コード例 #1
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/geoirc
void exit_setup(int ret)
    /* Cleanup afterwards */
    if ( info )
コード例 #2
ファイル: testcd.c プロジェクト: megastep/loki_setup
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	char *cds[SETUP_MAX_DRIVES];
	int nb_drives, i;

	argv0 = argv[0];

	nb_drives = detect_and_mount_cdrom(cds);
	printf("%d drives detected.\n", nb_drives);
	for(i = 0; i < nb_drives; ++i ) {
		printf("Detected CDROM on %s\n", cds[i]);
	free_mounted_cdrom(nb_drives, cds);
	return 0;
コード例 #3
void DoMediaCheck(const char *Dir)
	char path[PATH_MAX], root[PATH_MAX];
	install_info *install;
	//if(gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(radio)) ) {
    // If path was specified
		/* We ignore the CDROM prefix in that case */
		snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/setup.data/setup.xml", Dir);
		if ( access( path, R_OK) ) {
			/* Doesn't look like a setup archive */
            carbon_SetLabelText(Res, CHECK_STATUS_LABEL_ID, _("Unable to identify an installation media."));
		strncpy(root, Dir, sizeof(root));
    // Else, assume they selected CDROM drive
		/* Go through all CDROM devices and look for setup.xml files */
		char *cds[SETUP_MAX_DRIVES];
		int nb_drives = detect_and_mount_cdrom(cds), i;

		for(i = 0; i < nb_drives; ++i ) {
			snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/setup.data/setup.xml", cds[i], info->prefix);
			if ( !access( path, R_OK) ) {
				snprintf(root, sizeof(root), "%s/%s", cds[i], info->prefix);
				break; /* FIXME: What if there are many setup CDs ? */
		free_mounted_cdrom(nb_drives, cds);

	/* Verify that the package is the same (product name and version) */
	if(!check_xml_setup(path, info->name))
        carbon_SetLabelText(Res, CHECK_STATUS_LABEL_ID, _("Installation media doesn't match the product."));

    carbon_SetLabelText(Res, CHECK_STATUS_LABEL_ID, _("Restoring files..."));    
	/* Fetch the files to be refreshed, i.e install with a restricted set of files  */
	install = create_install(path, info->root, NULL, info->prefix);
	if ( install ) {
		const char *f;

		if ( chdir(root) < 0 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to change to directory %s\n"), root);
		} else {
			/* Update the setup path */
			strncpy(install->setup_path, root, sizeof(install->setup_path));

		/* Check if we need to create a default component entry */
		if ( GetProductNumComponents(install) == 0 ) {
			current_component = add_component_entry(install, "Default", install->version, 1, NULL, NULL);

		/* Restore any environment */
		loki_put_envvars_component(loki_find_component(product, current_component->name));

		/* Enable the relevant options */
		copy_tree(install, install->config->root->childs, install->install_path, NULL);

		/* Menu items are currently not being restored - maybe they should be tagged in setupdb ? */

		/* Install the optional README and EULA files
		   Warning: those are always installed in the root of the installation directory!
		f = GetProductREADME(install);
		if ( f && ! GetProductIsMeta(install) ) {
			copy_path(install, f, install->install_path, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
		f = GetProductEULA(install);
		if ( f && ! GetProductIsMeta(install) ) {
			copy_path(install, f, install->install_path, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);


	/* Print end message and disable the "Rescue" button */
    carbon_SetLabelText(Res, CHECK_STATUS_LABEL_ID, _("Files successfully restored !"));
    carbon_DisableControl(Res, CHECK_RESCUE_BUTTON_ID);

	carbon_Prompt(Res, PromptType_OK, _("Files successfully restored !"), NULL, 0);

	/* Unmount filesystems that may have been mounted */
コード例 #4
ファイル: detect.c プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/geoirc
/* Get a mount point for the specified CDROM, and return its path.
   If the CDROM is not mounted, prompt the user to mount it */
const char *get_cdrom(install_info *info, const char *id)
    const char *mounted = NULL, *desc = info->desc;
    struct cdrom_elem *cd;

    while ( ! mounted ) {
        for ( cd = info->cdroms_list; cd; cd = cd->next ) {
            if ( !strcmp(id, cd->id) ) {
                desc = cd->name;
                if ( cd->mounted ) {
                    mounted = cd->mounted;
        if ( ! mounted ) {
            yesno_answer response;
            char buf[1024];
            char *prompt;

#if defined(darwin)
            // !!! TODO: do this right. I just hacked this in. --ryan.
            char *discs[SETUP_MAX_DRIVES];

