コード例 #1
ファイル: wiimoteServer.cpp プロジェクト: AeroCano/JdeRobot
        virtual Ice::Int activateLed(Ice::Int led, const Ice::Current&) {
                case 1:
                    toggle_bit(api->led_state, CWIID_LED1_ON);
                    set_led_state(wiimote, api->led_state);                    
                case 2:
                    toggle_bit(api->led_state, CWIID_LED2_ON);
                    set_led_state(wiimote, api->led_state);                    
                case 3:
                    toggle_bit(api->led_state, CWIID_LED3_ON);
                    set_led_state(wiimote, api->led_state);                    
                case 4:
                    toggle_bit(api->led_state, CWIID_LED4_ON);
                    set_led_state(wiimote, api->led_state);                    

            return 1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: Ardillo/32U4_Breakout_Board
int main(void)
    // The following line sets bit 5 HIGH in register DDRD
    set_bit(DDRD,5); // Pin PD5 is now configured as an OUTPUT
    set_bit(DDRD,6); // Pin PD6 is now configured as an OUTPUT

    // The following line sets bit 0 LOW in register DDRF
    clear_bit(DDRF,0); // Pin PF0 is now configured as an INPUT
    set_bit(PORTF,0); // Turn on internal pullups for PF0

        // PINF is the register you have to read to check if a particular
        // pin on port F (PFx) is HIGH or LOW
            // If PF0 is HIGH, toggle pin PD5's output status
            // If PF0 is LOW, toggle pin PD6's output status

        _delay_ms(1000); // Delay 1 second before checking PF0 again


    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: wmdump.c プロジェクト: LGHTSRC/wii_gestures
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote;	/* wiimote handle */
  //struct cwiid_state state;	/* wiimote state */
  bdaddr_t bdaddr;	/* bluetooth device address */
  //unsigned char mesg = 0;
  //unsigned char led_state = 0;
  unsigned char rpt_mode = 0;
  //unsigned char rumble = 0;

  /* Make stdout unbuffered, which is useful for piping the output of
   * this program into a timestamping utility, such as tai64n(1) */
  setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);


  /* Connect to address given on command-line, if present */
  if (argc > 1) {
    str2ba(argv[1], &bdaddr);
  else {
    bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY;

  printf("Put Wiimote in discoverable mode now (press 1+2)...\n");
  if (!(wiimote = cwiid_open(&bdaddr, 0))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to connect to wiimote\n");
  if (cwiid_set_mesg_callback(wiimote, cwiid_callback)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set message callback\n");

  toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_ACC);
  toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_BTN);
  set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode);

  if (cwiid_enable(wiimote, CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set message flag\n");

  while(1) {
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: geomatsi/Pandaboard-FreeRTOS
int main()
	volatile int i;

	trace_append("%s: setup FreeRTOS...\n", __func__);

	MboxQueue = xQueueCreate( 32, sizeof( unsigned int* ) );
	xSemaphoreTake(InitDoneSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY);


	xTaskCreate(LedFlash, "led", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2, NULL);

	xTaskCreate(IpcTask, "ipc", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL);
	xTaskCreate(RdaemonTask, "rdaemon", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 1, NULL);

	trace_append("%s: start FreeRTOS...\n", __func__);


	/* Just sit and flash the LED quickly if we fail */

	while( 1 ) {
		for( i = 0; i < 50000; i++ );
        toggle_bit(GPIO_DATAOUT, 25);
コード例 #5
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: keshavdv/iclicker
** OnMaster :                                                     **
** In  : -                                                        **
** Out : -                                                        **
void OnMaster(void){
    _U8 ReturnCode = -1;
        // Test if a PING needs to be sent
        // Copy the PING string to the buffer used to send the frame
        strcpy(RFbuffer, "PING");
        // Sends the frame to the RF chip
        SendRfFrame(RFbuffer, strlen(RFbuffer), &ReturnCode);
        // Indicates that we want to wait for an answer
        SendNextPacket = false;
        // Receives the frame from the RF chip
        ReceiveRfFrame(RFbuffer, (_U8*)&RFbufferSize, &ReturnCode);
        // Tests if there is a TimeOut or if we have received a frame
        if(ReturnCode == OK){
                // Sets the last byte of received buffer to 0. Needed by strcmp function
            RFbuffer[RFbufferSize] = '\0';
            // Tests if the received buffer size is greater than 0
            if(RFbufferSize > 0){
                // Tests if the received buffer value is PONG
                if(strcmp(RFbuffer, "PONG") == 0){
                        // Indicates on a LED that the received frame is a PONG
                    toggle_bit(RegPBOut, 0x01);
            // Indicates that we can send the next PING frame
            SendNextPacket = true;
        else if(ReturnCode == RX_TIMEOUT){
                // Indicates that we can send the next PING frame
            SendNextPacket = true;
コード例 #6
 * Toggles the given pin output.
 * @param pl Port descriptor for pin.
 * @param pinNum Pin number for pin.
void togglePinOutput(portLetter pl, int pinNum)
    switch (pl)
        case A:
            toggle_bit(PORTA, pinNum);
        case B:
            toggle_bit(PORTB, pinNum);
        case C:
            toggle_bit(PORTC, pinNum);
        case D:
            toggle_bit(PORTD, pinNum);
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: geomatsi/Pandaboard-FreeRTOS
static void LedFlash(void *Parameters)
	portTickType LastWake;

