コード例 #1
void drawXScaleHydro(struct pbStamp *pbStampPtr, struct pbStampPict *stampPictPtr, double increment)
/* mark the X axis scale */
int i;
double txmin, tymin, txmax, tymax;
double xValue;
int xx,  yy;
char labelStr[20];
int i0, i9;

txmin	= pbStampPtr->xmin;
txmax	= pbStampPtr->xmax;
tymin       = pbStampPtr->ymin;
tymax       = pbStampPtr->ymax;
i0 =0;
i9 =(int)((txmax - txmin)/increment);
for (i=0; i<=i9; i++)
    vLineM((double)i*increment+txmin, 0.0, (tymax-tymin)*0.05, 1, boundaryColor);
    xValue = txmin + increment*(double)i;
    calStampXY(stampPictPtr, xValue, 0, &xx, &yy);
    safef(labelStr, sizeof(labelStr), "%.1f", xValue);
    vgTextCentered(g_vg, xx-5, yy+5, 10, 10, MG_BLACK, g_font, labelStr);
コード例 #2
void markStamp(struct pbStamp *pbStampPtr, struct pbStampPict *stampPictPtr,
   	       double xValue, char *valStr, double tx[], double ty[])
/* mark the the stamp with a vertical line */
int ix, iy;
double txmin, tymin, txmax, tymax;
double ytop=0.0;
int len;
int xx,  yy;
int i, iTarget;

len   = pbStampPtr->len; 
txmin = pbStampPtr->xmin;
txmax = pbStampPtr->xmax;
tymin = pbStampPtr->ymin;
tymax = pbStampPtr->ymax;

calStampXY(stampPictPtr, txmin+(txmax-txmin)/2.0, tymax, &xx, &yy);
    vgTextCentered(g_vg, xx-5, yy+3, 10, 10, pbBlue, g_font, valStr);
ix	= stampPictPtr->xOrig;
iy	= stampPictPtr->yOrig;

calStampXY(stampPictPtr, (txmax-txmin)/2.0, tymax, &xx, &yy);
iTarget = -1;

for (i=0; i<(len-1); i++)
    if ((xValue >= tx[i]) && (xValue <= tx[i+1]))
	iTarget = i;
if (iTarget != -1)
    if (ty[iTarget] > 0.1 * (tymax - tymin))
	ytop = ty[iTarget];
	ytop = 0.1 * (tymax - tymin) + tymin;
vLineM(tx[iTarget]+(tx[iTarget+1]-tx[iTarget])/2.0, 0, ytop, 2,  pbBlue);
コード例 #3
void markStamp0(struct pbStamp *pbStampPtr, struct pbStampPict *stampPictPtr,
	        double xValue, char *valStr, double tx[], double ty[])
/* mark the the stamp with valStr only, used for 'N/A' case only */
double txmin, tymin, txmax, tymax;
int len;
int xx,  yy;
len   = pbStampPtr->len; 
txmin = pbStampPtr->xmin;
txmax = pbStampPtr->xmax;
tymin = pbStampPtr->ymin;
tymax = pbStampPtr->ymax;
calStampXY(stampPictPtr, txmin+(txmax-txmin)/2.0, tymax, &xx, &yy);
vgTextCentered(g_vg, xx-5, yy+3, 10, 10, pbBlue, g_font, valStr);
コード例 #4
ファイル: browserGfx.c プロジェクト: kenongit/sequencing
void vgDrawRulerBumpText(struct vGfx *vg, int xOff, int yOff, 
	int height, int width,
        Color color, MgFont *font,
        int startNum, int range, int bumpX, int bumpY)
/* Draw a ruler inside the indicated part of mg with numbers that start at
 * startNum and span range.  Bump text positions slightly. */
int tickSpan;
int tickPos;
double scale;
int firstTick;
int remainder;
int end = startNum + range;
int x;
char tbuf[14];
int numWid;
int goodNumTicks;
int niceNumTicks = width/35;

numLabelString(startNum+range, tbuf);
numWid = mgFontStringWidth(font, tbuf)+4+bumpX;
goodNumTicks = width/numWid;
if (goodNumTicks < 1) goodNumTicks = 1;
if (goodNumTicks > niceNumTicks) goodNumTicks = niceNumTicks;

tickSpan = figureTickSpan(range, goodNumTicks);

scale = (double)width / range;

