int cmd_module(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct module_info *header; header = (struct module_info *)pvPortMalloc(sizeof(struct module_info)); if (argc < 2) { cmd_print("\r\ni2c exists: %d",I2CEE_exists(SLAVE_ADDRESS_MODULE1)); } else { if(ustrncmp(argv[1],"write",5) == 0) { header->magic = 0x3A; header->vendor = 0x01; header->product = 0x01; header->version = 0x01; header->profile = ustrtoul(argv[2],NULL,16); header->modres = ustrtoul(argv[3],NULL,16); header->dummy2 = 0; header->crc = crcSlow((unsigned char *)header, sizeof(struct module_info)-sizeof(header->crc)); I2CEE_write(SLAVE_ADDRESS_MODULE1,(unsigned char *) header, sizeof(struct module_info), 0); vTaskDelay(100 / portTICK_RATE_MS); // there must be a delay after write or avoid I2CEE_read() } I2CEE_read(SLAVE_ADDRESS_MODULE1, (unsigned char *) header, sizeof(struct module_info), 0); cmd_print("\r\ni2c module magic: %X vendor: %X product: %X version: %X profile: %X modres: %X", header->magic, header->vendor, header->product, header->version, header->profile, header->modres); } vPortFree(header); return(0); }
//***************************************************************************** // // Command: date // // Set the current system date. Use format "DD/MM/YYYY" // //***************************************************************************** int CMD_date(int argc, char **argv) { const char *pcNext; // // Check the argument count and return errors for too many or too few. // if(argc == 1) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_FEW_ARGS); } if(argc > 2) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_MANY_ARGS); } // // Convert the date to unsigned long // g_ui32DayIdx = ustrtoul(argv[1], &pcNext, 10); g_ui32MonthIdx = ustrtoul(pcNext+1, &pcNext, 10) - 1; g_ui32YearIdx = (ustrtoul(pcNext+1, NULL, 10) - 2000); // // Perform the conversions to a time struct and store in the hibernate // module after doing a minimal amount of validation. // if((g_ui32DayIdx > 31) || (g_ui32MonthIdx > 11)) { return(CMDLINE_INVALID_ARG); } DateTimeSet(); return(0); }
int CMD_MsParam(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32No; uint32_t ui32Param; uint32_t ui32Value; int i; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc == 4) { ui32No = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Param = ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); ui32Value = ustrtoul(argv[3], 0, 10); for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SLAVES; i++) { if (i == ui32No) { arrayTxBytes[i] = (uint8_t)ui32Param; arrayValues[i] = ui32Value; } else { arrayTxBytes[i] = cSPIN_NOP; arrayValues[i] = cSPIN_NOP; } } cSPIN_All_Slaves_Set_Param(NUMBER_OF_SLAVES,arrayTxBytes,arrayValues); } return (0); }
int CMD_MgParam(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32No; uint32_t ui32Param; int i; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc == 3) { ui32No = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Param = ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SLAVES; i++) { if (i == ui32No) { commandArray[i] = (uint8_t)ui32Param; } else { commandArray[i] = cSPIN_NOP; } } cSPIN_All_Slaves_Set_Param(NUMBER_OF_SLAVES,commandArray,responseArray); UARTprintf("Dev %d Reg %2X = %2X\n",ui32No,ui32Param,responseArray[ui32No]); } return (0); }
//***************************************************************************** // //Command: time24 // // Set the current system time. Use format "HH:MM:SS" // //***************************************************************************** int CMD_time24(int argc, char **argv) { const char *pcNext; // // Check the argument count and return errors for too many or too few. // if(argc == 1) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_FEW_ARGS); } if(argc > 2) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_MANY_ARGS); } // // Convert the user string to unsigned long hours and minutes. // g_ui32HourIdx = ustrtoul(argv[1], &pcNext, 10); g_ui32MinIdx = ustrtoul(pcNext + 1, NULL, 10); // // Perform the conversions to a time struct and store in the hibernate // module. Also do some minimal checking on the input data. // if((g_ui32HourIdx < 24) && (g_ui32MinIdx < 60)) { DateTimeSet(); } return(0); }
