コード例 #1
ファイル: socells.cpp プロジェクト: BigMacchia/DynamO
  GSOCells::runEvent(Particle& part, const double) const

    Vector CellOrigin;
    size_t ID(part.getID());

    for (size_t iDim(0); iDim < NDIM; ++iDim)
	CellOrigin[iDim] = (ID % cuberootN) * cellDimension[iDim] - 0.5*Sim->primaryCellSize[iDim];
	ID /= cuberootN;
    //Determine the cell transition direction, its saved
    int cellDirectionInt(Sim->dynamics->
			 (part, CellOrigin, 

    size_t cellDirection = abs(cellDirectionInt) - 1;

    GlobalEvent iEvent(getEvent(part));

    if (std::isnan(iEvent.getdt()))
      M_throw() << "A NAN Interaction collision time has been found"
		<< iEvent.stringData(Sim);
    if (iEvent.getdt() == HUGE_VAL)
      M_throw() << "An infinite Interaction (not marked as NONE) collision time has been found\n"
		<< iEvent.stringData(Sim);

    Sim->systemTime += iEvent.getdt();

    Vector vNorm(0,0,0);

    Vector pos(part.getPosition()), vel(part.getVelocity());

    Sim->BCs->applyBC(pos, vel);

    vNorm[cellDirection] = (cellDirectionInt > 0) ? -1 : +1; 
    //Run the collision and catch the data
    NEventData EDat(Sim->dynamics->runPlaneEvent(part, vNorm, 1.0, 0.0));


    //Now we're past the event update the scheduler and plugins
    for (shared_ptr<OutputPlugin> & Ptr : Sim->outputPlugins)
      Ptr->eventUpdate(iEvent, EDat);

コード例 #2
ファイル: triang.c プロジェクト: nixberg/lumo
bool hitTriang(Photon *photon, Triang *triang, const float distance, const Material *materials)
    Shader shader = DIFFUSE;

    // Better idea?
    if (fDot(triang->direct, photon->direct) > -EPSILON)
        triang->direct = vNeg(triang->direct);

    // Update ray's position to the point where the ray hits the sphere
    photon->origin = fFMA(photon->direct, distance - UM(10), photon->origin);
    photon->lambda = materials[triang->mID].lambda;

    if (shader == CRAZY) {
        photon->direct = vNorm(vSub(newVec(0.99, 0, 0), photon->origin));
        return REFLECTED;

    else if (shader == SPECULAR) {
        // Angle between new and old vector is twice the angle between old vector and normal
        Vec reflect = vDot(photon->direct, triang->direct);
        photon->direct = vSub(photon->direct, vMul(triang->direct, vAdd(reflect, reflect)));

        return REFLECTED;

    else if (shader == DIFFUSE) {
        photon->direct = randDir();
        if (fDot(photon->direct, triang->direct) < EPSILON)
            photon->direct = vNeg(photon->direct);

        return REFLECTED;

    else return ABSORBED;
コード例 #3
ファイル: imu.cpp プロジェクト: Esmarra/motoduino
void IMU::orthonormalize(float inputDCM[3][3]) {
    // Takes 700 us.
    // Orthogonalize the i and j unit vectors (DCMDraft2 Eqn. 19).
    errDCM = vDotP(inputDCM[0], inputDCM[1]);
    vScale(inputDCM[1], -errDCM/2, dDCM[0]);   // i vector correction
    vScale(inputDCM[0], -errDCM/2, dDCM[1]);   // j vector correction
    vAdd(inputDCM[0], dDCM[0], inputDCM[0]);
    vAdd(inputDCM[1], dDCM[1], inputDCM[1]);

    // k = i x j
    vCrossP(inputDCM[0], inputDCM[1], inputDCM[2]);

