コード例 #1
ファイル: blobbox.cpp プロジェクト: 0ximDigital/appsScanner
// Rotates the box by the angle given by rotation.
// If the blob is a diacritic, then only small rotations for skew
// correction can be applied.
void BLOBNBOX::rotate_box(FCOORD rotation) {
  if (IsDiacritic()) {
    ASSERT_HOST(rotation.x() >= kCosSmallAngle)
    ICOORD top_pt((box.left() + box.right()) / 2, base_char_top_);
    ICOORD bottom_pt(top_pt.x(), base_char_bottom_);
    base_char_top_ = top_pt.y();
    base_char_bottom_ = bottom_pt.y();
  } else {
コード例 #2
ファイル: tabvector.cpp プロジェクト: xmarston/BillRecognizer
// (Re)Fit a line to the stored points. Returns false if the line
// is degenerate. Althougth the TabVector code mostly doesn't care about the
// direction of lines, XAtY would give silly results for a horizontal line.
// The class is mostly aimed at use for vertical lines representing
// horizontal tab stops.
bool TabVector::Fit(ICOORD vertical, bool force_parallel) {
  needs_refit_ = false;
  if (boxes_.empty()) {
    // Don't refit something with no boxes, as that only happens
    // in Evaluate, and we don't want to end up with a zero vector.
    if (!force_parallel)
      return false;
    // If we are forcing parallel, then we just need to set the sort_key_.
    ICOORD midpt = startpt_;
    midpt += endpt_;
    midpt /= 2;
    sort_key_ = SortKey(vertical, midpt.x(), midpt.y());
    return startpt_.y() != endpt_.y();
  if (!force_parallel && !IsRagged()) {
    // Use a fitted line as the vertical.
    DetLineFit linepoints;
    BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_);
    // Fit a line to all the boxes in the list.
    for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) {
      BLOBNBOX* bbox = it.data();
      TBOX box = bbox->bounding_box();
      int x1 = IsRightTab() ? box.right() : box.left();
      ICOORD boxpt(x1, box.bottom());
      if (it.at_last()) {
        ICOORD top_pt(x1, box.top());
    linepoints.Fit(&startpt_, &endpt_);
    if (startpt_.y() != endpt_.y()) {
      vertical = endpt_;
      vertical -= startpt_;
  int start_y = startpt_.y();
  int end_y = endpt_.y();
  sort_key_ = IsLeftTab() ? MAX_INT32 : -MAX_INT32;
  BLOBNBOX_C_IT it(&boxes_);
  // Choose a line parallel to the vertical such that all boxes are on the
  // correct side of it.
  mean_width_ = 0;
  int width_count = 0;
  for (it.mark_cycle_pt(); !it.cycled_list(); it.forward()) {
    BLOBNBOX* bbox = it.data();
    TBOX box = bbox->bounding_box();
    mean_width_ += box.width();
    int x1 = IsRightTab() ? box.right() : box.left();
    // Test both the bottom and the top, as one will be more extreme, depending
    // on the direction of skew.
    int bottom_y = box.bottom();
    int top_y = box.top();
    int key = SortKey(vertical, x1, bottom_y);
    if (IsLeftTab() == (key < sort_key_)) {
      sort_key_ = key;
      startpt_ = ICOORD(x1, bottom_y);
    key = SortKey(vertical, x1, top_y);
    if (IsLeftTab() == (key < sort_key_)) {
      sort_key_ = key;
      startpt_ = ICOORD(x1, top_y);
    if (it.at_first())
      start_y = bottom_y;
    if (it.at_last())
      end_y = top_y;
  if (width_count > 0) {
    mean_width_ = (mean_width_ + width_count - 1) / width_count;
  endpt_ = startpt_ + vertical;
  needs_evaluation_ = true;
  if (start_y != end_y) {
    // Set the ends of the vector to fully include the first and last blobs.
    startpt_.set_x(XAtY(vertical, sort_key_, start_y));
    endpt_.set_x(XAtY(vertical, sort_key_, end_y));
    return true;
  return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: ObjPatchMatcher.cpp プロジェクト: flyfj/Saliency
// extract patches from database images
bool ObjPatchMatcher::PreparePatchDB(DatasetName db_name) {


	DataManagerInterface* db_man = NULL;
	if(db_name == DB_NYU2_RGBD)
		db_man = new NYUDepth2DataMan;
	if(db_name == DB_SALIENCY_RGBD)
		db_man = new RGBDECCV14;

	FileInfos imgfns, dmapfns;
	random_shuffle(imgfns.begin(), imgfns.end());
	imgfns.erase(imgfns.begin()+30, imgfns.end());
	db_man->GetDepthmapList(imgfns, dmapfns);
	map<string, vector<VisualObject>> gt_masks;
	db_man->LoadGTMasks(imgfns, gt_masks);

	int gt_obj_cnt = 0;