//'N hh mm ddddddd e' int cmd_alarm_set(int argc, char **argv) { if(argc == 6) { alarm_t newalarm; alarm_id_t na_id; na_id = (alarm_id_t)ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); if(na_id<=ALARM_CT) { day_t temp; newalarm.hour = (uint8_t)ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); newalarm.minute = (uint8_t)ustrtoul(argv[3], 0, 10); temp = (day_t)ustrtoul(argv[4], 0, 2); newalarm.enable_flags = ( ((uint8_t)ustrtoul(argv[5], 0, 10)) == 1 ) ? ALARM_ENABLE : 0; //bit order must be reversed - too tired for something clever newalarm.day_of_week = 0; cmd_printf("%02X:",temp); newalarm.day_of_week |= ( ( temp & 0x40 ) >> 6 ); newalarm.day_of_week |= ( ( temp & 0x20 ) >> 4 ); newalarm.day_of_week |= ( ( temp & 0x10 ) >> 2 ); newalarm.day_of_week |= ( ( temp & 0x08 ) ); newalarm.day_of_week |= ( ( temp & 0x04 ) << 2 ); newalarm.day_of_week |= ( ( temp & 0x02 ) << 4 ); newalarm.day_of_week |= ( ( temp & 0x01 ) << 6 ); cmd_printf("%02X\n",newalarm.day_of_week); alarm_set(na_id, &newalarm); }
//***************************************************************************** // // This function implements the "weprom" command. It writes a single byte to // a given location in the I2C flash part on the daughter board. This is not // used in the application but is included in case you find a use for it in // your code. // //***************************************************************************** int Cmd_weprom(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *pcPos; tBoolean bRetcode; unsigned long ulAddr, ulVal; // // Were we passed the correct number of parameters? // if(argc < 3) { return(COMMAND_TOO_FEW_ARGS); } if(argc > 3) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_MANY_ARGS); } // // Get the parameters. // ulAddr = ustrtoul(argv[1], &pcPos, 0); ulVal = ustrtoul(argv[2], &pcPos, 0); if(ulAddr >= 128) { UARTprintf("Error: Write address must be between 0 and 127.\n"); return(COMMAND_INVALID_ARG); } // // Tell the user what we are about to do. // UARTprintf("Writing value %d (0x%02x) to I2C flash address 0x%02x\n", ulVal, ulVal, ulAddr); // // Write the byte to the flash device. // bRetcode = EEPROMWritePolled((unsigned char)(ulAddr & 0xFF), (unsigned char)(ulVal & 0xFF)); if(bRetcode) { UARTprintf("Byte written successfully.\n"); } else { UARTprintf("Error writing byte!\n"); } return(COMMAND_OK); }
int CMD_MCmd(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32No; uint32_t ui32Param; uint32_t ui32Param1; uint32_t ui32Value=cSPIN_NOP; int i; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc >= 3) { ui32No = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Param1 = cmdToint(argv[2]); //UARTprintf("ui32Param1 0x%2x\n",ui32Param1); switch ((ui32Param1) & DAISY_CHAIN_COMMAND_MASK) { case cSPIN_RUN: ; case cSPIN_MOVE: ; case cSPIN_GO_TO: ; case cSPIN_GO_TO_DIR: ; case cSPIN_GO_UNTIL: ; case cSPIN_GO_UNTIL_ACT_CPY: ui32Param=ui32Param1|cmdToint(argv[3]); ui32Value = ustrtoul(argv[4], 0, 10); break; default: ui32Param=ui32Param1; if(((ui32Param1) & DAISY_CHAIN_COMMAND_MASK)==cSPIN_RELEASE_SW && argc==5) ui32Param|=(cmdToint(argv[3])|cmdToint(argv[4])); break; } for (i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_SLAVES; i++) { if (i == ui32No) { commandArray[i] = (uint8_t)ui32Param; argumentArray[i] = ui32Value; UARTprintf("cmd 0x%2X,value %d\n",ui32Param,ui32Value); } else { commandArray[i] = cSPIN_NOP; argumentArray[i] = cSPIN_NOP; } } cSPIN_All_Slaves_Send_Command(NUMBER_OF_SLAVES, commandArray, argumentArray); } return (0); }
