コード例 #1
QCAD::SchrodingerProblem::SchrodingerProblem( const Teuchos::RCP<Teuchos::ParameterList>& params_,
		    const Teuchos::RCP<ParamLib>& paramLib_,
		    const int numDim_,
                    Teuchos::RCP<const Teuchos::Comm<int> >& commT_):
  Albany::AbstractProblem(params_, paramLib_, 1),
  commT(commT_), havePotential(false), 
  havePotential = params->isSublist("Potential");

  //Note: can't use get("ParamName" , <default>) form b/c non-const
  energy_unit_in_eV = 1.0; //default eV
  if(params->isType<double>("Energy Unit In Electron Volts"))
    energy_unit_in_eV = params->get<double>("Energy Unit In Electron Volts");
  *out << "Energy unit = " << energy_unit_in_eV << " eV" << std::endl;

  length_unit_in_m = 1e-6; //default to um
  if(params->isType<double>("Length Unit In Meters"))
    length_unit_in_m = params->get<double>("Length Unit In Meters");
  *out << "Length unit = " << length_unit_in_m << " meters" << std::endl;

  mtrlDbFilename = "materials.xml";
  if(params->isType<std::string>("MaterialDB Filename"))
    mtrlDbFilename = params->get<std::string>("MaterialDB Filename");

  bOnlySolveInQuantumBlocks = false;
  if(params->isType<bool>("Only solve in quantum blocks"))
    bOnlySolveInQuantumBlocks = params->get<bool>("Only solve in quantum blocks");

  potentialFieldName = "V"; // name for potential at QPs field
  potentialAuxIndex = -1; // if >= 0, index within workset's auxData multivector to import potential from

  //Extract Aux index if necessary:
  // Note: we can't do this from within SchrodingerPotential evaluator
  // since it isn't created in the case of importing from an aux vector.
  if(params->isSublist("Potential")) {
    Teuchos::ParameterList& pList = params->sublist("Potential");
    if(pList.isType<std::string>("Type")) {
      if(pList.get<std::string>("Type") == "From Aux Data Vector") {

	//do Potential list validation since SchrodingerPotential evaluator doesn't
	// ** maybe we should allow other values from SchrodingerPotential as well? **
	Teuchos::ParameterList validPL("Valid Schrodinger Potential Params");
	validPL.set<std::string>("Type", "defaultType", "Switch between different potential types");
	validPL.set<int>("Aux Index", 0, "Index of aux vector to import potential from.");
	pList.validateParameters(validPL, 0);

	potentialAuxIndex = pList.get<int>("Aux Index"); //error if doesn't exist

  // Problem is transient
  params->set<int>("Number Of Time Derivatives", 1);

  TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(params->isSublist("Source Functions"), Teuchos::Exceptions::InvalidParameter,
		     "\nError! Schrodinger problem does not parse Source Functions sublist\n" 
                     << "\tjust Potential sublist " << std::endl);
コード例 #2
  // RN_20091215: This needs to be called only once per time step
  // in the beginning to set up the problem.
  void FC_FUNC(inittrilinos,INITTRILINOS) (int& bandwidth, int& mySize,
	       int* myIndicies, double* myX, double* myY, double* myZ,
	       int* mpi_comm_f) {
// mpi_comm_f: CISM's fortran mpi communicator

    // Make sure the MPI_Init in Fortran is recognized by C++.
    // We used to call an extra MPI_Init if (!flag), but the behavior of doing so is uncertain,
    // especially if CISM's MPI communicator is a subset of MPI_COMM_WORLD (as can be the case in CESM).
    // Thus, for now, we die with an error message if C++ perceives MPI to be uninitialized.
    // If this causes problems (e.g., if certain MPI implementations seem not to recognize 
    // that MPI has already been initialized), then we will revisit how to handle this.
       int flag;
       if (!flag) {
	 cout << "ERROR in inittrilinos: MPI not initialized according to C++ code" << endl;
    MPI_Comm mpi_comm_c = MPI_Comm_f2c(*mpi_comm_f);
    Epetra_MpiComm comm(mpi_comm_c);
    Teuchos::MpiComm<int> tcomm(Teuchos::opaqueWrapper(mpi_comm_c));
    Epetra_SerialComm comm;
    Teuchos::SerialComm<int> tcomm;

    Teuchos::RCP<const Epetra_Map> rowMap = 
      Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Map(-1,mySize,myIndicies,1,comm) );

    TEUCHOS_TEST_FOR_EXCEPTION(!rowMap->UniqueGIDs(), std::logic_error,
       "Error: inittrilinos, myIndices array needs to have Unique entries" 
        << " across all processor.");

    // Diagnostic output for partitioning
    int minSize, maxSize;
    comm.MinAll(&mySize, &minSize, 1);
    comm.MaxAll(&mySize, &maxSize, 1);
    if (comm.MyPID()==0) 
      cout << "\nPartition Info in init_trilinos: Total nodes = " << rowMap->NumGlobalElements()
           << "  Max = " << maxSize << "  Min = " << minSize 
           << "  Ave = " << rowMap->NumGlobalElements() / comm.NumProc() << endl;

    soln = Teuchos::rcp(new Epetra_Vector(*rowMap));

    // Read parameter list once
    try { 
       pl = Teuchos::rcp(new Teuchos::ParameterList("Trilinos Options"));
       Teuchos::updateParametersFromXmlFileAndBroadcast("trilinosOptions.xml", pl.ptr(), tcomm);

       Teuchos::ParameterList validPL("Valid List");;
       validPL.sublist("Stratimikos"); validPL.sublist("Piro");
       pl->validateParameters(validPL, 0);
    catch (std::exception& e) {
           << e.what() << "\nExiting: Invalid trilinosOptions.xml file."
    catch (...) {
           << "\nExiting: Invalid trilinosOptions.xml file."

    try { 
      // Set the coordinate position of the nodes for ML for repartitioning (important for #procs > 100s)
      if (pl->sublist("Stratimikos").isParameter("Preconditioner Type")) {
         if ("ML" == pl->sublist("Stratimikos").get<string>("Preconditioner Type")) {
           Teuchos::ParameterList& mlList =
              pl->sublist("Stratimikos").sublist("Preconditioner Types").sublist("ML").sublist("ML Settings");
           mlList.set("PDE equations", 1);

      out = Teuchos::VerboseObjectBase::getDefaultOStream();

      // Reset counters every time step: can remove these lines to have averages over entire run
      linearSolveIters_total = 0;
      linearSolveSuccessCount = 0;

      // Create an interface that holds a CrsMatrix instance and some useful methods.
      interface = Teuchos::rcp(new TrilinosMatrix_Interface(rowMap, bandwidth, comm));

      Stratimikos::DefaultLinearSolverBuilder linearSolverBuilder;
      linearSolverBuilder.setParameterList(Teuchos::sublist(pl, "Stratimikos"));
      lowsFactory = linearSolverBuilder.createLinearSolveStrategy("");

    TEUCHOS_STANDARD_CATCH_STATEMENTS(true, std::cerr, success);
    if (!success) exit(1);