コード例 #1
ファイル: couch_uca.c プロジェクト: davisp/nifspeed
static int couch_drv_control(ErlDrvData drv_data, unsigned int command, char *pBuf,
             int bufLen, char **rbuf, int rlen)

    couch_drv_data* pData = (couch_drv_data*)drv_data;
    switch(command) {
    case 0: // COLLATE
    case 1: // COLLATE_NO_CASE:
        UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
        int collResult;
        char response;
        UCharIterator iterA;
        UCharIterator iterB;
        int32_t length;

        // 2 strings are in the buffer, consecutively
        // The strings begin first with a 32 bit integer byte length, then the actual
        // string bytes follow.

        // first 32bits are the length
        memcpy(&length, pBuf, sizeof(length));
        pBuf += sizeof(length);

        // point the iterator at it.
        uiter_setUTF8(&iterA, pBuf, length);

        pBuf += length; // now on to string b

        // first 32bits are the length
        memcpy(&length, pBuf, sizeof(length));
        pBuf += sizeof(length);

        // point the iterator at it.
        uiter_setUTF8(&iterB, pBuf, length);

        if (command == 0) // COLLATE
          collResult = ucol_strcollIter(pData->coll, &iterA, &iterB, &status);
        else              // COLLATE_NO_CASE
          collResult = ucol_strcollIter(pData->collNoCase, &iterA, &iterB, &status);

        if (collResult < 0)
          response = 0; //lt
        else if (collResult > 0)
          response = 2; //gt
          response = 1; //eq

        return return_control_result(&response, sizeof(response), rbuf, rlen);

        return -1;
コード例 #2
ファイル: collate_json.c プロジェクト: hsharsha/couchstore
static int compareUnicodeSlow(const char* str1, size_t len1,
                              const char* str2, size_t len2)
    static UCollator* coll = NULL;
    UCharIterator iterA, iterB;
    int result;

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    if (!coll) {
        coll = ucol_open("", &status);
        if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
            fprintf(stderr, "CouchStore CollateJSON: Couldn't initialize ICU (%d)\n", (int)status);
            return -1;

    uiter_setUTF8(&iterA, str1, (int)len1);
    uiter_setUTF8(&iterB, str2, (int)len2);

    result = ucol_strcollIter(coll, &iterA, &iterB, &status);

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "CouchStore CollateJSON: ICU error %d\n", (int)status);
        return -1;

    if (result < 0) {
        return -1;
    } else if (result > 0) {
        return 1;

    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: text_icu.c プロジェクト: bos/text-icu
UCollationResult __hs_ucol_strcollIter(const UCollator *coll,
				       UCharIterator *sIter,
				       UCharIterator *tIter,
				       UErrorCode *status)
    return ucol_strcollIter(coll, sIter, tIter, status);
コード例 #4
UCollationResult RuleBasedCollator::compare(UCharIterator &sIter,
                                            UCharIterator &tIter,
                                            UErrorCode &status) const {
    if(U_SUCCESS(status)) {
        return ucol_strcollIter(ucollator, &sIter, &tIter, &status);
    } else {
        return UCOL_EQUAL;
コード例 #5
int Collator::collateUTF8(const char* a, const char* b) const
    UCharIterator iteratorA = createIteratorUTF8(a);
    UCharIterator iteratorB = createIteratorUTF8(b);
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int result = ucol_strcollIter(m_collator, &iteratorA, &iteratorB, &status);
    return result;
コード例 #6
int Collator::collate(StringView a, StringView b) const
    UCharIterator iteratorA = createIterator(a);
    UCharIterator iteratorB = createIterator(b);
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    int result = ucol_strcollIter(m_collator, &iteratorA, &iteratorB, &status);
    return result;
コード例 #7
ファイル: IntlCollator.cpp プロジェクト: EthanK28/webkit
JSValue IntlCollator::compareStrings(ExecState& state, StringView x, StringView y)
    // 10.3.4 CompareStrings abstract operation (ECMA-402 2.0)
    if (!m_collator) {
        if (!m_collator)
            return state.vm().throwException(&state, createError(&state, ASCIILiteral("Failed to compare strings.")));