//***************************************************************************** // //Command: time12 // // Set the current system time. Use format "HH:MM:SS:X" Where X is 'A' or 'P' // for AM or PM. HH is hours. MM is minutes. SS is seconds. // //***************************************************************************** int CMD_time12(int argc, char **argv) { const char *pcNext; // // Check the argument count and return errors for too many or too few. // if(argc == 1) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_FEW_ARGS); } if(argc > 2) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_MANY_ARGS); } // // Convert the user string to unsigned long hours and minutes. // g_ui32HourIdx = ustrtoul(argv[1], &pcNext, 10); g_ui32MinIdx = ustrtoul(pcNext + 1, &pcNext, 10); // // Accomodate the PM vs AM modification. All times are stored internally // as 24 hour format. // if(ustrncmp(pcNext + 1, "PM", 2) == 0) { if(g_ui32HourIdx < 12) { g_ui32HourIdx += 12; } } else { if(g_ui32HourIdx > 11) { g_ui32HourIdx -= 12; } } // // Perform the conversions to a time struct and store in the hibernate // module. Also do some minimal checking on the input data. // if((g_ui32HourIdx < 24) && (g_ui32MinIdx < 60)) { DateTimeSet(); } return(0); }
//***************************************************************************** // \internal // // Handler for the "voff" command. // // \param argc contains the number of entries in the argv[] array. // \param argv is an array of pointers to each of the individual words parsed // from the command line. The first entry will be the command itself and later // entries represent any parameters. // // This function is called by the command line parser when the user enters // the "voff" command. It sets the voltage offset for one of the oscilloscope // channels // // This handler takes two parameters. The first is the voltage offset // expressed in millivolts and the second is the channel number, 0 or 1. // Positive offset values cause the waveform to move towards the top of // the display and negative values move it towards the bottom. // // \return Returns COMMAND_OK if all is well or other return codes on failure. // //***************************************************************************** int CmdVOffset(int argc, char *argv[]) { long lVoltage; unsigned long ulChannel; const char *pcPos; // // Make sure we were passed the command and exactly 2 extra arguments // if(argc < 3) { return(COMMAND_TOO_FEW_ARGS); } if(argc > 3) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_MANY_ARGS); } // // Now extract numbers from the two command parameters. // lVoltage = (long)ustrtoul(argv[1], &pcPos, 0); ulChannel = ustrtoul(argv[2], &pcPos, 0); // // Make sure we were passed a valid channel number // if(ulChannel < 2) { // // Set the scaling for this channel. This will take effect the next // time the display is updated. // UARTprintf("Setting offset for channel %d to %dmV.\n", ulChannel, lVoltage); COMMAND_FLAG_WRITE((ulChannel == 0) ? SCOPE_CH1_POS : SCOPE_CH2_POS, (unsigned long)lVoltage); return(COMMAND_OK); } else { // // Illegal channel number // UARTprintf("Channel %d is invalid.\n", ulChannel); return(COMMAND_INVALID_ARG); } }
int ft_board_setup(void *blob, bd_t *bd) { int lpae; char *env; char *endp; int nbanks; u64 size[2]; u64 start[2]; u32 ddr3a_size; env = env_get("mem_lpae"); lpae = env && simple_strtol(env, NULL, 0); ddr3a_size = 0; if (lpae) { ddr3a_size = ddr3_get_size(); if ((ddr3a_size != 8) && (ddr3a_size != 4)) ddr3a_size = 0; } nbanks = 1; start[0] = bd->bi_dram[0].start; size[0] = bd->bi_dram[0].size; /* adjust memory start address for LPAE */ if (lpae) { start[0] -= CONFIG_SYS_SDRAM_BASE; start[0] += CONFIG_SYS_LPAE_SDRAM_BASE; } if ((size[0] == 0x80000000) && (ddr3a_size != 0)) { size[1] = ((u64)ddr3a_size - 2) << 30; start[1] = 0x880000000; nbanks++; } /* reserve memory at start of bank */ env = env_get("mem_reserve_head"); if (env) { start[0] += ustrtoul(env, &endp, 0); size[0] -= ustrtoul(env, &endp, 0); } env = env_get("mem_reserve"); if (env) size[0] -= ustrtoul(env, &endp, 0); fdt_fixup_memory_banks(blob, start, size, nbanks); return 0; }
