コード例 #1
ファイル: charconv.c プロジェクト: euslisp/EusLisp
static pointer cconv(context *ctx, int n, pointer *argv)
  iconv_t cd;
  size_t inbytesleft, outbytesleft;
  char *outbufp1, *outbufp2, *instrp;
  size_t ret;
  pointer instr=argv[2], outstr;
  size_t len=vecsize(instr); 

  outbufp1= outbufp2= malloc(outbytesleft);
  instrp= &(instr->c.str.chars[0]);

  /* get acceptable codings by 'iconv --list' */
  /* cd=iconv_open(to_code, from_code); */
  /* cd=iconv_open("Shift_JIS", "EUC-JP"); */
  cd=iconv_open(argv[1]->c.str.chars, argv[0]->c.str.chars);
  if (cd == (iconv_t)-1) { outstr= (pointer)makeint(errno); goto conv_end;}

  ret=iconv(cd, &instrp, &inbytesleft, &outbufp2, &outbytesleft);
  if (ret == -1) { outstr=makeint(-errno); goto conv_end;}
  else  outstr=makestring(outbufp1, len*2-outbytesleft);

コード例 #2
ファイル: main.c プロジェクト: lightfaith/soj
int main()
	printf("\n\n\nretfl: %f\n", retfl((float)pi));	
	printf("retdbl: %f\n", retdbl(pi));	
	printf("fl2dbl: %f\n", fl2dbl((float)pi));	

	printf("\nobvod: %f\n", obvod(5, M_PI));
	printf("fl2i: %d, %d, %d\n", fl2i(3.14), fl2i(3.5), fl2i(3.51));
	float floatnums[] = {1.1, 2.2, 3.9, -2, 1, 9, 10, 88, 9, 10, -6, 12};

	printf("\navg: %f\n", prumer(floatnums, sizeof(floatnums)/sizeof(*floatnums)));
	printf("\nmax: %f\n", max(floatnums, sizeof(floatnums)/sizeof(*floatnums)));
	printf("\narrsum: %f\n", arrsum(floatnums, sizeof(floatnums)/sizeof(*floatnums)));


	printf("\nvsphere: %f\n", vsphere(5, M_PI));
	printf("pytha(3, 4): %f\n", pytha(3.0, 4.0));
	double veca[] = {3.0, 1.0, 5.0};
	double vecb[] = {2.0, -2.0, 1.0};
	int veclen = 3;

	vecsum(veca, vecb, veclen);
	printf("vecsum:  ");
	for(int i=0; i<veclen; i++)
		printf("%f   ", veca[i]);
	printf("\nvecsize: %f\n", vecsize(veca, veclen));

コード例 #3
ファイル: iwa_particlesfx.cpp プロジェクト: CroW-CZ/opentoonz
void Iwa_TiledParticlesFx::doCompute(TTile &tile, double frame, const TRenderSettings &ri)
	std::vector<int> lastframe;
	std::vector<TLevelP> partLevel;

	TPointD p_offset;
	TDimension p_size(0, 0);

	/*- 参照画像ポートの取得 -*/
	std::vector<TRasterFxPort *> part_ports;   /*- テクスチャ素材画像のポート -*/
	std::map<int, TRasterFxPort *> ctrl_ports; /*- コントロール画像のポート番号/ポート -*/
	int portsCount = this->getInputPortCount();

	for (int i = 0; i < portsCount; ++i) {
		std::string tmpName = this->getInputPortName(i);
		QString portName = QString::fromStdString(tmpName);

		if (portName.startsWith("T")) {
			TRasterFxPort *tmpPart = (TRasterFxPort *)this->getInputPort(tmpName);
			if (tmpPart->isConnected())
				part_ports.push_back((TRasterFxPort *)this->getInputPort(tmpName));
		} else {
			portName.replace(QString("Control"), QString(""));
			TRasterFxPort *tmpCtrl = (TRasterFxPort *)this->getInputPort(tmpName);
			if (tmpCtrl->isConnected())
				ctrl_ports[portName.toInt()] = (TRasterFxPort *)this->getInputPort(tmpName);

	/*- テクスチャ素材のバウンディングボックスを足し合わせる ←この工程、いらないかも?-*/
	if (!part_ports.empty()) {
		TRectD outTileBBox(tile.m_pos, TDimensionD(tile.getRaster()->getLx(), tile.getRaster()->getLy()));
		TRectD bbox;

		for (unsigned int i = 0; i < (int)part_ports.size(); ++i) {
			const TFxTimeRegion &tr = (*part_ports[i])->getTimeRegion();

			lastframe.push_back(tr.getLastFrame() + 1);
			partLevel.push_back(new TLevel());
			partLevel[i]->setName((*part_ports[i])->getAlias(0, ri));

			// The particles offset must be calculated without considering the affine's translational
			// component
			TRenderSettings riZero(ri);
			riZero.m_affine.a13 = riZero.m_affine.a23 = 0;

