コード例 #1
ファイル: AJAXChat.cpp プロジェクト: Maluen/botanna
/** Get a message node element, extrapolate its type (public msg, private msg, channelEnter, etc.) and emit
    the specific signal */
void AJAXChat::emitChatData(const QDomElement &message)
    QString messageText = message.firstChildElement("text").text();
    // decode html entities from the message text and simplify it
    QTextEdit t;
    messageText = t.toPlainText().simplified();

    if (messageText.startsWith("/")) {
        QStringList messageParts = messageText.split(" ");
        if (messageText.startsWith("/privmsg")) {
            const int userID = message.attribute("userID").toInt();
            emit newPrivateMessage(messageParts.at(1), getUser(userID).text());
        } else if (messageText.startsWith("/login")) {
            emit userLoggedIn(messageParts.at(1));
        } else if (messageText.startsWith("/logout")) {
            emit userLoggedOut(messageParts.at(1));
            qDebug("Logged out: " + getUser(messageParts.at(1)).text().toUtf8());
        } else if (messageText.startsWith("/channelEnter")) {
            emit userJoinChannel(messageParts.at(1));
        } else if (messageText.startsWith("/channelLeave")) {
            emit userLeaveChannel(messageParts.at(1));
        } else if (messageText.startsWith("/kick")) {
            emit userKicked(messageParts.at(1));
        } else if (messageText.startsWith("/nick")) {
            emit userChangeNick(messageParts.at(1), messageParts.at(2));
    } else {
        const int userID = message.attribute("userID").toInt();
        emit newPublicMessage(messageText, getUser(userID).text());
コード例 #2
ファイル: Botanna.cpp プロジェクト: danieleds/botanna
Botanna::Botanna(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
    // Fetch stuff from memory
    memory = new Memory(this);
    name = memory->name();
    if (name.isEmpty()) {
        // stop
        // TODO
    chatLocation = memory->chatLocation();
    if (chatLocation.isEmpty()) {
        // stop
        // TODO
    chatUsername = memory->chatUsername();
    if (chatUsername.isEmpty()) {
        // stop
        // TODO
    chatPassword = memory->chatPassword();
    if (chatPassword.isEmpty()) {
        // stop
        // TODO
    forumLoginUrl = memory->forumLoginUrl();
    if (forumLoginUrl.isEmpty()) {
        // nothing to do, can be empty

    // setup the chat client
    chat = new AJAXChat(this);
    connect(chat, SIGNAL(newPublicMessage(QString&,QString)), this, SLOT(processPublicMessage(QString&,QString)));
    connect(chat, SIGNAL(userChangeNick(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(updateGDFUser(QString,QString)));
    connect(chat, SIGNAL(userLoggedOut(QString)), this, SLOT(gdfUserLeave(QString)));
    connect(chat, SIGNAL(userKicked(QString)), this, SLOT(gdfUserLeave(QString)));
    connect(chat, SIGNAL(userLeaveChannel(QString)), this, SLOT(gdfUserLeave(QString)));

    // Here we go, Anna puts his hands on the computer

    gdfStarted = false;
    currentGdfUser = 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: mainwindow.cpp プロジェクト: riless/smoky
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :

    setCentralWidget(new QWidget);
    QVBoxLayout* layout = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget() );

    layout->addWidget( ui.header = new Header( this ) );
    connect( &Socket::sock(), SIGNAL(userLoggedIn(QString)), ui.header, SLOT(onUserConnected(QString)) );
    connect( &Socket::sock(), SIGNAL(userLoggedOut()), ui.header, SLOT(onUserDisconnected()) );
    connect( ui.header, SIGNAL(disconnectClicked()), &Socket::sock(), SLOT(logout()) );
    // mettre obligatoirement ici pour corriger un petit bug d'affichage

//    /*temp refresh button*/
//    QPushButton *refreshBtn = new QPushButton( "Refresh" );
//    refreshBtn->setObjectName( "refreshBtn" );
//    mainLayout->addWidget( refreshBtn );
//    connect(refreshBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), ui.header, SLOT( onRefreshClicked() ) );

    QHBoxLayout* centralLayout = new QHBoxLayout( );
    centralLayout->addWidget( ui.sideBar = new SideBar( this ) );
    centralLayout->addWidget( ui.stackedWidget = new StackedWidget( this ) );

    layout->addLayout( centralLayout );

    connect(ui.sideBar, SIGNAL( currentChanged( int ) ), ui.stackedWidget, SLOT( setCurrentIndex( int ) ) );
    connect(ui.sideBar, SIGNAL( currentChanged( int ) ), SLOT( loadViewData( int ) ) );

    // LOG
    connect( &Socket::sock(), SIGNAL(clientEvent(int)), &Socket::sock(), SLOT(log(int)) );

    // LIGHT BOX
    lightBox = new QLightBoxWidget(this);
    QHBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QHBoxLayout( lightBox );

