int check_eswc_toolbox(const V3DPluginArgList & input) { vaa3d_neurontoolbox_paras * paras = (vaa3d_neurontoolbox_paras *)(; NeuronTree neuron = paras->nt; QString fileOpenName = neuron.file; vector<V3DLONG> segment_id, segment_layer; vector<double> feature; if (fileOpenName.endsWith(".eswc") || fileOpenName.endsWith(".ESWC")) neuron = read_eswc(segment_id, segment_layer, feature, fileOpenName); else { v3d_msg("The file type you specified is not in eswc format. Please check."); return -1; } int check_result = check_eswc(neuron, segment_id, segment_layer); if (check_result==-1 || check_result==0) { QMessageBox msgBox; if (check_result==-1) msgBox.setText("Something is wrong with the eswc file."); else msgBox.setText("Your eswc is written in default values."); msgBox.setInformativeText("Do you still want to overwrite it with a standard one?"); msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::Cancel); msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::Cancel); if (msgBox.exec()==QMessageBox::Yes) { swc2eswc(neuron, segment_id, segment_layer); export_eswc(neuron, segment_id, segment_layer, qPrintable(fileOpenName), qPrintable(fileOpenName)); v3d_msg(QString("%1 has been updated!").arg(fileOpenName)); } else return -1; } else v3d_msg("Your eswc file is in correct format!"); return 1; }
void NEURONSEGlugin::domenu(const QString &menu_name, V3DPluginCallback &callback, QWidget *parent) { if (menu_name == tr("Swc segment")) { swc_to_segments(callback, parent,1); } else if (menu_name == tr("Help")) { v3d_msg("(version 0.11)Neuronseg Plugin 1.0 developed by Jinzhu Yang. (Peng Lab, Janelia Research Farm Campus, HHMI), save swc files according to different segments of swc file"); return; } }
int swc2eswc_toolbox(const V3DPluginArgList & input) { vaa3d_neurontoolbox_paras * paras = (vaa3d_neurontoolbox_paras *)(; NeuronTree neuron = paras->nt; QString fileOpenName = neuron.file; vector<V3DLONG> segment_id, segment_layer; if (fileOpenName.endsWith(".swc") || fileOpenName.endsWith(".SWC")) { segment_id, segment_layer; if (!swc2eswc(neuron,segment_id, segment_layer)) { v3d_msg("Cannot convert swc to eswc.\n"); return -1; } } else { v3d_msg("The file type you specified is not in swc format. Please check."); return -1; } QString fileDefaultName = fileOpenName; fileDefaultName.chop(3); fileDefaultName += QString("eswc"); //write new SWC to file QString fileSaveName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(0, QObject::tr("Save File"), fileDefaultName, QObject::tr("Supported file (*.eswc)" ";;Extended Neuron structure (*.eswc)" )); if (!export_eswc(neuron,segment_id,segment_layer,qPrintable(fileOpenName),qPrintable(fileSaveName))) { v3d_msg("fail to write the output eswc file."); return -1; } return 1; }
void combiner::is_dialog_ok_clicked() { //check number of files. //close window if (load_is_combo->count()>0) { load_is_dialog->close(); edit_is->setText(QString::number(load_is_combo->count())+" csv file(s) selected"); check_button(); } else { v3d_msg("No files selected. Please select"); } }
void BWLabelNPlugin::domenu(const QString &menu_name, V3DPluginCallback2 &callback, QWidget *parent) { if (menu_name == tr("3D")) { bwlabelimg(callback, parent, 3); //3 - 3D } else if (menu_name == tr("2D (for all individual Z-sections)")) { bwlabelimg(callback, parent, 2); //2 - 2D } else if (menu_name == tr("about")) { v3d_msg(QString("This plugin thresholds an image and then labels all image objects. Developed by Hanchuan Peng, by wrapping Fuhui Long's original code. (version %1)").arg(getPluginVersion())); } }
void neuron_tipspicker_dialog::output_markers(QString fname) { QFile file(fname); if (!|QIODevice::Text)){ v3d_msg("cannot open "+ fname +" for write"); return; } QTextStream myfile(&file); myfile<<"##x,y,z,radius,shape,name,comment, color_r,color_g,color_b"<<endl; //matched candidates first int info[4]; for(int i=0; i<mList->size(); i++){ get_marker_info(mList->at(i), info); if(info[2]==1) myfile<<mList->at(i).x<<","<<mList->at(i).y<<","<<mList->at(i).z<<",0,1, , ,0,255,0"<<endl; } file.close(); }
void MovieFrom3Dviewer(V3DPluginCallback2 & v3d, QWidget * parent) { v3dhandle curwin = v3d.currentImageWindow(); if (!curwin) { v3d_msg("You don't have any image open in the main window."); return; } v3d.open3DWindow(curwin); if (controlPanel::m_pLookPanel) { controlPanel::m_pLookPanel->show(); return; } controlPanel* p = new controlPanel(v3d, parent); if (p) p->show(); }
void neuron_tipspicker_dialog::checkStatus() { if(cb_tips->count()>mList->size()){ v3d_msg("The number of markers does not match, please click Update or Reload button."); cb_tips->setEnabled(false); btn_accept->setEnabled(false); btn_skip->setEnabled(false); btn_reject->setEnabled(false); }else if(cb_tips->count()>0){ cb_tips->setEnabled(true); btn_accept->setEnabled(true); btn_skip->setEnabled(true); btn_reject->setEnabled(true); }else{ btn_accept->setEnabled(false); btn_skip->setEnabled(false); btn_reject->setEnabled(false); } }
// build atlas void fl_procPC_Atlas_build_atlas(atlasConfig & cfginfo) { apoAtlasBuilderInfo atlasbuiderinfo; fl_func_procIO_build_atlas(atlasbuiderinfo); apoAtlasLinkerInfoAll apoinfo; if ("")!=0) // otherwise, you have selected cancel, no need to merge { // atlasbuiderinfo.linkerFileName.append("/"); fl_func_procCompute_build_atlas(atlasbuiderinfo, cfginfo, apoinfo); // v3d_msg("Results can be found in the output folder that you've set up through adjust preference function. End of coexpression merging."); } else v3d_msg("You canceled atlas building function. No results generated. End of atlas building."); }
void fl_procPC_atlas_detect_coexpress_cells(atlasConfig & cfginfo) { apoAtlasCoexpressionDetect apoCoExpressInfo; fl_func_procIO_detect_coexpress_cells(apoCoExpressInfo, cfginfo); for (int i=0; i<apoCoExpressInfo.apoAtlasFilelist.size(); i++) printf("%s\n", qPrintable(; printf("%s\n", qPrintable(apoCoExpressInfo.coExpressionOutputFilePrefix)); if ("")!=0) fl_func_procCompute_atlas_detect_coexpress_cells(apoCoExpressInfo, cfginfo); // v3d_msg("The coexpression files have been generated [fl_procPC_atlas_detect_coexpress_cells() done]."); v3d_msg("End of coexpression detection."); }
void SnapShoot3Dviewer(V3DPluginCallback2 & v3d, QWidget * parent) { v3dhandle curwin = v3d.currentImageWindow(); if (!curwin) { v3d_msg("You don't have any image opened in the main window."); return; } v3d.open3DWindow(curwin); QFileDialog d(parent); d.setWindowTitle(QObject::tr("Choose output snapshot filename")); d.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog::AcceptSave); if (!d.exec()) return; QString BMPfilename = (d.selectedFiles())[0]; if (BMPfilename.endsWith(".BMP", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) BMPfilename.resize(BMPfilename.length()-4); //by PHC v3d.screenShot3DWindow(curwin, BMPfilename); QMessageBox::information(0, title, QString("Snapshot was saved to: %1.BMP\n").arg(BMPfilename)); }
bool v3d_imaging(MainWindow* mainwindow, const v3d_imaging_paras & p) { v3d_msg(QString("Now try to do imaging or other plugin functions [%1]").arg(p.OPS), 0); try { const char* filename=p.imgp->getFileName(); //v3d_msg(QString("[")+filename+"]"); XFormWidget *curw = 0; if (filename) { curw = mainwindow->findMdiChild(QString(filename)); //search window using name. ZJL //unsigned char* rawdata=p.imgp->getRawData(); //QList <V3dR_MainWindow *> winlist=mainwindow->list_3Dview_win; //V3dR_MainWindow *curwin; //for(int i=0;i<winlist.size();i++) //{ // unsigned char*>getGLWidget()->getiDrawExternalParameter()->image4d->getRawData(); // if(rawdata==winrawdata) // { //; // continue; // } //} if (!curw) { v3d_msg(QString("No window open yet (error detected in v3d_imaging() main entry point [filename={%1}]).").arg(filename)); return false; } } else { if (p.OPS != "Load file using Vaa3D data IO manager") //only allow data IO manager to pass an empty file name parameter here return false; } QDir pluginsDir = QDir(qApp->applicationDirPath()); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) if (pluginsDir.dirName().toLower() == "debug" || pluginsDir.dirName().toLower() == "release") pluginsDir.cdUp(); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) if (pluginsDir.dirName() == "MacOS") { pluginsDir.cdUp(); pluginsDir.cdUp(); pluginsDir.cdUp(); } #endif if (p.OPS == "Vaa3D-Neuron2-APP2") { if ("plugins/neuron_tracing/Vaa3D_Neuron2")==false) { v3d_msg("Cannot find ./plugins/neuron_tracing/Vaa3D_Neuron2 directory!"); return false; } } else if (p.OPS == "Fetch Highrez Image Data from File") { // @FIXED by Alessandro on 2015-09-30. // Since TeraFly is part of Vaa3D, here we can directly call TeraFly's domenu function w/o using QPluginLoader. curw->getImageData()->setCustomStructPointer((void *)(&p)); //to pass parameters to the imaging plugin tf::TeraFly::doaction(p.OPS); return true; } else if (p.OPS == "Load file using Vaa3D data IO manager") { if ("plugins/data_IO/data_IO_manager")==false) { v3d_msg("Cannot find ./plugins/data_IO/data_IO_manager directory!"); return false; } } else { if ("plugins/smartscope_controller")==false) { v3d_msg("Cannot find ./plugins/smartscope_controller directory!"); return false; } } QStringList fileList = pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files); if (fileList.size()<1) { v3d_msg("Cannot find any file in the ./plugins/smartscope_controller directory!"); return false; } QString fullpath = pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(; //always just use the first file (assume it is the only one) found in the folder as the "correct" dll //the real dll name should be "microimaging.dll" QPluginLoader* loader = new QPluginLoader(fullpath); if (!loader) { qDebug("ERROR in V3d_PluginLoader::searchPluginFiles the imaging module(%s)", qPrintable(fullpath)); return false; } v3d_msg(fullpath, 0); V3d_PluginLoader mypluginloader(mainwindow); if (curw) { //mypluginloader.runPlugin(loader, QString("about this plugin")); curw->getImageData()->setCustomStructPointer((void *)(&p)); //to pass parameters to the imaging plugin QTime t; t.start(); mypluginloader.runPlugin(loader, p.OPS); //mypluginloader.runPlugin(loader, "about"); v3d_msg(QString("** invoke time for the plugin is [%1] ms.").arg(t.elapsed()*1000), 0); } else //for data IO manager in which case curw is NULL { QTime t; t.start(); mypluginloader.runPlugin(loader, p.datafilename); //the data IO manager is specially designed to pass the datafilename parameter in this way. 2013-12-02. by PHC. what an ugly design here! v3d_msg(QString("** invoke time for the plugin is [%1] ms.").arg(t.elapsed()*1000), 0); } } catch (...) { v3d_msg("Catch a problem in v3d_imaging() wrapper function.", 1); return false; } return true; }
bool load_data(V3DPluginCallback2 *cb,unsigned char * & image1Dc_in,LandmarkList &LList,ImagePixelType &pixeltype, V3DLONG sz_img[4],v3dhandle &curwin) { V3DPluginCallback2 *callback=cb; v3dhandleList v3dhandleList_current=callback->getImageWindowList(); QList <V3dR_MainWindow *> cur_list_3dviewer = callback->getListAll3DViewers(); LandmarkList LList_in; if (v3dhandleList_current.size()==0){ v3d_msg("Please open image and select markers"); return false; } else if (v3dhandleList_current.size()==1) //One window open { //get markers and check markers LList_in.clear(); LList_in = callback->getLandmark(v3dhandleList_current[0]); if (LList_in.size()==0) { v3d_msg("Please load markers"); return false; } curwin=v3dhandleList_current[0]; } else if (v3dhandleList_current.size()>1) { QStringList items; int i; for (i=0; i<v3dhandleList_current.size(); i++) items << callback->getImageName(v3dhandleList_current[i]); for (i=0; i<cur_list_3dviewer.count(); i++) { QString curname = callback->getImageName(cur_list_3dviewer[i]).remove("3D View [").remove("]"); bool b_found=false; for (int j=0; j<v3dhandleList_current.size(); j++) if (curname==callback->getImageName(v3dhandleList_current[j])) { b_found=true; break; } if (!b_found) items << callback->getImageName(cur_list_3dviewer[i]); } //qDebug()<<"Number of items:"<<items.size(); QDialog *mydialog=new QDialog; QComboBox *combo=new QComboBox; combo->insertItems(0,items); QLabel *label_win=new QLabel; label_win->setText("You have multiple windows open, please select one image:"); QGridLayout *layout= new QGridLayout; layout->addWidget(label_win,0,0,1,1); layout->addWidget(combo,1,0,4,1); QPushButton *button_d_ok=new QPushButton("Ok"); button_d_ok->setFixedWidth(100); QPushButton *button_d_cancel=new QPushButton("Cancel"); button_d_cancel->setFixedWidth(100); QHBoxLayout *box=new QHBoxLayout; box->addWidget(button_d_ok,Qt::AlignCenter); box->addWidget(button_d_cancel,Qt::AlignCenter); layout->addLayout(box,5,0,1,1); QDialog::connect(button_d_ok,SIGNAL(clicked()),mydialog,SLOT(accept())); QDialog::connect(button_d_cancel,SIGNAL(clicked()),mydialog,SLOT(reject())); mydialog->setLayout(layout); mydialog->exec(); if (mydialog->result()==QDialog::Accepted) { int tmp=combo->currentIndex(); curwin=v3dhandleList_current[tmp]; } else { v3d_msg("You have not selected a window"); return false; } //get markers and check markers LList_in.clear(); LList_in = callback->getLandmark(curwin); if (LList_in.size()==0) { v3d_msg("Please load markers"); return false; } } //Get the image info Image4DSimple* p4DImage = callback->getImage(curwin); if (!p4DImage){ QMessageBox::information(0, "", "The image pointer is invalid. Ensure your data is valid and try again!"); return false; } sz_img[0]=p4DImage->getXDim(); sz_img[1]=p4DImage->getYDim(); sz_img[2]=p4DImage->getZDim(); sz_img[3]=p4DImage->getCDim(); if (sz_img[3]>3){ sz_img[3]=3; QMessageBox::information(0,"","More than 3 channels were loaded." "The first 3 channel will be applied for analysis."); } V3DLONG size_tmp=sz_img[0]*sz_img[1]*sz_img[2]*sz_img[3]; pixeltype = p4DImage->getDatatype(); image1Dc_in=memory_allocate_uchar1D(size_tmp); unsigned char * ptmp=p4DImage->getRawData(); memcpy(image1Dc_in,ptmp,size_tmp*pixeltype); LList.clear(); for(int i=0; i<LList_in.size(); i++){ LList.append(; LList[i].color.r=196; LList[i].color.g=LList[i].color.b=0; } return true; }
vector<float> calc_mean_shift_center(V3DLONG ind, int windowradius,float *data1Dc_float, V3DLONG sz_image[],int methodcode) { //qDebug()<<"methodcode:"<<methodcode; V3DLONG y_offset=sz_image[0]; V3DLONG z_offset=sz_image[0]*sz_image[1]; V3DLONG page_size=sz_image[0]*sz_image[1]*sz_image[2]; V3DLONG pos; vector<V3DLONG> coord; float total_x,total_y,total_z,v_color,sum_v,v_prev,x,y,z; float center_dis=1; vector<float> center_float(3,0); coord=pos2xyz(ind, y_offset, z_offset); x=(float)coord[0];y=(float)coord[1];z=(float)coord[2]; //qDebug()<<"x,y,z:"<<x<<":"<<y<<":"<<z<<"ind:"<<ind; //find out the channel with the maximum intensity for the marker v_prev=data1Dc_float[ind]; int channel=0; for (int j=1;j<sz_image[3];j++) { if (data1Dc_float[ind+page_size*j]>v_prev) { v_prev=data1Dc_float[ind+page_size*j]; channel=j; } } //qDebug()<<"v_Prev:"<<v_prev; int testCount=0; int testCount1=0; while (center_dis>=0.5) { total_x=total_y=total_z=sum_v=0; testCount=testCount1=0; for(V3DLONG dx=MAX(x+0.5-windowradius,0); dx<=MIN(sz_image[0]-1,x+0.5+windowradius); dx++){ for(V3DLONG dy=MAX(y+0.5-windowradius,0); dy<=MIN(sz_image[1]-1,y+0.5+windowradius); dy++){ for(V3DLONG dz=MAX(z+0.5-windowradius,0); dz<=MIN(sz_image[2]-1,z+0.5+windowradius); dz++){ pos=xyz2pos(dx,dy,dz,y_offset,z_offset); double tmp=(dx-x)*(dx-x)+(dy-y)*(dy-y) +(dz-z)*(dz-z); double distance=sqrt(tmp); if (distance>windowradius) continue; v_color=data1Dc_float[pos+page_size*channel]; total_x=v_color*(float)dx+total_x; total_y=v_color*(float)dy+total_y; total_z=v_color*(float)dz+total_z; sum_v=sum_v+v_color; testCount++; if(v_color>100) testCount1++; } } } //qDebug()<<"windowradius:"<<windowradius; //qDebug()<<"total xyz:"<<total_x<<":"<<total_y<<":"<<total_z<<":"<<sum_v<<":"<<sum_v/testCount<<":"<<testCount<<":"<<testCount1; center_float[0]=total_x/sum_v; center_float[1]=total_y/sum_v; center_float[2]=total_z/sum_v; if (total_x<1e-5||total_y<1e-5||total_z<1e-5) //a very dark marker. { v3d_msg("Sphere surrounding the marker is zero. Mean-shift cannot happen. Marker location will not move",0); center_float[0]=x; center_float[1]=y; center_float[2]=z; return center_float; } V3DLONG prev_ind=xyz2pos((int)(x+0.5),(int)(y+0.5),(int)(z+0.5),y_offset,z_offset); V3DLONG tmp_ind=xyz2pos((int)(center_float[0]+0.5),(int)(center_float[1]+0.5),(int)(center_float[2]+0.5), y_offset,z_offset); if (methodcode==2) { if (data1Dc_float[tmp_ind+channel*page_size]<data1Dc_float[prev_ind+channel*page_size]&& windowradius>=2) // && windowradius>2) { //qDebug()<<methodcode<<" window too large"<<windowradius; windowradius--; center_dis=1; continue; } } float tmp_1=(center_float[0]-x)*(center_float[0]-x)+(center_float[1]-y)*(center_float[1]-y) +(center_float[2]-z)*(center_float[2]-z); center_dis=sqrt(tmp_1); //qDebug()<<"new_center:"<<center_float[0]<<":"<<center_float[1]<<":"<<center_float[2]<<" intensity:"<<data1Dc_float[tmp_ind+channel*page_size]; //qDebug()<<"center distance:"<<center_dis; x=center_float[0]; y=center_float[1]; z=center_float[2]; } return center_float; }