    // Normalize all three vectors.
コード例 #4
ファイル: DriftCorrect.cpp プロジェクト: novas0x2a/isis3
HiVector DriftCorrect::Normalize(const HiVector &v) {
    HiVector vNorm(v.dim());
    double v0 = v[0];
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < v.dim() ; i++ ) {
        vNorm[i] = v[i] - v0;
    _history.add("Normalize[" + ToString(v0) + "]");
    return (vNorm);
コード例 #5
ファイル: SelectSrv.cpp プロジェクト: KaSt/LegendOfMir3_Src
	m_ppxSrvBtn = NULL;
	D3DVECTOR vNorm(0, 0, -1);
    m_avBillBoard[0]  = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0), vNorm, 0, 0);
    m_avBillBoard[1]  = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(-0.5f,-0.5f, 0), vNorm, 0, 1);
    m_avBillBoard[2]  = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0), vNorm, 1, 0);
    m_avBillBoard[3]  = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR( 0.5f,-0.5f, 0), vNorm, 1, 1);
コード例 #6
ファイル: char_base.cpp プロジェクト: MORTAL2000/fired
     * Character
     * checkMeleeShot

void fired::Character::checkMeleeShot(fired::MeleeShot *shot) {
	if (dead) return;

	sf::FloatRect ray(shot->pos, shot->direction);
	sf::Vector2f c, n, c2, n2;
	float dist;

	if (lineBoxCollision(phys.rect, ray, &c, &n, &dist)) {
		if (!isEnemy(shot->fraction)) return;

		phys.velocity += vNorm(shot->direction) * shot->knockback;
		world->addBloodSplash(c, n * 200.0f, 20);
		damage(shot->damage, c, shot->knockback, shot->owner);

		if (world->isCharExists(shot->owner)) if (dead) shot->owner->gainXP(stats.maxHP);
コード例 #7
VOID CImageHandler::InitAllImage()
	for ( INT nCnt = 0; nCnt < _MAX_IMAGE; nCnt++ )

	ZeroMemory(m_nLoadedMagic, sizeof(INT)*_MAX_MAGIC);

 	D3DVECTOR vNorm(0, 0, -1);
	m_avBillBoard[0]  = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(-0.5f, 0.5f, 0), vNorm, 0, 0);
	m_avBillBoard[1]  = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR(-0.5f,-0.5f, 0), vNorm, 0, 1);
	m_avBillBoard[2]  = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0), vNorm, 1, 0);
	m_avBillBoard[3]  = D3DVERTEX(D3DVECTOR( 0.5f,-0.5f, 0), vNorm, 1, 1);

	for ( nCnt = 0; nCnt < _MAX_TEXTR_FILE; nCnt++ )
コード例 #8
ファイル: collision.cpp プロジェクト: MGraefe/deferred
//Do collision test for all entities in the geometry manager exept those to avoid
void BaseTrace( rpm_file_t *pObject, CTraceline *pTrace )
	//maybe do a check if we can reach bounding box?

	//normalizations are expensive!
	pTrace->bHit = false;
	pTrace->vEnd = pTrace->vStart + pTrace->vDir * pTrace->fMaxLength; //pre-set end point, it is overwritten in case we hit something

	float fShortestDist = pTrace->fMaxLength;

	for( UINT i = 0; i < pObject->header.num_of_triangles; i++ )
		Vector3f vTriVerts[3];
		vTriVerts[0].Init( pObject->getTriangles()[i].vertex3[0].pos3 );
		vTriVerts[1].Init( pObject->getTriangles()[i].vertex3[1].pos3 );
		vTriVerts[2].Init( pObject->getTriangles()[i].vertex3[2].pos3 );

		//vTriVerts[0] -= pTrace->vStart;
		//vTriVerts[1] -= pTrace->vStart;
		//vTriVerts[2] -= pTrace->vStart;

		Vector3f vNorm( pObject->getTriangles()[i].norm3 );

		if( LineTriangleIntersect(	pTrace->vStart,
									fShortestDist,		//use shortest dist because we only want to find points that are nearer than
														//the one we already found!
									&pTrace->fResultDist ) )
			if( pTrace->fResultDist < fShortestDist )
				pTrace->bHit = true;
				pTrace->vNorm = vNorm;
				fShortestDist = pTrace->fResultDist;
コード例 #9
ファイル: misc_vect.cpp プロジェクト: MORTAL2000/fired
     * vSetLen

sf::Vector2f vSetLen(sf::Vector2f v, float l) {
	return vNorm(v) * l;
コード例 #10
ファイル: game.c プロジェクト: dulrich/EACSMB
void renderFrame(XStuff* xs, GameState* gs, InputState* is) {
	//mModel = IDENT_MATRIX;
	gs->sunNormal.x = cos(gs->frameTime * gs->sunSpeed);
	gs->sunNormal.y = sin(gs->frameTime * gs->sunSpeed);
	gs->sunNormal.z = 0.0;
	//mScale3f(10, 10, 10, &mModel);
	//mRot3f(0, 1, 0, gs->direction, &mModel);
	msPerspective(60, gs->screen.aspect, nearPlane, farPlane, &gs->proj);


