コード例 #1
ファイル: poisson.c プロジェクト: kempj/hpxMP
/* RHS initializes the right hand side "vector". */
void rhs(int matrix_size, int matrix_size2, double *f_, int block_size)
    double (*f)[matrix_size][matrix_size] = (double (*)[matrix_size][matrix_size])f_;
    int i,ii;
    int j,jj;
    double x;
    double y;

    // The "boundary" entries of F store the boundary values of the solution.
    // The "interior" entries of F store the right hand sides of the Poisson equation.

#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp master
    //for collapse(2)
    for (j = 0; j < matrix_size; j+=block_size)
        for (i = 0; i < matrix_size; i+=block_size)
#pragma omp task firstprivate(block_size,i,j,matrix_size) private(ii,jj,x,y)
            for (jj=j; jj<j+block_size; ++jj)
                y = (double) (jj) / (double) (matrix_size - 1);
                for (ii=i; ii<i+block_size; ++ii)
                    x = (double) (ii) / (double) (matrix_size - 1);
                    if (ii == 0 || ii == matrix_size - 1 || jj == 0 || jj == matrix_size - 1)
                        (*f)[ii][jj] = u_exact(x, y);
                        (*f)[ii][jj] = - uxxyy_exact(x, y);
コード例 #2
ファイル: poisson.ref.c プロジェクト: agrippa/omp-to-x
/* RHS initializes the right hand side "vector". */
void rhs(int nx, int ny, double *f, int block_size)
    int i,ii;
    int j,jj;
    double x;
    double y;

    // The "boundary" entries of F store the boundary values of the solution.
    // The "interior" entries of F store the right hand sides of the Poisson equation.

#pragma omp parallel 
#pragma omp single 
for (j = 0; j < ny; j+=block_size) {
        for (i = 0; i < nx; i+=block_size) {
#pragma omp task firstprivate(block_size,i,j,nx,ny) private(ii,jj,x,y)
for (jj=j; jj<j+block_size; ++jj)
                y = (double) (jj) / (double) (ny - 1);
                for (ii=i; ii<i+block_size; ++ii)
                    x = (double) (ii) / (double) (nx - 1);
                    if (ii == 0 || ii == nx - 1 || jj == 0 || jj == ny - 1)
                        (f)[ii * ny + jj] = u_exact(x, y);
                        (f)[ii * ny + jj] = - uxxyy_exact(x, y);
コード例 #3
ファイル: poisson_orig.c プロジェクト: pedrogrijo/MC723
void rhs ( int nx, int ny, double f[NX][NY] )

 *   Purpose:
 *       RHS initializes the right hand side "vector".
 *         Discussion:
 *             It is convenient for us to set up RHS as a 2D array.  However, each
 *                 entry of RHS is really the right hand side of a linear system of the
 *                     form
 *                           A * U = F
 *                               In cases where U(I,J) is a boundary value, then the equation is simply
 *                                     U(I,J) = F(i,j)
 *                                         and F(I,J) holds the boundary data.
 *                                             Otherwise, the equation has the form
 *                                                   (1/DX^2) * ( U(I+1,J)+U(I-1,J)+U(I,J-1)+U(I,J+1)-4*U(I,J) ) = F(I,J)
 *                                                       where DX is the spacing and F(I,J) is the value at X(I), Y(J) of
 *                                                             pi^2 * ( x^2 + y^2 ) * sin ( pi * x * y )
 *                                                               Licensing:
 *                                                                   This code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license. 
 *                                                                     Modified:
 *                                                                         28 October 2011
 *                                                                           Author:
 *                                                                               John Burkardt
 *                                                                                 Parameters:
 *                                                                                     Input, int NX, NY, the X and Y grid dimensions.
 *                                                                                         Output, double F[NX][NY], the initialized right hand side data.
 *                                                                                         */
  double fnorm;
  int i;
  int j;
  double x;
  double y;
 *   The "boundary" entries of F store the boundary values of the solution.
 *     The "interior" entries of F store the right hand sides of the Poisson equation.
 *     */
  for ( j = 0; j < ny; j++ )
    y = ( double ) ( j ) / ( double ) ( ny - 1 );
    for ( i = 0; i < nx; i++ )
      x = ( double ) ( i ) / ( double ) ( nx - 1 );
      if ( i == 0 || i == nx - 1 || j == 0 || j == ny - 1 )
        f[i][j] = u_exact ( x, y );
        f[i][j] = - uxxyy_exact ( x, y );

  fnorm = r8mat_rms ( nx, ny, f );

  printf ( "  RMS of F = %g\n", fnorm );