//***************************************************************************** // \internal // // Handler for the "scale" command. // // \param argc contains the number of entries in the argv[] array. // \param argv is an array of pointers to each of the individual words parsed // from the command line. The first entry will be the command itself and later // entries represent any parameters. // // This function is called by the command line parser when the user enters // the "scale" command. It sets the voltage scale for one of the oscilloscope // channels // // This handler takes two parameters. The first is the voltage scale expressed // in millivolts per division and the second is the channel number, 0 or 1. // // \return Returns COMMAND_OK if all is well or other return codes on failure. // //***************************************************************************** int CmdVScale(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned long ulVoltage; unsigned long ulChannel; const char *pcPos; // // Make sure we were passed the command and exactly 2 extra arguments // if(argc < 3) { return(COMMAND_TOO_FEW_ARGS); } if(argc > 3) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_MANY_ARGS); } // // Now extract numbers from the two command parameters. // ulVoltage = ustrtoul(argv[1], &pcPos, 0); ulChannel = ustrtoul(argv[2], &pcPos, 0); // // Make sure we were passed a valid channel number // if(ulChannel < 2) { // // Set the scaling for this channel. This will take effect the next // time the display is updated. // UARTprintf("Setting scale for channel %d to %dmV/division.\n", ulChannel, ulVoltage); g_sRender.ulmVPerDivision[ulChannel] = ulVoltage; return(COMMAND_OK); } else { // // Illegal channel number // UARTprintf("Channel %d is invalid.\n", ulChannel); return(COMMAND_INVALID_ARG); } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------ * Function Name : GetOnlineParameterDateFromFlash * Description : 获取参数 * Input : None * Output : None * Return : None *------------------------------------------------------------*/ void GetOnlineParameterDateFromFlash( STATUS_RW_FLASH_TypeDef rw ) { uint32_t IP = 0; uint8_t i = 0; switch ( rw ) { case READ_FLASH: IP = devc_ip_get(); for (i=0; i<4; ++i) { usprintf([3-i],"%03d",(uint8_t)IP); IP >>= 8; } break; case WRITE_FLASH: for (i=0; i<4; ++i) { IP <<= 8; IP |= (uint8_t)ustrtoul([i],0,10); } devc_ip_set(IP); break; } }
//***************************************************************************** // \internal // // Handler for the "time" command. // // \param argc contains the number of entries in the argv[] array. // \param argv is an array of pointers to each of the individual words parsed // from the command line. The first entry will be the command itself and later // entries represent any parameters. // // This function is called by the command line parser when the user enters // the "time" command. It expects a single parameter which will be a // string containing a decimal number representing the number of microseconds // per division on the waveform display. // // \return Returns COMMAND_OK on success or COMMAND_TOO_FEW_ARGS or // COMMAND_INVALID_ARG on failure. // //***************************************************************************** int CmdTimebase(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned long ulTimebase; const char *pcPos; // // Make sure we were passed the command and exactly 1 extra argument // if(argc < 2) { return(COMMAND_TOO_FEW_ARGS); } if(argc > 2) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_MANY_ARGS); } // // Now extract a number from the first command parameter. // ulTimebase = ustrtoul(argv[1], &pcPos, 0); // // Tell the main loop to update the timebase on the next iteration. // COMMAND_FLAG_WRITE(SCOPE_CHANGE_TIMEBASE, ulTimebase); return(COMMAND_OK); }
