コード例 #1
ファイル: json-test.c プロジェクト: camellan/torrential
static int test1(void)
    char const* in =
        "    \"headers\": {\n"
        "        \"type\": \"request\",\n"
        "        \"tag\": 666\n"
        "    },\n"
        "    \"body\": {\n"
        "        \"name\": \"torrent-info\",\n"
        "        \"arguments\": {\n"
        "            \"ids\": [ 7, 10 ]\n"
        "        }\n"
        "    }\n"
    tr_variant top;
    tr_variant* headers;
    tr_variant* body;
    tr_variant* args;
    tr_variant* ids;
    char const* str;
    int64_t i;
    int const err = tr_variantFromJson(&top, in, strlen(in));

    check_int(err, ==, 0);
    check_ptr((headers = tr_variantDictFind(&top, tr_quark_new("headers", 7))), !=, NULL);
    check(tr_variantDictFindStr(headers, tr_quark_new("type", 4), &str, NULL));
    check_str(str, ==, "request");
    check(tr_variantDictFindInt(headers, TR_KEY_tag, &i));
    check_int(i, ==, 666);
    check_ptr((body = tr_variantDictFind(&top, tr_quark_new("body", 4))), !=, NULL);
    check(tr_variantDictFindStr(body, TR_KEY_name, &str, NULL));
    check_str(str, ==, "torrent-info");
    check_ptr((args = tr_variantDictFind(body, tr_quark_new("arguments", 9))), !=, NULL);
    check_ptr((ids = tr_variantDictFind(args, TR_KEY_ids)), !=, NULL);
    check_uint(tr_variantListSize(ids), ==, 2);
    check(tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(ids, 0), &i));
    check_int(i, ==, 7);
    check(tr_variantGetInt(tr_variantListChild(ids, 1), &i));
    check_int(i, ==, 10);

    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: variant-json.c プロジェクト: pelegrin/Transmission
static tr_variant*
get_node (struct jsonsl_st * jsn)
  tr_variant * parent;
  tr_variant * node = NULL;
  struct json_wrapper_data * data = jsn->data;

  parent = tr_ptrArrayEmpty (&data->stack)
         ? NULL
         : tr_ptrArrayBack (&data->stack);

  if (!parent)
      node = data->top;
  else if (tr_variantIsList (parent))
      node = tr_variantListAdd (parent);
  else if (tr_variantIsDict (parent) && (data->key!=NULL))
      node = tr_variantDictAdd (parent, tr_quark_new (data->key, data->keylen));

      data->key = NULL;
      data->keylen = 0;

  return node;
コード例 #3
static void
save_recent_destination (TrCore * core, const char * dir)
  int i;
  GSList * l;
  GSList * list = get_recent_destinations ();

  if (dir == NULL)

  /* if it was already in the list, remove it */
  if ((l = g_slist_find_custom (list, dir, (GCompareFunc)g_strcmp0)))
    list = g_slist_delete_link (list, l);

  /* add it to the front of the list */
  list = g_slist_prepend (list, (void*)dir);

  /* make local copies of the strings that aren't
   * invalidated by gtr_pref_string_set () */
  for (l=list; l; l=l->next)
    l->data = g_strdup (l->data);

  /* save the first N_RECENT directories */
  for (l=list, i=0; l && (i<N_RECENT); ++i, l=l->next)
      char key[64];
      g_snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "recent-download-dir-%d", i + 1);
      gtr_pref_string_set (tr_quark_new(key,-1), l->data);
  gtr_pref_save (gtr_core_session (core));