    QWidget *fm = new QWidget();
    mainLayout->addWidget( fm );

    QGridLayout *lightBoxLayout = new QGridLayout( fm );
    lightBoxLayout->setRowStretch(1, 1);

    settings = new QSettings("smoky.ini",QSettings::IniFormat);

    lightBoxLayout->addWidget( new QLabel( "IP du serveur" ), 0, 0);
    lightBoxLayout->addWidget( serverIpEdt = new QLineEdit(), 0, 1 );
    serverIpEdt->setInputMask( "; " );
    serverIpEdt->setText( settings->value("serverIp").toString() );
    serverIpEdt->setObjectName( "serverIpEdt" );

    lightBoxLayout->addWidget( localhostCbx = new QCheckBox("localhost"), 1,1);
    localhostCbx->setObjectName( "localhostCbx" );
    connect( localhostCbx, SIGNAL( stateChanged(int)), SLOT(onLocalhostCbx(int)) );

    lightBoxLayout->addWidget( loginIndication = new QLabel(), 1, 0);
    loginIndication->setObjectName( "loginIndication" );
    loginIndication->setText("<center><small>Placez votre visage<br>face à la caméra</small></center>");

    lightBoxLayout->addWidget( loginAvatarLbl = new QLabel(""), 2, 0, 2, 1);
    loginAvatarLbl->setObjectName( "loginAvatarLbl" );

    lightBoxLayout->addWidget( loginUserEdt = new QLineEdit(), 2, 1);
    loginUserEdt->setPlaceholderText("Nom d'utilisateur");
    loginUserEdt->setObjectName( "loginUserEdt" );

    lightBoxLayout->addWidget( loginPasswordEdt = new QLineEdit(), 3, 1);
    loginPasswordEdt->setObjectName( "loginPasswordEdt" );
    loginPasswordEdt->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::Password );
    loginPasswordEdt->setPlaceholderText("Mot de passe");

    lightBoxLayout->addWidget( loginSubmitBtn = new QPushButton("Connexion"), 4, 1);
    loginSubmitBtn->setObjectName( "loginSubmitBtn" );

    lightBoxLayout->addWidget( statLbl = new QLabel( "" ), 5,0, 1, 2 );
    statLbl->setObjectName( "statLbl" );


    Camera *cam = new Camera();
    t = new QThread();

    mTimer = new QTimer();
    connect(mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), cam, SLOT(queryFrame()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(startWork()), cam, SLOT(openCamera()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(startWork()), mTimer, SLOT(start()) );

    connect( cam, SIGNAL(stopCamera()), mTimer, SLOT(stop()) );
    connect( this, SIGNAL(stopWork()), cam, SLOT(closeCamera()) );

    // connect( qApp, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()),mTimer, SLOT(stop()) );
    // connect( qApp, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()),mTimer, SLOT(deleteLater()) );

    // connect( qApp, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), cam, SLOT(closeCamera()) );
    // connect( qApp, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), cam, SLOT(deleteLater()) );

    connect(t, SIGNAL(finished()), cam, SLOT(deleteLater()));
    // connect(this, &Controller::operate, worker, &Worker::doWork);

    //connect( qApp, SIGNAL(aboutToQuit()), t, SLOT(quit()) );
    // connect( t, SIGNAL(finished()), t, SLOT(deleteLater()) );

    // user logged out
    connect( &Socket::sock(), SIGNAL(userLoggedOut()), SLOT(startCamera()) );

    // user logged in
    connect( &Socket::sock(), SIGNAL(userLoggedIn(QString)), SLOT(stopCamera()) );

    cam->moveToThread( t );
    mTimer->moveToThread( t );
    t->start( QThread::IdlePriority );

    emit startWork();

    connect(cam, SIGNAL(sendShot(QImage, QRect)), SLOT(onShotSent(QImage)) ); // receive shots

    connect( &Socket::sock(), SIGNAL(userLoggedIn(QString)), loginPasswordEdt, SLOT(clear()) );
    connect( &Socket::sock(), SIGNAL(userLoggedIn(QString)), lightBox, SLOT(hide()) );

    // rendre la page d'accueil
    connect( &Socket::sock(), SIGNAL(userLoggedOut()), SLOT(resetThings()) );

    connect( &Socket::sock(), SIGNAL(invalidCred()), SLOT(onInvalidCred()) );

    connect( loginSubmitBtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(connectUser()) );

    connect( &Socket::sock(), SIGNAL(connexionError(int)), SLOT(onConnexionError(int)) );

    // move(QApplication::desktop()->screen()->rect().center() - this->rect().center());
        QDesktopWidget desktop;
        QRect desktop_geometry = desktop.screenGeometry();

    // resize( 780, 650 );

    /*int x = desktop_geometry.width()/2 - width()/2;
    int y = desktop_geometry.height()/2 - height()/2;
    move( x, y );*/

    // showMaximized();