コード例 #1
ファイル: TpsTestPeSurf2dMD.cpp プロジェクト: askeys/libtps
void TpsTestPeSurf2dMD::run(int nsteps)
	for (int i=0; i<nsteps; i++) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: pp.c プロジェクト: fooeybartoni/CSI702
void advance(int nprt,int ndim,double dt,double mass,
            double *coord,double *veloc,double *accel,
            double *pkin ,double *ppot)
  /* alloc aux space for forces */
  double *force=(double*)malloc(ndim*nprt*sizeof(double));

  /* compute forces & energies */

  /* move particles using Verlet's algorithm */

  /* free aux space */
コード例 #3
ファイル: verletmanager.cpp プロジェクト: vhwu/physic-tests
void VerletManager::onTick(float seconds){


        for(int i=0; i<_numSolves; i++){

        for(Verlet* v:verlets)

//        foreach(Verlet* v, verlets){
//            v->verlet(seconds);
//            for(int i=0; i<_numSolves; i++){
//                v->linkConstraint();
//                v->pinConstraint();
//            }
//            v->onTick(seconds);
//        }
コード例 #4
ファイル: solvestep.cpp プロジェクト: yngvilfk/fys4150
SolveStep::solve(double timestep,
                 double time,
                 std::string name,
                 std::string method,
                 std::string dimension)
   /* Solves given system with given parametres using
    * given method
    * timestep: size of timestep
    * time: total simulation time
    * name: name of files where the position of the
    *       particles are saved at some timesteps
    * method: verlet or RK4
    * dimension: ly or AU
    * Ditterent timers have not been used at the
    * same time.*/

   clock_t start, finish;
   Distance d;

   //declaration and intialisation
   omp_set_num_threads(8); //parallelisation
   double limit = 60; //definition of bound system
   arma::Col<double> center(3), position(3);
   double t = 0.;
   System newsystem = mysolarsystem_;
   int n = time/timestep;

   //file to store energy of the system
   std::ofstream energy("energy.m");
   energy << "A = [";
   //file to store energy of the bound system
   std::ofstream bound("BoundEnergy.m");
   bound << "A = [";

   //update the objects initial acceleration
   for (int i = 0 ; i < size() ; ++i)
      Object &mainbody = newsystem.objectlist[i];
      newsystem.acceleration(mainbody, i, 0.0,dimension);

//   start = clock(); //start timer

   //start simulation
   for (int k = 0 ; k < n ; ++k)
      t += timestep;

      //file to store position of particles
      std::string filename = name;
      std::ofstream fout(filename.c_str());
      fout << "t = " << t << "\n A = [";

      //variable needed for calculating intermediate steps
      double addtime = 0.0;

      //simulate all particles for one timestep
#pragma omp parallel for private(i)
      for (int i = 0 ; i < size() ; ++i)
         Object &mainbody = newsystem.objectlist[i];
         System tempSystem = mysolarsystem_;
         double dt = timestep;
         int j = 0;

         double maxTimestep;

         //chose the smallest timestep
         if (mainbody.maxTimestep() < tempSystem.maxTimestep(i))
            maxTimestep = mainbody.maxTimestep();
            maxTimestep = tempSystem.maxTimestep(i);

         //make sure to use small endough timesteps
         while(dt > maxTimestep)
               dt = dt/2.0;

               j += 1;

         //simulate timesteps
         for (int kk = 0 ; kk < std::pow(2,j); ++kk)
            if (method == "rk4")
               start = clock(); //start timer
               rk4Step(dt, i, mainbody, tempSystem, addtime, dimension);
               finish = clock(); //stop timer
               std::cout << "time one rk4 step: " <<
                            static_cast<double>(finish - start)/
                            static_cast<double>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) << " s" << std::endl;
//               mainbody.addToFile(name);
               addtime += dt;
            else if(method == "verlet")
               start = clock(); //start timer
               verlet(dt, i, mainbody, tempSystem, addtime, dimension);
               finish = clock(); //stop timer
               std::cout << "time one verlet step: " <<
                            static_cast<double>(finish - start)/
                            static_cast<double>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) << " s" << std::endl;
//               mainbody.addToFile(name);
               addtime += dt;
               std::cout << "method must be 'verlet' or 'rk4'" << std::endl;


      mysolarsystem_ = newsystem;

      //save position to file
      for (int i = 0 ; i < size() ; ++i)
         Object &mainbody = mysolarsystem_.objectlist[i];
         position = mainbody.getPosition();
         double dist = d.twoObjects(position,center) ;
         if(dist < limit)
            fout << mainbody.getPosition()(0) << "\t\t" << mainbody.getPosition()(1)
                 << "\t\t" << mainbody.getPosition()(2) << "\n";
//         else
//         {
//            mysolarsystem_.removeObject(i);
//            i-=1;
//         }
      fout << "]; \n";
      fout << "plot3(A(:,1), A(:,2),A(:,3), 'o')\n";
      fout << "t = " << t ;

