コード例 #1
ファイル: g_fx.cpp プロジェクト: Cancerous/massive-tyrion
void fx_runner_link( gentity_t *ent )
	vec3_t	dir;

	if ( ent->target )
		// try to use the target to override the orientation
		gentity_t	*target = NULL;

		target = G_Find( target, FOFS(targetname), ent->target );

		if ( !target )
			// Bah, no good, dump a warning, but continue on and use the UP vector
			Com_Printf( "fx_runner_link: target specified but not found: %s\n", ent->target );
			Com_Printf( "  -assuming UP orientation.\n" );
			// Our target is valid so let's override the default UP vector
			VectorSubtract( target->s.origin, ent->s.origin, dir );
			VectorNormalize( dir );
			vectoangles( dir, ent->s.angles );

	// don't really do anything with this right now other than do a check to warn the designers if the target2 is bogus
	if ( ent->target2 )
		gentity_t	*target = NULL;

		target = G_Find( target, FOFS(targetname), ent->target2 );

		if ( !target )
			// Target2 is bogus, but we can still continue
			Com_Printf( "fx_runner_link: target2 was specified but is not valid: %s\n", ent->target2 );

	G_SetAngles( ent, ent->s.angles );

	if ( ent->spawnflags & 1 || ent->spawnflags & 2 ) // STARTOFF || ONESHOT
		// We won't even consider thinking until we are used
		ent->nextthink = -1;
		if ( VALIDSTRING( ent->soundSet ) == true )
			ent->s.loopSound = CAS_GetBModelSound( ent->soundSet, BMS_MID );

			if ( ent->s.loopSound < 0 )
				ent->s.loopSound = 0;

		// Let's get to work right now!
		ent->e_ThinkFunc = thinkF_fx_runner_think;
		ent->nextthink = level.time + 200; // wait a small bit, then start working

	// make us useable if we can be targeted
	if ( ent->targetname )
		ent->e_UseFunc = useF_fx_runner_use;
コード例 #2
ファイル: NPC_move.cpp プロジェクト: Christian-Barrett/OpenJK
qboolean NPC_GetMoveDirection( vec3_t out, float *distance )
	vec3_t		angles;

	//Clear the struct
	memset( &frameNavInfo, 0, sizeof( frameNavInfo ) );

	//Get our movement, if any
	if ( NPC_GetMoveInformation( frameNavInfo.direction, &frameNavInfo.distance ) == qfalse )
		return qfalse;

	//Setup the return value
	*distance = frameNavInfo.distance;

	//For starters
	VectorCopy( frameNavInfo.direction, frameNavInfo.pathDirection );

	//If on a ladder, move appropriately
	if ( NPC->watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER )
		NPC_LadderMove( frameNavInfo.direction );
		return qtrue;

	//Attempt a straight move to goal
	if ( NPC_ClearPathToGoal( frameNavInfo.direction, NPCInfo->goalEntity ) == qfalse )
		//See if we're just stuck
		if ( NAV_MoveToGoal( NPC, frameNavInfo ) == WAYPOINT_NONE )
			//Can't reach goal, just face
			vectoangles( frameNavInfo.direction, angles );
			NPCInfo->desiredYaw	= AngleNormalize360( angles[YAW] );		
			VectorCopy( frameNavInfo.direction, out );
			*distance = frameNavInfo.distance;
			return qfalse;

		frameNavInfo.flags |= NIF_MACRO_NAV;

	//Avoid any collisions on the way
	if ( NAV_AvoidCollision( NPC, NPCInfo->goalEntity, frameNavInfo ) == qfalse )
		//FIXME: Emit a warning, this is a worst case scenario
		//FIXME: if we have a clear path to our goal (exluding bodies), but then this
		//			check (against bodies only) fails, shouldn't we fall back 
		//			to macro navigation?  Like so:
		if ( !(frameNavInfo.flags&NIF_MACRO_NAV) )
		{//we had a clear path to goal and didn't try macro nav, but can't avoid collision so try macro nav here
			//See if we're just stuck
			if ( NAV_MoveToGoal( NPC, frameNavInfo ) == WAYPOINT_NONE )
				//Can't reach goal, just face
				vectoangles( frameNavInfo.direction, angles );
				NPCInfo->desiredYaw	= AngleNormalize360( angles[YAW] );		
				VectorCopy( frameNavInfo.direction, out );
				*distance = frameNavInfo.distance;
				return qfalse;

			frameNavInfo.flags |= NIF_MACRO_NAV;

	//Setup the return values
	VectorCopy( frameNavInfo.direction, out );
	*distance = frameNavInfo.distance;

	return qtrue;
コード例 #3
ファイル: cg_marks.c プロジェクト: aufau/SaberMod
void CG_AddParticleToScene (cparticle_t *p, vec3_t org, float alpha)

	vec3_t		point;
	polyVert_t	verts[4];
	float		width;
	float		height;
	float		time, time2;
	float		ratio;
	float		invratio;
	vec3_t		color;
	polyVert_t	TRIverts[3];
	vec3_t		rright2, rup2;

	if (p->type == P_WEATHER || p->type == P_WEATHER_TURBULENT || p->type == P_WEATHER_FLURRY
		|| p->type == P_BUBBLE || p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
	{// create a front facing polygon

		if (p->type != P_WEATHER_FLURRY)
			if (p->type == P_BUBBLE || p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
				if (org[2] > p->end)
					p->time = cg.time;
					VectorCopy (org, p->org); // Ridah, fixes rare snow flakes that flicker on the ground

					p->org[2] = ( p->start + crandom () * 4 );

					if (p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
						p->vel[0] = crandom() * 4;
						p->vel[1] = crandom() * 4;

				if (org[2] < p->end)
					p->time = cg.time;
					VectorCopy (org, p->org); // Ridah, fixes rare snow flakes that flicker on the ground

					while (p->org[2] < p->end)
						p->org[2] += (p->start - p->end);

					if (p->type == P_WEATHER_TURBULENT)
						p->vel[0] = crandom() * 16;
						p->vel[1] = crandom() * 16;


			// Rafael snow pvs check
			if (!p->link)

			p->alpha = 1;

		// Ridah, had to do this or MAX_POLYS is being exceeded in village1.bsp
		if (Distance( cg.snap->ps.origin, org ) > 1024) {
		// done.

		if (p->type == P_BUBBLE || p->type == P_BUBBLE_TURBULENT)
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, verts[0].xyz);
			verts[0].st[0] = 0;
			verts[0].st[1] = 0;
			verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
			verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
			verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
			verts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

			VectorMA (org, -p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, verts[1].xyz);
			verts[1].st[0] = 0;
			verts[1].st[1] = 1;
			verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
			verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
			verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
			verts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, verts[2].xyz);
			verts[2].st[0] = 1;
			verts[2].st[1] = 1;
			verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
			verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
			verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
			verts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, verts[3].xyz);
			verts[3].st[0] = 1;
			verts[3].st[1] = 0;
			verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;
			verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;
			verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;
			verts[3].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy( point, TRIverts[0].xyz );
			TRIverts[0].st[0] = 1;
			TRIverts[0].st[1] = 0;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
			TRIverts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, TRIverts[1].xyz);
			TRIverts[1].st[0] = 0;
			TRIverts[1].st[1] = 0;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
			TRIverts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, p->width, pvright, point);
			VectorCopy (point, TRIverts[2].xyz);
			TRIverts[2].st[0] = 0;
			TRIverts[2].st[1] = 1;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
			TRIverts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * p->alpha;

	else if (p->type == P_SPRITE)
		vec3_t	rr, ru;
		vec3_t	rotate_ang;

		VectorSet (color, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5);
		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		if (p->roll) {
			vectoangles( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], rotate_ang );
			rotate_ang[ROLL] += p->roll;
			AngleVectors ( rotate_ang, NULL, rr, ru);

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (org, -height, ru, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, rr, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (org, -height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, 2*height, ru, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, 2*height, pvup, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, 2*width, rr, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, 2*width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, -2*height, ru, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, -2*height, pvup, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
	else if (p->type == P_SMOKE || p->type == P_SMOKE_IMPACT)
	{// create a front rotating facing polygon

		if ( p->type == P_SMOKE_IMPACT && Distance( cg.snap->ps.origin, org ) > 1024) {

		if (p->color == BLOODRED)
			VectorSet (color, 0.22f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
		else if (p->color == GREY75)
			float	len;
			float	greyit;
			float	val;
			len = Distance (cg.snap->ps.origin, org);
			if (!len)
				len = 1;

			val = 4096/len;
			greyit = 0.25 * val;
			if (greyit > 0.5)
				greyit = 0.5;

			VectorSet (color, greyit, greyit, greyit);
			VectorSet (color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;

		if (cg.time > p->startfade)
			invratio = 1 - ( (cg.time - p->startfade) / (p->endtime - p->startfade) );

			if (p->color == EMISIVEFADE)
				float fval;
				fval = (invratio * invratio);
				if (fval < 0)
					fval = 0;
				VectorSet (color, fval , fval , fval );
			invratio *= p->alpha;
			invratio = 1 * p->alpha;

		if (invratio > 1)
			invratio = 1;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		if (p->type != P_SMOKE_IMPACT)
			vec3_t temp;

			vectoangles (rforward, temp);
			p->accumroll += p->roll;
			temp[ROLL] += p->accumroll * 0.1;
			AngleVectors ( temp, NULL, rright2, rup2);
			VectorCopy (rright, rright2);
			VectorCopy (rup, rup2);

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, -height, rup2, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, rright2, point);
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * invratio;

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, -height, rup2, point);
			VectorMA (point, width, rright2, point);
			VectorMA (org, -p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, p->width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * invratio;

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, height, rup2, point);
			VectorMA (point, width, rright2, point);
			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, p->width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * invratio;

		if (p->rotate)
			VectorMA (org, height, rup2, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, rright2, point);
			VectorMA (org, p->height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -p->width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255  * invratio;

	else if (p->type == P_BLEED)
		vec3_t	rr, ru;
		vec3_t	rotate_ang;
		float	alpha;

		alpha = p->alpha;

		if (p->roll)
			vectoangles( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], rotate_ang );
			rotate_ang[ROLL] += p->roll;
			AngleVectors ( rotate_ang, NULL, rr, ru);
			VectorCopy (pvup, ru);
			VectorCopy (pvright, rr);

		VectorMA (org, -p->height, ru, point);
		VectorMA (point, -p->width, rr, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 111;
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 19;
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 9;
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;

		VectorMA (org, -p->height, ru, point);
		VectorMA (point, p->width, rr, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 111;
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 19;
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 9;
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;

		VectorMA (org, p->height, ru, point);
		VectorMA (point, p->width, rr, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 111;
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 19;
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 9;
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;

		VectorMA (org, p->height, ru, point);
		VectorMA (point, -p->width, rr, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 111;
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 19;
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 9;
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255 * alpha;

	else if (p->type == P_FLAT_SCALEUP)
		float width, height;
		float sinR, cosR;

		if (p->color == BLOODRED)
			VectorSet (color, 1, 1, 1);
			VectorSet (color, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);

		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		if (width > p->endwidth)
			width = p->endwidth;

		if (height > p->endheight)
			height = p->endheight;

		sinR = height * sin(DEG2RAD(p->roll)) * sqrt(2);
		cosR = width * cos(DEG2RAD(p->roll)) * sqrt(2);

		VectorCopy (org, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].xyz[0] -= sinR;
		verts[0].xyz[1] -= cosR;
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].xyz[0] -= cosR;
		verts[1].xyz[1] += sinR;
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].xyz[0] += sinR;
		verts[2].xyz[1] += cosR;
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].xyz[0] += cosR;
		verts[3].xyz[1] -= sinR;
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255 * color[0];
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255 * color[1];
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255 * color[2];
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
	else if (p->type == P_FLAT)

		VectorCopy (org, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].xyz[0] -= p->height;
		verts[0].xyz[1] -= p->width;
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].xyz[0] -= p->height;
		verts[1].xyz[1] += p->width;
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].xyz[0] += p->height;
		verts[2].xyz[1] += p->width;
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;

		VectorCopy (org, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].xyz[0] += p->height;
		verts[3].xyz[1] -= p->width;
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;

	// Ridah
	else if (p->type == P_ANIM) {
		vec3_t	rr, ru;
		vec3_t	rotate_ang;
		int i, j;

		time = cg.time - p->time;
		time2 = p->endtime - p->time;
		ratio = time / time2;
		if (ratio >= 1.0f) {
			ratio = 0.9999f;

		width = p->width + ( ratio * ( p->endwidth - p->width) );
		height = p->height + ( ratio * ( p->endheight - p->height) );

		// if we are "inside" this sprite, don't draw
		if (Distance( cg.snap->ps.origin, org ) < width/1.5) {

		i = p->shaderAnim;
		j = (int)floor(ratio * shaderAnimCounts[p->shaderAnim]);
		p->pshader = shaderAnims[i][j];

		if (p->roll) {
			vectoangles( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], rotate_ang );
			rotate_ang[ROLL] += p->roll;
			AngleVectors ( rotate_ang, NULL, rr, ru);