	LastWake = xTaskGetTickCount();

	while(1) {
        toggle_bit(GPIO_DATAOUT, 25);
		vTaskDelayUntil(&LastWake, 500);
// Creadora del device
TPFC_device_wiimote::TPFC_device_wiimote(int ident, string bta):TPFC_device(ident){
  // creamos el bufer de datos
  data = new TrackingPFC_data(TrackingPFC_data::TPFCDATA2D);
  // sobreescribimos el mensaje de error por defecto con el nuestro, para evitar spam

  // comprobamos si tenemos una direccion asignada
  if (bta.compare("")==0){
    // conectarse al primer wiimote que se encuentre
    bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY;// bluetooth device address
    // conectarse al wiimote con direccion == bta
    str2ba(bta.c_str(), &bdaddr);

  // Conectar los wiimotes
  printf("Pon el wiimote en modo discoverable (pulsa 1+2)...\n");
  while (!wiimote){
    if ( !(wiimote = cwiid_open(&bdaddr, 0)) ){
	    printf("Esperando al wiimote (pulsa 1+2)...\n");

  // registramos el wiimote para poder identificar despues los callbacks 
  registerwiimote(wiimote, this);
  // registramos nuestro callback con el wiimote
  if (cwiid_set_mesg_callback(wiimote, callback)) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "No se ha podido registrar el callback\n");
  // activamos el paso de mensajes desde el wiimote
  if (cwiid_enable(wiimote, CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) {
	  fprintf(stderr, "Error activando los mensajes\n");
  // configuramos el report mode
  unsigned char rpt_mode = 0;
  toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_IR);
  set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode);

  printf("Wiimote conectado!\n");

コード例 #9
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: hexagon5un/serialMiniproj
int main(void) {

    clock_prescale_set(clock_div_1);               /* CPU Clock: 8 MHz */

    // Initialize serial
    UBRR0 = 12;                            /* (8 MHz / 16 / 38400) - 1 */
    set_bit(UCSR0B, RXEN0);                               /* enable RX */
    set_bit(UCSR0B, TXEN0);                               /* enable TX */

    // Initialize input/output
    set_bit(BUTTON_PORT, BUTTON);      /* set internal pullup resistor */
    set_bit(LED_DDR, LED);                  /* set output mode for LED */

    while (1) {

        // Poll to see if serial has a byte
        if (bit_is_set(UCSR0A, RXC0)){
            if (UDR0 == 'L'){        /* if the received byte is an 'L' */
                toggle_bit(LED_PORT, LED);                /* blink LED */
            if (UDR0 == 'O'){        
                set_bit(LED_PORT, LED);                      /* on LED */
            if (UDR0 == 'F'){       
                clear_bit(LED_PORT, LED);                   /* off LED */

        // Check to see if button pressed
        // button wired to ground, so a low voltage is a press 
        if (bit_is_clear(BUTTON_PIN, BUTTON)){
                                      /* wait for send buffer to clear */
            loop_until_bit_is_set(UCSR0A, UDRE0);
            UDR0 = 'X';                     /* load up data to be sent */
                  /* delay a second to keep from opening too many tabs */

    }                                                /* End event loop */
    return 0;    
コード例 #10
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: keshavdv/iclicker
** OnSlave :                                                      **
** In  : -                                                        **
** Out : -                                                        **
void OnSlave(void){
    _U8 ReturnCode = -1;
    // Receives the frame from the RF chip
    ReceiveRfFrame(RFbuffer, (_U8*)&RFbufferSize, &ReturnCode);
    // Tests if we have received a frame
    if (ReturnCode == OK){
        // Tests if the received buffer size is greater than 0
        if (RFbufferSize > 0){
            // Sets the last byte of received buffer to 0. Needed by strcmp function
            RFbuffer[RFbufferSize] = '\0';
            // Tests if the received buffer value is PING
            if(strcmp(RFbuffer, "PING") == 0){
                // Indicates on a LED that the received frame is a PING
                toggle_bit(RegPBOut, 0x01);
                // Copy the PONG string to the buffer used to send the frame
                strcpy(RFbuffer, "PONG");
                // Sends the frame to the RF chip
                SendRfFrame(RFbuffer, strlen(RFbuffer), &ReturnCode);
コード例 #11
 void WiiTrackExtension::cwiidConnect()
   bdaddr_t bdaddr;        /* bluetooth device address */
   bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY;
   // connect
   if (!(m_wiimote = cwiid_connect(&bdaddr, 0))) {
     qDebug() << "Unable to connect to wiimote";
   } else {
     qDebug() << "Connected to wiimote";
   // Set the callback function
   if (cwiid_set_mesg_callback(m_wiimote, cwiid_callback)) {
     qDebug() << "Unable to set message callback";
   // set the report mode
   unsigned char rpt_mode = 0;
   toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_IR);
   cwiidSetReportMode(m_wiimote, rpt_mode);
   // enable messaging
   if (cwiid_enable(m_wiimote, CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) {
     qDebug() << "Error enabling messages";
   m_lastDistance = 0.0;
   m_lastDot1x = 0.0;
   m_lastDot1y = 0.0;
   m_lastDot2x = 0.0;
   m_lastDot2y = 0.0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: pointer.c プロジェクト: nschoe/pointer
int main( int argc, char** argv )
  // Variables definition
  int wiimote_paired = 0;
  int x = -1;
  int y = -1;
  int batt = 0;
  char big_msg[256];
  char small_msg[256];
  unsigned char rumble = 0;
  unsigned char rpt_mode = 0;
  SDL_Surface* screen = NULL;
  SDL_Event event;
  SDL_Rect big_position, small_position;
  SDL_Surface* big_text = NULL;
  SDL_Surface* small_text = NULL;
  TTF_Font* big_font = NULL;
  TTF_Font* small_font = NULL;
  AppState appstate = PAIRING;
  cwiid_wiimote_t* wiimote;
  bdaddr_t bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY;
  struct cwiid_state state;
  SDL_Color white = {0,0,0};
  SDL_Rect dot;