			// Calculate the bboxes union
			for (int t = 0; t <= tr.getLastFrame(); ++t) {
				TRectD inputBox;
				(*part_ports[i])->getBBox(t, inputBox, riZero);
				bbox += inputBox;

		if (bbox == TConsts::infiniteRectD)
			bbox *= outTileBBox;

		p_size.lx = (int)bbox.getLx() + 1;
		p_size.ly = (int)bbox.getLy() + 1;
		p_offset = TPointD(0.5 * (bbox.x0 + bbox.x1), 0.5 * (bbox.y0 + bbox.y1));
	} else {
		partLevel.push_back(new TLevel());
		TDimension vecsize(10, 10);
		TOfflineGL *offlineGlContext = new TOfflineGL(vecsize);
		offlineGlContext->clear(TPixel32(0, 0, 0, 0));

		TStroke *stroke;
		stroke = makeEllipticStroke(0.07, TPointD((vecsize.lx - 1) * .5, (vecsize.ly - 1) * .5), 2.0, 2.0);
		TVectorImageP vectmp = new TVectorImage();

		TPalette *plt = new TPalette();
		TVectorRenderData rd(AffI, TRect(vecsize), plt, 0, true, true);
		offlineGlContext->draw(vectmp, rd);

		partLevel[0]->setFrame(0, TRasterImageP(offlineGlContext->getRaster()->clone()));
		p_size.lx = vecsize.lx + 1;
		p_size.ly = vecsize.ly + 1;

		delete offlineGlContext;

	Iwa_Particles_Engine myEngine(this, frame);

	// Retrieving the dpi multiplier from the accumulated affine (which is isotropic). That is,
	// the affine will be applied *before* this effect - and we'll multiply geometrical parameters
	// by this dpi mult. in order to compensate.
	float dpi = sqrt(fabs(ri.m_affine.det())) * 100;

	TTile tileIn;
	if (TRaster32P raster32 = tile.getRaster()) {
		TFlash *flash = 0;
		myEngine.render_particles(flash, &tile, part_ports, ri, p_size, p_offset, ctrl_ports, partLevel,
								  1, (int)frame, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, lastframe, getIdentifier());
	} else if (TRaster64P raster64 = tile.getRaster()) {
		TFlash *flash = 0;
		myEngine.render_particles(flash, &tile, part_ports, ri, p_size, p_offset, ctrl_ports, partLevel,
								  1, (int)frame, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, lastframe, getIdentifier());
	} else
		throw TException("ParticlesFx: unsupported Pixel Type");
コード例 #4
ファイル: main.cpp プロジェクト: geckobike/otp2
static void vehicleSubTick(Chassis* c, float dt)
	if (g_step==0) return;
	if (g_step&1) g_step = 0;

	vec3* chassisPos = &c->pose.v[3].v3;
	vec3* x = &c->pose.v[0].v3;
	vec3* y = &c->pose.v[1].v3;
	vec3* z = &c->pose.v[2].v3;

	// This bit is done by the physics engine
		vecaddscale(chassisPos, chassisPos, &c->vel, dt);
		mtx rot;
		matrixRotateByVelocity(&rot, &c->pose, &c->angVel, dt);
		matrixCopy33(&c->pose, &rot);

	// Damp
	vecscale(&c->vel, &c->vel, expf(-dt*1.f));
	vecscale(&c->angVel, &c->angVel, expf(-dt*1.f));

	if (fabsf(c->angVel.x)<0.01f) c->angVel.x = 0.f;
	if (fabsf(c->angVel.y)<0.01f) c->angVel.y = 0.f;
	if (fabsf(c->angVel.z)<0.01f) c->angVel.z = 0.f;

	ClampedImpulse frictionImpulse[numWheels][2];
	c->steer = g_steer;

	//g_steer *= expf(-dt*3.f);
	//g_speed *= expf(-dt*3.f);

	static float latf = 10.f;
	static float angSpeed = 0.f;

	if (g_handBrake>0.f)
		g_handBrake *= expf(-4.f*dt);
		g_speed *= expf(-4.f*dt);
		if (g_handBrake < 0.1f)
			g_handBrake = 0.f;

	// Prepare
	for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++)
		Suspension* s = c->suspension[i];
		Wheel* w = s->wheel;

		// Calculate the world position and offset of the suspension point
		vec3mtx33mulvec3(&s->worldOffset, &c->pose, &s->offset);
		vec3mtx43mulvec3(&s->worldDefaultPos, &c->pose, &s->offset);

		w->pos = s->worldDefaultPos;
		vec3 pointVel = getPointVel(c, &s->worldOffset);
		vecadd(&w->vel, &w->vel, &pointVel);
		float maxFriction0 = 2.0f * dt * c->mass * gravity * (1.f/(float)numWheels);
		clampedImpulseInit(&frictionImpulse[i][0], maxFriction0);

		float latfriction = 10.f;

		float newAngSpeed = vecdot(z, &c->angVel);
		float changeAngSpeed = (newAngSpeed - angSpeed)/dt;
		angSpeed = newAngSpeed;
		printf("changeAngSpeed = %f\n", changeAngSpeed);
		float speed = fabsf(vecdot(y, &c->vel));
		const float base = 0.5f;
		if (g_speed>=0 && i>=2)
			latfriction = 1.f*expf(-5.f*g_handBrake) + base;

