コード例 #1
ファイル: building.test.c プロジェクト: ennorehling/eressea
static void test_buildingowner_goes_to_other_when_empty(CuTest * tc)
    struct region *r;
    struct building *bld;
    struct unit *u, *u2;
    struct faction *f;


    f = test_create_faction(NULL);
    r = test_create_plain(0, 0);

    bld = test_create_building(r, NULL);
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, bld);

    u2 = test_create_unit(f, r);
    u = test_create_unit(f, r);
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, u);
    u_set_building(u, bld);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u, building_owner(bld));
    u_set_building(u2, bld);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u, building_owner(bld));
    u->number = 0;
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u2, building_owner(bld));
コード例 #2
ファイル: building.test.c プロジェクト: ennorehling/eressea
void test_buildingowner_goes_to_empty_unit_after_leave(CuTest * tc)
    struct region *r;
    struct building *bld;
    struct unit *u1, *u2, *u3;
    struct faction *f1;


    f1 = test_create_faction(NULL);
    r = test_create_plain(0, 0);

    bld = test_create_building(r, NULL);
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, bld);

    u1 = test_create_unit(f1, r);
    u2 = test_create_unit(f1, r);
    u3 = test_create_unit(f1, r);
    u_set_building(u1, bld);
    u_set_building(u2, bld);
    u_set_building(u3, bld);

    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u1, building_owner(bld));
    u2->number = 0;
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u3, building_owner(bld));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, NULL, building_owner(bld));
    u2->number = 1;
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u2, building_owner(bld));
コード例 #3
ファイル: building.test.c プロジェクト: ennorehling/eressea
static void test_buildingowner_goes_to_same_faction_after_leave(CuTest * tc)
    struct region *r;
    struct building *bld;
    struct unit *u, *u2, *u3;
    struct faction *f1, *f2;


    f1 = test_create_faction(NULL);
    f2 = test_create_faction(NULL);
    r = test_create_plain(0, 0);

    bld = test_create_building(r, NULL);
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, bld);

    u2 = test_create_unit(f2, r);
    u3 = test_create_unit(f1, r);
    u = test_create_unit(f1, r);
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, u);
    u_set_building(u, bld);
    u_set_building(u2, bld);
    u_set_building(u3, bld);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u, building_owner(bld));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u3, building_owner(bld));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u2, building_owner(bld));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, NULL, building_owner(bld));
コード例 #4
ファイル: building.test.c プロジェクト: ennorehling/eressea
static void test_cmp_current_owner(CuTest *tc) {
    region *r;
    building *b1, *b2;
    building_type *btype;
    unit *u1, *u2;

    config_set("rules.region_owners", "1");
    r = test_create_region(0, 0, NULL);
    btype = test_create_buildingtype("watch");
    btype->stages->construction->maxsize = 1;
    btype->taxes = 200;
    b1 = test_create_building(r, btype);
    btype = test_create_buildingtype("castle");
    btype->stages->construction->maxsize = 1;
    btype->taxes = 100;
    b2 = test_create_building(r, btype);
    b1->size = 1;
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, buildingeffsize(b1, false));
    b2->size = 1;
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 1, buildingeffsize(b2, false));
    u1 = test_create_unit(test_create_faction(NULL), r);
    u_set_building(u1, b1);
    u2 = test_create_unit(test_create_faction(NULL), r);
    u_set_building(u2, b2);
    region_set_owner(r, u1->faction, turn);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, b1, largestbuilding(r, cmp_current_owner, false));
    CuAssertTrue(tc, cmp_current_owner(b2, b1) < 0);
    CuAssertTrue(tc, cmp_current_owner(b1, b2) > 0);
    CuAssertTrue(tc, cmp_current_owner(b1, b1) == 0);
コード例 #5
ファイル: building.test.c プロジェクト: ennorehling/eressea
static void test_active_building(CuTest *tc) {
    building *b;
    region *r;
    unit *u;
    building_type *btype;


    btype = test_create_buildingtype("castle");
    assert(btype && btype->maxsize == -1);
    b = test_create_building(r = test_create_region(0, 0, NULL), btype);
    u = test_create_unit(test_create_faction(NULL), r);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, false, building_is_active(b));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, NULL, active_building(u, btype));

