bytes_t HGE_CALL HGE_Impl::Resource_Load(const char *filename, uint32_t *size) { static char *res_err = "Can't load resource: %s"; //resource_packs_item_t *resItem = m_resources; char szName[_MAX_PATH]; char szZipName[_MAX_PATH]; unzFile zip; unz_file_info file_info; int done, i; void * ptr; HANDLE hF; if (filename[0] == '\\' || filename[0] == '/' || filename[1] == ':') goto _fromfile; // skip absolute paths // Load from pack strcpy(szName, filename); strupr(szName); for (i = 0; szName[i]; i++) { if (szName[i] == '/') szName[i] = '\\'; } //while (resItem) // TODO: optimize this reopening shit out for( auto itr = m_resources.begin(); itr != m_resources.end(); ++itr ) { resource_packs_item_t & resItem = itr->second; zip = unzOpen(resItem.filename.c_str()); done = unzGoToFirstFile(zip); while (done == UNZ_OK) { unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zip, &file_info, szZipName, sizeof(szZipName), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); strupr(szZipName); for (i = 0; szZipName[i]; i++) { if (szZipName[i] == '/') szZipName[i] = '\\'; } if (!strcmp(szName, szZipName)) { if (unzOpenCurrentFilePassword( zip, resItem.password.empty() ? resItem.password.c_str() : nullptr ) != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(zip); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return nullptr; } ptr = malloc(file_info.uncompressed_size); if (!ptr) { unzCloseCurrentFile(zip); unzClose(zip); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return nullptr; } if (unzReadCurrentFile(zip, ptr, file_info.uncompressed_size) < 0) { unzCloseCurrentFile(zip); unzClose(zip); free(ptr); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return nullptr; } unzCloseCurrentFile(zip); unzClose(zip); if (size) *size = file_info.uncompressed_size; return bytes_t( (char*)ptr ); } done = unzGoToNextFile(zip); } unzClose(zip); //resItem = resItem->next; } // Load from file _fromfile: hF = CreateFile(Resource_MakePath(filename), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, NULL); if (hF == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return nullptr; } file_info.uncompressed_size = GetFileSize(hF, NULL); ptr = malloc(file_info.uncompressed_size); if (!ptr) { CloseHandle(hF); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return nullptr; } if (ReadFile(hF, ptr, file_info.uncompressed_size, &file_info.uncompressed_size, NULL ) == 0) { CloseHandle(hF); free(ptr); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return nullptr; } CloseHandle(hF); if (size) *size = file_info.uncompressed_size; return bytes_t( (char*)ptr); }
bool CMinizip::Open(LPCTSTR ZipPath) { USES_CONVERSION; m_ZipFile = unzOpen(T2CA(ZipPath)); return(m_ZipFile != NULL); }
int load_archive(char *filename, unsigned char *buffer, int maxsize, char *extension) { int size = 0; if(check_zip(filename)) { unz_file_info info; int ret = 0; char fname[256]; /* Attempt to open the archive */ unzFile *fd = unzOpen(filename); if (!fd) return 0; /* Go to first file in archive */ ret = unzGoToFirstFile(fd); if(ret != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(fd); return 0; } /* Get file informations and update filename */ ret = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(fd, &info, fname, 256, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); if(ret != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(fd); return 0; } /* Compressed filename extension */ if (extension) { strncpy(extension, &fname[strlen(fname) - 3], 3); extension[3] = 0; } /* Open the file for reading */ ret = unzOpenCurrentFile(fd); if(ret != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(fd); return 0; } /* Retrieve uncompressed file size */ size = info.uncompressed_size; if(size > maxsize) { size = maxsize; } /* Read (decompress) the file */ ret = unzReadCurrentFile(fd, buffer, size); if(ret != size) { unzCloseCurrentFile(fd); unzClose(fd); return 0; } /* Close the current file */ ret = unzCloseCurrentFile(fd); if(ret != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(fd); return 0; } /* Close the archive */ ret = unzClose(fd); if(ret != UNZ_OK) return 0; } else { /* Open file */ gzFile *gd = gzopen(filename, "rb"); if (!gd) return 0; /* Read file data */ size = gzread(gd, buffer, maxsize); /* filename extension */ if (extension) { strncpy(extension, &filename[strlen(filename) - 3], 3); extension[3] = 0; } /* Close file */ gzclose(gd); } /* Return loaded ROM size */ return size; }
void UnzipTask::start(){ _status=StatusUnzipping; FutureHolder * f(new FutureHolder); setProgress(0.f); f->future=std::async(std::launch::async, [=](){ auto callbackL([=](Status status){ call_on_main_thread([=]{ _status=status; releaseSelf(); if (_completionHandle) _completionHandle(_status); delete f; }); }); auto eachCallbackL([=](const std::string & path, bool success){ if (_completedEachHandle) call_on_main_thread([=]{ _completedEachHandle(path, success); }); }); unsigned long ulSize; unsigned char *pBuffer(nullptr); //background work unzFile pFile(unzOpen(_archivedFile.c_str())); if (pFile){ int iStatus(unzGoToFirstFile(pFile)); while (iStatus == UNZ_OK){ char szFilePath[260]; unz_file_info fileInfo; iStatus = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(pFile, &fileInfo, szFilePath, sizeof(szFilePath), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); if (iStatus != UNZ_OK){ break; } iStatus = unzOpenCurrentFile(pFile); if (iStatus != UNZ_OK){ break; } pBuffer=new unsigned char[fileInfo.uncompressed_size]; ulSize=unzReadCurrentFile(pFile, pBuffer, fileInfo.uncompressed_size); unzCloseCurrentFile(pFile); std::string filePath(szFilePath); bool isDirectory(false); if (!filePath.empty()) isDirectory=filePath.back()=='/'; std::string path(Functions::stringByAppendingPathComponent(_destinationPath, filePath)); if (isDirectory) { int result(mkdir(path.c_str(),0777)); eachCallbackL(path+"/", result==0); }else{ FILE *pFHandle(fopen(path.c_str(), "wb")); if (pFHandle){ fwrite(pBuffer, fileInfo.uncompressed_size, 1, pFHandle); fclose(pFHandle); eachCallbackL(path, true); }else eachCallbackL(path, false); } delete [] pBuffer; iStatus = unzGoToNextFile(pFile); } unzClose(pFile); callbackL(StatusCompleted); setProgress(1.f); }else callbackL(StatusFailed); }); }
bool DialogInstall::ReadPackage() { const WCHAR* fileName = m_PackageFileName.c_str(); const WCHAR* fileExtension = PathFindExtension(fileName); if (_wcsicmp(fileExtension, L".rmskin") == 0) { // Check if the footer is present (for new .rmskin format) PackageFooter footer = {0}; FILE* file = _wfopen(fileName, L"rb"); __int64 fileSize = 0; if (file) { fseek(file, -(long)sizeof(footer), SEEK_END); fileSize = _ftelli64(file); fread(&footer, sizeof(footer), 1, file); fclose(file); } if (strcmp(footer.key, "RMSKIN") == 0) { m_PackageFormat = PackageFormat::New; if (footer.size != fileSize) { return false; } if (footer.flags) { m_BackupPackage = !(footer.flags & PackageFlag::Backup); } } } else if (_wcsicmp(fileExtension, L".zip") != 0) { return false; } m_PackageUnzFile = unzOpen(ConvertToAscii(fileName).c_str()); if (!m_PackageUnzFile) { return false; } WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; // Get temporary file to extract the options file and header bitmap GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, buffer); GetTempFileName(buffer, L"dat", 0, buffer); std::wstring tempFile = buffer; const WCHAR* tempFileSz = tempFile.c_str(); // Helper to sets buffer with current file name auto getFileInfo = [&]()->bool { char cBuffer[MAX_PATH * 3]; unz_file_info ufi; if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo( m_PackageUnzFile, &ufi, cBuffer, _countof(cBuffer), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0) == UNZ_OK) { const uLong ZIP_UTF8_FLAG = 1 << 11; const DWORD codePage = (ufi.flag & ZIP_UTF8_FLAG) ? CP_UTF8 : CP_ACP; MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, cBuffer, strlen(cBuffer) + 1, buffer, MAX_PATH); while (WCHAR* pos = wcschr(buffer, L'/')) *pos = L'\\'; return true; } return false; }; // Loop through the contents of the archive until the settings file is found WCHAR* path; bool optionsFound = false; do { if (!getFileInfo()) { return false; } path = wcsrchr(buffer, L'\\'); if (!path) { path = buffer; } else { if (m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::New) { // New package files must be in root of archive continue; } ++path; // Skip slash } if (_wcsicmp(path, m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::New ? L"RMSKIN.ini" : L"Rainstaller.cfg") == 0) { if (ExtractCurrentFile(tempFile)) { optionsFound = ReadOptions(tempFileSz); DeleteFile(tempFileSz); } break; } } while (unzGoToNextFile(m_PackageUnzFile) == UNZ_OK); if (!optionsFound) { return false; } // Loop through the archive a second time and find included components unzGoToFirstFile(m_PackageUnzFile); m_PackageRoot.assign(buffer, path - buffer); const WCHAR* root = m_PackageRoot.c_str(); do { if (!getFileInfo()) { return false; } if (wcsncmp(buffer, root, m_PackageRoot.length()) != 