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (org, -height, ru, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, rr, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (org, -height, pvup, point);
			VectorMA (point, -width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[0].xyz);
		verts[0].st[0] = 0;
		verts[0].st[1] = 0;
		verts[0].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[0].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, 2*height, ru, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, 2*height, pvup, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[1].xyz);
		verts[1].st[0] = 0;
		verts[1].st[1] = 1;
		verts[1].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[1].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, 2*width, rr, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, 2*width, pvright, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[2].xyz);
		verts[2].st[0] = 1;
		verts[2].st[1] = 1;
		verts[2].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[2].modulate[3] = 255;

		if (p->roll) {
			VectorMA (point, -2*height, ru, point);
		} else {
			VectorMA (point, -2*height, pvup, point);
		VectorCopy (point, verts[3].xyz);
		verts[3].st[0] = 1;
		verts[3].st[1] = 0;
		verts[3].modulate[0] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[1] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[2] = 255;
		verts[3].modulate[3] = 255;
	// done.

	if (!p->pshader) {
// (SA) temp commented out for DM
//		CG_Printf ("CG_AddParticleToScene type %d p->pshader == ZERO\n", p->type);

	if (p->type == P_WEATHER || p->type == P_WEATHER_TURBULENT || p->type == P_WEATHER_FLURRY)
		trap_R_AddPolyToScene( p->pshader, 3, TRIverts );
		trap_R_AddPolyToScene( p->pshader, 4, verts );

コード例 #4
ファイル: NPC_AI_Sniper.c プロジェクト: Ichimoto/OpenJK
void NPC_BSSniper_Patrol( void )
{//FIXME: pick up on bodies of dead buddies?
	NPCS.NPC->count = 0;

	if ( NPCS.NPCInfo->confusionTime < level.time )
		//Look for any enemies
		if ( NPCS.NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_LOOK_FOR_ENEMIES )
			if ( NPC_CheckPlayerTeamStealth() )
				//NPCInfo->behaviorState = BS_HUNT_AND_KILL;//Should be auto now
				NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );

		if ( !(NPCS.NPCInfo->scriptFlags&SCF_IGNORE_ALERTS) )
			//Is there danger nearby
			int alertEvent = NPC_CheckAlertEvents( qtrue, qtrue, -1, qfalse, AEL_SUSPICIOUS );
			if ( NPC_CheckForDanger( alertEvent ) )
				NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
			{//check for other alert events
				//There is an event to look at
				if ( alertEvent >= 0 && level.alertEvents[alertEvent].ID != NPCS.NPCInfo->lastAlertID )
					NPCS.NPCInfo->lastAlertID = level.alertEvents[alertEvent].ID;
					if ( level.alertEvents[alertEvent].level == AEL_DISCOVERED )
						if ( level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner && 
							level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner->client && 
							level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner->health >= 0 &&
							level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner->client->playerTeam == NPCS.NPC->client->enemyTeam )
						{//an enemy
							G_SetEnemy( NPCS.NPC, level.alertEvents[alertEvent].owner );
							//NPCInfo->enemyLastSeenTime = level.time;
							TIMER_Set( NPCS.NPC, "attackDelay", Q_irand( (6-NPCS.NPCInfo->stats.aim)*100, (6-NPCS.NPCInfo->stats.aim)*500 ) );
					{//FIXME: get more suspicious over time?
						//Save the position for movement (if necessary)
						//FIXME: sound?
						VectorCopy( level.alertEvents[alertEvent].position, NPCS.NPCInfo->investigateGoal );
						NPCS.NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime = level.time + Q_irand( 500, 1000 );
						if ( level.alertEvents[alertEvent].level == AEL_SUSPICIOUS )
						{//suspicious looks longer
							NPCS.NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime += Q_irand( 500, 2500 );

			if ( NPCS.NPCInfo->investigateDebounceTime > level.time )
			{//FIXME: walk over to it, maybe?  Not if not chase enemies flag
				//NOTE: stops walking or doing anything else below
				vec3_t	dir, angles;
				float	o_yaw, o_pitch;
				VectorSubtract( NPCS.NPCInfo->investigateGoal, NPCS.NPC->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, dir );
				vectoangles( dir, angles );
				o_yaw = NPCS.NPCInfo->desiredYaw;
				o_pitch = NPCS.NPCInfo->desiredPitch;
				NPCS.NPCInfo->desiredYaw = angles[YAW];
				NPCS.NPCInfo->desiredPitch = angles[PITCH];
				NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );

				NPCS.NPCInfo->desiredYaw = o_yaw;
				NPCS.NPCInfo->desiredPitch = o_pitch;

	//If we have somewhere to go, then do that
	if ( UpdateGoal() )
		NPCS.ucmd.buttons |= BUTTON_WALKING;
		NPC_MoveToGoal( qtrue );

	NPC_UpdateAngles( qtrue, qtrue );
コード例 #5
ファイル: g_phys.c プロジェクト: phine4s/xatrix
 * Toss, bounce, and fly movement.  When onground, do nothing.
SV_Physics_Toss(edict_t *ent)
	trace_t trace;
	vec3_t move;
	float backoff;
	edict_t *slave;
	qboolean wasinwater;
	qboolean isinwater;
	vec3_t old_origin;

  	if (!ent)

	/* regular thinking */

	/* if not a team captain, so movement will be handled elsewhere */
	if (ent->flags & FL_TEAMSLAVE)

	if (ent->velocity[2] > 0)
		ent->groundentity = NULL;

	/* check for the groundentity going away */
	if (ent->groundentity)
		if (!ent->groundentity->inuse)
			ent->groundentity = NULL;

	/* if onground, return without moving */
	if (ent->groundentity)

	VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, old_origin);


	/* add gravity */
	if ((ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_FLY) &&
		(ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE)
		&& (ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_WALLBOUNCE))

	/* move angles */
	VectorMA(ent->s.angles, FRAMETIME, ent->avelocity, ent->s.angles);

	/* move origin */
	VectorScale(ent->velocity, FRAMETIME, move);
	trace = SV_PushEntity(ent, move);

	if (!ent->inuse)

	if (trace.fraction < 1)
		if (ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_WALLBOUNCE)
			backoff = 2.0;
		else if (ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_BOUNCE)
			backoff = 1.5;
			backoff = 1;

		ClipVelocity(ent->velocity, trace.plane.normal, ent->velocity, backoff);

		if (ent->movetype == MOVETYPE_WALLBOUNCE)
			vectoangles(ent->velocity, ent->s.angles);

		/* stop if on ground */
		if ((trace.plane.normal[2] > 0.7) &&
			(ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_WALLBOUNCE))
			if ((ent->velocity[2] < 60) || (ent->movetype != MOVETYPE_BOUNCE))
				ent->groundentity = trace.ent;
				ent->groundentity_linkcount = trace.ent->linkcount;
				VectorCopy(vec3_origin, ent->velocity);
				VectorCopy(vec3_origin, ent->avelocity);

	/* check for water transition */
	wasinwater = (ent->watertype & MASK_WATER);
	ent->watertype = gi.pointcontents(ent->s.origin);
	isinwater = ent->watertype & MASK_WATER;

	if (isinwater)
		ent->waterlevel = 1;
		ent->waterlevel = 0;

	if (!wasinwater && isinwater)
		gi.positioned_sound(old_origin, g_edicts, CHAN_AUTO,
				gi.soundindex("misc/h2ohit1.wav"), 1, 1, 0);
	else if (wasinwater && !isinwater)
		gi.positioned_sound(ent->s.origin, g_edicts, CHAN_AUTO,
				gi.soundindex("misc/h2ohit1.wav"), 1, 1, 0);

	/* move teamslaves */
	for (slave = ent->teamchain; slave; slave = slave->teamchain)
		VectorCopy(ent->s.origin, slave->s.origin);
コード例 #6
ファイル: cg_marks.c プロジェクト: aufau/SaberMod
void CG_ParticleBloodCloud (centity_t *cent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir)
	float	length;
	float	dist;
	float	crittersize;
	vec3_t	angles, forward;
	vec3_t	point;
	cparticle_t	*p;
	int		i;

	dist = 0;

	length = VectorLength (dir);
	vectoangles (dir, angles);
	AngleVectors (angles, forward, NULL, NULL);

	crittersize = LARGESIZE;

	if (length)
		dist = length / crittersize;

	if (dist < 1)
		dist = 1;

	VectorCopy (origin, point);

	for (i=0; i<dist; i++)
		VectorMA (point, crittersize, forward, point);

		if (!free_particles)

		p = free_particles;
		free_particles = p->next;
		p->next = active_particles;
		active_particles = p;

		p->time = cg.time;
		p->alpha = 1.0;
		p->alphavel = 0;
		p->roll = 0;

		p->pshader = cgs.media.smokePuffShader;

		p->endtime = cg.time + 350 + (crandom() * 100);

		p->startfade = cg.time;

		p->width = LARGESIZE;
		p->height = LARGESIZE;
		p->endheight = LARGESIZE;
		p->endwidth = LARGESIZE;

		p->type = P_SMOKE;

		VectorCopy( origin, p->org );

		p->vel[0] = 0;
		p->vel[1] = 0;
		p->vel[2] = -1;

		VectorClear( p->accel );

		p->rotate = qfalse;

		p->roll = rand()%179;

		p->color = BLOODRED;

		p->alpha = 0.75;


コード例 #7
ファイル: cg_turret.c プロジェクト: Almightygir/OpenJK
void TurretClientRun(centity_t *ent)
	if (!ent->ghoul2)
		weaponInfo_t	*weaponInfo;

		trap->G2API_InitGhoul2Model(&ent->ghoul2, CG_ConfigString( CS_MODELS+ent->currentState.modelindex ), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

		if (!ent->ghoul2)
		{ //bad

		ent->torsoBolt = trap->G2API_AddBolt( ent->ghoul2, 0, "*flash02" );

		trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles( ent->ghoul2, 0, "bone_hinge", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_Y, POSITIVE_Z, POSITIVE_X, NULL, 100, cg.time ); 
		trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles( ent->ghoul2, 0, "bone_gback", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_Y, POSITIVE_Z, POSITIVE_X, NULL, 100, cg.time ); 
		trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles( ent->ghoul2, 0, "bone_barrel", vec3_origin, BONE_ANGLES_POSTMULT, POSITIVE_Y, POSITIVE_Z, POSITIVE_X, NULL, 100, cg.time ); 

		trap->G2API_SetBoneAnim( ent->ghoul2, 0, "model_root", 0, 11, BONE_ANIM_OVERRIDE_FREEZE, 0.8f, cg.time, 0, 0 );

		ent->turAngles[ROLL] = 0;
		ent->turAngles[PITCH] = 90;
		ent->turAngles[YAW] = 0;

		weaponInfo = &cg_weapons[WP_TURRET];

		if ( !weaponInfo->registered )

	if (ent->currentState.fireflag == 2)
	{ //I'm about to blow
		if (ent->turAngles)
			trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles( ent->ghoul2, 0, "bone_hinge", ent->turAngles, BONE_ANGLES_REPLACE, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, NEGATIVE_X, NULL, 100, cg.time ); 
	else if (ent->currentState.fireflag && ent->bolt4 != ent->currentState.fireflag)
		vec3_t muzzleOrg, muzzleDir;
		mdxaBone_t boltMatrix;

		trap->G2API_GetBoltMatrix(ent->ghoul2, 0, ent->torsoBolt, &boltMatrix, /*ent->lerpAngles*/vec3_origin, ent->lerpOrigin, cg.time, cgs.gameModels, ent->modelScale);
		BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, ORIGIN, muzzleOrg);
		BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix(&boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_X, muzzleDir);

		trap->FX_PlayEffectID(cgs.effects.mTurretMuzzleFlash, muzzleOrg, muzzleDir, -1, -1, qfalse);

		ent->bolt4 = ent->currentState.fireflag;
	else if (!ent->currentState.fireflag)
		ent->bolt4 = 0;

	if (ent->currentState.bolt2 != ENTITYNUM_NONE)
	{ //turn toward the enemy
		centity_t *enemy = &cg_entities[ent->currentState.bolt2];

		if (enemy)
			vec3_t enAng;
			vec3_t enPos;

			VectorCopy(enemy->currentState.pos.trBase, enPos);

			VectorSubtract(enPos, ent->lerpOrigin, enAng);
			vectoangles(enAng, enAng);
			enAng[ROLL] = 0;
			enAng[PITCH] += 90;

			CreepToPosition(enAng, ent->turAngles);
		vec3_t idleAng;
		float turnAmount;

		if (ent->turAngles[YAW] > 360)
			ent->turAngles[YAW] -= 361;

		if (!ent->dustTrailTime)
			ent->dustTrailTime = cg.time;

		turnAmount = (cg.time-ent->dustTrailTime)*0.03;

		if (turnAmount > 360)
			turnAmount = 360;

		idleAng[PITCH] = 90;
		idleAng[ROLL] = 0;
		idleAng[YAW] = ent->turAngles[YAW] + turnAmount;
		ent->dustTrailTime = cg.time;

		CreepToPosition(idleAng, ent->turAngles);

	if (cg.time < ent->frame_minus1_refreshed)
		ent->frame_minus1_refreshed = cg.time;

	ent->frame_minus1_refreshed = cg.time;
	trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles( ent->ghoul2, 0, "bone_hinge", ent->turAngles, BONE_ANGLES_REPLACE, NEGATIVE_Y, NEGATIVE_Z, NEGATIVE_X, NULL, 100, cg.time ); 
コード例 #8
ファイル: acebot_movement.c プロジェクト: basecq/q2dos
// Make the change in angles a little more gradual, not so snappy
// Subtle, but noticeable.
// Modified from the original id ChangeYaw code...
void ACEMV_ChangeBotAngle (edict_t *ent)
	float	ideal_yaw;
	float   ideal_pitch;
	float	current_yaw;
	float   current_pitch;
	float	move;
	float	speed;
	vec3_t  ideal_angle;
	// Normalize the move angle first

	current_yaw = anglemod(ent->s.angles[YAW]);
	current_pitch = anglemod(ent->s.angles[PITCH]);
	vectoangles (ent->move_vector, ideal_angle);

	ideal_yaw = anglemod(ideal_angle[YAW]);
	ideal_pitch = anglemod(ideal_angle[PITCH]);

