コード例 #1
ファイル: equal.c プロジェクト: LiaoPengyu/femtolisp
// strange comparisons are resolved arbitrarily but consistently.
// ordering: number < cprim < function < vector < cvalue < symbol < cons
static value_t bounded_compare(value_t a, value_t b, int bound, int eq)
    value_t d;

    if (a == b) return fixnum(0);
    if (bound <= 0)
        return NIL;
    int taga = tag(a);
    int tagb = cmptag(b);
    int c;
    switch (taga) {
    case TAG_NUM :
    case TAG_NUM1:
        if (isfixnum(b)) {
            return (numval(a) < numval(b)) ? fixnum(-1) : fixnum(1);
        if (iscprim(b)) {
            if (cp_class((cprim_t*)ptr(b)) == wchartype)
                return fixnum(1);
            return fixnum(numeric_compare(a, b, eq, 1, NULL));
        return fixnum(-1);
    case TAG_SYM:
        if (eq) return fixnum(1);
        if (tagb < TAG_SYM) return fixnum(1);
        if (tagb > TAG_SYM) return fixnum(-1);
        return fixnum(strcmp(symbol_name(a), symbol_name(b)));
    case TAG_VECTOR:
        if (isvector(b))
            return bounded_vector_compare(a, b, bound, eq);
    case TAG_CPRIM:
        if (cp_class((cprim_t*)ptr(a)) == wchartype) {
            if (!iscprim(b) || cp_class((cprim_t*)ptr(b)) != wchartype)
                return fixnum(-1);
        else if (iscprim(b) && cp_class((cprim_t*)ptr(b)) == wchartype) {
            return fixnum(1);
        c = numeric_compare(a, b, eq, 1, NULL);
        if (c != 2)
            return fixnum(c);
    case TAG_CVALUE:
        if (iscvalue(b)) {
            if (cv_isPOD((cvalue_t*)ptr(a)) && cv_isPOD((cvalue_t*)ptr(b)))
                return cvalue_compare(a, b);
            return fixnum(1);
    case TAG_FUNCTION:
        if (tagb == TAG_FUNCTION) {
            if (uintval(a) > N_BUILTINS && uintval(b) > N_BUILTINS) {
                function_t *fa = (function_t*)ptr(a);
                function_t *fb = (function_t*)ptr(b);
                d = bounded_compare(fa->bcode, fb->bcode, bound-1, eq);
                if (d==NIL || numval(d) != 0) return d;
                d = bounded_compare(fa->vals, fb->vals, bound-1, eq);
                if (d==NIL || numval(d) != 0) return d;
                d = bounded_compare(fa->env, fb->env, bound-1, eq);
                if (d==NIL || numval(d) != 0) return d;
                return fixnum(0);
            return (uintval(a) < uintval(b)) ? fixnum(-1) : fixnum(1);
    case TAG_CONS:
        if (tagb < TAG_CONS) return fixnum(1);
        d = bounded_compare(car_(a), car_(b), bound-1, eq);
        if (d==NIL || numval(d) != 0) return d;
        a = cdr_(a); b = cdr_(b);
        goto compare_top;
    return (taga < tagb) ? fixnum(-1) : fixnum(1);
コード例 #2
ファイル: print.c プロジェクト: SatoHiroki/julia
void fl_print_child(ios_t *f, value_t v)
    char *name, *str;
    char buf[64];
    if (print_level >= 0 && P_LEVEL >= print_level &&
        (iscons(v) || isvector(v) || isclosure(v))) {
        outc('#', f);