    b->flags |= BLD_MAINTAINED;
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, true, building_is_active(b));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, NULL, active_building(u, btype));
    u_set_building(u, b);
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, true, building_is_active(b));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, active_building(u, btype) );
    btype->maxsize = 10;
    b->size = btype->maxsize;
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, true, building_is_active(b));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, active_building(u, btype) );
    b->size = 9;
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, false, building_is_active(b));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, NULL, active_building(u, btype));
    btype->maxsize = -1;
    b->flags &= ~BLD_MAINTAINED;
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, false, building_is_active(b));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, NULL, active_building(u, btype));
コード例 #6
ファイル: laws.test.c プロジェクト: TomBraun/server
static void test_rename_building_twice(CuTest * tc)
  region *r;
  building *b;
  unit *u;
  faction *f;
  building_type *btype;


  btype = bt_get_or_create("castle");

  r = findregion(-1, 0);
  b = new_building(btype, r, default_locale);
  f = test_create_faction(rc_find("human"));
  u = test_create_unit(f, r);
  u_set_building(u, b);

  rename_building(u, NULL, b, "Villa Nagel");
  CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "Villa Nagel", b->name);

  rename_building(u, NULL, b, "Villa Kunterbunt");
  CuAssertStrEquals(tc, "Villa Kunterbunt", b->name);
コード例 #7
ファイル: bind_building.c プロジェクト: philbooth/server
static int tolua_building_set_owner(lua_State * L)
    building *b = (building *)tolua_tousertype(L, 1, 0);
    unit *u = (unit *)tolua_tousertype(L, 2, 0);
    if (b != u->building) {
        u_set_building(u, b);
    return 0;
コード例 #8
ファイル: reports.test.c プロジェクト: Xolgrim/server
static void test_reorder_units(CuTest * tc)
    region *r;
    building *b;
    ship * s;
    unit *u0, *u1, *u2, *u3, *u4;
    struct faction * f;
    const building_type *btype;
    const ship_type *stype;


    btype = bt_find("castle");
    stype = st_find("boat");

    r = findregion(-1, 0);
    b = test_create_building(r, btype);
    s = test_create_ship(r, stype);
    f = test_create_faction(0);

    u0 = test_create_unit(f, r);
    u_set_ship(u0, s);
    u1 = test_create_unit(f, r);
    u_set_ship(u1, s);
    u2 = test_create_unit(f, r);
    u3 = test_create_unit(f, r);
    u_set_building(u3, b);
    u4 = test_create_unit(f, r);
    u_set_building(u4, b);


    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u4, r->units);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u3, u4->next);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u2, u3->next);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u1, u2->next);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u0, u1->next);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, u0->next);
コード例 #9
static void test_give_control_building(CuTest * tc)
    unit *u1, *u2;
    building *b;
    struct faction *f;
    region *r;

    f = test_create_faction(0);
    r = test_create_region(0, 0, 0);
    b = test_create_building(r, 0);
    u1 = test_create_unit(f, r);
    u_set_building(u1, b);
    u2 = test_create_unit(f, r);
    u_set_building(u2, b);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u1, building_owner(b));
    give_control(u1, u2);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u2, building_owner(b));
コード例 #10
ファイル: building.test.c プロジェクト: ennorehling/eressea
static void test_cmp_castle_size(CuTest *tc) {
    region *r;
    building *b1, *b2;
    unit *u1, *u2;

    r = test_create_region(0, 0, NULL);
    b1 = test_create_building(r, NULL);
    b2 = test_create_building(r, NULL);
    u1 = test_create_unit(test_create_faction(NULL), r);
    u_set_building(u1, b1);
    u2 = test_create_unit(test_create_faction(NULL), r);
    u_set_building(u2, b2);
    b1->size = 5;
    b2->size = 10;
    CuAssertTrue(tc, cmp_castle_size(b1, b2) < 0);
    CuAssertTrue(tc, cmp_castle_size(b2, b1) > 0);
    CuAssertTrue(tc, cmp_castle_size(b1, b1) == 0);
コード例 #11
ファイル: building.test.c プロジェクト: ennorehling/eressea
static void test_cmp_taxes(CuTest *tc) {
    region *r;
    building *b1, *b2;
    building_type *btype;
    unit *u1, *u2;