	// Yaw
	if (current_yaw != ideal_yaw)
		move = ideal_yaw - current_yaw;
		speed = ent->yaw_speed;
		if (ideal_yaw > current_yaw)
			if (move >= 180)
				move = move - 360;
			if (move <= -180)
				move = move + 360;
		if (move > 0)
			if (move > speed)
				move = speed;
			if (move < -speed)
				move = -speed;
		ent->s.angles[YAW] = anglemod (current_yaw + move);	

	// Pitch
	if (current_pitch != ideal_pitch)
		move = ideal_pitch - current_pitch;
		speed = ent->yaw_speed;
		if (ideal_pitch > current_pitch)
			if (move >= 180)
				move = move - 360;
			if (move <= -180)
				move = move + 360;
		if (move > 0)
			if (move > speed)
				move = speed;
			if (move < -speed)
				move = -speed;
		ent->s.angles[PITCH] = anglemod (current_pitch + move);	
コード例 #9
ファイル: wp_concussion.cpp プロジェクト: DustysPatch/OpenJK
static void WP_FireConcussionAlt( gentity_t *ent )
{//a rail-gun-like beam
	int			damage = weaponData[WP_CONCUSSION].altDamage, skip, traces = DISRUPTOR_ALT_TRACES;
	//int			velocity = weaponData[WP_CONCUSSION].altVelocity;
	qboolean	render_impact = qtrue;
	vec3_t		start, end;
	vec3_t		muzzle2, spot, dir;
	trace_t		tr;
	gentity_t	*traceEnt, *tent;
	float		dist, shotDist, shotRange = 8192;
	qboolean	hitDodged = qfalse;

	if (ent->s.number >= MAX_CLIENTS)
		vec3_t angles;
		vectoangles(forwardVec, angles);
		angles[PITCH] += ( Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * (CONC_NPC_SPREAD+(6-ent->NPC->currentAim)*0.25f));//was 0.5f
		angles[YAW]	  += ( Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * (CONC_NPC_SPREAD+(6-ent->NPC->currentAim)*0.25f));//was 0.5f
		AngleVectors(angles, forwardVec, vrightVec, up);

	//Shove us backwards for half a second
	VectorMA( ent->client->ps.velocity, -200, forwardVec, ent->client->ps.velocity );
	ent->client->ps.groundEntityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	if ( (ent->client->ps.pm_flags&PMF_DUCKED) )
	{//hunkered down
		ent->client->ps.pm_time = 100;
		ent->client->ps.pm_time = 250;
	ent->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK|PMF_TIME_NOFRICTION;
	//FIXME: only if on ground?  So no "rocket jump"?  Or: (see next FIXME)
	//FIXME: instead, set a forced ucmd backmove instead of this sliding

	VectorCopy( muzzle, muzzle2 ); // making a backup copy

	// The trace start will originate at the eye so we can ensure that it hits the crosshair.
	if ( ent->NPC )
		switch ( g_spskill->integer )
		case 0:
		case 1:
		case 2:

		damage *= weaponData[WP_CONCUSSION].npcAltDmgMult;
	VectorCopy( muzzle, start );
	WP_TraceSetStart( ent, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin );

	skip = ent->s.number;

//	if ( ent->client && ent->client->ps.powerups[PW_WEAPON_OVERCHARGE] > 0 && ent->client->ps.powerups[PW_WEAPON_OVERCHARGE] > cg.time )
//	{
//		// in overcharge mode, so doing double damage
//		damage *= 2;
//	}

	//Make it a little easier to hit guys at long range
	vec3_t shot_mins, shot_maxs;
	VectorSet( shot_mins, -1, -1, -1 );
	VectorSet( shot_maxs, 1, 1, 1 );

	for ( int i = 0; i < traces; i++ )
		VectorMA( start, shotRange, forwardVec, end );

		//NOTE: if you want to be able to hit guys in emplaced guns, use "G2_COLLIDE, 10" instead of "G2_RETURNONHIT, 0"
		//alternately, if you end up hitting an emplaced_gun that has a sitter, just redo this one trace with the "G2_COLLIDE, 10" to see if we it the sitter
		//gi.trace( &tr, start, NULL, NULL, end, skip, MASK_SHOT, G2_COLLIDE, 10 );//G2_RETURNONHIT, 0 );
		gi.trace( &tr, start, shot_mins, shot_maxs, end, skip, MASK_SHOT, G2_COLLIDE, 10 );//G2_RETURNONHIT, 0 );

		if ( tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT )
			render_impact = qfalse;

		if ( tr.entityNum == ent->s.number )
			// should never happen, but basically we don't want to consider a hit to ourselves?
			// Get ready for an attempt to trace through another person
			VectorCopy( tr.endpos, muzzle2 );
			VectorCopy( tr.endpos, start );
			skip = tr.entityNum;
#ifdef _DEBUG
			gi.Printf( "BAD! Concussion gun shot somehow traced back and hit the owner!\n" );

		// always render a shot beam, doing this the old way because I don't much feel like overriding the effect.
		//NOTE: let's just draw one beam at the end
		//tent = G_TempEntity( tr.endpos, EV_CONC_ALT_SHOT );
		//tent->svFlags |= SVF_BROADCAST;

		//VectorCopy( muzzle2, tent->s.origin2 );

		if ( tr.fraction >= 1.0f )
			// draw the beam but don't do anything else

		traceEnt = &g_entities[tr.entityNum];

		if ( traceEnt //&& traceEnt->NPC
			&& (traceEnt->s.weapon == WP_SABER || (traceEnt->client && (traceEnt->client->NPC_class == CLASS_BOBAFETT || traceEnt->client->NPC_class == CLASS_MANDA || traceEnt->client->NPC_class == CLASS_COMMANDO||traceEnt->client->NPC_class == CLASS_REBORN))))
		{//FIXME: need a more reliable way to know we hit a jedi?
			hitDodged = Jedi_DodgeEvasion( traceEnt, ent, &tr, HL_NONE );
			//acts like we didn't even hit him
		if ( !hitDodged )
			if ( render_impact )
				if (( tr.entityNum < ENTITYNUM_WORLD && traceEnt->takedamage )
					|| !Q_stricmp( traceEnt->classname, "misc_model_breakable" )
					|| traceEnt->s.eType == ET_MOVER )
					// Create a simple impact type mark that doesn't last long in the world
					G_PlayEffect( G_EffectIndex( "concussion/alt_hit" ), tr.endpos, tr.plane.normal );

					if ( traceEnt->client && LogAccuracyHit( traceEnt, ent ))
					{//NOTE: hitting multiple ents can still get you over 100% accuracy

					int hitLoc = G_GetHitLocFromTrace( &tr, MOD_CONC_ALT );
					qboolean noKnockBack = (qboolean)((traceEnt->flags&FL_NO_KNOCKBACK) != 0);//will be set if they die, I want to know if it was on *before* they died
					if ( traceEnt && traceEnt->client && traceEnt->client->NPC_class == CLASS_GALAKMECH )
						G_Damage( traceEnt, ent, ent, forwardVec, tr.endpos, 10, DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK|DAMAGE_NO_HIT_LOC, MOD_CONC_ALT, hitLoc );
					G_Damage( traceEnt, ent, ent, forwardVec, tr.endpos, damage, DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK|DAMAGE_NO_HIT_LOC, MOD_CONC_ALT, hitLoc );

					//do knockback and knockdown manually
					if ( traceEnt->client )
					{//only if we hit a client
						vec3_t pushDir;
						VectorCopy( forwardVec, pushDir );
						if ( pushDir[2] < 0.2f )
							pushDir[2] = 0.2f;
						}//hmm, re-normalize?  nah...
						//if ( traceEnt->NPC || Q_irand(0,g_spskill->integer+1) )
							if ( !noKnockBack )
								G_Throw( traceEnt, pushDir, 200 );
								if ( traceEnt->client->NPC_class == CLASS_ROCKETTROOPER )
									traceEnt->client->ps.pm_time = Q_irand( 1500, 3000 );
							if ( traceEnt->health > 0 )
								if ( G_HasKnockdownAnims( traceEnt ) )
									G_Knockdown( traceEnt, ent, pushDir, 400, qtrue );

					if ( traceEnt->s.eType == ET_MOVER )
					{//stop the traces on any mover
					 // we only make this mark on things that can't break or move
					tent = G_TempEntity( tr.endpos, EV_CONC_ALT_MISS );
					tent->svFlags |= SVF_BROADCAST;
					VectorCopy( tr.plane.normal, tent->pos1 );
					break; // hit solid, but doesn't take damage, so stop the shot...we _could_ allow it to shoot through walls, might be cool?
			else // not rendering impact, must be a skybox or other similar thing?
				break; // don't try anymore traces
		// Get ready for an attempt to trace through another person
		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, muzzle2 );
		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, start );
		skip = tr.entityNum;
		hitDodged = qfalse;
	//just draw one beam all the way to the end
	tent = G_TempEntity( tr.endpos, EV_CONC_ALT_SHOT );
	tent->svFlags |= SVF_BROADCAST;
	VectorCopy( muzzle, tent->s.origin2 );

	// now go along the trail and make sight events
	VectorSubtract( tr.endpos, muzzle, dir );

	shotDist = VectorNormalize( dir );

	//FIXME: if shoot *really* close to someone, the alert could be way out of their FOV
	for ( dist = 0; dist < shotDist; dist += 64 )
		//FIXME: on a really long shot, this could make a LOT of alerts in one frame...
		VectorMA( muzzle, dist, dir, spot );
		AddSightEvent( ent, spot, 256, AEL_DISCOVERED, 50 );
		//FIXME: creates *way* too many effects, make it one effect somehow?
		G_PlayEffect( G_EffectIndex( "concussion/alt_ring" ), spot, forwardVec );
	//FIXME: spawn a temp ent that continuously spawns sight alerts here?  And 1 sound alert to draw their attention?
	VectorMA( start, shotDist-4, forwardVec, spot );
	AddSightEvent( ent, spot, 256, AEL_DISCOVERED, 50 );

	G_PlayEffect( G_EffectIndex( "concussion/altmuzzle_flash" ), muzzle, forwardVec );
コード例 #10
ファイル: g_missile.c プロジェクト: jwginge/ojpa
//G_Printf("%i: Bounced Bolt @ Level %i\n", player->s.number, otherDefLevel);
void OJP_HandleBoltBlock(gentity_t *bolt, gentity_t *player, trace_t *trace)
{   //handles all the behavior needed to saber block a blaster bolt.
    //I created this function to unite the duplicated code in G_MissileImpact
    vec3_t fwd;
    gentity_t *saberBoltEffect;
    int otherDefLevel=ReflectionLevel(player);
    int randMax = 0;
    gentity_t *prevOwner = &g_entities[bolt->r.ownerNum]; //previous owner of the bolt.  Used for awarding experience to attacker.
    qboolean manualDeflect = ((player->client->pers.cmd.buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK) ? qtrue : qfalse);
    //create the bolt saber block effect
    saberBoltEffect = G_TempEntity( bolt->r.currentOrigin, EV_SABER_BLOCK );
    VectorCopy(bolt->r.currentOrigin, saberBoltEffect->s.origin);
    VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, saberBoltEffect->s.angles);
    saberBoltEffect->s.eventParm = 0;
    saberBoltEffect->s.weapon = 0;//saberNum
    saberBoltEffect->s.legsAnim = 0;//bladeNum

        if(otherDefLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_3)
        {   //manual reflection, bounce to the crosshair, roughly
            int rand = Q_irand(1,100);
            rand = ( rand <= 50 ? player->client->shotsBlocked+1 : 9001 );
        else if(otherDefLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_2)
        {   //natural reflection, bounce back to the attacker.
            int rand = Q_irand(1,100);
            if(rand <= 25)
        {   //just deflect the attack
            int rand = Q_irand(1,100);
            if(rand <= 15)
        //determine reflection level.
        if(otherDefLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_3)
        {   //manual reflection, bounce to the crosshair, roughly
        else if(otherDefLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_2)
        {   //natural reflection, bounce back to the attacker.
        {   //just deflect the attack

    //G_Printf("%i: Bounced Bolt @ Level %i\n", player->s.number, otherDefLevel);

    AngleVectors(player->client->ps.viewangles, fwd, NULL, NULL);


    if(player->client->shotsBlocked >= randMax
            && player->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel != SS_MEDIUM
            && player->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel != SS_TAVION
            && player->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel != SS_FAST)

        gentity_t *owner = &g_entities[player->r.ownerNum];
        float distance = VectorDistance(owner->r.currentOrigin, prevOwner->r.currentOrigin);

        if(distance < 80.0f)
        {   //attempted upclose exception
            G_DeflectMissile(player, bolt, fwd);
            vec3_t	bounce_dir, angs;
            float	speed;
            int i=0;
            //gentity_t	*owner = ent;
            //int		isowner = 0;
                for(i=0; i<3; i++)
            //add some slop factor to the manual reflections.
            if(player->client->pers.cmd.forwardmove >= 0)
                float slopFactor = (MISHAP_MAXINACCURACY-6) * (FORCE_LEVEL_3 - player->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_DEFENSE])/FORCE_LEVEL_3;
                slopFactor += Q_irand(1,5);
                vectoangles( fwd, angs );
                //angs[PITCH] += flrand(-slopFactor, slopFactor);
                //angs[YAW] += flrand(-slopFactor, slopFactor);
                angs[PITCH] += flrand(1, slopFactor);
                angs[YAW] += flrand(1, slopFactor);
                AngleVectors( angs, fwd, NULL, NULL );
                vectoangles( fwd, angs );
                AngleVectors( angs, fwd, NULL, NULL );

