__assert_func (const char *file, int line, const char *func, const char *failedexpr) { trace_printf ("assertion \"%s\" failed: file \"%s\", line %d%s%s\n", failedexpr, file, line, func ? ", function: " : "", func ? func : ""); abort (); /* NOTREACHED */ }
void DataTerminal::fail() { mByteCount = 0; mState = STATE_WAITING; GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB, GPIO_Pin_14|GPIO_Pin_15); FLASH_Lock(); trace_printf("Resetting\n"); writeCmd(NACK); }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ trace_printf("Hello\n"); /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ BSP_PB_Init(BUTTON_KEY,BUTTON_MODE_EXTI); // initialize on board switch BSP_LED_Init(LED5); // initialize on baord LED 4 and LED 5 BSP_LED_Init(LED4); /* Check if the system has resumed from WWDG reset */ if(__HAL_RCC_GET_FLAG(RCC_FLAG_IWDGRST) != RESET) { /* WWDGRST flag set: Turn LED1 on */ BSP_LED_On(LED5); /* Clear reset flags */ __HAL_RCC_CLEAR_RESET_FLAGS(); } else { /* WWDGRST flag is not set: Turn LED1 off */ BSP_LED_Off(LED5); } /* Initialize and start IWDG */ BSP_IWDG_Init(2000); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ BSP_LED_Toggle(LED4); HAL_Delay(1850); /* Refresh the IWDG reload count value */ HAL_IWDG_Refresh(&hiwdg_bsp); } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
// // print timer list // void sb_timer_timer_list_print() { char la_info[50]; char la_to[40]; Timer_TLE_Type *lp_tle; Timer_TLE_Type *lp_tle_prev; lp_tle = gp_timer_head; lp_tle_prev = NULL; if (lp_tle != NULL) trace_printf("TIMER timer list\n"); while (lp_tle != NULL) { sb_timer_to_fmt(la_to, lp_tle->iv_to); switch (lp_tle->iv_kind) { case TIMER_TLE_KIND_CB: sprintf(la_info, "cb=%p", SB_CB_TO_PTR(lp_tle->iv_cb)); break; case TIMER_TLE_KIND_COMPQ: sprintf(la_info, "q=%p", pfp(lp_tle->ip_comp_q)); break; default: strcpy(la_info, "?"); SB_util_abort("invalid iv_kind"); // sw fault break; } trace_printf("tle id=%d, addr=%p, p=%p, n=%p, %s, stid=%d, ttid=%d, mgr=%p, to=%s, toval=%d, p1=%d(0x%x), p2=%ld(0x%lx)\n", lp_tle->iv_tleid, pfp(lp_tle), pfp(lp_tle->ip_prev), pfp(lp_tle->ip_next), la_info, lp_tle->iv_stid, lp_tle->iv_ttid, pfp(lp_tle->ip_mgr), la_to, lp_tle->iv_toval, lp_tle->iv_parm1, lp_tle->iv_parm1, lp_tle->iv_parm2, lp_tle->iv_parm2); SB_util_assert_peq(lp_tle->ip_prev, lp_tle_prev); lp_tle_prev = lp_tle; lp_tle = lp_tle->ip_next; } }
struct MFNWorkunitRobustElement MFNWorkunitRobust::GetNextWorkunit(uint32_t ClientId) { trace_printf("MFNWorkunitRobust::GetNextWorkunit(%u)\n", ClientId); struct MFNWorkunitRobustElement Workunit; this->workunitMutexBoost.lock(); // Check to see if we need to make more workunits. if ((this->ActualWorkunitsCreated != this->NumberOfWorkunitsTotal) && (this->pendingWorkunits.size() < MFN_WORKUNIT_MIN_PENDING_WUS)) { this->CreateMorePendingWorkunits(MFN_WORKUNIT_WU_REFILL_SIZE); } // Check to see if there are valid workunits left. if (this->pendingWorkunits.size() == 0) { // If not, return a unit with isValid = 0. if (this->DebugOutput) { printf("pendingWorkunits.size() == 0; returning.\n"); } memset(&Workunit, 0, sizeof(MFNWorkunitRobustElement)); Workunit.Flags = WORKUNIT_TERMINATE; this->workunitMutexBoost.unlock(); if (this->DebugOutput) { PrintRobustWorkunit(Workunit); } return Workunit; } // We still have workunits left. // Get the next waiting workunit from the main queue. Workunit = this->pendingWorkunits.front(); this->pendingWorkunits.pop_front(); if (this->DebugOutput) { printf("Popped WU ID %lu\n", Workunit.WorkUnitID); } // Set some variables we can make use of. Workunit.IsAssigned = 1; Workunit.WorkunitRequestedTimestamp = this->WorkunitTimer.getElapsedTime(); Workunit.ClientId = ClientId; // Add the workunit to the in-flight queue. this->assignedWorkunits.push_back(Workunit); if (this->DebugOutput) { printf("In flight WUs: %lu\n", this->assignedWorkunits.size()); } this->workunitMutexBoost.unlock(); this->WriteSaveState(0); if (this->DebugOutput) { PrintRobustWorkunit(Workunit); } return Workunit; }