vector<float> mean_shift_fun::ray_shoot_center(V3DLONG ind,int bg_thr,int j) { V3DLONG y_offset=sz_image[0]; V3DLONG z_offset=sz_image[0]*sz_image[1]; V3DLONG pos,pos_prev; vector<V3DLONG> coord; float dir_vec[48][3]={{0.6667,0.6667,0.3333},{0.2852,0.6886,0.6667},{0.6886,0.2852,0.6667}, {0.2826,0.2826,0.9167},{-0.6667,0.6667,0.3333},{-0.6886,0.2852,0.6667}, {-0.2852,0.6886,0.6667},{-0.2826,0.2826,0.9167},{-0.6667,-0.6667,0.3333}, {-0.2852,-0.6886,0.6667},{-0.6886,-0.2852,0.6667},{-0.2826,-0.2826,0.9167}, {0.6667,-0.6667,0.3333},{0.6886,-0.2852,0.6667},{0.2852,-0.6886,0.6667}, {0.2826,-0.2826,0.9167},{0.9428,0.0000,-0.3333},{0.9239,0.3827,0.0000}, {0.9239,-0.3827,0.0000},{0.9428,0.0000,0.3333},{0.0000,0.9428,-0.3333}, {-0.3827,0.9239,0.0000},{0.3827,0.9239,0.0000},{0.0000,0.9428,0.3333}, {-0.9428,0.0000,-0.3333},{-0.9239,-0.3827,0.0000},{-0.9239,0.3827,0.0000}, {-0.9428,0.0000,0.3333},{0.0000,-0.9428,-0.3333},{0.3827,-0.9239,0.0000}, {-0.3827,-0.9239,0.0000},{0.0000,-0.9428,0.3333},{0.2826,0.2826,-0.9167}, {0.2852,0.6886,-0.6667},{0.6886,0.2852,-0.6667},{0.6667,0.6667,-0.3333}, {-0.2826,0.2826,-0.9167},{-0.6886,0.2852,-0.6667},{-0.2852,0.6886,-0.6667}, {-0.6667,0.6667,-0.3333},{-0.2826,-0.2826,-0.9167},{-0.2852,-0.6886,-0.6667}, {-0.6886,-0.2852,-0.6667},{-0.6667,-0.6667,-0.3333},{0.2826,-0.2826,-0.9167}, {0.6886,-0.2852,-0.6667},{0.2852,-0.6886,-0.6667},{0.6667,-0.6667,-0.3333}}; int dir_vec_size=48; vector<float> center_float(3,0); vector<float> intensity_vec; float v_prev,v_new,x,y,z,x_new,y_new,z_new,sum_x,sum_y,sum_z,x_prev,y_prev,z_prev,dx_sum,dy_sum,dz_sum; float center_dis=1; float bound[48][3]; coord=pos2xyz(ind, y_offset, z_offset); x=(float)coord[0];y=(float)coord[1];z=(float)coord[2]; //qDebug()<<"x,y,z:"<<x<<":"<<y<<":"<<z; dx_sum=dy_sum=dz_sum=0; for (int k=0;k<dir_vec_size;k++) { dx_sum=dx_sum+ABS(dir_vec[k][0]); dy_sum=dy_sum+ABS(dir_vec[k][1]); dz_sum=dz_sum+ABS(dir_vec[k][2]); } //find out the channel with the maximum intensity for the marker v_prev=data1Dc_float[ind]; int channel=0; for (int j=1;j<sz_image[3];j++) { if (data1Dc_float[ind+page_size*j]>v_prev) { v_prev=data1Dc_float[ind+page_size*j]; channel=j; } } // QString myfile="record.txt"; // FILE * fp1 = fopen(myfile.toLatin1(), "wt"); // fprintf(fp1, "j=: %ld\n",j); // fprintf(fp1,"##dir_vect,x,y,z,intensity\n"); float converge_dis=0.5; while (center_dis>converge_dis) { sum_x=sum_y=sum_z=0; for (int i=0;i<dir_vec_size;i++) { //qDebug()<<"new round"; intensity_vec.clear(); intensity_vec.push_back(v_prev); float dx=dir_vec[i][0]; float dy=dir_vec[i][1]; float dz=dir_vec[i][2]; //qDebug()<<"dx,dy,dz:"<<dx<<":"<<dy<<":"<<dz; pos_prev=ind; x_prev=x; y_prev=y; z_prev=z; v_new=v_prev; while (v_new>bg_thr) { x_new=x_prev+dx; if (x_new<0 || x_new>sz_image[0]-1) { y_new=y_prev+dy; z_new=z_prev+dz; //qDebug()<<"x touches edge"; break; } y_new=y_prev+dy; if (y_new<0 || y_new>sz_image[1]-1) { z_new=z_prev+dz; //qDebug()<<"y touches edge"; break; } z_new=z_prev+dz; if (z_new<0 || z_new>sz_image[2]-1) { //qDebug()<<"z touches edge"; break; } pos=xyz2pos(x_new+0.5,y_new+0.5,z_new+0.5,y_offset,z_offset); //float to int v_new=data1Dc_float[pos+channel*page_size]; x_prev=x_new; y_prev=y_new; z_prev=z_new; if (pos==pos_prev) continue; pos_prev=pos; intensity_vec.push_back(v_new); //qDebug()<<"dir i:"<<i<<" x,y,z:"<<x_prev<<":"<<y_prev<<":"<<":"<<z_prev<<":"<<"intensity:"<<v_new; //fprintf(fp1,"%1d %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %4.1f \n",i,x_prev,y_prev,z_prev,v_new); } //qDebug()<<"intensity_vec size:"<<intensity_vec.size(); //fprintf(fp1,"___________intensity_vec_size: %1d\n",intensity_vec.size()); if (intensity_vec.size()>4) { int id; bool reverse=false; for (id=2;id<intensity_vec.size()-2;id++) { if ((intensity_vec[id]<intensity_vec[id-1])&&(intensity_vec[id]<=intensity_vec[id-2]-9) &&intensity_vec[id]<intensity_vec[id+1]&&intensity_vec[id]<=intensity_vec[id+2]-9) { //qDebug()<<"reversed order: "<<id; bound[i][0]=x+id*dx; bound[i][1]=y+id*dy; bound[i][2]=z+id*dz; sum_x=sum_x+ABS(dx)*bound[i][0]; sum_y=sum_y+ABS(dy)*bound[i][1]; sum_z=sum_z+ABS(dz)*bound[i][2]; reverse=true; //fprintf(fp1,"reverse order %1d\n",id); break; } } if (!reverse) { bound[i][0]=x_new-dx; bound[i][1]=y_new-dy; bound[i][2]=z_new-dz; sum_x=sum_x+ABS(dx)*(x_new-dx); sum_y=sum_y+ABS(dy)*(y_new-dy); sum_z=sum_z+ABS(dz)*(z_new-dz); } } else { bound[i][0]=x_new-dx; bound[i][1]=y_new-dy; bound[i][2]=z_new-dz; //qDebug()<<"Out of loop"; sum_x=sum_x+ABS(dx)*(x_new-dx); sum_y=sum_y+ABS(dy)*(y_new-dy); sum_z=sum_z+ABS(dz)*(z_new-dz); } } //qDebug()<<"bounds:"<<bound[0][0]<<":"<<bound[0][1]<<":"<<bound[0][2]; // qDebug()<<"dx_sum,y,z:"<<dx_sum<<":"<<dy_sum<<":"<<dz_sum; // qDebug()<<"sum_x,y,z:"<<sum_x<<":"<<sum_y<<":"<<sum_z; if (sum_x<1e-5||sum_y<1e-5||sum_z<1e-5) //a very dark marker. { v3d_msg("marker "+QString::number(j+1)+ " is below background threshold. Ray shoot will not move" "the location"); center_float[0]=x; center_float[1]=y; center_float[2]=z; return center_float; } center_float[0]=(float)sum_x/dx_sum; center_float[1]=(float)sum_y/dy_sum; center_float[2]=(float)sum_z/dz_sum; float tmp_dis=(center_float[0]-x)*(center_float[0]-x)+(center_float[1]-y)*(center_float[1]-y) +(center_float[2]-z)*(center_float[2]-z); center_dis=sqrt(tmp_dis); //qDebug()<<"new_center:"<<center_float[0]<<":"<<center_float[1]<<":"<<center_float[2];; //qDebug()<<"center distance:"<<center_dis; //fprintf(fp1,"center distance: %5.3f\n",center_dis); x=center_float[0]; y=center_float[1]; z=center_float[2]; V3DLONG tmp_ind=xyz2pos((int)(center_float[0]+0.5),(int)(center_float[1]+0.5),(int)(center_float[2]+0.5), y_offset,z_offset); v_prev=data1Dc_float[tmp_ind+channel*page_size]; } //fclose(fp1); //return center_float; // QString curFile = "result.swc"; // qDebug()<<"writing file"; // FILE * fp = fopen(curFile.toLatin1(), "a"); // if (!fp) // { // v3d_msg("Could not open the file to save the neuron."); // } // fprintf(fp, "#name %s\n", qPrintable(QString("no name"))); // fprintf(fp, "#comment %s\n", qPrintable(QString("no comment"))); // fprintf(fp, "##n,type,x,y,z,radius,parent\n"); // fprintf(fp, "%ld %d %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %ld\n", // 1+j*49, 1, x, y, z, 1, -1); // for (int m=0+j*49;m<j*49+dir_vec_size; m++) // { // fprintf(fp, "%ld %d %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %ld\n", // m+2, 1, bound[m-j*49][0], bound[m-j*49][1], bound[m-j*49][2], 1, 1+j*49); // } // fclose(fp); return center_float; }