            //G_Printf("%i: %i: Level 3 Reflect\n", level.time, player->s.number);

            //save the original speed
            speed = VectorNormalize( bolt->s.pos.trDelta );

            VectorCopy(fwd, bounce_dir);

            VectorScale( bounce_dir, speed, bolt->s.pos.trDelta );
            bolt->s.pos.trTime = level.time;		// move a bit on the very first frame
            VectorCopy( bolt->r.currentOrigin, bolt->s.pos.trBase );
            if ( bolt->s.weapon != WP_SABER && bolt->s.weapon != G2_MODEL_PART )
            {   //you are mine, now!
                bolt->r.ownerNum = player->s.number;
            if ( bolt->s.weapon == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER )
            {   //stop homing
                bolt->think = 0;
                bolt->nextthink = 0;
        G_DeflectMissile(player, bolt, fwd);
    	if (otherDefLevel <= FORCE_LEVEL_1)
    	{//only randomly deflect away the bolt
    		G_DeflectMissile(player, bolt, fwd);
    	else if (otherDefLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_2)
    	{//bounce the bolt back to sender
    		//G_Printf("%i: %i: Level 2 Reflect\n", level.time, player->s.number);
    		G_DeflectMissile(player, bolt, fwd);
    	else if(otherDefLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_3
    		&& distance < 80.0f
    		&&(BG_SaberInAttack( player->client->ps.saberMove )
    		|| PM_SaberInStart( player->client->ps.saberMove)))
    		{//manual reflection, bounce to the crosshair, roughly
    			G_DeflectMissile(player, bolt, fwd);;
    	else if(player->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == SS_FAST
    		|| player->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == SS_MEDIUM
    		|| player->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == SS_TAVION)
    		G_DeflectMissile(player, bolt, fwd);
    	{//FORCE_LEVEL_3, reflect the bolt to whereever the player is aiming.
    		gentity_t *owner = &g_entities[player->r.ownerNum];
    		float distance = VectorDistance(owner->r.currentOrigin, prevOwner->r.currentOrigin);
    		if(distance < 80.0f)
    		{//attempted upclose exception
    			G_DeflectMissile(player, bolt, fwd);
    			vec3_t	bounce_dir, angs;
    			float	speed;
    			//gentity_t	*owner = ent;
    			//int		isowner = 0;

    			//add some slop factor to the manual reflections.
    			if(player->client->pers.cmd.forwardmove >= 0)
    				float slopFactor = (MISHAP_MAXINACCURACY-6) * (FORCE_LEVEL_3 - player->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_DEFENSE])/FORCE_LEVEL_3;
    				float distance = VectorDistance(player->r.currentOrigin,prevOwner->r.currentOrigin);
    					slopFactor += Q_irand(1,5);
    				vectoangles( fwd, angs );
    				//angs[PITCH] += flrand(-slopFactor, slopFactor);
    				//angs[YAW] += flrand(-slopFactor, slopFactor);
    				angs[PITCH] += flrand(1, slopFactor);
    				angs[YAW] += flrand(1, slopFactor);
    				AngleVectors( angs, fwd, NULL, NULL );
    				vectoangles( fwd, angs );
    				AngleVectors( angs, fwd, NULL, NULL );

    			//G_Printf("%i: %i: Level 3 Reflect\n", level.time, player->s.number);

    			//save the original speed
    			speed = VectorNormalize( bolt->s.pos.trDelta );

    			VectorCopy(fwd, bounce_dir);

    			VectorScale( bounce_dir, speed, bolt->s.pos.trDelta );
    			bolt->s.pos.trTime = level.time;		// move a bit on the very first frame
    			VectorCopy( bolt->r.currentOrigin, bolt->s.pos.trBase );
    			if ( bolt->s.weapon != WP_SABER && bolt->s.weapon != G2_MODEL_PART )
    			{//you are mine, now!
    				bolt->r.ownerNum = player->s.number;
    			if ( bolt->s.weapon == WP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER )
    			{//stop homing
    				bolt->think = 0;
    				bolt->nextthink = 0;

    //For jedi AI
    player->client->ps.saberEventFlags |= SEF_DEFLECTED;

    //deduce DP cost
    bolt->activator = prevOwner;

    if(otherDefLevel == FORCE_LEVEL_3
            && player->client->pers.cmd.forwardmove < 0)
        int amount = OJP_SaberBlockCost(player, bolt, trace->endpos);
        G_DodgeDrain(player, prevOwner, amount);
        G_DodgeDrain(player, prevOwner, OJP_SaberBlockCost(player, bolt, trace->endpos));

    player->client->ps.saberLockFrame = 0; //break out of saberlocks.

    //debounce time between blocks.
    player->client->ps.saberBlockTime = level.time + (600 - (player->client->ps.fd.forcePowerLevel[FP_SABER_DEFENSE]*200));

コード例 #11
ファイル: wp_concussion.cpp プロジェクト: DustysPatch/OpenJK
static void WP_FireConcussion( gentity_t *ent )
{//a fast rocket-like projectile
	vec3_t	start;
	int		damage	= weaponData[WP_CONCUSSION].damage;
	float	vel = weaponData[WP_CONCUSSION].velocity;

	if (ent->s.number >= MAX_CLIENTS)
		vec3_t angles;
		vectoangles(forwardVec, angles);
		angles[PITCH] += ( Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * (CONC_NPC_SPREAD+(6-ent->NPC->currentAim)*0.25f));//was 0.5f
		angles[YAW]	  += ( Q_flrand(-1.0f, 1.0f) * (CONC_NPC_SPREAD+(6-ent->NPC->currentAim)*0.25f));//was 0.5f
		AngleVectors(angles, forwardVec, vrightVec, up);

	//hold us still for a bit
	ent->client->ps.pm_time = 300;
	ent->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_TIME_KNOCKBACK;
	//add viewkick
	if ( ent->s.number < MAX_CLIENTS//player only
		&& !cg.renderingThirdPerson )//gives an advantage to being in 3rd person, but would look silly otherwise
	{//kick the view back
		cg.kick_angles[PITCH] = Q_flrand( -10, -15 );
		cg.kick_time = level.time;

	VectorCopy( muzzle, start );
	WP_TraceSetStart( ent, start, vec3_origin, vec3_origin );//make sure our start point isn't on the other side of a wall

	gentity_t *missile = CreateMissile( start, forwardVec, vel, 10000, ent, qfalse );

	missile->classname = "conc_proj";
	missile->s.weapon = WP_CONCUSSION;
	missile->mass = 10;

	// Do the damages
	if ( ent->s.number != 0 )
		if ( g_spskill->integer == 0 )
		else if ( g_spskill->integer == 1 )

		damage *= weaponData[WP_BLASTER].npcDmgMult;

	// Make it easier to hit things
	VectorSet( missile->maxs, ROCKET_SIZE, ROCKET_SIZE, ROCKET_SIZE );
	VectorScale( missile->maxs, -1, missile->mins );

	missile->damage = damage;
	missile->dflags = DAMAGE_EXTRA_KNOCKBACK;

	missile->methodOfDeath = MOD_CONC;
	missile->splashMethodOfDeath = MOD_CONC;

	missile->clipmask = MASK_SHOT | CONTENTS_LIGHTSABER;
	missile->splashDamage = weaponData[WP_CONCUSSION].splashDamage;
	missile->splashRadius = weaponData[WP_CONCUSSION].splashRadius;

	// we don't want it to ever bounce
	missile->bounceCount = 0;
コード例 #12
ファイル: WP_Detpack.cpp プロジェクト: mehmehsomeone/OpenRP
void drop_charge (gentity_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir) 
	gentity_t	*bolt;

	VectorNormalize (dir);

	bolt = G_Spawn();
	bolt->classname = "detpack";
	bolt->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;
	bolt->think = G_RunObject;
	bolt->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
	bolt->s.g2radius = 100;
	bolt->s.modelGhoul2 = 1;
	bolt->s.modelindex = G_ModelIndex("models/weapons2/detpack/det_pack_proj.glm");

	bolt->parent = self;
	bolt->r.ownerNum = self->s.number;
	bolt->damage = Detpack_Damage;
	bolt->splashDamage = Detpack_Damage;
	bolt->splashRadius = 200;
	bolt->methodOfDeath = MOD_DET_PACK_SPLASH;
	bolt->splashMethodOfDeath = MOD_DET_PACK_SPLASH;
	bolt->clipmask = MASK_SHOT;
	bolt->s.solid = 2;
	bolt->r.contents = MASK_SHOT;
	bolt->touch = charge_stick;

	bolt->physicsObject = qtrue;

	bolt->s.genericenemyindex = self->s.number+MAX_GENTITIES;
	//rww - so client prediction knows we own this and won't hit it

	VectorSet( bolt->r.mins, -2, -2, -2 );
	VectorSet( bolt->r.maxs, 2, 2, 2 );

	bolt->health = 1;
	bolt->takedamage = qtrue;
	bolt->pain = DetPackPain;
	bolt->die = DetPackDie;

	bolt->s.weapon = WP_DET_PACK;

	bolt->setTime = level.time;

	G_SetOrigin(bolt, start);
	bolt->s.pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
	VectorCopy( start, bolt->s.pos.trBase );
	VectorScale(dir, 300, bolt->s.pos.trDelta );
	bolt->s.pos.trTime = level.time;

	bolt->s.apos.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
	bolt->s.apos.trTime = level.time;
	bolt->s.apos.trBase[YAW] = rand()%360;
	bolt->s.apos.trBase[PITCH] = rand()%360;
	bolt->s.apos.trBase[ROLL] = rand()%360;

	if (rand()%10 < 5)
		bolt->s.apos.trBase[YAW] = -bolt->s.apos.trBase[YAW];

	vectoangles(dir, bolt->s.angles);
	VectorCopy(bolt->s.angles, bolt->s.apos.trBase);
	VectorSet(bolt->s.apos.trDelta, 300, 0, 0 );
	bolt->s.apos.trTime = level.time;


	//make some sight/sound events
	AddSoundEvent( NULL, bolt->r.currentOrigin, 128, AEL_MINOR, qtrue, qfalse );
	AddSightEvent( NULL, bolt->r.currentOrigin, 128, AEL_SUSPICIOUS, 10 );
コード例 #13
ファイル: WP_Detpack.cpp プロジェクト: mehmehsomeone/OpenRP
void charge_stick (gentity_t *self, gentity_t *other, trace_t *trace)
	gentity_t	*tent;

	if ( other 
		&& (other->flags&FL_BBRUSH)
		&& other->s.pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY
		&& other->s.apos.trType == TR_STATIONARY )
	{//a perfectly still breakable brush, let us attach directly to it!
		self->target_ent = other;//remember them when we blow up
	else if ( other 
		&& other->s.number < ENTITYNUM_WORLD
		&& other->s.eType == ET_MOVER
		&& trace->plane.normal[2] > 0 )
	{//stick to it?
		self->s.groundEntityNum = other->s.number;
	else if (other && other->s.number < ENTITYNUM_WORLD &&
		(other->client || !other->s.weapon))
	{ //hit another entity that is not stickable, "bounce" off
		//self->target_ent = other;

		vec3_t vNor, tN;

		VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, vNor);
		VectorNPos(self->s.pos.trDelta, tN);
		self->s.pos.trDelta[0] += vNor[0]*(tN[0]*(((float)Q_irand(1, 10))*0.1));
		self->s.pos.trDelta[1] += vNor[1]*(tN[1]*(((float)Q_irand(1, 10))*0.1));
		self->s.pos.trDelta[2] += vNor[1]*(tN[2]*(((float)Q_irand(1, 10))*0.1));

		vectoangles(vNor, self->s.angles);
		vectoangles(vNor, self->s.apos.trBase);
		self->touch = charge_stick;


	else if (other && other->s.number < ENTITYNUM_WORLD)
	{ //hit an entity that we just want to explode on (probably another projectile or something)
		vec3_t v;

		self->touch = 0;
		self->think = 0;
		self->nextthink = 0;

		self->takedamage = qfalse;

		self->s.apos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;

		G_RadiusDamage( self->r.currentOrigin, self->parent, self->splashDamage, self->splashRadius, self, self, MOD_DET_PACK_SPLASH );
		VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, v);
		VectorCopy(v, self->pos2);
		self->count = -1;
		G_PlayEffect(EFFECT_EXPLOSION_DETPACK, self->r.currentOrigin, v);

		self->think = G_FreeEntity;
		self->nextthink = level.time;

	//JAC Bugfix
	//if we get here I guess we hit hte world so we can stick to it
	//Raz: This fix requires a bit of explaining..
	//	When you suicide, all of the detpacks you have placed (either on a wall, or still falling in the air) will
	//		have their ent->think() set to DetPackBlow and ent->nextthink will be between 100 <-> 300
	//	If your detpacks land on a surface (i.e. charge_stick gets called) within that 100<->300 ms then ent->think()
	//		will be overwritten (set to DetpackBlow) and ent->nextthink will be 30000
	//	The end result is your detpacks won't explode, but will be stuck to the wall for 30 seconds without
	//		being able to detonate them (or shoot them)
	//	The fix Sil came up with is to check the think() function in charge_stick, and only overwrite it
	//		if they haven't been primed to detonate
	if ( self->think == G_RunObject )
		self->touch = 0;
		self->think = DetPackBlow;
		//[OpenRP - Detpacks last forever]
		self->nextthink = level.time + Q3_INFINITE; //make them last forever
		//[/OpenRP - Detpacks last forever]

	self->s.apos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;

	self->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
	VectorCopy( self->r.currentOrigin, self->s.origin );
	VectorCopy( self->r.currentOrigin, self->s.pos.trBase );
	VectorClear( self->s.pos.trDelta );

