コード例 #1
ファイル: disk.cpp プロジェクト: entropian/CRaytracer
float rayIntersectDisk(ShadeRec* sr, Disk* disk, const Ray ray)
    vec3 displacement;
    vec3_sub(displacement, disk->center, ray.origin);
    float t = vec3_dot(displacement, disk->normal) / vec3_dot(ray.direction, disk->normal);
    if(t > K_EPSILON)
        vec3 hit_point;
        getPointOnRay(hit_point, ray, t);
        vec3_sub(displacement, hit_point, disk->center);
        if(vec3_length(displacement) <= disk->radius)
            vec3_negate(sr->wo, ray.direction);
            if(vec3_dot(sr->wo, disk->normal) < 0)
                vec3_negate(sr->wo, disk->normal);
                vec3_copy(sr->normal, disk->normal);
            vec3_copy(sr->hit_point, hit_point);
            sr->mat = *(disk->mat);
            return t;
    return TMAX;
コード例 #2
/* See "Real Time Collision Detection", by Christer Ericson, p. 224 */
int moving_spheres_intersection(union vec3 *s1, float r1, union vec3 *v1,
				union vec3 *s2, float r2, union vec3 *v2,
				float time_horizon, float *time)
	union vec3 s, v;
	float r, c, t;

	vec3_sub(&s, s2, s1); /* vector between sphere centers */
	vec3_sub(&v, v2, v1); /* relative velocity of s2 wrt stationary s1 */
	r = r1 + r2;
	c = vec3_dot(&s, &s) - r * r;
	if (c < 0.0f) {
		*time = 0.0f; /* already touching */
		return 1;
	float a = vec3_dot(&v, &v);
		return 0; /* spheres not moving relative to each other */
	float b = vec3_dot(&v, &s);
	if (b >= 0.0f)
		return 0; /* spheres not moving towards each other */
	float d = b * b - a * c;
	if (d < 0.0f)
		return 0; /* No real-valued root, spheres do not intersect */
	t = (-b - sqrtf(d)) / a;
	if (time_horizon < 0 || t < time_horizon) {
		*time = t;
		return 1;
	return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: camera.c プロジェクト: AntonioCS/Corange
void camera_control_joyorbit(camera* c, float timestep) {
  if (joystick_count() == 0) return;
  SDL_Joystick* mainstick = joystick_get(0);
  int x_move = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(mainstick, 0);
  int y_move = SDL_JoystickGetAxis(mainstick, 1);
  /* Dead Zone */
  if (abs(x_move) < 10000) { x_move = 0; };
  if (abs(y_move) < 10000) { y_move = 0; };
  float a1 = (x_move / 32768.0) * -0.05;
  float a2 = (y_move / 32768.0) * 0.05;
  vec3 translation = c->target;
  c->position = vec3_sub(c->position, translation);
  c->target = vec3_sub(c->target, translation);
  c->position = mat3_mul_vec3(mat3_rotation_y( a1 ), c->position );
  vec3 axis = vec3_normalize(vec3_cross( vec3_sub(c->position, c->target) , vec3_new(0,1,0) ));
  c->position = mat3_mul_vec3(mat3_rotation_axis_angle(axis, a2 ), c->position );
  c->position = vec3_add(c->position, translation);
  c->target = vec3_add(c->target, translation);

コード例 #4
ファイル: prims.c プロジェクト: ataceyhun/libdhcore
/* calculate sphere that goes through 4 points */
struct sphere* sphere_circum(struct sphere* rs, const struct vec4f* v0,
                             const struct vec4f* v1, const struct vec4f* v2, const struct vec4f* v3)
    struct vec4f a;
    vec3_sub(&a, v1, v0);
    struct vec4f b;
    vec3_sub(&b, v2, v0);
    struct vec4f c;
    vec3_sub(&c, v3, v0);
    struct vec4f o;
    struct vec4f tmp;

    struct mat3f m;
              a.x, a.y, a.z,
              b.x, b.y, b.z,
              c.x, c.y, c.z,
              0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    float denom = 2.0f * mat3_det(&m);
    vec3_muls(&o, vec3_cross(&tmp, &a, &b), vec3_dot(&c, &c));
    vec3_add(&o, &o, vec3_muls(&tmp, vec3_cross(&tmp, &c, &a), vec3_dot(&b, &b)));
    vec3_add(&o, &o, vec3_muls(&tmp, vec3_cross(&tmp, &b, &c), vec3_dot(&a, &a)));
    vec3_muls(&o, &o, 1.0f/denom);

