/getSize().x)*100.0f );
		setValue( (pos.y/getSize().y)*100.0f );
	SliderValueChangedEvent* e = new SliderValueChangedEvent;
	e->value = mValue;
	e->view = this;
コード例 #2
glm::vec3 Integrator::EstimateDirectLighting(const Intersection &isx, unsigned int &samples_taken) {

    if (isx.object_hit == NULL) {
        return glm::vec3(0.0f);

    //CALCULATE LIGHT MIS (first half of total direct lighting LTE)
    glm::vec3 LD_light_sampling = glm::vec3(0.0f);

    if (isx.object_hit == NULL) {
        return glm::vec3(0.0f);
    //pick random light source to trace ray to
    int random = floor(rand()%this->scene->lights.count());

    float scale=RAND_MAX+1.;
    float base=rand()/scale;
    float fine=rand()/scale;
    float rand1 = base+fine/scale;
    base = rand()/scale;
    fine = rand()/scale;
    float rand2 = base+fine/scale;

    Intersection lightSample = this->scene->lights[random]->SamplePoint(rand1,rand2,isx);
    int bxdf_idx;
    float bxdf_pdf;

    glm::vec3 wi = glm::normalize(lightSample.point - isx.point); //incoming ray of light (towards light, originating from isx.point)
    //check if there are obstructions
    Ray light_feeler = Ray(isx.point, glm::normalize(wi));

    //if the object hit is the light source, return light's energy calc
    if (isx.object_hit->material->is_light_source) {
        glm::vec3 rad_emit = isx.object_hit->material->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(isx, -wi, -wi, bxdf_idx,BSDF_ALL);
        return rad_emit;

    glm::vec3 wo = glm::normalize(this->scene->camera.eye - isx.point);

    glm::vec3 Li = lightSample.object_hit->material->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(lightSample,-wi,-wi,bxdf_idx,BSDF_ALL); //light radiance
    glm::vec3 bxdf = isx.object_hit->material->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(isx,toLocalCoords(isx,wo),toLocalCoords(isx,wi),bxdf_idx, BSDF_ALL);

    //following fxn SETS the bxdf pdf only - dont use value
    isx.object_hit->material->SampleAndEvaluateScatteredEnergy(isx, toLocalCoords(isx,wo), wi, bxdf_pdf ,BSDF_ALL);

    //flip the direction of light_feeler ray used to calculate the pdf of light
    Ray pdfLightRay = Ray(isx.point, glm::normalize(lightSample.point-isx.point));

    //ray leaving Geometry (leaving light)
    //isx is on light
    float light_pdf = lightSample.object_hit->RayPDF(lightSample, pdfLightRay);
    //find power heuristic
    float light_pwr_heuristic = glm::pow(light_pdf, 2.0f)/ (glm::pow(light_pdf, 2.0f) + glm::pow(bxdf_pdf,2.0f));

    //test for shadows
    Intersection obstruction;
    for (int i = 0; i < this->scene->objects.size(); i++) {
        Intersection temp = this->scene->objects[i]->GetIntersection(light_feeler);
        if ((temp.t < obstruction.t && temp.t > 0) || (temp.t > 0 && obstruction.t < 0)) {
            obstruction = temp;
    //if this light feeler hits a different object, return black color
    if (obstruction.object_hit != lightSample.object_hit) {
        Li = glm::vec3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
    } else {
        int bxdf_idx_dummy; //not to be used
        Li = lightSample.object_hit->material->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(lightSample,-wo,-wo,bxdf_idx_dummy,BSDF_ALL);

    if (light_pdf > 0.0001f) {
        float absdot = glm::abs(glm::dot(wi, isx.normal));
        LD_light_sampling = 1.2f*bxdf * Li * 1.2f*absdot/light_pdf;
        return LD_light_sampling;
    } else if (light_pwr_heuristic > 0.0001f) {
        float temp = glm::abs(glm::dot(wo, isx.normal));
        LD_light_sampling = bxdf * Li * glm::abs(glm::dot(wo, isx.normal)) * light_pwr_heuristic /light_pdf;
    } else {
        LD_light_sampling = glm::vec3(0.0f);

    //CALCULATE BRDF MIS (second half of direct lighting LTE)
    glm::vec3 LD_brdf_sampling;
    bxdf = isx.object_hit->material->SampleAndEvaluateScatteredEnergy(isx, toLocalCoords(isx,wo), wi, bxdf_pdf ,BSDF_ALL);
    wo = toWorldCoords(isx,wo);