	// order matters! don't mess with this.
	msTrans3f(0, -1, gs->zoom, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI / 6, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(0,1,0, gs->direction, &gs->view);
	msTrans3f(-gs->lookCenter.x, 0, -gs->lookCenter.y, &gs->view);
	// y-up to z-up rotation
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI_2, &gs->view);
	msScale3f(1, 1, -1, &gs->view);
	// calculate cursor position
	Vector cursorp;
	Vector eyeCoord;
	Vector worldCoord;
	Matrix p, invp, invv;
	// device space (-1:1)
	Vector devCoord;
	devCoord.x = 0.50;
	devCoord.y = 0.50;
	devCoord.z = -1.0;
	// eye space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->proj), &invp);
	vMatrixMul(&devCoord, &invp, &eyeCoord);
	vNorm(&eyeCoord, &eyeCoord);
	// world space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->view), &invv);
	vMatrixMul(&eyeCoord, &invv, &worldCoord);
	vNorm(&worldCoord, &worldCoord);
// 	mFastMul(msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj), &mp);
// 	mInverse(&mp, &invmp);
// 	vMatrixMul(&devCoord, &invmp, &cursorp);
	//printf("(%f, %f, %f)\n", worldCoord.x, worldCoord.y, worldCoord.z);
	Vector2 c2;
	c2.x = 300; //cursorp.x;
	c2.y = 300; //cursorp.z;
	// draw terrain
// 	drawTerrainBlock(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->model), msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj), &gs->cursorPos);
	drawTerrain(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj), &gs->cursorPos, &gs->screen.wh);
	renderMarker(gs, 0,0);

	// text stuff
	textProj = IDENT_MATRIX;
	textModel = IDENT_MATRIX;
	mOrtho(0, gs->screen.aspect, 0, 1, -1, 100, &textProj);
	//mScale3f(.5,.5,.5, &textProj);
	mScale3f(.06, .06, .06, &textModel);
	GLuint tp_ul = glGetUniformLocation(textProg->id, "mProj");
	GLuint tm_ul = glGetUniformLocation(textProg->id, "mModel");
	GLuint ts_ul = glGetUniformLocation(textProg->id, "fontTex");
	glUniformMatrix4fv(tp_ul, 1, GL_FALSE, textProj.m);
	glUniformMatrix4fv(tm_ul, 1, GL_FALSE, textModel.m);
	glexit("text matrix uniforms");

	glexit("active texture");

	glUniform1i(ts_ul, 0);
	glexit("text sampler uniform");
	glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, arial->textureID);
	glexit("bind texture");
	glexit("text vao bind");
	glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, strRI->vbo);
	glexit("text vbo bind");
	glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, strRI->vertexCnt);
	glexit("text drawing");
コード例 #11
ファイル: game.c プロジェクト: dulrich/EACSMB
void handleInput(GameState* gs, InputState* is) {
	double te = gs->frameSpan;
	float moveSpeed = gs->settings.keyScroll * te; // should load from config
	float rotateSpeed = gs->settings.keyRotate * te; // 20.8 degrees
	float keyZoom = gs->settings.keyZoom * te;
	float mouseZoom = gs->settings.mouseZoom * te;
	if(is->clickButton == 1) {
			gs->cursorPos.x - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.x + 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y + 5
			gs->cursorPos.x - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y - 5,
			gs->cursorPos.x + 5,
			gs->cursorPos.y + 5,
			gs->activeTool + 1
	if(is->buttonDown == 1) {
		gs->mouseDownPos.x = gs->cursorPos.x;
		gs->mouseDownPos.y = gs->cursorPos.y;
		printf("start dragging at (%d,%d)\n", (int)gs->cursorPos.x, (int)gs->cursorPos.y);
	if(is->buttonUp == 1) {
		//vCopy(&gs->cursorPos, &gs->mouseDownPos);
		printf("stopped dragging at (%d,%d)\n", (int)gs->cursorPos.x, (int)gs->cursorPos.y);
	if(is->clickButton == 2) {
		gs->activeTool = (gs->activeTool + 1) % 3;
	// look direction
	if(is->keyState[38] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->direction += rotateSpeed;
	if(is->keyState[39] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->direction -= rotateSpeed;
	// keep rotation in [0,F_2PI)
	gs->direction = fmodf(F_2PI + gs->direction, F_2PI);
	// zoom
	if(is->keyState[52] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->zoom += keyZoom;
 		gs->zoom = fmin(gs->zoom, -10.0);
	if(is->keyState[53] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		gs->zoom -= keyZoom;
	if(is->clickButton == 4) {
		gs->zoom += mouseZoom;
 		gs->zoom = fmin(gs->zoom, -10.0);
	if(is->clickButton == 5) {
		gs->zoom -= mouseZoom;