    return sphere_setf(rs, v0->x + o.x, v0->y + o.y, v0->z + o.z, vec3_len(&o) + EPSILON);
コード例 #5
ファイル: cphysics.c プロジェクト: aadarshasubedi/Corange
collision point_collide_edge(vec3 p, vec3 v, vec3 e0, vec3 e1) {

  vec3 x0 = vec3_sub(e0, p);
  vec3 x1 = vec3_sub(e1, p);
  vec3 d = vec3_sub(x1, x0);  
  float dlen = vec3_length_sqrd(d);
  float vlen = vec3_length_sqrd(v);
  float xlen = vec3_length_sqrd(x0);
  float A = dlen * -vlen + vec3_dot(d, v) * vec3_dot(d, v);
  float B = dlen * 2 * vec3_dot(v, x0) - 2 * vec3_dot(d, v) * vec3_dot(d, x0);
  float C = dlen * - xlen + vec3_dot(d, x0) * vec3_dot(d, x0);
  float t0, t1, t;
  if (!quadratic(A, B, C, &t0, &t1)) { return collision_none(); }
  if (between_or(t0, 0, 1) && between_or(t1, 0, 1)) { t = min(t0, t1); }
  else if (between_or(t0, 0, 1)) { t = t0; }
  else if (between_or(t1, 0, 1)) { t = t1; } 
  else { return collision_none(); }
  float range = (vec3_dot(d, v) * t - vec3_dot(d, x0)) / dlen;
  if (!between_or(range, 0, 1)) {
    return collision_none();
  } else {
    vec3 spoint = vec3_add(e0, vec3_mul(d, range));
    return collision_new(t, spoint, vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(p, spoint)));

コード例 #6
ファイル: ray.c プロジェクト: kaspermeerts/cg
/* This is basically Cramer's rule, but with vector calculus. */
static bool ray_triangle_intersect(Ray ray, Vec3 u, Vec3 v, Vec3 w,
		struct TriangleHit *tri_hit)
	Vec3 edge1, edge2, tvec, pvec, qvec;
	float det;
	float aa, bb, cc;

	edge1 = vec3_sub(v, u);
	edge2 = vec3_sub(w, u);

	pvec = vec3_cross(ray.direction, edge2);
	det = vec3_dot(edge1, pvec);

	tvec = vec3_sub(ray.origin, u);
	bb = vec3_dot(tvec, pvec) / det;
	if (bb < 0.0 || bb > 1.0)
		return false;

	qvec = vec3_cross(tvec, edge1);
	cc = vec3_dot(ray.direction, qvec) / det;
	if (cc < 0.0 || cc + bb > 1.0)
		return false;

	aa = 1.0 - bb - cc;

	tri_hit->a = aa;
	tri_hit->b = bb;
	tri_hit->c = cc;
	tri_hit->t = vec3_dot(edge2, qvec) / det;

	return true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: cphysics.c プロジェクト: aadarshasubedi/Corange
collision sphere_collide_edge(sphere s, vec3 v, vec3 e0, vec3 e1) {
  //Wif (unlikely(!line_outside_sphere(s, e0, e1))) { error("Collision Sphere Inside Mesh Edge!"); }
  vec3 x0 = vec3_sub(e0, s.center);
  vec3 x1 = vec3_sub(e1, s.center);
  vec3 d = vec3_sub(x1, x0);  
  float dlen = vec3_length_sqrd(d);
  float vlen = vec3_length_sqrd(v);
  float xlen = vec3_length_sqrd(x0);
  float A = dlen * -vlen + vec3_dot(d, v) * vec3_dot(d, v);
  float B = dlen * 2 * vec3_dot(v, x0) - 2 * vec3_dot(d, v) * vec3_dot(d, x0);
  float C = dlen * (s.radius * s.radius - xlen) + vec3_dot(d, x0) * vec3_dot(d, x0);
  float t0, t1, t;
  if (!quadratic(A, B, C, &t0, &t1)) { return collision_none(); }
  if (between_or(t0, 0, 1) && between_or(t1, 0, 1)) { t = min(t0, t1); }
  else if (between_or(t0, 0, 1)) { t = t0; }
  else if (between_or(t1, 0, 1)) { t = t1; } 
  else { return collision_none(); }
  float range = (vec3_dot(d, v) * t - vec3_dot(d, x0)) / dlen;
  if (!between_or(range, 0, 1)) {
    return collision_none();
  } else {
    vec3 spoint = vec3_add(e0, vec3_mul(d, range));
    return collision_new(t, spoint, vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(s.center, spoint)));
コード例 #8
ファイル: camera.c プロジェクト: Drooids/Corange
void camera_control_orbit(camera* c, SDL_Event e) {
  float a1 = 0;
  float a2 = 0;
  vec3 axis;
  vec3 translation = c->target;
  c->position = vec3_sub(c->position, translation);
  c->target = vec3_sub(c->target, translation);
  switch(e.type) {
      if (e.motion.state & SDL_BUTTON(1)) {
        a1 = e.motion.xrel * -0.005;
        a2 = e.motion.yrel * 0.005;
        c->position = mat3_mul_vec3(mat3_rotation_y( a1 ), c->position );
        axis = vec3_normalize(vec3_cross( vec3_sub(c->position, c->target) , vec3_new(0,1,0) ));
        c->position = mat3_mul_vec3(mat3_rotation_angle_axis(a2, axis), c->position );
      c->position = vec3_add(c->position, vec3_mul(vec3_normalize(c->position), -e.wheel.y));

