/** * Dodaje nowy wykres do kontrolki. * * Sprawdza, ile jest aktualnie wyświetlonych wykresów. Jeśli więcej niż 0, * chowa kartę początkową. * * @param plot wskaźnik do wykresu * @param tabLabel tytuł zakładki na pasku */ void ChartsWidget::addPlot(QwtPlot* plot, QString tabLabel) { int index = ui->tabCharts->addTab(plot, tabLabel); plot->replot(); ui->tabCharts->setCurrentIndex(index); emit chartAdded(index); chartsCount++; updateUi(); if (chartsCount > 0) ui->tabCharts->removeTab(ui->tabCharts->indexOf(ui->tabInitial)); }
void QgsEffectStackPropertiesWidget::addEffect() { QgsPaintEffect* newEffect = new QgsDrawSourceEffect(); mStack->insertEffect( 0, newEffect ); EffectItem *newEffectItem = new EffectItem( newEffect, this ); mModel->invisibleRootItem()->insertRow( mStack->count() - 1, newEffectItem ); mEffectsList->setCurrentIndex( mModel->indexFromItem( newEffectItem ) ); updateUi(); updatePreview(); }
QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidget::QgsRasterPyramidsOptionsWidget( QWidget* parent, const QString& provider ) : QWidget( parent ) , mProvider( provider ) { setupUi( this ); mSaveOptionsWidget->setProvider( provider ); mSaveOptionsWidget->setPyramidsFormat( QgsRaster::PyramidsGTiff ); mSaveOptionsWidget->setType( QgsRasterFormatSaveOptionsWidget::ProfileLineEdit ); updateUi(); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), stopped(true) { createWidgets(); createLayout(); createConnections(); AQP::accelerateWidget(this); updateUi(); directoryEdit->setFocus(); setWindowTitle(QApplication::applicationName()); }
bool WidgetRenderer::receiveFrame(const VideoFrame &frame) { preparePixmap(frame); updateUi(); /* * workaround for the widget not updated if has parent. don't know why it works and why update() can't * Thanks to Vito Covito and Carlo Scarpato * Now it's fixed by posting a QUpdateLaterEvent */ Q_EMIT imageReady(); return true; }
QgsEffectStackPropertiesWidget::QgsEffectStackPropertiesWidget( QgsEffectStack *stack, QWidget *parent ) : QgsPanelWidget( parent ) , mStack( stack ) , mPreviewPicture( nullptr ) { // TODO #ifdef Q_OS_MAC //setWindowModality( Qt::WindowModal ); #endif mPresentWidget = nullptr; setupUi( this ); mAddButton->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyAdd.svg" ) ) ); mRemoveButton->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "symbologyRemove.svg" ) ) ); mUpButton->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "mActionArrowUp.svg" ) ) ); mDownButton->setIcon( QIcon( QgsApplication::iconPath( "mActionArrowDown.svg" ) ) ); mModel = new QStandardItemModel(); // Set the effect mEffectsList->setModel( mModel ); QItemSelectionModel* selModel = mEffectsList->selectionModel(); connect( selModel, SIGNAL( currentChanged( const QModelIndex&, const QModelIndex& ) ), this, SLOT( effectChanged() ) ); loadStack( stack ); updatePreview(); connect( mUpButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveEffectUp() ) ); connect( mDownButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( moveEffectDown() ) ); connect( mAddButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( addEffect() ) ); connect( mRemoveButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( removeEffect() ) ); updateUi(); // set first selected effect as active item in the tree int initialRow = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < stack->count(); ++i ) { // list shows effects in opposite order to stack if ( stack->effect( stack->count() - i - 1 )->enabled() ) { initialRow = i; break; } } QModelIndex newIndex = mEffectsList->model()->index( initialRow, 0 ); mEffectsList->setCurrentIndex( newIndex ); setPanelTitle( tr( "Effects Properties" ) ); }
void ItemEncryptedLoader::terminateGpgProcess() { if (m_gpgProcess == nullptr) return; QProcess *p = m_gpgProcess; m_gpgProcess = nullptr; p->terminate(); p->waitForFinished(); p->deleteLater(); m_gpgProcessStatus = GpgNotRunning; updateUi(); }
void QgsMeasureDialog::restorePosition() { QgsSettings settings; restoreGeometry( settings.value( QStringLiteral( "Windows/Measure/geometry" ) ).toByteArray() ); int wh; if ( mMeasureArea ) wh = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "Windows/Measure/hNoTable" ), 70 ).toInt(); else wh = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "Windows/Measure/h" ), 200 ).toInt(); resize( width(), wh ); updateUi(); }