         //write energy of the system to file
         bound << t << "\t\t" << mysolarsystem_.boundPotentialEnergy(limit) << "\t\t"
               << mysolarsystem_.boundKineticEnergi(limit) << "\n";

         energy << t << "\t\t" <<  mysolarsystem_.potentialEnergy() << "\t\t"
                << mysolarsystem_.kineticEnergi() << "\n";
         if (k % 100 == 0)
            std::cout << t << std::endl;

//   finish = clock(); //stop timer
//   std::cout << "time: " <<
//                static_cast<double>(finish - start)/
//                static_cast<double>(CLOCKS_PER_SEC ) << " s" << std::endl;

   energy << "]; \n";

   bound << "]; \n";
   for (int i = 0 ; i < size() ; ++i)
      Object &mainbody = mysolarsystem_.objectlist[i];
      mysolarsystem_.acceleration(mainbody, i, 0.0,dimension);

   //write final postition to file
   std::ofstream fout("end.m");
   fout << "A = [";
   for (int i = 0 ; i < size() ; ++i)
      Object &mainbody = mysolarsystem_.objectlist[i];

      fout << mainbody.getPosition()(0) << "\t\t" << mainbody.getPosition()(1)
           << "\t\t" << mainbody.getPosition()(2) << "\n";
   fout << "] \n";

   return 0;
コード例 #5
ファイル: project1.cpp プロジェクト: Eimund/UiO
int main() {

    // Floating point precision
    typedef double FLOAT;

    // Units
    typedef angstrom<FLOAT> x;                  // length
    typedef K<FLOAT> T;                         // temperature
    typedef u<FLOAT> m;                         // mass
    typedef angstrom_div_ps<FLOAT> v;           // velocity
    typedef angstrom_div_ps2<FLOAT> a;          // acceleration
    typedef u_mul_angstrom_div_ps2<FLOAT> f;    // force
    typedef u_mul_angstrom2_div_ps2<FLOAT> e;   // energy
    typedef ps<FLOAT> t;                        // time

    // Declarations
    auto mass = m(39.948);
    auto temp = T(100);
    auto epsilon = T(119.8);
    auto dx = x(5.26);
    auto sigma = x(3.405);
    auto dt = t(0.01);
    auto t_end = t(10);
    auto N = ARRAYLIST(size_t, 4, 4, 4);
    string molecule[4];
    molecule[0] = "Ar";
    molecule[1] = "Ar";
    molecule[2] = "Ar";
    molecule[3] = "Ar";
    ofstream time_file;
    auto t0 = clock();

    // Boltzmann velocity dirstribution
    Boltzmann<FLOAT> boltz(temp, mass);
    Gaussian<v> gauss(boltz.StandardDeviation());
    auto boltz_vel = delegate(gauss, &Gaussian<v>::Distribution_mu_0);

    // Models
    typedef VMD<x,Vector<v,3>> pos;
    typedef VMD_Vel<x,v> vel;
    typedef Vector<a,3> va;
    typedef Array<va> acc;
    typedef PBC<pos,vel,acc,void,x,3>::CX pref;
    typedef PBC<pos,vel,acc,void,x,3>::CA aref;
    typedef LJ_Potential<3,x,a,m,f,e> Potential;
    typedef Delegate<void,pref&,aref&> LJ_Solver;
    typedef PBC<pos,vel,acc,LJ_Solver,x,3> Boundary;
    typedef Delegate<void,pos&> PeriodicBoundary;
    typedef Delegate<void,pos&,vel&,acc&> List;
    typedef VelocityVerlet<2,pos,vel,va,List> VerletModel;
    typedef Delegate<void,t&> VerletSolver;

    // Molecular dynamic model
    MD_Model<m,t,x,v,VerletSolver,PeriodicBoundary> model(mass, dt, "Argon centered cubic lattice");
    // Lennard-Jones potenial
    Potential potential(sigma, mass, 0);
    auto LJ_acc = delegate(potential, &Potential::Acceleration<pref,aref>);
    // Periodic bounary condition
    Boundary pbc(LJ_acc);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
        pbc.origin[i] = -0.25*dx;
        pbc.range[i] = dx*(N[i]-0.25);
    auto periodic_boundary = delegate(pbc, &Boundary::Boundary<pos>);
    model.boundary = &periodic_boundary;
    auto list = delegate(pbc, &Boundary::NeighbourList);
    auto dist_vec = delegate(static_cast<MinImage<x,3>&>(pbc), &MinImage<x,3>::Distance<x,x>);
    auto dist = delegate(&Euclidean::Length<Vector<x,3>>);
    auto unit_vec = delegate(&Euclidean::UnitVector<x,x,3>);
    potential.dist_vec = &dist_vec;
    potential.dist = &dist;
    potential.unit_vec = &unit_vec;
    // Verlet differential solver
    VerletModel verlet(static_cast<pos&>(model), static_cast<vel&>(model), list);
    auto verlet_solver = delegate(verlet, &VerletModel::Solve<t>);
    model.step = &verlet_solver;