	// movement
	Vector move = {
		.x = moveSpeed * sin(F_PI - gs->direction),
		.y = moveSpeed * cos(F_PI - gs->direction),
		.z = 0.0f
	if(is->keyState[111] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vAdd(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[116] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vSub(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	// flip x and y to get ccw normal, using move.z as the temp
	move.z = move.x;
	move.x = -move.y;
	move.y = move.z;
	move.z = 0.0f;
	if(is->keyState[113] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vSub(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[114] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		vAdd(&gs->lookCenter, &move, &gs->lookCenter);
	if(is->keyState[110] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		nearPlane += 50 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[115] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		nearPlane -= 50 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[112] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		farPlane += 250 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	if(is->keyState[117] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		farPlane -= 250 * te;
		printf("near: %f, far: %f\n", nearPlane, farPlane);
	static lastChange = 0;
	if(is->keyState[119] & IS_KEYDOWN) {
		if(gs->frameTime > lastChange + 1) {
			gs->debugMode = (gs->debugMode + 1) % 5;
			lastChange = gs->frameTime;

void setGameSettings(GameSettings* g, UserConfig* u) {
	const float rotateFactor = 0.7260f;
	const float scrollFactor = 300.0f;
	const float zoomFactor = 600.0f;
	g->keyRotate = rotateFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyRotateSensitivity);
	g->keyScroll = scrollFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyScrollSensitivity);
	g->keyZoom = zoomFactor * fclampNorm(u->keyZoomSensitivity);
	g->mouseRotate = rotateFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseRotateSensitivity);
	g->mouseScroll = scrollFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseScrollSensitivity);
	g->mouseZoom = 4 * zoomFactor * fclampNorm(u->mouseZoomSensitivity);
	printf("keyRotate %.3f\n", g->keyRotate);
	printf("keyScroll %.3f\n", g->keyScroll);
	printf("keyZoom %.3f\n", g->keyZoom);
	printf("mouseRotate %.3f\n", g->mouseRotate);
	printf("mouseScroll %.3f\n", g->mouseScroll);
	printf("mouseZoom %.3f\n", g->mouseZoom);

void setUpView(GameState* gs) {

void depthPrepass(XStuff* xs, GameState* gs, InputState* is) {
	// draw UI
	renderUIPicking(xs, gs);
	// draw terrain
	// TODO: factor all the math into the frame setup function
	//mScale3f(10, 10, 10, &mModel);
	//mRot3f(0, 1, 0, gs->direction, &mModel);
	msPerspective(60, gs->screen.aspect, nearPlane, farPlane, &gs->proj);

	// order matters! don't mess with this.
	msTrans3f(0, -1, gs->zoom, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI / 6, &gs->view);
	msRot3f(0,1,0, gs->direction, &gs->view);
	msTrans3f(-gs->lookCenter.x, 0, -gs->lookCenter.y, &gs->view);
	// y-up to z-up rotation
	msRot3f(1, 0, 0, F_PI_2, &gs->view);
	msScale3f(1, 1, -1, &gs->view);