    btype = test_create_buildingtype("castle");
    btype->taxes = 100;
    r = test_create_region(0, 0, NULL);
    b1 = test_create_building(r, btype);
    b2 = test_create_building(r, btype);
    b1->size = 5;
    b2->size = 10;
    u1 = test_create_unit(test_create_faction(NULL), r);
    u_set_building(u1, b1);
    u2 = test_create_unit(test_create_faction(NULL), r);
    u_set_building(u2, b2);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, b2, largestbuilding(r, cmp_taxes, false));
    CuAssertTrue(tc, cmp_taxes(b1, b2) < 0);
    CuAssertTrue(tc, cmp_taxes(b2, b1) > 0);
    CuAssertTrue(tc, cmp_taxes(b1, b1) == 0);
コード例 #12
ファイル: building.test.c プロジェクト: ennorehling/eressea
static void test_building_set_owner(CuTest * tc)
    struct region *r;
    struct building *bld;
    struct unit *u1, *u2;
    struct faction *f;


    f = test_create_faction(NULL);
    r = test_create_region(0, 0, NULL);

    bld = test_create_building(r, NULL);
    u1 = test_create_unit(f, r);
    u_set_building(u1, bld);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u1, building_owner(bld));

    u2 = test_create_unit(f, r);
    u_set_building(u2, bld);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u1, building_owner(bld));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, u2, building_owner(bld));
コード例 #13
ファイル: races.c プロジェクト: hochl/server
static void equip_newunits(const struct equipment *eq, struct unit *u)
    struct region *r = u->region;
    const struct resource_type *rtype;
    switch (old_race(u_race(u))) {
    case RC_ELF:
        rtype = rt_find("fairyboot");
        set_show_item(u->faction, rtype->itype);
    case RC_GOBLIN:
        rtype = rt_find("roi");
        set_show_item(u->faction, rtype->itype);
        set_number(u, 10);
    case RC_HUMAN:
        if (u->building == NULL) {
            const building_type *btype = bt_find("castle");
            if (btype != NULL) {
                building *b = new_building(btype, r, u->faction->locale);
                b->size = 10;
                u_set_building(u, b);
    case RC_CAT:
        rtype = rt_find("roi");
        set_show_item(u->faction, rtype->itype);
    case RC_AQUARIAN:
            ship *sh = new_ship(st_find("boat"), r, u->faction->locale);
            sh->size = sh->type->construction->maxsize;
            u_set_ship(u, sh);
    case RC_CENTAUR:
        rsethorses(r, 250 + rng_int() % 51 + rng_int() % 51);
コード例 #14
ファイル: build.c プロジェクト: Xolgrim/server
build_building(unit * u, const building_type * btype, int id, int want, order * ord)
    region *r = u->region;
    int n = want, built = 0;
    building *b = NULL;
    /* einmalige Korrektur */
    const char *btname;
    order *new_order = NULL;
    const struct locale *lang = u->faction->locale;
    static int rule_other = -1;

    if (eff_skill(u, SK_BUILDING, r) == 0) {
        cmistake(u, ord, 101, MSG_PRODUCE);
        return 0;

    /* Falls eine Nummer angegeben worden ist, und ein Gebaeude mit der
     * betreffenden Nummer existiert, ist b nun gueltig. Wenn keine Burg
     * gefunden wurde, dann wird nicht einfach eine neue erbaut. Ansonsten
     * baut man an der eigenen burg weiter. */

