コード例 #1
ファイル: file_panels.c プロジェクト: diosney/blender
static void file_panel_category(const bContext *C, Panel *pa, FSMenuCategory category, short *nr, int icon, int allow_delete)
	SpaceFile *sfile = CTX_wm_space_file(C);
	uiBlock *block;
	uiBut *but;
	uiLayout *box, *col;
	struct FSMenu *fsmenu = fsmenu_get();
	int i, nentries = fsmenu_get_nentries(fsmenu, category);

	/* reset each time */
	*nr = -1;

	/* hide if no entries */
	if (nentries == 0)

	/* layout */
	uiLayoutSetAlignment(pa->layout, UI_LAYOUT_ALIGN_LEFT);
	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(pa->layout);
	box = uiLayoutBox(pa->layout);
	col = uiLayoutColumn(box, TRUE);

	for (i = 0; i < nentries; ++i) {
		char dir[FILE_MAX];
		char temp[FILE_MAX];
		uiLayout *layout = uiLayoutRow(col, FALSE);
		char *entry;
		entry = fsmenu_get_entry(fsmenu, category, i);
		/* set this list item as active if we have a match */
		if (sfile->params) {
			if (BLI_path_cmp(sfile->params->dir, entry) == 0) {
				*nr = i;

		/* create nice bookmark name, shows last directory in the full path currently */
		BLI_strncpy(temp, entry, FILE_MAX);
		BLI_getlastdir(temp, dir, FILE_MAX);

		if (dir[0] == 0)
			BLI_strncpy(dir, entry, FILE_MAX);

		/* create list item */
		but = uiDefIconTextButS(block, LISTROW, 0, icon, dir, 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X * 10, UI_UNIT_Y, nr, 0, i, 0, 0, entry);
		uiButSetFunc(but, file_panel_cb, entry, NULL);
		uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); /* skip undo on screen buttons */
		uiButSetFlag(but, UI_ICON_LEFT | UI_TEXT_LEFT);

		/* create delete button */
		if (allow_delete && fsmenu_can_save(fsmenu, category, i)) {
			uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSSN);
			uiItemIntO(layout, "", ICON_X, "FILE_OT_delete_bookmark", "index", i);
			uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS);
コード例 #2
void uiTemplateHeader3D(uiLayout *layout, struct bContext *C)
	bScreen *screen = CTX_wm_screen(C);
	ScrArea *sa = CTX_wm_area(C);
	View3D *v3d = sa->spacedata.first;
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	ToolSettings *ts = CTX_data_tool_settings(C);
	PointerRNA v3dptr, toolsptr, sceneptr;
	Object *ob = OBACT;
	Object *obedit = CTX_data_edit_object(C);
	uiBlock *block;
	uiBut *but;
	uiLayout *row;
	const float dpi_fac = UI_DPI_FAC;
	int is_paint = 0;
	RNA_pointer_create(&screen->id, &RNA_SpaceView3D, v3d, &v3dptr);	
	RNA_pointer_create(&scene->id, &RNA_ToolSettings, ts, &toolsptr);
	RNA_pointer_create(&scene->id, &RNA_Scene, scene, &sceneptr);

	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout);
	uiBlockSetHandleFunc(block, do_view3d_header_buttons, NULL);

	/* other buttons: */
	uiBlockSetEmboss(block, UI_EMBOSS);
	/* mode */
	if (ob) {
		v3d->modeselect = ob->mode;
	else {
		v3d->modeselect = OB_MODE_OBJECT;

	row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE);
	uiDefIconTextButS(block, MENU, B_MODESELECT, object_mode_icon(v3d->modeselect), view3d_modeselect_pup(scene),
	                  0, 0, 126 * dpi_fac, UI_UNIT_Y, &(v3d->modeselect), 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Mode"));
	/* Draw type */
	uiItemR(layout, &v3dptr, "viewport_shade", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE);

	if (obedit == NULL && is_paint) {
		/* Manipulators aren't used in paint modes */
			/* masks aren't used for sculpt and particle painting */
			PointerRNA meshptr;

			RNA_pointer_create(&ob->id, &RNA_Mesh, ob->data, &meshptr);
				uiItemR(layout, &meshptr, "use_paint_mask", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE);
			else {
				row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE);
				uiItemR(row, &meshptr, "use_paint_mask", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(row, &meshptr, "use_paint_mask_vertex", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE);
	else {
		const char *str_menu;

		row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE);
		uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "pivot_point", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE);

		/* pose/object only however we want to allow in weight paint mode too
		 * so don't be totally strict and just check not-editmode for now */
		if (obedit == NULL) {
			uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "use_pivot_point_align", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE);

		/* Transform widget / manipulators */
		row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE);
		uiItemR(row, &v3dptr, "show_manipulator", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE);
		block = uiLayoutGetBlock(row);
		if (v3d->twflag & V3D_USE_MANIPULATOR) {
			but = uiDefIconButBitC(block, TOG, V3D_MANIP_TRANSLATE, B_MAN_TRANS, ICON_MAN_TRANS, 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &v3d->twtype, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Translate manipulator - Shift-Click for multiple modes"));
			uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); /* skip undo on screen buttons */
			but = uiDefIconButBitC(block, TOG, V3D_MANIP_ROTATE, B_MAN_ROT, ICON_MAN_ROT, 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &v3d->twtype, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Rotate manipulator - Shift-Click for multiple modes"));
			uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); /* skip undo on screen buttons */
			but = uiDefIconButBitC(block, TOG, V3D_MANIP_SCALE, B_MAN_SCALE, ICON_MAN_SCALE, 0, 0, UI_UNIT_X, UI_UNIT_Y, &v3d->twtype, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, TIP_("Scale manipulator - Shift-Click for multiple modes"));
			uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); /* skip undo on screen buttons */
		if (v3d->twmode > (BIF_countTransformOrientation(C) - 1) + V3D_MANIP_CUSTOM) {
			v3d->twmode = 0;
		str_menu = BIF_menustringTransformOrientation(C, "Orientation");
		but = uiDefButC(block, MENU, B_MAN_MODE, str_menu, 0, 0, 70 * dpi_fac, UI_UNIT_Y, &v3d->twmode, 0, 0, 0, 0, TIP_("Transform Orientation"));
		uiButClearFlag(but, UI_BUT_UNDO); /* skip undo on screen buttons */
		MEM_freeN((void *)str_menu);

	if (obedit == NULL && v3d->localvd == NULL) {
		unsigned int ob_lay = ob ? ob->lay : 0;

		/* Layers */
		uiTemplateLayers(layout, v3d->scenelock ? &sceneptr : &v3dptr, "layers", &v3dptr, "layers_used", ob_lay);

		/* Scene lock */
		uiItemR(layout, &v3dptr, "lock_camera_and_layers", UI_ITEM_R_ICON_ONLY, "", ICON_NONE);
	uiTemplateEditModeSelection(layout, C);