/* ================== BotAIStartFrame ================== */ int BotAIStartFrame( int time ) { int i; gentity_t *ent; bot_entitystate_t state; //entityState_t entitystate; //vec3_t mins = {-15, -15, -24}, maxs = {15, 15, 32}; int elapsed_time, thinktime; static int local_time; static int botlib_residual; static int lastbotthink_time; if ( g_gametype.integer != GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) { G_CheckBotSpawn(); } trap_Cvar_Update( &bot_rocketjump ); trap_Cvar_Update( &bot_grapple ); trap_Cvar_Update( &bot_fastchat ); trap_Cvar_Update( &bot_nochat ); trap_Cvar_Update( &bot_testrchat ); trap_Cvar_Update( &bot_thinktime ); // Ridah, set the default AAS world trap_AAS_SetCurrentWorld( 0 ); trap_Cvar_Update( &memorydump ); if ( memorydump.integer ) { trap_BotLibVarSet( "memorydump", "1" ); trap_Cvar_Set( "memorydump", "0" ); } //if the bot think time changed we should reschedule the bots if ( bot_thinktime.integer != lastbotthink_time ) { lastbotthink_time = bot_thinktime.integer; BotScheduleBotThink(); } elapsed_time = time - local_time; local_time = time; botlib_residual += elapsed_time; if ( elapsed_time > bot_thinktime.integer ) { thinktime = elapsed_time; } else { thinktime = bot_thinktime.integer;} // update the bot library if ( botlib_residual >= thinktime ) { botlib_residual -= thinktime; trap_BotLibStartFrame( (float) time / 1000 ); // Ridah, only check the default world trap_AAS_SetCurrentWorld( 0 ); if ( !trap_AAS_Initialized() ) { return BLERR_NOERROR; } //update entities in the botlib for ( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++ ) { // Ridah, in single player, we only need client entity information if ( g_gametype.integer == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER && i > level.maxclients ) { break; } ent = &g_entities[i]; if ( !ent->inuse ) { continue; } if ( !ent->r.linked ) { continue; } if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_NOCLIENT ) { continue; } // memset( &state, 0, sizeof( bot_entitystate_t ) ); // VectorCopy( ent->r.currentOrigin, state.origin ); VectorCopy( ent->r.currentAngles, state.angles ); VectorCopy( ent->s.origin2, state.old_origin ); VectorCopy( ent->r.mins, state.mins ); VectorCopy( ent->r.maxs, state.maxs ); state.type = ent->s.eType; state.flags = ent->s.eFlags; if ( ent->r.bmodel ) { state.solid = SOLID_BSP; } else { state.solid = SOLID_BBOX;} state.groundent = ent->s.groundEntityNum; state.modelindex = ent->s.modelindex; state.modelindex2 = ent->s.modelindex2; state.frame = ent->s.frame; //state.event = ent->s.event; //state.eventParm = ent->s.eventParm; state.powerups = ent->s.powerups; state.legsAnim = ent->s.legsAnim; state.torsoAnim = ent->s.torsoAnim; // state.weapAnim = ent->s.weapAnim; //----(SA) //----(SA) didn't want to comment in as I wasn't sure of any implications of changing the aas_entityinfo_t and bot_entitystate_t structures. state.weapon = ent->s.weapon; /* if (!BotAI_GetEntityState(i, &entitystate)) continue; // memset(&state, 0, sizeof(bot_entitystate_t)); // VectorCopy(entitystate.pos.trBase, state.origin); VectorCopy(entitystate.angles, state.angles); VectorCopy(ent->s.origin2, state.old_origin); //VectorCopy(ent->r.mins, state.mins); //VectorCopy(ent->r.maxs, state.maxs); state.type = entitystate.eType; state.flags = entitystate.eFlags; if (ent->r.bmodel) state.solid = SOLID_BSP; else state.solid = SOLID_BBOX; state.modelindex = entitystate.modelindex; state.modelindex2 = entitystate.modelindex2; state.frame = entitystate.frame; state.event = entitystate.event; state.eventParm = entitystate.eventParm; state.powerups = entitystate.powerups; state.legsAnim = entitystate.legsAnim; state.torsoAnim = entitystate.torsoAnim; state.weapon = entitystate.weapon; */ // trap_BotLibUpdateEntity( i, &state ); } BotAIRegularUpdate(); } // Ridah, in single player, don't need bot's thinking if ( g_gametype.integer == GT_SINGLE_PLAYER ) { return BLERR_NOERROR; } // execute scheduled bot AI for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if ( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } // Ridah if ( g_entities[i].r.svFlags & SVF_CASTAI ) { continue; } // done. // botstates[i]->botthink_residual += elapsed_time; // if ( botstates[i]->botthink_residual >= thinktime ) { botstates[i]->botthink_residual -= thinktime; if ( !trap_AAS_Initialized() ) { return BLERR_NOERROR; } if ( g_entities[i].client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED ) { BotAI( i, (float) thinktime / 1000 ); } } } // execute bot user commands every frame for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if ( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } // Ridah if ( g_entities[i].r.svFlags & SVF_CASTAI ) { continue; } // done. if ( g_entities[i].client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) { continue; } BotUpdateInput( botstates[i], time ); trap_BotUserCommand( botstates[i]->client, &botstates[i]->lastucmd ); } return BLERR_NOERROR; }