color_render_ESWC_dialog::color_render_ESWC_dialog(V3DPluginCallback2 * cb, V3dR_MainWindow* inwin, int nid) { v3dwin=inwin; callback=cb; //load neuron tree nt=(NeuronTree*)&(callback->getHandleNeuronTrees_Any3DViewer(v3dwin)->at(nid)); feaNum=nt->; if(feaNum<=0.1){ v3d_msg("Cannot identify feature value for the selected neuron"); return; } //back up type bk_type.clear(); for(int i=0; i<nt->listNeuron.size(); i++){ bk_type.push_back(nt->; } //create this->setWindowTitle(nt->file); cb_feature = new QComboBox(); for(int i=0; i<feaNum; i++) cb_feature->addItem(QString::number(i+1)); cb_colormap= new QComboBox(); cb_colormap->addItem(QString("heatmap")); cb_colormap->addItem(QString("rainbow")); spin_min = new QDoubleSpinBox(); spin_max = new QDoubleSpinBox(); spin_black = new QDoubleSpinBox(); spin_white = new QDoubleSpinBox(); spin_meg = new QDoubleSpinBox(); check_black = new QCheckBox("black threshold (<=)"); check_white = new QCheckBox("white threshold (<=)"); check_meg = new QCheckBox("magenta threshold (>=)"); btn_update = new QPushButton("update"); btn_quit = new QPushButton("quit"); btn_reset = new QPushButton("reset"); connect(check_black, SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(set_black())); connect(check_white, SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(set_white())); connect(check_meg, SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(set_magenta())); connect(btn_update, SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(update())); connect(btn_quit, SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(reject())); connect(btn_reset, SIGNAL(clicked()),this,SLOT(reset())); connect(cb_feature, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),this,SLOT(set_span())); connect(cb_colormap, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)),this,SLOT(set_colormap())); //layout QGridLayout * gridLayout = new QGridLayout(); QLabel* label_feature = new QLabel("feature id:"); gridLayout->addWidget(label_feature,1,0,1,2); gridLayout->addWidget(cb_feature,1,2,1,1); QLabel* label_colormap= new QLabel("colormap:"); gridLayout->addWidget(label_colormap,2,0,1,2); gridLayout->addWidget(cb_colormap,2,2,1,1); QLabel* label_min = new QLabel("color bar low:"); gridLayout->addWidget(label_min,3,0,1,2); gridLayout->addWidget(spin_min,3,2,1,1); QLabel* label_max = new QLabel("color bar high:"); gridLayout->addWidget(label_max,4,0,1,2); gridLayout->addWidget(spin_max,4,2,1,1); QFrame *line_2 = new QFrame(); line_2->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); line_2->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); gridLayout->addWidget(line_2,5,0,1,3); QLabel* label_color = new QLabel("special color"); QLabel* label_val = new QLabel("value"); gridLayout->addWidget(label_color,6,0,1,2); gridLayout->addWidget(label_val,6,2,1,1); gridLayout->addWidget(check_black,7,0,1,2); gridLayout->addWidget(spin_black,7,2,1,1); gridLayout->addWidget(check_white,8,0,1,2); gridLayout->addWidget(spin_white,8,2,1,1); gridLayout->addWidget(check_meg,9,0,1,2); gridLayout->addWidget(spin_meg,9,2,1,1); QFrame *line_3 = new QFrame(); line_3->setFrameShape(QFrame::HLine); line_3->setFrameShadow(QFrame::Sunken); gridLayout->addWidget(line_3,13,0,1,3); gridLayout->addWidget(btn_update,14,2,1,1); gridLayout->addWidget(btn_reset,15,2,1,1); gridLayout->addWidget(btn_quit,16,2,1,1); setLayout(gridLayout); set_black(); set_white(); set_magenta(); set_span(); set_colormap(); }
void lookPanel::_slot_sync_onetime() { v3dhandleList win_list = m_v3d.getImageWindowList(); int i1 = combo_master->currentIndex(); int i2 = combo_slave->currentIndex(); if (i1==i2) { v3d_msg("You have selected the same image. You need to specify and sync two different images. Try again!"); return; } if (i1 < win_list.size() && i2 < win_list.size() && i1 < win_list_past.size() && i2 < win_list_past.size()) { QString current1 = m_v3d.getImageName(win_list[i1]); QString current2 = m_v3d.getImageName(win_list[i2]); QString past1 = m_v3d.getImageName(win_list_past[i1]); QString past2 = m_v3d.getImageName(win_list_past[i2]); if (current1==past1 && current2==past2) { if (win_list[i1] && win_list[i2])//ensure the 3d viewer window is open; if not, then open it { m_v3d.open3DWindow(win_list[i1]); View3DControl *view_master = m_v3d.getView3DControl(win_list[i1]); m_v3d.open3DWindow(win_list[i2]); View3DControl *view_slave = m_v3d.getView3DControl(win_list[i2]); if (view_master && view_slave) { view_master->absoluteRotPose(); int xRot = view_master->xRot(); int yRot = view_master->yRot(); int zRot = view_master->zRot(); int xShift = view_master->xShift(); int yShift = view_master->yShift(); int zShift = view_master->zShift(); int zoom = view_master->zoom(); if (check_rotation->isChecked()) { view_slave->resetRotation(); view_slave->doAbsoluteRot(xRot,yRot,zRot); } if (check_shift->isChecked()) { view_slave->setXShift(xShift); view_slave->setYShift(yShift); view_slave->setZShift(zShift); } if (check_zoom->isChecked()) view_slave->setZoom(zoom); } } } else { v3d_msg(warning_msg); QStringList items; for (int i=0; i<win_list.size(); i++) items << m_v3d.getImageName(win_list[i]); combo_master->clear(); combo_master->addItems(items); combo_slave->clear(); combo_slave->addItems(items); win_list_past = win_list; return; } } else { v3d_msg(warning_msg); QStringList items; for (int i=0; i<win_list.size(); i++) items << m_v3d.getImageName(win_list[i]); combo_master->clear(); combo_master->addItems(items); combo_slave->clear(); combo_slave->addItems(items); win_list_past = win_list; return; } return; }
void Image4DSimple::loadImage(const char* filename, bool b_useMyLib) { cleanExistData(); // note that this variable must be initialized as NULL. strcpy(imgSrcFile, filename); V3DLONG * tmp_sz = 0; // note that this variable must be initialized as NULL. int tmp_datatype = 0; int pixelnbits=1; //100817 const char * curFileSuffix = getSuffix(imgSrcFile); printf("The current input file has the suffix [%s]\n", curFileSuffix); if (curFileSuffix && (strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "tif")==0 || strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "tiff")==0 || strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "lsm")==0) ) //read tiff/lsm stacks { printf("Image4DSimple::loadImage loading filename=[%s]\n", filename); #if defined _WIN32 { v3d_msg("(Win32) Now try to use LIBTIFF (slightly revised by PHC) to read the TIFF/LSM...\n",0); if (strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "tif")==0 || strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "tiff")==0) { if (loadTif2Stack(imgSrcFile, data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype)) { v3d_msg("Error happens in TIF file reading (using libtiff). \n", false); b_error=1; } } else //if ( strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "lsm")==0 ) //read lsm stacks { if (loadLsm2Stack(imgSrcFile, data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype)) { v3d_msg("Error happens in LSM file reading (using libtiff, slightly revised by PHC). \n", false); b_error=1; } } } #else if (b_useMyLib) { v3d_msg("Now try to use MYLIB to read the TIFF/LSM again...\n",0); if (loadTif2StackMylib(imgSrcFile, data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype, pixelnbits)) { v3d_msg("Error happens in TIF/LSM file reading (using MYLIB). Stop. \n", false); b_error=1; return; } else b_error=0; //when succeed then reset b_error } else { v3d_msg("Now try to use LIBTIFF (slightly revised by PHC) to read the TIFF/LSM...\n",0); if (strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "tif")==0 || strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "tiff")==0) { if (loadTif2Stack(imgSrcFile, data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype)) { v3d_msg("Error happens in TIF file reading (using libtiff). \n", false); b_error=1; } } else //if ( strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "lsm")==0 ) //read lsm stacks { if (loadLsm2Stack(imgSrcFile, data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype)) { v3d_msg("Error happens in LSM file reading (using libtiff, slightly revised by PHC). \n", false); b_error=1; } } } printf("Image4DSimple::loadImage finished\n"); #endif } else if (curFileSuffix && (strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "nrrd")==0 || strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "nhdr")==0)) //read nrrd stacks { printf("Image4DSimple::loadImage loading filename=[%s]\n", filename); float pxinfo[4]; float spaceorigin[3]; if (!read_nrrd_with_pxinfo(imgSrcFile, data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype, pxinfo, spaceorigin)) { v3d_msg("Error happens in NRRD file reading. Stop. \n", false); b_error=1; return; } else { //copy the pixel size and origin info when the nrrd read is successful //note that pixinfo[3] is reserved for future extension to include the temporal sampling rate. It is not used right now. rez_x = pxinfo[0]; rez_y = pxinfo[1]; rez_z = pxinfo[2]; origin_x = spaceorigin[0]; origin_y = spaceorigin[1]; origin_z = spaceorigin[2]; } } else if ( curFileSuffix && strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "mrc")==0 ) //read mrc stacks { if (loadMRC2Stack(imgSrcFile, data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype)) { v3d_msg("Error happens in MRC file reading. Stop. \n", false); b_error=1; return; } } #ifdef _ALLOW_WORKMODE_MENU_ //else if ( curFileSuffix && ImageLoader::hasPbdExtension(QString(filename)) ) // read v3dpbd - pack-bit-difference encoding for sparse stacks else if ( curFileSuffix && strcasecmp(curFileSuffix, "v3dpbd")==0 ) // read v3dpbd - pack-bit-difference encoding for sparse stacks { v3d_msg("start to try v3dpbd", 0); ImageLoaderBasic imageLoader; if (! imageLoader.loadRaw2StackPBD(imgSrcFile, this, false) == 0) { v3d_msg("Error happens in v3dpbd file reading. Stop. \n", false); b_error=1; return; } // The following few lines are to avoid disturbing the existing code below tmp_datatype=this->getDatatype(); tmp_sz=new V3DLONG[4]; tmp_sz[0]=this->getXDim(); tmp_sz[1]=this->getYDim(); tmp_sz[2]=this->getZDim(); tmp_sz[3]=this->getCDim(); this->setFileName(filename); // PHC added 20121213 to fix a bug in the PDB reading. } #endif else //then assume it is Hanchuan's Vaa3D RAW format { v3d_msg("The data does not have supported image file suffix, -- now this program assumes it is Vaa3D's RAW format and tries to load it... \n", false); if (loadRaw2Stack(imgSrcFile, data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype)) { printf("The data doesn't look like a correct 4-byte-size Vaa3D's RAW file. Try 2-byte-raw. \n"); if (loadRaw2Stack_2byte(imgSrcFile, data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype)) { v3d_msg("Error happens in reading 4-byte-size and 2-byte-size Vaa3D's RAW file. Stop. \n", false); b_error=1; return; } } } //080302: now convert any 16 bit or float data to the range of 0-255 (i.e. 8bit) switch (tmp_datatype) { case 1: datatype = V3D_UINT8; break; case 2: //080824 //convert_data_to_8bit((void *&)data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype); //datatype = UINT8; //UINT16; datatype = V3D_UINT16; break; case 4: //convert_data_to_8bit((void *&)data1d, tmp_sz, tmp_datatype); datatype = V3D_FLOAT32; //FLOAT32; break; default: v3d_msg("The data type is not UINT8, UINT16 or FLOAT32. Something wrong with the program, -- should NOT display this message at all. Check your program. \n"); if (tmp_sz) {delete []tmp_sz; tmp_sz=0;} return; } sz0 = tmp_sz[0]; sz1 = tmp_sz[1]; sz2 = tmp_sz[2]; sz3 = tmp_sz[3]; //no longer merge the 3rd and 4th dimensions /* clean all workspace variables */ if (tmp_sz) {delete []tmp_sz; tmp_sz=0;} return; }
void ImageTip::Compute_DFS() { static int nDx[] = {-1,0,1,-1,0,1,-1,0,1}; static int nDy[] = {-1,-1,-1,0,0,0,1,1,1}; static int nDz[] = {-1,0,1}; V3DLONG x = 0; V3DLONG y = 0; V3DLONG z = 0; V3DLONG count = 0; V3DLONG i = 0; V3DLONG j = 0; V3DLONG k = 0; V3DLONG l = 0; deque<DPoint_t> dfs; V3DLONG temp_l = 0; V3DLONG index_nei = 0; DPoint_t point; point.m_x = m_sptSeed.m_x + 1; point.m_y = m_sptSeed.m_y + 1; point.m_z = m_sptSeed.m_z + 1; point.m_l = 0; dfs.push_back(point); try //m_piDFS indicates the distance values { m_piDFS = new float [totallen]; } catch (...) { v3d_msg("Fail to allocate memory in Distance Transform.", 0); if (m_piDFS) {delete []m_piDFS; m_piDFS=0;} return; } memset(m_piDFS, NONVISITED, totallen * sizeof(float)); V3DLONG m_pagesz = realszx*realszy; m_piDFS[point.m_z * m_pagesz + point.m_y * realszx + point.m_x] = 0; //the distance to the starting pt is 0 (of course!) while(!dfs.empty()) { point = dfs.front(); dfs.pop_front(); i = point.m_z; j = point.m_y; k = point.m_x; l = point.m_l; // 26 count = 0; //to indicate the direction type for(int m = 0; m < 3; m++) { for(int n = 0; n < 9; n++) { z = i + nDz[m]; y = j + nDy[n]; x = k + nDx[n]; ++count; index_nei = z * m_pagesz + y * realszx + x; if (m_ppsImgData[index_nei] != BACKGROUND) { switch(count) { // 6 faces case 5: case 11: case 13: case 15: case 17: case 23: temp_l = l + 1; if(m_piDFS[index_nei] != NONVISITED) { if(temp_l < m_piDFS[index_nei]) { //printf("temp=%d m_pidfs=%d\n",temp_l,m_piDFS[index_nei]); m_piDFS[index_nei] = temp_l; point.m_x = x; point.m_y = y; point.m_z = z; point.m_l = temp_l; dfs.push_back(point); } } else //set initial value { // printf("tem=%d",temp_l); m_piDFS[index_nei] = temp_l; point.m_x = x; point.m_y = y; point.m_z = z; point.m_l = temp_l; dfs.push_back(point); } break; // 12 edges case 2: case 4: case 6: case 8: case 10: case 12: case 16: case 18: case 20: case 22: case 24: case 26: temp_l = l + sqrt(2.0); if(m_piDFS[index_nei] != NONVISITED) { if(temp_l < m_piDFS[index_nei]) { m_piDFS[index_nei] = temp_l; point.m_x = x; point.m_y = y; point.m_z = z; point.m_l = temp_l; dfs.push_back(point); } } else //set initial value { m_piDFS[index_nei] = temp_l; point.m_x = x; point.m_y = y; point.m_z = z; point.m_l = temp_l; dfs.push_back(point); } break; // 8 vertexes case 1: case 3: case 7: case 9: case 19: case 21: case 25: case 27: temp_l = l + sqrt(3.0); if(m_piDFS[index_nei] != NONVISITED) { if(temp_l < m_piDFS[index_nei]) { m_piDFS[index_nei] = temp_l; point.m_x = x; point.m_y = y; point.m_z = z; point.m_l = temp_l; dfs.push_back(point); } } else //set initial value { m_piDFS[index_nei] = temp_l; point.m_x = x; point.m_y = y; point.m_z = z; point.m_l = temp_l; dfs.push_back(point); } break; default: break; } } } } } return; }
void lookPanel::_slot_syncAuto() { v3dhandleList win_list = m_v3d.getImageWindowList(); bool b_filelistchanged = (win_list.size()==win_list_past.size()) ? false : true; if (!b_filelistchanged) { for (int i=0; i<win_list.size(); i++) { if ( != { b_filelistchanged = true; break; } } } if (b_filelistchanged) { v3d_msg(warning_msg); QStringList items; for (int i=0; i<win_list.size(); i++) items << m_v3d.getImageName(win_list[i]); combo_master->clear(); combo_master->addItems(items); combo_slave->clear(); combo_slave->addItems(items); win_list_past = win_list; return; } //only execute the sync if the file list has not changed int i_master = combo_master->currentIndex(); int i_slave = combo_slave->currentIndex(); if (i_master==i_slave) { v3d_msg("You have selected the same image. You need to specify and sync two different images. Try again!"); resetSyncAutoState(); QStringList items; for (int i=0; i<win_list.size(); i++) items << m_v3d.getImageName(win_list[i]); if (combo_master) { combo_master->clear(); combo_master->addItems(items); combo_master->setEnabled(true); } if (combo_slave) { combo_slave->clear(); combo_slave->addItems(items); combo_slave->setEnabled(true); } return; } b_autoON = !b_autoON; // a simple bi-state switch if (b_autoON) { syncAuto->setText("Stop Sync (real time)"); xRot_past = -1; yRot_past = -1; zRot_past = -1; xShift_past = -1; yShift_past = -1; zShift_past = -1; zoom_past = -1; if (!(view_master = m_v3d.getView3DControl(win_list[i_master]))) { m_v3d.open3DWindow(win_list[i_master]); view_master = m_v3d.getView3DControl(win_list[i_master]); } if (!(view_slave = m_v3d.getView3DControl(win_list[i_slave]))) { m_v3d.open3DWindow(win_list[i_slave]); view_slave = m_v3d.getView3DControl(win_list[i_slave]); } combo_master->setEnabled( false ); combo_slave->setEnabled( false ); long interval = 0.2 * 1000; m_pTimer->start(interval); } else { resetSyncAutoState(); return; } return; }