  // Variables initialisation
  big_position.x = 180;
  big_position.y = 250;
  small_position.x = 300;
  small_position.y = 50;

  // SDL and SDL_TTF initialization
      fprintf( stderr, "Error while initializing SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError() );
      exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
  if( TTF_Init() )
     fprintf( stderr, "Error while initializing SDL_TTF: %s\n", TTF_GetError() );
     exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

  // Resources loading
  big_font = TTF_OpenFont( "gratis.ttf", 35 );
  if( big_font == NULL )
      fprintf( stderr, "Error while loading font: %s\n", TTF_GetError() );
      exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
  small_font = TTF_OpenFont( "gratis.ttf", 15 );
  if( small_font == NULL )
      fprintf( stderr, "Error while loading font: %s\n", TTF_GetError() );
      exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

  // Main window creation
  screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( S_WIDTH, S_HEIGHT, S_BPP, S_FLAGS );
  SDL_WM_SetCaption( "Wiimote pointer display", NULL );

  // Pair with the wiimote and rumble to notify
  printf( "Trying to pair with the wiimote now.\nPut the wiimote in search mode (press 1+2) ...\n" );
  if( wiimote = cwiid_open( &bdaddr, 0 ) )
      wiimote_paired = 1;
      appstate = DISPLAY;
      toggle_bit( rumble, 0x01 );
      cwiid_set_rumble( wiimote, rumble );
      usleep( 300000 );
      toggle_bit( rumble, 0x01 );
      cwiid_set_rumble( wiimote, rumble );
      // toggle IR reporting ON
      toggle_bit( rpt_mode, 0x08 );
      cwiid_set_rpt_mode( wiimote, rpt_mode );

  // Main loop
  while( appstate != EXIT )
      // Take care of events if there is any
      if( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) )
	  switch( event.type )
	    case SDL_QUIT:
	      appstate = EXIT;
	    case SDL_KEYDOWN:
	      if( event.key.keysym.sym == SDLK_ESCAPE )
		appstate = EXIT;

      // Query the wiimote
      if( appstate == DISPLAY )
	  cwiid_get_state( wiimote, &state );
	  if( state.ir_src[0].valid )
	      SDL_FillRect( screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB( screen->format, 0, 255, 0 ) );
	      x = state.ir_src[0].pos[0];
	      y = state.ir_src[0].pos[1];
	      SDL_FillRect( screen, NULL, SDL_MapRGB( screen->format, 255, 0, 0 ) );
	  batt = (int)(100.0 * state.battery / 0xD0);
	  //	  sprintf( big_msg, "IR source position: (%d,%d)", x, y );
	  dot.x = (int) (x * S_WIDTH) / X_MAX;
	  dot.y = (int) (y * S_HEIGHT) / Y_MAX;
	  dot.w = 10;
	  dot.h = 10;
	  SDL_FillRect( screen, &dot, SDL_MapRGB( screen->format, 255, 255, 255) );
	  sprintf( small_msg, "Battery remaining: %d%%", batt );
	  //big_text = TTF_RenderText_Solid( big_font, big_msg, white );
	  small_text = TTF_RenderText_Solid( small_font, small_msg, white );
	  //SDL_BlitSurface( big_text, NULL, screen, &big_position );
	  SDL_BlitSurface( small_text, NULL, screen, &small_position );

      // Render the screen
      SDL_Flip( screen );

  // Free resources and exits sub-systems
  TTF_CloseFont( big_font );
  TTF_CloseFont( small_font );
  if( wiimote_paired )
    cwiid_close( wiimote );
    fprintf( stderr, "No wiimotes could be found\n" );
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
コード例 #13
ファイル: test.c プロジェクト: anton/bit-squatting
int main()
    /* toggle_bit */
    ok(7 == toggle_bit(0b0101, 1));
    ok(0b0100 == toggle_bit(0b0101, 0));
    ok(0b0111 == toggle_bit(0b1111, 3));

    /* split_url */
        char *name, *suffix;
        name = malloc(256*sizeof(char));
        ok(0 == split_url(&name, &suffix, "github.com"));

        ok(0 == strcmp(name, "github"));
        ok(0 == strcmp(suffix, "com"));

        ok(0 != split_url(&name, &suffix, "www.github.com"));

    /* is_valid_str */
    ok(is_valid_str("github", 6));
    ok(!is_valid_str("github.com", 10));
    ok(is_valid_str("g1thub", 6));

    /* bitsquat_char */
        char c = 'a';
        ok('a' != bitsquat_char(c));

