コード例 #1
TEST( UrlParserTest, ParseIP ) {
	std::string url( "" );
	UrlParser urlParser( url.c_str(), url.size() );

	checkResult( "http", urlParser.getScheme(), urlParser.getSchemeLen() );
	checkResult( "", urlParser.getAuthority(), urlParser.getAuthorityLen() );
	checkResult( "127.0.0", urlParser.getDomain(), urlParser.getDomainLen() );
コード例 #2
TEST( UrlParserTest, ParseUserInfoPort ) {
	std::string url( "http://*****:*****@www.example.com:8080/param1=abc-123" );
	UrlParser urlParser( url.c_str(), url.size() );

	checkResult( "http", urlParser.getScheme(), urlParser.getSchemeLen() );
	checkResult( "username:[email protected]:8080", urlParser.getAuthority(), urlParser.getAuthorityLen() );
	checkResult( "example.com", urlParser.getDomain(), urlParser.getDomainLen() );
コード例 #3
TEST( UrlParserTest, ParsePortSchemeNone ) {
	std::string url( "www.example.com:8080/param1=abc-123" );
	UrlParser urlParser( url.c_str(), url.size() );

	checkResult( NULL, urlParser.getScheme(), urlParser.getSchemeLen() );
	checkResult( "www.example.com:8080", urlParser.getAuthority(), urlParser.getAuthorityLen() );
	checkResult( "example.com", urlParser.getDomain(), urlParser.getDomainLen() );
コード例 #4
TEST( UrlParserTest, ParseSchemeHttps ) {
	std::string url( "https://www.example.com/param1=abc-123" );
	UrlParser urlParser( url.c_str(), url.size() );

	checkResult( "https", urlParser.getScheme(), urlParser.getSchemeLen() );
	checkResult( "www.example.com", urlParser.getAuthority(), urlParser.getAuthorityLen() );
	checkResult( "example.com", urlParser.getDomain(), urlParser.getDomainLen() );
コード例 #5
TEST( UrlParserTest, ParseIDN ) {
	std::string url( "http://www.xn--relgeroskilde-5fb0y.dk/" );
	UrlParser urlParser( url.c_str(), url.size() );

	checkResult( "http", urlParser.getScheme(), urlParser.getSchemeLen() );
	checkResult( "www.xn--relgeroskilde-5fb0y.dk", urlParser.getAuthority(), urlParser.getAuthorityLen() );
	checkResult( "xn--relgeroskilde-5fb0y.dk", urlParser.getDomain(), urlParser.getDomainLen() );
コード例 #6
TEST( UrlParserTest, ParseSLDUnknown ) {
	std::string url( "http://subdomain.example.fuel.aero/param1=abc-123" );
	UrlParser urlParser( url.c_str(), url.size() );

	checkResult( "http", urlParser.getScheme(), urlParser.getSchemeLen() );
	checkResult( "subdomain.example.fuel.aero", urlParser.getAuthority(), urlParser.getAuthorityLen() );
	checkResult( "fuel.aero", urlParser.getDomain(), urlParser.getDomainLen() );
コード例 #7
TEST( UrlParserTest, ParseTLDNone ) {
	std::string url( "http://ok/" );
	UrlParser urlParser( url.c_str(), url.size() );

	checkResult( "http", urlParser.getScheme(), urlParser.getSchemeLen() );
	checkResult( "ok", urlParser.getAuthority(), urlParser.getAuthorityLen() );
	checkResult( NULL, urlParser.getDomain(), urlParser.getDomainLen() );
コード例 #8
TEST( UrlParserTest, ParseSubdomainMultiple ) {
	std::string url( "http://abc.def.ghi.jkl.example.com/param1=abc-123" );
	UrlParser urlParser( url.c_str(), url.size() );

	checkResult( "http", urlParser.getScheme(), urlParser.getSchemeLen() );
	checkResult( "abc.def.ghi.jkl.example.com", urlParser.getAuthority(), urlParser.getAuthorityLen() );
	checkResult( "example.com", urlParser.getDomain(), urlParser.getDomainLen() );

コード例 #9
ファイル: HTTPRequest.cpp プロジェクト: Josok/EasyDarwin
QTSS_Error HTTPRequest::ParseURI(StringParser* parser)