    // Lattice configuration
    model.LatticeCenteredCubic(molecule, dx, N);
    auto data = static_cast<vel>(model);
    TimeStep<t,decltype(model)> time(model);

    // Task a and b

    // Task c
    auto step = delegate(model, &decltype(model)::Step<t,decltype(model)>);
    auto Time = time;
    Run(Time, t_end, step);

    // Task d
    auto boundary = delegate(model, &decltype(model)::Boundary<t,decltype(model)>);
    /**time.data = data;
    Time = time;
    Run(Time, t_end, step, boundary);

    // Task g
    potential = epsilon * Boltzmann<FLOAT>::kB;
    /**time.data = data;
    Time = time;
    verlet = 0;         // Initialize verlet solver
    t0 = clock();
    Run(Time, t_end, step, boundary);
    time_file << (double)(clock()-t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " & ";

    // Task h
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        pbc[i] = (pbc.range[i]-pbc.origin[i])/(3*sigma);
    *time.data = data;
    Time = time;
    verlet = 0;         // Initialize verlet solver
    t0 = clock();
    Run(Time, t_end, step, boundary);
    time_file << (double)(clock()-t0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " \\\\ ";


    return 0;
コード例 #6
int main(void)
	int N, n, i, j, t, g, T_EQ, T_RUN, bins;
	double h, f(), v_sq, N_U;
	double  v_avg, vsq_avg, vavg_min, vavg_max, v_one;

	FILE* fout;

	fout = fopen("anharmonicpositionvelocity.txt", "w");

	h = 0.02;
	T_EQ = 800;
	N_U = 1 / h;

	//User inputs parameters of program
	printf("How many molecules in the system? ");
	scanf("%d", &N);
	printf("How many timesteps? ");
	scanf("%d", &T_RUN);
	printf("Amongst how many bins should the velocities be distributed? ");
	scanf("%d", &bins);

	double x[N], v[N], vavg_array[T_RUN], bin_val[bins], v_bins[bins], width, gaussian[bins];
	width = 6.0 / bins;

	//gives each particle in the system an initial velocity/displacement
	for(n = 0; n < N; n++)
		v[n] = sin(2*M_PI*((double)n + 1.3) / (double)N);
		x[n] = 0;
		//fprintf(fout, "%f   %f\n", x[n], v[n]);

	//below loop puts the system into equilibrium
	for(t = 0; t <= T_EQ; t++)
		for(j = 0; j < N_U; j++)
			verlet(N, h, x, v, f);

	//runs the system and begins to record velocities	
	for(t = 0; t < T_RUN;  t++)
		v_one = 0;
		v_sq = 0;
		//updates particles' positions and velocities N_U times per second
		for(i = 0; i < N_U; i++)
			verlet(N, h, x, v, f);

		//distributes all velocities into the bins
		CreateBins(N, bins, width, v, bin_val, v_bins);

		//computes <v^2> for each time step
		for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
			v_sq += v[i] * v[i] / (double)N;
		//computes the average of all <v^2>
		vsq_avg += v_sq/T_RUN;

	double Norm = 0, AREA_GAUSS = 0, AREA_BINS = 0;

	//finds the normalization constant to fit the outputted data to a normalized gaussian curve
	for(i = 0; i <= bins; i++)
		Norm += width * v_bins[i];

	fprintf(fout, "T = %f\nNormalization Constant = %f\n\n", vsq_avg, Norm);
	fprintf(fout, "     v        P(v)     Gaussian Fit\n");

	//Computes the gaussian fit for each bin based off <v^2> and prints normalized frequency data
	for(i = 0; i <= bins; i++)
		gaussian[i] =  ((1 / sqrt(2 * M_PI * vsq_avg)) * exp(-(bin_val[i] * bin_val[i]) / (2 * vsq_avg)));

		//calculates the area underneath each normalized function for every bin
		AREA_GAUSS += gaussian[i] * width;
		AREA_BINS += (v_bins[i] / Norm) * width;

		fprintf(fout, "%f   %f    %f\n", bin_val[i], v_bins[i] / Norm, gaussian[i]);

	fprintf(fout, "\nArea under normalized velocity distribution = %f\n", AREA_BINS); 
	fprintf(fout, "Area under gaussian distribution = %f\n", AREA_GAUSS);

return 0;