0) { // Ignore everything that isn't in the root directory continue; } WCHAR* component = buffer + m_PackageRoot.length(); path = wcschr(component, L'\\'); if (path) { *path = L'\0'; ++path; } else { if (_wcsicmp(component, m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::New ? L"RMSKIN.bmp" : L"Rainstaller.bmp") == 0) { if (!ExtractCurrentFile(tempFile)) { return false; } m_HeaderBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(nullptr, tempFileSz, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE); DeleteFile(tempFileSz); } continue; } const WCHAR* pos = wcschr(path, L'\\'); const WCHAR* extension = PathFindExtension(pos ? pos : path); if (pos) { // Component with subfolders const std::wstring item(path, pos - path); const WCHAR* itemSz = item.c_str(); if (_wcsicmp(component, L"Skins") == 0 && !IsIgnoredSkin(itemSz)) { m_PackageSkins.insert(item); } else if (_wcsicmp(component, m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::New ? L"Layouts" : L"Themes") == 0 && _wcsicmp(extension, m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::New ? L".ini" : L".thm") == 0 && !IsIgnoredLayout(itemSz)) { m_PackageLayouts.insert(item); } else if (_wcsicmp(component, L"Addons") == 0 && m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::Old && !IsIgnoredAddon(itemSz)) { m_PackageAddons.insert(item); } else if (_wcsicmp(component, L"Plugins") == 0 && _wcsicmp(itemSz, IsWin32Build() ? L"32bit" : L"64bit") == 0 && _wcsicmp(extension, L".dll") == 0 && !wcschr(pos + 1, L'\\')) { const std::wstring plugin(pos + 1); if (!IsIgnoredPlugin(plugin.c_str())) { m_PackagePlugins.insert(plugin); } } } else { // Component with subfiles const std::wstring item = path; const WCHAR* itemSz = item.c_str(); if (_wcsicmp(component, L"Fonts") == 0 && m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::Old && _wcsicmp(extension, L".ttf") == 0) { m_PackageFonts.insert(item); } } } while (unzGoToNextFile(m_PackageUnzFile) == UNZ_OK); if (m_PackageSkins.empty()) { // Fonts can be installed only with skins m_PackageFonts.clear(); } return !(m_PackageSkins.empty() && m_PackageLayouts.empty() && m_PackageAddons.empty() && m_PackageFonts.empty() && m_PackagePlugins.empty()); }
/** * Returns a list of files from a zip file. returns NULL on failure, * returns a pointer to an array of strings if successful. Sets nfiles * to the number of files. */ zip_dir *ZIP_GetFiles(const char *pszFileName) { int nfiles; unsigned int i; unz_global_info gi; int err; unzFile uf; char **filelist; unz_file_info file_info; char filename_inzip[ZIP_PATH_MAX]; zip_dir *zd; uf = unzOpen(pszFileName); if (uf == NULL) { Log_Printf(LOG_ERROR, "ZIP_GetFiles: Cannot open %s\n", pszFileName); return NULL; } err = unzGetGlobalInfo(uf,&gi); if (err != UNZ_OK) { Log_Printf(LOG_ERROR, "Error %d with zipfile in unzGetGlobalInfo \n",err); return NULL; } /* allocate a file list */ filelist = (char **)malloc(gi.number_entry*sizeof(char *)); if (!filelist) { perror("ZIP_GetFiles"); return NULL; } nfiles = gi.number_entry; /* set the number of files */ for (i = 0; i < gi.number_entry; i++) { err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(uf, &file_info, filename_inzip, ZIP_PATH_MAX, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); if (err != UNZ_OK) { free(filelist); return NULL; } filelist[i] = (char *)malloc(strlen(filename_inzip) + 1); if (!filelist[i]) { perror("ZIP_GetFiles"); free(filelist); return NULL; } strcpy(filelist[i], filename_inzip); if ((i+1) < gi.number_entry) { err = unzGoToNextFile(uf); if (err != UNZ_OK) { Log_Printf(LOG_ERROR, "ZIP_GetFiles: Error in ZIP-file\n"); /* deallocate memory */ for (; i > 0; i--) free(filelist[i]); free(filelist); return NULL; } } } unzClose(uf); zd = (zip_dir *)malloc(sizeof(zip_dir)); if (!zd) { perror("ZIP_GetFiles"); free(filelist); return NULL; } zd->names = filelist; zd->nfiles = nfiles; return zd; }
bool8 LoadZip(const char* zipname, int32 *TotalFileSize, int32 *headers) { *TotalFileSize = 0; *headers = 0; unzFile file = unzOpen(zipname); if(file == NULL) return (FALSE); // find largest file in zip file (under MAX_ROM_SIZE) // or a file with extension .1 char filename[132]; int filesize = 0; int port = unzGoToFirstFile(file); unz_file_info info; while(port == UNZ_OK) { char name[132]; unzGetCurrentFileInfo(file, &info, name,128, NULL,0, NULL,0); #if 0 int calc_size = info.uncompressed_size / 0x2000; calc_size *= 0x2000; if(!(info.uncompressed_size - calc_size == 512 || info.uncompressed_size == calc_size)) { port = unzGoToNextFile(file); continue; } #endif if(info.uncompressed_size > (CMemory::MAX_ROM_SIZE + 512)) { port = unzGoToNextFile(file); continue; } if ((int) info.uncompressed_size > filesize) { strcpy(filename,name); filesize = info.uncompressed_size; } int len = strlen(name); if(name[len-2] == '.' && name[len-1] == '1') { strcpy(filename,name); filesize = info.uncompressed_size; break; } port = unzGoToNextFile(file); } if( !(port == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE || port == UNZ_OK) || filesize == 0) { assert( unzClose(file) == UNZ_OK ); return (FALSE); } // Find extension char tmp[2]; tmp[0] = tmp[1] = 0; char *ext = strrchr(filename,'.'); if(ext) ext++; else ext = tmp; uint8 *ptr = Memory.ROM; bool8 more = FALSE; unzLocateFile(file,filename,1); unzGetCurrentFileInfo(file, &info, filename,128, NULL,0, NULL,0); if( unzOpenCurrentFile(file) != UNZ_OK ) { unzClose(file); return (FALSE); } do { assert(info.uncompressed_size <= CMemory::MAX_ROM_SIZE + 512); int FileSize = info.uncompressed_size; int calc_size = FileSize / 0x2000; calc_size *= 0x2000; int l = unzReadCurrentFile(file,ptr,FileSize); if(unzCloseCurrentFile(file) == UNZ_CRCERROR) { unzClose(file); return (FALSE); } if(l <= 0 || l != FileSize) { unzClose(file); switch(l) { case UNZ_ERRNO: break; case UNZ_EOF: break; case UNZ_PARAMERROR: break; case UNZ_BADZIPFILE: break; case UNZ_INTERNALERROR: break; case UNZ_CRCERROR: break; } return (FALSE); } if ((FileSize - calc_size == 512 && !Settings.ForceNoHeader) || Settings.ForceHeader) { memmove (ptr, ptr + 512, calc_size); (*headers)++; FileSize -= 512; } ptr += FileSize; (*TotalFileSize) += FileSize; int len; if (ptr - Memory.ROM < CMemory::MAX_ROM_SIZE + 0x200 && (isdigit (ext [0]) && ext [1] == 0 && ext [0] < '9')) { more = TRUE; ext [0]++; } else if (ptr - Memory.ROM < CMemory::MAX_ROM_SIZE + 0x200 && (((len = strlen (filename)) == 7 || len == 8) && strncasecmp (filename, "sf", 2) == 0 && isdigit (filename [2]) && isdigit (filename [3]) && isdigit (filename [4]) && isdigit (filename [5]) && isalpha (filename [len - 1]))) { more = TRUE; filename [len - 1]++; } else more = FALSE; if(more) { if( unzLocateFile(file,filename,1) != UNZ_OK || unzGetCurrentFileInfo(file, &info, filename,128, NULL,0, NULL,0) != UNZ_OK || unzOpenCurrentFile(file) != UNZ_OK) break; } } while(more); unzClose(file); return (TRUE); }
static bool verifyZip(const char *path) { QList<char *> entryList; bool found_duplicate = false; bool master_key_bug = false; bool bad_zip = false; do { unzFile file = unzOpen(path); if (file == NULL) { DBG("unzOpen failed!\n"); bad_zip = true; break; } unz_global_info global_info; unz_file_info file_info; char entry[512]; int n = -1; int r = unzGetGlobalInfo(file, &global_info); for (int i = 0; i < global_info.number_entry; i++) { if ((r = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(file, &file_info, entry, sizeof(entry), NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) != UNZ_OK) { DBG("unzGetCurrentFileInfo error\n"); bad_zip = true; break; } for (int j = 0; j < entryList.size(); j++) { if (strcmp(entryList[j], entry) == 0) { DBG("found duplicate entry '%s' !\n", entry); found_duplicate = true; break; } } if (!found_duplicate) { char *t = new char[sizeof(entry)]; strcpy(t, entry); entryList.append(t); } else { break; } if (i < global_info.number_entry - 1) { if ((r = unzGoToNextFile(file)) != UNZ_OK) { DBG("unzGoToNextFile error\n"); bad_zip = true; break; } } } master_key_bug = unzHasMasterKeyBug(file) != 0; unzClose(file); } while (0); while (!entryList.isEmpty()) { delete[] entryList.takeAtFirst(); } bool ret = !bad_zip && !found_duplicate && !master_key_bug; DBG("verifyZip ret = %d\n", ret); return ret; }