    /* random_loc */
        size_t loc = random_loc("github");
        ok(loc > 0 && loc < 6);

    /* create_url */
        struct Url m_url;
        m_url = create_url("github.com");
        ok(0 == strcmp(m_url.name, "github"));
        ok(0 == strcmp(m_url.suffix, "com"));

    /* generate_entries and bitsquat_entries */
        struct BSentries bs_entries;
        struct Url url = create_url("github.com");
        bs_entries = generate_entries(url, 3);
        ok(3 == bs_entries.n_names);
        ok(0 == strcmp(bs_entries.suffix, "com"));
        ok(0 == strcmp(bs_entries.names[0], "github"));

        ok(0 != strcmp(bs_entries.names[0], "github"));


    return 0;
コード例 #14
ファイル: manual_mode.c プロジェクト: john-s-lee/Ball_Plate
void manual_mode(cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote)
	struct cwiid_state state;	/* wiimote state */
	int fd = init_maestro();
	int target;

	/*Set wiimote to report accelerometer readings*/
	rpt_mode=toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_ACC);
	if (cwiid_set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode)) fprintf(stderr, "Error setting report mode\n");

	int i = 0;
	struct acc_cal wm_cal;
	cwiid_get_acc_cal(wiimote, CWIID_EXT_NONE, &wm_cal);
	double a, a_x, a_y, a_z, pitch, roll;
	double deltaT_x, deltaT_y;
	double t_x_curr, t_x_past, t_y_curr, t_y_past;
	struct timeval tim;

	char man_mode_select = 0;

	//Initialise PID parameters for the x-axis and the wait or DELTA_T/2
	pid_params x = {KC, TAU_I, TAU_D, TAU_F, 0, 0, x_cord/1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};  //initialise PID parameters for x axis
	gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
	t_x_past=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0); //initialise t_x_past with current time (in seconds)

	wait_for_deltat(&tim, &t_x_curr, &t_x_past, &deltaT_x, DELTA_T/2); //Wait until Delta_T/2

	// Initialise  PID parameters for the y-axis
	pid_params y = {KC, TAU_I, TAU_D, TAU_F, 0, 0, y_cord/1000, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; //initialise PID paramaters for y axis
	gettimeofday(&tim, NULL);
	t_y_past=tim.tv_sec+(tim.tv_usec/1000000.0); //initialise t_y_past with current time (in seconds)

		if (cwiid_get_state(wiimote, &state)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Error getting state\n");

		a_x = ((double)state.acc[CWIID_X] - wm_cal.zero[CWIID_X]) / (wm_cal.one[CWIID_X] - wm_cal.zero[CWIID_X]);
		a_y = ((double)state.acc[CWIID_Y] - wm_cal.zero[CWIID_Y]) / (wm_cal.one[CWIID_Y] - wm_cal.zero[CWIID_Y]);
		a_z = ((double)state.acc[CWIID_Z] - wm_cal.zero[CWIID_Z]) / (wm_cal.one[CWIID_Z] - wm_cal.zero[CWIID_Z]);
		a = sqrt(pow(a_x,2)+pow(a_y,2)+pow(a_z,2));
		roll = atan(a_x/a_z);
		if (a_z <= 0.0) {
		roll += PI * ((a_x > 0.0) ? 1 : -1);
		pitch = atan(a_y/a_z*cos(roll));
		roll *= (-180/PI);
		pitch *= (180/PI);
		roll *= 0.5;
		pitch *= 0.5;

		if (two_button_pressed)
			if (man_mode_select ==0){
				man_mode_select = 1;  //mode 0 is accelerometer mode 1 is keypad
			man_mode_select = 0;
			two_button_pressed = 0;

		if (left_button_pressed && man_mode_select == 1)
			x.set_pt -= 0.005;
			printf("x= %f\n", x.set_pt);
			if (x.set_pt > 0.15) x.set_pt = 0.15;
			if (x.set_pt < -0.15) x.set_pt = -0.15;
			left_button_pressed = 0;

		if (right_button_pressed && man_mode_select == 1)
			x.set_pt += 0.005;
			printf("x= %f\n", x.set_pt);
			if (x.set_pt > 0.15) x.set_pt = 0.15;
			if (x.set_pt < -0.15) x.set_pt = -0.15;
			right_button_pressed = 0;

		if (up_button_pressed && man_mode_select == 1)
			y.set_pt += 0.005;
			printf("y= %f\n", y.set_pt);
			if (y.set_pt > 0.12) x.set_pt = 0.12;
			if (y.set_pt < -0.12) x.set_pt = -0.12;
			up_button_pressed = 0;

		if (down_button_pressed && man_mode_select == 1)
			y.set_pt -= 0.005;
			printf("y= %f\n", y.set_pt);
			if (y.set_pt > 0.12) x.set_pt = 0.12;
			if (y.set_pt < -0.12) x.set_pt = -0.12;
			down_button_pressed = 0;

		if (man_mode_select == 0)
			if ((int)pitch > 4 || (int)pitch < -4)
				x.set_pt += -0.00005*pitch/10;
				if (x.set_pt > 0.15) x.set_pt = 0.15;
				if (x.set_pt < -0.15) x.set_pt = -0.15;

			if ((int)roll > 4 || (int)roll < -4)
				y.set_pt += -0.00005*roll/10;
				if (y.set_pt > 0.12) y.set_pt = 0.12;
				if (y.set_pt < -0.12) y.set_pt = -0.12;

		wait_for_deltat(&tim, &t_x_curr, &t_x_past, &deltaT_x, DELTA_T); //Wait until DELTA_T for x-axis
		x.pos_past = x.pos_curr;  //store past ball position
		x.pos_curr = x_cord/1000;  //current ball position is equal to the coordinates read from the touchscreen
		x.u_D_past = x.u_D;  //store past derivative control signal
		x.u_act_past = x.u_act;  //store past control signal
		x.error = (x.set_pt - x.pos_curr); //calculate error r(t) - y(t)
		t_x_past = t_x_curr;  //Save new time