  c->position = vec3_add(c->position, translation);
  c->target = vec3_add(c->target, translation);

コード例 #9
ファイル: skeletal_model.c プロジェクト: opentomb/OpenTomb
void SSBoneFrame_UpdateMoveCommand(struct ss_animation_s *ss_anim, float move[3])
    vec3_sub(ss_anim->prev_bf.pos, ss_anim->prev_bf.pos, move);
    vec3_sub(ss_anim->prev_bf.centre, ss_anim->prev_bf.centre, move);
    vec3_sub(ss_anim->prev_bf.bb_min, ss_anim->prev_bf.bb_min, move);
    vec3_sub(ss_anim->prev_bf.bb_max, ss_anim->prev_bf.bb_max, move);
コード例 #10
void BillboardSprite::draw(Vec3 v)
    v = quadrant_translate_position(current_camera_position, v);
    if (!point_fulstrum_test(v.x, v.y, v.z))

    Vec3 up = vec3_init(model_view_matrix[0]*this->scale,
    Vec3 right = vec3_init(model_view_matrix[1]*this->scale,

    float tx_min, tx_max, ty_min, ty_max;
    tx_min = (float)(this->texture_index%16)* (1.0f/16.0f);
    tx_max = tx_min + (1.0f/16.0f);
    ty_min = (float)(this->texture_index/16)* (1.0f/16.0f);
    ty_max = ty_min + (1.0f/16.0f);

    Vec3 p = vec3_sub(v, vec3_add(right, up));
    glVertex3f(p.x, p.y, p.z);

    p = vec3_add(v, vec3_sub(up, right));
    glVertex3f(p.x, p.y, p.z);

    p = vec3_add(v, vec3_add(up, right));
    glVertex3f(p.x, p.y, p.z);

    p = vec3_add(v, vec3_sub(right, up));
    glVertex3f(p.x, p.y, p.z);
コード例 #11
ファイル: MeshData.cpp プロジェクト: paulasmuth/libplg
void MeshData::generateTangents() {
  int   pos_attr, uv_attr, len, n;
  float r, *pos, *uv, *tan, *bitan;
  vec3  pos_d1, pos_d2, uv_d1, uv_d2;

  pos_attr = getAttributeIndex("position");
  uv_attr  = getAttributeIndex("texcoord");

  if (pos_attr < 0) {
    dprintf(2, "error: can't generateTangents() without position attribute\n");

  if (uv_attr < 0) {
    dprintf(2, "error: can't generateTangents() without texcoord attribute\n");

  pos     = getVertex(pos_attr, 0);
  uv      = getVertex(uv_attr, 0);
  len     = getVertexCount() / 3;
  tan     = (float *) malloc(len * 9 * sizeof(float));
  bitan   = (float *) malloc(len * 9 * sizeof(float));

  for (n = 0; n < len; n ++) {
    vec3_sub(&pos_d1, (vec3 *) (pos + n * 9 + 3), (vec3 *) (pos + n * 9));
    vec3_sub(&pos_d2, (vec3 *) (pos + n * 9 + 6), (vec3 *) (pos + n * 9));