	// calculate cursor position
	Vector eyeCoord;
	Vector worldCoord;
	Matrix p, invp, invv;
	// device space (-1:1)
	Vector devCoord;
	devCoord.x = 0.50;
	devCoord.y = 0.50;
	devCoord.z = -1.0;
	// eye space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->proj), &invp);
	vMatrixMul(&devCoord, &invp, &eyeCoord);
	vNorm(&eyeCoord, &eyeCoord);
	// world space
	mInverse(msGetTop(&gs->view), &invv);
	vMatrixMul(&eyeCoord, &invv, &worldCoord);
	vNorm(&worldCoord, &worldCoord);

	// draw terrain
// 	drawTerrainBlockDepth(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->model), msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj));
	drawTerrainDepth(&gs->map, msGetTop(&gs->view), msGetTop(&gs->proj), &gs->screen.wh);
コード例 #12
ファイル: rectan.c プロジェクト: nixberg/lumo
bool hitRectan(Photon *photon, Rectan *rectan, double distance)
    // Specular reflection
    if (true) {
        // Update ray's position to the point where the ray hits the sphere
        Vec vec = vMul(photon->direct, distance);
        photon->origin = vAdd(photon->origin, vec);
        // Angle between new and old vector is twice the angle between old vector and normal
        vec = vMul(rectan->direct, vDotp(photon->direct, rectan->direct) * 2.f);
        vec = vSub(rectan->direct, photon->direct);
        photon->direct = vNorm(vec);
        // Might not be necessary...
        vec = vMul(photon->direct, 1000.f * EPSILON);
        photon->origin = vAdd(photon->origin, vec);
        return REFLECTED;
    // Diffuse reflection
    else if (false) {
        // Necessary for adjusting direction of reflected photon later on
        bool positiveAngle = NO;
        if (vDotp(photon->direct, rectan->direct) > EPSILON) positiveAngle = YES;
        // Update ray's position to the point where the ray hits the sphere
        Vec vec = vMul(photon->direct, distance);
        photon->origin = vAdd(photon->origin, vec);
#warning DEBUG!!!
        // Camera origin
        /*Vec origin; origin.x = 0.99f; origin.y = 0.f; origin.z = 0.f;
         Vec newDir; newDir = vSub(&origin, &photon->origin);
         photon->direct = vNorm(&newDir);*/
        // Using spherical coordinate system to guarantee
        // uniform distribution of orientations in space
        double azimuth = drand48() * M_PI * 2;         // "phi"
        double inclination = acos(2 * drand48() - 1);  // "theta"
        photon->direct.x = sin(inclination) * cos(azimuth);
        photon->direct.y = sin(inclination) * sin(azimuth);
        photon->direct.z = cos(inclination);
        // Adjusting direction of reflected photon
        // Incoming positive -> negative outgoing
        // Incomi ng negative -> positive outgoing
        if (positiveAngle) {
            if (vDotp(photon->direct, rectan->direct) > EPSILON)
                photon->direct = vMul(photon->direct, -1.f);
        else if (vDotp(photon->direct, rectan->direct) < -EPSILON)
            photon->direct = vMul(photon->direct, -1.f);
        photon->direct = vNorm(photon->direct);
        // Might not be necessary...
        vec = vMul(photon->direct, 1000.f * EPSILON);
        photon->origin = vAdd(photon->origin, vec);
        // Color
        photon->wavelength = rectan->mID;
        return REFLECTED;
     * Absorption
    else return ABSORBED;
コード例 #13
ファイル: triang.c プロジェクト: nixberg/lumo
Triang newTriang(const Vec origin, const Vec vectab, const Vec vectac, const bool rectan, const uint mID)
    return (Triang) {
        origin, vectab, vectac, vNorm(vCro(vectab, vectac)), rectan, mID
コード例 #14
ファイル: imu.cpp プロジェクト: Esmarra/motoduino
void IMU::update() {
    // ========================================================================
    // Accelerometer
    //     Frame of reference: BODY
    //     Units: G (gravitational acceleration)
    //     Purpose: Measure the acceleration vector aVec with components
    //              codirectional with the i, j, and k vectors. Note that the
    //              gravitational vector is the negative of the K vector.
    // ========================================================================
    #ifdef ACC_WEIGHT
    if (loopCount % ACC_READ_INTERVAL == 0) {
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            aVec[i] = acc.get(i);