		//Calculate new derivative term
		x.u_D = (x.tauF/(x.tauF+deltaT_x/1000))*x.u_D_past + ((x.kc*x.tauD)/(x.tauF+deltaT_x/1000))*(x.pos_curr - x.pos_past);
		//Caluclate new control signal
		x.u_act = x.u_act_past + x.kc*(-x.pos_curr + x.pos_past) + ((x.kc * deltaT_x/1000)/x.tauI)*(x.error) - x.u_D + x.u_D_past;

		if (x.u_act > UMAX) x.u_act = UMAX;
		if (x.u_act < UMIN) x.u_act = UMIN;

		//Output Control Signal
		maestroSetTarget(fd, 0, target);
		//printf("Test Control Signal u_act_x = %f degrees\n", x.u_act*(180/PI));

		wait_for_deltat(&tim, &t_y_curr, &t_y_past, &deltaT_y, DELTA_T); //Get Accurate timings

		y.pos_past = y.pos_curr;  //store past ball position
		y.pos_curr = y_cord/1000;  //current ball position is equal to the coordinates read from the touchscreen
		y.u_D_past = y.u_D;  //store past derivative control signal
		y.u_act_past = y.u_act;
		y.error = (y.set_pt - y.pos_curr);
		t_y_past = t_y_curr;  //Save new time

		//Calculate new derivative term
		y.u_D = (y.tauF/(y.tauF+deltaT_y/1000))*y.u_D_past + ((y.kc*y.tauD)/(y.tauF+deltaT_y/1000))*(y.pos_curr - y.pos_past);
		//Caluclate new control signal
		y.u_act = y.u_act_past + y.kc*(-y.pos_curr + y.pos_past) + ((y.kc * deltaT_y/1000)/y.tauI)*(y.error) - y.u_D + y.u_D_past;

		if (x.u_act > UMAX) x.u_act = UMAX;
		if (x.u_act < UMIN) x.u_act = UMIN;

		//Output control signal
		maestroSetTarget(fd, 1, target);
		//printf("Test Control Signal u_act_y = %f degrees\n", y.u_act*(180/PI));



	/*Cancel accelerometer readings*/
	rpt_mode=toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_ACC);
	if (cwiid_set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode)) fprintf(stderr, "Error setting report mode\n");

コード例 #15
ファイル: hal_gpio.c プロジェクト: faellf/JAGA
void GPIO_output_toggle(volatile uint8 *port, uint8 pino)
    toggle_bit(*port, pino);
コード例 #16
ファイル: usb_cdc_class.c プロジェクト: MotionReality/picpack
void usb_cdc_handle_tx()
uns8 cdc_tx_next;
uns8 count;
uns16 buffer_size;
uns8 *buffer;
buffer_descriptor *bd;

	bd = ep_in_bd_location[USB_CDC_DATA_ENDPOINT];
	if (test_bit(bd->stat, UOWN)) {	// if there's already something in play
		return;	// give up
	buffer_size = ep_in_buffer_size[USB_CDC_DATA_ENDPOINT];
	buffer = ep_in_buffer_location[USB_CDC_DATA_ENDPOINT];

	if (cdc_tx_end == cdc_tx_start) { // anything in the fifo?
	   return; // nope
	#ifdef CDC_DEBUG
	count = 0;
	while ((cdc_tx_end != cdc_tx_start) && (count < buffer_size)) {
		cdc_tx_next = cdc_tx_start + 1;	// get next position
		if (cdc_tx_next == USB_CDC_TX_BUFFER_SIZE) {	// if we're at the end of the buffer
			cdc_tx_next = 0;	// wrap to the beginning
		buffer[count] = cdc_tx_buffer[cdc_tx_start];	// transmit the character
		#ifdef CDC_DEBUG
		cdc_tx_start = cdc_tx_next;	// move start position of fifo
	if (count > 0) {
		bd->count = count;
		bd->addr = (uns16)buffer;

		toggle_bit(bd->stat, DTS);
		clear_bit(bd->stat, KEN);	// clear the keep bit
		clear_bit(bd->stat, INCDIS);	// clear the increment disable
		set_bit  (bd->stat, DTSEN);
		clear_bit(bd->stat, BSTALL);	// clear stall bit
		clear_bit(bd->stat, BC9);
		clear_bit(bd->stat, BC8);

		set_bit  (bd->stat, UOWN);	// SIE owns the buffer
	#ifdef CDC_DEBUG
		serial_putc(' ');

