MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget *parent ): QMainWindow( parent ) { Settings settings; #if 1 settings.startDateTime = QDateTime( QDate( 2012, 10, 27 ), QTime( 18, 5, 0, 0 ) ); settings.endDateTime = QDateTime( QDate( 2012, 10, 28 ), QTime( 12, 12, 0, 0 ) ); #else settings.startDateTime = QDateTime( QDate( 2011, 5, 3 ), QTime( 0, 6, 0, 0 ) ); settings.endDateTime = QDateTime( QDate( 2012, 3, 10 ), QTime( 0, 5, 0, 0 ) ); #endif settings.maxMajorSteps = 10; settings.maxMinorSteps = 8; settings.maxWeeks = -1; d_plot = new Plot(); d_panel = new Panel(); d_panel->setSettings( settings ); QWidget *box = new QWidget( this ); QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout( box ); layout->addWidget( d_plot, 10 ); layout->addWidget( d_panel ); setCentralWidget( box ); updatePlot(); connect( d_panel, SIGNAL( edited() ), SLOT( updatePlot() ) ); connect( d_plot->axisWidget( QwtAxis::yLeft ), SIGNAL( scaleDivChanged() ), SLOT( updatePanel() ) ); }
void SM_DriveEngine::init(void) { reset(); if(SM_SettingsManager().isAnyAccount()) { updatePanel(LEFT_PANEL_VALUE, true); } }
void EditQualificationsView::on_listWidget_clicked(const QModelIndex &index) {>setQualificationRating(ui->qualificationButtonGroup->checkedId());>setExpectationRating(ui->expectationButtonGroup->checkedId()); int i = index.row(); updatePanel(i); }
void SM_DriveEngine::slotAccountChanged(int panelNum, const QString &accountName) { SM_SettingsManager settingsManager; if(settingsManager.currentAccount(panelNum) != accountName) { settingsManager.setCurrentAccount(panelNum, accountName); updatePanel(panelNum, false); } }
void TabHandler::prev() { if (m_uiCurPanel == 0) { if (m_pParent->getTabHandler()) { m_pParent->getTabHandler()->last(); } else if (m_vPanelList.size() > 1) { m_uiCurPanel = m_vPanelList.size()-1; updatePanel(); } } else { m_uiCurPanel--; updatePanel(); } }
void TabHandler::next() { if (m_vPanelList.size()-1 == m_uiCurPanel) { m_vPanelList[m_uiCurPanel]->getTabHandler()->first(); } else { m_uiCurPanel++; updatePanel(); } }
void CBDS::onDrawPanel() { QVariantMap m; QList<Viewer *> viewers = m_viewers.viewers(); for (auto i = viewers.constBegin(); i != viewers.constEnd(); i++) m.insert((*i)->getName(), getViewerPanel((*i))); if (m_lastdraw == m) m_cbo->warning("cb.drawPanel(): Called without any data changed. You just sent a completely useless command to 150000 viewers. And no, please don't ask me why CB isn't filtering it (last time i checked)."); else { m_lastdraw = m; emit updatePanel(m); } }
void SM_DriveEngine::slotFirstPanelIsLoaded(void) { updatePanel(RIGHT_PANEL_VALUE, false); }
void TabHandler::last() { m_uiCurPanel = m_vPanelList.size()-1; updatePanel(); }
void TabHandler::first() { m_uiCurPanel = 0; updatePanel(); }
void ContentPanel::setIsSplit(bool value) { _IsSplit = value; updatePanel(); }