コード例 #1
ファイル: conv.cpp プロジェクト: igkiou/mkl_ext
void drnorm(RngEngine* rng, double* buffer, BlasInt* n, BlasInt* isAligned,
			RngErrorType* info) {
#if defined(USE_RNG_BOX_MULLER)
	if (*n == 1) {
		*info = vdRngGaussian(VSL_RNG_METHOD_GAUSSIAN_BOXMULLER, rng->m_stream,
							1, buffer, 0.0, 1.0);
	} else if (*n > 1) {
		*info = vdRngGaussian(VSL_RNG_METHOD_GAUSSIAN_BOXMULLER2, rng->m_stream,
							*n, buffer, 0.0, 1.0);
	} else {
		*info = 0;
#elif defined(USE_RNG_MARSAGLIA)
	if (*n > 0) {
		for (BlasInt iter = 0; iter < *n; ++iter) {
			double x[2];
			double r;
			do {
				vdRngUniform(VSL_RNG_METHOD_UNIFORM_STD, rng->m_stream, 2, x,
							0.0, 1.0);
				x[0] = 2.0 * x[0] - 1.0;
				x[1] = 2.0 * x[1] - 1.0;
				r = x[0] * x[0] + x[1] * x[1];
			} while (r >= 1 || r == 0);
			buffer[iter] = x[0] * sqrt(- 2.0 * log(r) / r);
	} else {
		*info = 0;
コード例 #2
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_edu_berkeley_bid_VSL_vdRngGaussian
(JNIEnv * env, jobject calling_obj, jint method, jobject j_stream, jint n, jdoubleArray j_r, jdouble a, jdouble b) {

    VSLStreamStatePtr stream = getStream(env, calling_obj, j_stream);
    jdouble * r = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, j_r, JNI_FALSE);

    jint retval = vdRngGaussian(method, stream, n, r, a, b);

    (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, j_r, r, 0);
    return retval;
コード例 #3
double * get_vector(int size, int i)
	double *vec;
	VSLStreamStatePtr stream;
	vslNewStream( &stream, VSL_BRNG_MT19937, i*time(0) );
	vec = (double *)calloc(size, sizeof(double));
	          size, vec, 1.0, 3.0 );
	vslDeleteStream( &stream );
	return vec;
コード例 #4
void fluc_force(Float *force, int n, VSLStreamStatePtr rngstream)
  extern Float mon_stdev;

  int errcode;

  /* Calculate the fluctuations */  
  errcode=vdRngGaussian( METHOD, rngstream, n, force, 0.0, mon_stdev);

  //  printf("%le %le %le\n", f_fluc[0], f_fluc[1], f_fluc[2]);  
コード例 #5
ファイル: hard_mkl.c プロジェクト: koshinus/SOPROMAT
void hard_mkl()
    /*char *results_file = "hard_mkl.txt";
    FILE *res;
    if((res=fopen(results_file, "w"))==NULL)
        printf("Can't open file %s.\n", results_file);
    for(int i = 10; i <= ARRAY_SIZE; i*=10)
	VSLStreamStatePtr stream;
	vslNewStream( &stream, VSL_BRNG_MT19937, i*time(0) );
	double *ar1, *ar2, *ar3, *ar4, *ar5, *ar6;
        ar1 = (double *)malloc(i*sizeof(double));
        ar2 = (double *)malloc(i*sizeof(double));
        ar3 = (double *)malloc(i*sizeof(double));
        ar4 = (double *)malloc(i*sizeof(double));
        ar5 = (double *)malloc(i*sizeof(double));
        ar6 = (double *)malloc(i*sizeof(double));
	                i, ar1, 1.0, 3.0 );
			i, ar2, 1.0, 3.0 );
	double start = omp_get_wtime();
	for(int j = 0; j < EXPERIMENTS_NUM; j++)
		vdCos (i, ar1, ar3);
		vdLn  (i, ar1, ar4);
		vdPow (i, ar1, ar2, ar5);
		vdCosh(i, ar2, ar6);
	double end = omp_get_wtime();
	free(ar1); free(ar2); free(ar3); free(ar4); free(ar5); free(ar6);
	//fprintf(res, "%lf\n", end-start);
	printf("%lf, i=%d\n", end-start, i);
	vslDeleteStream( &stream );
コード例 #6
ファイル: test.c プロジェクト: parshikov-a/market
int main()


	double Start = omp_get_wtime();

	double * restrict ResultPrices;
	ResultPrices = malloc(sizeof(double) * HISTORY);