	VectorClear( self->s.apos.trDelta );


	vectoangles(trace->plane.normal, self->s.angles);
	VectorCopy(self->s.angles, self->r.currentAngles );
	VectorCopy(self->s.angles, self->s.apos.trBase);

	VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, self->pos2);
	self->count = -1;

	G_Sound(self, CHAN_WEAPON, G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/detpack/stick.wav"));

	tent = G_TempEntity( self->r.currentOrigin, EV_MISSILE_MISS );
	tent->s.weapon = 0;
	tent->parent = self;
	tent->r.ownerNum = self->s.number;

	//so that the owner can blow it up with projectiles
	self->r.svFlags |= SVF_OWNERNOTSHARED;
コード例 #14
ファイル: NPC_move.cpp プロジェクト: Christian-Barrett/OpenJK
qboolean NPC_GetMoveDirectionAltRoute( vec3_t out, float *distance, qboolean tryStraight )
	vec3_t		angles;

	NPCInfo->aiFlags &= ~NPCAI_BLOCKED;

	//Clear the struct
	memset( &frameNavInfo, 0, sizeof( frameNavInfo ) );

	//Get our movement, if any
	if ( NPC_GetMoveInformation( frameNavInfo.direction, &frameNavInfo.distance ) == qfalse )
		return qfalse;

	//Setup the return value
	*distance = frameNavInfo.distance;

	//For starters
	VectorCopy( frameNavInfo.direction, frameNavInfo.pathDirection );

	//If on a ladder, move appropriately
	if ( NPC->watertype & CONTENTS_LADDER )
		NPC_LadderMove( frameNavInfo.direction );
		return qtrue;

	//Attempt a straight move to goal
	if ( !tryStraight || NPC_ClearPathToGoal( frameNavInfo.direction, NPCInfo->goalEntity ) == qfalse )
		//Can't get straight to goal, use macro nav
		if ( NAVNEW_MoveToGoal( NPC, frameNavInfo ) == WAYPOINT_NONE )
			//Can't reach goal, just face
			vectoangles( frameNavInfo.direction, angles );
			NPCInfo->desiredYaw	= AngleNormalize360( angles[YAW] );		
			VectorCopy( frameNavInfo.direction, out );
			*distance = frameNavInfo.distance;
			return qfalse;
		//else we are on our way
		frameNavInfo.flags |= NIF_MACRO_NAV;
	{//we have no architectural problems, see if there are ents inthe way and try to go around them
		//not blocked
		if ( d_altRoutes->integer )
		{//try macro nav
			navInfo_t	tempInfo;
			memcpy( &tempInfo, &frameNavInfo, sizeof( tempInfo ) );
			if ( NAVNEW_AvoidCollision( NPC, NPCInfo->goalEntity, tempInfo, qtrue, 5 ) == qfalse )
			{//revert to macro nav
				//Can't get straight to goal, dump tempInfo and use macro nav
				if ( NAVNEW_MoveToGoal( NPC, frameNavInfo ) == WAYPOINT_NONE )
					//Can't reach goal, just face
					vectoangles( frameNavInfo.direction, angles );
					NPCInfo->desiredYaw	= AngleNormalize360( angles[YAW] );		
					VectorCopy( frameNavInfo.direction, out );
					*distance = frameNavInfo.distance;
					return qfalse;
				//else we are on our way
				frameNavInfo.flags |= NIF_MACRO_NAV;
			{//otherwise, either clear or can avoid
				memcpy( &frameNavInfo, &tempInfo, sizeof( frameNavInfo ) );
		{//OR: just give up
			if ( NAVNEW_AvoidCollision( NPC, NPCInfo->goalEntity, frameNavInfo, qtrue, 30 ) == qfalse )
			{//give up
				return qfalse;

	//Setup the return values
	VectorCopy( frameNavInfo.direction, out );
	*distance = frameNavInfo.distance;

	return qtrue;
コード例 #15
ファイル: g_active.c プロジェクト: Boothand/Birdbones

Called just before a snapshot is sent to the given player.
Totals up all damage and generates both the player_state_t
damage values to that client for pain blends and kicks, and
global pain sound events for all clients.
void P_DamageFeedback( gentity_t *player ) {
	gclient_t	*client;
	float	count;
	vec3_t	angles;

	client = player->client;
	if ( client->ps.pm_type == PM_DEAD ) {

	// total points of damage shot at the player this frame
	count = client->damage_blood + client->damage_armor;
	if ( count == 0 ) {
		return;		// didn't take any damage

	if ( count > 255 ) {
		count = 255;

	// send the information to the client

	// world damage (falling, slime, etc) uses a special code
	// to make the blend blob centered instead of positional
	if ( client->damage_fromWorld ) {
		client->ps.damagePitch = 255;
		client->ps.damageYaw = 255;

		client->damage_fromWorld = qfalse;
	} else {
		vectoangles( client->damage_from, angles );
		client->ps.damagePitch = angles[PITCH]/360.0 * 256;
		client->ps.damageYaw = angles[YAW]/360.0 * 256;

	// play an apropriate pain sound
	if ( (level.time > player->pain_debounce_time) && !(player->flags & FL_GODMODE) ) {

		// don't do more than two pain sounds a second
		if ( level.time - client->ps.painTime < 500 ) {
		player->pain_debounce_time = level.time + 700;
		G_AddEvent( player, EV_PAIN, player->health );

		if (client->damage_armor && !client->damage_blood)
			client->ps.damageType = 1; //pure shields
		else if (client->damage_armor)
			client->ps.damageType = 2; //shields and health
			client->ps.damageType = 0; //pure health

	client->ps.damageCount = count;

	// clear totals
	client->damage_blood = 0;
	client->damage_armor = 0;
	client->damage_knockback = 0;
コード例 #16
ファイル: NPC_move.cpp プロジェクト: Christian-Barrett/OpenJK
qboolean NPC_MoveToGoal( qboolean tryStraight ) 
	int	startTime = GetTime(0);
#endif//	AI_TIMERS
	//If taking full body pain, don't move
	if ( PM_InKnockDown( &NPC->client->ps ) || ( ( NPC->s.legsAnim >= BOTH_PAIN1 ) && ( NPC->s.legsAnim <= BOTH_PAIN19 ) ) )
		return qtrue;

	if( NPC->s.eFlags & EF_LOCKED_TO_WEAPON )
	{//If in an emplaced gun, never try to navigate!
		return qtrue;

	float	distance;
	vec3_t	dir;

	//FIXME: if can't get to goal & goal is a target (enemy), try to find a waypoint that has line of sight to target, at least?
	//Get our movement direction
#if 1
	if ( NPC_GetMoveDirectionAltRoute( dir, &distance, tryStraight ) == qfalse )
	if ( NPC_GetMoveDirection( dir, &distance ) == qfalse )
		return qfalse;

	NPCInfo->distToGoal		= distance;

	//Convert the move to angles
	vectoangles( dir, NPCInfo->lastPathAngles );

	//FIXME: still getting ping-ponging in certain cases... !!!  Nav/avoidance error?  WTF???!!!
	//If in combat move, then move directly towards our goal
	if ( NPC_CheckCombatMove() )
	{//keep current facing
		G_UcmdMoveForDir( NPC, &ucmd, dir );
	{//face our goal
		//FIXME: strafe instead of turn if change in dir is small and temporary
		NPCInfo->desiredPitch	= 0.0f;
		NPCInfo->desiredYaw		= AngleNormalize360( NPCInfo->lastPathAngles[YAW] );
		//Pitch towards the goal and also update if flying or swimming
		if ( NPCInfo->stats.moveType == MT_FLYSWIM )
			NPCInfo->desiredPitch = AngleNormalize360( NPCInfo->lastPathAngles[PITCH] );
			if ( dir[2] )
				float scale = (dir[2] * distance);
				if ( scale > 64 )
					scale = 64;
				else if ( scale < -64 )
					scale = -64;
				NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] = scale;
				//NPC->client->ps.velocity[2] = (dir[2] > 0) ? 64 : -64;

		//Set any final info
		ucmd.forwardmove = 127;

	navTime += GetTime( startTime );
#endif//	AI_TIMERS
	return qtrue;
コード例 #17
ファイル: g_active.c プロジェクト: Boothand/Birdbones

This will be called once for each client frame, which will
usually be a couple times for each server frame on fast clients.

If "g_synchronousClients 1" is set, this will be called exactly
once for each server frame, which makes for smooth demo recording.
void ClientThink_real( gentity_t *ent ) {
	gclient_t	*client;
	pmove_t		pm;
	int			oldEventSequence;
	int			msec;
	int			i;
	usercmd_t	*ucmd;

	client = ent->client;

	// don't think if the client is not yet connected (and thus not yet spawned in)
	if (client->pers.connected != CON_CONNECTED) {
	// mark the time, so the connection sprite can be removed
	ucmd = &ent->client->pers.cmd;

	// sanity check the command time to prevent speedup cheating
	if ( ucmd->serverTime > level.time + 200 ) {
		ucmd->serverTime = level.time + 200;
//		G_Printf("serverTime <<<<<\n" );
	if ( ucmd->serverTime < level.time - 1000 ) {
		ucmd->serverTime = level.time - 1000;
//		G_Printf("serverTime >>>>>\n" );

	msec = ucmd->serverTime - client->ps.commandTime;
	// following others may result in bad times, but we still want
	// to check for follow toggles
	if ( msec < 1 && client->sess.spectatorState != SPECTATOR_FOLLOW ) {
	if ( msec > 200 ) {
		msec = 200;

	if ( pmove_msec.integer < 8 ) {
		trap_Cvar_Set("pmove_msec", "8");
	else if (pmove_msec.integer > 33) {
		trap_Cvar_Set("pmove_msec", "33");

	if ( pmove_fixed.integer || client->pers.pmoveFixed ) {
		ucmd->serverTime = ((ucmd->serverTime + pmove_msec.integer-1) / pmove_msec.integer) * pmove_msec.integer;
		//if (ucmd->serverTime - client->ps.commandTime <= 0)
		//	return;

	// check for exiting intermission
	if ( level.intermissiontime ) {
		ClientIntermissionThink( client );

	// spectators don't do much
	if ( client->sess.sessionTeam == TEAM_SPECTATOR ) {
		if ( client->sess.spectatorState == SPECTATOR_SCOREBOARD ) {
		SpectatorThink( ent, ucmd );

	if (ent && ent->client && (ent->client->ps.eFlags & EF_INVULNERABLE))
		if (ent->client->invulnerableTimer <= level.time)
			ent->client->ps.eFlags &= ~EF_INVULNERABLE;

	// check for inactivity timer, but never drop the local client of a non-dedicated server
	if ( !ClientInactivityTimer( client ) ) {

	// clear the rewards if time
	if ( level.time > client->rewardTime ) {

	if ( client->noclip ) {
		client->ps.pm_type = PM_NOCLIP;
	} else if ( client->ps.eFlags & EF_DISINTEGRATION ) {
		client->ps.pm_type = PM_NOCLIP;
	} else if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) {
		client->ps.pm_type = PM_DEAD;
	} else {
		if (client->ps.forceGripChangeMovetype)
			client->ps.pm_type = client->ps.forceGripChangeMovetype;
			client->ps.pm_type = PM_NORMAL;

	client->ps.gravity = g_gravity.value;

	// set speed
	client->ps.speed = g_speed.value;
	client->ps.basespeed = g_speed.value;

	if (ent->client->ps.duelInProgress)
		gentity_t *duelAgainst = &g_entities[ent->client->ps.duelIndex];

		//Keep the time updated, so once this duel ends this player can't engage in a duel for another
		//10 seconds. This will give other people a chance to engage in duels in case this player wants
		//to engage again right after he's done fighting and someone else is waiting.
		ent->client->ps.fd.privateDuelTime = level.time + 10000;

		if (ent->client->ps.duelTime < level.time)
			//Bring out the sabers
			if (ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER && ent->client->ps.saberHolstered &&
				if (!saberOffSound || !saberOnSound)
					saberOffSound = G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/saber/saberoffquick.wav");
					saberOnSound = G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav");

				ent->client->ps.saberHolstered = qfalse;
				G_Sound(ent, CHAN_AUTO, saberOnSound);

				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 2);

				ent->client->ps.duelTime = 0;

			if (duelAgainst && duelAgainst->client && duelAgainst->inuse &&
				duelAgainst->client->ps.weapon == WP_SABER && duelAgainst->client->ps.saberHolstered &&
				if (!saberOffSound || !saberOnSound)
					saberOffSound = G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/saber/saberoffquick.wav");
					saberOnSound = G_SoundIndex("sound/weapons/saber/saberon.wav");

				duelAgainst->client->ps.saberHolstered = qfalse;
				G_Sound(duelAgainst, CHAN_AUTO, saberOnSound);