static bool parseRsa(DxCore *dx, const char *path, void *dest) { bool ret = false; do { unzFile file = unzOpen(path); if (file == NULL) { DBG("unzOpen failed!\n"); break; } unz_global_info global_info; unz_file_info file_info; char *str_meta_inf = dx->sub_206C(s_meta_inf, sizeof(s_meta_inf)); char *str_cert_entry = dx->sub_206C(s_cert_entry, sizeof(s_cert_entry)); char entry[512]; char rsa_entry[512]; int n = -1; int r = unzGetGlobalInfo(file, &global_info); for (int i = 0; i < global_info.number_entry; i++) { if ((r = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(file, &file_info, entry, sizeof(entry), NULL, 0, NULL, 0)) != UNZ_OK) { DBG("unzGetCurrentFileInfo error\n"); break; } if (strStartsWith(entry, str_meta_inf) && strEndsWidth(entry, str_cert_entry) && 1 == charCountInStr(entry, '/')) { DBG("found entry <%s>\n", entry); if ((r = unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(file, NULL)) != UNZ_OK) { DBG("unzOpenCurrentFilePassword error\n"); break; } int left = sizeof(rsa_entry); int pos = 0; while ((n = unzReadCurrentFile(file, rsa_entry + pos, left)) > 0) { left -= n; pos += n; } DBG("read %d bytes\n", pos); ret = pos == sizeof(rsa_entry); unzCloseCurrentFile(file); break; } if (i < global_info.number_entry - 1) { if ((r = unzGoToNextFile(file)) != UNZ_OK) { DBG("unzGoToNextFile error\n"); break; } } } free(str_meta_inf); free(str_cert_entry); unzClose(file); if (ret == true) { dx->sub_12FC(rsa_entry, sizeof(rsa_entry), dest); } } while (0); DBG("parseRsa ret = %d\n", ret); return ret; }
void* HGE_CALL HGE_Impl::Resource_Load(const char* filename, uint32_t* size) { static char* res_err = "Can't load resource: %s"; auto res_item = res_list_; char sz_name[_MAX_PATH]; char sz_zip_name[_MAX_PATH]; unz_file_info file_info; int i; void* ptr; if (filename[0] == '\\' || filename[0] == '/' || filename[1] == ':') { goto _fromfile; // skip absolute paths } // Load from pack strcpy(sz_name, filename); strupr(sz_name); for (i = 0; sz_name[i]; i++) { if (sz_name[i] == '/') { sz_name[i] = '\\'; } } while (res_item) { const auto zip = unzOpen(res_item->filename); auto done = unzGoToFirstFile(zip); while (done == UNZ_OK) { unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zip, &file_info, sz_zip_name, sizeof(sz_zip_name), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); strupr(sz_zip_name); for (i = 0; sz_zip_name[i]; i++) { if (sz_zip_name[i] == '/') { sz_zip_name[i] = '\\'; } } if (!strcmp(sz_name, sz_zip_name)) { if (unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(zip, res_item->password[0] ? res_item->password : 0) != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(zip); sprintf(sz_name, res_err, filename); post_error(sz_name); return nullptr; } ptr = malloc(file_info.uncompressed_size); if (!ptr) { unzCloseCurrentFile(zip); unzClose(zip); sprintf(sz_name, res_err, filename); post_error(sz_name); return nullptr; } if (unzReadCurrentFile(zip, ptr, file_info.uncompressed_size) < 0) { unzCloseCurrentFile(zip); unzClose(zip); free(ptr); sprintf(sz_name, res_err, filename); post_error(sz_name); return nullptr; } unzCloseCurrentFile(zip); unzClose(zip); if (size) { *size = file_info.uncompressed_size; } return ptr; } done = unzGoToNextFile(zip); } unzClose(zip); res_item = res_item->next; } // Load from file _fromfile: const auto h_f = CreateFile(Resource_MakePath(filename), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nullptr, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, nullptr); if (h_f == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { sprintf(sz_name, res_err, filename); post_error(sz_name); return nullptr; } file_info.uncompressed_size = GetFileSize(h_f, nullptr); ptr = malloc(file_info.uncompressed_size); if (!ptr) { CloseHandle(h_f); sprintf(sz_name, res_err, filename); post_error(sz_name); return nullptr; } if (ReadFile(h_f, ptr, file_info.uncompressed_size, &file_info.uncompressed_size, nullptr) == 0) { CloseHandle(h_f); free(ptr); sprintf(sz_name, res_err, filename); post_error(sz_name); return nullptr; } CloseHandle(h_f); if (size) { *size = file_info.uncompressed_size; } return ptr; }
std::string CScene::ReadZipFile(CChar* zipFile, CChar* fileInZip) { int err = UNZ_OK; // error status uInt size_buf = WRITEBUFFERSIZE; // byte size of buffer to store raw csv data void* buf; // the buffer std::string sout; // output strings char filename_inzip[256]; // for unzGetCurrentFileInfo unz_file_info file_info; // for unzGetCurrentFileInfo unzFile uf = unzOpen(zipFile); // open zipfile stream if (uf==NULL) { CChar temp[MAX_URI_SIZE]; sprintf( temp, "\n%s %s %s", "Cannot open '", zipFile, "'" ); PrintInfo( temp, COLOR_RED ); return sout; } // file is open if ( unzLocateFile(uf,fileInZip,1) ) { // try to locate file inside zip CChar temp[MAX_NAME_SIZE]; sprintf( temp, "\n%s %s %s %s %s", "File '", fileInZip, "' not found in '", zipFile, "'" ); PrintInfo( temp, COLOR_RED ); // second argument of unzLocateFile: 1 = case sensitive, 0 = case-insensitive return sout; } // file inside zip found if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(uf,&file_info,filename_inzip,sizeof(filename_inzip),NULL,0,NULL,0)) { CChar temp[MAX_URI_SIZE]; sprintf( temp, "\n%s %s %s", "Error with zipfile '", zipFile, "' in unzGetCurrentFileInfo()" ); PrintInfo( temp, COLOR_RED ); return sout; } // obtained the necessary details about file inside zip buf = (void*)malloc(size_buf); // setup buffer if (buf==NULL) { PrintInfo( "\nError allocating memory for read buffer", COLOR_RED ); return sout; } // buffer ready if( Cmp( g_currentPassword, "\n" ) ) err = unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(uf,NULL); // Open the file inside the zip (password = NULL) else err = unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(uf, g_currentPassword); // Open the file inside the zip (password = NULL) if (err!=UNZ_OK) { CChar temp[MAX_URI_SIZE]; sprintf( temp, "%s %s %s", "Error with zipfile '", zipFile, "' in unzOpenCurrentFilePassword()" ); PrintInfo( temp, COLOR_RED ); return sout; } // file inside the zip is open // Copy contents of the file inside the zip to the buffer CChar temp[MAX_URI_SIZE]; sprintf( temp, "\n%s %s %s %s %s", "Extracting '", filename_inzip, "' from '", zipFile, "'"); PrintInfo( temp ); do { err = unzReadCurrentFile(uf,buf,size_buf); if (err<0) { CChar temp[MAX_URI_SIZE]; sprintf( temp, "\n%s %s %s", "Error with zipfile '", zipFile, "' in unzReadCurrentFile()"); PrintInfo( temp, COLOR_RED ); sout = ""; // empty output string break; } // copy the buffer to a string if (err>0) for (int i = 0; i < (int) err; i++) { sout.push_back( *(((char*)buf)+i) ); } } while (err>0); err = unzCloseCurrentFile (uf); // close the zipfile if (err!=UNZ_OK) { CChar temp[MAX_URI_SIZE]; sprintf( temp, "\n%s %s %s", "Error with zipfile '", zipFile, "' in unzCloseCurrentFile()"); PrintInfo( temp, COLOR_RED ); sout = ""; // empty output string } unzClose( uf ); free(buf); // free up buffer memory return sout; }
ZipArchive::ZipArchive(Common::SeekableReadStream *stream) { _zipFile = unzOpen(stream); }
ZipArchive::ZipArchive(const Common::FSNode &node) { SeekableReadStream *stream = node.createReadStream(); _zipFile = unzOpen(stream); }
ZipArchive::ZipArchive(const Common::String &name) { SeekableReadStream *stream = SearchMan.createReadStreamForMember(name); _zipFile = unzOpen(stream); }
int extractZIP(gameSave_t *save, device_t dst) { FILE *dstFile; unzFile zf; unz_file_info fileInfo; unz_global_info info; char fileName[100]; char dirNameTemp[100]; int numFiles; char *dirName; char dstName[100]; u8 *data; float progress = 0.0; if(!save || !(dst & (MC_SLOT_1|MC_SLOT_2))) return 0; zf = unzOpen(save->path); if(!zf) return 0; unzGetGlobalInfo(zf, &info); numFiles = info.number_entry; // Get directory name if(unzGoToFirstFile(zf) != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(zf); return 0; } unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zf, &fileInfo, fileName, 100, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); printf("Filename: %s\n", fileName); strcpy(dirNameTemp, fileName); dirNameTemp[(unsigned int)(strstr(dirNameTemp, "/") - dirNameTemp)] = 0; printf("Directory name: %s\n", dirNameTemp); dirName = savesGetDevicePath(dirNameTemp, dst); int ret = fioMkdir(dirName); // Prompt user to overwrite save if it already exists if(ret == -4) { const char *items[] = {"Yes", "No"}; int choice = displayPromptMenu(items, 2, "Save already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?"); if(choice == 1) { unzClose(zf); free(dirName); return 0; } } // Copy each file entry do { progress += (float)1/numFiles; drawCopyProgress(progress); unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zf, &fileInfo, fileName, 100, NULL, 0, NULL, 0); data = malloc(fileInfo.uncompressed_size); unzOpenCurrentFile(zf); unzReadCurrentFile(zf, data, fileInfo.uncompressed_size); unzCloseCurrentFile(zf); snprintf(dstName, 100, "%s/%s", dirName, strstr(fileName, "/") + 1); printf("Writing %s...", dstName); dstFile = fopen(dstName, "wb"); if(!dstFile) { printf(" failed!!!\n"); unzClose(zf); free(dirName); free(data); return 0; } fwrite(data, 1, fileInfo.uncompressed_size, dstFile); fclose(dstFile); free(data); printf(" done!\n"); } while(unzGoToNextFile(zf) != UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE); free(dirName); unzClose(zf); return 1; }