    //check if the wi found (towards light) intersects a light source
    Intersection brdf_sampled_light;
    for (int i = 0; i < this->scene->objects.size(); i++) {
        Intersection temp = this->scene->objects[i]->GetIntersection(light_feeler);
        if ((temp.t < obstruction.t && temp.t > 0) || (temp.t > 0 && obstruction.t < 0)) {
            brdf_sampled_light = temp;
    // if sampled wi does not intersect light source (i.e. there is obstruction or never reaches light)
    // this is black
    if (brdf_sampled_light.object_hit == NULL || !brdf_sampled_light.object_hit->material->is_light_source) {
        LD_brdf_sampling = glm::vec3(0.0f);
    } else {
        wi = glm::normalize(brdf_sampled_light.point - isx.point);
        Li = brdf_sampled_light.object_hit->material->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(

        float bxdf_pwr_heuristic = glm::pow(bxdf_pdf, 2)/ (glm::pow(light_pdf, 2) + glm::pow(bxdf_pdf,2));

        LD_brdf_sampling = bxdf*Li*glm::abs(glm::dot(isx.normal,wi))*bxdf_pwr_heuristic/bxdf_pdf;

    return LD_light_sampling + LD_brdf_sampling;
コード例 #3
glm::vec3 Integrator::EstimateIndirectLighting(const Intersection &isx, unsigned int &samples_taken) {
    // specular reflective - will not be seen by direct lighting because there is 0 probability that the sampled ray
    // (i.e. the reflection ray) will see the randomly sampled point on the light

    int bxdf_idx;
    float throughput = 1.0f;
    int depth = 0;
    glm::vec3 ID_lighting;
    glm::vec3 sampled_wi;
    glm::vec3 woW = glm::normalize(this->scene->camera.eye - isx.point);

    if (isx.object_hit == NULL) {
        return glm::vec3(0.0f);
    if (isx.object_hit->material->is_light_source) {
        return glm::vec3(0.0f); //light emitted is calculated in EstimateDirectLighting()!

    //sample wi and see if it sees a light
    bool seesLight = false;
    float pdf_ret;

    //transform the wo and wi to local space before sending to evaluateEnergy functions
    isx.object_hit->material->SampleAndEvaluateScatteredEnergy(isx,toLocalCoords(isx,woW),sampled_wi, pdf_ret,BSDF_ALL);
    sampled_wi = toWorldCoords(isx, sampled_wi);

    for (int i = 0; i < this->scene->lights.size(); i++) {
        Intersection light_isx = this->scene->lights[i]->GetIntersection(Ray(isx.point, sampled_wi));
        if (light_isx.object_hit != NULL) {
            seesLight = true;
    if (seesLight && depth == 0) {
        return glm::vec3(0.0f);

    //light estimation loop
    //during iteration, keep track of all comps of LTE except for the Li (light) (energy is multiplicative)
    //this calculates all the things that are touched/light carried throughout scene
    //at end of iterations, if hits light, Li = light.ESE (just multiply into the rest of LTE eq that was kept track of)
    // if hits nothing, Li = 0, ends in darkness
    glm::vec3 color = glm::vec3(1.0f);
    Intersection next_hit;
    next_hit.point = this->scene->camera.eye;

    while (true) {
        if (depth >= max_depth) {

        for(int i = 0; i < this->scene->objects.size(); i++) {
            Ray test_intersection = Ray(isx.point, glm::normalize(sampled_wi));
            Intersection temp = this->scene->objects[i]->GetIntersection(test_intersection);
            if ((temp.t < next_hit.t && next_hit.t > 0) || (temp.t > 0 && next_hit.t < 0)) {
                next_hit = temp;
        if (next_hit.object_hit == NULL) { //if doesn't hit any object, return black
            color = glm::vec3(0.0f);
        }else if (next_hit.object_hit->material->is_light_source)  { //if nextobject hit is light, return light's ese
            color = color*next_hit.object_hit->material->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(next_hit,woW, sampled_wi, bxdf_idx, BSDF_ALL);

        //LTE - calculate the equation
        //calculate the brdf()*|dot| component of the LTE (light transport equation)
        glm::vec3 bxdf = next_hit.object_hit->material->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(next_hit, toLocalCoords(next_hit, woW),toLocalCoords(next_hit, sampled_wi), bxdf_idx, BSDF_ALL);

        //        float maxRGB = glm::max(rgb_comp[2],glm::max(rgb_comp[0], rbg_comp[1])); //find max comp of this vector

        //Russian Roulette
        if (depth > 2) {
            float comparator = generate_random(); //get uniform rand number
            if (comparator > throughput) {
                break; //if rand number > throughput, stop ray.

        //if this iteration NOT filtered with Russian Roulette, then continue to find the indirect lighting
        //evaluate ESE at this point now
        glm::vec3 sampled_wiW;
        color = color*next_hit.object_hit->material->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(next_hit,toLocalCoords(next_hit,woW), toLocalCoords(next_hit, sampled_wiW),bxdf_idx, BSDF_ALL);

        sampled_wi = toWorldCoords(next_hit, sampled_wi); //redefine sampled wi to be used in next iteration

    ID_lighting = color;
    return ID_lighting;