void QgsProcessingModelerParameterWidget::setWidgetValue( const QgsProcessingModelChildParameterSource &value ) { // we make a copy of all attributes and store locally, so that users can flick between // sources without losing their current value mStaticValue = value.staticValue(); mModelInputParameterName = value.parameterName(); mOutputChildId = value.outputChildId(); mOutputName = value.outputName(); mExpression = value.expression(); updateUi(); setSourceType( value.source() ); }
void QgsSymbolV2PropertiesDialog::addLayer() { QgsSymbolLayerV2* newLayer = QgsSymbolLayerV2Registry::instance()->defaultSymbolLayer( mSymbol->type() ); mSymbol->appendSymbolLayer( newLayer ); loadSymbol(); QModelIndex newIndex = listLayers->model()->index( 0, 0 ); listLayers->setCurrentIndex( newIndex ); updateUi(); }
void ZFramework3D::slot_compute_isoline() { ZMeshSpace::ZMeshAlgorithms* handler = ZDataManager::getDataManager()->getAlgorithmHandler(); const ZMeshSpace::ZEigenData& eigenData = handler->getEigenData(); double value = eigenData.minVal + (eigenData.maxVal-eigenData.minVal)*ui.hSliderValue->sliderPosition()/1000; QString str("Value: "); str += QString::number(value); ui.labelValue->setText(str); handler->clearIsoLineData(); handler->computeIsoLines(handler->getCurrentEigenIdx(), value); handler->computeProjectionPlanes(); updateUi(); updateViews(); }
SubscribeToolButton::SubscribeToolButton(QWidget *parent) : QToolButton(parent) { mSubscribed = false; mMenu = NULL ; setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); #ifdef USE_MENUBUTTONPOPUP connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(subscribePrivate())); #endif updateUi(); }
void QgsMeasureDialog::restart() { mTool->restart(); // Set one cell row where to update current distance // If measuring area, the table doesn't get shown mTable->clear(); QTreeWidgetItem* item = new QTreeWidgetItem( QStringList( QString::number( 0, 'f', 1 ) ) ); item->setTextAlignment( 0, Qt::AlignRight ); mTable->addTopLevelItem( item ); mTotal = 0.; updateUi(); }
WiredPage::WiredPage(const QModelIndex &technology, ConnMan *manager, QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent), m_technology(technology), m_manager(manager), m_service(NULL) { ui.setupUi(this); m_wiredTechnology = static_cast<ManagerNode*>(technology.internalPointer())->object<Technology *>(); ui.icon->setPixmap(QIcon::fromTheme("network-wired").pixmap(QSize(48, 48))); ui.enabled->setChecked(m_wiredTechnology->isPowered()); connect(manager, SIGNAL(servicesChanged()), SLOT(configureService())); connect(m_wiredTechnology, SIGNAL(dataChanged()), SLOT(updateUi())); connect(m_wiredTechnology, SIGNAL(poweredChanged(bool)), ui.enabled, SLOT(setChecked(bool))); connect(ui.enabled, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(toggleTechnology(bool))); ui.ipv4Widget->hide(); configureService(); updateUi(); }
void BlackBerryNDKSettingsWidget::deactivateApiLevel() { if (!m_ui->ndksTreeWidget->currentItem()) return; BlackBerryApiLevelConfiguration *config = static_cast<BlackBerryApiLevelConfiguration*>( m_ui->ndksTreeWidget->currentItem()->data(0, Qt::UserRole).value<void*>()); if (m_activatedApiLevel.contains(config)) { m_deactivatedApiLevel << config; m_activatedApiLevel.removeAt(m_activatedApiLevel.indexOf(config)); updateUi(m_ui->ndksTreeWidget->currentItem()); emit configurationsUpdated(); } }
void MainWindow::selectionChanged() { if (form->selectedItems().count()) { ui->propertyWidget->setWidget(itemWidget); itemWidget->update(form->selected()); } else { ui->propertyWidget->setWidget(formWidget); formWidget->update(form); } updateUi(); }
void QgsSymbolSelectorWidget::addLayer() { QModelIndex idx = layersTree->currentIndex(); if ( !idx.isValid() ) return; int insertIdx = -1; SymbolLayerItem *item = static_cast<SymbolLayerItem *>( model->itemFromIndex( idx ) ); if ( item->isLayer() ) { insertIdx = item->row(); item = static_cast<SymbolLayerItem *>( item->parent() ); } QgsSymbol *parentSymbol = item->symbol(); // save data-defined values at marker level QgsProperty ddSize( parentSymbol->type() == QgsSymbol::Marker ? static_cast<QgsMarkerSymbol *>( parentSymbol )->dataDefinedSize() : QgsProperty() ); QgsProperty ddAngle( parentSymbol->type() == QgsSymbol::Marker ? static_cast<QgsMarkerSymbol *>( parentSymbol )->dataDefinedAngle() : QgsProperty() ); QgsProperty ddWidth( parentSymbol->type() == QgsSymbol::Line ? static_cast<QgsLineSymbol *>( parentSymbol )->dataDefinedWidth() : QgsProperty() ); QgsSymbolLayer *newLayer = QgsApplication::symbolLayerRegistry()->defaultSymbolLayer( parentSymbol->type() ); if ( insertIdx == -1 ) parentSymbol->appendSymbolLayer( newLayer ); else parentSymbol->insertSymbolLayer( item->rowCount() - insertIdx, newLayer ); // restore data-defined values at marker level if ( ddSize ) static_cast<QgsMarkerSymbol *>( parentSymbol )->setDataDefinedSize( ddSize ); if ( ddAngle ) static_cast<QgsMarkerSymbol *>( parentSymbol )->setDataDefinedAngle( ddAngle ); if ( ddWidth ) static_cast<QgsLineSymbol *>( parentSymbol )->setDataDefinedWidth( ddWidth ); SymbolLayerItem *newLayerItem = new SymbolLayerItem( newLayer ); item->insertRow( insertIdx == -1 ? 0 : insertIdx, newLayerItem ); item->updatePreview(); layersTree->setCurrentIndex( model->indexFromItem( newLayerItem ) ); updateUi(); updatePreview(); }