#pragma offload target(mic) out(ResultPrices:length(HISTORY))

		double * restrict Prices;
		double * restrict Epsilon;

		Prices = malloc(sizeof(double) * HISTORY);
		Epsilon = malloc(sizeof(double) * HISTORY);

		//Creating random stream
		VSLStreamStatePtr RndStream;
		vslNewStream(&RndStream, VSL_BRNG_SFMT19937, (int)time(NULL));

		long double Buff;
		for (unsigned int iter = 0; iter < TE; iter++)

			//Randomize volumes
			vdRngGaussian(VSL_RNG_METHOD_GAUSSIAN_ICDF, RndStream, HISTORY, Epsilon, 0, 0.002);

			#pragma omp parallel for shared(Prices, ResultPrices)
			for (unsigned long long int i = 0; i < HISTORY; i++)
				//Buff = i * i * powl(10, (-21.65) - i * 4.5 * powl(10, (-10.65));
				//Prices[i] = (((i * i * powl(10, (-24.65))) - (i * 4.5 * powl(10, (-13.65))) + 1.095) + Epsilon[i]);
				Prices[i] = (  (  i * i * powl(10, (-24.65)) - i * 4.5 * powl(10, (-13.65)) + 1.095 ) + Epsilon[i]);
				ResultPrices[i] += Prices[i];


		#pragma omp parallel for shared(ResultPrices)
		for (unsigned long long int j = 0; j < HISTORY; j++)
			ResultPrices[j] = ResultPrices[j] / TE;;

		Prices = NULL;
		Epsilon = NULL;

	double End = omp_get_wtime();
	printf("%lf\n", (End - Start));
	FILE *FpResultHistory;
//unsigned long long int Buff;
	FpResultHistory = fopen("res_history.txt", "wb");
	if (FpResultHistory)
		printf("||	Result history file status : open\n");
		for (unsigned long long int i = 0; i < HISTORY; i++)
			//Buff = (i);
			fprintf(FpResultHistory, "%llu %lf\n", (i * 10), ResultPrices[i]);
			//fprintf(fp_result, "%lf %lf %lf\n", ResultPrices[i], ResultVolumeUp[i], ResultVolumeDown[i]);
		printf("||	Result history file status : close\n||\n");

	ResultPrices = NULL;

	return 0;
コード例 #7
ファイル: SerialC_orig.c プロジェクト: wbkifun/my_stuff
int main()
  const int n     = 500;           // Number of atoms, molecules
  const int mt    = 100;          // Max time steps
  const int dtxyz = 100;           // Time interval to output xyz 

  int i;
  int j;

  double *x;
  double *v;
  double *f;

  const double domain = 300;       // Domain size (a.u.)
  const double dt     = 10;        // Time interval (a.u.)
  const double ms     = 0.00001;   // Max speed (a.u.)
  const double em     = 1822.88839 * 28.0134; // Effective mass of N2
  const double lje    = 0.000313202;          // Lennard-Jones epsilon of N2
  const double ljs    = 6.908841465;          // Lennard-Jones sigma of N2

  #ifdef MKLRNG
  VSLStreamStatePtr stream; 

  vslNewStream(&stream, VSL_BRNG_MT19937,   5489); // Initiation, type, seed
  //vslNewStream(&stream, VSL_BRNG_SFMT19937, 5489); // Initiation, type, seed

  x = (double *) malloc(n * 3 * sizeof(double));
  v = (double *) malloc(n * 3 * sizeof(double));
  f = (double *) malloc(n * 3 * sizeof(double));

