コード例 #1
ファイル: Amesos_Umfpack.cpp プロジェクト: 00liujj/trilinos
int Amesos_Umfpack::PerformNumericFactorization( ) 
  // MS // no overhead time in this method

  RcondValidOnAllProcs_ = false ; 
  if (MyPID_ == 0) {
    std::vector<double> Control(UMFPACK_CONTROL);
    std::vector<double> Info(UMFPACK_INFO);
    umfpack_di_defaults( &Control[0] ) ; 
    if (Numeric) umfpack_di_free_numeric (&Numeric) ;
    int status = umfpack_di_numeric (&Ap[0], 
				     &Info[0]) ;
    Rcond_ = Info[UMFPACK_RCOND]; 

    std::cout << " Rcond_ = " << Rcond_ << std::endl ; 

    int lnz1 = 1000 ;
    int unz1 = 1000 ;
    int n = 4;
    int * Lp = (int *) malloc ((n+1) * sizeof (int)) ;
    int * Lj = (int *) malloc (lnz1 * sizeof (int)) ;
    double * Lx = (double *) malloc (lnz1 * sizeof (double)) ;
    int * Up = (int *) malloc ((n+1) * sizeof (int)) ;
    int * Ui = (int *) malloc (unz1 * sizeof (int)) ;
    double * Ux = (double *) malloc (unz1 * sizeof (double)) ;
    int * P = (int *) malloc (n * sizeof (int)) ;
    int * Q = (int *) malloc (n * sizeof (int)) ;
    double * Dx = (double *) NULL ;	/* D vector not requested */
    double * Rs  = (double *) malloc (n * sizeof (double)) ;
    if (!Lp || !Lj || !Lx || !Up || !Ui || !Ux || !P || !Q || !Rs)
      assert( false ) ; 
    int do_recip;
    status = umfpack_di_get_numeric (Lp, Lj, Lx, Up, Ui, Ux,
	P, Q, Dx, &do_recip, Rs, Numeric) ;
    if (status < 0)
      assert( false ) ; 

    printf ("\nL (lower triangular factor of C): ") ;
    (void) umfpack_di_report_matrix (n, n, Lp, Lj, Lx, 0, &Control[0]) ;
    printf ("\nU (upper triangular factor of C): ") ;
    (void) umfpack_di_report_matrix (n, n, Up, Ui, Ux, 1, &Control[0]) ;
    printf ("\nP: ") ;
    (void) umfpack_di_report_perm (n, P, &Control[0]) ;
    printf ("\nQ: ") ;
    (void) umfpack_di_report_perm (n, Q, &Control[0]) ;
    printf ("\nScale factors: row i of A is to be ") ;


    assert( status == 0 ) ; 
  NumFactTime_ = AddTime("Total numeric factorization time", NumFactTime_, 0);

  return 0;
コード例 #2
 int report_perm (double, int, int np,
                  int const* Perm, double const* Control) {
   return umfpack_di_report_perm (np, Perm, Control);