void* CALL HGE_Impl::Resource_Load(const char *filename, DWORD *size) { const char *res_err="Can't load resource: %s"; CResourceList *resItem=res; char szName[_MAX_PATH]; char szZipName[_MAX_PATH]; unzFile zip; unz_file_info file_info; int done, i; void *ptr; FILE *hF; if(filename[0]=='\\' || filename[0]=='/' || filename[1]==':') goto _fromfile; // skip absolute paths // Load from pack strcpy(szName,filename); for(i=0; szName[i]; i++) { if(szName[i]=='/') szName[i]='\\'; } while(resItem) { zip=unzOpen(resItem->filename); done=unzGoToFirstFile(zip); while(done==UNZ_OK) { unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zip, &file_info, szZipName, sizeof(szZipName), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); for(i=0; szZipName[i]; i++) { if(szZipName[i]=='/') szZipName[i]='\\'; } if(!strcmp(szName,szZipName)) { if(unzOpenCurrentFilePassword(zip, resItem->password[0] ? resItem->password : 0) != UNZ_OK) { unzClose(zip); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return 0; } ptr = malloc(file_info.uncompressed_size); if(!ptr) { unzCloseCurrentFile(zip); unzClose(zip); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return 0; } if(unzReadCurrentFile(zip, ptr, file_info.uncompressed_size) < 0) { unzCloseCurrentFile(zip); unzClose(zip); free(ptr); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return 0; } unzCloseCurrentFile(zip); unzClose(zip); if(size) *size=file_info.uncompressed_size; return ptr; } done=unzGoToNextFile(zip); } unzClose(zip); resItem=resItem->next; } // Load from file _fromfile: hF = fopen(Resource_MakePath(filename), "rb"); if(hF == NULL) { sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return 0; } struct stat statbuf; if (fstat(fileno(hF), &statbuf) == -1) { fclose(hF); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return 0; } file_info.uncompressed_size = statbuf.st_size; ptr = malloc(file_info.uncompressed_size); if(!ptr) { fclose(hF); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return 0; } if(fread(ptr, file_info.uncompressed_size, 1, hF) != 1) { fclose(hF); free(ptr); sprintf(szName, res_err, filename); _PostError(szName); return 0; } fclose(hF); if(size) *size=file_info.uncompressed_size; return ptr; }
/** * Load disk image from a .ZIP archive into memory, set the number * of bytes loaded into pImageSize and return the data or NULL on error. */ Uint8 *ZIP_ReadDisk(const char *pszFileName, const char *pszZipPath, long *pImageSize) { uLong ImageSize=0; unzFile uf=NULL; Uint8 *buf; char *path; int nDiskType = -1; Uint8 *pDiskBuffer = NULL; *pImageSize = 0; uf = unzOpen(pszFileName); if (uf == NULL) { Log_Printf(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open %s\n", pszFileName); return NULL; } if (pszZipPath == NULL || pszZipPath[0] == 0) { path = ZIP_FirstFile(pszFileName, pszDiskNameExts); if (path == NULL) { Log_Printf(LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open %s\n", pszFileName); unzClose(uf); return NULL; } } else { path = malloc(ZIP_PATH_MAX); if (path == NULL) { perror("ZIP_ReadDisk"); unzClose(uf); return NULL; } strncpy(path, pszZipPath, ZIP_PATH_MAX); path[ZIP_PATH_MAX-1] = '\0'; } ImageSize = ZIP_CheckImageFile(uf, path, ZIP_PATH_MAX, &nDiskType); if (ImageSize <= 0) { unzClose(uf); free(path); return NULL; } /* extract to buf */ buf = ZIP_ExtractFile(uf, path, ImageSize); unzCloseCurrentFile(uf); unzClose(uf); free(path); path = NULL; if (buf == NULL) { return NULL; /* failed extraction, return error */ } switch(nDiskType) { case ZIP_FILE_MSA: /* uncompress the MSA file */ // pDiskBuffer = MSA_UnCompress(buf, (long *)&ImageSize); free(buf); buf = NULL; break; case ZIP_FILE_DIM: /* Skip DIM header */ ImageSize -= 32; memmove(buf, buf+32, ImageSize); /* ...and passthrough */ case ZIP_FILE_ST: /* ST image => return buffer directly */ pDiskBuffer = buf; break; } if (pDiskBuffer) { *pImageSize = ImageSize; } return pDiskBuffer; }
CError CModuleManager::load_from_integra_file( const string &integra_file, guid_set &new_embedded_modules ) { unzFile unzip_file; unz_file_info file_info; char file_name[ CStringHelper::string_buffer_length ]; char *temporary_file_name; FILE *temporary_file; string::size_type implementation_directory_length; unsigned char *copy_buffer; int bytes_read; int total_bytes_read; int bytes_remaining; GUID loaded_module_id; CError CError = CError::SUCCESS; new_embedded_modules.clear(); unzip_file = unzOpen( integra_file.c_str() ); if( !unzip_file ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_ERROR << "Couldn't open zip file: " << integra_file; return CError::FAILED; } implementation_directory_length = CFileIO::implementation_directory_name.length(); if( unzGoToFirstFile( unzip_file ) != UNZ_OK ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_ERROR << "Couldn't iterate contents: " << integra_file; unzClose( unzip_file ); return CError::FAILED; } copy_buffer = new unsigned char[ CFileIO::data_copy_buffer_size ]; do { temporary_file_name = NULL; temporary_file = NULL; if( unzGetCurrentFileInfo( unzip_file, &file_info, file_name, CStringHelper::string_buffer_length, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 ) != UNZ_OK ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_ERROR << "Couldn't extract file info: " << integra_file; continue; } if( strlen( file_name ) <= implementation_directory_length || string( file_name ).substr( 0, implementation_directory_length ) != CFileIO::implementation_directory_name ) { /* skip file not in node directory */ continue; } temporary_file_name = tempnam( m_server.get_scratch_directory().c_str(), "embedded_module" ); if( !temporary_file_name ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_ERROR << "couldn't generate temporary filename"; CError = CError::FAILED; continue; } temporary_file = fopen( temporary_file_name, "wb" ); if( !temporary_file ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_ERROR << "couldn't open temporary file: " << temporary_file_name; CError = CError::FAILED; goto CLEANUP; } if( unzOpenCurrentFile( unzip_file ) != UNZ_OK ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_ERROR << "couldn't open zip contents: " << file_name; CError = CError::FAILED; goto CLEANUP; } total_bytes_read = 0; while( total_bytes_read < file_info.uncompressed_size ) { bytes_remaining = file_info.uncompressed_size - total_bytes_read; assert( bytes_remaining > 0 ); bytes_read = unzReadCurrentFile( unzip_file, copy_buffer, MIN( CFileIO::data_copy_buffer_size, bytes_remaining ) ); if( bytes_read <= 0 ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_ERROR << "Error decompressing file"; CError = CError::FAILED; goto CLEANUP; } fwrite( copy_buffer, 1, bytes_read, temporary_file ); total_bytes_read += bytes_read; } fclose( temporary_file ); temporary_file = NULL; if( load_module( temporary_file_name, CInterfaceDefinition::MODULE_EMBEDDED, loaded_module_id ) ) { new_embedded_modules.insert( loaded_module_id ); store_module( loaded_module_id ); } CLEANUP: if( temporary_file ) { fclose( temporary_file ); } if( temporary_file_name ) { CFileHelper::delete_file( temporary_file_name ); delete[] temporary_file_name; } unzCloseCurrentFile( unzip_file ); } while( unzGoToNextFile( unzip_file ) != UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE ); unzClose( unzip_file ); delete[] copy_buffer; return CError; }
/** * If loadFileBuf is NULL the loadFileBufSize is ignored and the necessary buffer size * is returned in loadFileBufSize and the functions returns. * \param fileName [in] The name of the CAP file. * \param loadFileBuf [out] The destination buffer with the Executable Load File contents. * \param loadFileBufSize [in, out] The size of the loadFileBuf. * \return OPGP_ERROR_SUCCESS if no error, error code else. */ OPGP_ERROR_STATUS extract_cap_file(OPGP_CSTRING fileName, PBYTE loadFileBuf, PDWORD loadFileBufSize) { int rv; OPGP_ERROR_STATUS status; zipFile szip; unsigned char *appletbuf = NULL; unsigned char *classbuf = NULL; unsigned char *constantpoolbuf = NULL; unsigned char *descriptorbuf = NULL; unsigned char *directorybuf = NULL; unsigned char *headerbuf = NULL; unsigned char *importbuf = NULL; unsigned char *methodbuf = NULL; unsigned char *reflocationbuf = NULL; unsigned char *staticfieldbuf = NULL; unsigned char *exportbuf = NULL; int appletbufsz = 0; int classbufsz = 0; int constantpoolbufsz = 0; int descriptorbufsz = 0; int directorybufsz = 0; int headerbufsz = 0; int importbufsz = 0; int methodbufsz = 0; int reflocationbufsz = 0; int staticfieldbufsz = 0; int exportbufsz = 0; unsigned char *buf; char capFileName[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; DWORD totalSize = 0; OPGP_LOG_START(_T("extract_cap_file")); convertT_to_C(capFileName, fileName); OPGP_LOG_MSG(_T("extract_cap_file: Try to open cap file %s"), fileName); szip = unzOpen((const char *)capFileName); if (szip==NULL) { OPGP_ERROR_CREATE_ERROR(status, OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP, OPGP_stringify_error(OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP)); goto end; } rv = unzGoToFirstFile(szip); while (rv == UNZ_OK) { // get zipped file info unz_file_info unzfi; char fn[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; int sz; if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(szip, &unzfi, fn, MAX_PATH_LENGTH, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) != UNZ_OK) { OPGP_ERROR_CREATE_ERROR(status, OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP, OPGP_stringify_error(OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP)); goto end; } if (unzOpenCurrentFile(szip)!