コード例 #1
ファイル: pix_movement.cpp プロジェクト: avilleret/Gem
void pix_movement :: processYUVAltivec(imageStruct &image)
    if (image.xsize*image.ysize != buffer.xsize*buffer.ysize){
        buffer.xsize = image.xsize;
        buffer.ysize = image.ysize;
    int pixsize = image.ysize * image.xsize/8;

        signed short  c[8];
        vector signed short  v;

        unsigned short  c[8];
        vector unsigned short  v;

    int i;

    vector signed short thresh;
    shortBuffer.c[0] = threshold;
    thresh = shortBuffer.v;
    thresh = (vector signed short)vec_splat(thresh,0);

    vector unsigned char *rp = (vector unsigned char *) image.data; // read pointer
    vector unsigned char *wp = (vector unsigned char *) buffer.data; // write pointer to the copy
    vector unsigned char grey0,grey1;
    vector unsigned char one = vec_splat_u8(1);
    vector unsigned short Y0,Ywp0,hiImage0,loImage0;
    vector unsigned short Y1,Ywp1,hiImage1,loImage1;
    vector unsigned short UVwp0,UVwp1;
    vector signed short temp0,temp1;

    vector unsigned short UV0= (vector unsigned short)vec_splat(ushortBuffer.v, 0);
    vector unsigned short UV1= (vector unsigned short)vec_splat(ushortBuffer.v, 0);

#ifndef PPC970
    //setup the cache prefetch -- A MUST!!!
    UInt32 prefetchSize = GetPrefetchConstant( 16, 0, 256 );
    vec_dst( rp, prefetchSize, 0 );
    vec_dst( wp, prefetchSize, 1 );

    int j = 16;

    for (i=0; i < pixsize; i++) {
# ifndef PPC970
        //setup the cache prefetch -- A MUST!!!
        UInt32 prefetchSize = GetPrefetchConstant( j, 0, j * 16 );
        vec_dst( rp, prefetchSize, 0 );
        vec_dst( wp, prefetchSize, 1 );
        vec_dst( rp+16, prefetchSize, 2 );
        vec_dst( wp+16, prefetchSize, 3 );
# endif

        grey0 = rp[0];
        grey1 = rp[1];

//      rp[Y0]=255*(abs(grey0-*wp)>thresh);

//      UV0= (vector unsigned short)vec_mule(grey0,one);
        Y0 = (vector unsigned short)vec_mulo(grey0,one);

//      UV1= (vector unsigned short)vec_mule(grey1,one);
        Y1 = (vector unsigned short)vec_mulo(grey1,one);

        //wp is actually 1/2 the size of the image because it is only Y??

        //here the full U Y V Y is stored
//      UVwp0= (vector unsigned short)vec_mule(wp[0],one);
        Ywp0 = (vector unsigned short)vec_mulo(wp[0],one);

//      UVwp1= (vector unsigned short)vec_mule(wp[1],one);
        Ywp1 = (vector unsigned short)vec_mulo(wp[1],one);

        //store the current pixels as the history for next time

        temp0 = vec_abs(vec_sub((vector signed short)Y0,(vector signed short)Ywp0));
        Y0 = (vector unsigned short)vec_cmpgt(temp0,thresh);

        temp1 = vec_abs(vec_sub((vector signed short)Y1,(vector signed short)Ywp1));
        Y1 = (vector unsigned short)vec_cmpgt(temp1,thresh);

        hiImage0 = vec_mergeh(UV0,Y0);
        loImage0 = vec_mergel(UV0,Y0);

        hiImage1 = vec_mergeh(UV1,Y1);
        loImage1 = vec_mergel(UV1,Y1);

        grey0 = vec_packsu(hiImage0,loImage0);
        grey1 = vec_packsu(hiImage1,loImage1);

       // grey = rp[0];
       // rp[Y1]=255*(abs(grey-*wp)>thresh);
       // *wp++=grey;

       // rp+=4;
       // rp++;

# ifndef PPC970
# endif
コード例 #2
        src += stride;

#define noop(a) a
#define add28(a) vec_add(v28ss, a)

static void PREFIX_h264_chroma_mc8_altivec(uint8_t * dst, uint8_t * src,
                                    int stride, int h, int x, int y) {
    DECLARE_ALIGNED(16, signed int, ABCD)[4] =
                        {((8 - x) * (8 - y)),
                         ((    x) * (8 - y)),
                         ((8 - x) * (    y)),
                         ((    x) * (    y))};
    register int i;
    vec_u8 fperm;
    const vec_s32 vABCD = vec_ld(0, ABCD);
    const vec_s16 vA = vec_splat((vec_s16)vABCD, 1);
    const vec_s16 vB = vec_splat((vec_s16)vABCD, 3);
    const vec_s16 vC = vec_splat((vec_s16)vABCD, 5);
    const vec_s16 vD = vec_splat((vec_s16)vABCD, 7);
    const vec_s16 v32ss = vec_sl(vec_splat_s16(1),vec_splat_u16(5));
    const vec_u16 v6us = vec_splat_u16(6);
    register int loadSecond = (((unsigned long)src) % 16) <= 7 ? 0 : 1;
    register int reallyBadAlign = (((unsigned long)src) % 16) == 15 ? 1 : 0;

