コード例 #1
ファイル: a4.cpp プロジェクト: 0ctobyte/raytracer
void a4_render_thread(Image* img, unsigned int ystart, unsigned int yskip, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, std::shared_ptr<SceneNode> root, const Matrix4x4 unproject, const Point3D eye, const Colour ambient, const std::list<std::shared_ptr<Light>> lights, unsigned int recurse_level, unsigned int aa_samples, unsigned int shadow_samples, unsigned int glossy_samples, Image* bgimg)
  // Seed the rng and set the uniform distribution object
  std::mt19937 gen(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch().count());
  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform_distribution(0, 1);
  std::function<double()> uniform = std::bind(uniform_distribution, std::ref(gen));

  int one_percent = width * height * 0.01;
  int pixel_count = 0;

  glossy_samples = (glossy_samples == 0) ? 1 : glossy_samples;
  shadow_samples = (shadow_samples == 0) ? 1 : shadow_samples;
  aa_samples = (aa_samples == 0) ? 1 : aa_samples;
  for (unsigned int y = ystart; y < height; y += yskip) {
    for (unsigned int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
      // Background colour. a4_trace_ray returns this if no intersections
      Colour bg = bgimg->empty() ? ((x+y) & 0x10) ? (double)y/height * Colour(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) : Colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) :
        a4_get_background_colour(*bgimg, x, y, img->width(), img->height());

      // Cast a ray into the scene and get the colour returned
      Colour colour(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

      // For antialiasing, divide the "pixel" into a n by n grid and cast rays from a random point within each grid box
      for(unsigned int p = 0; p < aa_samples; p++)
        for(unsigned int q = 0; q < aa_samples; q++)
          // Unproject the pixel to the projection plane
          double e = uniform();
          Point3D pixel ((double)x + ((double)p + e) / (double)aa_samples, (double)y - ((double)q + e) / (double)aa_samples, 0.0);
          Point3D p = unproject * pixel;

          // Create the ray with origin at the eye point
          Ray ray(eye, p-eye);

          colour = colour + a4_trace_ray(ray, root, lights, ambient, bg, uniform, recurse_level, shadow_samples, glossy_samples);

      // Of course, have to divide the colour by the number of samples taken
      double n = aa_samples * aa_samples;
      colour = Colour(colour.R() / n, colour.G() / n, colour.B() / n);

      (*img)(x, y, 0) = colour.R();
      (*img)(x, y, 1) = colour.G();
      (*img)(x, y, 2) = colour.B();

      if(++pixel_count >= one_percent)
          std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(progress_mut);
        pixel_count = 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: RandomShuffle.cpp プロジェクト: exp04shy/oklibrary
int main(const int argc, const char* const argv[]) {
  if (argc > 3) {
    std::cerr << err << "\n At most two arguments are allowed "
      "(the seed for the random-number generator and the number of elements).\n";
    return errcode_parameter;

  const int seed = (argc == 1) ? default_seed : boost::lexical_cast<int>(argv[1]);
  const unsigned int N = (argc < 3) ? default_N :  boost::lexical_cast<unsigned int>(argv[2]);

  vec_t V(N);

  typedef boost::uniform_int<> uniform_distribution_type;
  uniform_distribution_type uniform_distribution(0,std::numeric_limits<int>::max()); // is this correct???
  typedef boost::variate_generator<base_generator_type&, uniform_distribution_type> generator_type;
  generator_type rand_gen(base_rand_gen, uniform_distribution);
  typedef boost::random_number_generator<generator_type> RandomNumberGenerator;
  RandomNumberGenerator rg(rand_gen);

  std::cout << "Underlying random sequence:\n";
  for (long n = V.size(); n > 1; --n) std::cout << rg(n) << " ";
  std::cout << "\n\n";

  typedef boost::random_number_generator<base_generator_type> RandomNumberGeneratorWOVariate;
  RandomNumberGeneratorWOVariate rg_wo_variate(base_rand_gen);

  std::cout << "Underlying random sequence (boost::random_number_generator using just boost::mt19937):\n";
  for (long n = V.size(); n > 1; --n) std::cout << rg_wo_variate(n) << " ";
  std::cout << "\n\n";

  std::cout << "Underlying random sequence (randn):\n";
  for (long n = V.size(); n > 1; --n) std::cout << ::randn(n) << " ";
  std::cout << "\n\n";

  std::random_shuffle(V.begin(), V.end(), rg);
  std::cout << "std::random_shuffle:\n";

  ::random_shuffle_libcpp(V.begin(), V.end(), rg);
  std::cout << "std::random_shuffle_libcpp:\n";

  ::random_shuffle(V.begin(), V.end(), rg);
  std::cout << "::random_shuffle:\n";

// MIS: sampling light source
glm::vec3 BidirectionalIntegrator::MIS_SampleLight(Intersection &intersection, Ray &r, Geometry* &light)
    if(Number_Light == 0)
        return glm::vec3(0);