			// latfriction = 1.f*expf(-2.f*fabsf(speed*changeAngSpeed)) + base;

			// if (angSpeed*g_steer < -0.1f)
			// {
			// 	latfriction = base;
			// }

			//if (g_steer == 0.f)
			//	latf += (10.f - latf) * (1.f - exp(-0.1f*dt));
			//	latf += (0.1f - latf) * (1.f - exp(-10.f*dt));
			//latfriction = latf;
			latfriction = 10.f;

		float maxFriction1 = latfriction * dt * c->mass * gravity * (1.f/(float)numWheels);
		clampedImpulseInit(&frictionImpulse[i][1], maxFriction1);
		vecset(&s->hitNorm, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f);

		float steer = w->maxSteer*c->steer * (1.f + 0.3f*s->offset.x*c->steer);

		vecscale(&w->wheelAxis, x, cosf(steer));
		vecsubscale(&w->wheelAxis, &w->wheelAxis, y, sinf(steer));

		veccross(&w->frictionDir[0], z, &w->wheelAxis);
		w->frictionDir[1] = w->wheelAxis;

		w->angSpeed = -40.f*g_speed;

	#define verbose false
	#define dump if (verbose) printf


	float solverERP = numIterations>1 ? 0.1f : 1.f;
	float changeSolverERP = numIterations>1 ? (1.f - solverERP)/(0.01f+ (float)(numIterations-1)) : 0.f;

	for (int repeat=0; repeat<numIterations; repeat++)
		dump(" == Start Iter == \n");

		for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++)
			Suspension* s = c->suspension[i];
			Wheel* w = s->wheel;
			const bool axisError = true;
			const bool friction = true;
			// Friction
			if (friction)
				vec3 lateralVel;
				vecaddscale(&lateralVel, &w->vel, &s->hitNorm, -vecdot(&s->hitNorm, &w->vel));
				vecaddscale(&lateralVel, &lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[0], +w->angSpeed * w->radius);

					int dir = 0;
					float v = vecdot(&lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[dir]);
					float denom = 1.f/w->mass + w->radius*w->radius*w->invInertia;
					float impulse = clampedImpulseApply(&frictionImpulse[i][dir], - solverERP * v / denom);
					vec3 impulseV;
					vecscale(&impulseV, &w->frictionDir[dir], impulse);
					vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &impulseV, 1.f/w->mass);
					w->angSpeed = w->angSpeed + (impulse * w->radius * w->invInertia);
				if (1)
					int dir=1;
					float v = vecdot(&lateralVel, &w->frictionDir[dir]);
					float denom = 1.f/w->mass;
					float impulse = clampedImpulseApply(&frictionImpulse[i][dir], - solverERP * v / denom);
					vec3 impulseV;
					vecscale(&impulseV, &w->frictionDir[dir], impulse);
					vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &impulseV, 1.f/w->mass);

				//dump("gound collision errorV = %f, vel of wheel after = %f\n", penetration, vecdot(&w->vel, &s->hitNorm));

			if (axisError)	// Axis Error
				vec3 offset;
				vecsub(&offset, &w->pos, chassisPos);
				vec3 pointvel = getPointVel(c, &offset);
				vec3 error;
				vecsub(&error, &pointvel, &w->vel);
				vecaddscale(&error, &error, z, -vecdot(&error, z));

				vec3 norm;
				if (vecsizesq(&error)>0.001f)
					dump("axis error %f\n", vecsize(&error));
					vecnormalise(&norm, &error);

					float denom = computeDenominator(1.f/c->mass, 1.f/c->inertia, &offset, &norm) + 1.f/w->mass;
					vecscale(&error, &error, -solverERP/denom);
					addImpulseAtOffset(&c->vel, &c->angVel, 1.f/c->mass, 1.f/c->inertia, &offset, &error);
					vecaddscale(&w->vel, &w->vel, &error, -solverERP/w->mass);
				//dump("axis error vel of wheel after = %f, inline = %f\n", vecdot(&w->vel, &s->hitNorm), vecdot(&w->vel, &s->axis));
		solverERP += changeSolverERP;

	for (int i=0; i<numWheels; i++)
		Suspension* s = c->suspension[i];
		Wheel* w = s->wheel;
		vec3 pointVel = getPointVel(c, s);
		// Convert suspension wheel speed back to car space
		vecsub(&w->vel, &w->vel, &pointVel);