  // Initialization

  #ifdef MKLRNG
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
      int nRN = 3;
      double GRN[3];
      vdRngGaussian(VSL_RNG_METHOD_GAUSSIAN_BOXMULLER2, stream, nRN, GRN, 0.5 * domain, domain);

      for (j=0; j<3; j++) x[i*3+j] = GRN[j];

      vdRngGaussian(VSL_RNG_METHOD_GAUSSIAN_BOXMULLER2, stream, nRN, GRN, 0.0, 0.5 * ms);

      for (j=0; j<3; j++) v[i*3+j] = GRN[j];
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    for (j=0; j<3; j++) x[i*3+j] = domain * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0);

  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    for (j=0; j<3; j++) v[i*3+j] = ms * (rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) - 0.5);

  // Dynamics

  for (i=0; i<mt; i++)
      Force(n, lje, ljs, x, f);
      Solver(n, dt, em, x, v, f);

      Output_energy(i, n, dt, em, lje, ljs, x, v);
      if (i % dtxyz == 0) Output_xyz(i, n, x);

  Output_xyz(i, n, x);

  return 0;
コード例 #8
void pnlRandNormal( int numElem, double* vec, double mean, double sigma )
    vdRngGaussian( VSL_METHOD_DGAUSSIAN_BOXMULLER2, g_RNG.m_vslStream, numElem, vec, mean, sqrt(sigma) );
コード例 #9
double pnlRandNormal( double mean, double sigma )
    double val = 0;
    vdRngGaussian( VSL_METHOD_DGAUSSIAN_BOXMULLER2, g_RNG.m_vslStream, 1, &val, mean, sqrt(sigma) );
    return val;
コード例 #10
ファイル: par_omp.c プロジェクト: francktcheng/BSERROR
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned long long count = 0;
  double EPSILON = X0*1.0E-2;
  double err;
  double PXend;
  const double dt = T/N;
  const double rootdt = sqrt((double)T/N);
  int nCal = N/Ncache;
  const int left = N%Ncache;
  VSLStreamStatePtr stream; 
  int errcode = vslNewStream(&stream, VSL_BRNG_MT2203, 0);//seed=0

  for (unsigned long long m = 0; m < M; ++m){
    // one-time MC simulation
    err = 0.0;
    vdRngGaussian(VSL_RNG_METHOD_GAUSSIAN_BOXMULLER, stream, Ncache, NRV, 0.0f, 1.0f);// leaves the rest of random numbers generated by the idle thread
    BM[0] = rootdt*NRV[0];
    PX[0] = X0;
    for (int k = 0; k < nCal; ++k){
#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(NRV, BM, PX, stream, err, PXend, rootdt, dt, k)
	double errloc = 0.0;
	double upbd, tmp;
	//GUIDED_CHUNK too large: load imbalance
	//GUIDED_CHUNK too small: scheduling overhead
	//#pragma omp for schedule(guided, GUIDED_CHUNK)
#pragma omp for schedule(guided) //tunable 
	for (int i = 1; i < Ncache; ++i){
	  //tmp = BM[0];
	  tmp = 0.0;
#pragma simd reduction(+:tmp) vectorlengthfor(double) assert
	  for (int j = 1; j <= i; ++j){
	    //tmp += rootdt*NRV[j];
	    tmp += NRV[j];
	  //BM[i] = tmp;
	  BM[i] = BM[0] + tmp*rootdt;
	  //PX[i+1] = X0*exp(-0.5*SIGMA*SIGMA*(k*Ncache+i+1)*dt+SIGMA*tmp);
	  PX[i+1] = X0*exp(-0.5*SIGMA*SIGMA*(k*Ncache+i+1)*dt+SIGMA*BM[i]);
#pragma omp single
	  PX[1] = X0*exp(-0.5*SIGMA*SIGMA*(k*Ncache+1)*dt+SIGMA*BM[0]);
	//maybe vary the scheduling strategy?
#pragma omp for reduction(+:err) nowait
	for (int i = 0; i < Ncache; ++i){
	  int j = k*Ncache+i;
	  double Tj = j*(double)T/N;
	  upbd = (log(PX[i]/K)+0.5*SIGMA*SIGMA*(T-Tj))/(SIGMA*sqrt(T-Tj));
	  //errloc -= 1/(sqrt(2*PI))*(PX[i+1]-PX[i])*vNormalIntegral(upbd);
	  err += -1/(sqrt(2*PI))*(PX[i+1]-PX[i])*vNormalIntegral(upbd);