            // This only detects mounted discs and doesn't mount itself on OSX.
            int discCount = detect_and_mount_cdrom(discs);
            if (discCount > 0)
                char cmd[128];
                strcpy(cmd, "/usr/sbin/disktool -e ");
                strcat(cmd, darwinEjectThisCDDevice);
                strcat(cmd, " &");
                for (discCount--; discCount >= 0; discCount--)
            // end ryan's hack.

            prompt = _("\nPlease insert the %s CDROM.\n"
                            "Choose Yes to retry, No to cancel");
            if ( mounted_filesystems() ) { /* We were able to mount at least one CDROM */
                prompt =  _("\nPlease insert the %s CDROM.\n"
                            "Choose Yes to retry, No to cancel");                
            } else {
                prompt =  _("\nPlease mount the %s CDROM.\n"
                            "Choose Yes to retry, No to cancel");
            snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), prompt, desc);
            response = UI.prompt(buf, RESPONSE_NO);
            if ( response == RESPONSE_NO ) {
                return NULL;
    return mounted;
コード例 #5
ファイル: check.c プロジェクト: BackupTheBerlios/geoirc
on_media_ok_clicked (GtkButton       *button,
					 gpointer         user_data)
	GtkWidget *diag = glade_xml_get_widget(check_glade, "diagnostic_label"), *radio;
	char path[PATH_MAX], root[PATH_MAX];
	install_info *install;
	radio = glade_xml_get_widget(rescue_glade, "dir_radio");
	if ( gtk_toggle_button_get_active(GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON(radio)) ) {
		/* Directory */
		const gchar *str = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(glade_xml_get_widget(rescue_glade, "dir_entry")));
		/* We ignore the CDROM prefix in that case */
		snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/setup.data/setup.xml", str);
		if ( access( path, R_OK) ) {
			/* Doesn't look like a setup archive */
			gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(diag), _("Unable to identify an installation media."));
			gtk_widget_hide(glade_xml_get_widget(rescue_glade, "media_select"));
		strncpy(root, str, sizeof(root));
	} else {
		/* Go through all CDROM devices and look for setup.xml files */
		char *cds[SETUP_MAX_DRIVES];
		int nb_drives = detect_and_mount_cdrom(cds), i;

		for(i = 0; i < nb_drives; ++i ) {
			snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s/setup.data/setup.xml", cds[i], info->prefix);
			if ( !access( path, R_OK) ) {
				snprintf(root, sizeof(root), "%s/%s", cds[i], info->prefix);
				break; /* FIXME: What if there are many setup CDs ? */
		free_mounted_cdrom(nb_drives, cds);

	/* Verify that the package is the same (product name and version) */
	if ( ! check_xml_setup(path, info->name) ) {
		gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(diag), _("Installation media doesn't match the product."));
		gtk_widget_hide(glade_xml_get_widget(rescue_glade, "media_select"));

	gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(diag), _("Restoring files..."));
	/* Fetch the files to be refreshed, i.e install with a restricted set of files  */
	install = create_install(path, info->root, NULL, info->prefix);
	if ( install ) {
		const char *f;

		if ( chdir(root) < 0 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, _("Unable to change to directory %s\n"), root);
		} else {
			/* Update the setup path */
			strncpy(install->setup_path, root, sizeof(install->setup_path));

		/* Check if we need to create a default component entry */
		if ( GetProductNumComponents(install) == 0 ) {
			current_component = add_component_entry(install, "Default", install->version, 1, NULL, NULL);

		/* Restore any environment */
		loki_put_envvars_component(loki_find_component(product, current_component->name));

		/* Enable the relevant options */
		copy_tree(install, install->config->root->childs, install->install_path, NULL);

		/* Menu items are currently not being restored - maybe they should be tagged in setupdb ? */

		/* Install the optional README and EULA files
		   Warning: those are always installed in the root of the installation directory!
		f = GetProductREADME(install, NULL);
		if ( f && ! GetProductIsMeta(install) ) {
			copy_path(install, f, install->install_path, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);
		f = GetProductEULA(install, NULL);
		if ( f && ! GetProductIsMeta(install) ) {
			copy_path(install, f, install->install_path, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL);


	/* Print end message and disable the "Rescue" button */
	gtk_label_set_text(GTK_LABEL(diag), _("Files successfully restored !"));
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive(glade_xml_get_widget(check_glade, "rescue_button"), FALSE);
	gtk_widget_hide(glade_xml_get_widget(rescue_glade, "media_select"));

	message_dialog(_("Files successfully restored !"), _("Success"));

	/* Unmount filesystems that may have been mounted */