コード例 #1
ファイル: ui_startserver.c プロジェクト: Racenet/racesow
static void MapsList_ChooseMap( menucommon_t *menuitem )
    char path[MAX_CONFIGSTRING_CHARS + 6]; // wsw: Medar: could do this in not so ugly way
    m_listitem_t *item;
    menucommon_t *mapitem;
    char mapinfo[MAX_CONFIGSTRING_CHARS];
    const char *mapname, *fullname;
    int id = ( menuitem ? menuitem->localdata[1] : mapList_cur_idx );

    mapitem = UI_MenuItemByName( "m_startserver_map" );
    if( mapitem )
        Q_strncpyz( mapitem->title, "initial map", sizeof( mapitem->title ) );

    mapList_suggested_gametype = 0;

    item = UI_FindItemInScrollListWithId( &mapList, id );
    if( item && item->name )
        if( !trap_ML_GetMapByNum( (int)((size_t)item->data), mapinfo, sizeof( mapinfo ) ) )
        mapname = mapinfo;
        fullname = mapinfo + strlen( mapname ) + 1;

        if( menuitem )
            mapList_cur_idx = id;
            trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "ui_startserver_lastselectedmap", "" );

        if( mapitem )
            Q_strncatz( mapitem->title, ": " S_COLOR_WHITE, sizeof( mapitem->title ) );
            if( !trap_Cvar_Value( "ui_maplist_sortmethod" ) )
                Q_strncatz( mapitem->title, mapname, sizeof( mapitem->title ) );
                Q_strncatz( mapitem->title, *fullname ? fullname : mapname, sizeof( mapitem->title ) );

        mapList_suggested_gametype = SuggestGameType( mapname );
//		if( m_gametypes_item )
//		{
//			m_gametypes_item->curvalue = mapList_suggested_gametype;
//			M_GametypeFunc( m_gametypes_item );
//		}

        Q_snprintfz( path, sizeof( path ), "levelshots/%s.jpg", mapname );
        s_levelshot = trap_R_RegisterLevelshot( path, trap_R_RegisterPic( PATH_UKNOWN_MAP_PIC ), NULL );
コード例 #2
ファイル: ui_menu.c プロジェクト: Kaperstone/warsow
* UI_DrawConnectScreen
void UI_DrawConnectScreen( const char *serverName, const char *rejectmessage, int downloadType, const char *downloadFilename,
						  float downloadPercent, int downloadSpeed, int connectCount, qboolean demoplaying, qboolean backGround )
	qboolean localhost, design = qfalse;
	char str[MAX_QPATH];
	int x, y, xoffset, yoffset, width, height;
	unsigned int maxwidth;
	qboolean downloadFromWeb;

	uis.demoplaying = demoplaying;


	localhost = (qboolean)( !serverName || !serverName[0] || !Q_stricmp( serverName, "localhost" ) );

	trap_GetConfigString( CS_MAPNAME, mapname, sizeof( mapname ) );
	trap_GetConfigString( CS_MESSAGE, mapmessage, sizeof( mapmessage ) );

	if( backGround )
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), UI_SHADER_BACKGROUND, uis.backgroundNum );
		trap_R_DrawStretchPic( 0, 0, uis.vidWidth, uis.vidHeight, 0, 0, 1, 1, colorWhite, trap_R_RegisterPic( str ) );

	// not yet connected

	x = 64;
	y = 64;
	xoffset = yoffset = 0;

	if( demoplaying )
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Loading demo: %s", serverName );
	else if( localhost )
		Q_strncpyz( str, "Loading...", sizeof( str ) );
	else if( mapname[0] )
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Connecting to %s", serverName );
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Awaiting connection... %i", connectCount );

	trap_SCR_DrawString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, uis.fontSystemBig, colorWhite );
	yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemBig );

	if( design && !rejectmessage )
		rejectmessage = "Connection was interrupted because the weather sux :P";

	if( rejectmessage )
		x = uis.vidWidth / 2;
		y = uis.vidHeight / 3;

		height = trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemMedium ) * 4;
		Q_strncpyz( str, "Refused: ", sizeof( str ) );
		width = max( trap_SCR_strWidth( str, uis.fontSystemMedium, 0 ), trap_SCR_strWidth( rejectmessage, uis.fontSystemSmall, 0 ) );
		width += 32 * 2;

		xoffset = UISCR_HorizontalAlignOffset( ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, width );
		yoffset = UISCR_VerticalAlignOffset( ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, height );

		UI_DrawBox( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, width, height, colorWarsowOrange, colorWhite, NULL, colorDkGrey );

		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemMedium );
		xoffset += 32;

		trap_SCR_DrawString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, uis.fontSystemMedium, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemMedium );

		trap_SCR_DrawString( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, rejectmessage, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorBlack );


	if( mapname[0] )
		char levelshot[MAX_QPATH];
		struct shader_s *levelshotShader;
		qboolean isDefaultlevelshot = qtrue;