  /* cleanup */
  g_slist_foreach (list, (GFunc)g_free, NULL);
  g_slist_free (list);
コード例 #4
ファイル: quark-test.c プロジェクト: JanX2/transmission
static int
test_static_quarks (void)
  int i;

  for (i=0; i<TR_N_KEYS; i++)
      tr_quark q;
      size_t len;
      const char * str;

      str = tr_quark_get_string ((tr_quark)i, &len);
      check_uint_eq (strlen(str), len);
      check (tr_quark_lookup (str, len, &q));
      check_int_eq (i, (int)q);

  for (i=0; i+1<TR_N_KEYS; i++)
      size_t len1, len2;
      const char *str1, *str2;

      str1 = tr_quark_get_string ((tr_quark)i, &len1);
      str2 = tr_quark_get_string ((tr_quark)(i+1), &len2);

      check (strcmp (str1, str2) < 0);

  const tr_quark q = tr_quark_new (NULL, TR_BAD_SIZE);
  check_int_eq (TR_KEY_NONE, (int)q);
  check_streq ("", tr_quark_get_string (q, NULL));

  return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: json-test.c プロジェクト: Javierortizc/transmission
static int
test_utf8 (void)
    const char      * in = "{ \"key\": \"Letöltések\" }";
    tr_variant           top;
    const char      * str;
    char            * json;
    int               err;
    const tr_quark key = tr_quark_new ("key", 3);

    err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, in, strlen(in));
    check (!err);
    check (tr_variantIsDict (&top));
    check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, key, &str, NULL));
    check_streq ("Letöltések", str);
    if (!err)
        tr_variantFree (&top);

    in = "{ \"key\": \"\\u005C\" }";
    err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, in, strlen(in));
    check (!err);
    check (tr_variantIsDict (&top));
    check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, key, &str, NULL));
    check_streq ("\\", str);
    if (!err)
        tr_variantFree (&top);

     * 1. Feed it JSON-escaped nonascii to the JSON decoder.
     * 2. Confirm that the result is UTF-8.
     * 3. Feed the same UTF-8 back into the JSON encoder.
     * 4. Confirm that the result is JSON-escaped.
     * 5. Dogfood that result back into the parser.
     * 6. Confirm that the result is UTF-8.
    in = "{ \"key\": \"Let\\u00f6lt\\u00e9sek\" }";
    err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, in, strlen(in));
    check (!err);
    check (tr_variantIsDict (&top));
    check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, key, &str, NULL));
    check_streq ("Letöltések", str);
    json = tr_variantToStr (&top, TR_VARIANT_FMT_JSON, NULL);
    if (!err)
        tr_variantFree (&top);
    check (json);
    check (strstr (json, "\\u00f6") != NULL);
    check (strstr (json, "\\u00e9") != NULL);
    err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, json, strlen(json));
    check (!err);
    check (tr_variantIsDict (&top));
    check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, key, &str, NULL));
    check_streq ("Letöltések", str);
    if (!err)
        tr_variantFree (&top);
    tr_free (json);

    return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: json-test.c プロジェクト: Javierortizc/transmission
static int
test1 (void)
    const char * in =
        "    \"headers\": {\n"
        "        \"type\": \"request\",\n"
        "        \"tag\": 666\n"
        "    },\n"
        "    \"body\": {\n"
        "        \"name\": \"torrent-info\",\n"
        "        \"arguments\": {\n"
        "            \"ids\": [ 7, 10 ]\n"
        "        }\n"
        "    }\n"
    tr_variant      top, *headers, *body, *args, *ids;
    const char * str;
    int64_t      i;
    const int    err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, in, strlen(in));

    check (!err);
    check (tr_variantIsDict (&top));
    check ((headers = tr_variantDictFind (&top, tr_quark_new("headers",7))));
    check (tr_variantIsDict (headers));
    check (tr_variantDictFindStr (headers, tr_quark_new("type",4), &str, NULL));
    check_streq ("request", str);
    check (tr_variantDictFindInt (headers, TR_KEY_tag, &i));
    check_int_eq (666, i);
    check ((body = tr_variantDictFind (&top, tr_quark_new("body",4))));
    check (tr_variantDictFindStr (body, TR_KEY_name, &str, NULL));
    check_streq ("torrent-info", str);
    check ((args = tr_variantDictFind (body, tr_quark_new("arguments",9))));
    check (tr_variantIsDict (args));
    check ((ids = tr_variantDictFind (args, TR_KEY_ids)));
    check (tr_variantIsList (ids));
    check_int_eq (2, tr_variantListSize (ids));
    check (tr_variantGetInt (tr_variantListChild (ids, 0), &i));
    check_int_eq (7, i);
    check (tr_variantGetInt (tr_variantListChild (ids, 1), &i));
    check_int_eq (10, i);