    // read in the complete URL into fRequestAbsURI
    parser->ConsumeUntil(&fAbsoluteURI, sURLStopConditions);
    StringParser urlParser(&fAbsoluteURI);
    // we always should have a slash before the URI
    // If not, that indicates this is a full URI
    if (fAbsoluteURI.Ptr[0] != '/')
            //if it is a full URL, store the scheme and host name
            urlParser.ConsumeLength(&fAbsoluteURIScheme, 7); //consume "http://"
            urlParser.ConsumeUntil(&fHostHeader, '/');
    // whatever is in this position is the relative URI
    StrPtrLen relativeURI(urlParser.GetCurrentPosition(), urlParser.GetDataReceivedLen() - urlParser.GetDataParsedLen());
    // read this URI into fRequestRelURI
    fRelativeURI = relativeURI;
    // Allocate memory for fRequestPath
    UInt32 len = fRelativeURI.Len;
    //char* relativeURIDecoded = NEW char[len];
	char relativeURIDecoded[512] = { 0 };

    SInt32 theBytesWritten = StringTranslator::DecodeURL(fRelativeURI.Ptr, fRelativeURI.Len,
                                                       relativeURIDecoded, len);
    //if negative, an error occurred, reported as an QTSS_Error
    //we also need to leave room for a terminator.
    if ((theBytesWritten < 0) || ((UInt32)theBytesWritten == len))
        fStatusCode = httpBadRequest;
        return QTSS_BadArgument;

	fRequestPath = NULL;
    ////fRequestPath = NEW char[theBytesWritten + 1];
    ////::memcpy(fRequestPath, relativeURIDecoded + 1, theBytesWritten); 
    //////delete relativeURIDecoded;
    ////fRequestPath[theBytesWritten] = '\0';
    return QTSS_NoErr;
コード例 #10
QTSS_Error HTTPRequest::ParseURI(StringParser* parser)
    // read in the complete URL into fRequestAbsURI
    parser->ConsumeUntil(&fAbsoluteURI, sURLStopConditions);
    StringParser urlParser(&fAbsoluteURI);
    // we always should have a slash before the URI
    // If not, that indicates this is a full URI
    if (fAbsoluteURI.Ptr[0] != '/')
            //if it is a full URL, store the scheme and host name
            urlParser.ConsumeLength(&fAbsoluteURIScheme, 7); //consume "http://"
            urlParser.ConsumeUntil(&fHostHeader, '/');

    StrPtrLen queryString;
    //this->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqQueryString, queryString.Ptr, queryString.Len);
    if ( parser->GetDataRemaining() > 0 )
        if ( parser->PeekFast() == '?' )
            // we've got some CGI param
            parser->ConsumeLength(&queryString, 1); // toss '?'
            // consume the rest of the line..
				if (fQueryString != NULL)
					delete [] fQueryString;
					fQueryString = NULL;

				fQueryString = NEW char[queryString.Len + 1];
				::memcpy(fQueryString, queryString.Ptr, queryString.Len); 
				fQueryString[queryString.Len] = '\0';
				//this->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqQueryString, queryString.Ptr, queryString.Len);
コード例 #11
ファイル: RTSPRequest.cpp プロジェクト: 12307/EasyDarwin
//returns: SyntaxError if there was an error in the uri. Or InternalServerError
QTSS_Error RTSPRequest::ParseURI(StringParser &parser)
    //read in the complete URL, set it to be the qtssAbsoluteURLParam
    StrPtrLen theAbsURL;

    //  RTSPRequestInterface::sPathURLStopConditions stop on ? as well as sURLStopConditions
    parser.ConsumeUntil(&theAbsURL, sURLStopConditions );