bool join_two_V_NeuronSWC(V_NeuronSWC & destination_swc, V_NeuronSWC & subject_swc) { if (subject_swc.nrows()<=0) { qDebug("subject_swc is empty in join_two_V_NeuronSWC()"); return false; } if (destination_swc.nrows()<=0) { destination_swc = subject_swc; return true; } //step 0: to simplify the des neuron, to make the joining simpler if (!simplify_V_NeuronSWC_nodeindex(destination_swc)) { qDebug("inconsistent destination neuron structure found in join_two_V_NeuronSWC()"); return false; //some error happens } //first just concatenate records V_NeuronSWC_unit v, vp; V3DLONG i=0, j=0; V3DLONG nr_des = destination_swc.nrows(); for (i=0; i<subject_swc.nrows(); i++) { v =; v.n += nr_des; if (v.parent>=0) v.parent += nr_des; destination_swc.append(v); } nr_des = destination_swc.nrows(); //then produce the adjacency matrix vector<V_NeuronSWC_coord> unpos = destination_swc.unique_ncoord(); V3DLONG N = unpos.size(); map <V3DLONG, V3DLONG> nid_row_lut; for (i=0; i<nr_des; i++) { nid_row_lut[] = i; } map <V3DLONG, V3DLONG> row_unid_lut; for (i=0; i<nr_des; i++) { V_NeuronSWC_coord c =; V3DLONG ic = value_in_vector(unpos, c); if (ic<0) { v3d_msg("Indexing error! Check data in join_two_V_NeuronSWC."); return false; } row_unid_lut[i] = ic; } vector < vector <V3DLONG> > adjm; vector <V3DLONG> plist; for (i=0; i<N; i++) adjm.push_back(plist); //initialize as empty vector < vector <float> > adjm_radius; vector <float> tmpr; for (i=0; i<N; i++) adjm_radius.push_back(tmpr); //initialize as empty vector < vector <float> > adjm_type; vector <float> tmpt; for (i=0; i<N; i++) adjm_type.push_back(tmpt); //initialize as empty for (i=0; i<nr_des; i++) { v =; V3DLONG iv = row_unid_lut[i]; if (v.parent>=0) { vp =[v.parent]); V3DLONG ip = row_unid_lut[nid_row_lut[v.parent]];; //add it anyway, will find unique one later. Indeed even unnecessary to find the unique ones, because the repeated record will merge automatically;; //need to record neuron edge type and radius as well later } else { //do nothing about the parent, i.e. this is a root for this record, and thus do not add to the parent list at all //but still update type and radius;; } } //no need to find unique ones //then re-produce a new swc V_NeuronSWC newswc = destination_swc; newswc.row.clear(); for (i=0; i<N; i++) { vector <V3DLONG> & cur_pa =; vector <float> & cur_r =; vector <float> & cur_t =; V_NeuronSWC_coord & cur_coord =; if (cur_pa.size()<=0) //a root { v.n = i; v.type = double(cur_t.back()); //direct use the last one, which means the later one overwrite the first one v.x = cur_coord.x; v.y = cur_coord.y; v.z = cur_coord.z; v.r = cur_r.back(); //direct use the last one, which means the later one overwrite the first one v.parent = -1; newswc.append(v); } else { for (j=0; j<cur_pa.size(); j++) { v.n = i; v.type = double(; //allow he later one overwrite the earlier one(s) if there are redundant records v.x = cur_coord.x; v.y = cur_coord.y; v.z = cur_coord.z; v.r =; //so I allow the later one overwrite the earlier one(s) if there are redundant records v.parent =; newswc.append(v); } } } //copy the results destination_swc = newswc; destination_swc.b_jointed = true; return true; }
bool combiner::eswc_generate() { //qDebug()<<"in eswc generate"; //1-5 spine. 1:volume; 2:max_dis; 3:min_dis; 4:center_dis; 5:head-width //6-7 IS. 6:volume; 2:on_dendrite for (QMap<int,node_info>::iterator iter_map=nodegroup_map.begin(); iter_map!=nodegroup_map.end();iter_map++) { // qDebug()<<"key:"<<iter_map.key()<<" spine:"<<iter_map.value().spine_lut.size()<< // " IS:"<<iter_map.value().is_lut.size(); int node_id = iter_map.key(); QVector<spineunit> spine_vec = iter_map.value().spine_lut; QVector<isunit> is_vec = iter_map.value().is_lut; //qDebug()<<"key:"<<iter_map.key()<<"spine:"<<spine_vec.size()<<" is:"<<is_vec.size(); //needs to first check if the node_id goes beyond the swc //if true, then the swc and the table is not the right match if (node_id>neuron.listNeuron.size()) { v3d_msg("SWC and tables do not match. Please check inputs.\n"); return false; } //fill in the original node if (!spine_vec.isEmpty()) { //take out the first spine spineunit first_spine = spine_vec.front(); neuron.listNeuron[node_id].fea_val[0] = (float)first_spine.volume; neuron.listNeuron[node_id].fea_val[1] = (float)first_spine.max_dis; neuron.listNeuron[node_id].fea_val[2] = (float)first_spine.min_dis; neuron.listNeuron[node_id].fea_val[3] = (float)first_spine.center_dis; neuron.listNeuron[node_id].fea_val[4] = (float)first_spine.head_width; //pop out this spine spine_vec.pop_front(); } if (!is_vec.isEmpty()) { isunit first_is = is_vec.front(); neuron.listNeuron[node_id].fea_val[5] = first_is.volume; neuron.listNeuron[node_id].fea_val[6] = first_is.on_dendrite; is_vec.pop_front(); } //start creating new nodes while (!(is_vec.isEmpty() && spine_vec.isEmpty())) { NeuronSWC S; S.n = neuron.listNeuron.length()+1; // qDebug()<<"~~~~~~~~~~~~~New node add:"<<S.n<<"ori node: "<<neuron.listNeuron[node_id].n // <<" ori node parent:"<<neuron.listNeuron[node_id].parent; S.type = neuron.listNeuron[node_id].type; S.x = neuron.listNeuron[node_id].x; S.y = neuron.listNeuron[node_id].y; S.z = neuron.listNeuron[node_id].z; S.r = neuron.listNeuron[node_id].r; S.parent = neuron.listNeuron[node_id].parent; S.fea_val.clear(); for (int jj=0;jj<7;jj++) S.fea_val.push_back(-1); if (!spine_vec.isEmpty()) { S.fea_val[0] = (float)spine_vec.front().volume; S.fea_val[1] = (float)spine_vec.front().max_dis; S.fea_val[2] = (float)spine_vec.front().min_dis; S.fea_val[3] = (float)spine_vec.front().center_dis; S.fea_val[4] = (float)spine_vec.front().head_width; spine_vec.pop_front(); } if (!is_vec.isEmpty()) { S.fea_val[5] = (float)is_vec.front().volume; S.fea_val[6] = (float)is_vec.front().on_dendrite; is_vec.pop_front(); } neuron.listNeuron[node_id].parent=S.n; //change the ori node's parent to this new node neuron.listNeuron.append(S); } } QString eswc_out_name=""; if (!writeESWC_file(eswc_out_name,neuron)) return false; //qDebug()<<"voxel_group:"<<neuron.listNeuron.size()<<"finish writing out"<<endl; QMessageBox::information(0,"combiner plug-in","File has been succesfully saved to the specified folder.", QMessageBox::Ok); return true; }
void pointcloud_atlas_builderPlugin::domenu(const QString &menu_name, V3DPluginCallback &callback, QWidget *parent) { atlasConfig cfginfo; QDir curdir; // v3d_msg(curdir.currentPath()); // // printf("%s", curdir.currentPath().toStdString().c_str()); QString fileName = curdir.currentPath() + V3DFOLDER; if (!loadPointCloudAtlasConfigFile(qPrintable(fileName.trimmed()), cfginfo)) { v3d_msg("Fail to load the configuration file atlas_config.txt"); return; } if (menu_name == tr("Edit an existing point cloud atlas linker file")) { fl_procPC_Atlas_edit_atlaslinkerfile(); } else if (menu_name == tr("Create a new point cloud atlas linker file")) { fl_procPC_Atlas_create_atlaslinkerfile(); } else if (menu_name == tr("Build the atlas")) { fl_procPC_Atlas_build_atlas(cfginfo); } else if (menu_name == tr("Detect coexpressing cells")) { fl_procPC_atlas_detect_coexpress_cells(cfginfo); } // else if (menu_name == tr("Edit coexpressing cells")) // { // fl_procPC_atlas_edit_coexpress_cells(); // } else if (menu_name == tr("Merge coexpressing cells")) { // fl_procPC_atlas_merge_coexpress_cells(callback); fl_procPC_atlas_merge_coexpress_cells(cfginfo); } // else if (menu_name == tr("Display atlas")) // { // fl_procPC_atlas_display(); // } else if (menu_name == tr("Adjust preference")) { fl_procPC_adjust_preference(); } else if (menu_name == tr("About this plugin")) { QMessageBox::information(parent, "Version info", "Point cloud atlas builder v1.0. Developed by Fuhui Long ."); } else return; }
bool doNeuronToolBoxPlugin(MainWindow* mainwindow, const vaa3d_neurontoolbox_paras & p) { v3d_msg(QString("Now try to run NeuronToolbox [%1]").arg(p.OPS), 0); try { QDir pluginsDir = QDir(qApp->applicationDirPath()); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) if (pluginsDir.dirName().toLower() == "debug" || pluginsDir.dirName().toLower() == "release") pluginsDir.cdUp(); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) if (pluginsDir.dirName() == "MacOS") { pluginsDir.cdUp(); pluginsDir.cdUp(); pluginsDir.cdUp(); } #endif if ("plugins/neuron_toolbox")==false) { v3d_msg("Cannot find ./plugins/neuron_toolbox directory!"); return false; } QStringList fileList = pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files); if (fileList.size()<1) { v3d_msg("Cannot find any file in the ./plugins/neuron_toolbox directory!"); return false; } QString fullpath = pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(; //always just use the first file (assume it is the only one) found in the folder as the "correct" dll QPluginLoader* loader = new QPluginLoader(fullpath); if (!loader) { qDebug("unable to load neuron_toolbox plugin"); return false; } // v3d_msg(fullpath, 0); // V3d_PluginLoader mypluginloader(mainwindow); V3d_PluginLoader* mypluginloader = mainwindow->pluginLoader; //mypluginloader.runPlugin(loader, QString("about this plugin")); // curw->getImageData()->setCustomStructPointer((void *)(&p)); //to pass parameters to the imaging plugin // mypluginloader.runPlugin(loader, p.OPS); //mypluginloader.runPlugin(loader, "about"); V3DPluginArgList input; V3DPluginArgList output; V3DPluginArgItem arg; arg.p = (void *)(&p); input<<arg; mypluginloader->callPluginFunc(fullpath, "neuron_toolbox", input, output); // MainWindow * mainWin = qobject_cast<MainWindow*>(qApp->topLevelWidgets().at(0)); //mainwindow->pluginLoader->callPluginFunc(fullpath, "neuron_toolbox", input, output); } catch (...) { v3d_msg("NeuronToolbox has a problem", 1); return false; } return true; }