void QgsRelationEditorWidget::setRelations( const QgsRelation& relation, const QgsRelation& nmrelation ) { if ( mRelation.isValid() ) { disconnect( mRelation.referencingLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStarted() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); disconnect( mRelation.referencingLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStopped() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); } if ( mNmRelation.isValid() ) { disconnect( mNmRelation.referencedLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStarted() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); disconnect( mNmRelation.referencedLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStopped() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); } mRelation = relation; mNmRelation = nmrelation; if ( !mRelation.isValid() ) return; connect( mRelation.referencingLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStarted() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); connect( mRelation.referencingLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStopped() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); if ( mNmRelation.isValid() ) { connect( mNmRelation.referencingLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStarted() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); connect( mNmRelation.referencingLayer(), SIGNAL( editingStopped() ), this, SLOT( updateButtons() ) ); } setTitle( relation.name() ); QgsVectorLayer* lyr = relation.referencingLayer(); bool canChangeAttributes = lyr->dataProvider()->capabilities() & QgsVectorDataProvider::ChangeAttributeValues; if ( canChangeAttributes && !lyr->isReadOnly() ) { mToggleEditingButton->setEnabled( true ); updateButtons(); } else { mToggleEditingButton->setEnabled( false ); } setObjectName( mRelation.name() ); loadState(); updateUi(); }
//end //start id="keyevent" void KeySequenceLabel::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* evt) { bool doNothing = false; if (evt->key() == 0) doNothing = true; if (m_keys.size() > 3) doNothing = true; if (doNothing) { QMainWindow::keyPressEvent(evt); /* QWidget's base class handler responds to ESC for pop-up windows. */ return; } QPair<int, int> pair = QPair<int, int>(evt->modifiers(), evt->key()); m_keys << pair; evt->accept(); updateUi(); }
void VanityGenPage::lockWallet(){ if(this->walletModel->getEncryptionStatus() == 2){ gui->externCommand((const QString) QString("walletlock")); buttonUnlockState = !buttonUnlockState; ui->checkBoxAutoImport->setChecked(false); updateUi(); } else{ AskPassphraseDialog dlg(AskPassphraseDialog::Encrypt, this); dlg.setModel(walletModel); dlg.exec(); gui->setEncryptionStatus(walletModel->getEncryptionStatus()); } }
void QgsEffectStackPropertiesWidget::effectChanged() { updateUi(); EffectItem* currentItem = currentEffectItem(); if ( !currentItem ) return; QWidget *effectPropertiesWidget = new QgsPaintEffectPropertiesWidget( currentItem->effect() ); setWidget( effectPropertiesWidget ); connect( effectPropertiesWidget, SIGNAL( changeEffect( QgsPaintEffect* ) ), this, SLOT( changeEffect( QgsPaintEffect* ) ) ); connect( effectPropertiesWidget, SIGNAL( changed() ), this, SLOT( updatePreview() ) ); }
TextItemDialog::TextItemDialog(TextItem *item_, const QPoint &position_, QGraphicsScene *scene_, QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent), item(item_), position(position_), scene(scene_) { createWidgets(); createLayout(); createConnections(); AQP::accelerateWidget(this); setWindowTitle(tr("%1 - %2 Text Item") .arg(QApplication::applicationName()) .arg(item ? tr("Edit") : tr("Add"))); updateUi(); }
void QgsSymbolV2PropertiesDialog::removeLayer() { int idx = currentLayerIndex(); if ( idx < 0 ) return; int row = currentRowIndex(); mSymbol->deleteSymbolLayer( idx ); loadSymbol(); updateUi(); // set previous layer as active QModelIndex newIndex = listLayers->model()->index( qMin( row, mSymbol->symbolLayerCount() - 1 ), 0 ); listLayers->setCurrentIndex( newIndex ); }