=UNZ_OK) { OPGP_ERROR_CREATE_ERROR(status, OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP, OPGP_stringify_error(OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP)); goto end; } OPGP_LOG_MSG(_T("extract_cap_file: Allocating buffer size for cap file content %s"), fn); // write file if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-10, "Header.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; headerbufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = headerbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-10, "Applet.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; appletbufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = appletbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-9, "Class.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; classbufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = classbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-10, "Import.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; importbufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = importbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-13, "Directory.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; directorybufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = directorybuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-10, "Method.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; methodbufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = methodbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-16, "ConstantPool.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; constantpoolbufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = constantpoolbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-14, "Descriptor.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; descriptorbufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = descriptorbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-15, "RefLocation.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; reflocationbufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = reflocationbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-15, "StaticField.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; staticfieldbufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = staticfieldbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else if (strcmp(fn + strlen(fn)-10, "Export.cap") == 0) { totalSize+=unzfi.uncompressed_size; exportbufsz = unzfi.uncompressed_size; buf = exportbuf = (unsigned char *)malloc(unzfi.uncompressed_size); } else { goto next; } if ((buf==NULL)&&(unzfi.uncompressed_size!=0)) { OPGP_ERROR_CREATE_ERROR(status, ENOMEM, OPGP_stringify_error(ENOMEM)); goto end; } // read file sz = unzReadCurrentFile(szip, buf, unzfi.uncompressed_size); if ((unsigned int)sz != unzfi.uncompressed_size) { OPGP_ERROR_CREATE_ERROR(status, OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP, OPGP_stringify_error(OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP)); goto end; } next: if (unzCloseCurrentFile(szip)==UNZ_CRCERROR) { OPGP_ERROR_CREATE_ERROR(status, OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP, OPGP_stringify_error(OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP)); goto end; } rv = unzGoToNextFile(szip); } if ( rv!=UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE ) { OPGP_ERROR_CREATE_ERROR(status, OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP, OPGP_stringify_error(OPGP_ERROR_CAP_UNZIP)); goto end; } OPGP_LOG_MSG(_T("extract_cap_file: Successfully extracted cap file %s"), fileName); if (loadFileBuf == NULL) { *loadFileBufSize = totalSize; { OPGP_ERROR_CREATE_NO_ERROR(status); goto end; } goto end; } if (*loadFileBufSize < totalSize) { OPGP_ERROR_CREATE_ERROR(status, OPGP_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER, OPGP_stringify_error(OPGP_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)); goto end; } OPGP_LOG_MSG(_T("extract_cap_file: Copying extracted cap file contents into buffer")); totalSize = 0; if (headerbuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, headerbuf, headerbufsz); totalSize+=headerbufsz; } if (directorybuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, directorybuf, directorybufsz); totalSize+=directorybufsz; } if (importbuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, importbuf, importbufsz); totalSize+=importbufsz; } if (appletbuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, appletbuf, appletbufsz); totalSize+=appletbufsz; } if (classbuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, classbuf, classbufsz); totalSize+=classbufsz; } if (methodbuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, methodbuf, methodbufsz); totalSize+=methodbufsz; } if (staticfieldbuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, staticfieldbuf, staticfieldbufsz); totalSize+=staticfieldbufsz; } if (exportbuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, exportbuf, exportbufsz); totalSize+=exportbufsz; } if (constantpoolbuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, constantpoolbuf, constantpoolbufsz); totalSize+=constantpoolbufsz; } if (reflocationbuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, reflocationbuf, reflocationbufsz); totalSize+=reflocationbufsz; } if (descriptorbuf != NULL) { memcpy(loadFileBuf+totalSize, descriptorbuf, descriptorbufsz); totalSize+=descriptorbufsz; } OPGP_LOG_MSG(_T("extract_cap_file: Buffer copied.")); { OPGP_ERROR_CREATE_NO_ERROR(status); goto end; } end: if (szip != NULL) { unzClose(szip); } if (appletbuf != NULL) { free(appletbuf); } if (classbuf != NULL) { free(classbuf); } if (constantpoolbuf != NULL) { free(constantpoolbuf); } if (descriptorbuf != NULL) { free(descriptorbuf); } if (directorybuf != NULL) { free(directorybuf); } if (headerbuf != NULL) { free(headerbuf); } if (importbuf != NULL) { free(importbuf); } if (methodbuf != NULL) { free(methodbuf); } if (reflocationbuf != NULL) { free(reflocationbuf); } if (staticfieldbuf != NULL) { free(staticfieldbuf); } OPGP_LOG_END(_T("extract_cap_file"), status); return status; }
bool CModuleManager::load_module( const string &filename, CInterfaceDefinition::module_source source, GUID &module_guid ) { unzFile unzip_file; module_guid = CGuidHelper::null_guid; unzip_file = unzOpen( filename.c_str() ); if( !unzip_file ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_ERROR << "Unable to open zip: " << filename; return false; } CInterfaceDefinition *interface_definition = load_interface( unzip_file ); if( !interface_definition ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_ERROR << "Failed to load interface: " << filename; unzClose( unzip_file ); return false; } module_guid = interface_definition->get_module_guid(); if( m_module_id_map.count( module_guid ) > 0 ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_VERBOSE << "Module already loaded: " << interface_definition->get_interface_info().get_name(); delete interface_definition; unzClose( unzip_file ); return false; } const CInterfaceInfo &interface_info = CInterfaceInfo::downcast( interface_definition->get_interface_info() ); if( interface_info.get_implemented_in_libintegra() && source != CInterfaceDefinition::MODULE_SHIPPED_WITH_INTEGRA ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_ERROR << "Attempt to load 'implemented in libintegra' module as 3rd party or embedded: " << interface_definition->get_interface_info().get_name(); delete interface_definition; unzClose( unzip_file ); return false; } interface_definition->set_file_path( filename ); interface_definition->set_module_source( source ); m_module_id_map[ interface_definition->get_module_guid() ] = interface_definition; if( m_origin_id_map.count( interface_definition->get_origin_guid() ) > 0 ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_VERBOSE << "Two modules with same origin! Leaving original in origin->interface table: " << interface_definition->get_interface_info().get_name(); } else { m_origin_id_map[ interface_definition->get_origin_guid() ] = interface_definition; } if( interface_definition->is_core_interface() ) { const string &name = interface_definition->get_interface_info().get_name(); if( m_core_name_map.count( name ) > 0 ) { INTEGRA_TRACE_VERBOSE << "Two core modules with same name! Leaving original in name->interface table: " << name; } else { m_core_name_map[ name ] = interface_definition; } } m_module_ids.insert( interface_definition->get_module_guid() ); if( interface_definition->has_implementation() ) { unsigned int checksum = 0; extract_implementation( unzip_file, *interface_definition, checksum ); interface_definition->set_implementation_checksum( checksum ); } unzClose( unzip_file ); return true; }