    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UCharIterator iteratorX = createIterator(x);
    UCharIterator iteratorY = createIterator(y);
    auto result = ucol_strcollIter(m_collator, &iteratorX, &iteratorY, &status);
    if (U_FAILURE(status))
        return state.vm().throwException(&state, createError(&state, ASCIILiteral("Failed to compare strings.")));
    return jsNumber(result);
コード例 #8
int32_t _swift_stdlib_unicode_compare_utf8_utf8(const char *LeftString,
                                                int32_t LeftLength,
                                                const char *RightString,
                                                int32_t RightLength) {
  UCharIterator LeftIterator;
  UCharIterator RightIterator;
  UErrorCode ErrorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;

  uiter_setUTF8(&LeftIterator, LeftString, LeftLength);
  uiter_setUTF8(&RightIterator, RightString, RightLength);

  uint32_t Diff = ucol_strcollIter(GetRootCollator(),
    &LeftIterator, &RightIterator, &ErrorCode);
  if (U_FAILURE(ErrorCode)) {
    swift::crash("ucol_strcollIter: Unexpected error doing utf8<->utf8 string comparison.");
  return Diff;
コード例 #9
static int collate8(void *p, int n1, const void *v1, int n2, const void *v2)
    UCollator *coll = (UCollator *) p;
    UCharIterator i1, i2;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

    uiter_setUTF8(&i1, (const char *) v1, n1);
    uiter_setUTF8(&i2, (const char *) v2, n2);

    UCollationResult result = ucol_strcollIter(coll, &i1, &i2, &status);

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
//        ALOGE("Collation iterator error: %d\n", status);

    if (result == UCOL_LESS) {
        return -1;
    } else if (result == UCOL_GREATER) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        return 0;
コード例 #10
ファイル: couch_ejson_compare.c プロジェクト: aatwgen/couchdb
compare_strings(couch_ejson_ctx_t* ctx, ErlNifBinary a, ErlNifBinary b)
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UCharIterator iterA, iterB;
    int result;

    uiter_setUTF8(&iterA, (const char *) a.data, (uint32_t) a.size);
    uiter_setUTF8(&iterB, (const char *) b.data, (uint32_t) b.size);

    result = ucol_strcollIter(ctx->coll, &iterA, &iterB, &status);

    if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
        ctx->error = 1;
        return 0;

    /* ucol_strcollIter returns 0, -1 or 1
     * (see type UCollationResult in unicode/ucol.h) */

    return result;
コード例 #11
/// Compares the strings via the Unicode Collation Algorithm on the root locale.
/// Results are the usual string comparison results:
///  <0 the left string is less than the right string.
/// ==0 the strings are equal according to their collation.
///  >0 the left string is greater than the right string.
swift::_swift_stdlib_unicode_compare_utf8_utf16(const char *LeftString,
                                                int32_t LeftLength,
                                                const uint16_t *RightString,
                                                int32_t RightLength) {
  UCharIterator LeftIterator;
  UCharIterator RightIterator;
  UErrorCode ErrorCode = U_ZERO_ERROR;

  uiter_setUTF8(&LeftIterator, LeftString, LeftLength);
#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
  uiter_setString(&RightIterator, reinterpret_cast<const UChar *>(RightString),
  uiter_setString(&RightIterator, RightString, RightLength);

  uint32_t Diff = ucol_strcollIter(GetRootCollator(),
    &LeftIterator, &RightIterator, &ErrorCode);
  if (U_FAILURE(ErrorCode)) {
    swift::crash("ucol_strcollIter: Unexpected error doing utf8<->utf16 string comparison.");
  return Diff;
コード例 #12
Unicode_CompareWithLocale(const char *str1,                   // IN
                          const char *str2,                   // IN
                          const char *locale,                 // IN
                          UnicodeCompareOption compareOption) // IN
   UCollationResult compareResult;
   UColAttributeValue comparisonStrength;
   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
   int result;
   UCollator *coll;
   UCharIterator str1Iter;
   UCharIterator str2Iter;

   uiter_setUTF8(&str1Iter, (const char *)str1, -1);
   uiter_setUTF8(&str2Iter, (const char *)str2, -1);

   switch (compareOption) {
      comparisonStrength = UCOL_DEFAULT;
      comparisonStrength = UCOL_PRIMARY;
      comparisonStrength = UCOL_SECONDARY;
      comparisonStrength = UCOL_TERTIARY;

   coll = ucol_open(locale, &status);


   if (U_FAILURE(status) || !coll) {
      return -1;