コード例 #17
ファイル: hmm_grab.c プロジェクト: LGHTSRC/wii_gestures
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
  if (argc != 2) {
    printf("Usage: %s 3, where 3 is the number of gestures to recognize\n", argv[0]);
  n_gestures = atoi(argv[1]);
  hmms = malloc(n_gestures * sizeof(HmmStateRef));

  int n_states = n_gestures+3;
  int n_obs = 17;

  for(int i = 0; i < n_gestures; i++) {
    hmms[i] = hmm_new(n_states, n_obs);

  cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote;	/* wiimote handle */
  //struct cwiid_state state;	/* wiimote state */
  bdaddr_t bdaddr;	/* bluetooth device address */
  //unsigned char mesg = 0;
  //unsigned char led_state = 0;
  unsigned char rpt_mode = 0;
  //unsigned char rumble = 0;

  /* Make stdout unbuffered, which is useful for piping the output of
   * this program into a timestamping utility, such as tai64n(1) */
  setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0);


  /* Connect to address given on command-line, if present */
  if (argc > 1) {
    str2ba(argv[1], &bdaddr);
  else {
    bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY;

  printf("Put Wiimote in discoverable mode now (press 1+2)...\n");
  if (!(wiimote = cwiid_open(&bdaddr, 0))) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to connect to wiimote\n");
  if (cwiid_set_mesg_callback(wiimote, cwiid_callback)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set message callback\n");

  toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_ACC);
  toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_BTN);
  set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode);

  if (cwiid_enable(wiimote, CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set message flag\n");

  while(1) {
コード例 #18
// A quadratic sieve implementation for integers up to 100 bits. N must be composite.
mpz_class quadratic_sieve(mpz_class &N) {
	std::vector<uint32_t> factor_base;

	mpz_class sqrt_N = sqrt(N);
	//const unsigned long sqrt_N_long = sqrt_N.get_ui();

	// Set the smoothness bound.
	uint32_t B;
		// Approximation of the natural logarithm of N.
		float log_N = mpz_sizeinbase(N.get_mpz_t(), 2) * log(2);

		// The optimal smoothness bound is exp((0.5 + o(1)) * sqrt(log(n)*log(log(n)))).
		B = (uint32_t)ceil(exp(0.56 * sqrt(log_N * log(log_N)))) + 300;

	// Generate the factor base using a sieve.
		char *sieve = new char[B + 1];
		memset(sieve, 1, B + 1);
		for(unsigned long p = 2; p <= B; ++p) {

			if(mpz_legendre(N.get_mpz_t(), mpz_class(p).get_mpz_t()) == 1)

			for(unsigned long i = p; i <= B; i += p)
				sieve[i] = 0;
		delete[] sieve;

	std::vector<uint32_t> X;
	float *Y = new float[SIEVE_CHUNK];

	std::vector<std::vector<uint32_t> > smooth;

	int fails = 0;

	// The sieve boundary.
	uint32_t min_x = 0;
	uint32_t max_x = SIEVE_CHUNK;

	// Calculate sieve index (where to start the sieve) for each factor base number.
	uint32_t **fb_indexes = new uint32_t*[2];
	fb_indexes[0] = new uint32_t[factor_base.size()];
	fb_indexes[1] = new uint32_t[factor_base.size()];
	for(uint32_t p = 0; p < factor_base.size(); ++p) {
		// At what indexes do we start this sieve? Solve the congruence x^2 = n (mod p) to find out.
		// Results in two solutions, so we do two sieve iterations for each prime in the factor base.
		uint32_t idxs[2];
		mpz_class temp = N % mpz_class(factor_base[p]);
		tonelli_shanks(temp.get_ui(), factor_base[p], idxs);

		temp = idxs[0] - sqrt_N;
		temp = ((temp % factor_base[p]) + factor_base[p]) % factor_base[p];
		fb_indexes[0][p] = temp.get_ui();

		temp = idxs[1] - sqrt_N;
		temp = ((temp % factor_base[p]) + factor_base[p]) % factor_base[p];
		fb_indexes[1][p] = temp.get_ui();

	float last_estimate = 0;
	uint32_t next_estimate = 1;

	// Sieve new chunks until we have enough smooth numbers.
	while(smooth.size() < (factor_base.size() + 20)) {
		// Generate our Y vector for the sieve, containing log approximations that fit in machine words.
		for(uint32_t t = 1; t < SIEVE_CHUNK; ++t) {
			// Calculating a log estimate is expensive, so don't do it for every Y[t].
			if(next_estimate <= (t + min_x)) {
				mpz_class y = (sqrt_N + t + min_x) * (sqrt_N + t + min_x) - N;

				// To estimate the 2 logarithm, just count the number of bits that v takes up.
				last_estimate = mpz_sizeinbase(y.get_mpz_t(), 2);

				// The higher t gets, the less the logarithm of Y[t] changes.
				next_estimate = next_estimate * 1.8 + 1;

			Y[t] = last_estimate;

		// Perform the actual sieve.
		for(uint32_t p = 0; p < factor_base.size(); ++p) {
			float lg = log(factor_base[p]) / log(2);

			for(uint32_t t = 0; t < 2; ++t) {
				while(fb_indexes[t][p] < max_x) {
					Y[fb_indexes[t][p] - min_x] -= lg;
					fb_indexes[t][p] += factor_base[p];

				// p = 2 only has one modular root.
				if(factor_base[p] == 2)