    /* Wenn die angegebene Nummer falsch ist, KEINE Burg bauen! */
    if (id > 0) {                 /* eine Nummer angegeben, keine neue Burg bauen */
        b = findbuilding(id);
        if (!b || b->region != u->region) { /* eine Burg mit dieser Nummer gibt es hier nicht */
            /* vieleicht Tippfehler und die eigene Burg ist gemeint? */
            if (u->building && u->building->type == btype) {
                b = u->building;
            else {
                /* keine neue Burg anfangen wenn eine Nummer angegeben war */
                cmistake(u, ord, 6, MSG_PRODUCE);
                return 0;
    else if (u->building && u->building->type == btype) {
        b = u->building;

    if (b)
        btype = b->type;

    if (fval(btype, BTF_UNIQUE) && buildingtype_exists(r, btype, false)) {
        /* only one of these per region */
        cmistake(u, ord, 93, MSG_PRODUCE);
        return 0;
    if (besieged(u)) {
        /* units under siege can not build */
        cmistake(u, ord, 60, MSG_PRODUCE);
        return 0;
    if (btype->flags & BTF_NOBUILD) {
        /* special building, cannot be built */
        cmistake(u, ord, 221, MSG_PRODUCE);
        return 0;
    if ((r->terrain->flags & LAND_REGION) == 0) {
        /* special terrain, cannot build */
        cmistake(u, ord, 221, MSG_PRODUCE);
        return 0;
    if (btype->flags & BTF_ONEPERTURN) {
        if (b && fval(b, BLD_EXPANDED)) {
            cmistake(u, ord, 318, MSG_PRODUCE);
            return 0;
        n = 1;
    if (b) {
        if (rule_other < 0) {
            rule_other =
                get_param_int(global.parameters, "rules.build.other_buildings", 1);
        if (!rule_other) {
            unit *owner = building_owner(b);
            if (!owner || owner->faction != u->faction) {
                cmistake(u, ord, 1222, MSG_PRODUCE);
                return 0;

    if (b)
        built = b->size;
    if (n <= 0 || n == INT_MAX) {
        if (b == NULL) {
            if (btype->maxsize > 0) {
                n = btype->maxsize - built;
            else {
                n = INT_MAX;
        else {
            if (b->type->maxsize > 0) {
                n = b->type->maxsize - built;
            else {
                n = INT_MAX;
    built = build(u, btype->construction, built, n);

    switch (built) {
    case ECOMPLETE:
        /* the building is already complete */
        cmistake(u, ord, 4, MSG_PRODUCE);
        ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_materials_required(u, ord,
            btype->construction, want));
    case ELOWSKILL:
    case ENEEDSKILL:
        /* no skill, or not enough skill points to build */
        cmistake(u, ord, 50, MSG_PRODUCE);
    if (built <= 0) {
        return built;
    /* at this point, the building size is increased. */
    if (b == NULL) {
        /* build a new building */
        b = new_building(btype, r, lang);
        b->type = btype;
        fset(b, BLD_MAINTAINED | BLD_WORKING);

        /* Die Einheit befindet sich automatisch im Inneren der neuen Burg. */
        if (u->number && leave(u, false)) {
            u_set_building(u, b);

    btname = LOC(lang, btype->_name);

    if (want - built <= 0) {
        /* gebäude fertig */
        new_order = default_order(lang);
    else if (want != INT_MAX) {
        /* reduzierte restgröße */
        const char *hasspace = strchr(btname, ' ');
        if (hasspace) {
            new_order =
                create_order(K_MAKE, lang, "%d \"%s\" %i", n - built, btname, b->no);
        else {
            new_order =
                create_order(K_MAKE, lang, "%d %s %i", n - built, btname, b->no);
    else if (btname) {
        /* Neues Haus, Befehl mit Gebäudename */
        const char *hasspace = strchr(btname, ' ');
        if (hasspace) {
            new_order = create_order(K_MAKE, lang, "\"%s\" %i", btname, b->no);
        else {
            new_order = create_order(K_MAKE, lang, "%s %i", btname, b->no);

    if (new_order) {
        replace_order(&u->orders, ord, new_order);

    b->size += built;
    fset(b, BLD_EXPANDED);


    ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("buildbuilding",
        "building unit size", b, u, built));
    return built;
コード例 #15
ファイル: randenc.c プロジェクト: hochl/server
static void move_iceberg(region * r)
  attrib *a;
  direction_t dir;
  region *rc;

  a = a_find(r->attribs, &at_iceberg);
  if (!a) {
    dir = (direction_t) (rng_int() % MAXDIRECTIONS);
    a = a_add(&r->attribs, make_iceberg(dir));
  } else {
    if (rng_int() % 100 < 20) {
      dir = (direction_t) (rng_int() % MAXDIRECTIONS);
      a->data.i = dir;
    } else {
      dir = (direction_t) a->data.i;

  rc = rconnect(r, dir);

  if (rc && !fval(rc->terrain, ARCTIC_REGION)) {
    if (fval(rc->terrain, SEA_REGION)) {        /* Eisberg treibt */
      ship *sh, *shn;
      unit *u;
      int x, y;

      for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next)
        freset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT);
      for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next)
        if (!fval(u->faction, FFL_SELECT)) {
          fset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT);
          ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("iceberg_drift",
              "region dir", r, dir));

      x = r->x;
      y = r->y;

      r->x = rc->x;
      r->y = rc->y;
      rc->x = x;
      rc->y = y;

      /* rc ist der Ozean (Ex-Eisberg), r der Eisberg (Ex-Ozean) */

      /* Schiffe aus dem Zielozean werden in den Eisberg transferiert
       * und nehmen Schaden. */

      for (sh = r->ships; sh; sh = sh->next)
        freset(sh, SF_SELECT);

      for (sh = r->ships; sh; sh = sh->next) {
        /* Meldung an Kapitän */
        float dmg =
          get_param_flt(global.parameters, "rules.ship.damage.intoiceberg",
        damage_ship(sh, dmg);
        fset(sh, SF_SELECT);

      /* Personen, Schiffe und Gebäude verschieben */
      while (rc->buildings) {
        rc->buildings->region = r;
        translist(&rc->buildings, &r->buildings, rc->buildings);
      while (rc->ships) {
        float dmg =
          get_param_flt(global.parameters, "rules.ship.damage.withiceberg",
        fset(rc->ships, SF_SELECT);
        damage_ship(rc->ships, dmg);
        move_ship(rc->ships, rc, r, NULL);
      while (rc->units) {
        building *b = rc->units->building;
        u = rc->units;
        u->building = 0; /* prevent leaving in move_unit */
        move_unit(rc->units, r, NULL);
        u_set_building(u, b); /* undo leave-prevention */

      /* Beschädigte Schiffe können sinken */

      for (sh = r->ships; sh;) {
        shn = sh->next;
        if (fval(sh, SF_SELECT)) {
          u = ship_owner(sh);
          if (sh->damage >= sh->size * DAMAGE_SCALE) {
            if (u != NULL) {
              ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("overrun_by_iceberg_des",
                  "ship", sh));
            remove_ship(&sh->region->ships, sh);
          } else if (u != NULL) {
            ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("overrun_by_iceberg",
                "ship", sh));
        sh = shn;

    } else if (rng_int() % 100 < 20) {  /* Eisberg bleibt als Gletscher liegen */
      unit *u;

      rsetterrain(r, T_GLACIER);
      a_remove(&r->attribs, a);

      for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next)
        freset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT);
      for (u = r->units; u; u = u->next)
        if (!fval(u->faction, FFL_SELECT)) {
          fset(u->faction, FFL_SELECT);
          ADDMSG(&u->faction->msgs, msg_message("iceberg_land", "region", r));
コード例 #16
 * see https://bugs.eressea.de/view.php?id=2234
static void test_maintain_buildings(CuTest *tc) {
    region *r;
    building *b;
    building_type *btype;
    unit *u;
    faction *f;
    maintenance *req;
    item_type *itype;

    btype = test_create_buildingtype("Hort");
    btype->maxsize = 10;
    r = test_create_region(0, 0, 0);
    f = test_create_faction(0);
    u = test_create_unit(f, r);
    b = test_create_building(r, btype);
    itype = test_create_itemtype("money");
    b->size = btype->maxsize;
    u_set_building(u, b);

