コード例 #1
// Originally user templates were stored whereever the user wanted and maintained in the option "User/Templates".
// This behavior has now been changed to always store user templates in [config]/templates/user/ The advantage is
// that we don't have to maintain the template list and it's not lost when resetting the configuration.
// This function allows to move existing templates to the the new location.
void TemplateManager::checkForOldUserTemplates() {
	ConfigManagerInterface *cfg = ConfigManager::getInstance();
	if (!cfg) return;
	QStringList userTemplateList = cfg->getOption("User/Templates").toStringList();
	if (!userTemplateList.isEmpty()) {
		bool move = txsConfirmWarning(tr("TeXstudio found user templates in deprecated locations.\n"
							"From now on user templates are hosted at\n%1\n"
							"Should TeXstudio move the existing user templates there?\n"
							"If not, they will not be available via the Make Template dialog.").arg(userTemplateDir()));
		if (move) {
			foreach (const QString &fname, userTemplateList) {
				QFileInfo fi(fname);
				if (!fi.exists()) {
				QString newName = userTemplateDir() + fi.fileName();
				if (!QFile::copy(fname, newName)) {
					txsWarning(tr("Copying template from\n%1\nto\n%2\nfailed.").arg(fname).arg(newName));
				} else {
					if (!QFile::remove(fname)) {
						txsInformation(tr("File\n%1\n could not be removed.").arg(fname));
コード例 #2
ファイル: latexlogwidget.cpp プロジェクト: Axure/TeXstudio
bool LatexLogWidget::loadLogFile(const QString &logname, const QString & compiledFileName){
	QFileInfo fi(logname);
	if (logname.isEmpty() || !fi.exists()) {
		setInfo(tr("Log file not found."));
		return false;
	if (!fi.isReadable()) {
		setInfo(tr("Log file not readable."));
		return false;

	QFile f(logname);
	if (f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
		double fileSizeLimitMB = ConfigManagerInterface::getInstance()->getOption("LogView/WarnIfFileSizeLargerMB").toDouble();
		if (f.size() > fileSizeLimitMB*1024*1024 &&
			!txsConfirmWarning(tr("The logfile is very large (%1 MB) are you sure you want to load it?").arg(double(f.size()) / 1024 / 1024, 0, 'f', 2)))
			return false;

		//QByteArray fullLog = simplifyLineConserving(f.readAll());
		// TODO: if we want to have simplification here it has to be smarter.
		// The above version trims whitespace, which leads to undesired effects due to the 80 char
		// line width of the log. "line\n 1"  would become "\line\n1" and, when rejoining lines for error/warning detection "line1".
		// Do we need this or can we just leave the output as it is?
		QByteArray fullLog = f.readAll();

		int sure;
		QTextCodec * codec = guessEncodingBasic(fullLog, &sure);
		if (!sure || !codec) codec = QTextCodec::codecForLocale();


		logModel->parseLogDocument(log->document(), compiledFileName);


		// workaround to https://sourceforge.net/p/texstudio/feature-requests/622/
		// There seems to be a bug in Qt (4.8.4) that resizeRowsToContents() does not work correctly if
		// horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true) and the tableView has not yet been shown
		// when iterating through the columns to determine the maximal height, everything is fine
		// until the last column. There the calculated height is too large.
		// As a workaround we will temporarily deactivate column stretching.
		// Note: To reproduce, you can call the viewer via The ViewLog button. When showing the viewer
		// by clicking the ViewTab, the widget is shown before loading (so there the bug did not appear.)
		bool visible = errorTable->isVisible();
		if (!visible) errorTable->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(false);
		if (!visible) errorTable->horizontalHeader()->setStretchLastSection(true);

		emit logLoaded();
		return true;

	setInfo(tr("Log file not readable."));
	return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: scriptobject.cpp プロジェクト: svn2github/texstudio
bool ScriptObject::confirmWarning(const QString& message){ return txsConfirmWarning(message); }