/******************* FUNCTION *********************/ void svutResultFormatterStdColored::printMethodAndStatus(std::ostream& out, std::string name, svutStatus status) { //sprintf(buffer," * %-40s [ %s ]\n",testName.c_str(),statusName.c_str()); // " \033[32m*\033[0m %-40s [ \033[%dm%s\033[0m ]\n" out << setColor(SVUT_STD_COLOR_GREEN) << " * " << unsetColor() << setw(40) << left << name << " [ " << setStatusColor(status) << svutStatusInfo::getStatusName(status) << unsetColor() << " ]" << endl; }
ColoredGraph solve(const Graph& gr) { GC_Naive_2 naive; auto result = naive.solve(gr); for (;;) { auto c_gr = result; auto colorCount = result.colorCount()-1; for (auto i = 0; i < c_gr.nodeCount(); ++i) { if (c_gr.color(i) == colorCount) c_gr.unsetColor(i); } for (;;) { auto uncolored = c_gr.uncoloredNodes(); for (auto i : uncolored) { bool success = c_gr.setColor(i); if (success) continue; SetColorUsingKempeChain(c_gr, i); } if (uncolored.size() == c_gr.uncoloredNodeCount()) break; } if (c_gr.uncoloredNodeCount() > 0) break; else { cout << "new sol: " << c_gr.colorCount() << endl; assert(isFeasibleColoring(c_gr)); result = c_gr; } } return result; }
/******************* FUNCTION *********************/ void svutResultFormatterStdColored::printSummaryFinalStatus(std::ostream& out, svutStatus status) { //sprintf(buffer,"| STATUS : %-12s |\n",name); // "| STATUS : \033[%dm%-12s\033[0m |\n" out << "| STATUS : " << setStatusColor(status) << setw(12) << left << svutStatusInfo::getStatusName(status) << unsetColor() << " |" << endl; }
/******************* FUNCTION *********************/ void svutResultFormatterStdColored::printSummaryStat(std::ostream& out, svutStatus status, unsigned int nb, unsigned int tot) { //sprintf(buffer,"| %-9s: %4d (%3d %%) |\n",name,nb,100*nb/tot); // "| \033[%dm%-9s: %4d (%3d %%)\033[0m |\n" unsigned int perc; //calc percentage if (tot == 0) perc = 0; else perc = (100*nb)/tot; //display out << "| " << setStatusColor(status) << setw(9) << left << svutStatusInfo::getStatusName(status) << ": " << setw(4) << right << nb << " (" << setw(3) << right << perc << " %)" << unsetColor() << " |" << endl; }
void KateStyleTreeWidget::contextMenuEvent( QContextMenuEvent * event ) { KateStyleTreeWidgetItem *i = dynamic_cast<KateStyleTreeWidgetItem*>(itemAt(event->pos())); if (!i) return; KMenu m( this ); KTextEditor::Attribute::Ptr currentStyle = i->style(); // the title is used, because the menu obscures the context name when // displayed on behalf of spacePressed(). QPainter p; p.setPen(Qt::black); QIcon cl = brushIcon( i->style()->foreground().color() ); QIcon scl = brushIcon( i->style()->selectedForeground().color() ); QIcon bgcl = brushIcon( i->style()->hasProperty(QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush) ? i->style()->background().color() : viewport()->palette().base().color() ); QIcon sbgcl = brushIcon( i->style()->hasProperty(KTextEditor::Attribute::SelectedBackground) ? i->style()->selectedBackground().color() : viewport()->palette().base().color() ); m.addTitle( i->contextName() ); QAction* a = m.addAction( i18n("&Bold"), this, SLOT(changeProperty()) ); a->setCheckable(true); a->setChecked( currentStyle->fontBold() ); a->setData(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::Bold); a = m.addAction( i18n("&Italic"), this, SLOT(changeProperty()) ); a->setCheckable(true); a->setChecked( currentStyle->fontItalic() ); a->setData(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::Italic); a = m.addAction( i18n("&Underline"), this, SLOT(changeProperty()) ); a->setCheckable(true); a->setChecked( currentStyle->fontUnderline() ); a->setData(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::Underline); a = m.addAction( i18n("S&trikeout"), this, SLOT(changeProperty()) ); a->setCheckable(true); a->setChecked( currentStyle->fontStrikeOut() ); a->setData(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::StrikeOut); m.addSeparator(); a = m.addAction( cl, i18n("Normal &Color..."), this, SLOT(changeProperty()) ); a->setData(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::Foreground); a = m.addAction( scl, i18n("&Selected Color..."), this, SLOT(changeProperty()) ); a->setData(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::SelectedForeground); a = m.addAction( bgcl, i18n("&Background Color..."), this, SLOT(changeProperty()) ); a->setData(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::Background); a = m.addAction( sbgcl, i18n("S&elected Background Color..."), this, SLOT(changeProperty()) ); a->setData(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::SelectedBackground); // Unset [some] colors. I could show one only if that button was clicked, but that // would disable setting this with the keyboard (how many aren't doing just // that every day? ;) // ANY ideas for doing this in a nicer way will be warmly wellcomed. KTextEditor::Attribute::Ptr style = i->style(); if ( style->hasProperty( QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush) || style->hasProperty( KTextEditor::Attribute::SelectedBackground ) ) { m.addSeparator(); if ( style->hasProperty( QTextFormat::BackgroundBrush) ) { a = m.addAction( i18n("Unset Background Color"), this, SLOT(unsetColor()) ); a->setData(100); } if ( style->hasProperty( KTextEditor::Attribute::SelectedBackground ) ) { a = m.addAction( i18n("Unset Selected Background Color"), this, SLOT(unsetColor()) ); a->setData(101); } } if ( ! i->isDefault() && ! i->defStyle() ) { m.addSeparator(); a = m.addAction( i18n("Use &Default Style"), this, SLOT(changeProperty()) ); a->setCheckable(true); a->setChecked( i->defStyle() ); a->setData(KateStyleTreeWidgetItem::UseDefaultStyle); } m.exec( event->globalPos() ); }