		// Factor all values whose logarithms were reduced to approximately zero using trial division.
			float threshold = log(factor_base.back()) / log(2);
			for(uint32_t i = 0; i < SIEVE_CHUNK; ++i) {
				if(fabs(Y[i]) < threshold) {
					mpz_class y = (sqrt_N + i + min_x) * (sqrt_N + i + min_x) - N;

					for(uint32_t p = 0; p < factor_base.size(); ++p) {
						while(mpz_divisible_ui_p(y.get_mpz_t(), factor_base[p])) {
							mpz_divexact_ui(y.get_mpz_t(), y.get_mpz_t(), factor_base[p]);

					if(y == 1) {
						// This V was indeed B-smooth.
						X.push_back(i + min_x);
						// Break out of trial division loop if we've found enou	gh smooth numbers.
						if(smooth.size() >= (factor_base.size() + 20))
					} else {
						// This V was apparently not B-smooth, remove it.

		min_x += SIEVE_CHUNK;
		max_x += SIEVE_CHUNK;

	uint64_t **matrix = new uint64_t*[factor_base.size()];

	// The amount of words needed to accomodate a row in the augmented matrix.
	int row_words = (smooth.size() + sizeof(uint64_t)) / sizeof(uint64_t);

	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < factor_base.size(); ++i) {
		matrix[i] = new uint64_t[row_words];
		memset(matrix[i], 0, row_words * sizeof(uint64_t));

	for(uint32_t s = 0; s < smooth.size(); ++s) {
		// For each factor in the smooth number, add the factor to the corresponding element in the matrix.
		for(uint32_t p = 0; p < smooth[s].size(); ++p)
			toggle_bit(s, matrix[smooth[s][p]]);

	// Gauss elimination. The dimension of the augmented matrix is factor_base.size() x (smooth.size() + 1).
		uint32_t i = 0, j = 0;
		while(i < factor_base.size() && j < (smooth.size() + 1)) {
			uint32_t maxi = i;

			// Find pivot element.
			for(uint32_t k = i + 1; k < factor_base.size(); ++k) {
				if(get_bit(j, matrix[k]) == 1) {
					maxi = k;
			if(get_bit(j, matrix[maxi]) == 1) {
				std::swap(matrix[i], matrix[maxi]);
				for(uint32_t u = i + 1; u < factor_base.size(); ++u) {
					if(get_bit(j, matrix[u]) == 1) {
						for(int32_t w = 0; w < row_words; ++w)
							matrix[u][w] ^= matrix[i][w];

	mpz_class a;
	mpz_class b;

	// A copy of matrix that we'll perform back-substitution on.
	uint64_t **back_matrix = new uint64_t*[factor_base.size()];
	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < factor_base.size(); ++i)
		back_matrix[i] = new uint64_t[row_words];

	uint32_t *x = new uint32_t[smooth.size()];

	uint32_t *combination = new uint32_t[factor_base.size()];

	// Loop until we've found a non-trivial factor.
	do {
		// Copy the gauss eliminated matrix.
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < factor_base.size(); ++i)
			memcpy(back_matrix[i], matrix[i], row_words * sizeof(uint64_t));

		// Clear the x vector.
		memset(x, 0, smooth.size() * sizeof(uint32_t));

		// Perform back-substitution on our matrix that's now in row echelon form to get x.
			int32_t i = factor_base.size() - 1;

			while(i >= 0) {
				// Count non-zero elements in current row.
				int32_t count = 0;
				int32_t current = -1;
				for(uint32_t c = 0; c < smooth.size(); ++c) {
					count += get_bit(c, back_matrix[i]);
					current = get_bit(c, back_matrix[i]) ? c : current;

				// Empty row, advance to next.
				if(count == 0) {

				// The system is underdetermined and we can choose x[current] freely.
				// To avoid the trivial solution we avoid always setting it to 0.
				uint32_t val = count > 1 ? rand() % 2 : get_bit(smooth.size(), back_matrix[i]);

				x[current] = val;

				for(int32_t u = 0; u <= i; ++u) {
					if(get_bit(current, back_matrix[u]) == 1) {
						if(val == 1)
							toggle_bit(smooth.size(), back_matrix[u]);
						unset_bit(current, back_matrix[u]);

				if(count == 1)

		a = 1;
		b = 1;

		// The way to combine the factor base to get our square.
		memset(combination, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * factor_base.size());
		for(uint32_t i = 0; i < smooth.size(); ++i) {
			if(x[i] == 1) {
				for(uint32_t p = 0; p < smooth[i].size(); ++p)
				b *= (X[i] + sqrt_N);

		for(uint32_t p = 0; p < factor_base.size(); ++p) {
			for(uint32_t i = 0; i < (combination[p] / 2); ++i)
				a *= factor_base[p];

		// If a = +/- b (mod N) we found a trivial factor, run the loop again to find a new a and b.
	} while(a % N == b % N || a % N == (- b) % N + N);

	b -= a;

	mpz_class factor;
	mpz_gcd(factor.get_mpz_t(), b.get_mpz_t(), N.get_mpz_t());