void OpenZipMapFile(char * FileName) { int port = 0, FoundMap; unz_file_info info; char zname[_MAX_PATH]; unzFile file; file = unzOpen(FileName); if (file == NULL) { return; } port = unzGoToFirstFile(file); FoundMap = FALSE; while(port == UNZ_OK && FoundMap == FALSE) { unzGetCurrentFileInfo(file, &info, zname, 128, NULL,0, NULL,0); if (unzLocateFile(file, zname, 1) != UNZ_OK ) { unzClose(file); return; } if( unzOpenCurrentFile(file) != UNZ_OK ) { unzClose(file); return; } if (strrchr(zname,'.') != NULL) { char *p = strrchr(zname,'.'); if (strcmp(p,".cod") == 0 || strcmp(p,".map") == 0) { BYTE * MapFileContents; DWORD dwRead; HGLOBAL hMem; MapFileContents = (BYTE*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR,info.uncompressed_size + 1); if (MapFileContents == NULL) { unzCloseCurrentFile(file); unzClose(file); DisplayError("Not enough memory for Map File Contents"); return; } dwRead = unzReadCurrentFile(file,MapFileContents,info.uncompressed_size); unzCloseCurrentFile(file); unzClose(file); if (info.uncompressed_size != dwRead) { hMem = GlobalHandle (MapFileContents); GlobalFree(hMem); DisplayError("Failed to copy Map File to memory"); return; } ProcessMapFile(MapFileContents, info.uncompressed_size); hMem = GlobalHandle (MapFileContents); GlobalFree(hMem); UpdateBP_FunctionList(); Update_r4300iCommandList(); return; } } if (FoundMap == FALSE) { unzCloseCurrentFile(file); port = unzGoToNextFile(file); } } unzClose(file); }
bool ZIP_Wrapper::uncompress (char* zip_archive, char* path, bool verbose) { //open the zip archive unzFile uf=0; uf = unzOpen(zip_archive); if (uf==0) { DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_DEBUG,ACE_TEXT("unzOpen failed to open the") ACE_TEXT(" zipfile\n"))); return false; } //get the name of the archive ACE_CString arch_dir (path); arch_dir += "/"; //get only the name of the archive; remove path info char* n = ACE_OS::strstr (zip_archive, "/"); char* zip_name = 0; while (n != 0) { zip_name = ++n; n = ACE_OS::strstr (n, "/"); } arch_dir += zip_name; //NOTE: Assumes .zip or cpk extension arch_dir = arch_dir.substring (0, arch_dir.length () - 4); //create directory with the name of zip archive ACE_OS::mkdir(arch_dir.c_str()); //if dir exists -1 is returned and ignored unz_global_info gi; int err = unzGetGlobalInfo(uf, &gi); if (err!=UNZ_OK) { DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("unzGetGlobalInfo failed to get global") ACE_TEXT(" information about zipfile\n"), err)); return false; } err =unzGoToFirstFile(uf); if (err!=UNZ_OK) { DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_DEBUG,ACE_TEXT("error %d with zipfile in" ACE_TEXT(" unzGoToFirstFile\n")), err)); return false; } /* read each entry of zip file, create directory structure if it is a non existing directory whereas if it is a file, write the file at the proper path in the directory structure */ for (uLong i=0;i<gi.number_entry;i++) { char filename_inzip[256]; unz_file_info file_info; err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(uf, &file_info, filename_inzip, sizeof(filename_inzip), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (err!=UNZ_OK) { DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("unzGetCurrentFileInfo failed") ACE_TEXT(" while trying to get information") ACE_TEXT(" about currentfile\n"), err)); break; } int direc = checkdir(filename_inzip); /* If it is a directory, we create directory structure */ if (direc==1) { makethedir(filename_inzip, arch_dir); } /* If it is a file, we read its data and write the uncompressed data to the file with proper path.*/ else if (direc==0) { handlethefile(filename_inzip, uf, file_info, verbose, arch_dir); } if ((i+1)<gi.number_entry) { err = unzGoToNextFile(uf); if (err!=UNZ_OK) { DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_ERROR,ACE_TEXT("unzGoToNextFile failed") ACE_TEXT(" while trying to go to") ACE_TEXT(" nextfile\n"), err)); break; } } } unzClose(uf); return true; }
void MDFNFILE::Open(const char *path, const FileExtensionSpecStruct *known_ext, const char *purpose) { unzFile tz = NULL; try { // // Try opening it as a zip file first // if((tz = unzOpen(path))) { char tempu[1024]; int errcode; if((errcode = unzGoToFirstFile(tz)) != UNZ_OK) { throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Could not seek to first file in ZIP archive: %s"), unzErrorString(errcode)); } if(known_ext) { bool FileFound = FALSE; while(!FileFound) { size_t tempu_strlen; const FileExtensionSpecStruct *ext_search = known_ext; if((errcode = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(tz, 0, tempu, 1024, 0, 0, 0, 0)) != UNZ_OK) { throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Could not get file information in ZIP archive: %s"), unzErrorString(errcode)); } tempu[1023] = 0; tempu_strlen = strlen(tempu); while(ext_search->extension && !FileFound) { size_t ttmeow = strlen(ext_search->extension); if(tempu_strlen >= ttmeow) { if(!strcasecmp(tempu + tempu_strlen - ttmeow, ext_search->extension)) FileFound = TRUE; } ext_search++; } if(FileFound) break; if((errcode = unzGoToNextFile(tz)) != UNZ_OK) { if(errcode != UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE) { throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Error seeking to next file in ZIP archive: %s"), unzErrorString(errcode)); } if((errcode = unzGoToFirstFile(tz)) != UNZ_OK) { throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Could not seek to first file in ZIP archive: %s"), unzErrorString(errcode)); } break; } } // end to while(!FileFound) } // end to if(ext) if((errcode = unzOpenCurrentFile(tz)) != UNZ_OK) { throw MDFN_Error(0, _("Could not open file in ZIP archive: %s"), unzErrorString(errcode)); } { unz_file_info ufo; unzGetCurrentFileInfo((unzFile)tz, &ufo, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if(ufo.uncompressed_size > MaxROMImageSize) throw MDFN_Error(0, _("ROM image is too large; maximum size allowed is %llu bytes."), (unsigned long long)MaxROMImageSize); str.reset(new MemoryStream(ufo.uncompressed_size, true)); unzReadCurrentFile((unzFile)tz, str->map(), str->size()); } // Don't use MDFN_GetFilePathComponents() here. { char* ld = strrchr(tempu, '.'); f_ext = std::string(ld ? ld : ""); f_fbase = std::string(tempu, ld ? (ld - tempu) : strlen(tempu)); } } else // If it's not a zip file, handle it as...another type of file! { std::unique_ptr<Stream> tfp(new FileStream(path, FileStream::MODE_READ)); // We'll clean up f_ext to remove the leading period, and convert to lowercase, after // the plain vs gzip file handling code below(since gzip handling path will want to strip off an extra extension). MDFN_GetFilePathComponents(path, NULL, &f_fbase, &f_ext); uint8 gzmagic[3] = { 0 }; if(tfp->read(gzmagic, 3, false) != 3 || gzmagic[0] != 0x1F || gzmagic[1] != 0x8b || gzmagic[2] != 0x08) { tfp->seek(0, SEEK_SET); if(tfp->size() > MaxROMImageSize) throw MDFN_Error(0, _("ROM image is too large; maximum size allowed is %llu bytes."), (unsigned long long)MaxROMImageSize); str = std::move(tfp); } else /* Probably gzip */ { delete tfp.release(); str.reset(new MemoryStream(new GZFileStream(path, GZFileStream::MODE::READ), MaxROMImageSize)); MDFN_GetFilePathComponents(f_fbase, NULL, &f_fbase, &f_ext); } // End gzip handling } // End normal and gzip file handling else to zip // Remove leading period in file extension. if(f_ext.size() > 0 && f_ext[0] == '.') f_ext = f_ext.substr(1); // Convert file extension A-Z chars to lowercase, a-z for(auto& c : f_ext) if(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') c = 'a' + (c - 'A'); //printf("|%s| --- |%s|\n", f_fbase.c_str(), f_ext.c_str()); } catch(...) { if(tz != NULL) { unzCloseCurrentFile(tz); unzClose(tz); } Close(); throw; } if(tz != NULL) { unzCloseCurrentFile(tz); unzClose(tz); } }
/// Gets a list of the files in the archive. int ZIP_Wrapper::file_list_info (char* zip_name, ACE_Double_Linked_List<ZIP_File_Info> &list) { unzFile uf=0; char filename_try[MAXFILENAME+16] = ""; if (zip_name!=0) { ACE_OS::strncpy(filename_try, zip_name, MAXFILENAME-1); /* strncpy doesnt append the trailing NULL, if the string is too long. */ filename_try[ MAXFILENAME ] = '\0'; /* open the zip file */ uf = unzOpen(zip_name); /* if zipfile could not be opened, try appending .zip to name */ if (uf==0) { ACE_OS::strcat(filename_try, ".zip"); uf = unzOpen(filename_try); } } /* If zipfile could not be opened still, return */ if (uf==0) { DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("There is some problem in opening") ACE_TEXT(" %s or using unzOpen\n"), zip_name, zip_name)); return 1; } unz_global_info gi; /* get information about all the files in zip file*/ int err = unzGetGlobalInfo(uf, &gi); if (err!=UNZ_OK) DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("unzGetGlobalInfo failed while trying") ACE_TEXT(" to get global information about zipfile\n"), err)); /* gi.number_entry corresponds to the number of directory entries in the zip file */ for (uLong i=0;i<gi.number_entry;i++) { char filename_inzip[256]; unz_file_info file_info; /* get information about the current file in zip file */ err = unzGetCurrentFileInfo(uf, &file_info, filename_inzip, sizeof(filename_inzip), 0, 0, 0, 0); if (err!=UNZ_OK) { DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT("unzGetCurrentFileInfo failed") ACE_TEXT(" while trying to get information") ACE_TEXT(" about current file\n"), err)); break; } ZIP_File_Info* next = 0; ACE_NEW_RETURN (next, ZIP_File_Info (filename_inzip, sizeof(filename_inzip)), -1); /* add information about current file to the list */ list.insert_tail (next); if ((i+1)<gi.number_entry) { err = unzGoToNextFile(uf); if (err!=UNZ_OK) { DANCE_ERROR (DANCE_LOG_ERROR, (LM_DEBUG, ACE_TEXT(" unzGoToNextFile failed") ACE_TEXT(" while trying to go to next file\n"), err)); break; } } } unzCloseCurrentFile(uf); return gi.number_entry; }