void MainWindow::createConnections() { connect(fileNewAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileNew())); connect(fileOpenAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileOpen())); connect(fileSaveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileSave())); connect(fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileSaveAs())); connect(fileExportAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileExport())); connect(filePrintAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(filePrint())); connect(fileQuitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(editSelectedItemAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editSelectedItem())); connect(editAddTextAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editAddItem())); connect(editAddBoxAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editAddItem())); connect(editAddSmileyAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editAddItem())); connect(editCopyAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editCopy())); connect(editCutAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editCut())); connect(editPasteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editPaste())); connect(QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL(dataChanged()), this, SLOT(updateUi())); foreach (QAction *action, QList<QAction*>() << editAlignmentAction << editAlignLeftAction << editAlignRightAction << editAlignTopAction << editAlignBottomAction) connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editAlign())); connect(editClearTransformsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editClearTransforms())); connect(scene, SIGNAL(selectionChanged()), this, SLOT(selectionChanged())); connect(viewShowGridAction, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(viewShowGrid(bool))); connect(viewZoomInAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), view, SLOT(zoomIn())); connect(viewZoomOutAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), view, SLOT(zoomOut())); }
/** * Zamyka kartę o podanym indeksie. * * Jeśli liczba wykresów spadła do zera, przywraca kartę początkową. * * @param index indeks karty */ void ChartsWidget::closeChart(int index) { QWidget* tab = ui->tabCharts->widget(index); // cannot close the initial page if (tab == ui->tabInitial) return; ui->tabCharts->removeTab(index); delete tab; emit chartRemoved(index); chartsCount--; updateUi(); if (chartsCount <= 0) ui->tabCharts->addTab(ui->tabInitial, tr("No charts")); }
void QgsMeasureDialog::crsChanged() { if ( !mTool->canvas()->mapSettings().destinationCrs().isValid() ) { mUnitsCombo->setEnabled( false ); if ( mMeasureArea ) mUnitsCombo->setCurrentIndex( mUnitsCombo->findData( QgsUnitTypes::DistanceUnknownUnit ) ); else mUnitsCombo->setCurrentIndex( mUnitsCombo->findData( QgsUnitTypes::AreaUnknownUnit ) ); } else { mUnitsCombo->setEnabled( true ); } updateUi(); }
void QgsSymbolV2PropertiesDialog::moveLayerByOffset( int offset ) { int rowIdx = currentRowIndex(); int layerIdx = currentLayerIndex(); // switch layers QgsSymbolLayerV2* tmpLayer = mSymbol->takeSymbolLayer( layerIdx ); mSymbol->insertSymbolLayer( layerIdx - offset, tmpLayer ); loadSymbol(); QModelIndex newIndex = listLayers->model()->index( rowIdx + offset, 0 ); listLayers->setCurrentIndex( newIndex ); updateUi(); }
void MinesRankingWidget::addNewRanking(const QString& playerName, const int& time, const int& nRows, const int& nCols, const int& nMines) { MinesRankingItem item; item.player = playerName; item.time = time; item.nRows = nRows; item.nCols = nCols; item.mines = nMines; item.computeScore(); ranking.addRankingItem(item); updateUi(); }
void QgsMeasureDialog::updateSettings() { QgsSettings settings; mDecimalPlaces = settings.value( QStringLiteral( "qgis/measure/decimalplaces" ), "3" ).toInt(); mCanvasUnits = mTool->canvas()->mapUnits(); // Configure QgsDistanceArea mDistanceUnits = QgsProject::instance()->distanceUnits(); mAreaUnits = QgsProject::instance()->areaUnits(); mDa.setSourceCrs( mTool->canvas()->mapSettings().destinationCrs() ); mDa.setEllipsoid( QgsProject::instance()->ellipsoid() ); mTable->clear(); mTotal = 0; updateUi(); }
void QgsSymbolV2PropertiesDialog::layerChanged() { updateUi(); // get layer info QgsSymbolLayerV2* layer = currentLayer(); if ( layer == NULL ) return; // update layer type combo box int idx = cboLayerType->findData( layer->layerType() ); cboLayerType->setCurrentIndex( idx ); updateSymbolLayerWidget( layer ); updateLockButton(); }