bool isBalanced(TreeNode* root) { if(root == NULL) return true; int r1 = treeDepth(root->left); int r2 = treeDepth(root->right); if(r1 == -1 || r2 == -1) return false; return abs(r1-r2)<=1? true: false; }
bool isBalanced(TreeNode* root) { if (!root) { return true; } if (abs(treeDepth(root->left) - treeDepth(root->right)) <= 1) { return isBalanced(root->left) && isBalanced(root->right); } return false; }
size_t treeDepth(IntTree** tree) { if (NULL==tree) { throw 0; } else if (NULL==*tree) { return 0; } else { return 1+std::max(treeDepth(&(*tree)->left), treeDepth(&(*tree)->right)); } }
int treeDepth(TreeNode* root) { if(root == NULL) return 0; int r1 = 0; int r2 = 0; if(root->left != NULL) r1 = treeDepth(root->left); if(root->right != NULL) r2 = treeDepth(root->right); if(r1 == -1 || r2 == -1) return -1; if(abs(r1-r2)>1) return -1; return r1>r2? r1+1: r2+1; }
int treeDepth(TreeNode n) { if (n == NULL){ return 0; } else{ int ldepth = treeDepth(n->leftnode); int rdepth = treeDepth(n->rightnode); return 1 + ( (ldepth > rdepth) ? ldepth : rdepth ); } }
/********************** 参考代码 ***********/ int treeDepth(BinaryTreeNode* root) { if (root == NULL) { return 0; } int leftDepth = treeDepth(root->left); int rightDepth = treeDepth(root->right); return (leftDepth > rightDepth) ? (leftDepth + 1) : (rightDepth + 1); }
void calculateForce(cellptr root, double eps, real rootSize) { /* List of nodes to be calculate */ nodeptr * activeList; /* List of interacting nodes */ cellptr interactionList; /* Maximum number of active nodes */ int activeMaxCount; /* Center of root */ vector rMid; /* */ /* Estimate list length */ activeMaxCount = 216 * (treeDepth(root) + 1); activeList = (nodeptr*) malloc(activeMaxCount * sizeof(nodeptr)); interactionList = (cellptr) malloc(activeMaxCount * sizeof(cell)); /* Initialize active list */ activeList[0] = (nodeptr) root; /* Initialize center of root */ CLRV(rMid) /* Start walking the tree */ walkTree(activeList, activeList + 1, interactionList, interactionList + activeMaxCount, (nodeptr) root, rootSize, rMid, eps); /* Cleaning up */ free(activeList); free(interactionList); }
int main() { g_counter=0; IntTree* binaryTree; buildIntTree(Path(), &binaryTree); std::cout << "Depth: " << treeDepth(&binaryTree) << std::endl; dfs(&binaryTree); }
void MainWindow::treeDepth(QModelIndex currentIndex,unsigned int* depth,unsigned int tempDepth) { tempDepth++; int count = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < projectsTreeModel->rowCount(currentIndex); i++) { count ++; treeDepth(currentIndex.child(i,0),depth,tempDepth); } if (count==0 && tempDepth>*depth) *depth=tempDepth; }
int treeDepthRec(cellptr node) { int i, l = 0; nodeptr q; for (i = 0; i < NCHILD; i++) { if ((q = Child(node)[i]) != NULL) /* If node is a cell */ if (Type(q) == BODY) { l = MAX(l, 0); } else { l = MAX(l, 1 + treeDepth((cellptr) q)); } } return l; }
void main() { BTreeNode b1, b2, b3, b4, b5; memset(&b1, 0, sizeof(BTreeNode)); memset(&b2, 0, sizeof(BTreeNode)); memset(&b3, 0, sizeof(BTreeNode)); memset(&b4, 0, sizeof(BTreeNode)); memset(&b5, 0, sizeof(BTreeNode)); = 1; = 2; = 3; = 4; = 5; b1.lptr = &b2; b1.rptr = &b3; b2.lptr = &b4; b3.lptr = &b5; printf("\n preorder"); preOrder(&b1); printf("\n inOrderEx"); inOrderEx(&b1); printf("\n inOrder"); inOrder(&b1); printf("\n postOrder"); postOrder(&b1); int depth = treeDepth(&b1); printf("\n tree depth=%d", depth); BTree co = treeCpoy(&b1); preOrder(co); printf("\n"); system("pause"); }
int treeDepth(TreeNode* root) { if (!root) { return 0; } return max(treeDepth(root->left), treeDepth(root->right)) + 1; }
int treeDepth(TreeNode* node) { if (!node) return 0; return max(treeDepth(node->left), treeDepth(node->right)) + 1; }
bool isSymmetric(TreeNode* root) { if (root == nullptr || (root->left == nullptr && root->right == nullptr)) return true; if ((root->left != nullptr && root->right == nullptr) || (root->left == nullptr && root->right != nullptr) || (root->left->val != root->right->val)) return false; std::function<int(TreeNode* root)> treeDepth = [&](TreeNode* root)->int { if (root == nullptr) return 0; if (root->left == nullptr && root->right == nullptr) return 1; return std::max(treeDepth(root->left), treeDepth(root->right)) + 1; }; int loopTime = treeDepth(root) - 2; std::vector<TreeNode*> nodeVec; nodeVec.push_back(root->left); nodeVec.push_back(root->right); int len = 2; for (int count = 0; count < loopTime; ++count) { for (int i = 0, j = len - 1; i < j; ++i, --j) { if (nodeVec[i] == nullptr && nodeVec[j] == nullptr) continue; if ((nodeVec[i]->left == nullptr && nodeVec[j]->right == nullptr) || ((nodeVec[i]->left != nullptr && nodeVec[j]->right != nullptr) && (nodeVec[i]->left->val == nodeVec[j]->right->val))) { if ((nodeVec[i]->right == nullptr && nodeVec[j]->left == nullptr) || ((nodeVec[i]->right != nullptr && nodeVec[j]->left != nullptr) && (nodeVec[i]->right->val == nodeVec[j]->left->val))) ; else return false; } else return false; } int iEnd = nodeVec.size(); for (int i = 0; i < iEnd; ++i) { if (nodeVec[i] == nullptr) { nodeVec.push_back(nullptr); nodeVec.push_back(nullptr); } else { nodeVec.push_back(nodeVec[i]->left); nodeVec.push_back(nodeVec[i]->right); } } for (int i = 0; i < iEnd; ++i) nodeVec.erase(nodeVec.begin()); len *= 2; } return true; }