				G_AddEvent(duelAgainst, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 2);

				duelAgainst->client->ps.duelTime = 0;
			client->ps.speed = 0;
			client->ps.basespeed = 0;
			ucmd->forwardmove = 0;
			ucmd->rightmove = 0;
			ucmd->upmove = 0;

		if (!duelAgainst || !duelAgainst->client || !duelAgainst->inuse ||
			duelAgainst->client->ps.duelIndex != ent->s.number)
			ent->client->ps.duelInProgress = 0;
			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 0);
		else if (duelAgainst->health < 1 || duelAgainst->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] < 1)
			ent->client->ps.duelInProgress = 0;
			duelAgainst->client->ps.duelInProgress = 0;

			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 0);
			G_AddEvent(duelAgainst, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 0);

			//Winner gets full health.. providing he's still alive
			if (ent->health > 0 && ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0)
				if (ent->health < ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH])
					ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] = ent->health = ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_MAX_HEALTH];

				if (g_spawnInvulnerability.integer)
					ent->client->ps.eFlags |= EF_INVULNERABLE;
					ent->client->invulnerableTimer = level.time + g_spawnInvulnerability.integer;

			trap_SendServerCommand( ent-g_entities, va("print \"%s %s\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname, G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLDUELWINNER")) );
			trap_SendServerCommand( duelAgainst-g_entities, va("print \"%s %s\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname, G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLDUELWINNER")) );
			//Private duel announcements are now made globally because we only want one duel at a time.
			if (ent->health > 0 && ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0)
				trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("cp \"%s %s %s!\n\"", ent->client->pers.netname, G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLDUELWINNER"), duelAgainst->client->pers.netname) );
			{ //it was a draw, because we both managed to die in the same frame
				trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("cp \"%s\n\"", G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLDUELTIE")) );
			vec3_t vSub;
			float subLen = 0;

			VectorSubtract(ent->client->ps.origin, duelAgainst->client->ps.origin, vSub);
			subLen = VectorLength(vSub);

			if (subLen >= 1024)
				ent->client->ps.duelInProgress = 0;
				duelAgainst->client->ps.duelInProgress = 0;

				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 0);
				G_AddEvent(duelAgainst, EV_PRIVATE_DUEL, 0);

				trap_SendServerCommand( -1, va("print \"%s\n\"", G_GetStripEdString("SVINGAME", "PLDUELSTOP")) );

	if ( client->ps.powerups[PW_HASTE] ) {
		client->ps.speed *= 1.3;

	if (client->ps.usingATST && ent->health > 0)
	{ //we have special shot clip boxes as an ATST
		ent->r.contents |= CONTENTS_NOSHOT;
		ent->r.contents &= ~CONTENTS_NOSHOT;
		client->damageBoxHandle_Head = 0;
		client->damageBoxHandle_RLeg = 0;
		client->damageBoxHandle_LLeg = 0;

	//rww - moved this stuff into the pmove code so that it's predicted properly
	//BG_AdjustClientSpeed(&client->ps, &client->pers.cmd, level.time);

	// set up for pmove
	oldEventSequence = client->ps.eventSequence;

	memset (&pm, 0, sizeof(pm));

	if ( ent->flags & FL_FORCE_GESTURE ) {
		ent->flags &= ~FL_FORCE_GESTURE;
		ent->client->pers.cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_GESTURE;

	if (ent->client && ent->client->ps.fallingToDeath &&
		(level.time - FALL_FADE_TIME) > ent->client->ps.fallingToDeath)
	{ //die!
		player_die(ent, ent, ent, 100000, MOD_FALLING);
		ent->client->ps.fallingToDeath = 0;

		G_MuteSound(ent->s.number, CHAN_VOICE); //stop screaming, because you are dead!

	if (ent->client->ps.otherKillerTime > level.time &&
		ent->client->ps.groundEntityNum != ENTITYNUM_NONE &&
		ent->client->ps.otherKillerDebounceTime < level.time)
		ent->client->ps.otherKillerTime = 0;
		ent->client->ps.otherKiller = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	else if (ent->client->ps.otherKillerTime > level.time &&
		ent->client->ps.groundEntityNum == ENTITYNUM_NONE)
		if (ent->client->ps.otherKillerDebounceTime < (level.time + 100))
			ent->client->ps.otherKillerDebounceTime = level.time + 100;

//	WP_ForcePowersUpdate( ent, msec, ucmd); //update any active force powers
//	WP_SaberPositionUpdate(ent, ucmd); //check the server-side saber point, do apprioriate server-side actions (effects are cs-only)

	if ((ent->client->pers.cmd.buttons & BUTTON_USE) && ent->client->ps.useDelay < level.time)
		ent->client->ps.useDelay = level.time + 100;

	pm.ps = &client->ps;
	pm.cmd = *ucmd;
	if ( pm.ps->pm_type == PM_DEAD ) {
	else if ( ent->r.svFlags & SVF_BOT ) {
	else {
		pm.tracemask = MASK_PLAYERSOLID;
	pm.trace = trap_Trace;
	pm.pointcontents = trap_PointContents;
	pm.debugLevel = g_debugMove.integer;
	pm.noFootsteps = ( g_dmflags.integer & DF_NO_FOOTSTEPS ) > 0;

	pm.pmove_fixed = pmove_fixed.integer | client->pers.pmoveFixed;
	pm.pmove_msec = pmove_msec.integer;

	pm.animations = bgGlobalAnimations;//NULL;

	pm.gametype = g_gametype.integer;

	VectorCopy( client->ps.origin, client->oldOrigin );

	if (level.intermissionQueued != 0 && g_singlePlayer.integer) {
		if ( level.time - level.intermissionQueued >= 1000  ) {
			pm.cmd.buttons = 0;
			pm.cmd.forwardmove = 0;
			pm.cmd.rightmove = 0;
			pm.cmd.upmove = 0;
			if ( level.time - level.intermissionQueued >= 2000 && level.time - level.intermissionQueued <= 2500 ) {
				trap_SendConsoleCommand( EXEC_APPEND, "centerview\n");
			ent->client->ps.pm_type = PM_SPINTERMISSION;

	for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_CLIENTS ; i++ )
		if (g_entities[i].inuse && g_entities[i].client)
			pm.bgClients[i] = &g_entities[i].client->ps;

	if (ent->client->ps.saberLockTime > level.time)
		gentity_t *blockOpp = &g_entities[ent->client->ps.saberLockEnemy];

		if (blockOpp && blockOpp->inuse && blockOpp->client)
			vec3_t lockDir, lockAng;

			//VectorClear( ent->client->ps.velocity );
			VectorSubtract( blockOpp->r.currentOrigin, ent->r.currentOrigin, lockDir );
			//lockAng[YAW] = vectoyaw( defDir );
			vectoangles(lockDir, lockAng);
			SetClientViewAngle( ent, lockAng );

		if ( ( ent->client->buttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) && ! ( ent->client->oldbuttons & BUTTON_ATTACK ) )
		if (ent->client->ps.saberLockHits > 2)
			if (!ent->client->ps.saberLockAdvance)
				ent->client->ps.saberLockHits -= 3;
			ent->client->ps.saberLockAdvance = qtrue;
		ent->client->ps.saberLockFrame = 0;

	Pmove (&pm);

	case 0:
		ForceSpeed(ent, 0);
		ForceThrow(ent, qfalse);
		ForceThrow(ent, qtrue);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_SEEKER)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_SEEKER) )
			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_SEEKER, 0);
			ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] &= ~(1 << HI_SEEKER);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_SHIELD)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_SHIELD) )
			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_SHIELD, 0);
			ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] &= ~(1 << HI_SHIELD);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_MEDPAC)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_MEDPAC) )
			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_MEDPAC, 0);
			ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] &= ~(1 << HI_MEDPAC);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_BINOCULARS)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_BINOCULARS) )
			if (ent->client->ps.zoomMode == 0)
				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_BINOCULARS, 1);
				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_BINOCULARS, 2);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_BINOCULARS)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_BINOCULARS) )
			if (ent->client->ps.zoomMode == 0)
				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_BINOCULARS, 1);
				G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_BINOCULARS, 2);
		if ( (ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] & (1 << HI_SENTRY_GUN)) &&
			G_ItemUsable(&ent->client->ps, HI_SENTRY_GUN) )
			G_AddEvent(ent, EV_USE_ITEM0+HI_SENTRY_GUN, 0);
			ent->client->ps.stats[STAT_HOLDABLE_ITEMS] &= ~(1 << HI_SENTRY_GUN);

	// save results of pmove
	if ( ent->client->ps.eventSequence != oldEventSequence ) {
		ent->eventTime = level.time;
	if (g_smoothClients.integer) {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityStateExtraPolate( &ent->client->ps, &ent->s, ent->client->ps.commandTime, qtrue );
	else {
		BG_PlayerStateToEntityState( &ent->client->ps, &ent->s, qtrue );
	SendPendingPredictableEvents( &ent->client->ps );

	if ( !( ent->client->ps.eFlags & EF_FIRING ) ) {
		client->fireHeld = qfalse;		// for grapple

	// use the snapped origin for linking so it matches client predicted versions
	VectorCopy( ent->s.pos.trBase, ent->r.currentOrigin );

	VectorCopy (pm.mins, ent->r.mins);
	VectorCopy (pm.maxs, ent->r.maxs);

	ent->waterlevel = pm.waterlevel;
	ent->watertype = pm.watertype;

	// execute client events
	ClientEvents( ent, oldEventSequence );

	if ( pm.useEvent )
		//TODO: Use
//		TryUse( ent );

	// link entity now, after any personal teleporters have been used
	trap_LinkEntity (ent);
	if ( !ent->client->noclip ) {
		G_TouchTriggers( ent );

	// NOTE: now copy the exact origin over otherwise clients can be snapped into solid
	VectorCopy( ent->client->ps.origin, ent->r.currentOrigin );

	//test for solid areas in the AAS file
//	BotTestAAS(ent->r.currentOrigin);

	// touch other objects
	ClientImpacts( ent, &pm );

	// save results of triggers and client events
	if (ent->client->ps.eventSequence != oldEventSequence) {
		ent->eventTime = level.time;

	// swap and latch button actions
	client->oldbuttons = client->buttons;
	client->buttons = ucmd->buttons;
	client->latched_buttons |= client->buttons & ~client->oldbuttons;

	// Did we kick someone in our pmove sequence?
	if (client->ps.forceKickFlip)
		gentity_t *faceKicked = &g_entities[client->ps.forceKickFlip-1];

		if (faceKicked && faceKicked->client && (!OnSameTeam(ent, faceKicked) || g_friendlyFire.integer) &&
			(!faceKicked->client->ps.duelInProgress || faceKicked->client->ps.duelIndex == ent->s.number) &&
			(!ent->client->ps.duelInProgress || ent->client->ps.duelIndex == faceKicked->s.number))
			if ( faceKicked && faceKicked->client && faceKicked->health && faceKicked->takedamage )
			{//push them away and do pain
				vec3_t oppDir;
				int strength = (int)VectorNormalize2( client->ps.velocity, oppDir );

				strength *= 0.05;

				VectorScale( oppDir, -1, oppDir );

				G_Damage( faceKicked, ent, ent, oppDir, client->ps.origin, strength, DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR, MOD_MELEE );

				if (faceKicked->health > 0 &&
					faceKicked->client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] > 0 &&
					faceKicked->client->ps.forceHandExtend != HANDEXTEND_KNOCKDOWN)
					if (Q_irand(1, 10) <= 3)
					{ //only actually knock over sometimes, but always do velocity hit
						faceKicked->client->ps.forceHandExtend = HANDEXTEND_KNOCKDOWN;
						faceKicked->client->ps.forceHandExtendTime = level.time + 1100;
						faceKicked->client->ps.forceDodgeAnim = 0; //this toggles between 1 and 0, when it's 1 we should play the get up anim

					faceKicked->client->ps.otherKiller = ent->s.number;
					faceKicked->client->ps.otherKillerTime = level.time + 5000;
					faceKicked->client->ps.otherKillerDebounceTime = level.time + 100;

					faceKicked->client->ps.velocity[0] = oppDir[0]*(strength*40);
					faceKicked->client->ps.velocity[1] = oppDir[1]*(strength*40);
					faceKicked->client->ps.velocity[2] = 200;

				G_Sound( faceKicked, CHAN_AUTO, G_SoundIndex( va("sound/weapons/melee/punch%d", Q_irand(1, 4)) ) );

		client->ps.forceKickFlip = 0;

	// check for respawning
	if ( client->ps.stats[STAT_HEALTH] <= 0 ) {
		// wait for the attack button to be pressed
		if ( level.time > client->respawnTime ) {
			// forcerespawn is to prevent users from waiting out powerups
			if ( g_forcerespawn.integer > 0 && 
				( level.time - client->respawnTime ) > g_forcerespawn.integer * 1000 ) {
				respawn( ent );
			// pressing attack or use is the normal respawn method
			if ( ucmd->buttons & ( BUTTON_ATTACK | BUTTON_USE_HOLDABLE ) ) {
				respawn( ent );

	// perform once-a-second actions
	ClientTimerActions( ent, msec );

	G_UpdateClientBroadcasts ( ent );
コード例 #18
ファイル: g_weapon.cpp プロジェクト: Techokami/OpenJK
void FireWeapon( gentity_t *ent, qboolean alt_fire )
	float alert = 256;

	// track shots taken for accuracy tracking.