	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < factor_base.size(); ++i) {
		delete[] matrix[i];
		delete[] back_matrix[i];

	delete[] combination;
	delete[] Y;
	delete[] fb_indexes[0];
	delete[] fb_indexes[1];
	delete[] fb_indexes;
	delete[] matrix;
	delete[] back_matrix;
	delete[] x;

	return factor;
コード例 #19
ファイル: wmdemo.c プロジェクト: JustinTulloss/blackbox
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote;	/* wiimote handle */
	struct cwiid_state state;	/* wiimote state */
	bdaddr_t bdaddr;	/* bluetooth device address */
	unsigned char mesg = 0;
	unsigned char led_state = 0;
	unsigned char rpt_mode = 0;
	unsigned char rumble = 0;
	int exit = 0;


	/* Connect to address given on command-line, if present */
	if (argc > 1) {
		str2ba(argv[1], &bdaddr);
	else {
		bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY;

	/* Connect to the wiimote */
	printf("Put Wiimote in discoverable mode now (press 1+2)...\n");
	if (!(wiimote = cwiid_open(&bdaddr, 0))) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to connect to wiimote\n");
		return -1;
	if (cwiid_set_mesg_callback(wiimote, cwiid_callback)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set message callback\n");

	printf("Note: To demonstrate the new API interfaces, wmdemo no longer "
	       "enables messages by default.\n"
		   "Output can be gathered through the new state-based interface (s), "
	       "or by enabling the messages interface (c).\n");

	/* Menu */
	printf("%s", MENU);

	while (!exit) {
		switch (getchar()) {
		case '1':
			toggle_bit(led_state, CWIID_LED1_ON);
			set_led_state(wiimote, led_state);
		case '2':
			toggle_bit(led_state, CWIID_LED2_ON);
			set_led_state(wiimote, led_state);
		case '3':
			toggle_bit(led_state, CWIID_LED3_ON);
			set_led_state(wiimote, led_state);
		case '4':
			toggle_bit(led_state, CWIID_LED4_ON);
			set_led_state(wiimote, led_state);
		case '5':
			toggle_bit(rumble, 1);
			if (cwiid_set_rumble(wiimote, rumble)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Error setting rumble\n");
		case 'a':
			toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_ACC);
			set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode);
		case 'b':
			toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_BTN);
			set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode);
		case 'e':
			/* CWIID_RPT_EXT is actually
			toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_EXT);
			set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode);
		case 'i':
			/* libwiimote picks the highest quality IR mode available with the
			 * other options selected (not including as-yet-undeciphered
			 * interleaved mode */
			toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_IR);
			set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode);
		case 'm':
			if (!mesg) {
				if (cwiid_enable(wiimote, CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) {
					fprintf(stderr, "Error enabling messages\n");
				else {
					mesg = 1;
			else {
				if (cwiid_disable(wiimote, CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) {
					fprintf(stderr, "Error disabling message\n");
				else {
					mesg = 0;
		case 'p':
			printf("%s", MENU);
		case 'r':
			if (cwiid_request_status(wiimote)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Error requesting status message\n");
		case 's':
			if (cwiid_get_state(wiimote, &state)) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Error getting state\n");
		case 't':
			toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_STATUS);
			set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode);
		case 'x':
			exit = -1;
		case '\n':
			fprintf(stderr, "invalid option\n");

	if (cwiid_close(wiimote)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error on wiimote disconnect\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;
コード例 #20
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	cwiid_wiimote_t *wiimote;	/* wiimote handle */
	struct cwiid_state state;	/* wiimote state */
	bdaddr_t bdaddr;	/* bluetooth device address */
	unsigned char mesg = 0;
	unsigned char led_state = 0;
	unsigned char rpt_mode = 0;
	unsigned char rumble = 0;
	int exit = 0;

	deviceState.numButtons = NUM_BUTTONS;
	deviceState.numAxis = NUM_AXIS;
	deviceState.numSensors = NUM_SENSORS;
	deviceState.axisValues = NULL;
	deviceState.buttonValues = NULL;
	deviceState.sensorValues = new SensorData[NUM_SENSORS];


	if (argc < 2) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s HOSTNAME\n\n", argv[0]);
		return 1;
	} // if

// TODO: parse data from config file!!!
	/* Connect to address given on command-line, if present */
	if (argc > 2) {
		str2ba(argv[2], &bdaddr);
	else {
		bdaddr = *BDADDR_ANY;

	/* Connect to the wiimote */
	printf("Put Wiimote in discoverable mode now (press 1+2)...\n");
	if (!(wiimote = cwiid_open(&bdaddr, 0))) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to connect to wiimote\n");
		return -1;
	if (cwiid_set_mesg_callback(wiimote, cwiid_callback)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Unable to set message callback\n");

	toggle_bit(led_state, CWIID_LED1_ON);
	set_led_state(wiimote, led_state);
	if (cwiid_get_state(wiimote, &state)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error getting state\n");
	toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_IR);
	toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_BTN);
//	toggle_bit(rpt_mode, CWIID_RPT_ACC);
	set_rpt_mode(wiimote, rpt_mode);
	if (cwiid_enable(wiimote, CWIID_FLAG_MESG_IFC)) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Error enabling messages\n");
	} else {
	    mesg = 1;

	if (initNetwork(argv[1], CLIENTPORT)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error at network initialization\n");
		return -1;
	} // if

	bool running = true;

	while (running) {sleep(1);}

	if (cwiid_close(wiimote)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Error on wiimote disconnect\n");
		return -1;

	return 0;