int Unzip_execExtract(const char *pszTargetFile, unsigned long ulUserData) { unzFile hUnzip; int nRet = UZEXR_FATALERROR; if (!___zlib_pfuncCallback) return UZEXR_INVALIDCALLBACK; hUnzip = unzOpen(pszTargetFile); if (!hUnzip) return UZEXR_INVALIDFILE; do { char szConFilename[512]; unz_file_info fileInfo; int nLen,i; if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(hUnzip, &fileInfo, szConFilename, sizeof szConFilename, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) != UNZ_OK) { nRet = UZEXR_INVALIDFILE; break; } nLen = strlen(szConFilename); // ディレクトリの場合 if (nLen >= 2 && !IsShiftJIS(szConFilename[nLen - 2]) && szConFilename[nLen - 1] == '\\') { continue; } // ファイルの場合、まずコールバックで展開するか聞く nRet = ___zlib_pfuncCallback(UZCB_FIND_FILE, fileInfo.uncompressed_size, 0, szConFilename, 0, ulUserData); if (nRet == UZCBR_PASS) { nRet = unzGoToNextFile(hUnzip); if (nRet == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE) { nRet = UZEXR_OK; break; } continue; } else if (nRet == UZCBR_CANCEL) { nRet = UZEXR_CANCEL; break; } /* たぶん要らない for (i = 0; i < nLen; ++i) if (szConFilename[i] == '/') szConFilename[i] = '\\'; //Windowsなので、\マークがディレクトリの区切りとなる */ // ファイルの場合 if (unzOpenCurrentFile(hUnzip) != UNZ_OK) { nRet = UZEXR_INVALIDFILE; break; } // データの展開 { unsigned char szBuffer[64*1024]; unsigned long dwSizeRead; unsigned long dwBufPosition = 0; while ((dwSizeRead = unzReadCurrentFile(hUnzip, szBuffer, sizeof(szBuffer))) > 0) { nRet = ___zlib_pfuncCallback(UZCB_EXTRACT_PROGRESS, fileInfo.uncompressed_size, dwBufPosition, szBuffer, dwSizeRead, ulUserData); dwBufPosition += dwSizeRead; if (nRet == UZCBR_PASS) { break; } else if (nRet == UZCBR_CANCEL) { unzCloseCurrentFile(hUnzip); unzClose(hUnzip); return UZEXR_CANCEL; } } } unzCloseCurrentFile(hUnzip); nRet = unzGoToNextFile(hUnzip); if (nRet == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE) { nRet = UZEXR_OK; break; } } while (1); unzClose(hUnzip); return nRet; //解凍するものが無いので、解凍しなかった。 }
static int load_zip_rom(const char *fn) { int found = 0; unzFile fp; unz_file_info inf; char fn2[4096]; char *ext; int size; /* Open up the file in question. */ fp = unzOpen(fn); if(!fp) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "chip8_mem_load_rom: Could not open ROM: %s!\n", fn); #endif return ROM_LOAD_E_OPEN; } if(unzGoToFirstFile(fp) != UNZ_OK) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "chip8_mem_load_rom: Couldn't find file in zip!\n"); #endif unzClose(fp); return ROM_LOAD_E_CORRUPT; } /* Keep looking at files until we find a rom. */ while(!found) { if(unzGetCurrentFileInfo(fp, &inf, fn2, 4096, NULL, 0, NULL, 0) != UNZ_OK) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "chip8_mem_load_rom: Error parsing Zip file!\n"); #endif unzClose(fp); return ROM_LOAD_E_CORRUPT; } /* Check if this file looks like a rom. */ ext = strrchr(fn2, '.'); if(ext) { /* XXXX */ if(!strcmp(ext, ".ch8") || !strcmp(ext, ".c8")) { found = 1; } } /* If we haven't found a rom yet, move to the next file. */ if(!found) { if(unzGoToNextFile(fp) != UNZ_OK) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "chip8_mem_load_rom: End of zip file!\n"); #endif unzClose(fp); return ROM_LOAD_E_NO_ROM; } } } /* If the size isn't a nice even amount, round it. */ size = inf.uncompressed_size; if(!(cart_rom = (uint8 *)malloc(size))) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "chip8_mem_load_rom: Could not load ROM: %s!\n", fn); fprintf(stderr, "Reason: %s\n", strerror(errno)); #endif unzClose(fp); return ROM_LOAD_E_ERRNO; } /* Attempt to open the file we think is a rom. */ if(unzOpenCurrentFile(fp) != UNZ_OK) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "chip8_mem_load_rom: Couldn't open rom from zip!\n"); #endif unzClose(fp); free(cart_rom); cart_rom = NULL; return ROM_LOAD_E_CORRUPT; } /* Attempt to read the file. */ if(unzReadCurrentFile(fp, cart_rom, size) < 0) { #ifdef DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "chip8_mem_load_rom: Couldn't read rom from zip!\n"); #endif unzCloseCurrentFile(fp); unzClose(fp); free(cart_rom); cart_rom = NULL; return ROM_LOAD_E_CORRUPT; } /* We're done with the file, close everything. */ unzCloseCurrentFile(fp); unzClose(fp); cart_len = size; finalize_load(fn); return ROM_LOAD_SUCCESS; }
void RunScript(FILE * script, const char * path) { ErrFunc_f old = InstallErrFunc(ScriptError, NULL); char * mem; int len, ok; char strbuf[1024]; strcpy(strbuf, path); strcat(strbuf, DIR_STR); MakeDirExist(strbuf); strcat(strbuf, "Installer Log.txt"); scriptLog = fopen(strbuf, "w"); if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Installing X-Plane to %s.\n", path); char from_buf[1024], to_buf[1024], partial[1024]; const char * app_path = GetApplicationPath(); if (app_path == NULL) { return; } bool condition = true; while (get_line(script, strbuf, sizeof(strbuf)-1)) { char * t; char * p = strbuf; t = next_token(&p); if (t == NULL) continue; if (!strcmp(t, "NOCONDITION")) { condition = true; } if (!strcmp(t, "ELSE")) { condition = !condition; } if (!strcmp(t, "MESSAGE")) { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Note: %s\n", p); DoUserAlert(p); } if (!strcmp(t, "CONDITION")) { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Checking: %s\n", p); condition = ConfirmMessage(p, "Yes", "No"); if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Answer: %s\n", condition ? "yes" : "no"); } if (!strcmp(t, "UPDATE")) { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Running update.\n"); if (condition) RunInstaller(path); } if (!strcmp(t, "COPY")) { t = next_token(&p); float indi = -1.0; sprintf(msgBuf, "Installing %s...", t); ShowProgressMessage(msgBuf, &indi); strcpy(from_buf, app_path); strip_to_delim(from_buf,DIR_CHAR); strcat(from_buf, t); strcpy(to_buf, path); strcat(to_buf, DIR_STR); strcat(to_buf, p); normalize_dir_chars(to_buf); normalize_dir_chars(from_buf); if (condition) { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Copying %s to %s\n", from_buf, to_buf); ok = FileToBlock(from_buf, &mem, &len); if (!ok) return; ok = BlockToFile(to_buf, mem); if (!ok) return; free(mem); } else { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Not copying %s to %s\n", from_buf, to_buf); } } if (!strcmp(t, "UNZIP")) { t = next_token(&p); sprintf(msgBuf, "Installing %s...", t); strcpy(from_buf, app_path); strip_to_delim(from_buf,DIR_CHAR); strcat(from_buf, t); if (!strcmp(p, "/")) { strcpy(partial, path); strcat(partial, DIR_STR); } else { strcpy(partial, path); strcat(partial, DIR_STR); strcat(partial, p); } normalize_dir_chars(partial); normalize_dir_chars(from_buf); if (condition) { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Unzipping %s to %s\n", from_buf, partial); unzFile unz = unzOpen(from_buf); if (unz == NULL) { ReportError("Unable to open zip file.", EUNKNOWN, from_buf); return; } unz_global_info global; unzGetGlobalInfo(unz, &global); unzGoToFirstFile(unz); int counter = 0; do { char zip_path[1024]; unz_file_info info; unzGetCurrentFileInfo(unz, &info, zip_path, sizeof(zip_path), NULL, 0, NULL, 0); sprintf(msgBuf, "Installing %s...", zip_path); float prog = (global.number_entry > 0) ? ((float) counter / (float) global.number_entry) : -1.0; ShowProgressMessage(msgBuf, &prog); ++counter; strcpy(to_buf, partial); strcat(to_buf, zip_path); normalize_dir_chars(to_buf); strip_to_delim(to_buf, DIR_CHAR); MakeDirExist(to_buf); if (info.uncompressed_size == 0) continue; char * mem = (char *) malloc(info.uncompressed_size); if (!mem) { ReportError("Out of memory", ENOMEM, NULL); return; } unzOpenCurrentFile(unz); int result = unzReadCurrentFile(unz,mem, info.uncompressed_size); if (result != info.uncompressed_size) { ReportError("Could not read installer archive.", EUNKNOWN, zip_path); } unzCloseCurrentFile(unz); strcpy(to_buf, partial); strcat(to_buf, zip_path); normalize_dir_chars(to_buf); FILE * fi = fopen(to_buf, "wb"); if (fi == NULL) { ReportError("Could not create file", errno, to_buf); return; } result = fwrite(mem, 1, info.uncompressed_size, fi); if (result != info.uncompressed_size) { ReportError("Could not read installer archive.", errno, to_buf); } fclose(fi); free(mem); } while(unzGoToNextFile(unz) == UNZ_OK); unzClose(unz); } else { if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Not unzipping %s to %s\n", from_buf, partial); } } } InstallErrFunc(old, NULL); if (scriptLog) fprintf(scriptLog, "Installer completed successfully.\n"); if (scriptLog) fclose(scriptLog); DoUserAlert("Installation was successful!"); }