// // Purpose: return an ms error // short ms_err_rtn(short pv_fserr) { if (pv_fserr != XZFIL_ERR_OK) { SB_UTRACE_API_ADD2(SB_UTRACE_API_OP_MS_EXIT, pv_fserr); if (gv_ms_trace_errors) trace_printf("setting ms ret=%d\n", pv_fserr); if (gv_ms_assert_error) SB_util_assert_ieq(pv_fserr, XZFIL_ERR_OK); // sw fault } return pv_fserr; }
void simpleTest(void) { uint8_t summ = 0; uint8_t i; for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { s_testingSequence[i] = i; summ += s_testingSequence[i]; } s_testingSequence[14] = summ; trace_printf("summ [%x]\n\r", summ); USART_HandleTypeDef usart; USART2_Init(&usart, 9600); HELP_dumpUsartProps(&usart); while (1) { HAL_StatusTypeDef status = HAL_USART_Transmit(&usart, s_testingSequence, 15, 0xFF); trace_printf("tr [%d]\n\r", status); System_delayMsDummy(100); } }
void deleteFile(char *filename) { int status = remove(filename); if (status == 0) trace_printf("%s file deleted successfully.", filename); else { err_printf("Unable to delete the file"); perror("Error"); } }
static void IpcTask (void * pvParameters) { unsigned int msg, *local_vq_buf; int ret; struct virtqueue_buf virtq_buf; virtqueue_init(); nvic_enable_irq(MAILBOX_IRQ); enable_mailbox_irq(); for (;;) { xQueueReceive(MboxQueue, &msg, portMAX_DELAY); trace_printf("msg from mailbox : "); trace_value(msg); switch(msg) { case RP_MBOX_ECHO_REQUEST : mailbox_send(M3_TO_HOST_MBX, RP_MBOX_ECHO_REPLY); break; case HOST_TO_M3_VRING : ret = virtqueue_get_avail_buf(&virtqueue_list[msg], &virtq_buf); /* make a local copy of the buffer */ local_vq_buf = pvPortMalloc(RP_MSG_BUF_SIZE); memcpy(local_vq_buf, virtq_buf.buf_ptr, RP_MSG_BUF_SIZE); virtqueue_add_used_buf(&virtqueue_list[msg], virtq_buf.head); /* dispatch to the service queue */ rpmsg_dispatch_msg(local_vq_buf); break; case M3_TO_HOST_VRING : trace_printf("kick on vq0, dropping it \n"); xSemaphoreGive(InitDoneSemaphore); break; } } vTaskDelete(NULL); }
void MFNHashTypePlainCUDA_DupMD5::launchKernel() { trace_printf("MFNHashTypePlainCUDA_DupMD5::launchKernel()\n"); // Copy the per-step data to the device. MFNHashTypePlainCUDA_DupMD5_CopyValueToConstant("deviceNumberStepsToRunPlainDupMD5", &this->perStep, sizeof(uint32_t)); MFNHashTypePlainCUDA_DupMD5_LaunchKernel(this->passwordLength, this->GPUBlocks, this->GPUThreads); }
void CHHashFileVSalted::ImportHashListFromRemoteSystem(std::string & remoteData) { trace_printf("CHHashFileVSalted::ImportHashListFromRemoteSystem()\n"); std::string hashBuffer; CHHashImplementation *HashFunction = NULL; this->HashFileMutex.lock(); this->HashesProtobuf.Clear(); this->HashesProtobuf.ParseFromString(remoteData); // If the salt is to be hashed, set up the class to do it. if (this->saltPrehashAlgorithm == CH_HASHFILE_MD5_ASCII) { HashFunction = new CHHashImplementationMD5(); } //Unpack the CHHashFileVSalted general member variables other than Hashes. this->HashLengthBytes = this->HashesProtobuf.hash_length_bytes(); this->MaxSaltLengthBytes = this->HashesProtobuf.salt_length_bytes(); //Then unpack individual HashSalted structs. this->TotalHashes = this->HashesProtobuf.salted_hash_value_size(); for(int i=0;i<this->TotalHashes;i++) { CHHashFileVSalted::HashSalted hashSalted; this->SaltedHashProtobuf.Clear(); this->SaltedHashProtobuf = this->HashesProtobuf.salted_hash_value(i); hashBuffer = std::string(this->SaltedHashProtobuf.hash()); hashSalted.hash = std::vector<uint8_t>(hashBuffer.begin(), hashBuffer.end()); hashBuffer = std::string(this->SaltedHashProtobuf.salt()); hashSalted.saltLength = hashBuffer.length(); hashSalted.salt = std::vector<uint8_t>(hashBuffer.begin(), hashBuffer.end()); // Hash the salt if needed. if (this->saltPrehashAlgorithm == CH_HASHFILE_MD5_ASCII) { hashSalted.salt = HashFunction-> hashDataAsciiVector(hashSalted.salt); } hashSalted.password = std::vector<uint8_t>(); hashSalted.passwordFound = 0; hashSalted.passwordOutputToFile = 0; hashSalted.passwordPrinted = 0; this->Hashes.push_back(hashSalted); } this->HashesProtobuf.Clear(); this->SaltedHashProtobuf.Clear(); this->clearCaches(); if (HashFunction) { delete HashFunction; } this->TotalHashesRemaining = this->TotalHashes; this->HashFileMutex.unlock(); }
void MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL::copyConstantDataToDevice() { trace_printf("MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL::copyConstantDataToDevice()\n"); cudaError_t err; uint8_t localPasswordLength = (uint8_t) this->passwordLength; uint64_t localNumberHashes = (uint64_t) this->activeHashesProcessed.size(); uint64_t localNumberThreads = this->GPUBlocks * this->GPUThreads; // Begin copying constant data to the device. MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_CONSTANT_BITMAP_A, &this->sharedBitmap8kb_a[0], 8192); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_DEVICE_PASSWORD_LENGTH, &localPasswordLength, sizeof(uint8_t)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_NUMBER_OF_HASHES, &localNumberHashes, sizeof(uint64_t)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_GLOBAL_HASHLIST_ADDRESS, &this->DeviceHashlistAddress, sizeof(uint8_t *)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_GLOBAL_BITMAP_A, &this->DeviceBitmap128mb_a_Address, sizeof(uint8_t *)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_GLOBAL_BITMAP_B, &this->DeviceBitmap128mb_b_Address, sizeof(uint8_t *)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_GLOBAL_BITMAP_C, &this->DeviceBitmap128mb_c_Address, sizeof(uint8_t *)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_GLOBAL_BITMAP_D, &this->DeviceBitmap128mb_d_Address, sizeof(uint8_t *)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_GLOBAL_BITMAP_256KB_A, &this->DeviceBitmap256kb_Address, sizeof(uint8_t *)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_GLOBAL_FOUND_PASSWORDS, &this->DeviceFoundPasswordsAddress, sizeof(uint8_t *)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_GLOBAL_FOUND_PASSWORD_FLAGS, &this->DeviceSuccessAddress, sizeof(uint8_t *)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_DEVICE_NUMBER_THREADS, &localNumberThreads, sizeof(uint64_t)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_DEVICE_WORDLIST_DATA, &this->DeviceWordlistBlocks, sizeof(uint32_t *)); MFNHashTypeSaltedCUDA_IPBWL_CopyValueToConstantById(MFN_CUDA_DEVICE_WORDLIST_LENGTHS, &this->DeviceWordlistLengths, sizeof(uint8_t *)); this->copySaltConstantsToDevice(); err = cudaGetLastError(); if (err != cudaSuccess) { printf("Thread %d, dev %d: CUDA error %d: %s. Exiting.\n", this->threadId, this->gpuDeviceId, err, cudaGetErrorString( err)); exit(1); } }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ uint32_t test; /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ BSP_UART_Init(115200); /* Initialize on board LED4 */ BSP_LED_Init(LED4); trace_printf("Hello\n"); /* Configure MPU region */ MPU_Config(); /* Try to access memory region 1 */ uprintf("Trying to read memory from region 1\n\r"); test = (*(unsigned int *)0x08000010); uprintf("some value at location 0x08000010: %08x \n\r",test ); uprintf("Read successful!!!\n\r"); /* Try to access memory region 2 */ uprintf("Trying to read memory from region 2\n\r"); uprintf("Memory management fault occur: LED4 will Glow"); test = (*(unsigned int *)0x20002001); uprintf("some value at location 0x20002001: %08x \n\r",test ); /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