/* ================== BotAIStartFrame ================== */ int BotAIStartFrame(int time) { int i; gentity_t *ent; bot_entitystate_t state; int elapsed_time, thinktime; static int local_time; static int botlib_residual; static int lastbotthink_time; G_CheckBotSpawn(); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_rocketjump); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_grapple); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_fastchat); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_nochat); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_testrchat); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_thinktime); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_memorydump); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_saveroutingcache); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_pause); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_report); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_droppedweight); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_offhandgrapple); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_shownodechanges); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_showteamgoals); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_reloadcharacters); BotUpdateInfoConfigStrings(); if (bot_pause.integer) { // execute bot user commands every frame for( i = 0; i < level.maxplayers; i++ ) { if( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } if( g_entities[i].player->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) { continue; } botstates[i]->lastucmd.forwardmove = 0; botstates[i]->lastucmd.rightmove = 0; botstates[i]->lastucmd.upmove = 0; botstates[i]->lastucmd.buttons = 0; botstates[i]->lastucmd.serverTime = time; trap_BotUserCommand(botstates[i]->playernum, &botstates[i]->lastucmd); } return qtrue; } if (bot_memorydump.integer) { trap_BotLibVarSet("memorydump", "1"); trap_Cvar_SetValue("bot_memorydump", 0); } if (bot_saveroutingcache.integer) { trap_BotLibVarSet("saveroutingcache", "1"); trap_Cvar_SetValue("bot_saveroutingcache", 0); } //check if bot interbreeding is activated BotInterbreeding(); //cap the bot think time if (bot_thinktime.integer > 200) { trap_Cvar_SetValue("bot_thinktime", 200); } //if the bot think time changed we should reschedule the bots if (bot_thinktime.integer != lastbotthink_time) { lastbotthink_time = bot_thinktime.integer; BotScheduleBotThink(); } elapsed_time = time - local_time; local_time = time; botlib_residual += elapsed_time; if (elapsed_time > bot_thinktime.integer) thinktime = elapsed_time; else thinktime = bot_thinktime.integer; // update the bot library if ( botlib_residual >= thinktime ) { botlib_residual -= thinktime; trap_BotLibStartFrame((float) time / 1000); if (!trap_AAS_Initialized()) return qfalse; //update entities in the botlib for (i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++) { ent = &g_entities[i]; ent->botvalid = qfalse; if (!ent->inuse) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } if (!ent->r.linked) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } if (ent->r.svFlags & SVF_NOCLIENT) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } // do not update missiles if (ent->s.eType == ET_MISSILE && ent->s.weapon != WP_GRAPPLING_HOOK) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } // do not update event only entities if (ent->s.eType > ET_EVENTS) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } #ifdef MISSIONPACK // never link prox mine triggers if (ent->s.contents == CONTENTS_TRIGGER) { if (ent->touch == ProximityMine_Trigger) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } } #endif // ent->botvalid = qtrue; ent->update_time = trap_AAS_Time() - ent->ltime; ent->ltime = trap_AAS_Time(); // memset(&state, 0, sizeof(bot_entitystate_t)); // VectorCopy(ent->r.currentOrigin, state.origin); if (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { VectorCopy(ent->s.apos.trBase, state.angles); } else { VectorCopy(ent->r.currentAngles, state.angles); } VectorCopy( ent->r.absmin, state.absmins ); VectorCopy( ent->r.absmax, state.absmaxs ); state.type = ent->s.eType; state.flags = ent->s.eFlags; // if (ent->s.collisionType == CT_SUBMODEL) { state.solid = SOLID_BSP; //if the angles of the model changed if ( !VectorCompare( state.angles, ent->lastAngles ) ) { VectorCopy(state.angles, ent->lastAngles); state.relink = qtrue; } } else { state.solid = SOLID_BBOX; VectorCopy(state.angles, ent->lastAngles); } //previous frame visorigin VectorCopy( ent->visorigin, ent->lastvisorigin ); //if the origin changed if ( !VectorCompare( state.origin, ent->visorigin ) ) { VectorCopy( state.origin, ent->visorigin ); state.relink = qtrue; } //if the bounding box size changed if (!VectorCompare(ent->s.mins, ent->lastMins) || !VectorCompare(ent->s.maxs, ent->lastMaxs)) { VectorCopy( ent->s.mins, ent->lastMins ); VectorCopy( ent->s.maxs, ent->lastMaxs ); state.relink = qtrue; } // trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, &state); } BotAIRegularUpdate(); } floattime = trap_AAS_Time(); // execute scheduled bot AI for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } // botstates[i]->botthink_residual += elapsed_time; // if ( botstates[i]->botthink_residual >= thinktime ) { botstates[i]->botthink_residual -= thinktime; if (!trap_AAS_Initialized()) return qfalse; if (g_entities[i].player->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED) { BotAI(i, (float) thinktime / 1000); } } } // execute bot user commands every frame for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } if( g_entities[i].player->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) { continue; } BotUpdateInput(botstates[i], time, elapsed_time); trap_BotUserCommand(botstates[i]->playernum, &botstates[i]->lastucmd); } return qtrue; }