bool eswc2swc_io(const V3DPluginArgList & input, V3DPluginArgList & output) { cout<<"Welcome to eswc2swc_io"<<endl; vector<char*>* inlist = (vector<char*>*)(; vector<char*>* outlist = NULL; if(input.size() != 1) { printf("Please specify both input file name.\n"); return false; } QString fileOpenName = QString(inlist->at(0)); QString fileSaveName; QString tmp = fileOpenName; if (output.size()==0) { printf("No outputfile specified.\n"); tmp.chop(4); fileSaveName = tmp + "swc"; } else if (output.size()==1) { outlist = (vector<char*>*)(; fileSaveName = QString(outlist->at(0)); } else { printf("You have specified more than 1 output file.\n"); return false; } NeuronTree neuron; vector<V3DLONG> segment_id, segment_layer; vector<double> feature; if (fileOpenName.endsWith(".eswc") || fileOpenName.endsWith(".ESWC")) { neuron = read_eswc(segment_id, segment_layer, feature, fileOpenName); if (!swc2eswc(neuron,segment_id, segment_layer)) { v3d_msg("Cannot convert eswc to swc.\n"); return false; } } else { v3d_msg("The file type you specified is not supported. Please check."); return false; } int ret = QMessageBox::Yes; if (check_eswc(neuron, segment_id, segment_layer)==-1) { v3d_msg("WARNING: Something is wrong with the eswc file", 0); v3d_msg("But we still put convert it to swc format", 0); } QString fileDefaultName = fileOpenName; fileDefaultName.chop(4); fileDefaultName += QString("swc"); //write new SWC to file if (!export_swc(neuron,qPrintable(fileSaveName))) { v3d_msg("fail to write the output swc file.", 0); return false; } return true; }
void lookPanel::_slot_timerupdate() { int i_master = combo_master->currentIndex(); int i_slave = combo_slave->currentIndex(); if (i_master==i_slave) { v3d_msg("Somehow you have specified the same image for both master and slave views. Do nothing!", 0); resetSyncAutoState(); return; } if (!(view_master = m_v3d.getView3DControl(win_list[i_master]))) { m_v3d.open3DWindow(win_list[i_master]); view_master = m_v3d.getView3DControl(win_list[i_master]); } if (!(view_slave = m_v3d.getView3DControl(win_list[i_slave]))) { m_v3d.open3DWindow(win_list[i_slave]); view_slave = m_v3d.getView3DControl(win_list[i_slave]); } if (view_master && view_slave) { if (check_rotation->isChecked()) { view_master->absoluteRotPose(); int xRot = view_master->xRot(); int yRot = view_master->yRot(); int zRot = view_master->zRot(); if (xRot!=xRot_past || yRot!=yRot_past || zRot!=zRot_past) { view_slave->resetRotation(); view_slave->doAbsoluteRot(xRot,yRot,zRot); xRot_past = xRot; yRot_past = yRot; zRot_past = zRot; } } if (check_shift->isChecked()) { int xShift = view_master->xShift(); int yShift = view_master->yShift(); int zShift = view_master->zShift(); if (xShift!=xShift_past || yShift!=yShift_past || zShift!=zShift_past) { view_slave->setXShift(xShift); view_slave->setYShift(yShift); view_slave->setZShift(zShift); xShift_past = xShift; yShift_past = yShift; zShift_past = zShift; } } if (check_zoom->isChecked()) { int zoom = view_master->zoom(); if (zoom!=zoom_past) { view_slave->setZoom(zoom); zoom_past = zoom; } } } }
bool SortESWC(QList<NeuronSWC> & neurons, QList<NeuronSWC> & result, V3DLONG newrootid, double thres) { if (neurons.size()<1){ cout <<"sorteswc(): empty input neuron."<<endl; return false; } //create a LUT, from the original id to the position in the listNeuron, different neurons with the same x,y,z & r are merged into one position QHash<V3DLONG, V3DLONG> LUT = getUniqueLUT(neurons); //create a new id list to give every different neuron a new id QList<V3DLONG> idlist = ((QSet<V3DLONG>)LUT.values().toSet()).toList(); //create a child-parent table, both child and parent id refers to the index of idlist QHash<V3DLONG, V3DLONG> cp = ChildParent(neurons,idlist,LUT); V3DLONG siz = idlist.size(); bool** matrix = new bool*[siz]; for (V3DLONG i = 0;i<siz;i++) { matrix[i] = new bool[siz]; for (V3DLONG j = 0;j<siz;j++) matrix[i][j] = false; } //generate the adjacent matrix for undirected matrix for (V3DLONG i = 0;i<siz;i++) { QList<V3DLONG> parentSet = cp.values(i); //id of the ith node's parents for (V3DLONG j=0;j<parentSet.size();j++) { V3DLONG v2 = (V3DLONG) (; if (v2==-1) continue; matrix[i][v2] = true; matrix[v2][i] = true; } } //do a DFS for the the matrix and re-allocate ids for all the nodes V3DLONG root = idlist.indexOf(LUT.value(1)); //default value: the first node, in case there is no root defined in the input swc if (newrootid==VOID) { for (V3DLONG i=0;i<neurons.size();i++) if ({ root = idlist.indexOf(LUT.value(; break; } } else{ root = idlist.indexOf(LUT.value(newrootid)); if (LUT.keys().indexOf(newrootid)==-1) { v3d_msg("The new root id you have chosen does not exist in the SWC file."); return(false); } } V3DLONG* neworder = new V3DLONG[siz]; int* numbered = new int[siz]; for (V3DLONG i=0;i<siz;i++) numbered[i] = 0; V3DLONG id[] = {0}; int group[] = {1}; DFS(matrix,neworder,root,id,siz,numbered,group); while (*id<siz) { V3DLONG iter; (*group)++; for (iter=0;iter<siz;iter++) if (numbered[iter]==0) break; DFS(matrix,neworder,iter,id,siz,numbered,group); } //find the point in non-group 1 that is nearest to group 1, //include the nearest point as well as its neighbors into group 1, until all the nodes are connected while((*group)>1) { double min = VOID; double dist2 = 0; int mingroup = 1; V3DLONG m1,m2; for (V3DLONG ii=0;ii<siz;ii++){ if (numbered[ii]==1) for (V3DLONG jj=0;jj<siz;jj++) if (numbered[jj]!=1) { dist2 = computeDist2(,; if (dist2<min) { min = dist2; mingroup = numbered[jj]; m1 = ii; m2 = jj; } } } for (V3DLONG i=0;i<siz;i++) if (numbered[i]==mingroup) numbered[i] = 1; if (min<=thres*thres) { matrix[m1][m2] = true; matrix[m2][m1] = true; } (*group)--; } id[0] = 0; for (int i=0;i<siz;i++) { numbered[i] = 0; neworder[i]= VOID; } *group = 1; V3DLONG new_root=root; V3DLONG offset=0; while (*id<siz) { V3DLONG cnt = 0; DFS(matrix,neworder,new_root,id,siz,numbered,group); (*group)++; NeuronSWC S; S.n = offset+1; = -1; V3DLONG oripos =; S.x =; S.y =; S.z =; S.r =; S.type =; S.seg_id =; S.level =; S.fea_val =; result.append(S); cnt++; for (V3DLONG ii=offset+1;ii<(*id);ii++) { for (V3DLONG jj=offset;jj<ii;jj++) //after DFS the id of parent must be less than child's { if (neworder[ii]!=VOID && neworder[jj]!=VOID && matrix[neworder[ii]][neworder[jj]] ) { NeuronSWC S; S.n = ii+1; = jj+1; V3DLONG oripos =[ii]); S.x =; S.y =; S.z =; S.r =; S.type =; S.seg_id =; S.level =; S.fea_val =; result.append(S); cnt++; break; //added by CHB to avoid problem caused by loops in swc, 20150313 } } } for (new_root=0;new_root<siz;new_root++) if (numbered[new_root]==0) break; offset += cnt; } if ((*id)<siz) { v3d_msg("Error!"); return false; } //free space by Yinan Wan 12-02-02 if (neworder) {delete []neworder; neworder=NULL;} if (numbered) {delete []numbered; numbered=NULL;} if (matrix){ for (V3DLONG i=0;i<siz;i++) {delete matrix[i]; matrix[i]=NULL;} if (matrix) {delete []matrix; matrix=NULL;} } return(true); };
