ALWAYS_INLINE void BaseSet::addImpl(int64_t k) { if (!raw) { mutate(); } auto h = hashint(k); auto p = findForInsert(k, h); assert(p); if (validPos(*p)) { // When there is a conflict, the add() API is supposed to replace the // existing element with the new element in place. However since Sets // currently only support integer and string elements, there is no way // user code can really tell whether the existing element was replaced // so for efficiency we do nothing. return; } if (UNLIKELY(isFull())) { makeRoom(); p = findForInsert(k, h); } auto& e = allocElm(p); e.setIntKey(k, h); = KindOfInt64; = k; updateNextKI(k); if (!raw) { ++m_version; } }
ALWAYS_INLINE void BaseMap::setImpl(int64_t h, const TypedValue* val) { if (!raw) { mutate(); } assert(val->m_type != KindOfRef); assert(canMutateBuffer()); retry: auto p = findForInsert(h); assert(p); if (validPos(*p)) { auto& e = data()[*p]; TypedValue old =; cellDup(*val,; tvRefcountedDecRef(old); return; } if (UNLIKELY(isFull())) { makeRoom(); goto retry; } if (!raw) { ++m_version; } auto& e = allocElm(p); cellDup(*val,; e.setIntKey(h); updateNextKI(h); }
typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of<BaseSet, TSet>::value, Object>::type BaseSet::php_skip(const Variant& n) { if (!n.isInteger()) { SystemLib::throwInvalidArgumentExceptionObject( "Parameter n must be an integer"); } int64_t len = n.toInt64(); if (len <= 0) { // We know the resulting Set will simply be a copy of this Set, // so we can just call Clone() and return early here. return Object::attach(TSet::Clone(this)); } auto set = req::make<TSet>(); if (len >= m_size) { // We know the resulting Set will be empty, so we can return // early here. return Object{std::move(set)}; } size_t sz = size_t(m_size) - size_t(len); assert(sz); set->reserve(sz); set->setSize(sz); set->setPosLimit(sz); uint32_t frPos = nthElmPos(len); auto table = set->hashTab(); auto mask = set->tableMask(); for (uint32_t toPos = 0; toPos < sz; ++toPos, ++frPos) { while (isTombstone(frPos)) { assert(frPos + 1 < posLimit()); ++frPos; } auto& toE = set->data()[toPos]; dupElm(data()[frPos], toE); *findForNewInsert(table, mask, toE.probe()) = toPos; if (toE.hasIntKey()) { set->updateNextKI(toE.ikey); } else { assert(toE.hasStrKey()); set->updateIntLikeStrKeys(toE.skey); } } return Object{std::move(set)}; }
ALWAYS_INLINE typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of<BaseMap, TMap>::value, Object>::type BaseMap::php_take(const Variant& n) { if (!n.isInteger()) { SystemLib::throwInvalidArgumentExceptionObject( "Parameter n must be an integer"); } int64_t len = n.toInt64(); if (len >= int64_t(m_size)) { // We know the resulting Map will simply be a copy of this Map, // so we can just call Clone() and return early here. return Object::attach(TMap::Clone(this)); } auto map = req::make<TMap>(); if (len <= 0) { // We know the resulting Map will be empty, so we can return // early here. return Object{std::move(map)}; } size_t sz = size_t(len); map->reserve(sz); map->setSize(sz); map->setPosLimit(sz); auto table = map->hashTab(); auto mask = map->tableMask(); for (uint32_t frPos = 0, toPos = 0; toPos < sz; ++toPos, ++frPos) { frPos = skipTombstonesNoBoundsCheck(frPos); auto& toE = map->data()[toPos]; dupElm(data()[frPos], toE); *findForNewInsert(table, mask, toE.probe()) = toPos; if (toE.hasIntKey()) { map->updateNextKI(toE.ikey); } else { assert(toE.hasStrKey()); map->updateIntLikeStrKeys(toE.skey); } } return Object{std::move(map)}; }
ALWAYS_INLINE typename std::enable_if< std::is_base_of<BaseMap, TMap>::value, Object>::type BaseMap::php_slice(const Variant& start, const Variant& len) { int64_t istart; int64_t ilen; if (!start.isInteger() || (istart = start.toInt64()) < 0) { SystemLib::throwInvalidArgumentExceptionObject( "Parameter start must be a non-negative integer"); } if (!len.isInteger() || (ilen = len.toInt64()) < 0) { SystemLib::throwInvalidArgumentExceptionObject( "Parameter len must be a non-negative integer"); } size_t skipAmt = std::min<size_t>(istart, m_size); size_t sz = std::min<size_t>(ilen, size_t(m_size) - skipAmt); auto map = req::make<TMap>(); map->reserve(sz); map->setSize(sz); map->setPosLimit(sz); uint32_t frPos = nthElmPos(skipAmt); auto table = map->hashTab(); auto mask = map->tableMask(); for (uint32_t toPos = 0; toPos < sz; ++toPos, ++frPos) { frPos = skipTombstonesNoBoundsCheck(frPos); auto& toE = map->data()[toPos]; dupElm(data()[frPos], toE); *findForNewInsert(table, mask, toE.probe()) = toPos; if (toE.hasIntKey()) { map->updateNextKI(toE.ikey); } else { assert(toE.hasStrKey()); map->updateIntLikeStrKeys(toE.skey); } } return Object{std::move(map)}; }