    // set qtssRTSPReqAbsoluteURL to the URL throught the path component; will be : <protocol>://<host-addr>/<path>
    this->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqAbsoluteURL, &theAbsURL);
    StringParser urlParser(&theAbsURL);
    //we always should have a slash before the uri.
    //If not, that indicates this is a full URI. Also, this could be a '*' OPTIONS request
    if ((*theAbsURL.Ptr != '/') && (*theAbsURL.Ptr != '*'))
        //if it is a full URL, store the host name off in a separate parameter
        StrPtrLen theRTSPString;
        urlParser.ConsumeLength(&theRTSPString, 7); //consume "rtsp://"
        //assign the host field here to the proper QTSS param
        StrPtrLen theHost;
        urlParser.ConsumeUntil(&theHost, '/');
        fHeaderDictionary.SetVal(qtssHostHeader, &theHost);
    // don't allow non-aggregate operations indicated by a url/media track=id
// might need this for rate adapt   if (qtssSetupMethod != fMethod && qtssOptionsMethod != fMethod && qtssSetParameterMethod != fMethod) // any method not a setup, options, or setparameter is not allowed to have a "/trackID=" in the url.
    if (qtssSetupMethod != fMethod) // any method not a setup is not allowed to have a "/trackID=" in the url.
        StrPtrLenDel tempCStr(theAbsURL.GetAsCString()); 
        StrPtrLen nonaggregate(tempCStr.FindString("/trackID="));
        if (nonaggregate.Len > 0) // check for non-aggregate method and return error
            return QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(this, qtssClientAggregateOptionAllowed, qtssMsgBadRTSPMethod, &theAbsURL);

    // don't allow non-aggregate operations like a setup on a playing session
    if (qtssSetupMethod == fMethod) // if it is a setup but we are playing don't allow it
        RTSPSession*  theSession =  (RTSPSession*)this->GetSession();
        if (theSession != NULL && theSession->IsPlaying())
            return QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(this, qtssClientAggregateOptionAllowed, qtssMsgBadRTSPMethod, &theAbsURL);

    // In case there is no URI at all... we have to fake it.
    static char* sSlashURI = "/";
    //whatever is in this position in the URL must be the URI. Store that
    //in the qtssURLParam. Confused?
    UInt32 uriLen = urlParser.GetDataReceivedLen() - urlParser.GetDataParsedLen();
    if (uriLen > 0)
        this->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqURI, urlParser.GetCurrentPosition(), urlParser.GetDataReceivedLen() - urlParser.GetDataParsedLen());
        // This might happen if there is nothing after the host at all, not even
        // a '/'. This is legal (RFC 2326, Sec 3.2). If so, just pretend that there
        // is a '/'
        this->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqURI, sSlashURI, 1);

    // parse the query string from the url if present.
    // init qtssRTSPReqQueryString dictionary to an empty string
    StrPtrLen queryString;
    this->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqQueryString, queryString.Ptr, queryString.Len);
    if ( parser.GetDataRemaining() > 0 )
        if ( parser.PeekFast() == '?' )
            // we've got some CGI param
            parser.ConsumeLength(&queryString, 1); // toss '?'
            // consume the rest of the line..
            this->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqQueryString, queryString.Ptr, queryString.Len);
    // If the is a '*', return right now because '*' is not a path
    // so the below functions don't make any sense.
    if ((*theAbsURL.Ptr == '*') && (theAbsURL.Len == 1))
		this->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqFilePath, 0, theAbsURL.Ptr, theAbsURL.Len, QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);
        return QTSS_NoErr;
    //path strings are statically allocated. Therefore, if they are longer than
    //this length we won't be able to handle the request.
    StrPtrLen* theURLParam = this->GetValue(qtssRTSPReqURI);
    if (theURLParam->Len > RTSPRequestInterface::kMaxFilePathSizeInBytes)
        return QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(this, qtssClientBadRequest, qtssMsgURLTooLong, theURLParam);

    //decode the URL, put the result in the separate buffer for the file path,
    //set the file path StrPtrLen to the proper value
    SInt32 theBytesWritten = StringTranslator::DecodeURL(theURLParam->Ptr, theURLParam->Len,
                                                fFilePath, RTSPRequestInterface::kMaxFilePathSizeInBytes);
    //if negative, an error occurred, reported as an QTSS_Error
    //we also need to leave room for a terminator.
    if ((theBytesWritten < 0) || (theBytesWritten == RTSPRequestInterface::kMaxFilePathSizeInBytes))
        return QTSSModuleUtils::SendErrorResponse(this, qtssClientBadRequest, qtssMsgURLInBadFormat, theURLParam);

    // Convert from a / delimited path to a local file system path
    StringTranslator::DecodePath(fFilePath, theBytesWritten);
    //setup the proper QTSS param
    fFilePath[theBytesWritten] = '\0';
    //this->SetVal(qtssRTSPReqFilePath, fFilePath, theBytesWritten);
	this->SetValue(qtssRTSPReqFilePath, 0, fFilePath, theBytesWritten, QTSSDictionary::kDontObeyReadOnly);

    return QTSS_NoErr;