        // Take weighted average.
        #ifdef ACC_SELF_WEIGHT
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            aVec[i] = ACC_SELF_WEIGHT * aVec[i] + (1-ACC_SELF_WEIGHT) * aVecLast[i];
            aVecLast[i] = aVec[i];

            // Kalman filtering?
            //aVecLast[i] = acc.get(i);
            //kalmanUpdate(aVec[i], accVar, aVecLast[i], ACC_UPDATE_SIG);
            //kalmanPredict(aVec[i], accVar, 0.0, ACC_PREDICT_SIG);
        #endif // ACC_SELF_WEIGHT
        accScale = vNorm(aVec);

        // Reduce accelerometer weight if the magnitude of the measured
        // acceleration is significantly greater than or less than 1 g.
        // TODO: Magnitude of acceleration should be reported over telemetry so
        // the "cutoff" value (the constant before the ABS() below) for
        // disregaring acceleration input can be more accurately determined.
        #ifdef ACC_SCALE_WEIGHT
        // For some reason, 1 gravity has magnitude of 1.05.
        accScale = (1.0 - MIN(1.0, ACC_SCALE_WEIGHT * ABS(accScale - 1.0)));
        accWeight = ACC_WEIGHT * accScale;
        accWeight = ACC_WEIGHT;

        // Ignore accelerometer if it measures anything 0.5g past gravity.
        if (accScale > 1.5 || accScale < 0.5) {
            accWeight = 0;
        #endif // ACC_SCALE_WEIGHT

        // Uncomment the loop below to get accelerometer readings in order to
        // obtain trimAngle.
        //if (loopCount % COMM_LOOP_INTERVAL == 0) {
        //    sp("A(");
        //    sp(aVec[0]*1000); sp(", ");
        //    sp(aVec[1]*1000); sp(", ");
        //    sp(aVec[2]*1000);
        //    sp(")  ");

        // Express K global unit vector in BODY frame as kgb for use in drift
        // correction (we need K to be described in the BODY frame because
        // gravity is measured by the accelerometer in the BODY frame).
        // Technically we could just create a transpose of gyroDCM, but since
        // we don't (yet) have a magnetometer, we don't need the first two rows
        // of the transpose. This saves a few clock cycles.
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            kgb[i] = gyroDCM[i][2];

        // Calculate gyro drift correction rotation vector wA, which will be
        // used later to bring KB closer to the gravity vector (i.e., the
        // negative of the K vector). Although we do not explicitly negate the
        // gravity vector, the cross product below produces a rotation vector
        // that we can later add to the angular displacement vector to correct
        // for gyro drift in the X and Y axes.
        vCrossP(kgb, aVec, wA);

        // Divide by ACC_READ_INTERVAL since the acceleration vector is not
        // updated every loop.
        for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            wA[i] /= ACC_READ_INTERVAL;
    #endif // ACC_WEIGHT

    // ========================================================================
    // Magnetometer
    //     Frame of reference: BODY
    //     Units: N/A
    //     Purpose: Measure the magnetic north vector mVec with components
    //              codirectional with the body's i, j, and k vectors.
    // ========================================================================
    #ifdef MAG_WEIGHT
    mag.poll();   // ?
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        mVec[i] = mag.get(i);
    //if (loopCount % COMM_LOOP_INTERVAL == 0) {
    //    sp("M(");
    //    sp(mVec[0]); sp(", ");
    //    sp(mVec[1]); sp(", ");
    //    sp(mVec[2]);
    //    spln(")");

    // Express J global unit vectory in BODY frame as jgb.
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        jgb[i] = gyroDCM[i][1];

    // Calculate yaw drift correction vector wM.
    vCrossP(jgb, mVec, wM);
    #endif // MAG_WEIGHT

    // ========================================================================
    // Gyroscope
    //     Frame of reference: BODY
    //     Units: rad/s
    //     Purpose: Measure the rotation rate of the body about the body's i,
    //              j, and k axes.
    // ========================================================================
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        gVec[i] = gyro.get(i);
    //if (loopCount % COMM_LOOP_INTERVAL == 0) {
    //    sp("G(");
    //    sp(gVec[0]); sp(", ");
    //    sp(gVec[1]); sp(", ");
    //    sp(gVec[2]);
    //    spln(")");