    vec_u8 vsrcAuc, av_uninit(vsrcBuc), vsrcperm0, vsrcperm1;
    vec_u8 vsrc0uc, vsrc1uc;
    vec_s16 vsrc0ssH, vsrc1ssH;
    vec_u8 vsrcCuc, vsrc2uc, vsrc3uc;
    vec_s16 vsrc2ssH, vsrc3ssH, psum;
    vec_u8 vdst, ppsum, vfdst, fsum;
コード例 #3
int sad16_xy2_altivec(void *v, uint8_t *pix1, uint8_t *pix2, int line_size, int h)
    int i;
    int s __attribute__((aligned(16)));
    uint8_t *pix3 = pix2 + line_size;
    const_vector unsigned char zero = (const_vector unsigned char)vec_splat_u8(0);
    const_vector unsigned short two = (const_vector unsigned short)vec_splat_u16(2);
    vector unsigned char *tv, avgv, t5;
    vector unsigned char pix1v, pix2v, pix3v, pix2iv, pix3iv;
    vector unsigned short pix2lv, pix2hv, pix2ilv, pix2ihv;
    vector unsigned short pix3lv, pix3hv, pix3ilv, pix3ihv;
    vector unsigned short avghv, avglv;
    vector unsigned short t1, t2, t3, t4;
    vector unsigned int sad;
    vector signed int sumdiffs;

    sad = (vector unsigned int)vec_splat_u32(0);
    s = 0;

       Due to the fact that pix3 = pix2 + line_size, the pix3 of one
       iteration becomes pix2 in the next iteration. We can use this
       fact to avoid a potentially expensive unaligned read, as well
       as some splitting, and vector addition each time around the loop.
       Read unaligned pixels into our vectors. The vectors are as follows:
       pix2v: pix2[0]-pix2[15]	pix2iv: pix2[1]-pix2[16]
       Split the pixel vectors into shorts
    tv = (vector unsigned char *) &pix2[0];
    pix2v = vec_perm(tv[0], tv[1], vec_lvsl(0, &pix2[0]));

    tv = (vector unsigned char *) &pix2[1];
    pix2iv = vec_perm(tv[0], tv[1], vec_lvsl(0, &pix2[1]));

    pix2hv = (vector unsigned short) vec_mergeh(zero, pix2v);
    pix2lv = (vector unsigned short) vec_mergel(zero, pix2v);
    pix2ihv = (vector unsigned short) vec_mergeh(zero, pix2iv);
    pix2ilv = (vector unsigned short) vec_mergel(zero, pix2iv);
    t1 = vec_add(pix2hv, pix2ihv);
    t2 = vec_add(pix2lv, pix2ilv);
    for(i=0;i<h;i++) {
           Read unaligned pixels into our vectors. The vectors are as follows:
           pix1v: pix1[0]-pix1[15]
           pix3v: pix3[0]-pix3[15]	pix3iv: pix3[1]-pix3[16]
        tv = (vector unsigned char *) pix1;
        pix1v = vec_perm(tv[0], tv[1], vec_lvsl(0, pix1));

        tv = (vector unsigned char *) &pix3[0];
        pix3v = vec_perm(tv[0], tv[1], vec_lvsl(0, &pix3[0]));

        tv = (vector unsigned char *) &pix3[1];
        pix3iv = vec_perm(tv[0], tv[1], vec_lvsl(0, &pix3[1]));

          Note that Altivec does have vec_avg, but this works on vector pairs
          and rounds up. We could do avg(avg(a,b),avg(c,d)), but the rounding
          would mean that, for example, avg(3,0,0,1) = 2, when it should be 1.
          Instead, we have to split the pixel vectors into vectors of shorts,
          and do the averaging by hand.

        /* Split the pixel vectors into shorts */
        pix3hv = (vector unsigned short) vec_mergeh(zero, pix3v);
        pix3lv = (vector unsigned short) vec_mergel(zero, pix3v);
        pix3ihv = (vector unsigned short) vec_mergeh(zero, pix3iv);
        pix3ilv = (vector unsigned short) vec_mergel(zero, pix3iv);

        /* Do the averaging on them */
        t3 = vec_add(pix3hv, pix3ihv);
        t4 = vec_add(pix3lv, pix3ilv);

        avghv = vec_sr(vec_add(vec_add(t1, t3), two), two);
        avglv = vec_sr(vec_add(vec_add(t2, t4), two), two);

        /* Pack the shorts back into a result */
        avgv = vec_pack(avghv, avglv);

        /* Calculate a sum of abs differences vector */
        t5 = vec_sub(vec_max(pix1v, avgv), vec_min(pix1v, avgv));

        /* Add each 4 pixel group together and put 4 results into sad */
        sad = vec_sum4s(t5, sad);

        pix1 += line_size;
        pix3 += line_size;
        /* Transfer the calculated values for pix3 into pix2 */
        t1 = t3;
        t2 = t4;
    /* Sum up the four partial sums, and put the result into s */
    sumdiffs = vec_sums((vector signed int) sad, (vector signed int) zero);
    sumdiffs = vec_splat(sumdiffs, 3);
    vec_ste(sumdiffs, 0, &s);

    return s;