    // Direct light estimator: sample Light source
    glm::vec3 sum_light_sample(0);
    for(int i = 0; i < Number_Light; i++)
        float u = uniform_distribution(generator);
        float v = uniform_distribution(generator);

        Intersection lightSample = light->SampleOnGeometrySurface(u, v, intersection.point + 1e-3f * intersection.normal);
        //Intersection lightSample = light->RandomSampleOnSurface(u,v);
        glm::vec3 wj = glm::normalize(lightSample.point - intersection.point);
        glm::vec3 wo = - r.direction;
        glm::vec3 P = intersection.point;
        glm::vec3 N = intersection.normal;

        float pdf_light = light->RayPDF(intersection, Ray(P + float(1e-3)*N, wj));

        Intersection lightIntersection = intersection_engine->GetIntersection(Ray(P + float(1e-3)*N, wj));
        float temp, pdf_brdf;

        glm::vec3 wo_local = intersection.ToLocalNormalCoordinate(wo);
        glm::vec3 wj_local = intersection.ToLocalNormalCoordinate(wj);

        glm::vec3 F = intersection.object_hit->material->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(intersection, wo_local, wj_local, pdf_brdf);
        // reach light directly && pdf(wj) > 0
        if(lightIntersection.t > 0 && lightIntersection.object_hit == light && pdf_light > 0 && pdf_brdf > 0)

            glm::vec3 Ld = light->material->EvaluateScatteredEnergy(lightSample, wo, -wj, temp);
            float W = PowerHeuristic(pdf_light, float(Number_Light), pdf_brdf, float(Number_BRDF)); // cause shadow in center

            sum_light_sample = sum_light_sample +
                                  W * F * Ld * float(fabs(glm::dot(wj, N))) / pdf_light;

    return sum_light_sample / float(Number_Light);
void random_points_on_mesh(
  const int n,
  const Eigen::MatrixXd & V,
  const Eigen::MatrixXi & F,
  Eigen::MatrixXd & X)

  // Compute Area:
  Eigen::MatrixXd all_area;
  Eigen::MatrixXd cum_area;
  igl::doublearea(V, F, all_area);
  igl::cumsum(all_area, 1, cum_area);
  cum_area.array().rowwise() /= cum_area.row(cum_area.rows()-1).array();

  // Uniform Random inspired by C++ library
  std::default_random_engine random_generator;
  std::uniform_real_distribution<double> uniform_distribution(0.0, 1.0);

  for(int i = 0; i < X.rows(); i ++) {
    // Find x:
    double threshold = uniform_distribution(random_generator);
    int ind = find_index(cum_area, threshold);
    Eigen::RowVectorXd v0 = V.row(F(ind, 0));
    Eigen::RowVectorXd v1 = V.row(F(ind, 1));
    Eigen::RowVectorXd v2 = V.row(F(ind, 2));

    double alpha = uniform_distribution(random_generator);
    double beta = uniform_distribution(random_generator);
    if (alpha + beta > 1) {
      alpha = 1 - alpha;
      beta = 1 - beta;
    X.row(i) = v0 + alpha*(v1 - v0) + beta*(v2 - v0);
std::vector<PathNode> BidirectionalIntegrator::generateLightPath(Geometry* &light)
    std::vector<PathNode> lightPath;

    Intersection lightSample = light->RandomSampleOnSurface(uniform_distribution(generator),uniform_distribution(generator));

    Ray r(lightSample.point, lightSample.point - light->transform.position());

    Intersection isx = intersection_engine->GetIntersection(r);
    int depth = 0;
    while(isx.t > 0 && depth < max_depth)
        // store pathnode on the light path
        PathNode node;
        node.isx = isx;
        node.dirIn_world = -r.direction;
        node.dirIn_local = isx.ToLocalNormalCoordinate(-r.direction);
        node.F = isx.object_hit->material->SampleAndEvaluateScatteredEnergy(isx,node.dirIn_local,node.dirOut_local,node.pdf);
        node.dirOut_world = isx.ToWorldNormalCoordinate(node.dirOut_local);

        if(node.pdf != 0)

        //update r
        r = Ray(isx.point + glm::sign(glm::dot(node.dirOut_world,isx.normal)) * isx.normal*1e-3f, node.dirOut_world);

        // update isx and depth info
        isx = intersection_engine->GetIntersection(r);

    return lightPath;
コード例 #6
int main(void)
	int listen_on_socket, client_socket;  // listen on sock_fd, new connection on client_socket
	struct addrinfo hints, *servinfo, *p;
	struct sockaddr_storage their_addr; // connector's address information
	socklen_t sin_size;
	struct sigaction sa;
	int yes=1, rv, rate = 5;
	struct timespec sleepTime = {5, 0};//10000000

	char * IP = "";

	memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
	hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
	hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
	hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; 

	if ((rv = getaddrinfo(IP, PORT, &hints, &servinfo)) != 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(rv));
		return 1;