	for(size_t i=0; i<imgfns.size(); i++) {
		// color
		Mat cimg = imread(imgfns[i].filepath);
		Size newsz(400, 400);
		//tools::ToolFactory::compute_downsample_ratio(Size(cimg.cols, cimg.rows), 400, newsz);
		resize(cimg, cimg, newsz);
		// depth
		Mat dmap_float;
		db_man->LoadDepthData(dmapfns[i].filepath, dmap_float);
		resize(dmap_float, dmap_float, newsz);
		dmap_float.convertTo(dmap_float, CV_32F, 1000);
		Mat cmp_mask;
		compare(dmap_float, 800, cmp_mask, CMP_LT);
		dmap_float.setTo(800, cmp_mask);
		compare(dmap_float, 7000, cmp_mask, CMP_GT);
		dmap_float.setTo(7000, cmp_mask);
		dmap_float = (dmap_float-800)/(7000-800);
		// get label image
		Mat lable_mask = Mat::zeros(newsz.height, newsz.width, CV_8U);
		Mat label_id_mask = Mat::zeros(newsz.height, newsz.width, CV_32S)-1;
		vector<VisualObject>& gt_objs = gt_masks[imgfns[i].filename];
		for(auto& cur_gt : gt_objs) {
			//if( !valid_cls[cur_gt.category_id] ) continue;
			resize(cur_gt.visual_data.mask, cur_gt.visual_data.mask, newsz);
			label_id_mask.setTo(gt_obj_cnt++, cur_gt.visual_data.mask);
			lable_mask.setTo(1, cur_gt.visual_data.mask);

		imshow("color", cimg);
		ImgVisualizer::DrawFloatImg("depth", dmap_float);
		imshow("label", lable_mask*255);

		// do edge detection to locate boundary point quickly
		Mat gray_img, edge_map, gray_img_float;
		cvtColor(cimg, gray_img, CV_BGR2GRAY);
		gray_img.convertTo(gray_img_float, CV_32F, 1.f/255);
		Canny(gray_img, edge_map, 10, 50);
		Mat grad_x, grad_y, grad_mag;
		Sobel(gray_img_float, grad_x, CV_32F, 1, 0);
		Sobel(gray_img_float, grad_y, CV_32F, 0, 1);
		magnitude(grad_x, grad_y, grad_mag);
		Mat pts3d, normal_map;
		if(use_depth) {
			Feature3D feat3d;
			feat3d.ComputeKinect3DMap(dmap_float, pts3d, false);
			feat3d.ComputeNormalMap(pts3d, normal_map);

		// selected patch indicator, avoid very close duplicate patches
		Mat picked_patch_mask = Mat::zeros(lable_mask.rows, lable_mask.cols, CV_8U);

		// extract patches
		for(int r=patch_size.height/2; r<edge_map.rows-patch_size.height/2; r+=3) {
			for(int c=patch_size.width/2; c<edge_map.cols-patch_size.width/2; c+=3) {

				if( edge_map.at<uchar>(r,c) == 0 ) continue;

				// only use perfect boundary points
				Point center_pt(c, r), left_pt(c-1, r), right_pt(c+1, r), top_pt(c, r-1), bottom_pt(c, r+1);
				if(lable_mask.at<uchar>(center_pt) == lable_mask.at<uchar>(left_pt) && 
					lable_mask.at<uchar>(center_pt) == lable_mask.at<uchar>(right_pt) &&
					lable_mask.at<uchar>(center_pt) == lable_mask.at<uchar>(top_pt) &&
					lable_mask.at<uchar>(center_pt) == lable_mask.at<uchar>(bottom_pt) );

				// set picked
				picked_patch_mask.at<uchar>(center_pt) = 1;

				VisualObject cur_patch;
				cur_patch.meta_data.img_path = imgfns[i].filepath;
				Rect box(c-patch_size.width/2, r-patch_size.height/2, patch_size.width, patch_size.height);
				cur_patch.visual_data.bbox = box;

				// find which object is dominant
				map<int, int> obj_label_cnt;
				int max_num = 0;
				cur_patch.meta_data.category_id = -1;
				for(int rr=box.y; rr<box.br().y; rr++) for(int cc=box.x; cc<box.br().x; cc++) {
					int cur_id = label_id_mask.at<int>(rr,cc);
					if(cur_id != -1)
						if(obj_label_cnt[cur_id] > max_num) 
							max_num = obj_label_cnt[cur_id];
							cur_patch.meta_data.category_id= cur_id;
				/*vector<ImgWin> boxes; boxes.push_back(box);
				ImgVisualizer::DrawWinsOnImg("", cimg, boxes);
				if(cur_patch.category_id != -1) {
				imshow("mask", gt_obj_masks[cur_patch.category_id]*255);

				lable_mask(box).convertTo(cur_patch.visual_data.mask, CV_32F);
				// extract feature vector
				gray_img_float(box).copyTo( cur_patch.visual_data.custom_feats["gray"] );
				//grad_mag(box).copyTo( cur_patch.visual_desc.extra_features["gradient"] );
				if(use_depth) {
					normal_map(box).copyTo( cur_patch.visual_data.custom_feats["normal"] );
					dmap_float(box).copyTo( cur_patch.visual_data.custom_feats["depth"] );
					/*ImgVisualizer::DrawFloatImg("depthmask", cur_patch.visual_desc.extra_features["depth"]);
					cout<<"new box"<<endl;
				Mat feat;
				ComputePatchFeat(cur_patch.visual_data.custom_feats, feat);
		cout<<"finished image: "<<i<<"/"<<imgfns.size()<<endl;
		cout<<"db size: "<<patch_data.rows<<endl;

	cout<<"total patch number: "<<patch_data.rows<<endl;

	if(use_code) {
		// compress to codes
		LSHCoder lsh_coder;
		if( !lsh_coder.LearnOptimalCodes(patch_data, 64, patch_keys) ) {
			return false;

	return true;