firstTick = startNum + tickSpan;
remainder = firstTick % tickSpan;
firstTick -= remainder;
for (tickPos=firstTick; tickPos<end; tickPos += tickSpan)
    numLabelString(tickPos, tbuf);
    numWid = mgFontStringWidth(font, tbuf)+4;
    x = (int)((tickPos-startNum) * scale) + xOff;
    vgBox(vg, x, yOff, 1, height, color);
    if (x - numWid >= xOff)
        vgTextCentered(vg, x-numWid + bumpX, yOff + bumpY, numWid, 
	    height, color, font, tbuf);
コード例 #5
void drawXScaleMW(struct pbStamp *pbStampPtr, struct pbStampPict *stampPictPtr, int increment)
/* mark the X axis scale */
int i;
double txmin, tymin, txmax, tymax;
int xx,  yy;
char labelStr[20];
txmin	= pbStampPtr->xmin;
txmax	= pbStampPtr->xmax;
tymin   = pbStampPtr->ymin;
tymax   = pbStampPtr->ymax;
for (i=(int)txmin; i<=(int)txmax; i=i+increment)
    vLineM((double)i+0.5, 0.0, (tymax-tymin)*0.05, 1, boundaryColor);
    calStampXY(stampPictPtr, (double)i+0.5, 0, &xx, &yy);
    safef(labelStr, sizeof(labelStr), "%dK", i/1000);
    vgTextCentered(g_vg, xx-5, yy+5, 10, 10, MG_BLACK, g_font, labelStr);
コード例 #6
void drawPbStampB(struct pbStamp *pbStampPtr, struct pbStampPict *stampPictPtr)
/* draw the stamp, especially for the AA Anomaly */
int ix, iy, iw, ih;
char *stampTable, *stampTitle, *stampDesc;
double txmin, tymin, txmax, tymax;
int i, n, index;
int xx, yy;
char charStr[2];
int titleLen;

stampTable  = cloneString(pbStampPtr->stampTable);
stampTitle  = cloneString(pbStampPtr->stampTitle);
n           = pbStampPtr->len;
txmin       = pbStampPtr->xmin;
txmax       = pbStampPtr->xmax;
tymin       = pbStampPtr->ymin;
tymax       = pbStampPtr->ymax;
stampDesc   = cloneString(pbStampPtr->stampDesc);

ix = stampPictPtr->xOrig;
iy = stampPictPtr->yOrig;
iw = stampPictPtr->width;
ih = stampPictPtr->height;

xScale = (double)(iw)/(txmax - txmin);
yScale = (double)(ih)/(tymax - tymin);

calStampXY(stampPictPtr, txmin, tymax, &xx, &yy);
mapBoxStamp(xx, yy, iw, ih, "Amino Acid Anomalies", "pepAnomalies");
calStampXY(stampPictPtr, txmin+(txmax-txmin)/2.0, tymax, &xx, &yy);
vgTextCentered(g_vg, xx-5, yy-12, 10, 10, MG_BLACK, g_font, "Amino Acid Anomalies");
titleLen = strlen("Amino Acid Anomoly");
mapBoxStampTitle(xx-5-titleLen*6/2-6, yy-14, titleLen*6+12, 14,  
	         "Amino Acid Anomolies", "pepAnomalies");
calStampXY(stampPictPtr, txmax-(txmax-txmin)*.25, tymin+(tymax-tymin)/4.0*3.0, &xx, &yy);
vgTextCentered(g_vg, xx, yy-10, 10, 10, MG_BLACK, g_font, "+2 stddev");
calStampXY(stampPictPtr, txmax-(txmax-txmin)*.25, tymin+(tymax-tymin)/4.0, &xx, &yy);
vgTextCentered(g_vg, xx, yy-10, 10, 10, MG_BLACK, g_font, "-2 stddev");

index = 0; 
hLine(tx[index], (tymax-tymin)/8.0,     (tx[index+1]-tx[index])/2.0, 1, MG_GRAY);
hLine(tx[index], (tymax-tymin)/4.0,     (tx[index+1]-tx[index])/2.0, 1, MG_GRAY);
hLine(tx[index], (tymax-tymin)/8.0*3.0, (tx[index+1]-tx[index])/2.0, 1, MG_GRAY);
hLine(tx[index], (tymax-tymin)/4.0*3.0, (tx[index+1]-tx[index])/2.0, 1, MG_GRAY);
hLine(tx[index], (tymax-tymin)/8.0*4.0, (tx[index+1]-tx[index])/2.0, 1, MG_GRAY);
hLine(tx[index], (tymax-tymin)/8.0*5.0, (tx[index+1]-tx[index])/2.0, 1, MG_GRAY);
hLine(tx[index], (tymax-tymin)/8.0*7.0, (tx[index+1]-tx[index])/2.0, 1, MG_GRAY);

