コード例 #1
ファイル: url.c プロジェクト: AVSystem/avs_commons
avs_url_t *avs_url_parse(const char *raw_url) {
    // In data, we store all the components from raw_url;
    // The input url, in its fullest possible form, looks like this:
    //     proto://user:password@hostname:port/path\0
    // The output data will look like this:
    //     proto\0user\0password\0hostname\0port\0/path\0
    // A copy of the original string would require strlen(raw_url)+1 bytes.
    // Then:
    // - we replace "://" with a single nullbyte                :  -2 bytes
    // - we replace ":" before password with nullbyte           : +-0 bytes
    // - we replace "@" before hostname with nullbyte           : +-0 bytes
    // - we replace ":" before port with nullbyte               : +-0 bytes
    // - we add a nullbyte before path's "/"                    :  +1 byte
    // - we add a "/" in path if it's empty or query string only:  +1 byte
    //                                                          -----------
    // TOTAL DIFFERENCE IN REQUIRED SIZE:                           0 bytes
    // Thus, we know that we need out->data to be strlen(raw_url)+1 bytes long.
    size_t data_length = strlen(raw_url) + 1;
    avs_url_t *out =
            (avs_url_t *) avs_calloc(1, offsetof(avs_url_t, data) + data_length);
    if (!out) {
        LOG(ERROR, "out of memory");
        return NULL;
    size_t data_out_ptr = 0;
    if (url_parse_protocol(&raw_url, &data_out_ptr, data_length, out)
            || url_parse_credentials(&raw_url,
                                     &data_out_ptr, data_length, out)
            || url_parse_host(&raw_url, &data_out_ptr, data_length, out)
            || url_parse_port(&raw_url, &data_out_ptr, data_length, out)
            || url_parse_path(&raw_url, &data_out_ptr, data_length, out)
            || url_parsed(raw_url)) {
        return NULL;
    return out;
コード例 #2
ファイル: esp_http.c プロジェクト: cristidbr/aircore
 * Parses first line of request
uint8_t* ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR http_request_parse_method_line( http_request_object_type* request, uint8_t* data )
    uint8_t* w, v, *end, ev;
    char hpost[ 5 ] = "POST", hget[ 4 ] = "GET";

    ev = *( end = get_line_ending( data ));
    ( *end ) = '\0';
    request->method = HTTP_METHOD_NONE;
    data = skip_whitespace( data );
    v = *( w = skip_to_whitespace( data ) );
    ( *w ) = '\0';
    if( strcmp( hget, ( char* ) data ) == 0 ) request->method = HTTP_METHOD_GET;
    if( strcmp( hpost, ( char* ) data ) == 0 ) request->method = HTTP_METHOD_POST;
    ( *w ) = v;

    data = skip_whitespace( w );
    v = *( w = skip_to_whitespace( data ) );
    ( *w ) = '\0';
    url_parse_path( request->location, data );
    ( *w ) = v;
    ( *end ) = ev;
    return skip_line_ending( end );