void fl_func_procIO_import_atlas_apofolder(apoAtlasLinkerInfoAll & apoinfo) { // QMessageBox::information(0, "Information about import pointcloud APO files to an .atlas linker file", // "To import a series of images to an .atlas linker file, these files should be put into the same folder and have the same size (X,Y,Z dimensions and number of color channels). <br><br>" // "You will be first asked to specify one of these files, and you can define a string filter of their file names.<br><br>" // "Normally these files should be aligned/registered images; but this function can also be used to produce a linker file just for screening a series of image stacks.<br><br>" // "Note that these files must be valid .tif files (or another image file format supported in V3D).<br><br>" // "You will be then asked to specify a file name of the output .atlas linker file.<br><br>" // ); //first load a series of annotation files and build the record while (1) { PointCloudAtlas_LinkerLoadDialog d(apoinfo); //everytime create a new dialog instance, so that apoinfo becomes longer and longer int rescode = d.exec(); if (rescode==QDialog::Accepted) { d.fetchData(apoinfo); printf("Now apoinfo has the %d classes\n", apoinfo.items.size()); break; } else if (rescode==QDialog::Rejected) { v3d_msg("The point cloud atlas linker file editing is canceled."); return; //break; } else if (rescode==2) //"2" is a special code I define in dialog_pointcloudatlas_linkerload.cpp for "add another" { d.fetchData(apoinfo); printf("Now apoinfo has the %d classes\n", apoinfo.items.size()); } else { v3d_msg("invalid rescode returned in PointCloudAtlas_LinkerLoadDialog(). Check your program."); break; } } //now determine the output .atlas file QString fileName = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName(0, QString("Save Atlas File (*.pc_atlas)"), "import.pc_atlas", QString("point cloud atlas linker file (*.pc_atlas)")); if (fileName.isEmpty()) { v3d_msg("No output file is selected. Do nothing."); return; } //append(".pc_atlas"); //now save the record to a pointcloud atlas file if (savePointCloudAtlasInfoListToFile(qPrintable(fileName), apoinfo)) v3d_msg(qPrintable(fileName.prepend("The point cloud atlas linker file [").append("] has been created."))); else v3d_msg("Fail to save the point cloud atlas file."); }
bool join_two_V_NeuronSWC_old(V_NeuronSWC & destination_swc, V_NeuronSWC & subject_swc) { if (subject_swc.nrows()<=0) { qDebug("subject_swc is empty in join_two_V_NeuronSWC()"); return false; } if (destination_swc.nrows()<=0) { destination_swc = subject_swc; return true; } else { if (!simplify_V_NeuronSWC_nodeindex(destination_swc)) { qDebug("inconsistent destination neuron structure found in join_two_V_NeuronSWC()"); return false; //some error happens } V_NeuronSWC_unit v; V3DLONG i=0; destination_swc.printInfo(); //one problem I don't consider now is that the nodes (3D locations) in a neuron reconstruction may duplicated. This should be simplified later too V3DLONG n0 = destination_swc.nrows(); map <V3DLONG, V3DLONG> sub_index_map = unique_V_NeuronSWC_nodeindex(subject_swc); V3DLONG *ipos=0; ipos=new V3DLONG [subject_swc.nrows()]; qDebug()<<"start ==================== map "<<; for (i=0; i<subject_swc.nrows(); i++) { ipos[i] = destination_swc.getFirstIndexof3DPos(; if (ipos[i]>=0) qDebug("**detect an overlapping node [sub ind = %d, dest_ind=%d]",i,ipos[i]); sub_index_map[[0]] = (ipos[i]>=0) ?[i]).data[0] : (sub_index_map[[0]]+n0); qDebug()<<"map "<<[0]<<" to "<<sub_index_map[[0]]; } qDebug()<<"finish ==================== map "; for (i=0; i<subject_swc.nrows(); i++) { v =; qDebug()<<i<<"before : "<<[0]<<" "<<[1]<<" "<<[2]<<" "<<[3]<<" "<<[4]<<" "<<[5]<<" "<<[6];[0] = sub_index_map[[0]]; if (ipos[i]>=0) //overlap { if ([6]>=0) //non-root { if (ipos[V3DLONG([6])]<0) //if the parent overlap as well, then do no add {[6] = sub_index_map[[6]]; //if the overalp node is not a root (thus has its own parent, then inherit) destination_swc.append(v); //in this case, still need to add this swc unit into the dest_swc } } else //root {[6] =[i]).data[6]; //if the overlap node is a root for subject seg, then copy the parent in dest_swc qDebug()<<"**omit one overlap node **"; //in this case, no need to add this swc unit into the dest_swc } } else //if not an overlap node, should just add (but the node indexes should be updated) { if ([6]>=0) {[6] = sub_index_map[[6]]; //if the overalp node is not a root (thus has its own parent, then inherit) destination_swc.append(v); } else { //if the overlap node is a root for subject seg, then copy the parent in dest_swc qDebug()<<"**copy a non-overlapping root node **"; destination_swc.append(v); //in this case, still need to add as it is not overlap } } qDebug()<<i<<"after : "<<[0]<<" "<<[1]<<" "<<[2]<<" "<<[3]<<" "<<[4]<<" "<<[5]<<" "<<[6]; } //search for all root nodes destination_swc.printInfo(); vector < vector<V3DLONG> > des_rootnode_overlap_info; vector <V3DLONG> overlap_root_array; V_NeuronSWC newswc = destination_swc; newswc.row.clear(); for (i=0; i<destination_swc.row.size(); i++) //note that I search the entire merged destination, so that the part originally from subject will get searched again { v =; if (v.parent<0) { vector <V3DLONG> mypos = destination_swc.getAllIndexof3DPos(v, i); if (mypos.size()>1) { v3d_msg("Detect a root node that has the same coordinates of more than one other neuron nodes. Your data may have error. "); } if (mypos.size()>0) //overlap root, remove { vector <V3DLONG> mypos1; for (V3DLONG j=0; j<mypos.size(); j++) { if (<0) //if it is a root { if (!=v.n) //then it is not a redundant row, -- maybe there is some other nodes link to this one. then do not add it to the newswc { = v.n; } } else //the overlap one is not a root { if (!=v.n) mypos1.push_back(; //if equal, do nothing (which means remove this root-row. In this case, no node mapping is needed, but the root should be deleted } } if (mypos1.size()>0) { overlap_root_array.push_back(v.n); des_rootnode_overlap_info.push_back(mypos1); //remove the current row by not copy to the new structure qDebug()<<"remove overlap root node"<<v.n; } //newswc.append(v); } else //non-overlapping root, keep { newswc.append(v); } } else //non_root, keep { newswc.append(v); } } for (i=0; i<overlap_root_array.size(); i++) qDebug()<<"overlapping root array "<<; for (i=0; i<newswc.row.size(); i++) //now merge & update { v =; V3DLONG cur_parent = V3DLONG(v.parent); V3DLONG mytmp = value_in_vector(overlap_root_array, cur_parent); if (mytmp>=0) { qDebug()<<"cur node "<<v.n<< " cur parent "<<v.parent << "new parent " <<; =; for (V3DLONG j=1; j<; j++) { v.parent =; newswc.append(v); //append some new records if one root mapped to multiple other non-root nodes } } } destination_swc = newswc; //update //save a temp swc file FILE * fp = fopen("/Users/pengh/temp/testaaa.swc", "wt"); if (fp) { fprintf(fp, "#name %s\n", "test123.swc"); fprintf(fp, "#comment %s\n", "jointed neuron"); fprintf(fp, "#n,type,x,y,z,radius,parent\n"); for (i=0; i<destination_swc.row.size(); i++) { v =; fprintf(fp, "%ld %ld %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %5.3f %ld\n", V3DLONG([0]), V3DLONG([1]),[2],[3],[4],[5], V3DLONG([6])); } fclose(fp); } if(ipos) { delete []ipos; ipos=0; } } destination_swc.b_jointed = true; //091029 RZC return true; }
bool ImageTip::Initialize(unsigned char* data, V3DLONG sz[3]) //do padding { try { if (!data || !sz || sz[0]<=0 || sz[1]<=0 || sz[2]<=0) { v3d_msg("Invalid data in SetImageInfo()", 0); return false; } } catch (...) { v3d_msg("Invalid data in SetImageInfo()", 0); return false; } m_ppsOriData1D = data; m_szx = sz[0]; m_szy = sz[1]; m_szz = sz[2]; // add margins to x,y,z for 26 neighborhood searching realszx = m_szx + 2; realszy = m_szy + 2; realszz = m_szz + 2; totallen = realszx*realszy*realszz; V3DLONG i,j,k; V3DLONG pagesz = realszx*realszy; //allocate memory and set default m_ppsImgData = new unsigned char [totallen]; memset(m_ppsImgData, BACKGROUND, totallen); //padding with 1 (margin) for (k=0; k<m_szz; k++) for (j=0; j<m_szy; j++) for (i=0; i<m_szx; i++) { m_ppsImgData[(k+1)*pagesz + (j+1)*realszx + (i+1)] = m_ppsOriData1D[(k)*m_szy*m_szx + (j)*m_szx + (i)]; } //find all boundary/surface points for (V3DLONG k=1; k<realszz-1; k++) for (V3DLONG j=1; j<realszy-1; j++) for (V3DLONG i=1; i<realszx-1; i++) { if (m_ppsImgData[k*pagesz + j*realszx + i] != BACKGROUND) { for (int koff=-1; koff<=1; koff++) for (int joff=-1; joff<=1; joff++) for (int ioff=-1; ioff<=1; ioff++) if (m_ppsImgData[(k+koff)*pagesz + (j+joff)*realszx + (i+ioff)] == BACKGROUND) { DPoint_t t; t.m_x = i; t.m_y = j; t.m_z = k; t.m_l = -1; m_vdfbptSurface.push_back(t); goto Label_BoundaryPt_Found; } } Label_BoundaryPt_Found: continue; } // return true; }