    // Scale gVec by elapsed time (in seconds) to get angle w*dt in
    // radians, then compute weighted average with the accelerometer and
    // magnetometer correction vectors to obtain final w*dt.
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        float numerator   = gVec[i] * MASTER_DT/1000000;
        float denominator = 1.0;

        #ifdef ACC_WEIGHT
        if (loopCount % ACC_READ_INTERVAL == 0) {
            numerator   += accWeight * wA[i];
            denominator += accWeight;
        #endif // ACC_WEIGHT

        #ifdef MAG_WEIGHT
        numerator   += MAG_WEIGHT * wM[i];
        denominator += MAG_WEIGHT;
        #endif // MAG_WEIGHT

        wdt[i] = numerator / denominator;

    // ========================================================================
    // Direction Cosine Matrix
    //     Frame of reference: GLOBAL
    //     Units: None (unit vectors)
    //     Purpose: Calculate the components of the body's i, j, and k unit
    //              vectors in the global frame of reference.
    // ========================================================================
    // Skew the rotation vector and sum appropriate components by combining the
    // skew symmetric matrix with the identity matrix. The math can be
    // summarized as follows:
    // All of this is calculated in the BODY frame. If w is the angular
    // velocity vector, let wdt (w*dt) be the angular displacement vector of
    // the DCM over a time interval dt. Let wdt_i, wdt_j, and wdt_k be the
    // components of wdt codirectional with the i, j, and k unit vectors,
    // respectively. Also, let dr be the linear displacement vector of the DCM
    // and dr_i, dr_j, and dr_k once again be the i, j, and k components,
    // respectively.
    // In very small dt, certain vectors approach orthogonality, so we can
    // assume that (draw this out for yourself!):
    //     dr_x = <    0,  dw_k, -dw_j>,
    //     dr_y = <-dw_k,     0,  dw_i>, and
    //     dr_z = < dw_j, -dw_i,     0>,
    // which can be expressed as the rotation matrix:
    //          [     0  dw_k -dw_j ]
    //     dr = [ -dw_k     0  dw_i ]
    //          [  dw_j -dw_i     0 ].
    // This can then be multiplied by the current DCM and added to the current
    // DCM to update the DCM. To minimize the number of calculations performed
    // by the processor, however, we can combine the last two steps by
    // combining dr with the identity matrix to produce:
    //              [     1  dw_k -dw_j ]
    //     dr + I = [ -dw_k     1  dw_i ]
    //              [  dw_j -dw_i     1 ],
    // which we multiply with the current DCM to produce the updated DCM
    // directly.
    // It may be helpful to read the Wikipedia pages on cross products and
    // rotation representation.
    // ========================================================================
    dDCM[0][0] =       1;
    dDCM[0][1] =  wdt[2];
    dDCM[0][2] = -wdt[1];
    dDCM[1][0] = -wdt[2];
    dDCM[1][1] =       1;
    dDCM[1][2] =  wdt[0];
    dDCM[2][0] =  wdt[1];
    dDCM[2][1] = -wdt[0];
    dDCM[2][2] =       1;

    // Multiply the current DCM with the change in DCM and update.
    mProduct(dDCM, gyroDCM, gyroDCM);

    #ifdef ACC_WEIGHT
    trimDCM[0][0] =             1;
    trimDCM[0][1] =             0;
    trimDCM[0][2] = -trimAngle[1];
    trimDCM[1][0] =             0;
    trimDCM[1][1] =             1;
    trimDCM[1][2] =  trimAngle[0];
    trimDCM[2][0] =  trimAngle[1];
    trimDCM[2][1] = -trimAngle[0];
    trimDCM[2][2] =             1;

    // Rotate gyroDCM with trimDCM.
    mProduct(trimDCM, gyroDCM, bodyDCM);
    //orthonormalize(bodyDCM);   // TODO: This shouldn't be necessary.
    for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        for (int j=0; j<3; j++) {
            bodyDCM[i][j] = gyroDCM[i][j];
    #endif // ACC_WEIGHT