    // this building has no upkeep, it just works:
    b->flags = 0;
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, BLD_MAINTAINED, fval(b, BLD_MAINTAINED));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, f->msgs);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, r->msgs);

    req = calloc(2, sizeof(maintenance));
    req[0].number = 100;
    req[0].rtype = itype->rtype;
    btype->maintenance = req;

    // we cannot afford to pay:
    b->flags = 0;
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, fval(b, BLD_MAINTAINED));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, test_find_messagetype(f->msgs, "maintenancefail"));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, test_find_messagetype(r->msgs, "maintenance_nowork"));
    // we can afford to pay:
    i_change(&u->items, itype, 100);
    b->flags = 0;
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, BLD_MAINTAINED, fval(b, BLD_MAINTAINED));
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, i_get(u->items, itype));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, r->msgs);
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, test_find_messagetype(f->msgs, "maintenance_nowork"));
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, test_find_messagetype(f->msgs, "maintenance"));

    // this building has no owner, it doesn't work:
    u_set_building(u, NULL);
    b->flags = 0;
    CuAssertIntEquals(tc, 0, fval(b, BLD_MAINTAINED));
    CuAssertPtrEquals(tc, 0, f->msgs);
    CuAssertPtrNotNull(tc, test_find_messagetype(r->msgs, "maintenance_noowner"));

コード例 #17
ファイル: unit.c プロジェクト: UweKopf/server
/** creates a new unit.
* @param dname: name, set to NULL to get a default.
* @param creator: unit to inherit stealth, group, building, ship, etc. from
unit *create_unit(region * r, faction * f, int number, const struct race *urace,
  int id, const char *dname, unit * creator)
  unit *u = (unit *)calloc(1, sizeof(unit));

  if (f) {
    u_setfaction(u, f);

    if (f->locale) {
      order *deford = default_order(f->locale);
      if (deford) {
        set_order(&u->thisorder, NULL);
        addlist(&u->orders, deford);
  u_seteffstealth(u, -1);
  u_setrace(u, urace);
  u->irace = NULL;

  set_number(u, number);

  /* die nummer der neuen einheit muss vor name_unit generiert werden,
   * da der default name immer noch 'Nummer u->no' ist */
  createunitid(u, id);

  /* zuerst in die Region setzen, da zb Drachennamen den Regionsnamen
   * enthalten */
  if (r)
    move_unit(u, r, NULL);

  /* u->race muss bereits gesetzt sein, wird für default-hp gebraucht */
  /* u->region auch */
  u->hp = unit_max_hp(u) * number;

  if (!dname) {
  } else {
    u->name = _strdup(dname);

  if (creator) {
    attrib *a;

    /* erbt Kampfstatus */
    setstatus(u, creator->status);

    /* erbt Gebäude/Schiff */
    if (creator->region == r) {
      if (creator->building) {
        u_set_building(u, creator->building);
      if (creator->ship && fval(u_race(u), RCF_CANSAIL)) {
        u_set_ship(u, creator->ship);

    /* Tarnlimit wird vererbt */
    if (fval(creator, UFL_STEALTH)) {
      attrib *a = a_find(creator->attribs, &at_stealth);
      if (a) {
        int stealth = a->data.i;
        a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_stealth));
        a->data.i = stealth;

    /* Temps von parteigetarnten Einheiten sind wieder parteigetarnt */
    if (fval(creator, UFL_ANON_FACTION)) {
      fset(u, UFL_ANON_FACTION);
    /* Daemonentarnung */
    set_racename(&u->attribs, get_racename(creator->attribs));
    if (fval(u_race(u), RCF_SHAPESHIFT) && fval(u_race(creator), RCF_SHAPESHIFT)) {
      u->irace = creator->irace;

    /* Gruppen */
    if (creator->faction == f && fval(creator, UFL_GROUP)) {
      a = a_find(creator->attribs, &at_group);
      if (a) {
        group *g = (group *) a->data.v;
        set_group(u, g);
    a = a_find(creator->attribs, &at_otherfaction);
    if (a) {
      a_add(&u->attribs, make_otherfaction(get_otherfaction(a)));

    a = a_add(&u->attribs, a_new(&at_creator));
    a->data.v = creator;

  return u;