   // Normalize all strings to NFD before comparing.
   ucol_setAttribute(coll, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, UCOL_ON, &status);
   ucol_setAttribute(coll, UCOL_STRENGTH, comparisonStrength, &status);


   compareResult = ucol_strcollIter(coll, &str1Iter, &str2Iter, &status);


   if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
      // We'll probably only get here if the input wasn't UTF-8.
      return -1;

   switch (compareResult) {
   case UCOL_LESS:
      result = -1;
   case UCOL_EQUAL:
      result = 0;
      result = 1;

   return result;
コード例 #13
ファイル: tscoll.cpp プロジェクト: Acorld/WinObjC-Heading
IntlTestCollator::doTestVariant(Collator* col, const UnicodeString &source, const UnicodeString &target, Collator::EComparisonResult result)
  UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;

  UCollator *myCollation = col->toUCollator();

  Collator::EComparisonResult compareResult = col->compare(source, target);

  CollationKey srckey, tgtkey;
  col->getCollationKey(source, srckey, status);
  col->getCollationKey(target, tgtkey, status);
  if (U_FAILURE(status)){
    errln("Creation of collation keys failed\n");
  Collator::EComparisonResult keyResult = srckey.compareTo(tgtkey);

  reportCResult(source, target, srckey, tgtkey, compareResult, keyResult, result, result);

    UColAttributeValue norm = ucol_getAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, &status);

    int32_t sLen = source.length(), tLen = target.length();
    const UChar* src = source.getBuffer();
    const UChar* trg = target.getBuffer();
    UCollationResult compareResultIter = (UCollationResult)result;

      UCharIterator sIter, tIter;
      uiter_setString(&sIter, src, sLen);
      uiter_setString(&tIter, trg, tLen);
      compareResultIter = ucol_strcollIter(myCollation, &sIter, &tIter, &status);
      if(compareResultIter != (UCollationResult)result) {
        errln("Different result for iterative comparison "+source+" "+target);
    /* convert the strings to UTF-8 and do try comparing with char iterator */
    if(!quick) { /*!QUICK*/
      char utf8Source[256], utf8Target[256];
      int32_t utf8SourceLen = 0, utf8TargetLen = 0;
      u_strToUTF8(utf8Source, 256, &utf8SourceLen, src, sLen, &status);
      if(U_FAILURE(status)) { /* probably buffer is not big enough */
        log("Src UTF-8 buffer too small! Will not compare!\n");
      } else {
        u_strToUTF8(utf8Target, 256, &utf8TargetLen, trg, tLen, &status);
        if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { /* probably buffer is not big enough */
          UCollationResult compareResultUTF8 = (UCollationResult)result, compareResultUTF8Norm = (UCollationResult)result;
          UCharIterator sIter, tIter;
          /*log_verbose("Strings converted to UTF-8:%s, %s\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1));*/
          uiter_setUTF8(&sIter, utf8Source, utf8SourceLen);
          uiter_setUTF8(&tIter, utf8Target, utf8TargetLen);
       /*uiter_setString(&sIter, source, sLen);
      uiter_setString(&tIter, target, tLen);*/
          compareResultUTF8 = ucol_strcollIter(myCollation, &sIter, &tIter, &status);
          ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, UCOL_ON, &status);
          sIter.move(&sIter, 0, UITER_START);
          tIter.move(&tIter, 0, UITER_START);
          compareResultUTF8Norm = ucol_strcollIter(myCollation, &sIter, &tIter, &status);
          ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, norm, &status);
          if(compareResultUTF8 != compareResultIter) {
            errln("different results in iterative comparison for UTF-16 and UTF-8 encoded strings. "+source+", "+target);
          if(compareResultUTF8 != compareResultUTF8Norm) {
            errln("different results in iterative when normalization is turned on with UTF-8 strings. "+source+", "+target);
        } else {
          log("Target UTF-8 buffer too small! Did not compare!\n");
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
          log("UTF-8 strcoll failed! Ignoring result\n");