	// set aiming directions
	if ( ent->s.weapon == WP_DISRUPTOR && alt_fire )
		if ( ent->NPC )
			//snipers must use the angles they actually did their shot trace with
			AngleVectors( ent->lastAngles, wpFwd, wpVright, wpUp );
	else if ( ent->s.weapon == WP_ATST_SIDE || ent->s.weapon == WP_ATST_MAIN )
		vec3_t	delta1, enemy_org1, muzzle1;
		vec3_t	angleToEnemy1;

		VectorCopy( ent->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint, muzzle1 );

		if ( !ent->s.number )
		{//player driving an AT-ST
			//SIGH... because we can't anticipate alt-fire, must calc muzzle here and now
			mdxaBone_t		boltMatrix;
			int				bolt;

			if ( ent->client->ps.weapon == WP_ATST_MAIN )
			{//FIXME: alt_fire should fire both barrels, but slower?
				if ( ent->alt_fire )
					bolt = ent->handRBolt;
					bolt = ent->handLBolt;
			{// ATST SIDE weapons
				if ( ent->alt_fire )
					if ( gi.G2API_GetSurfaceRenderStatus( &ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel], "head_light_blaster_cann" ) )
					{//don't have it!
					bolt = ent->genericBolt2;
					if ( gi.G2API_GetSurfaceRenderStatus( &ent->ghoul2[ent->playerModel], "head_concussion_charger" ) )
					{//don't have it!
					bolt = ent->genericBolt1;

			vec3_t yawOnlyAngles = {0, ent->currentAngles[YAW], 0};
			if ( ent->currentAngles[YAW] != ent->client->ps.legsYaw )
				yawOnlyAngles[YAW] = ent->client->ps.legsYaw;
			gi.G2API_GetBoltMatrix( ent->ghoul2, ent->playerModel, bolt, &boltMatrix, yawOnlyAngles, ent->currentOrigin, (cg.time?cg.time:level.time), NULL, ent->s.modelScale );

			// work the matrix axis stuff into the original axis and origins used.
			gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, ORIGIN, ent->client->renderInfo.muzzlePoint );
			gi.G2API_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( boltMatrix, NEGATIVE_Y, ent->client->renderInfo.muzzleDir );
			ent->client->renderInfo.mPCalcTime = level.time;

			AngleVectors( ent->client->ps.viewangles, wpFwd, wpVright, wpUp );
			//CalcMuzzlePoint( ent, wpFwd, vright, wpUp, wpMuzzle, 0 );
		else if ( !ent->enemy )
		{//an NPC with no enemy to auto-aim at
			VectorCopy( ent->client->renderInfo.muzzleDir, wpFwd );
		{//NPC, auto-aim at enemy
			CalcEntitySpot( ent->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_org1 );

			VectorSubtract (enemy_org1, muzzle1, delta1);

			vectoangles ( delta1, angleToEnemy1 );
			AngleVectors (angleToEnemy1, wpFwd, wpVright, wpUp);
	else if ( ent->s.weapon == WP_BOT_LASER && ent->enemy )
		vec3_t	delta1, enemy_org1, muzzle1;
		vec3_t	angleToEnemy1;

		CalcEntitySpot( ent->enemy, SPOT_HEAD, enemy_org1 );
		CalcEntitySpot( ent, SPOT_WEAPON, muzzle1 );

		VectorSubtract (enemy_org1, muzzle1, delta1);

		vectoangles ( delta1, angleToEnemy1 );
		AngleVectors (angleToEnemy1, wpFwd, wpVright, wpUp);
		AngleVectors( ent->client->ps.viewangles, wpFwd, wpVright, wpUp );

	ent->alt_fire = alt_fire;
	CalcMuzzlePoint ( ent, wpFwd, wpVright, wpUp, wpMuzzle , 0);

	// fire the specific weapon
	switch( ent->s.weapon )
	// Player weapons
	case WP_SABER:

		WP_FireBryarPistol( ent, alt_fire );

		WP_FireBlaster( ent, alt_fire );

		alert = 50; // if you want it to alert enemies, remove this
		WP_FireDisruptor( ent, alt_fire );

		WP_FireBowcaster( ent, alt_fire );

		WP_FireRepeater( ent, alt_fire );

	case WP_DEMP2:
		WP_FireDEMP2( ent, alt_fire );

		WP_FireFlechette( ent, alt_fire );

		WP_FireRocket( ent, alt_fire );

		WP_FireThermalDetonator( ent, alt_fire );

		alert = 0; // if you want it to alert enemies, remove this
		WP_PlaceLaserTrap( ent, alt_fire );

	case WP_DET_PACK:
		alert = 0; // if you want it to alert enemies, remove this
		WP_FireDetPack( ent, alt_fire );

		WP_BotLaser( ent );

		// doesn't care about whether it's alt-fire or not.  We can do an alt-fire if needed
		WP_EmplacedFire( ent );

	case WP_MELEE:
		alert = 0; // if you want it to alert enemies, remove this
		WP_Melee( ent );

		WP_ATSTMainFire( ent );


		// TEMP
		if ( alt_fire )
//			WP_FireRocket( ent, qfalse );
			if ( ent->s.number == 0 && ent->client->ps.vehicleModel )
				WP_ATSTMainFire( ent );

		// TEMP
		WP_EmplacedFire( ent );

		// TEMP
		if ( alt_fire )
			WP_FireRepeater( ent, alt_fire );
			WP_EmplacedFire( ent );

		WP_FireStunBaton( ent, alt_fire );

	case WP_BLASTER_PISTOL: // enemy version
		WP_FireBryarPistol( ent, qfalse ); // never an alt-fire?

//		WP_TricorderScan( ent, alt_fire );
//		break;


	if ( !ent->s.number )
		if ( ent->s.weapon == WP_FLECHETTE || (ent->s.weapon == WP_BOWCASTER && !alt_fire) )
		{//these can fire multiple shots, count them individually within the firing functions
		else if ( W_AccuracyLoggableWeapon( ent->s.weapon, alt_fire, MOD_UNKNOWN ) )
	// We should probably just use this as a default behavior, in special cases, just set alert to false.
	if ( ent->s.number == 0 && alert > 0 )
		AddSoundEvent( ent, wpMuzzle, alert, AEL_DISCOVERED );
		AddSightEvent( ent, wpMuzzle, alert*2, AEL_DISCOVERED, 20 );
コード例 #19
ファイル: m_soldier.c プロジェクト: MaddTheSane/Quake2
void soldier_fire (edict_t *self, int flash_number)
	vec3_t	start;
	vec3_t	forward, right, up;
	vec3_t	aim;
	vec3_t	dir;
	vec3_t	end;
	float	r, u;
	int		flash_index;

	if (self->s.skinnum < 2)
		flash_index = blaster_flash[flash_number];
	else if (self->s.skinnum < 4)
		flash_index = shotgun_flash[flash_number];
		flash_index = machinegun_flash[flash_number];

	AngleVectors (self->s.angles, forward, right, NULL);
	G_ProjectSource (self->s.origin, monster_flash_offset[flash_index], forward, right, start);

	if (flash_number == 5 || flash_number == 6)
		VectorCopy (forward, aim);
		VectorCopy (self->enemy->s.origin, end);
		end[2] += self->enemy->viewheight;
		VectorSubtract (end, start, aim);
		vectoangles (aim, dir);
		AngleVectors (dir, forward, right, up);

		r = crandom()*1000;
		u = crandom()*500;
		VectorMA (start, 8192, forward, end);
		VectorMA (end, r, right, end);
		VectorMA (end, u, up, end);

		VectorSubtract (end, start, aim);
		VectorNormalize (aim);

	if (self->s.skinnum <= 1)
		monster_fire_blaster (self, start, aim, 5, 600, flash_index, EF_BLASTER);
	else if (self->s.skinnum <= 3)
		monster_fire_shotgun (self, start, aim, 2, 1, DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_HSPREAD, DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_VSPREAD, DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_COUNT, flash_index);
		if (!(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_HOLD_FRAME))
			self->monsterinfo.pausetime = level.time + (3 + rand() % 8) * FRAMETIME;

		monster_fire_bullet (self, start, aim, 2, 4, DEFAULT_BULLET_HSPREAD, DEFAULT_BULLET_VSPREAD, flash_index);

		if (level.time >= self->monsterinfo.pausetime)
			self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_HOLD_FRAME;
			self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_HOLD_FRAME;
コード例 #20
ファイル: cg_marks.c プロジェクト: aufau/SaberMod
void CG_AddParticles (void)
	cparticle_t		*p, *next;
	float			alpha;
	float			time, time2;
	vec3_t			org;
	int				color;
	cparticle_t		*active, *tail;
	int				type;
	vec3_t			rotate_ang;

	if (!initparticles)
		CG_ClearParticles ();

	VectorCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], pvforward );
	VectorCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis[1], pvright );
	VectorCopy( cg.refdef.viewaxis[2], pvup );

	vectoangles( cg.refdef.viewaxis[0], rotate_ang );
	roll += ((cg.time - oldtime) * 0.1) ;
	rotate_ang[ROLL] += (roll*0.9);
	AngleVectors ( rotate_ang, rforward, rright, rup);

	oldtime = cg.time;

	active = NULL;
	tail = NULL;

	for (p=active_particles ; p ; p=next)

		next = p->next;

		time = (cg.time - p->time)*0.001;

		alpha = p->alpha + time*p->alphavel;
		if (alpha <= 0)
		{	// faded out
			p->next = free_particles;
			free_particles = p;
			p->type = 0;
			p->color = 0;
			p->alpha = 0;

		if (p->type == P_SMOKE || p->type == P_ANIM || p->type == P_BLEED || p->type == P_SMOKE_IMPACT)
			if (cg.time > p->endtime)
				p->next = free_particles;
				free_particles = p;
				p->type = 0;
				p->color = 0;
				p->alpha = 0;



		if (p->type == P_WEATHER_FLURRY)
			if (cg.time > p->endtime)
				p->next = free_particles;
				free_particles = p;
				p->type = 0;
				p->color = 0;
				p->alpha = 0;


		if (p->type == P_FLAT_SCALEUP_FADE)
			if (cg.time > p->endtime)
				p->next = free_particles;
				free_particles = p;
				p->type = 0;
				p->color = 0;
				p->alpha = 0;


		if ((p->type == P_BAT || p->type == P_SPRITE) && p->endtime < 0) {
			// temporary sprite
			CG_AddParticleToScene (p, p->org, alpha);
			p->next = free_particles;
			free_particles = p;
			p->type = 0;
			p->color = 0;
			p->alpha = 0;

		p->next = NULL;
		if (!tail)
			active = tail = p;
			tail->next = p;
			tail = p;

		if (alpha > 1.0)
			alpha = 1;

		color = p->color;

		time2 = time*time;

		org[0] = p->org[0] + p->vel[0]*time + p->accel[0]*time2;
		org[1] = p->org[1] + p->vel[1]*time + p->accel[1]*time2;
		org[2] = p->org[2] + p->vel[2]*time + p->accel[2]*time2;

		type = p->type;

		CG_AddParticleToScene (p, org, alpha);

	active_particles = active;
コード例 #21
static void turretG2_fire ( gentity_t *ent, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir )
	vec3_t		org, ang;
	gentity_t	*bolt;

	if ( (trap->PointContents( start, ent->s.number )&MASK_SHOT) )

	VectorMA( start, -START_DIS, dir, org ); // dumb....

	if ( ent->random )
		vectoangles( dir, ang );
		ang[PITCH] += flrand( -ent->random, ent->random );
		ang[YAW] += flrand( -ent->random, ent->random );
		AngleVectors( ang, dir, NULL, NULL );

	vectoangles(dir, ang);

	if ( (ent->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO) )
		//muzzle flash
		G_PlayEffectID( ent->genericValue13, org, ang );

		ent->s.weapon			= WP_BLASTER;
		ent->s.weaponVariation	= 0;

		WP_FireGenericMissile( ent, 0, start, dir );
		if ( ent->alt_fire )
			TurboLaser_SetBoneAnim( ent, 2, 3 );
			TurboLaser_SetBoneAnim( ent, 0, 1 );
		G_PlayEffectID( G_EffectIndex("blaster/muzzle_flash"), org, ang );
		bolt = G_Spawn();
		bolt->classname = "turret_proj";
		bolt->nextthink = level.time + 10000;
		bolt->think = G_FreeEntity;
		bolt->s.eType = ET_MISSILE;
		bolt->s.weapon = WP_BLASTER;
		bolt->r.ownerNum = ent->s.number;
		bolt->damage = ent->damage;
		bolt->alliedTeam = ent->alliedTeam;
		bolt->teamnodmg = ent->teamnodmg;
		bolt->dflags = (DAMAGE_NO_KNOCKBACK|DAMAGE_HEAVY_WEAP_CLASS);		// Don't push them around, or else we are constantly re-aiming
		bolt->splashDamage = ent->splashDamage;
		bolt->splashRadius = ent->splashDamage;
		bolt->methodOfDeath = MOD_TARGET_LASER;//MOD_ENERGY;
		bolt->splashMethodOfDeath = MOD_TARGET_LASER;//MOD_ENERGY;
		//bolt->trigger_formation = qfalse;		// don't draw tail on first frame	

		VectorSet( bolt->r.maxs, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5 );
		VectorScale( bolt->r.maxs, -1, bolt->r.mins );
		bolt->s.pos.trType = TR_LINEAR;
		bolt->s.pos.trTime = level.time;
		VectorCopy( start, bolt->s.pos.trBase );
		VectorScale( dir, ent->mass, bolt->s.pos.trDelta );
		SnapVector( bolt->s.pos.trDelta );		// save net bandwidth
		VectorCopy( start, bolt->r.currentOrigin);
コード例 #22
ファイル: cg_marks.c プロジェクト: aufau/SaberMod
void CG_ParticleDust (centity_t *cent, vec3_t origin, vec3_t dir)
	float	length;
	float	dist;
	float	crittersize;
	vec3_t	angles, forward;
	vec3_t	point;
	cparticle_t	*p;
	int		i;

	dist = 0;