	// loop through the linked list servinfo returned by getaddrinfo, stop as soon as the binding succeeds.
	for(p = servinfo; p != NULL; p = p->ai_next) {
		if ((listen_on_socket = socket(p->ai_family, p->ai_socktype,
				p->ai_protocol)) == -1) {
			perror("client: socket");

		if (setsockopt(listen_on_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &yes,
				sizeof(int)) == -1) {

		if (bind(listen_on_socket, p->ai_addr, p->ai_addrlen) == -1) {
			perror("client: bind");


	if (p == NULL)  {
		fprintf(stderr, "client: failed to bind\n");
		return 2;

	freeaddrinfo(servinfo); // release servinfo when we are done using it.

	if (listen(listen_on_socket, BACKLOG) == -1) {

	sa.sa_handler = sigchld_handler; // reap all dead processes
	sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART;
	if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL) == -1) {

	printf("client: waiting for connections...\n");

	// Accept
	while(1) {  
		sin_size = sizeof their_addr;
		client_socket = accept(listen_on_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&their_addr, &sin_size);
		if (client_socket == -1) {

			get_in_addr((struct sockaddr *)&their_addr),
			s, sizeof s);
		printf("client: got connection from %s\n", s);

		if (!fork()) { // this is the child process
			close(listen_on_socket); // child doesn't need the listener
			// if (send(client_socket, "Hello, world!", 13, 0) == -1)
			// 	perror("send");


			FILE *input = fopen("Schedule.png", "rb");
			int a;
			while(fread(&a, sizeof(int), 1, input) && !feof(input)) {
				send(client_socket, &a, sizeof(a),0);
				sleepTime.tv_sec = rate;
				//nanosleep(&sleepTime, NULL);
				rate = uniform_distribution(0, 10);
				printf("%d\n", rate);

			a = -1;
			send(client_socket, &a, sizeof(a), 0);
			char ackn[100];
			int numbytes;
			if ((numbytes = recv(client_socket, ackn, sizeof(ackn)-1, 0)) == -1) {
				perror("receiving error.");
			ackn[numbytes] = '\0';
			printf("%s\n", ackn);

		close(client_socket);  // parent doesn't need this

	return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: CCJY/coliru
int main()
    std::vector<int> vec(10);

	std::cout << "iota:" << '\n';
	boost::iota(vec, 1);
	for (auto e : vec) std::cout << e << " ";
	std::cout << '\n';

	std::cout << "reversed:" << '\n';
	for (auto e : vec | boost::adaptors::reversed) std::cout << e << " ";
	std::cout << '\n';

	std::cout << "sums:" << '\n';
	std::vector<int> sums(10);
	boost::partial_sum(vec, begin(sums));
	for (auto e : sums) std::cout << e << " ";
	std::cout << '\n';

	// perhaps as exercise?
	std::cout << "evens:" << '\n';
	std::vector<int> evens(10);
	boost::fill(evens, 2); // std::vector<int> evens(10, 2);
	boost::partial_sum(evens, begin(evens));
	for (auto e : evens) std::cout << e << " ";
	std::cout << '\n';

	boost::partial_sum(evens | boost::adaptors::reversed, begin(evens));
	for (auto e : evens) std::cout << e << " ";
	std::cout << '\n';

	// perhaps as exercise?
	std::cout << "factorials:" << '\n';
	std::vector<int> factorials(10);
	boost::partial_sum(vec, begin(factorials), std::multiplies<int>());
	for (auto e : factorials) std::cout << e << " ";
	std::cout << '\n';

	std::cout << "die:" << '\n';
	std::random_device random_device;
	std::default_random_engine random_engine(random_device());
	int a = 1, b = 6;
	std::uniform_int_distribution<int> uniform_distribution(a, b);
	auto die = std::bind(uniform_distribution, random_engine);
	std::cout << die() << '\n';

	std::cout << "die throws:" << '\n';
	std::vector<int> die_throws(10);
	boost::generate(die_throws, die); // readability: "generate die_throws using die [duh]"
	for (auto e : die_throws) std::cout << e << " ";
	std::cout << '\n';

	std::cout << "die throws, from #2 to #5:" << '\n';
	for (auto e : die_throws | boost::adaptors::sliced(2, 5)) std::cout << e << " ";
	std::cout << '\n';

	auto count_unique_low = boost::count_if( die_throws | boost::adaptors::uniqued, [](int result) { return result <= 3; } );
	auto count_unique_high = boost::count_if( die_throws | boost::adaptors::uniqued, [](int result) { return result > 3; } );
	std::cout << "count_unique_low = " << count_unique_low << '\n';
	std::cout << "count_unique_high = " << count_unique_high << '\n';

	std::vector<int> v;
	boost::push_front(v, boost::istream_range<int>(std::cin));
	for (auto e : v) std::cout << e << " ";
	std::cout << '\n';
	std::vector<int> v;
	boost::push_back(v, boost::irange(100, 200, 3)); // first, last, step-size
	for (auto e : v) std::cout << e << " ";
	std::cout << '\n';