    /* testing the partial sortkeys */
    { /*!QUICK*/
      int32_t partialSizes[] = { 3, 1, 2, 4, 8, 20, 80 }; /* just size 3 in the quick mode */
      int32_t partialSizesSize = 1;
      if(!quick) {
        partialSizesSize = 7;
      int32_t i = 0;
      log("partial sortkey test piecesize=");
      for(i = 0; i < partialSizesSize; i++) {
        UCollationResult partialSKResult = (UCollationResult)result, partialNormalizedSKResult = (UCollationResult)result;
        log("%i ", partialSizes[i]);

        partialSKResult = compareUsingPartials(myCollation, src, sLen, trg, tLen, partialSizes[i], status);
        if(partialSKResult != (UCollationResult)result) {
          errln("Partial sortkey comparison returned wrong result: "+source+", "+target+" (size "+partialSizes[i]+")");           

        if(norm != UCOL_ON && !quick) {
          log("N ");
          ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, UCOL_ON, &status);
          partialNormalizedSKResult = compareUsingPartials(myCollation, src, sLen, trg, tLen, partialSizes[i], status);
          ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, norm, &status);
          if(partialSKResult != partialNormalizedSKResult) {
            errln("Partial sortkey comparison gets different result when normalization is on: "+source+", "+target+" (size "+partialSizes[i]+")");           
  if (compareResult != result) {
    errln("String comparison failed in variant test\n");
  if (keyResult != result) {
    errln("Collation key comparison failed in variant test\n");
コード例 #14
ファイル: callcoll.c プロジェクト: HBelusca/NasuTek-Odyssey
static void doTestVariant(UCollator* myCollation, const UChar source[], const UChar target[], UCollationResult result)
    int32_t sortklen1, sortklen2, sortklenmax, sortklenmin;
    int temp=0, gSortklen1=0,gSortklen2=0;
    UCollationResult compareResult, compareResulta, keyResult, compareResultIter = result;
    uint8_t *sortKey1, *sortKey2, *sortKey1a, *sortKey2a;
    uint32_t sLen = u_strlen(source);
    uint32_t tLen = u_strlen(target);
    char buffer[256];
    uint32_t len;
    UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
    UColAttributeValue norm = ucol_getAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, &status);

    UCharIterator sIter, tIter;
    uiter_setString(&sIter, source, sLen);
    uiter_setString(&tIter, target, tLen);
    compareResultIter = ucol_strcollIter(myCollation, &sIter, &tIter, &status);
    if(compareResultIter != result) {
      log_err("different results in iterative comparison for UTF-16 encoded strings. %s, %s\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1));

    /* convert the strings to UTF-8 and do try comparing with char iterator */
    if(QUICK <= 0) { /*!QUICK*/
      char utf8Source[256], utf8Target[256];
      int32_t utf8SourceLen = 0, utf8TargetLen = 0;
      u_strToUTF8(utf8Source, 256, &utf8SourceLen, source, sLen, &status);
      if(U_FAILURE(status)) { /* probably buffer is not big enough */
        log_verbose("Src UTF-8 buffer too small! Will not compare!\n");
      } else {
        u_strToUTF8(utf8Target, 256, &utf8TargetLen, target, tLen, &status);
        if(U_SUCCESS(status)) { /* probably buffer is not big enough */
          UCollationResult compareResultUTF8 = result, compareResultUTF8Norm = result;
          /*UCharIterator sIter, tIter;*/
          /*log_verbose("Strings converted to UTF-8:%s, %s\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1));*/
          uiter_setUTF8(&sIter, utf8Source, utf8SourceLen);
          uiter_setUTF8(&tIter, utf8Target, utf8TargetLen);
       /*uiter_setString(&sIter, source, sLen);
      uiter_setString(&tIter, target, tLen);*/
          compareResultUTF8 = ucol_strcollIter(myCollation, &sIter, &tIter, &status);
          ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, UCOL_ON, &status);
          sIter.move(&sIter, 0, UITER_START);
          tIter.move(&tIter, 0, UITER_START);
          compareResultUTF8Norm = ucol_strcollIter(myCollation, &sIter, &tIter, &status);
          ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, norm, &status);
          if(compareResultUTF8 != compareResultIter) {
            log_err("different results in iterative comparison for UTF-16 and UTF-8 encoded strings. %s, %s\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1));
          if(compareResultUTF8 != compareResultUTF8Norm) {
            log_err("different results in iterative when normalization is turned on with UTF-8 strings. %s, %s\n", aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1));
        } else {
          log_verbose("Target UTF-8 buffer too small! Did not compare!\n");
        if(U_FAILURE(status)) {
          log_verbose("UTF-8 strcoll failed! Ignoring result\n");