/* ================== BotAIStartFrame ================== */ int BotAIStartFrame(int time) { int i; gentity_t *ent; bot_entitystate_t state; int elapsed_time, thinktime; static int local_time; static int botlib_residual; static int lastbotthink_time; G_CheckBotSpawn(); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_rocketjump); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_grapple); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_fastchat); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_nochat); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_testrchat); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_thinktime); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_memorydump); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_saveroutingcache); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_pause); trap_Cvar_Update(&bot_report); if (bot_report.integer) { // BotTeamplayReport(); // trap_Cvar_Set("bot_report", "0"); BotUpdateInfoConfigStrings(); } if (bot_pause.integer) { // execute bot user commands every frame for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } if( g_entities[i].client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) { continue; } botstates[i]->lastucmd.forwardmove = 0; botstates[i]->lastucmd.rightmove = 0; botstates[i]->lastucmd.upmove = 0; botstates[i]->lastucmd.buttons = 0; botstates[i]->lastucmd.serverTime = time; trap_BotUserCommand(botstates[i]->client, &botstates[i]->lastucmd); } return qtrue; } if (bot_memorydump.integer) { trap_BotLibVarSet("memorydump", "1"); trap_Cvar_Set("bot_memorydump", "0"); } if (bot_saveroutingcache.integer) { trap_BotLibVarSet("saveroutingcache", "1"); trap_Cvar_Set("bot_saveroutingcache", "0"); } //check if bot interbreeding is activated BotInterbreeding(); //cap the bot think time if (bot_thinktime.integer > 200) { trap_Cvar_Set("bot_thinktime", "200"); } //if the bot think time changed we should reschedule the bots if (bot_thinktime.integer != lastbotthink_time) { lastbotthink_time = bot_thinktime.integer; BotScheduleBotThink(); } elapsed_time = time - local_time; local_time = time; botlib_residual += elapsed_time; if (elapsed_time > bot_thinktime.integer) thinktime = elapsed_time; else thinktime = bot_thinktime.integer; // update the bot library if ( botlib_residual >= thinktime ) { botlib_residual -= thinktime; trap_BotLibStartFrame((float) time / 1000); if (!trap_AAS_Initialized()) return qfalse; //update entities in the botlib for (i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++) { ent = &g_entities[i]; if (!ent->inuse) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } if (!ent->r.linked) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } if (ent->r.svFlags & SVF_NOCLIENT) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } // do not update missiles if (ent->s.eType == ET_MISSILE && ent->s.weapon != WP_GRAPPLING_HOOK) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } // do not update event only entities if (ent->s.eType > ET_EVENTS) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } #if 1 //def MPACK // never link prox mine triggers if (ent->r.contents == CONTENTS_TRIGGER) { if (ent->touch == ProximityMine_Trigger) { trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, NULL); continue; } } #endif // memset(&state, 0, sizeof(bot_entitystate_t)); // VectorCopy(ent->r.currentOrigin, state.origin); if (i < MAX_CLIENTS) { VectorCopy(ent->s.apos.trBase, state.angles); } else { VectorCopy(ent->r.currentAngles, state.angles); } VectorCopy(ent->s.origin2, state.old_origin); VectorCopy(ent->r.mins, state.mins); VectorCopy(ent->r.maxs, state.maxs); state.type = ent->s.eType; state.flags = ent->s.eFlags; if (ent->r.bmodel) state.solid = SOLID_BSP; else state.solid = SOLID_BBOX; state.groundent = ent->s.groundEntityNum; state.modelindex = ent->s.modelindex; state.modelindex2 = ent->s.modelindex2; state.frame = ent->s.frame; state.event = ent->s.event; state.eventParm = ent->s.eventParm; state.powerups = ent->s.powerups; state.legsAnim = ent->s.legsAnim; state.torsoAnim = ent->s.torsoAnim; state.weapon = ent->s.weapon; // trap_BotLibUpdateEntity(i, &state); } BotAIRegularUpdate(); } floattime = trap_AAS_Time(); // execute scheduled bot AI for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } // botstates[i]->botthink_residual += elapsed_time; // if ( botstates[i]->botthink_residual >= thinktime ) { botstates[i]->botthink_residual -= thinktime; if (!trap_AAS_Initialized()) return qfalse; if (g_entities[i].client->pers.connected == CON_CONNECTED) { BotAI(i, (float) thinktime / 1000); } } } // execute bot user commands every frame for( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if( !botstates[i] || !botstates[i]->inuse ) { continue; } if( g_entities[i].client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED ) { continue; } BotUpdateInput(botstates[i], time, elapsed_time); trap_BotUserCommand(botstates[i]->client, &botstates[i]->lastucmd); } return qtrue; }