/* ================== CG_EventHandling ================== */ void CG_EventHandling( int type, qboolean fForced ) { // CG_Printf("EventHandling: %d\n", type); if( cg.demoPlayback && type == CGAME_EVENT_NONE && !fForced ) { type = CGAME_EVENT_DEMO; } if( type != CGAME_EVENT_NONE ) { trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_bypassMouseInput", 0 ); } switch( type ) { // OSP - Demo support case CGAME_EVENT_DEMO: cgs.fResize = qfalse; cgs.fSelect = qfalse; cgs.cursorUpdate = cg.time + 10000; cgs.timescaleUpdate = cg.time + 4000; CG_ScoresUp_f(); break; case CGAME_EVENT_SPEAKEREDITOR: case CGAME_EVENT_GAMEVIEW: case CGAME_EVENT_NONE: case CGAME_EVENT_CAMPAIGNBREIFING: case CGAME_EVENT_FIRETEAMMSG: case CGAME_EVENT_MULTIVIEW: default: // default handling (cleanup mostly) if( cgs.eventHandling == CGAME_EVENT_HUDEDITOR) { // forty - visual hud editor cg.hudEditor.showHudEditor = qfalse; } else if(cgs.eventHandling == CGAME_EVENT_MULTIVIEW) { if( type == -CGAME_EVENT_MULTIVIEW) { type = CGAME_EVENT_NONE; } else { trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_CGAME ); return; } } else if( cgs.eventHandling == CGAME_EVENT_GAMEVIEW ) { cg.showGameView = qfalse; trap_S_FadeBackgroundTrack( 0.0f, 500, 0 ); trap_S_StopStreamingSound( -1 ); cg.limboEndCinematicTime = 0; if( fForced ) { if( cgs.limboLoadoutModified ) { trap_SendClientCommand( "rs" ); cgs.limboLoadoutSelected = qfalse; } } } else if( cgs.eventHandling == CGAME_EVENT_SPEAKEREDITOR ) { if( type == -CGAME_EVENT_SPEAKEREDITOR ) { type = CGAME_EVENT_NONE; } else { trap_Key_SetCatcher( KEYCATCH_CGAME ); return; } } else if( cgs.eventHandling == CGAME_EVENT_CAMPAIGNBREIFING ) { type = CGAME_EVENT_GAMEVIEW; } else if( cgs.eventHandling == CGAME_EVENT_FIRETEAMMSG ) { cg.showFireteamMenu = qfalse; trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_bypassmouseinput", "0" ); } else if( cg.snap && cg.snap->ps.pm_type == PM_INTERMISSION && fForced ) { trap_UI_Popup( UIMENU_INGAME ); } break; } cgs.eventHandling = type; if(type == CGAME_EVENT_NONE) { trap_Key_SetCatcher(trap_Key_GetCatcher() & ~KEYCATCH_CGAME); ccInitial = qfalse; if(cg.demoPlayback && cg.demohelpWindow != SHOW_OFF) { CG_ShowHelp_Off(&cg.demohelpWindow); } } else if( type == CGAME_EVENT_HUDEDITOR ) { // forty - visual hud editor cg.hudEditor.showHudEditor = qtrue; trap_Key_SetCatcher(KEYCATCH_CGAME); } else if( type == CGAME_EVENT_MULTIVIEW ) { trap_Key_SetCatcher(KEYCATCH_CGAME); } else if( type == CGAME_EVENT_GAMEVIEW ) { cg.showGameView = qtrue; CG_LimboPanel_Setup(); trap_Key_SetCatcher(KEYCATCH_CGAME); } else if( type == CGAME_EVENT_FIRETEAMMSG ) { cgs.ftMenuPos = -1; cgs.ftMenuMode = 0; cg.showFireteamMenu = qtrue; trap_Cvar_Set( "cl_bypassmouseinput", "1" ); trap_Key_SetCatcher(KEYCATCH_CGAME); } else { trap_Key_SetCatcher(KEYCATCH_CGAME); } }
static void CG_ServerCommand( void ) { const char *cmd; char text[MAX_SAY_TEXT]; cmd = CG_Argv( 0 ); if ( !cmd[0] ) { // server claimed the command return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "startCam" ) ) { CG_StartCamera( CG_Argv( 1 ), atoi( CG_Argv( 2 ) ) ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "stopCam" ) ) { CG_StopCamera(); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "mvspd" ) ) { CG_RequestMoveSpeed( CG_Argv( 1 ) ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "dp" ) ) { // dynamite print (what a hack :( CG_CenterPrint( va( "%s %d %s", CG_translateString( "dynamitetimer" ), atoi( CG_Argv( 1 ) ), CG_translateString( "seconds" ) ), SCREEN_HEIGHT - ( SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25 ), SMALLCHAR_WIDTH ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "cp" ) ) { CG_CenterPrint( CG_Argv( 1 ), SCREEN_HEIGHT - ( SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.25 ), SMALLCHAR_WIDTH ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "cs" ) ) { CG_ConfigStringModified(); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "print" ) ) { CG_Printf( "%s", CG_Argv( 1 ) ); #ifdef MISSIONPACK cmd = CG_Argv( 1 ); // yes, this is obviously a hack, but so is the way we hear about // votes passing or failing if ( !Q_stricmpn( cmd, "vote failed", 11 ) || !Q_stricmpn( cmd, "team vote failed", 16 ) ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.voteFailed, CHAN_ANNOUNCER ); } else if ( !Q_stricmpn( cmd, "vote passed", 11 ) || !Q_stricmpn( cmd, "team vote passed", 16 ) ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.votePassed, CHAN_ANNOUNCER ); } #endif return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "chat" ) ) { if ( !cg_teamChatsOnly.integer ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.talkSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); Q_strncpyz( text, CG_Argv( 1 ), MAX_SAY_TEXT ); CG_RemoveChatEscapeChar( text ); CG_Printf( "%s\n", text ); } return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "tchat" ) ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.talkSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); Q_strncpyz( text, CG_Argv( 1 ), MAX_SAY_TEXT ); CG_RemoveChatEscapeChar( text ); CG_AddToTeamChat( text ); CG_Printf( "%s\n", text ); return; } // NERVE - SMF - limbo chat if ( !strcmp( cmd, "lchat" ) ) { trap_S_StartLocalSound( cgs.media.talkSound, CHAN_LOCAL_SOUND ); Q_strncpyz( text, CG_Argv( 1 ), MAX_SAY_TEXT ); CG_RemoveChatEscapeChar( text ); // CG_AddToLimboChat( text ); trap_UI_LimboChat( text ); CG_Printf( "%s\n", text ); return; } // -NERVE - SMF if ( !strcmp( cmd, "vchat" ) ) { // CG_VoiceChat( SAY_ALL ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "vtchat" ) ) { // CG_VoiceChat( SAY_TEAM ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "vtell" ) ) { // CG_VoiceChat( SAY_TELL ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "scores" ) ) { CG_ParseScores(); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "tinfo" ) ) { CG_ParseTeamInfo(); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "map_restart" ) ) { CG_MapRestart(); return; } if ( Q_stricmp( cmd, "remapShader" ) == 0 ) { if ( trap_Argc() == 4 ) { trap_R_RemapShader( CG_Argv( 1 ), CG_Argv( 2 ), CG_Argv( 3 ) ); } } // loaddeferred can be both a servercmd and a consolecmd if ( !strcmp( cmd, "loaddeferred" ) ) { // spelling fixed (SA) CG_LoadDeferredPlayers(); return; } // clientLevelShot is sent before taking a special screenshot for // the menu system during development if ( !strcmp( cmd, "clientLevelShot" ) ) { cg.levelShot = qtrue; return; } // NERVE - SMF if ( !Q_stricmp( cmd, "oid" ) ) { CG_ObjectivePrint( CG_Argv( 2 ), SMALLCHAR_WIDTH, atoi( CG_Argv( 1 ) ) ); return; } // -NERVE - SMF // // music // // loops \/ if ( !strcmp( cmd, "mu_start" ) ) { // has optional parameter for fade-up time int fadeTime = 0; // default to instant start Q_strncpyz( text, CG_Argv( 2 ), MAX_SAY_TEXT ); if ( text && strlen( text ) ) { fadeTime = atoi( text ); } trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack( CG_Argv( 1 ), CG_Argv( 1 ), fadeTime ); return; } // plays once then back to whatever the loop was \/ if ( !strcmp( cmd, "mu_play" ) ) { // has optional parameter for fade-up time int fadeTime = 0; // default to instant start Q_strncpyz( text, CG_Argv( 2 ), MAX_SAY_TEXT ); if ( text && strlen( text ) ) { fadeTime = atoi( text ); } trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack( CG_Argv( 1 ), "onetimeonly", fadeTime ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "mu_stop" ) ) { // has optional parameter for fade-down time int fadeTime = 0; // default to instant stop Q_strncpyz( text, CG_Argv( 1 ), MAX_SAY_TEXT ); if ( text && strlen( text ) ) { fadeTime = atoi( text ); } trap_S_FadeBackgroundTrack( 0.0f, fadeTime, 0 ); trap_S_StartBackgroundTrack( "", "", -2 ); // '-2' for 'queue looping track' (QUEUED_PLAY_LOOPED) return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "mu_fade" ) ) { trap_S_FadeBackgroundTrack( atof( CG_Argv( 1 ) ), atoi( CG_Argv( 2 ) ), 0 ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "snd_fade" ) ) { trap_S_FadeAllSound( atof( CG_Argv( 1 ) ), atoi( CG_Argv( 2 ) ) ); return; } if ( !strcmp( cmd, "rockandroll" ) ) { // map loaded, game is ready to begin. CG_Fade( 0, 0, 0, 255, cg.time, 0 ); // go black trap_UI_Popup( "pregame" ); // start pregame menu trap_Cvar_Set( "cg_norender", "1" ); // don't render the world until the player clicks in and the 'playerstart' func has been called (g_main in G_UpdateCvars() ~ilne 949) trap_S_FadeAllSound( 1.0f, 1000 ); // fade sound up return; } // ensure a file gets into a build (mainly for scripted music calls) if ( !strcmp( cmd, "addToBuild" ) ) { fileHandle_t f; if ( !cg_buildScript.integer ) { return; } // just open the file so it gets copied to the build dir //CG_FileTouchForBuild(CG_Argv(1)); trap_FS_FOpenFile( CG_Argv( 1 ), &f, FS_READ ); trap_FS_FCloseFile( f ); return; } CG_Printf( "Unknown client game command: %s\n", cmd ); }