//***************************************************************************** // \internal // // Handler for the "hoff" command. // // \param argc contains the number of entries in the argv[] array. // \param argv is an array of pointers to each of the individual words parsed // from the command line. The first entry will be the command itself and later // entries represent any parameters. // // This function is called by the command line parser when the user enters // the "hoff" command. It expects a single parameter which will be a // string containing a decimal number representing the number of pixels to // offset the waveform display in the X direction. Positive numbers move // the trigger position to the right. // // \return Returns COMMAND_OK on success or COMMAND_TOO_FEW_ARGS or // COMMAND_INVALID_ARG on failure. // //***************************************************************************** int CmdHOffset(int argc, char *argv[]) { long lPos; const char *pcPos; // // Make sure we were passed the command and exactly 1 extra argument // if(argc < 2) { UARTprintf("Command requires 1 parameter\n"); return(COMMAND_TOO_FEW_ARGS); } if(argc > 2) { UARTprintf("Command requires 1 parameter\n"); return(CMDLINE_TOO_MANY_ARGS); } // // Now extract a number from the first command parameter. // lPos = (long)ustrtoul(argv[1], &pcPos, 0); // // Pass the new position to the main command processor. // COMMAND_FLAG_WRITE(SCOPE_TRIGGER_POS, (unsigned long)lPos); return(COMMAND_OK); }
//***************************************************************************** // \internal // // Handler for the "level" command. // // \param argc contains the number of entries in the argv[] array. // \param argv is an array of pointers to each of the individual words parsed // from the command line. The first entry will be the command itself and later // entries represent any parameters. // // This function is called by the command line parser when the user enters // the "level" or "l" commands. It expects a single parameter which will be a // string containing a decimal number representing the ADC sample level at // which to trigger capture. // // \return Returns COMMAND_OK on success or COMMAND_TOO_FEW_ARGS or // COMMAND_INVALID_ARG on failure. // //***************************************************************************** int CmdLevel(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *pcPos; unsigned long ulLevel; // // Make sure we were passed the command and exactly 1 extra argument // if(argc < 2) { return(COMMAND_TOO_FEW_ARGS); } if(argc > 2) { return(CMDLINE_TOO_MANY_ARGS); } // // Extract a number from the first command parameter. // ulLevel = ustrtoul(argv[1], &pcPos, 0); // // Pass the command to the main handler for action. // COMMAND_FLAG_WRITE(SCOPE_TRIGGER_LEVEL, ulLevel); return(COMMAND_OK); }
//***************************************************************************** // // The alert command allows the user to send an alert message to the saved // email address. // //***************************************************************************** int Cmd_alert(int argc, char *argv[]) { uint32_t ui32Index; // // Check the number of arguments. // if(argc < 2) { // // If there was no second term, prompt the user to enter one next time. // UARTprintf("Please specify the alert you want to send:\n"); for(ui32Index = 0; ui32Index < NUM_ALERTS; ui32Index++) { // // Print a list of the available alert messages. // UARTprintf("alert %d: %s\n", ui32Index, g_ppcAlertMessages[ui32Index]); } } else { ui32Index = ustrtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); ustrncpy(g_pcAlert, g_ppcAlertMessages[ui32Index], 140); g_sAlert.eReadWriteType = READ_WRITE; UARTprintf("Alert message set. Sending to the server " "on the next sync operation."); } return 0; }
