コード例 #1
static void parseImageCandidatesFromSrcsetAttribute(const String& attribute, const CharType* attributeStart, unsigned length, Vector<ImageCandidate>& imageCandidates, Document* document)
    const CharType* position = attributeStart;
    const CharType* attributeEnd = position + length;

    while (position < attributeEnd) {
        // 4. Splitting loop: Collect a sequence of characters that are space characters or U+002C COMMA characters.
        skipWhile<CharType, isHTMLSpaceOrComma<CharType>>(position, attributeEnd);
        if (position == attributeEnd) {
            // Contrary to spec language - descriptor parsing happens on each candidate, so when we reach the attributeEnd, we can exit.
        const CharType* imageURLStart = position;

        // 6. Collect a sequence of characters that are not space characters, and let that be url.
        skipUntil<CharType, isHTMLSpace<CharType>>(position, attributeEnd);
        const CharType* imageURLEnd = position;

        DescriptorParsingResult result;

        // 8. If url ends with a U+002C COMMA character (,)
        if (isComma(*(position - 1))) {
            // Remove all trailing U+002C COMMA characters from url.
            imageURLEnd = position - 1;
            reverseSkipWhile<CharType, isComma>(imageURLEnd, imageURLStart);
            // If url is empty, then jump to the step labeled splitting loop.
            if (imageURLStart == imageURLEnd)
        } else {
            skipWhile<CharType, isHTMLSpace<CharType>>(position, attributeEnd);
            Vector<DescriptorToken> descriptorTokens;
            tokenizeDescriptors(attributeStart, position, attributeEnd, descriptorTokens);
            // Contrary to spec language - descriptor parsing happens on each candidate.
            // This is a black-box equivalent, to avoid storing descriptor lists for each candidate.
            if (!parseDescriptors(attribute, descriptorTokens, result, document)) {
                if (document) {
                    UseCounter::count(document, UseCounter::SrcsetDroppedCandidate);
                    if (document->frame())
                        document->frame()->console().addMessage(ConsoleMessage::create(OtherMessageSource, ErrorMessageLevel, String("Dropped srcset candidate ") + String(imageURLStart, imageURLEnd - imageURLStart)));

        ASSERT(imageURLEnd > attributeStart);
        unsigned imageURLStartingPosition = imageURLStart - attributeStart;
        ASSERT(imageURLEnd > imageURLStart);
        unsigned imageURLLength = imageURLEnd - imageURLStart;
        imageCandidates.append(ImageCandidate(attribute, imageURLStartingPosition, imageURLLength, result, ImageCandidate::SrcsetOrigin));
        // 11. Return to the step labeled splitting loop.
コード例 #2
static Vector<ImageCandidate> parseImageCandidatesFromSrcsetAttribute(const CharType* attributeStart, unsigned length)
    Vector<ImageCandidate> imageCandidates;

    const CharType* attributeEnd = attributeStart + length;

    for (const CharType* position = attributeStart; position < attributeEnd;) {
        // 4. Splitting loop: Collect a sequence of characters that are space characters or U+002C COMMA characters.
        skipWhile<CharType, isHTMLSpaceOrComma<CharType> >(position, attributeEnd);
        if (position == attributeEnd) {
            // Contrary to spec language - descriptor parsing happens on each candidate, so when we reach the attributeEnd, we can exit.
        const CharType* imageURLStart = position;
        // 6. Collect a sequence of characters that are not space characters, and let that be url.

        skipUntil<CharType, isHTMLSpace<CharType> >(position, attributeEnd);
        const CharType* imageURLEnd = position;

        DescriptorParsingResult result;

        // 8. If url ends with a U+002C COMMA character (,)
        if (isComma(*(position - 1))) {
            // Remove all trailing U+002C COMMA characters from url.
            imageURLEnd = position - 1;
            reverseSkipWhile<CharType, isComma>(imageURLEnd, imageURLStart);
            // If url is empty, then jump to the step labeled splitting loop.
            if (imageURLStart == imageURLEnd)
        } else {
            // Advancing position here (contrary to spec) to avoid an useless extra state machine step.
            // Filed a spec bug: https://github.com/ResponsiveImagesCG/picture-element/issues/189
            Vector<StringView> descriptorTokens;
            tokenizeDescriptors(position, attributeEnd, descriptorTokens);
            // Contrary to spec language - descriptor parsing happens on each candidate.
            // This is a black-box equivalent, to avoid storing descriptor lists for each candidate.
            if (!parseDescriptors(descriptorTokens, result))

        ASSERT(imageURLEnd > imageURLStart);
        unsigned imageURLLength = imageURLEnd - imageURLStart;
        imageCandidates.append(ImageCandidate(StringView(imageURLStart, imageURLLength), result, ImageCandidate::SrcsetOrigin));
        // 11. Return to the step labeled splitting loop.
    return imageCandidates;