コード例 #1
 * Every time mouse was clicked it's position is stored in the prev_cursor_pos_
 * Depending on current state and selected tool it creates new points or
 * starts new rects
ImageHolder::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *anEvent)
	/* remembering coordinates of the click */
	prev_cursor_pos_ = anEvent->pos() / scale_;

	QPoint pos = anEvent->pos() / scale_;

	if (anEvent->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) {
		/* clearing the selected area if it is not confirmed */
		if (NewSelection == state_ && BoundingBoxTool == tool_) {
			bounding_box_.rect.setRect(-1, -1, 0, 0);
			state_ = StandBy;

		/* making new points for poly */
		if (PolygonTool == tool_ &&
			NewSelection == state_ &&
			Qt::NoModifier == keyboard_modifier_)
			triggerPolygon(pos, &(polygon_.poly));

		/* starting new selection by click */
		if (StandBy == state_ && NoTool != tool_ &&
			-1 == focused_selection_) {
			state_ = NewSelection;
			emit selectionStarted();

			if (PolygonTool == tool_) {
				polygon_.poly << prev_cursor_pos_;

		/* selecting a point */
		selected_point_ = -1;
		repaint_needed_ = 1;
		if (-1 != hovered_point_.figureID &&
			!list_polygon_->isEmpty() &&
			PolyFigure == hovered_point_.figure &&
			hovered_point_.figureID == focused_selection_)
			selected_point_ = hovered_point_.pointID;

	if (repaint_needed_) {
		repaint_needed_ = 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: storage.cpp プロジェクト: RISK46kaf/Practise
void Storage::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *anEvent)
    /* запоминаем координаты клика */
    prev_cursor_pos_ = anEvent->pos() / scale_;

    QPoint pos = anEvent->pos() / scale_;

    if (anEvent->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) {
        /* очищаем выбранную область если она не была подтверждена(для прямоугольника) */
        if (NewSelection == state_ && BoundingBoxTool == tool_) {
            rect.setCoordinates(QRect(-1, -1, 0, 0));
            state_ = StandBy;
        /* очищаем выбранную область если она не была подтверждена(для эллипса) */
        if (NewSelection == state_ && EllipseTool == tool_) {
            ell.setCoordinates(QRect(-1, -1, 0, 0));
            state_ = StandBy;
        /* очищаем выбранную область если она не была подтверждена(для стрелы) */
        if (NewSelection == state_ && ArrowTool == tool_) {
            arrow.setCoordinates(QLineF(-1, -1, -2, -2));
            state_ = StandBy;

        /* добавляем новые точки для многоугольника */
        if (PolygonTool == tool_ &&
            NewSelection == state_ &&
            Qt::NoModifier == keyboard_modifier_)
            triggerPolygon(pos, poly);

        /* начинаем выбирать новую область по клику */
        if (StandBy == state_ && NoTool != tool_ /*&&
            -1 == focused_selection_*/) {
            state_ = NewSelection;
//            emit selectionStarted();

            if (PolygonTool == tool_) {
                poly.setCoordinates(poly.getCoordinates() << prev_cursor_pos_);
//                polygon_.poly << prev_cursor_pos_;

        /* выбираем точку */
//        selected_point_ = -1;
        repaint_needed_ = 1;
//        if (-1 != hovered_point_.figureID &&
//            !list_polygon_->isEmpty() &&
//            PolyFigure == hovered_point_.figure &&
//            hovered_point_.figureID == focused_selection_)
//        {
//            selected_point_ = hovered_point_.pointID;
//    }

    if (repaint_needed_) {
        repaint_needed_ = 0;