    uv_d1.d[0] = uv[n * 6 + 2] - uv[n * 6 + 0];
    uv_d1.d[1] = uv[n * 6 + 3] - uv[n * 6 + 1];
    uv_d2.d[0] = uv[n * 6 + 4] - uv[n * 6 + 0];
    uv_d2.d[1] = uv[n * 6 + 5] - uv[n * 6 + 1];

    r = 1.0f / (uv_d1.d[0] * uv_d2.d[1] - uv_d1.d[1] * uv_d2.d[0]);

    tan[n * 9 + 0] = (pos_d1.d[0] * uv_d2.d[1] - pos_d2.d[0] * uv_d1.d[1]) * r;
    tan[n * 9 + 1] = (pos_d1.d[1] * uv_d2.d[1] - pos_d2.d[1] * uv_d1.d[1]) * r;
    tan[n * 9 + 2] = (pos_d1.d[2] * uv_d2.d[1] - pos_d2.d[2] * uv_d1.d[1]) * r;
    tan[n * 9 + 6] = tan[n * 9 + 3] = tan[n * 9 + 0];
    tan[n * 9 + 7] = tan[n * 9 + 4] = tan[n * 9 + 1];
    tan[n * 9 + 8] = tan[n * 9 + 5] = tan[n * 9 + 2];

    bitan[n * 9 + 0] = (pos_d2.d[0] * uv_d1.d[0] - pos_d1.d[0] * uv_d2.d[0]) * r;
    bitan[n * 9 + 1] = (pos_d2.d[1] * uv_d1.d[0] - pos_d1.d[1] * uv_d2.d[0]) * r;
    bitan[n * 9 + 2] = (pos_d2.d[2] * uv_d1.d[0] - pos_d1.d[2] * uv_d2.d[0]) * r;
    bitan[n * 9 + 6] = bitan[n * 9 + 3] = bitan[n * 9 + 0];
    bitan[n * 9 + 7] = bitan[n * 9 + 4] = bitan[n * 9 + 1];
    bitan[n * 9 + 8] = bitan[n * 9 + 5] = bitan[n * 9 + 2];

  addTangents(tan, len * 9);
  addBitangents(bitan, len * 9);
コード例 #12
ファイル: move.c プロジェクト: IJDykeman/wangTiles
static int on_move(gesture3d_t *gest, void *user)
    float face_plane[4][4];
    cursor_t *curs = gest->cursor;
    tool_move_t *tool = user;
    float n[3], pos[3], d[3], ofs[3], v[3];
    layer_t *layer = goxel->image->active_layer;
    float mat[4][4];

    if (box_is_null(tool->box)) return GESTURE_FAILED;

    if (gest->type == GESTURE_HOVER) {
        goxel_set_help_text(goxel, "Drag to move face");
        if (curs->snaped != SNAP_LAYER_OUT) return GESTURE_FAILED;
        tool->snap_face = get_face(curs->normal);
        curs->snap_offset = 0;
        curs->snap_mask &= ~SNAP_ROUNDED;
        mat4_mul(tool->box, FACES_MATS[tool->snap_face], face_plane);
        render_img(&goxel->rend, NULL, face_plane, EFFECT_NO_SHADING);
        if (curs->flags & CURSOR_PRESSED) {
            gest->type = GESTURE_DRAG;
            vec3_normalize(face_plane[0], v);
            plane_from_vectors(goxel->tool_plane, curs->pos, curs->normal, v);
        return 0;
    if (gest->type == GESTURE_DRAG) {
        goxel_set_help_text(goxel, "Drag to move face");
        curs->snap_offset = 0;
        curs->snap_mask &= ~SNAP_ROUNDED;
        mat4_mul(tool->box, FACES_MATS[tool->snap_face], face_plane);

        vec3_normalize(face_plane[2], n);
        vec3_sub(curs->pos, goxel->tool_plane[3], v);
        vec3_project(v, n, v);
        vec3_add(goxel->tool_plane[3], v, pos);
        pos[0] = round(pos[0]);
        pos[1] = round(pos[1]);
        pos[2] = round(pos[2]);
        vec3_add(tool->box[3], face_plane[2], d);
        vec3_sub(pos, d, ofs);
        vec3_project(ofs, n, ofs);

        mat4_itranslate(mat, ofs[0], ofs[1], ofs[2]);
        do_move(layer, mat);