for (index=0; index < (n-1); index++)
    hLine(tx[index], (tymax-tymin)/2.0,     tx[index+1]-tx[index], 1, MG_BLACK);
vLine(tx[0], 0, ty[0], 1,  pbBlue);
hLine(txmin, tymin, txmax-txmin, 2, boundaryColor);
/* this line needs to call hLine2 for fine tuning at the right hand side ending */ 
hLine2(txmin, tymax, txmax-txmin, 2, boundaryColor);
vLine(txmin, tymin, tymax-tymin, 2, boundaryColor);
vLine(txmax, tymin, tymax-tymin, 2, boundaryColor);
if (strcmp(pbStampPtr->stampName, "pepRes") == 0)
    for (i=0; i<20; i++)
    	calStampXY(stampPictPtr, tx[i], tymin, &xx, &yy);
	safef(charStr, sizeof(charStr), "%c", aaAlphabet[i]);
	vgTextCentered(g_vg, xx+1, yy+5, 10, 10, MG_BLACK, g_font, charStr);
コード例 #7
void drawPbStamp(struct pbStamp *pbStampPtr, struct pbStampPict *stampPictPtr)
/* draw the stamp */
int ix, iy, iw, ih;
char *stampName, *stampTable, *stampTitle, *stampDesc;
double txmin, tymin, txmax, tymax;
int i, n, index;
int xx, yy;
char charStr[2];
Color edgeColor;
Color stampColor;
int titleLen;

stampName   = cloneString(pbStampPtr->stampName);
stampTable  = cloneString(pbStampPtr->stampTable);
stampTitle  = cloneString(pbStampPtr->stampTitle);
n           = pbStampPtr->len;
txmin       = pbStampPtr->xmin;
txmax       = pbStampPtr->xmax;
tymin       = pbStampPtr->ymin;
tymax       = pbStampPtr->ymax;
stampDesc   = cloneString(pbStampPtr->stampDesc);

ix = stampPictPtr->xOrig;
iy = stampPictPtr->yOrig;
iw = stampPictPtr->width;
ih = stampPictPtr->height;
xScale = (double)(iw)/(txmax - txmin);
yScale = (double)(ih)/(tymax - tymin);
calStampXY(stampPictPtr, txmin, tymax, &xx, &yy);
mapBoxStamp(xx, yy, iw, ih, stampTitle, stampName);

calStampXY(stampPictPtr, txmin+(txmax-txmin)/2.0, tymax, &xx, &yy);
vgTextCentered(g_vg, xx-5, yy-12, 10, 10, MG_BLACK, g_font, stampTitle);
titleLen = strlen(stampTitle);
mapBoxStampTitle(xx-5-titleLen*6/2-6, yy-14, titleLen*6+12, 14,  stampTitle, stampName);
edgeColor  = boundaryColor;
stampColor = vgFindColorIx(g_vg, 220, 220, 220);
for (index=0; index < (n-1); index++)
    pbBox(tx[index], tymin, tx[index+1]-tx[index], ty[index], stampColor);
    hLine(tx[index], ty[index], tx[index+1]-tx[index], 1, edgeColor);
vLine(tx[0], 0, ty[0], 1,  edgeColor);
for (index=0; index < (n-1); index++)
    if (ty[index+1] > ty[index])
	vLine(tx[index+1], ty[index], ty[index+1]-ty[index], 1,  edgeColor);
	vLine(tx[index+1], ty[index+1], ty[index]-ty[index+1], 1, edgeColor);
hLine(txmin, tymin, txmax-txmin, 2, boundaryColor);
/* this line needs to call hLine2 for fine tuning at the right hand side ending */
hLine2(txmin, tymax, txmax-txmin, 2, boundaryColor);
vLine(txmin, tymin, tymax-tymin, 2, boundaryColor);
vLine(txmax, tymin, tymax-tymin, 2, boundaryColor);
if (strcmp(pbStampPtr->stampName, "pepRes") == 0)
    for (i=0; i<20; i++)
    	calStampXY(stampPictPtr, tx[i], tymin, &xx, &yy);
	safef(charStr, sizeof(charStr), "%c", aaAlphabet[i]);
	vgTextCentered(g_vg, xx+1, yy+5, 10, 10, MG_BLACK, g_font, charStr);