    tr_variantFree (&top);
    return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: json-test.c プロジェクト: camellan/torrential
static int test_unescape(void)
    char const* in = "{ \"string-1\": \"\\/usr\\/lib\" }";
    tr_variant top;
    char const* str;

    int const err = tr_variantFromJson(&top, in, strlen(in));
    check_int(err, ==, 0);
    check(tr_variantDictFindStr(&top, tr_quark_new("string-1", 8), &str, NULL));
    check_str(str, ==, "/usr/lib");

    return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: json-test.c プロジェクト: Javierortizc/transmission
static int
test_unescape (void)
    const char * in = "{ \"string-1\": \"\\/usr\\/lib\" }";
    tr_variant top;
    const char * str;

    const int err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, in, strlen(in));
    check_int_eq (0, err);
    check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, tr_quark_new("string-1",8), &str, NULL));
    check_streq ("/usr/lib", str);

    tr_variantFree (&top);
    return 0;
コード例 #9
ファイル: json-test.c プロジェクト: camellan/torrential
static int test_elements(void)
    char const* in;
    tr_variant top;
    char const* str;
    bool f;
    double d;
    int64_t i;
    int err = 0;
    tr_quark key;

    in =
        "{ \"string\": \"hello world\","
        "  \"escaped\": \"bell \\b formfeed \\f linefeed \\n carriage return \\r tab \\t\","
        "  \"int\": 5, "
        "  \"float\": 6.5, "
        "  \"true\": true, "
        "  \"false\": false, "
        "  \"null\": null }";

    err = tr_variantFromJson(&top, in, strlen(in));
    check_int(err, ==, 0);
    str = NULL;
    key = tr_quark_new("string", 6);
    check(tr_variantDictFindStr(&top, key, &str, NULL));
    check_str(str, ==, "hello world");
    check(tr_variantDictFindStr(&top, tr_quark_new("escaped", 7), &str, NULL));
    check_str(str, ==, "bell \b formfeed \f linefeed \n carriage return \r tab \t");
    i = 0;
    check(tr_variantDictFindInt(&top, tr_quark_new("int", 3), &i));
    check_int(i, ==, 5);
    d = 0;
    check(tr_variantDictFindReal(&top, tr_quark_new("float", 5), &d));
    check_int(((int)(d * 10)), ==, 65);
    f = false;
    check(tr_variantDictFindBool(&top, tr_quark_new("true", 4), &f));
    check_int(f, ==, true);
    check(tr_variantDictFindBool(&top, tr_quark_new("false", 5), &f));
    check_int(f, ==, false);
    check(tr_variantDictFindStr(&top, tr_quark_new("null", 4), &str, NULL));
    check_str(str, ==, "");

    if (err == 0)

    return 0;
コード例 #10
static GSList*
get_recent_destinations (void)
    int i;
    GSList * list = NULL;

    for (i=0; i<N_RECENT; ++i)
        char key[64];
        const char * val;
        g_snprintf (key, sizeof (key), "recent-download-dir-%d", i+1);
        if ((val = gtr_pref_string_get (tr_quark_new(key,-1))))
            list = g_slist_append (list, (void*)val);
    return list;
コード例 #11
ファイル: json-test.c プロジェクト: Javierortizc/transmission
static int
test_elements (void)
    const char * in;
    tr_variant top;
    const char * str;
    bool f;
    double d;
    int64_t i;
    int err = 0;
    tr_quark key;

    in = "{ \"string\": \"hello world\","
         "  \"escaped\": \"bell \\b formfeed \\f linefeed \\n carriage return \\r tab \\t\","
         "  \"int\": 5, "
         "  \"float\": 6.5, "
         "  \"true\": true, "
         "  \"false\": false, "
         "  \"null\": null }";

