void leaveCB(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer calld) { double *datap; String **cells; char buf[128]; EditPoints *ep = (EditPoints *) client_data; XbaeMatrixLeaveCellCallbackStruct *cs = (XbaeMatrixLeaveCellCallbackStruct *) calld; XtVaGetValues(w, XmNcells, &cells, NULL); datap = getcol(ep->gno, ep->setno, cs->column); sprintf(buf, scformat[(ep->cformat[cs->column])], ep->cprec[cs->column], datap[cs->row]); if (strcmp(buf, cs->value) != 0) { String s = (String) XtMalloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(buf) + 1)); strcpy(s, buf); cells[cs->row][cs->column] = s; datap[cs->row] = atof(cs->value); updatesetminmax(ep->gno, ep->setno); update_set_status(ep->gno, ep->setno); drawgraph(); } }
static void eblock_accept_notify_proc(Widget, XtPointer, XtPointer) { int i = 0; char buf[256]; int setno, graphno; int cx, cy, c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, c4 = 0; //d1, double *tx, *ty, *t2, *t3, *t4, *t5; //d1 = (int) GetChoice(eblock_type_choice_item); cx = (int)GetChoice(eblock_x_choice_item) - 1; cy = (int)GetChoice(eblock_y_choice_item); if (cx >= 0 && cx >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for X exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } if (cy >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for Y exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } switch (block_curtype) { case XY: break; case XYRT: case XYDX: case XYDY: case XYZ: c1 = (int)GetChoice(eblock_e1_choice_item); if (c1 >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for E1 exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } break; case XYDXDX: case XYDYDY: case XYDXDY: c1 = (int)GetChoice(eblock_e1_choice_item); c2 = (int)GetChoice(eblock_e2_choice_item); if (c1 >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for E1 exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } if (c2 >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for E2 exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } break; case XYHILO: case XYBOX: c1 = (int)GetChoice(eblock_e1_choice_item); c2 = (int)GetChoice(eblock_e2_choice_item); c3 = (int)GetChoice(eblock_e3_choice_item); if (c1 >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for E1 exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } if (c2 >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for E2 exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } if (c3 >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for E3 exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } break; case XYBOXPLOT: c1 = (int)GetChoice(eblock_e1_choice_item); c2 = (int)GetChoice(eblock_e2_choice_item); c3 = (int)GetChoice(eblock_e3_choice_item); c4 = (int)GetChoice(eblock_e4_choice_item); if (c1 >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for E1 exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } if (c2 >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for E2 exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } if (c3 >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for E3 exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } if (c4 >= blockncols) { errwin("Column for E4 exceeds the number of columns in block data"); return; } } setno = -1; graphno = (int)GetChoice(eblock_graph_choice_item) - 1; if (graphno == -1) { graphno = cg; } if (setno == -1) { setno = nextset(graphno); } if (setno == -1) { return; } if (g[graphno].active == OFF) { set_graph_active(graphno); } activateset(graphno, setno); settype(graphno, setno, block_curtype); tx = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); if (tx == NULL) { errwin("Can't allocate memory for X"); return; } ty = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); if (ty == NULL) { cfree(tx); errwin("Can't allocate memory for Y"); return; } for (i = 0; i < blocklen; i++) { if (cx == -1) { tx[i] = i + 1; } else { tx[i] = blockdata[cx][i]; } ty[i] = blockdata[cy][i]; } setcol(graphno, tx, setno, blocklen, 0); setcol(graphno, ty, setno, blocklen, 1); switch (block_curtype) { case XY: sprintf(buf, "Cols %d %d", cx + 1, cy + 1); break; case XYRT: case XYDX: case XYDY: case XYZ: sprintf(buf, "Cols %d %d %d", cx + 1, cy + 1, c1 + 1); t2 = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < blocklen; i++) { t2[i] = blockdata[c1][i]; } setcol(graphno, t2, setno, blocklen, 2); break; case XYDXDX: case XYDYDY: case XYDXDY: sprintf(buf, "Cols %d %d %d %d", cx + 1, cy + 1, c1 + 1, c2 + 1); t2 = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); t3 = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < blocklen; i++) { t2[i] = blockdata[c1][i]; t3[i] = blockdata[c2][i]; } setcol(graphno, t2, setno, blocklen, 2); setcol(graphno, t3, setno, blocklen, 3); break; case XYHILO: case XYBOX: sprintf(buf, "Cols %d %d %d %d %d", cx + 1, cy + 1, c1 + 1, c2 + 1, c3 + 1); t2 = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); t3 = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); t4 = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < blocklen; i++) { t2[i] = blockdata[c1][i]; t3[i] = blockdata[c2][i]; t4[i] = blockdata[c3][i]; } setcol(graphno, t2, setno, blocklen, 2); setcol(graphno, t3, setno, blocklen, 3); setcol(graphno, t4, setno, blocklen, 4); break; case XYBOXPLOT: sprintf(buf, "Cols %d %d %d %d %d %d", cx + 1, cy + 1, c1 + 1, c2 + 1, c3 + 1, c4 + 1); t2 = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); t3 = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); t4 = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); t5 = (double *)calloc(blocklen, sizeof(double)); for (i = 0; i < blocklen; i++) { t2[i] = blockdata[c1][i]; t3[i] = blockdata[c2][i]; t4[i] = blockdata[c3][i]; t5[i] = blockdata[c4][i]; } setcol(graphno, t2, setno, blocklen, 2); setcol(graphno, t3, setno, blocklen, 3); setcol(graphno, t4, setno, blocklen, 4); setcol(graphno, t5, setno, blocklen, 5); break; } setcomment(graphno, setno, buf); updatesetminmax(graphno, setno); update_status_popup(NULL, NULL, NULL); drawgraph(); }
void flipxy(int gno) { int i, j; tickmarks t; double *x, *y; for (i = 0; i < MAXAXES; i += 2) { memcpy(&t, &g[gno].t[i], sizeof(tickmarks)); memcpy(&g[gno].t[i], &g[gno].t[i + 1], sizeof(tickmarks)); memcpy(&g[gno].t[i + 1], &t, sizeof(tickmarks)); if (g[gno].t[i].t_op == RIGHT) { g[gno].t[i].t_op = TOP; } else if (g[gno].t[i].t_op == LEFT) { g[gno].t[i].t_op = BOTTOM; } if (g[gno].t[i].tl_op == RIGHT) { g[gno].t[i].tl_op = TOP; } else if (g[gno].t[i].tl_op == LEFT) { g[gno].t[i].tl_op = BOTTOM; } if (g[gno].t[i + 1].t_op == TOP) { g[gno].t[i + 1].t_op = RIGHT; } else if (g[gno].t[i + 1].t_op == BOTTOM) { g[gno].t[i + 1].t_op = LEFT; } if (g[gno].t[i + 1].tl_op == TOP) { g[gno].t[i + 1].tl_op = RIGHT; } else if (g[gno].t[i + 1].tl_op == BOTTOM) { g[gno].t[i + 1].tl_op = LEFT; } } if (g[gno].type == LOGX) { g[gno].type = LOGY; } else if (g[gno].type == LOGY) { g[gno].type = LOGX; } fswap(&g[gno].w.xg1, &g[gno].w.yg1); fswap(&g[gno].w.xg2, &g[gno].w.yg2); fswap(&g[gno].dsx, &g[gno].dsy); iswap(&g[gno].fx, &g[gno].fy); iswap(&g[gno].px, &g[gno].py); for (i = 0; i < g[gno].maxplot; i++) { if (isactive(gno, i)) { x = getx(gno, i); /* TODO really need to just swap pointers */ y = gety(gno, i); for (j = 0; j < getsetlength(gno, i); j++) { fswap(&x[j], &y[j]); } updatesetminmax(gno, i); } } update_all(gno); }