        if (gest->state == GESTURE_END) {
            gest->type = GESTURE_HOVER;
            mat4_copy(plane_null, goxel->tool_plane);
        return 0;
    return 0;
コード例 #13
ファイル: scotland.c プロジェクト: AntonioCS/Corange
void scotland_update() {
  camera* cam = entity_get("camera");
  light* sun = entity_get("sun");
  static_object* skydome = entity_get("skydome");
  landscape* world = entity_get("world");
  sun_orbit += frame_time() * 0.01;
  sun->position.x = 512 + sin(sun_orbit) * 512;
  sun->position.y = cos(sun_orbit) * 512;
  sun->position.z = 512;
  sun->target = vec3_new(512, 0, 512);
  if (w_held || s_held) {
    vec3 cam_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(cam->target, cam->position));
    float speed = 0.5;
    if (!freecam) speed = 0.05;
    if (w_held) {
      cam->position = vec3_add(cam->position, vec3_mul(cam_dir, speed));
    if (s_held) {
      cam->position = vec3_sub(cam->position, vec3_mul(cam_dir, speed));
    if (!freecam) {
      float height = terrain_height(asset_hndl_ptr(world->terrain), vec2_new(cam->position.x, cam->position.z));
      cam->position.y = height + 1;
    cam->target = vec3_add(cam->position, cam_dir);
  Uint8 keystate = SDL_GetMouseState(NULL, NULL);
  if(keystate & SDL_BUTTON(1)){
    float a1 = -(float)mouse_x * 0.005;
    float a2 = (float)mouse_y * 0.005;
    vec3 cam_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(cam->target, cam->position));
    cam_dir.y += -a2;
    vec3 side_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_cross(cam_dir, vec3_new(0,1,0)));
    cam_dir = vec3_add(cam_dir, vec3_mul(side_dir, -a1));
    cam_dir = vec3_normalize(cam_dir);
    cam->target = vec3_add(cam->position, cam_dir);
  mouse_x = 0;
  mouse_y = 0;
  ui_button* framerate = ui_elem_get("framerate");
  ui_button_set_label(framerate, frame_rate_string());
コード例 #14
ファイル: polygon.c プロジェクト: vvs-/OpenTomb
void Polygon_FindNormale(polygon_p p)
    float v1[3], v2[3];

    vec3_sub(v1, p->vertices[1].position, p->vertices[0].position);
    vec3_sub(v2, p->vertices[2].position, p->vertices[1].position);
    vec3_cross(p->plane, v1, v2);
    p->plane[3] = -vec3_abs(p->plane);
    vec3_norm_plane(p->plane, p->vertices[0].position, p->plane[3]);
コード例 #15
ファイル: buffer.c プロジェクト: simudream/penguinspuzzle
Create a new buffer object from an array of vec3s for pts, and vec3s for texture coordinates.
Faces is an array of 3 shorts for each face.
BUFFER_T *buffer_new(float pts[][3], float tex[][3], short faces[][3], int numpts, int numfaces)
    int i;
    float normals[numpts][3];
    BUFFER_T *buf;

    for(i=0; i<numpts; i++)
    for(i=0; i<numfaces; i++)
        int a = faces[i][0];
        int b = faces[i][1];
        int c = faces[i][2];
        float tmp[3];
        float tmp2[3];
        float n[3];
    float B[3*3*numpts];
    for(i=0; i<numpts; i++)
        for(int j=0; j<3; j++)

    glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf->vbuf);
    glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 36*numpts, B, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
    buf->vbuf_num = numpts;

    glBindBuffer(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, buf->ebuf);
    glBufferData(GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, 6*numfaces, faces, GL_STATIC_DRAW);
    buf->ebuf_num = numfaces*3;

    return buf;
コード例 #16
ファイル: plane.c プロジェクト: Alucard014/obs-studio
void plane_from_tri(struct plane *dst,
                    const struct vec3 *v1,
                    const struct vec3 *v2,
                    const struct vec3 *v3)
	struct vec3 temp;