/********************************************************************** functionName: FRESULT PcmRecoverWithDate(void) description:上位机参数从SD卡恢复,保留加密信息(以文件夹形式) char paseword_system[11]; //系统密码 **********************************************************************/ FRESULT PcmRecoverWithDate( const char *pFile_name ) { FRESULT fresult; FIL file_obj; uint32_t br; char pass[11]; char file_name[30]; uint32_t name_buff = 0; name_buff = ustrtoul(pFile_name,0,10); usprintf(file_name,"sys/%08d/pcm.bin",name_buff); fresult = f_open(&file_obj,file_name,FA_OPEN_EXISTING|FA_READ); if (FR_OK != fresult) { return fresult; } memcpy(pass,pcm_str->pcm_hmi.paseword_system,11); //记录当前密码 f_read(&file_obj,pcm_ram,PCM_MEM_SIZE,&br); f_close(&file_obj); memcpy(pcm_str->pcm_hmi.paseword_system,pass,11); //恢复当前密码 return FR_OK; }
//***************************************************************************** // // The "setproxy" command allows the user to change their proxy behavior // //***************************************************************************** int Cmd_setproxy(int argc, char *argv[]) { char pcProxyPort[10]; // // Check the number of arguments. // if((argc == 2) && (ustrcmp("off",argv[1]) == 0 )) { g_bUseProxy = false; g_pcProxyAddress[0] = 0; g_ui16ProxyPort = 0; UARTprintf("Attempting to re-establish link with Exosite.\n\n"); g_bOnline = LocateValidCIK(); } else if(argc == 3) { // // Otherwise, copy the user-defined location into the global variable. // ustrncpy(g_pcProxyAddress, argv[1], 49); ustrncpy(pcProxyPort, argv[2], 9); // // Make sure that the global string remains terminated with a zero. // g_pcProxyAddress[49] = 0; pcProxyPort[9] = 0; g_ui16ProxyPort = ustrtoul(pcProxyPort, NULL, 0); g_bUseProxy = true; UARTprintf("New Proxy Address: %s\n", g_pcProxyAddress); UARTprintf("New Proxy Port: %d\n\n", g_ui16ProxyPort); UARTprintf("Attempting to re-establish link with Exosite.\n\n"); g_bOnline = LocateValidCIK(); } else { UARTprintf("\nProxy configuration help:\n"); UARTprintf(" The setproxy command changes the proxy behavior of" "this board.\n"); UARTprintf(" To disable the proxy, type:\n\n"); UARTprintf(" setproxy off\n\n"); UARTprintf(" To enable the proxy with a specific proxy name and " "port, type\n"); UARTprintf(" setproxy <proxyaddress> <portnumber>. For " "example:\n\n"); UARTprintf(" setproxy your.proxy.address 80\n\n"); } return 0; }
float my_strtof(unsigned char* input, int* outputPieces) { float output = 0; bool mantissa = false; bool negativeValue = false; char inputInteger[MAXFIELD]; char inputFraction[MAXFIELD]; short i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; short strLength = ustrlen((char*) input); for (i = 0; i < strLength; i++, k++) { if (input[i] == '.') { mantissa = true; inputInteger[k] = '\0'; j = 0; continue; //skip the dec. } if (input[i] == '-') { negativeValue = true; k--; continue; //skip the dec. } if (!mantissa) { inputInteger[k] = input[i]; } else { inputFraction[j] = input[i]; j++; } } inputFraction[j] = '\0'; int integerPart = ustrtoul(inputInteger, NULL, 0); int fractionPart = ustrtoul(inputFraction, NULL, 0); outputPieces[0] = integerPart; outputPieces[1] = fractionPart; output = integerPart + (float) (fractionPart / (pow(10, (j - 1)))); if (negativeValue) { return -output; } return output; }
int CMD_goToDir(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32Dir; uint32_t ui32Abs_pos; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc == 3) { ui32Dir = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Abs_pos = ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); cSPIN_Go_To_Dir(ui32Dir,ui32Abs_pos); } return (0); }