    /* testing the partial sortkeys */
    if(1) { /*!QUICK*/
      int32_t i = 0;
      int32_t partialSizes[] = { 3, 1, 2, 4, 8, 20, 80 }; /* just size 3 in the quick mode */
      int32_t partialSizesSize = 1;
      if(QUICK <= 0) {
        partialSizesSize = 7;
      /*log_verbose("partial sortkey test piecesize=");*/
      for(i = 0; i < partialSizesSize; i++) {
        UCollationResult partialSKResult = result, partialNormalizedSKResult = result;
        /*log_verbose("%i ", partialSizes[i]);*/

        partialSKResult = compareUsingPartials(myCollation, source, sLen, target, tLen, partialSizes[i], &status);
        if(partialSKResult != result) {
          log_err("Partial sortkey comparison returned wrong result (%i exp. %i): %s, %s (size %i)\n", 
            partialSKResult, result,
            aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1), partialSizes[i]);

        if(QUICK <= 0 && norm != UCOL_ON) {
          /*log_verbose("N ");*/
          ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, UCOL_ON, &status);
          partialNormalizedSKResult = compareUsingPartials(myCollation, source, sLen, target, tLen, partialSizes[i], &status);
          ucol_setAttribute(myCollation, UCOL_NORMALIZATION_MODE, norm, &status);
          if(partialSKResult != partialNormalizedSKResult) {
            log_err("Partial sortkey comparison gets different result when normalization is on: %s, %s (size %i)\n", 
              aescstrdup(source,-1), aescstrdup(target,-1), partialSizes[i]);

    compareResult  = ucol_strcoll(myCollation, source, sLen, target, tLen);
    compareResulta = ucol_strcoll(myCollation, source, -1,   target, -1); 
    if (compareResult != compareResulta) {
        log_err("ucol_strcoll result from null terminated and explicit length strings differs.\n");

    sortklen1=ucol_getSortKey(myCollation, source, sLen,  NULL, 0);
    sortklen2=ucol_getSortKey(myCollation, target, tLen,  NULL, 0);

    sortklenmax = (sortklen1>sortklen2?sortklen1:sortklen2);
    sortklenmin = (sortklen1<sortklen2?sortklen1:sortklen2);

    sortKey1 =(uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * (sortklenmax+1));
    sortKey1a=(uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * (sortklenmax+1));
    ucol_getSortKey(myCollation, source, sLen, sortKey1,  sortklen1+1);
    ucol_getSortKey(myCollation, source, -1,   sortKey1a, sortklen1+1);
    sortKey2 =(uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * (sortklenmax+1));
    sortKey2a=(uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * (sortklenmax+1));
    ucol_getSortKey(myCollation, target, tLen, sortKey2,  sortklen2+1);
    ucol_getSortKey(myCollation, target, -1,   sortKey2a, sortklen2+1);

    /* Check that sort key generated with null terminated string is identical  */
    /*  to that generted with a length specified.                              */
    if (uprv_strcmp((const char *)sortKey1, (const char *)sortKey1a) != 0 ||
        uprv_strcmp((const char *)sortKey2, (const char *)sortKey2a) != 0 ) {
        log_err("Sort Keys from null terminated and explicit length strings differ.\n");

    /*memcmp(sortKey1, sortKey2,sortklenmax);*/
    temp= uprv_strcmp((const char *)sortKey1, (const char *)sortKey2);
    gSortklen1 = uprv_strlen((const char *)sortKey1)+1;
    gSortklen2 = uprv_strlen((const char *)sortKey2)+1;
    if(sortklen1 != gSortklen1){
        log_err("SortKey length does not match Expected: %i Got: %i\n",sortklen1, gSortklen1);
        log_verbose("Generated sortkey: %s\n", sortKeyToString(myCollation, sortKey1, buffer, &len));
    if(sortklen2!= gSortklen2){
        log_err("SortKey length does not match Expected: %i Got: %i\n", sortklen2, gSortklen2);
        log_verbose("Generated sortkey: %s\n", sortKeyToString(myCollation, sortKey2, buffer, &len));

    if(temp < 0) {
    else if(temp > 0) {
        keyResult= UCOL_GREATER;
    else {
        keyResult = UCOL_EQUAL;
    reportCResult( source, target, sortKey1, sortKey2, compareResult, keyResult, compareResultIter, result );
