static void cs_cmd_topicswap(sourceinfo_t *si, int parc, char *parv[]) { char *chan = parv[0]; char *topic = parv[1]; mychan_t *mc; channel_t *c; const char *topicsetter; time_t prevtopicts; char topicbuf[BUFSIZE]; char commbuf[BUFSIZE]; char *pos = NULL; char *search = NULL; char *replace = NULL; size_t search_size = 0; size_t replace_size = 0; size_t copylen = 0; if (parc < 2) { command_fail(si, fault_needmoreparams, STR_INSUFFICIENT_PARAMS, "TOPICSWAP"); command_fail(si, fault_needmoreparams, _("Syntax: TOPICSWAP <#channel> <search>:[<replace>]")); return; } mowgli_strlcpy(commbuf, parv[1], BUFSIZE); search = commbuf; pos = strrchr(commbuf, ':'); if (!pos || pos == commbuf) { command_fail(si, fault_badparams, STR_INSUFFICIENT_PARAMS, "TOPICSWAP"); command_fail(si, fault_badparams, _("Syntax: TOPICSWAP <#channel> <search>:[<replace>]")); return; } mc = mychan_find(chan); if (!mc) { command_fail(si, fault_nosuch_target, _("Channel \2%s\2 is not registered."), chan); return; } c = channel_find(chan); if (!c) { command_fail(si, fault_nosuch_target, _("\2%s\2 is currently empty."), chan); return; } if (!chanacs_source_has_flag(mc, si, CA_TOPIC)) { command_fail(si, fault_noprivs, _("You are not authorized to perform this operation.")); return; } if (metadata_find(mc, "private:close:closer")) { command_fail(si, fault_noprivs, _("\2%s\2 is closed."), chan); return; } if (!c->topic) topicbuf[0] = '\0'; else mowgli_strlcpy(topicbuf, c->topic, BUFSIZE); *pos = '\0'; replace = pos + 1; search_size = strlen(search); replace_size = strlen(replace); pos = strstr(topicbuf, search); if (!pos) { command_fail(si, fault_badparams, _("Channel \2%s\2 does not have \2%s\2 in its topic."), chan, search); return; } copylen = strlen(pos + search_size) + 1; if (pos - topicbuf + replace_size + copylen > BUFSIZE) goto invalid_error; memmove(pos + search_size + (replace_size - search_size), pos + search_size, copylen); memcpy(pos, replace, replace_size); if (!validtopic(topicbuf)) { invalid_error: command_fail(si, fault_badparams, _("The new topic is invalid or too long.")); return; } if (si->su != NULL) topicsetter = si->su->nick; else if (si->smu != NULL) topicsetter = entity(si->smu)->name; else topicsetter = "unknown"; prevtopicts = c->topicts; handle_topic(c, topicsetter, CURRTIME, topicbuf); topic_sts(c, si->service->me, topicsetter, CURRTIME, prevtopicts, topicbuf); logcommand(si, CMDLOG_DO, "TOPICSWAP: \2%s\2", mc->name); if (si->su == NULL || !chanuser_find(c, si->su)) command_success_nodata(si, _("Topic set to \2%s\2 on \2%s\2."), c->topic, chan); }
static void cs_cmd_topic(sourceinfo_t *si, int parc, char *parv[]) { char *chan = parv[0]; char *topic = parv[1]; mychan_t *mc; channel_t *c; const char *topicsetter; time_t prevtopicts; if (!chan || !topic) { command_fail(si, fault_needmoreparams, STR_INSUFFICIENT_PARAMS, "TOPIC"); command_fail(si, fault_needmoreparams, _("Syntax: TOPIC <#channel> <topic>")); return; } mc = mychan_find(chan); if (!mc) { command_fail(si, fault_nosuch_target, _("Channel \2%s\2 is not registered."), chan); return; } c = channel_find(chan); if (!c) { command_fail(si, fault_nosuch_target, _("\2%s\2 is currently empty."), chan); return; } if (metadata_find(mc, "private:close:closer")) { command_fail(si, fault_noprivs, _("\2%s\2 is closed."), chan); return; } if (!(chanacs_source_has_flag(mc, si, CA_TOPIC) || chanacs_source_has_flag(mc, si, CA_FOUNDER))) { command_fail(si, fault_noprivs, _("You are not authorized to perform this operation.")); return; } if (!validtopic(topic)) { command_fail(si, fault_badparams, _("The new topic is invalid or too long.")); return; } if (si->su != NULL) topicsetter = si->su->nick; else if (si->smu != NULL) topicsetter = entity(si->smu)->name; else topicsetter = "unknown"; prevtopicts = c->topicts; handle_topic(c, topicsetter, CURRTIME, topic); topic_sts(c, si->service->me, topicsetter, CURRTIME, prevtopicts, topic); logcommand(si, CMDLOG_DO, "TOPIC: \2%s\2", mc->name); if (si->su == NULL || !chanuser_find(c, si->su)) command_success_nodata(si, _("Topic set to \2%s\2 on \2%s\2."), topic, chan); }
static void cs_cmd_topicprepend(sourceinfo_t *si, int parc, char *parv[]) { char *chan = parv[0]; char *topic = parv[1]; mychan_t *mc; char topicbuf[BUFSIZE]; channel_t *c; const char *topicsetter; time_t prevtopicts; if (!chan || !topic) { command_fail(si, fault_needmoreparams, STR_INSUFFICIENT_PARAMS, "TOPICPREPEND"); command_fail(si, fault_needmoreparams, _("Syntax: TOPICPREPEND <#channel> <topic>")); return; } mc = mychan_find(chan); if (!mc) { command_fail(si, fault_nosuch_target, _("Channel \2%s\2 is not registered."), chan); return; } c = channel_find(chan); if (!c) { command_fail(si, fault_nosuch_target, _("\2%s\2 is currently empty."), chan); return; } if (!chanacs_source_has_flag(mc, si, CA_TOPIC)) { command_fail(si, fault_noprivs, STR_NOT_AUTHORIZED); return; } if (metadata_find(mc, "private:close:closer")) { command_fail(si, fault_noprivs, _("\2%s\2 is closed."), chan); return; } topicbuf[0] = '\0'; if (c->topic) { mowgli_strlcpy(topicbuf, topic, BUFSIZE); mowgli_strlcat(topicbuf, " | ", BUFSIZE); mowgli_strlcat(topicbuf, c->topic, BUFSIZE); } else mowgli_strlcpy(topicbuf, topic, BUFSIZE); if (!validtopic(topicbuf)) { command_fail(si, fault_badparams, _("The new topic is invalid or too long.")); return; } if (si->su != NULL) topicsetter = si->su->nick; else if (si->smu != NULL) topicsetter = entity(si->smu)->name; else topicsetter = "unknown"; prevtopicts = c->topicts; handle_topic(c, topicsetter, CURRTIME, topicbuf); topic_sts(c, si->service->me, topicsetter, CURRTIME, prevtopicts, topicbuf); logcommand(si, CMDLOG_DO, "TOPICPREPEND: \2%s\2", mc->name); if (si->su == NULL || !chanuser_find(c, si->su)) command_success_nodata(si, _("Topic set to \2%s\2 on \2%s\2."), c->topic, chan); }