	vec3_sub(&temp, v2, v1);
	vec3_sub(&dst->dir, v3, v1);
	vec3_cross(&dst->dir, &temp, &dst->dir);
	vec3_norm(&dst->dir, &dst->dir);
	dst->dist = vec3_dot(v1, &dst->dir);
コード例 #17
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: tim37021/stm32f429-r3d
static void vertex_shader(const vertex_t *in, vs_to_fs_t *out)
	// decode vertex
	const vec3_t pc = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f }, nc = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
	const float pi = 1.0f / 65535.0f, ni = 2.0f / 255.0f, uvi = 1.0f / 255.0f;
	vec3_t position = vec3_sub(vec3_mul(vec3(in->x, in->y, in->z), pi), pc);
	vec3_t normal = vec3_sub(vec3_mul(vec3(in->nx, in->ny, in->nz), ni), nc);
	vec2_t uv = vec2_mul(vec2(in->u, in->v), uvi);
	// transform vertex
	out->position = mat4_transform_position(mvp, position);
	out->normal = mat4_transform_vector(mv, normal);
	out->uv = uv;
コード例 #18
ファイル: camera.cpp プロジェクト: peterbraden/rays
Camera::Camera(vec3 u, vec3 loc, vec3 la, float a, int width, int height): angle(a){
  up = u;
  location = loc;
  lookat = la;

  camz = vec3_norm(vec3_sub(lookat, location));
  camx = vec3_norm(vec3_mul_cross(up, camz));

  camy = vec3_mul_cross(camx, vec3_sub((vec3) {0., 0., 0.}, camz));
  camy = vec3_norm(camy);

  tax = tan(angle);
  tay = tan(((float) height / (float) width) * angle);
コード例 #19
ファイル: scene.c プロジェクト: clinuxrulz/raytracer
CollisionResult collision_ray_scene_union(const Ray* ray, const Scene* scene) {
	const Scene* scene1 = ((ScenePair*)scene->data)->scene1;
	const Scene* scene2 = ((ScenePair*)scene->data)->scene2;

	const int max_iterations = 10;

	CollisionResult r1;
		Ray ray2 = *ray;
		Vec3 p;
		for (int i = 0; i < max_iterations; ++i) {
			r1 = collision_ray_scene(&ray2, scene1);
			if (r1.type == None) { break; }
			p = ray_point(&ray2, r1.time);
			if (!scene_is_point_in_solid(scene2, &p)) { break; }
			Vec3 ro = ray_point(&ray2, r1.time+0.1);
			ray2 = ray_init(&ro, &ray2.direction);
		if (r1.type != None) {
			Vec3 v = vec3_sub(&p, &ray->origin);
			r1.time = vec3_dot(&ray->direction, &v);

	CollisionResult r2;
		Ray ray2 = *ray;
		Vec3 p;
		for (int i = 0; i < max_iterations; ++i) {
			r2 = collision_ray_scene(&ray2, scene2);
			if (r2.type == None) { break; }
			p = ray_point(&ray2, r2.time);
			if (!scene_is_point_in_solid(scene1, &p)) { break; }
			Vec3 ro = ray_point(&ray2, r2.time+0.1);
			ray2 = ray_init(&ro, &ray2.direction);
		if (r2.type != None) {
			Vec3 v = vec3_sub(&p, &ray->origin);
			r2.time = vec3_dot(&ray->direction, &v);

	if (r1.type == None) {
		if (r2.type == None) {
			return (CollisionResult){.type=None};
		} else {
			return r2;
	} else {
コード例 #20
ファイル: OBJ_load.c プロジェクト: jeannekamikaze/Spear
static void compute_normal (char clockwise, vec3 p1, vec3 p2, vec3 p3, vec3* n)
    vec3 v1, v2;
    if (!clockwise)
        vec3_sub (p3, p2, &v1);
        vec3_sub (p1, p2, &v2);
        vec3_sub (p1, p2, &v1);
        vec3_sub (p3, p2, &v2);
    cross (v1, v2, n);
コード例 #21
ファイル: raytracing_color.c プロジェクト: wwatkins42/RT
void		set_light(t_vec3 hit, t_obj *obj, t_lgt *light)
	double	theta;
	double	epsilon;