void DataTerminal::flushPage() { #ifdef DRY_RUN trace_printf("Mock write for flash page at %.8x\n", mWriteAddress); mWriteAddress += FLASH_PAGE_SIZE; #else trace_printf("Writing Flash page at %.8x\n", mWriteAddress); FLASH_ErasePage(mWriteAddress); FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(FLASH_ER_PRG_TIMEOUT); char *p = mCurrPage; for ( size_t i = 0; i < FLASH_PAGE_SIZE; i += 4, p += 4) { FLASH_ProgramWord(mWriteAddress + i, *(uint32_t*)p); FLASH_WaitForLastOperation(FLASH_ER_PRG_TIMEOUT); } trace_printf("Wrote Flash page at %.8x\n", mWriteAddress); mWriteAddress += FLASH_PAGE_SIZE; memset(mCurrPage, 0, sizeof mCurrPage); #endif }
void trace_value(unsigned int register_value) { int i,reg; char hexa_char; char string[10] = "0x00000000"; reg = register_value; for ( i=9 ; i>1 ; i--) { hexa_char = (char)(reg & ASCII_MASK); if (hexa_char < 10) string[i] = hexa_char + 48 ; else string[i] = hexa_char + 55; reg = reg >> 4 ; } trace_printf(string); trace_printf("\n"); }
MFNWorkunitWordlist::MFNWorkunitWordlist() { trace_printf("MFNWorkunitWordlist::MFNWorkunitWordlist()\n"); this->networkPort = MFN_WORKUNIT_DEFAULT_NETWORK_PORT; this->NetworkServer = NULL; this->wordlistBlocks.passwordsArePadded = 0; memset(this->wordlistBlocks.passwordsCurrentlyLoaded, 0, sizeof(this->wordlistBlocks.passwordsCurrentlyLoaded)); memset(this->wordlistBlocks.lastExportedTime, 0, sizeof(this->wordlistBlocks.lastExportedTime)); this->totalQueuedWords = 0; this->lastWorkunitIDAssigned = 0; this->StartNetwork(); }
int main(void) { /* USER CODE BEGIN 1 */ trace_printf("Hello\n"); /* USER CODE END 1 */ /* MCU Configuration----------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Reset of all peripherals, Initializes the Flash interface and the Systick. */ HAL_Init(); /* Configure the system clock */ SystemClock_Config(); /* Initialize all configured peripherals */ MX_GPIO_Init(); /* USER CODE BEGIN 2 */ BSP_UART_Init(9600); BSP_VCP_Init(); vgetche(BLOCKING); // Dummy read to get the VCP Connected /* display string */ vuprintf("AT\n\r"); HAL_Delay(500); if(BSP_GSM_ConnectTest()==1) { /* display string */ vuprintf("Connecting... \n\r"); HAL_Delay(500); vuprintf("Successful! \n\r"); HAL_Delay(500); } else { vuprintf("Fail \n\r"); while(1); } /* USER CODE END 2 */ /* Infinite loop */ /* USER CODE BEGIN WHILE */ while (1) { /* USER CODE END WHILE */ /* USER CODE BEGIN 3 */ } /* USER CODE END 3 */ }
static void show_code(void *eip) { unsigned long code_prologue = code_bytes * 43 / 64; unsigned char *code; unsigned int i; if (!eip) return; code = eip - code_prologue; trace_printf("Code: "); for (i = 0; i < code_bytes; i++) { if (code+i == eip) trace_printf("<%02x> ", code[i]); else trace_printf("%02x ", code[i]); } trace_printf("\n"); }
void MFNHashTypePlainOpenCL::setupDevice() { trace_printf("CHHashTypeVPlainCUDA::setupDevice()\n"); char buildOptions[1024]; cl_int errorCode; // Set the OpenCL platform & device trace_printf("Thread %d setting OpenCL platform/device to %d, %d\n", this->threadId, this->openCLPlatformId, this->gpuDeviceId); this->OpenCL->selectPlatformById(this->openCLPlatformId); this->OpenCL->selectDeviceById(this->gpuDeviceId); /** * Handle generating the kernels. This involves building with the specified * password length, vector width, and BFI_INT status. */ if (MultiforcerGlobalClassFactory.getCommandlinedataClass()->GetUseBfiInt()) { // BFI_INT