#pragma omp single 
	  vdRngGaussian(VSL_RNG_METHOD_GAUSSIAN_BOXMULLER, stream, Ncache, NRV, 0.0f, 1.0f);// leaves the rest of random numbers generated by the idle thread
      BM[0] = BM[Ncache-1] + rootdt*NRV[0];
      PX[0] = PX[Ncache];
    }//for nCal 
    PXend = PX[Ncache];

#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(NRV, BM, PX, err, rootdt, dt, nCal, left, PXend)
      double errloc = 0.0;
      double upbd, tmp;
	//GUIDED_CHUNK too large: load imbalance
	//GUIDED_CHUNK too small: scheduling overhead
	//#pragma omp for schedule(guided, GUIDED_CHUNK)
#pragma omp for schedule(guided) //tunable
	for (int i = 1; i < left; ++i){
	  //tmp = BM[0];
	  tmp = 0.0;
#pragma simd reduction(+:tmp) vectorlengthfor(double) assert
	  for (int j = 1; j <= i; ++j){
	    //tmp += rootdt*NRV[j];
	    tmp += NRV[j];
	  //BM[i] = tmp;
	  BM[i] = BM[0] + tmp*rootdt;
	  //PX[i+1] = X0*exp(-0.5*SIGMA*SIGMA*(nCal*Ncache+i+1)*dt+SIGMA*BM[i]);
	  PX[i+1] = X0*exp(-0.5*SIGMA*SIGMA*(nCal*Ncache+i+1)*dt+SIGMA*BM[i]);	
#pragma omp single
	  PX[1] = X0*exp(-0.5*SIGMA*SIGMA*(nCal*Ncache+1)*dt+SIGMA*BM[0]);
	  PXend = PX[left];
	//maybe vary the scheduling strategy?
#pragma omp for reduction(+:err) nowait
	for (int i = 0; i < left; ++i){
	  int j = nCal*Ncache+i;
	  double Tj = j*(double)T/N;
	  upbd = (log(PX[i]/K)+0.5*SIGMA*SIGMA*(T-Tj))/(SIGMA*sqrt(T-Tj));
	  err += -1/sqrt((2*PI))*(PX[i+1]-PX[i])*vNormalIntegral(upbd);
#pragma omp single nowait
	upbd = (log(X0/K) + 0.5*SIGMA*SIGMA*T)/(SIGMA*sqrt(T));
	errloc -= X0/(sqrt(2*PI))*vNormalIntegral(upbd);
#pragma omp atomic
	err += errloc;
#pragma omp single nowait
	upbd = (log(X0/K) - 0.5*SIGMA*SIGMA*T)/(SIGMA*sqrt(T));
	errloc += K/(sqrt(2*PI))*vNormalIntegral(upbd);
#pragma omp atomic
	err += errloc;
#pragma omp single nowait
	if(PXend > K)
	    errloc += PXend - K;
#pragma omp atomic
	err += errloc;

    err = fabs(err);
    if(err < EPSILON)
  }//MC simulation
  printf ("time %g ms\n", stop_timer());
  printf("count=%llu, M=%llu\n", count, M);
  printf("%.5g\n", (double)count/(double)M);

  return 0;