    switch (tag(v)) {
    case TAG_NUM :
    case TAG_NUM1: //HPOS+=ios_printf(f, "%ld", numval(v)); break;
        str = uint2str(&buf[1], sizeof(buf)-1, labs(numval(v)), 10);
        if (numval(v)<0)
            *(--str) = '-';
        outs(str, f);
    case TAG_SYM:
        name = symbol_name(v);
        if (print_princ)
            outs(name, f);
        else if (ismanaged(v)) {
            outsn("#:", f, 2);
            outs(name, f);
            print_symbol_name(f, name);
    case TAG_FUNCTION:
        if (v == FL_T) {
            outsn("#t", f, 2);
        else if (v == FL_F) {
            outsn("#f", f, 2);
        else if (v == FL_NIL) {
            outsn("()", f, 2);
        else if (v == FL_EOF) {
            outsn("#<eof>", f, 6);
        else if (isbuiltin(v)) {
            if (!print_princ)
                outsn("#.", f, 2);
            outs(builtin_names[uintval(v)], f);
        else {
            if (!print_princ) {
                if (print_circle_prefix(f, v)) break;
                function_t *fn = (function_t*)ptr(v);
                outs("#fn(", f);
                char *data = cvalue_data(fn->bcode);
                size_t i, sz = cvalue_len(fn->bcode);
                for(i=0; i < sz; i++) data[i] += 48;
                fl_print_child(f, fn->bcode);
                for(i=0; i < sz; i++) data[i] -= 48;
                outc(' ', f);
                fl_print_child(f, fn->vals);
                if (fn->env != NIL) {
                    outc(' ', f);
                    fl_print_child(f, fn->env);
                if (fn->name != LAMBDA) {
                    outc(' ', f);
                    fl_print_child(f, fn->name);
                outc(')', f);
            else {
                outs("#<function>", f);
    case TAG_CVALUE:
    case TAG_CPRIM:
        if (v == UNBOUND) { outs("#<undefined>", f); break; }
    case TAG_VECTOR:
    case TAG_CONS:
        if (print_circle_prefix(f, v)) break;
        if (isvector(v)) {
            outc('[', f);
            int newindent = HPOS, est;
            int i, sz = vector_size(v);
            for(i=0; i < sz; i++) {
                if (print_length >= 0 && i >= print_length && i < sz-1) {
                    outsn("...", f, 3);
                fl_print_child(f, vector_elt(v,i));
                if (i < sz-1) {
                    if (!print_pretty) {
                        outc(' ', f);
                    else {
                        est = lengthestimate(vector_elt(v,i+1));
                        if (HPOS > SCR_WIDTH-4 ||
                            (est!=-1 && (HPOS+est > SCR_WIDTH-2)) ||
                            (HPOS > SCR_WIDTH/2 &&
                             !smallp(vector_elt(v,i+1)) &&
                            newindent = outindent(newindent, f);
                            outc(' ', f);
            outc(']', f);
        if (iscvalue(v) || iscprim(v))
            cvalue_print(f, v);
            print_pair(f, v);
コード例 #3
ファイル: equal.c プロジェクト: LiaoPengyu/femtolisp
// *oob: output argument, means we hit the limit specified by 'bound'
static uptrint_t bounded_hash(value_t a, int bound, int *oob)
    *oob = 0;
    union {
        double d;
        int64_t i64;
    } u;
    numerictype_t nt;
    size_t i, len;
    cvalue_t *cv;
    cprim_t *cp;
    void *data;
    uptrint_t h = 0;
    int oob2, tg = tag(a);
    switch(tg) {
    case TAG_NUM :
    case TAG_NUM1:
        u.d = (double)numval(a);
        return doublehash(u.i64);
    case TAG_FUNCTION:
        if (uintval(a) > N_BUILTINS)
            return bounded_hash(((function_t*)ptr(a))->bcode, bound, oob);
        return inthash(a);
    case TAG_SYM:
        return ((symbol_t*)ptr(a))->hash;
    case TAG_CPRIM:
        cp = (cprim_t*)ptr(a);
        data = cp_data(cp);
        if (cp_class(cp) == wchartype)
            return inthash(*(int32_t*)data);
        nt = cp_numtype(cp);
        u.d = conv_to_double(data, nt);
        return doublehash(u.i64);
    case TAG_CVALUE:
        cv = (cvalue_t*)ptr(a);
        data = cv_data(cv);
        return memhash(data, cv_len(cv));

    case TAG_VECTOR:
        if (bound <= 0) {
            *oob = 1;
            return 1;
        len = vector_size(a);
        for(i=0; i < len; i++) {
            h = MIX(h, bounded_hash(vector_elt(a,i), bound/2, &oob2)^1);
            if (oob2)
            *oob = *oob || oob2;
        return h;

    case TAG_CONS:
        do {
            if (bound <= 0) {
                *oob = 1;
                return h;
            h = MIX(h, bounded_hash(car_(a), bound/2, &oob2));
            // bounds balancing: try to share the bounds efficiently
            // so we can hash better when a list is cdr-deep (a common case)
            if (oob2)
            // recursive OOB propagation. otherwise this case is slow:
            // (hash '#2=((#0=(#1=(#1#) . #0#)) . #2#))
            *oob = *oob || oob2;
            a = cdr_(a);
        } while (iscons(a));
        h = MIX(h, bounded_hash(a, bound-1, &oob2)^2);
        *oob = *oob || oob2;
        return h;
    return 0;