patching - pass BITALIGN to kernel sprintf(buildOptions, "-D PASSWORD_LENGTH=%d -D VECTOR_WIDTH=%d -D BITALIGN=1", this->passwordLength, this->VectorWidth); } else { // No BFI_INT patching. sprintf(buildOptions, "-D PASSWORD_LENGTH=%d -D VECTOR_WIDTH=%d", this->passwordLength, this->VectorWidth); } this->OpenCL->buildProgramFromManySourcesConcat(this->getHashFileNames(), buildOptions); // If the BFI_INT patching is being used, patch the generated binary. if (MultiforcerGlobalClassFactory.getCommandlinedataClass()->GetUseBfiInt()) { this->OpenCL->doAMDBFIPatch(); } this->HashProgram = this->OpenCL->getProgram(); this->HashKernel = clCreateKernel (this->HashProgram, this->getHashKernelName().c_str(), &errorCode); if (errorCode != CL_SUCCESS) { printf("Error: %s\n", print_cl_errstring(errorCode)); exit(1); } }
void *shmServerConstructor(void *arg) { //Create the key file for shm and sem keyfiles deleteFile(SHMKEYPATH); deleteFile(SEMKEYPATH); createEmptyFile(SHMKEYPATH); createEmptyFile(SEMKEYPATH); //initiator first shmServerInitiator(); //Create Clients' Check status shmServer.gsThreadID = pthread_create(&shmServer.gsThread, NULL, shmServerClientCheck, NULL); trace_printf("Thread shmServerClientCheck successfully"); pthread_join(shmServer.gsThread, NULL); trace_printf("Join threads Done"); shmServerDestructor(); return (void *) NULL; }
static void show_registers(gregset_t gregs) { unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx; unsigned long esi, edi, ebp, esp; eax = gregs[REG_EAX]; ebx = gregs[REG_EBX]; ecx = gregs[REG_ECX]; edx = gregs[REG_EDX]; esi = gregs[REG_ESI]; edi = gregs[REG_EDI]; ebp = gregs[REG_EBP]; esp = gregs[REG_ESP]; trace_printf("Registers:\n"); trace_printf(" eax: %08lx ebx: %08lx ecx: %08lx edx: %08lx\n", eax, ebx, ecx, edx); trace_printf(" esi: %08lx edi: %08lx ebp: %08lx esp: %08lx\n", esi, edi, ebp, esp); }
std::vector<std::string> MFNHashTypePlainOpenCL_MD5::getHashFileNames() { trace_printf("MFNHashTypePlainOpenCL_MD5::getHashFileNames()\n"); std::vector<std::string> returnHashFilenames; std::string hashFilename; #if !RELEASE_KERNEL hashFilename = "./src/MFN_OpenCL_device/MFNHashTypePlainOpenCL_MD5.cl"; returnHashFilenames.push_back(hashFilename); #endif return returnHashFilenames; }
int execv_git_cmd(const char **argv) { const char **nargv = prepare_git_cmd(argv); trace_argv_printf(nargv, "trace: exec:"); /* execvp() can only ever return if it fails */ execvp("git", (char **)nargv); trace_printf("trace: exec failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); free(nargv); return -1; }
int MFNWorkunitRobust::CreateWorkunits(uint64_t NumberOfPasswords, uint8_t BitsPerUnit, uint8_t PasswordLength) { trace_printf("MFNWorkunitRobust::CreateWorkunits(%lu, %u, %u)\n", NumberOfPasswords, BitsPerUnit, PasswordLength); uint64_t NumberOfWorkunits = 0; this->workunitMutexBoost.lock(); this->ClearAllInternalState(); this->WorkunitBits = BitsPerUnit; this->CurrentPasswordLength = PasswordLength; this->NumberPasswordsTotal = NumberOfPasswords; // Calculate how many elements are needed per workunit this->ElementsPerWorkunit = pow(2.0, (int)BitsPerUnit); if (this->DebugOutput) { printf("Elements per unit: %llu\n", this->ElementsPerWorkunit); } // If the number of workunits fits perfectly, no need for an extra "end" unit. if ((NumberOfPasswords % this->ElementsPerWorkunit) == 0) { NumberOfWorkunits = (NumberOfPasswords / this->ElementsPerWorkunit); } else { NumberOfWorkunits = (NumberOfPasswords / this->ElementsPerWorkunit) + 1; } this->NumberOfWorkunitsTotal = NumberOfWorkunits; if (this->DebugOutput) { printf("Total number of workunits: %llu\n", NumberOfWorkunits); } // Create the initial batch of workunits this->CreateMorePendingWorkunits(MFN_WORKUNIT_WU_REFILL_SIZE); // At this point, we should be done with creating the workunits. // Do some final cleanup and go. this->NumberOfWorkunitsCompleted = 0; this->WorkunitClassInitialized = 1; // Start the execution timer this->WorkunitTimer.start(); this->LastStateSaveTime = 0; this->workunitMutexBoost.unlock(); this->WriteSaveState(1); return 1; }