		// connected

		x = 64;
		y = uis.vidHeight - 300;
		xoffset = yoffset = 0;
		width = uis.vidWidth;
		height = 200;

		UI_DrawBox( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, width, height, colorWarsowPurple, colorWhite, NULL, colorDkGrey );
		xoffset += 16;
		yoffset += 16 + 4;

		maxwidth = uis.vidWidth - ( x + xoffset );

		trap_GetConfigString( CS_HOSTNAME, hostName, sizeof( hostName ) );
		trap_GetConfigString( CS_GAMETYPENAME, gametype, sizeof( gametype ) );
		trap_GetConfigString( CS_GAMETYPETITLE, gametypeTitle, sizeof( gametypeTitle ) );
		trap_GetConfigString( CS_GAMETYPEVERSION, gametypeVersion, sizeof( gametypeVersion ) );
		trap_GetConfigString( CS_GAMETYPEAUTHOR, gametypeAuthor, sizeof( gametypeAuthor ) );
		trap_GetConfigString( CS_MATCHNAME, matchName, sizeof( matchName ) );

		Q_snprintfz( levelshot, sizeof( levelshot ), "levelshots/%s.jpg", mapname );

		levelshotShader = trap_R_RegisterLevelshot( levelshot, uis.whiteShader, &isDefaultlevelshot );

		if( !isDefaultlevelshot )
			int lw, lh, lx, ly;

			lh = height - 8;
			lw = lh * ( 4.0f/3.0f );
			lx = uis.vidWidth - lw;
			ly = y + 4;

			trap_R_DrawStretchPic( lx, ly, lw, lh, 0, 0, 1, 1, colorWhite, levelshotShader );

		if( !localhost && !demoplaying )
			Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Server: %s", hostName );
			trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
			yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		if( mapmessage[0] && Q_stricmp( mapname, mapmessage ) )
			Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Level: "S_COLOR_ORANGE"%s", COM_RemoveColorTokens( mapmessage ) );
			trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
			yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Map: %s", mapname );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		if( matchName[0] )
			Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Match: %s", matchName );
			trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
			yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Gametype: "S_COLOR_ORANGE"%s", COM_RemoveColorTokens( gametypeTitle ) );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Version: %s", COM_RemoveColorTokens( gametypeVersion ) );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "Author: %s", gametypeAuthor );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall ) + 8;

	// downloading

	if( design && !downloadFilename )
		downloadFilename = "http://www.warsow.net/autoupdate/basewsw/map_wdm9a.pk3";
		downloadType = 2;
		downloadPercent = 65.8;
		downloadSpeed = 325;

	if( downloadType && downloadFilename )
		size_t len;
		const char *s;

		downloadFromWeb = ( downloadType == 2 );

		x = uis.vidWidth / 2;
		y = uis.vidHeight / 3;
		width = 400;
		height = 128 - trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall );
		if( uis.vidWidth <= width )
			width = uis.vidWidth - 64;

		maxwidth = width - 48;

		xoffset = UISCR_HorizontalAlignOffset( ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, width );
		yoffset = UISCR_VerticalAlignOffset( ALIGN_CENTER_MIDDLE, height );

		// adjust the box size for the extra number of lines needed to draw the file path
		s = downloadFilename;
		while( ( len = trap_SCR_StrlenForWidth( s, uis.fontSystemSmall, maxwidth ) ) > 0 )
			s += len;
			height += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall );

		UI_DrawBox( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, width, height, colorWarsowPurple, colorWhite, NULL, colorDkGrey );

		xoffset += 24;
		yoffset += 24;

		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, downloadFromWeb ? "Downloading from web" : "Downloading from server", maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall );

		s = downloadFilename;
		while( ( len = trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, s, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite ) ) > 0 )
			s += len;
			yoffset += trap_SCR_strHeight( uis.fontSystemSmall );

		yoffset += 16;

		UI_DrawPicBar( x + xoffset, y + yoffset, maxwidth, 24, ALIGN_LEFT_TOP, downloadPercent, trap_R_RegisterPic( "gfx/ui/progressbar" ),colorDkGrey, colorOrange );
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "%3.1f%c", downloadPercent, '%' );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset + 12, y + yoffset + 12, ALIGN_LEFT_MIDDLE, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );
		Q_snprintfz( str, sizeof( str ), "%ik/s", downloadSpeed );
		trap_SCR_DrawStringWidth( x + xoffset + maxwidth - 12, y + yoffset + 12, ALIGN_RIGHT_MIDDLE, str, maxwidth, uis.fontSystemSmall, colorWhite );

		yoffset += 24 + 8;