	light->ray.pos = hit;
	if (light->type == DIRECTIONAL)
		light->ray.dir = vec3_fmul(light->dir, -1);
		obj->dist_attenuation = 1.0;
		light->ray.dir = vec3_sub(light->pos, hit);
		obj->t = vec3_magnitude(light->ray.dir);
		obj->dist_attenuation = (1.0 + obj->t * obj->t * light->attenuation);
	if (light->type == SPOT)
		theta = vec3_dot(light->dir, vec3_norm(vec3_fmul(light->ray.dir, -1)));
		epsilon = light->cutoff - light->cutoff_outer;
		light->cutoff_intensity = ft_clampf((theta - light->cutoff_outer) /
			epsilon, 0, 1);
コード例 #22
void OBSBasicPreview::SnapStretchingToScreen(vec3 &tl, vec3 &br)
	uint32_t stretchFlags = (uint32_t)stretchHandle;
	vec3     newTL        = GetTransformedPos(tl.x, tl.y, itemToScreen);
	vec3     newTR        = GetTransformedPos(br.x, tl.y, itemToScreen);
	vec3     newBL        = GetTransformedPos(tl.x, br.y, itemToScreen);
	vec3     newBR        = GetTransformedPos(br.x, br.y, itemToScreen);
	vec3     boundingTL;
	vec3     boundingBR;

	vec3_copy(&boundingTL, &newTL);
	vec3_min(&boundingTL, &boundingTL, &newTR);
	vec3_min(&boundingTL, &boundingTL, &newBL);
	vec3_min(&boundingTL, &boundingTL, &newBR);

	vec3_copy(&boundingBR, &newTL);
	vec3_max(&boundingBR, &boundingBR, &newTR);
	vec3_max(&boundingBR, &boundingBR, &newBL);
	vec3_max(&boundingBR, &boundingBR, &newBR);

	vec3 offset = GetScreenSnapOffset(boundingTL, boundingBR);
	vec3_add(&offset, &offset, &newTL);
	vec3_transform(&offset, &offset, &screenToItem);
	vec3_sub(&offset, &offset, &tl);

	if (stretchFlags & ITEM_LEFT)
		tl.x += offset.x;
	else if (stretchFlags & ITEM_RIGHT)
		br.x += offset.x;

	if (stretchFlags & ITEM_TOP)
		tl.y += offset.y;
	else if (stretchFlags & ITEM_BOTTOM)
		br.y += offset.y;
コード例 #23
ファイル: vec3.c プロジェクト: Raphy42/RT
inline t_vec3      *vec3_reflect(t_vec3 *v, const t_vec3 *v1, const t_vec3 *v2)
    t_vec3  tmp;

    vec3_mul_f(&tmp, v2, 2 * vec3_dot(v1, v2));
    return (vec3_sub(v, v1, &tmp));
コード例 #24
t_mat4			mat4_view_lookat(t_vec3 eye, t_vec3 targ, t_vec3 up)
	t_mat4		out;
	t_vec3		zaxis;
	t_vec3		xaxis;
	t_vec3		yaxis;

	zaxis = vec3_normal(vec3_sub(eye, targ));
	xaxis = vec3_normal(vec3_cross(up, zaxis));
	yaxis = vec3_cross(zaxis, xaxis);
	out = mat4_ident();
	out.m[0] = xaxis.x;
	out.m[1] = yaxis.x;
	out.m[2] = zaxis.x;
	out.m[4] = xaxis.y;
	out.m[5] = yaxis.y;
	out.m[6] = zaxis.y;
	out.m[8] = xaxis.z;
	out.m[9] = yaxis.z;
	out.m[10] = zaxis.z;
	out.m[12] = -vec3_dot(xaxis, eye);
	out.m[13] = -vec3_dot(yaxis, eye);
	out.m[14] = -vec3_dot(zaxis, eye);
	return (out);
コード例 #25
ファイル: raycast_sphere.c プロジェクト: arthurmaurer/42-RT
int		raycast_to_sphere(t_hit *hit, const t_ray *ray, const t_sphere *sphere)
	t_vec3	distance_to_center;
	float	tca;
	float	d2;
	float	thc;

	vec3_copy(&distance_to_center, &sphere->position);
	vec3_sub(&distance_to_center, &ray->origin);
	tca = vec3_dot(&distance_to_center, &ray->direction);

	if (tca < 0)
		return (0);

	d2 = vec3_dot(&distance_to_center, &distance_to_center) - tca * tca;

	if (d2 > sphere->radius * sphere->radius)
		return (0);

	thc = sqrt(sphere->radius * sphere->radius - d2);
	hit->distance = select_closest_hit(tca - thc, tca + thc);

	update_hit_from_ray(hit, ray, &sphere->material->ambient);