int CMD_Move(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32Dir; uint32_t ui32Step; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc == 3) { ui32Dir = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Step = ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); cSPIN_Move(ui32Dir,ui32Step); } return (0); }
int CMD_releaseSW(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32Dir; uint32_t ui32Action; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc == 3) { ui32Action = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Dir = ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); cSPIN_Release_SW(ui32Action,ui32Dir); } return (0); }
int CMD_sParam(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32Param; uint32_t ui32Value; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc == 3) { ui32Param = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Value = ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); cSPIN_Set_Param(ui32Param,ui32Value); } return (0); }
int CMD_Run(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32Dir; uint32_t ui32Speed; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc == 3) { ui32Dir = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Speed = ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); cSPIN_Run(ui32Dir,ui32Speed); } return (0); }
int CMD_goUntil(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32Action; uint32_t ui32Dir; uint32_t ui32Speed; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc == 4) { ui32Action = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Dir = ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); ui32Speed = ustrtoul(argv[3], 0, 10); cSPIN_Go_Until(ui32Action,ui32Dir,ui32Speed); } return (0); }
int CMD_MMove(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32No; uint32_t ui32Dir; uint32_t ui32Step; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc == 4) { ui32No = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Dir = ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); ui32Step = ustrtoul(argv[3], 0, 10); cSPIN_One_Slave_Move(NUMBER_OF_SLAVES,ui32No,ui32Dir,ui32Step); } return (0); }
int cmd_relay(int argc, char *argv[]) { unsigned char pin,value; unsigned short module; module = MODULE1; if(!(module_exists(module) && (module_profile_id(module) == PROFILE_RELAY))) { cmd_print("No relay available."); return(0); } if (argc == 2) { pin = ustrtoul(argv[1],NULL,0); cmd_print("\r\nrelay module: %d pin: %d value: %d",module,pin, relay_read(module,pin)); } else if (argc == 3) { pin = ustrtoul(argv[1],NULL,0); value = ustrtoul(argv[2],NULL,16); relay_write(module,pin,value); } return(0); }
//数据的获取与保存 //dir:方向 0--获取时间; 1--设置时间 void time_change_data( STATUS_RW_FLASH_TypeDef rw, TIME_DATA_TypeDef *pTime ) { tTime t; uint16_t temp; if(READ_FLASH == rw) { time_cycle(); t = get_time(); //获取时间 numtochar(2,t.usYear % 100,pTime[0].buff); //获取年 numtochar(2,t.ucMon,pTime[2].buff); //获取月 numtochar(2,t.ucMday,pTime[4].buff); //获取日 numtochar(2,t.ucHour,pTime[1].buff); //获取时 numtochar(2,t.ucMin,pTime[3].buff); //获取分 numtochar(2,t.ucSec,pTime[5].buff); //获取秒 } else { temp = ustrtoul(pTime[0].buff,0,10); //设置年 temp += 2000; t.usYear = temp; t.ucMon = ustrtoul(pTime[2].buff,0,10); //设置月 t.ucMday = ustrtoul(pTime[4].buff,0,10); //设置日 t.ucHour = ustrtoul(pTime[1].buff,0,10); //设置时 t.ucMin = ustrtoul(pTime[3].buff,0,10); //设置分 t.ucSec = ustrtoul(pTime[5].buff,0,10); //设置秒 time_set(t); } }
int CMD_pwm(int argc, char **argv) { uint32_t ui32Hz; uint32_t ui32Delay; // // Keep the compiler happy. // (void)argc; (void)argv; if(argc == 3) { ui32Hz = ustrtoul(argv[1], 0, 10); ui32Delay = ustrtoul(argv[2], 0, 10); UARTprintf("Hz %d,last %d\n",ui32Hz,ui32Delay); cSPIN_PWM_Enable(ui32Hz); cSPIN_Delay(ui32Delay); cSPIN_PWM_DISABLE(); } return (0); }