static inline void trace_push(struct vm_object *loader, const char *class_name) { assert(trace_classloader_level >= 0); if (opt_trace_classloader) { trace_printf("classloader: %p %*s%s\n", loader, trace_classloader_level, "", class_name); trace_flush(); } ++trace_classloader_level; }
int main() { trace_start("", 8889, "/home/share/Log/TraceWorkerDebug.cpp"); CFTPManager ftpManager; trace_printf("NULL"); ftpManager.login2Server(""); trace_printf("NULL"); ftpManager.inputUserName("huangyuan1"); trace_printf("NULL"); ftpManager.inputPassWord("7ujMko0admin"); trace_printf("NULL"); //ftpManager.Put("/Log/Makefile", "Makefile"); for (int i=0; i<5; ++i) { ftpManager.WriteData("/Log/WriteTest.txt", "12345\n", 7); } trace_printf("NULL"); ftpManager.quitServer(); return 0; }
void MFNHashTypePlainCUDA::copyStartPointsToDevice() { trace_printf("MFNHashTypePlainCUDA::copyStartPointsToDevice()\n"); cudaMemcpy(this->DeviceStartPointAddress, this->HostStartPointAddress, this->TotalKernelWidth * this->passwordLength, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); cudaMemcpy(this->DeviceStartPasswords32Address, &this->HostStartPasswords32[0], this->TotalKernelWidth * this->passwordLengthWords, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); }
std::vector<std::string> MFNHashTypePlainOpenCL_MD5::getHashFileNames() { trace_printf("MFNHashTypePlainOpenCL_MD5::getHashFileNames()\n"); std::vector<std::string> returnHashFilenames; std::string hashFilename; hashFilename = "./inc/MFN_OpenCL_device/MFN_OpenCL_incrementors.h"; returnHashFilenames.push_back(hashFilename); hashFilename = "./src/MFN_OpenCL_device/MFNHashTypePlainOpenCL_MD5.cl"; returnHashFilenames.push_back(hashFilename); return returnHashFilenames; }
MFNWorkunitRobust::~MFNWorkunitRobust() { trace_printf("MFNWorkunitRobust::~MFNWorkunitRobust()\n"); // If the workunit is complete, delete the resume file. if (this->NumberOfWorkunitsCompleted == this->NumberOfWorkunitsTotal) { if (this->UseResumeFile) { if (this->DebugOutput) { printf("Deleting file %s\n", this->ResumeFilename.c_str()); } unlink(this->ResumeFilename.c_str()); } } }
static int merge_changes(struct notes_merge_options *o, struct notes_merge_pair *changes, int *num_changes, struct notes_tree *t) { int i, conflicts = 0; trace_printf("\tmerge_changes(num_changes = %i)\n", *num_changes); for (i = 0; i < *num_changes; i++) { struct notes_merge_pair *p = changes + i; trace_printf("\t\t%.7s: %.7s -> %.7s/%.7s\n", sha1_to_hex(p->obj), sha1_to_hex(p->base), sha1_to_hex(p->local), sha1_to_hex(p->remote)); if (!hashcmp(p->base, p->remote)) { /* no remote change; nothing to do */ trace_printf("\t\t\tskipping (no remote change)\n"); } else if (!hashcmp(p->local, p->remote)) { /* same change in local and remote; nothing to do */ trace_printf("\t\t\tskipping (local == remote)\n"); } else if (!hashcmp(p->local, uninitialized) || !hashcmp(p->local, p->base)) { /* no local change; adopt remote change */ trace_printf("\t\t\tno local change, adopted remote\n"); if (add_note(t, p->obj, p->remote, combine_notes_overwrite)) die("BUG: combine_notes_overwrite failed"); } else { /* need file-level merge between local and remote */ trace_printf("\t\t\tneed content-level merge\n"); conflicts += merge_one_change(o, p, t); } } return conflicts; }