コード例 #1
ファイル: vfs-thumbnail-loader.c プロジェクト: ib/pcmanfm
gboolean on_thumbnail_idle( VFSThumbnailLoader* loader )
    VFSFileInfo* file;
    /* g_debug( "ENTER ON_THUMBNAIL_IDLE" ); */
    vfs_async_task_lock( loader->task );

    while( ( file = (VFSFileInfo*)g_queue_pop_head(loader->update_queue) )  )
        vfs_dir_emit_thumbnail_loaded( loader->dir, file );
        vfs_file_info_unref( file );

    loader->idle_handler = 0;

    vfs_async_task_unlock( loader->task );

    if( vfs_async_task_is_finished( loader->task ) )
        /* g_debug( "FREE LOADER IN IDLE HANDLER" ); */
        loader->dir->thumbnail_loader = NULL;
    /* g_debug( "LEAVE ON_THUMBNAIL_IDLE" ); */

    return FALSE;
コード例 #2
void vfs_thumbnail_loader_cancel_all_requests( VFSDir* dir, gboolean is_big )
    GList* l;
    VFSThumbnailLoader* loader;
    ThumbnailRequest* req;

    if( G_UNLIKELY( (loader=dir->thumbnail_loader) ) )
        vfs_async_task_lock( loader->task );
        /* g_debug( "TRY TO CANCEL REQUESTS!!" ); */
        for( l = loader->queue->head; l;  )
            req = (ThumbnailRequest*)l->data;
            --req->n_requests[ is_big ? LOAD_BIG_THUMBNAIL : LOAD_SMALL_THUMBNAIL ];

            if( req->n_requests[0]  <= 0 && req->n_requests[1] <= 0 )   /* nobody needs this */
                GList* next = l->next;
                g_queue_delete_link( loader->queue, l );
                l = next;
                l = l->next;

        if( g_queue_get_length( loader->queue ) == 0 )
            /* g_debug( "FREE LOADER IN vfs_thumbnail_loader_cancel_all_requests!" ); */
            vfs_async_task_unlock( loader->task );
            loader->dir->thumbnail_loader = NULL;
            /* FIXME: added idle_handler = 0 to prevent idle_handler being
             * removed in vfs_thumbnail_loader_free - BUT causes a segfault
             * in vfs_async_task_lock ??
             * If source is removed here or in vfs_thumbnail_loader_free
             * it causes a "GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID N was not found when
             * attempting to remove it" warning.  Such a source ID is always
             * the one added in thumbnail_loader_thread at the "add2" comment. */
            //loader->idle_handler = 0;
            vfs_thumbnail_loader_free( loader );
        vfs_async_task_unlock( loader->task );
コード例 #3
ファイル: vfs-thumbnail-loader.c プロジェクト: ib/pcmanfm
void vfs_thumbnail_loader_cancel_all_requests( VFSDir* dir, gboolean is_big )
    GList* l;
    VFSThumbnailLoader* loader;
    ThumbnailRequest* req;

    if( G_UNLIKELY( (loader=dir->thumbnail_loader) ) )
        vfs_async_task_lock( loader->task );
        /* g_debug( "TRY TO CANCEL REQUESTS!!" ); */
        for( l = loader->queue->head; l;  )
            req = (ThumbnailRequest*)l->data;
            --req->n_requests[ is_big ? LOAD_BIG_THUMBNAIL : LOAD_SMALL_THUMBNAIL ];

            if( req->n_requests[0]  <= 0 && req->n_requests[1] <= 0 )   /* nobody needs this */
                GList* next = l->next;
                g_queue_delete_link( loader->queue, l );
                l = next;
                l = l->next;

        if( g_queue_get_length( loader->queue ) == 0 )
            /* g_debug( "FREE LOADER IN vfs_thumbnail_loader_cancel_all_requests!" ); */
            vfs_async_task_unlock( loader->task );
            loader->dir->thumbnail_loader = NULL;
            vfs_thumbnail_loader_free( loader );
        vfs_async_task_unlock( loader->task );
コード例 #4
ファイル: vfs-dir.c プロジェクト: alfbar0/spacefm
void vfs_dir_finalize( GObject *obj )
    VFSDir * dir = VFS_DIR( obj );

    while( g_source_remove_by_user_data( dir ) );

    if( G_UNLIKELY( dir->task ) )
        g_signal_handlers_disconnect_by_func( dir->task, on_list_task_finished, dir );
        /* FIXME: should we generate a "file-list" signal to indicate the dir loading was cancelled? */
//printf("spacefm: vfs_dir_finalize -> vfs_async_task_cancel\n");
        vfs_async_task_cancel( dir->task );
        g_object_unref( dir->task );
        dir->task = NULL;
    if ( dir->monitor )
        vfs_file_monitor_remove( dir->monitor,
                                 dir );
    if ( dir->path )
        if( G_LIKELY( dir_hash ) )
            g_hash_table_remove( dir_hash, dir->path );

            /* There is no VFSDir instance */
            if ( 0 == g_hash_table_size( dir_hash ) )
                g_hash_table_destroy( dir_hash );
                dir_hash = NULL;

                vfs_mime_type_remove_reload_cb( mime_cb );
                mime_cb = NULL;

                if( change_notify_timeout )
                    g_source_remove( change_notify_timeout );
                    change_notify_timeout = 0;

                g_signal_handler_disconnect( gtk_icon_theme_get_default(),
                                                                theme_change_notify );
                theme_change_notify = 0;
        g_free( dir->path );
        g_free( dir->disp_path );
        dir->path = dir->disp_path = NULL;
    /* g_debug( "dir->thumbnail_loader: %p", dir->thumbnail_loader ); */
    if( G_UNLIKELY( dir->thumbnail_loader ) )
        /* g_debug( "FREE THUMBNAIL LOADER IN VFSDIR" ); */
        vfs_thumbnail_loader_free( dir->thumbnail_loader );
        dir->thumbnail_loader = NULL;

    if ( dir->file_list )
        g_list_foreach( dir->file_list, ( GFunc ) vfs_file_info_unref, NULL );
        g_list_free( dir->file_list );
        dir->file_list = NULL;
        dir->n_files = 0;

    if( dir->changed_files )
        g_slist_foreach( dir->changed_files, (GFunc)vfs_file_info_unref, NULL );
        g_slist_free( dir->changed_files );
        dir->changed_files = NULL;

    if( dir->created_files )
        g_slist_foreach( dir->created_files, (GFunc)g_free, NULL );
        g_slist_free( dir->created_files );
        dir->created_files = NULL;

    g_mutex_free( dir->mutex );
    G_OBJECT_CLASS( parent_class ) ->finalize( obj );