    err = tr_variantFromJson (&top, in, strlen(in));
    check_int_eq (0, err);
    check (tr_variantIsDict (&top));
    str = NULL;
    key = tr_quark_new ("string", 6);
    check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, key, &str, NULL));
    check_streq ("hello world", str);
    check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, tr_quark_new("escaped",7), &str, NULL));
    check_streq ("bell \b formfeed \f linefeed \n carriage return \r tab \t", str);
    i = 0;
    check (tr_variantDictFindInt (&top, tr_quark_new("int",3), &i));
    check_int_eq (5, i);
    d = 0;
    check (tr_variantDictFindReal (&top, tr_quark_new("float",5), &d));
    check_int_eq (65, ((int)(d*10)));
    f = false;
    check (tr_variantDictFindBool (&top, tr_quark_new("true",4), &f));
    check_int_eq (true, f);
    check (tr_variantDictFindBool (&top, tr_quark_new("false",5), &f));
    check_int_eq (false, f);
    check (tr_variantDictFindStr (&top, tr_quark_new("null",4), &str, NULL));
    check_streq ("", str);

    if (!err)
        tr_variantFree (&top);

    return 0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: variant-benc.c プロジェクト: JanX2/transmission
 * This function's previous recursive implementation was
 * easier to read, but was vulnerable to a smash-stacking
 * attack via maliciously-crafted bencoded data. (#667)
tr_variantParseBenc (const void    * buf_in,
                     const void    * bufend_in,
                     tr_variant    * top,
                     const char   ** setme_end)
  int err = 0;
  const uint8_t * buf = buf_in;
  const uint8_t * bufend = bufend_in;
  tr_ptrArray stack = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
  tr_quark key = 0;

  tr_variantInit (top, 0);

  while (buf != bufend)
      if (buf > bufend) /* no more text to parse... */
        err = EILSEQ;

      if (err)

      if (*buf == 'i') /* int */
          int64_t val;
          const uint8_t * end;
          tr_variant * v;

          if ((err = tr_bencParseInt (buf, bufend, &end, &val)))
          buf = end;

          if ((v = get_node (&stack, &key, top, &err)))
            tr_variantInitInt (v, val);
      else if (*buf == 'l') /* list */
          tr_variant * v;


          if ((v = get_node (&stack, &key, top, &err)))
              tr_variantInitList (v, 0);
              tr_ptrArrayAppend (&stack, v);
      else if (*buf == 'd') /* dict */
          tr_variant * v;


          if ((v = get_node (&stack, &key, top, &err)))
              tr_variantInitDict (v, 0);
              tr_ptrArrayAppend (&stack, v);
      else if (*buf == 'e') /* end of list or dict */

          if (tr_ptrArrayEmpty (&stack) || (key != 0))
              err = EILSEQ;
              tr_ptrArrayPop (&stack);
              if (tr_ptrArrayEmpty (&stack))
      else if (isdigit (*buf)) /* string? */
          tr_variant * v;
          const uint8_t * end;
          const uint8_t * str;
          size_t str_len;

          if ((err = tr_bencParseStr (buf, bufend, &end, &str, &str_len)))
          buf = end;

          if (!key && !tr_ptrArrayEmpty(&stack) && tr_variantIsDict(tr_ptrArrayBack(&stack)))
            key = tr_quark_new (str, str_len);
          else if ((v = get_node (&stack, &key, top, &err)))
            tr_variantInitStr (v, str, str_len);
      else /* invalid bencoded text... march past it */

      if (tr_ptrArrayEmpty (&stack))

  if (!err && (!top->type || !tr_ptrArrayEmpty(&stack)))
    err = EILSEQ;

  if (!err && setme_end)
    *setme_end = (const char*) buf;

  tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&stack, NULL);
  return err;
コード例 #13
ファイル: json-test.c プロジェクト: neverlee/Transmission
static inline tr_quark
toQuark (const char * str)
  return tr_quark_new (str, strlen(str));