bool MemFile::open (const std::string &path_, bool uncompress) { MEMORY mem(MAX_IMAGE_SIZE + 1); size_t uRead = 0; // Check if zlib is available #ifdef HAVE_ZLIBSTAT bool have_zlib = true; #elif defined(HAVE_ZLIB) bool have_zlib = CheckLibrary("zlib", "zlibVersion") && zlibVersion()[0] == ZLIB_VERSION[0]; #else bool have_zlib = false; #endif #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB // Try opening as a zip file if (uncompress && have_zlib) { unzFile hfZip = unzOpen(path_.c_str()); if (hfZip) { int nRet; unz_file_info sInfo; uLong ulMaxSize = 0; // Iterate through the contents of the zip looking for a file with a suitable size for (nRet = unzGoToFirstFile(hfZip); nRet == UNZ_OK; nRet = unzGoToNextFile(hfZip)) { char szFile[MAX_PATH]; // Get details of the current file unzGetCurrentFileInfo(hfZip, &sInfo, szFile, MAX_PATH, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); // Ignore directories and empty files if (!sInfo.uncompressed_size) continue; // If the file extension is recognised, read the file contents // ToDo: GetFileType doesn't really belong here? if (GetFileType(szFile) != ftUnknown && unzOpenCurrentFile(hfZip) == UNZ_OK) { nRet = unzReadCurrentFile(hfZip, mem, static_cast<unsigned int>(mem.size)); unzCloseCurrentFile(hfZip); break; } // Rememeber the largest uncompressed file size if (sInfo.uncompressed_size > ulMaxSize) ulMaxSize = sInfo.uncompressed_size; } // Did we fail to find a matching extension? if (nRet == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE) { // Loop back over the archive for (nRet = unzGoToFirstFile(hfZip); nRet == UNZ_OK; nRet = unzGoToNextFile(hfZip)) { // Get details of the current file unzGetCurrentFileInfo(hfZip, &sInfo, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0); // Open the largest file found about if (sInfo.uncompressed_size == ulMaxSize && unzOpenCurrentFile(hfZip) == UNZ_OK) { nRet = unzReadCurrentFile(hfZip, mem, static_cast<unsigned int>(mem.size)); unzCloseCurrentFile(hfZip); break; } } } // Close the zip archive unzClose(hfZip); // Stop if something went wrong if (nRet < 0) throw util::exception("zip extraction failed (", nRet, ")"); uRead = nRet; m_compress = Compress::Zip; } else { // Open as gzipped or uncompressed gzFile gf = gzopen(path_.c_str(), "rb"); if (gf == Z_NULL) throw posix_error(errno, path_.c_str()); uRead = gzread(gf, mem, static_cast<unsigned>(mem.size)); m_compress = (gztell(gf) != FileSize(path_)) ? Compress::Gzip : Compress::None; gzclose(gf); } } else #endif // HAVE_ZLIB { // Open as normal file if we couldn't use zlib above FILE *f = fopen(path_.c_str(), "rb"); if (!f) throw posix_error(errno, path_.c_str()); uRead = fread(mem, 1, mem.size, f); fclose(f); m_compress = Compress::None; } // zip compressed? (and not handled above) if (uncompress && mem[0U] == 'P' && mem[1U] == 'K') throw util::exception("zlib (zlib1.dll) is required for zip support"); // gzip compressed? if (uncompress && mem[0U] == 0x1f && mem[1U] == 0x8b && mem[2U] == 0x08) { if (!have_zlib) throw util::exception("zlib (zlib1.dll) is required for gzip support"); #ifdef HAVE_ZLIB MEMORY mem2(MAX_IMAGE_SIZE + 1); uint8_t flags = mem[3]; auto pb = mem.pb + 10, pbEnd = mem.pb + mem.size; if (flags & 0x04) // EXTRA_FIELD { if (pb < pbEnd - 1) pb += 2 + pb[0] + (pb[1] << 8); } if (flags & 0x08 || flags & 0x10) // ORIG_NAME or COMMENT { while (pb < pbEnd && *pb++); } if (flags & 0x02) // HEAD_CRC pb += 2; z_stream stream = {}; stream.next_in = pb; stream.avail_in = (pb < pbEnd) ? static_cast<uInt>(pbEnd - pb) : 0; stream.next_out = mem2.pb; stream.avail_out = mem2.size; auto zerr = inflateInit2(&stream, -MAX_WBITS); if (zerr == Z_OK) { zerr = inflate(&stream, Z_FINISH); inflateEnd(&stream); } if (zerr != Z_STREAM_END) throw util::exception("gzip decompression failed (", zerr, ")"); memcpy(mem.pb, mem2.pb, uRead = stream.total_out); m_compress = Compress::Zip; #endif } // bzip2 compressed? if (uncompress && mem[0U] == 'B' && mem[1U] == 'Z') { #ifdef HAVE_BZIP2 if (!CheckLibrary("bzip2", "BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress")) #endif throw util::exception("libbz2 (bzip2.dll) is required for bzip2 support"); #ifdef HAVE_BZIP2 MEMORY mem2(MAX_IMAGE_SIZE + 1); auto uBzRead = static_cast<unsigned>(mem2.size); auto bzerr = BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress(reinterpret_cast<char *>(mem2.pb), &uBzRead, reinterpret_cast<char *>(mem.pb), uRead, 0, 0); if (bzerr != BZ_OK) throw util::exception("bzip2 decompression failed (", bzerr, ")"); memcpy(mem.pb, mem2.pb, uRead = uBzRead); m_compress = Compress::Bzip2; #endif // HAVE_BZIP2 } if (uRead <= MAX_IMAGE_SIZE) return open(mem.pb, static_cast<int>(uRead), path_); throw util::exception("file size too big"); }
BOOL vmsUnZip::Unpack(LPCTSTR ptszFileName, LPCTSTR ptszDstFolder) { USES_CONVERSION; BOOL result = FALSE; unzFile zipFile = unzOpen (CT2AEX<> ((LPTSTR)ptszFileName)); if (NULL != zipFile) { if (UNZ_OK == unzGoToFirstFile(zipFile)) { BOOL bContinue = TRUE; while (bContinue) { result = FALSE; unz_file_info fi; char filename[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if (UNZ_OK == unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zipFile, &fi, filename, sizeof (filename), 0, 0, 0, 0)) { if (*filename && (filename [strlen (filename)-1] == '/' || filename [strlen (filename)-1] == '\\')) { assert (fi.uncompressed_size == 0); tstring tstr = ptszDstFolder; tstr += '\\'; tstr += CA2TEX<> (filename); tstr += '1'; vmsBuildPathToFile (tstr.c_str ()); result = TRUE; } else if (UNZ_OK == unzOpenCurrentFile(zipFile)) { UINT dataLen = fi.uncompressed_size; BYTE* fileData = new BYTE[dataLen]; if (!fileData) break; if(dataLen == unzReadCurrentFile(zipFile, fileData, dataLen)) { char filePathName[MAX_PATH] = {0}; strcat (filePathName, T2A ((LPTSTR)ptszDstFolder)); strcat (filePathName, "\\"); strcat (filePathName, filename); while (strchr (filePathName, '/')) *strchr (filePathName, '/') = '\\'; FILE* pFile = fopen (filePathName, "wb"); if (!pFile) { vmsBuildPathToFile (CA2TEX<> (filePathName)); pFile = fopen (filePathName, "wb"); } if (pFile) { result = (dataLen == fwrite(fileData, 1, dataLen, pFile)); result = result && (0 == fclose(pFile)); } } delete [] fileData; result = result && (UNZ_OK == unzCloseCurrentFile(zipFile)); } } if (!result) break; if (UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE == unzGoToNextFile(zipFile)) bContinue = FALSE; } } result = result && (UNZ_OK == unzClose(zipFile)); } return result; }
void read_dx_file() { int i,err; char buff[80]; unzFile dat; UINT8 *buffer; unz_file_info file_info; /* int start,end; */ /* short *src; */ if (!dx_file[0]) return; if (raine_nb_samples && emudx_samples && sample_data) { return; } dat = unzOpen(dx_file); if (!dat) return; for (raine_nb_samples=1; raine_nb_samples<32; raine_nb_samples++) { sprintf(buff,"%d.wav",raine_nb_samples); err = unzLocateFile(dat,buff,2); if (err != UNZ_OK) break; } raine_nb_samples--; emudx_samples = (struct wave_spec*)AllocateMem((raine_nb_samples+1) * sizeof(struct wave_spec)); AddSaveData(ASCII_ID('S','A','M','P'), (UINT8*)emudx_samples, (raine_nb_samples+1) * sizeof(struct wave_spec)); sample_data = (struct private_data*)AllocateMem((raine_nb_samples+1)*sizeof(struct private_data)); for (i=1; i<=raine_nb_samples; i++) { sprintf(buff,"%d.wav",i); unzLocateFile(dat,buff,2); err = unzOpenCurrentFile(dat); unzGetCurrentFileInfo(dat,&file_info,NULL,0,NULL,0,NULL,0); buffer = malloc(file_info.uncompressed_size); unzReadCurrentFile(dat,buffer,file_info.uncompressed_size); emudx_samples[i].pos = emudx_samples[i].playing = 0; #ifdef SDL SDL_RWops *rw; unsigned int len_in_bytes; SDL_AudioCVT wav_cvt; SDL_AudioSpec wave; UINT8 *wav_buffer; extern SDL_AudioSpec gotspec; if (!gotspec.freq) { /* Now read_dx_file is called before the soundcard init, so we * must put sensible default values here... */ gotspec.freq = audio_sample_rate; gotspec.channels = 2; gotspec.format = AUDIO_S16; } rw = SDL_RWFromMem(buffer, file_info.uncompressed_size); if (!SDL_LoadWAV_RW(rw,1,&wave,&wav_buffer,&len_in_bytes)) { printf("couldn't load sample %d: %s\n",i,SDL_GetError()); exit(1); } unzCloseCurrentFile(dat); // Is this needed when open failed? if (SDL_BuildAudioCVT(&wav_cvt, wave.format, wave.channels, wave.freq, gotspec.format, gotspec.channels,gotspec.freq) == -1) { printf("can't build converter\n"); exit(1); } wav_cvt.buf = sample_data[i].data = AllocateMem(len_in_bytes*wav_cvt.len_mult); sample_data[i].len =len_in_bytes*wav_cvt.len_ratio; wav_cvt.len = len_in_bytes; memcpy(sample_data[i].data, wav_buffer, len_in_bytes); SDL_FreeWAV(wav_buffer); SDL_ConvertAudio(&wav_cvt); #else convert_wav((char*)buffer,file_info.uncompressed_size, (char**)&sample_data[i].data,&sample_data[i].len); #endif free(buffer); } unzClose(dat); }