	VectorNegate (dir, dir);
	length = VectorLength (dir);
	vectoangles (dir, angles);
	AngleVectors (angles, forward, NULL, NULL);

	crittersize = LARGESIZE;

	if (length)
		dist = length / crittersize;

	if (dist < 1)
		dist = 1;

	VectorCopy (origin, point);

	for (i=0; i<dist; i++)
		VectorMA (point, crittersize, forward, point);

		if (!free_particles)

		p = free_particles;
		free_particles = p->next;
		p->next = active_particles;
		active_particles = p;

		p->time = cg.time;
		p->alpha = 5.0;
		p->alphavel = 0;
		p->roll = 0;

		p->pshader = cgs.media.smokePuffShader;

		// RF, stay around for long enough to expand and dissipate naturally
		if (length)
			p->endtime = cg.time + 4500 + (crandom() * 3500);
			p->endtime = cg.time + 750 + (crandom() * 500);

		p->startfade = cg.time;

		p->width = LARGESIZE;
		p->height = LARGESIZE;

		// RF, expand while falling
		p->endheight = LARGESIZE*3.0;
		p->endwidth = LARGESIZE*3.0;

		if (!length)
			p->width *= 0.2f;
			p->height *= 0.2f;

			p->endheight = NORMALSIZE;
			p->endwidth = NORMALSIZE;

		p->type = P_SMOKE;

		VectorCopy( point, p->org );

		p->vel[0] = crandom()*6;
		p->vel[1] = crandom()*6;
		p->vel[2] = random()*20;

		// RF, add some gravity/randomness
		p->accel[0] = crandom()*3;
		p->accel[1] = crandom()*3;
		p->accel[2] = -PARTICLE_GRAVITY*0.4;

		VectorClear( p->accel );

		p->rotate = qfalse;

		p->roll = rand()%179;

		p->alpha = 0.75;


コード例 #23
static void turretG2_aim( gentity_t *self )
	vec3_t	enemyDir, org, org2;
	vec3_t	desiredAngles, setAngle;
	float	diffYaw = 0.0f, diffPitch = 0.0f;
	float	maxYawSpeed = (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO)?30.0f:14.0f;
	float	maxPitchSpeed = (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO)?15.0f:3.0f;

	// move our gun base yaw to where we should be at this time....
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &self->s.apos, level.time, self->r.currentAngles );
	self->r.currentAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize360( self->r.currentAngles[YAW] );
	self->speed = AngleNormalize360( self->speed );

	if ( self->enemy )
		mdxaBone_t	boltMatrix;
		// ...then we'll calculate what new aim adjustments we should attempt to make this frame
		// Aim at enemy
		if ( self->enemy->client )
			VectorCopy( self->enemy->client->renderInfo.eyePoint, org );
			VectorCopy( self->enemy->r.currentOrigin, org );
		if ( self->spawnflags & 2 )
			org[2] -= 15;
			org[2] -= 5;

		if ( (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_LEAD_ENEMY) )
		{//we want to lead them a bit
			vec3_t diff, velocity;
			float dist;
			VectorSubtract( org, self->s.origin, diff );
			dist = VectorNormalize( diff );
			if ( self->enemy->client )
				VectorCopy( self->enemy->client->ps.velocity, velocity );
				VectorCopy( self->enemy->s.pos.trDelta, velocity );
			VectorMA( org, (dist/self->mass), velocity, org );

		// Getting the "eye" here
		trap->G2API_GetBoltMatrix( self->ghoul2,
					self->modelScale );

		BG_GiveMeVectorFromMatrix( &boltMatrix, ORIGIN, org2 );

		VectorSubtract( org, org2, enemyDir );
		vectoangles( enemyDir, desiredAngles );

		diffYaw = AngleSubtract( self->r.currentAngles[YAW], desiredAngles[YAW] );
		diffPitch = AngleSubtract( self->speed, desiredAngles[PITCH] );
		// no enemy, so make us slowly sweep back and forth as if searching for a new one
//		diffYaw = sin( level.time * 0.0001f + self->count ) * 5.0f;	// don't do this for now since it can make it go into walls.

	if ( diffYaw )
		// cap max speed....
		if ( fabs(diffYaw) > maxYawSpeed )
			diffYaw = ( diffYaw >= 0 ? maxYawSpeed : -maxYawSpeed );

		// ...then set up our desired yaw
		VectorSet( setAngle, 0.0f, diffYaw, 0.0f );

		VectorCopy( self->r.currentAngles, self->s.apos.trBase );
		VectorScale( setAngle,- 5, self->s.apos.trDelta );
		self->s.apos.trTime = level.time;
		self->s.apos.trType = TR_LINEAR;

	if ( diffPitch )
		if ( fabs(diffPitch) > maxPitchSpeed )
			// cap max speed
			self->speed += (diffPitch > 0.0f) ? -maxPitchSpeed : maxPitchSpeed;
			// small enough, so just add half the diff so we smooth out the stopping
			self->speed -= ( diffPitch );//desiredAngles[PITCH];

		// Note that this is NOT interpolated, so it will be less smooth...On the other hand, it does use Ghoul2 to blend, so it may smooth it out a bit?
		if ( (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO) )
			if ( self->spawnflags & 2 )
				VectorSet( desiredAngles, 0.0f, 0.0f, -self->speed );
				VectorSet( desiredAngles, 0.0f, 0.0f, self->speed );
			G2Tur_SetBoneAngles(self, "pitch", desiredAngles);
			if ( self->spawnflags & 2 )
				VectorSet( desiredAngles, self->speed, 0.0f, 0.0f );
				VectorSet( desiredAngles, -self->speed, 0.0f, 0.0f );
			G2Tur_SetBoneAngles(self, "Bone_body", desiredAngles);
		trap->G2API_SetBoneAngles( self->ghoul2,
						level.time ); 

	if ( diffYaw || diffPitch )
	{//FIXME: turbolaser sounds
		if ( (self->spawnflags&SPF_TURRETG2_TURBO) )
			self->s.loopSound = G_SoundIndex( "sound/vehicles/weapons/turbolaser/turn.wav" );
			self->s.loopSound = G_SoundIndex( "sound/chars/turret/move.wav" );
		self->s.loopSound = 0;
コード例 #24
void soldier_fire (edict_t *self, int flash_number)
	vec3_t	start;
	vec3_t	forward, right, up;
	vec3_t	aim;
	vec3_t	dir;
	vec3_t	end;
	float	r, u;
	int		flash_index;

	if ((self->s.skinnum % 6) < 2)
		flash_index = blaster_flash[flash_number];
	else if ((self->s.skinnum % 6) < 4)
		flash_index = shotgun_flash[flash_number];
		flash_index = machinegun_flash[flash_number];

	AngleVectors (self->s.angles, forward, right, NULL);
	G_ProjectSource (self->s.origin, monster_flash_offset[flash_index], forward, right, start);

	if (flash_number == 5 || flash_number == 6)
		VectorCopy (forward, aim);
		VectorCopy (self->enemy->s.origin, end);
		end[2] += self->enemy->viewheight;

		// Lazarus fog reduction of accuracy
		if(self->monsterinfo.visibility < FOG_CANSEEGOOD)
			end[0] += crandom() * 640 * (FOG_CANSEEGOOD - self->monsterinfo.visibility);
			end[1] += crandom() * 640 * (FOG_CANSEEGOOD - self->monsterinfo.visibility);
			end[2] += crandom() * 320 * (FOG_CANSEEGOOD - self->monsterinfo.visibility);
		VectorSubtract (end, start, aim);
		// Lazarus: Accuracy is skill level dependent
		if(skill->value < 3)
			vectoangles (aim, dir);
			AngleVectors (dir, forward, right, up);

			r = crandom()*(1000 - 333*skill->value);
			u = crandom()*(500 - 167*skill->value);
			VectorMA (start, 8192, forward, end);
			VectorMA (end, r, right, end);
			VectorMA (end, u, up, end);

			VectorSubtract (end, start, aim);
		VectorNormalize (aim);

	if ((self->s.skinnum % 6) <= 1)
		// Lazarus: make bolt speed skill level dependent
		monster_fire_blaster (self, start, aim, 5, 600 + 100*skill->value, flash_index, EF_BLASTER, BLASTER_ORANGE);
	else if ((self->s.skinnum % 6) <= 3)
		monster_fire_shotgun (self, start, aim, 2, 1, DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_HSPREAD, DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_VSPREAD, DEFAULT_SHOTGUN_COUNT, flash_index);
		if (!(self->monsterinfo.aiflags & AI_HOLD_FRAME))
			self->monsterinfo.pausetime = level.time + (3 + rand() % 8) * FRAMETIME;

		monster_fire_bullet (self, start, aim, 2, 4, DEFAULT_BULLET_HSPREAD, DEFAULT_BULLET_VSPREAD, flash_index);

		if (level.time >= self->monsterinfo.pausetime)
			self->monsterinfo.aiflags &= ~AI_HOLD_FRAME;
			self->monsterinfo.aiflags |= AI_HOLD_FRAME;
コード例 #25
ファイル: g_vehicleTurret.c プロジェクト: 3ddy/Jedi-Academy
qboolean VEH_TurretAim( Vehicle_t *pVeh, 
						 gentity_t *parent, 
						 gentity_t *turretEnemy,
						 turretStats_t *turretStats, 
						 vehWeaponInfo_t *vehWeapon, 
						 int turretNum, int curMuzzle, vec3_t desiredAngles )
	vec3_t	curAngles, addAngles, newAngles, yawAngles, pitchAngles;
	float	aimCorrect = qfalse;

	WP_CalcVehMuzzle( parent, curMuzzle );
	//get the current absolute angles of the turret right now
	vectoangles( pVeh->m_vMuzzleDir[curMuzzle], curAngles );
	//subtract out the vehicle's angles to get the relative alignment
	AnglesSubtract( curAngles, pVeh->m_vOrientation, curAngles );

	if ( turretEnemy )
		aimCorrect = qtrue;
		// ...then we'll calculate what new aim adjustments we should attempt to make this frame
		// Aim at enemy
		VEH_TurretAnglesToEnemy( pVeh, curMuzzle, vehWeapon->fSpeed, turretEnemy, turretStats->bAILead, desiredAngles ); 
	//subtract out the vehicle's angles to get the relative desired alignment
	AnglesSubtract( desiredAngles, pVeh->m_vOrientation, desiredAngles );
	//Now clamp the desired relative angles
	//clamp yaw
	desiredAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize180( desiredAngles[YAW] );
	if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].yawClampLeft
		&& desiredAngles[YAW] > pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].yawClampLeft )
		aimCorrect = qfalse;
		desiredAngles[YAW] = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].yawClampLeft;
	if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].yawClampRight
		&& desiredAngles[YAW] < pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].yawClampRight )
		aimCorrect = qfalse;
		desiredAngles[YAW] = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].yawClampRight;
	//clamp pitch
	desiredAngles[PITCH] = AngleNormalize180( desiredAngles[PITCH] );
	if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].pitchClampDown
		&& desiredAngles[PITCH] > pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].pitchClampDown )
		aimCorrect = qfalse;
		desiredAngles[PITCH] = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].pitchClampDown;
	if ( pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].pitchClampUp
		&& desiredAngles[PITCH] < pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].pitchClampUp )
		aimCorrect = qfalse;
		desiredAngles[PITCH] = pVeh->m_pVehicleInfo->turret[turretNum].pitchClampUp;
	//Now get the offset we want from our current relative angles
	AnglesSubtract( desiredAngles, curAngles, addAngles );
	//Now cap the addAngles for our fTurnSpeed
	if ( addAngles[PITCH] > turretStats->fTurnSpeed )
		//aimCorrect = qfalse;//???
		addAngles[PITCH] = turretStats->fTurnSpeed;
	else if ( addAngles[PITCH] < -turretStats->fTurnSpeed )
		//aimCorrect = qfalse;//???
		addAngles[PITCH] = -turretStats->fTurnSpeed;
	if ( addAngles[YAW] > turretStats->fTurnSpeed )
		//aimCorrect = qfalse;//???
		addAngles[YAW] = turretStats->fTurnSpeed;
	else if ( addAngles[YAW] < -turretStats->fTurnSpeed )
		//aimCorrect = qfalse;//???
		addAngles[YAW] = -turretStats->fTurnSpeed;
	//Now add the additional angles back in to our current relative angles
	//FIXME: add some AI aim error randomness...?
	newAngles[PITCH] = AngleNormalize180( curAngles[PITCH]+addAngles[PITCH] );
	newAngles[YAW] = AngleNormalize180( curAngles[YAW]+addAngles[YAW] );
	//Now set the bone angles to the new angles
	//set yaw
	if ( turretStats->yawBone )
		VectorClear( yawAngles );
		yawAngles[turretStats->yawAxis] = newAngles[YAW];
		NPC_SetBoneAngles( parent, turretStats->yawBone, yawAngles );
	//set pitch
	if ( turretStats->pitchBone )
		VectorClear( pitchAngles );
		pitchAngles[turretStats->pitchAxis] = newAngles[PITCH];
		NPC_SetBoneAngles( parent, turretStats->pitchBone, pitchAngles );
	//force muzzle to recalc next check
	pVeh->m_iMuzzleTime[curMuzzle] = 0;

	return aimCorrect;