	return (1);
コード例 #26
ファイル: scotland.c プロジェクト: AntonioCS/Corange
static void toggle_freecam(ui_button* b, SDL_Event event) {
  if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) {
    if (ui_button_contains_position(b, vec2_new(event.motion.x, event.motion.y))) {
      b->pressed = true;
  } else if (event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) {
    if (b->pressed) {
      b->pressed = false;
      freecam = !freecam;
      camera* cam = entity_get("camera");
      landscape* world = entity_get("world");
      vec3 cam_dir = vec3_normalize(vec3_sub(cam->target, cam->position));
      float height = terrain_height(asset_hndl_ptr(world->terrain), vec2_new(cam->position.x, cam->position.z));
      cam->position.y = height + 1;
      cam->target = vec3_add(cam->position, cam_dir);
コード例 #27
/* See TestRaySphere() in "Real Time Collision Detection", p. 179, by Christer Ericson. */
int ray_intersects_sphere(const union vec3 *ray_origin,
				const union vec3 *ray_direction,
				const union vec3 *sphere_origin,
				const float radius)
	union vec3 m;
	float c, b, disc;

	vec3_sub(&m, ray_origin, sphere_origin);
	c = vec3_dot(&m, &m) - radius * radius;

	/* If there is definitely at least one real root, there must be an intersection */
	if (c <= 0.0f)
		return 1;

	b = vec3_dot(&m, ray_direction);

	/* Early exit if ray origin outside sphere and ray pointing away from sphere */
	if (b > 0.0f)
		return 0;

	disc = b * b - c;
	/* A negative discriminant corresponds to ray missing sphere */
	if (disc < 0.0f)
		return 0;

	/* Now ray must hit sphere */
	return 1;
コード例 #28
ファイル: math-extra.c プロジェクト: ahmed1911/obs-studio
void calc_torque(struct vec3 *dst, const struct vec3 *v1,
                 const struct vec3 *v2, float torque, float min_adjust,
                 float t)
    struct vec3 line, dir;
    float orig_dist, torque_dist, adjust_dist;

    if (vec3_close(v1, v2, EPSILON)) {
        vec3_copy(dst, v1);

    vec3_sub(&line, v2, v1);
    orig_dist = vec3_len(&line);
    vec3_mulf(&dir, &line, 1.0f/orig_dist);

    torque_dist = orig_dist*torque; /* use distance to determine speed */
    if (torque_dist < min_adjust)   /* prevent from going too slow */
        torque_dist = min_adjust;

    adjust_dist = torque_dist*t;

    if (adjust_dist <= (orig_dist-LARGE_EPSILON)) {
        vec3_mulf(dst, &dir, adjust_dist);
        vec3_add(dst, dst, v1); /* add torque */
    } else {
        vec3_copy(dst, v2);     /* clamp if overshoot */
コード例 #29
ファイル: ll_math.c プロジェクト: tianye910208/vi3d
static int _llfunc_vec3_sub(lua_State *L) {
	vec3 *a = (vec3*)userdata_get_or_die(L, 1);
	vec3 *b = (vec3*)userdata_get_or_die(L, 2);
	vec3 *r = (vec3*)userdata_get_or_new(L, 3, sizeof(vec3));
	vec3_sub(a, b, r);
	return 1;
コード例 #30
ファイル: tools.c プロジェクト: Indy9000/goxel
static box_t get_box(const vec3_t *p0, const vec3_t *p1, const vec3_t *n,
                     float r, const plane_t *plane)
    mat4_t rot;
    box_t box;
    if (p1 == NULL) {
        box = bbox_from_extents(*p0, r, r, r);
        box = box_swap_axis(box, 2, 0, 1);
        return box;
    if (r == 0) {
        box = bbox_grow(bbox_from_points(*p0, *p1), 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
        // Apply the plane rotation.
        rot = plane->mat;
        rot.vecs[3] = vec4(0, 0, 0, 1);
        mat4_imul(&box.mat, rot);
        return box;

    // Create a box for a line:
    int i;
    const vec3_t AXES[] = {vec3(1, 0, 0), vec3(0, 1, 0), vec3(0, 0, 1)};

    box.mat = mat4_identity;
    box.p = vec3_mix(*p0, *p1, 0.5);
    box.d = vec3_sub(*p1, box.p);
    for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        box.w = vec3_cross(box.d, AXES[i]);
        if (vec3_norm2(box.w) > 0) break;
    if (i == 3) return box;
    box.w = vec3_mul(vec3_normalized(box.w), r);
    box.h = vec3_mul(vec3_normalized(vec3_cross(box.d, box.w)), r);
    return box;