コード例 #1
/* Another strip of image pixels from vips_sink_disc(). Write into the top
 * pyramid layer. 
static int
write_strip( VipsRegion *region, VipsRect *area, void *a )
	Write *write = (Write *) a;
	Layer *layer = write->layer; 

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "write_strip: strip at %d, height %d\n", 
		area->top, area->height );

	for(;;) {
		VipsRect *to = &layer->strip->valid;
		VipsRect target;

		/* The bit of strip that needs filling.
		target.left = 0;
		target.top = layer->write_y;
		target.width = layer->image->Xsize;
		target.height = to->height;
		vips_rect_intersectrect( &target, to, &target );

		/* Clip against what we have available.
		vips_rect_intersectrect( &target, area, &target );

		/* Are we empty? All done.
		if( vips_rect_isempty( &target ) ) 

		/* And copy those pixels in.
		 * FIXME: If the strip fits inside the region we've just 
		 * received, we could skip the copy. Will this happen very
		 * often? Unclear.
		vips_region_copy( region, layer->strip, 
			&target, target.left, target.top );

		layer->write_y += target.height;

		/* We can either fill the strip, if it's somewhere half-way
		 * down the image, or, if it's at the bottom, get to the last
		 * real line of pixels.
		if( layer->write_y == VIPS_RECT_BOTTOM( to ) ||
			layer->write_y == layer->height ) {
			if( layer_strip_arrived( layer ) ) 
				return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
コード例 #2
ファイル: tilecache.c プロジェクト: alon/libvips
/* Generate func.
static int
vips_tile_cache_gen( VipsRegion *or, 
	void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
	VipsRegion *in = (VipsRegion *) seq;
	VipsTileCache *cache = (VipsTileCache *) b;
	const int tw = cache->tile_width;
	const int th = cache->tile_height;
	VipsRect *r = &or->valid;

	/* Find top left of tiles we need.
	int xs = (r->left / tw) * tw;
	int ys = (r->top / th) * th;

	int x, y;

	g_mutex_lock( cache->lock );

	VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "vips_tile_cache_gen: "
		"left = %d, top = %d, width = %d, height = %d\n",
		r->left, r->top, r->width, r->height );

	for( y = ys; y < VIPS_RECT_BOTTOM( r ); y += th )
		for( x = xs; x < VIPS_RECT_RIGHT( r ); x += tw ) {
			Tile *tile;
			VipsRect tarea;
			VipsRect hit;

			if( !(tile = tile_find( cache, in, x, y )) ) {
				g_mutex_unlock( cache->lock );
				return( -1 );

			/* The area of the tile.
			tarea.left = x;
			tarea.top = y;
			tarea.width = tw;
			tarea.height = th;

			/* The part of the tile that we need.
			vips_rect_intersectrect( &tarea, r, &hit );

			copy_region( tile->region, or, &hit );

	g_mutex_unlock( cache->lock );

	return( 0 );
コード例 #3
ファイル: embed.c プロジェクト: FlavioFalcao/libvips
/* r is the bit we are trying to paint, guaranteed to be entirely within
 * border area i. Set out to be the edge of the image we need to paint the
 * pixels in r.
static void
vips_embed_find_edge( VipsEmbed *embed, VipsRect *r, int i, VipsRect *out )
	/* Expand the border by 1 pixel, intersect with the image area, and we
	 * get the edge. Usually too much though: eg. we could make the entire
	 * right edge.
	*out = embed->border[i];
	vips_rect_marginadjust( out, 1 );
	vips_rect_intersectrect( out, &embed->rsub, out );

	/* Usually too much though: eg. we could make the entire
	 * right edge. If we're strictly up/down/left/right of the image, we
	 * can trim.
	if( i == 0 || 
		i == 2 ) {
		VipsRect extend;

		/* Above or below.
		extend = *r;
		extend.top = 0;
		extend.height = embed->height;
		vips_rect_intersectrect( out, &extend, out );
	if( i == 1 || 
		i == 3 ) {
		VipsRect extend;

		/* Left or right.
		extend = *r;
		extend.left = 0;
		extend.width = embed->width;
		vips_rect_intersectrect( out, &extend, out );
コード例 #4
ファイル: insert.c プロジェクト: ImageKit/libvips
/* Insert generate function.
static int
vips_insert_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
	VipsRegion **ir = (VipsRegion **) seq;
	VipsRect *r = &or->valid;
	VipsInsert *insert = (VipsInsert *) b; 

	VipsRect ovl;

	/* Does the rect we have been asked for fall entirely inside the
	 * sub-image?
	if( vips_rect_includesrect( &insert->rsub, &or->valid ) ) 
		return( vips_insert_just_one( or, ir[1], 
			insert->rsub.left, insert->rsub.top ) );
	/* Does it fall entirely inside the main, and not at all inside the
	 * sub?
	vips_rect_intersectrect( &or->valid, &insert->rsub, &ovl );
	if( vips_rect_includesrect( &insert->rmain, &or->valid ) &&
		vips_rect_isempty( &ovl ) ) 
		return( vips_insert_just_one( or, ir[0], 
			insert->rmain.left, insert->rmain.top ) );

	/* Output requires both (or neither) input. If it is not entirely 
	 * inside both the main and the sub, then there is going to be some
	 * background. 
	if( !(vips_rect_includesrect( &insert->rsub, &or->valid ) &&
		vips_rect_includesrect( &insert->rmain, &or->valid )) )
		vips_region_paint_pel( or, r, insert->ink );

	/* Paste from main.
	if( vips_insert_paste_region( or, ir[0], &insert->rmain ) )
		return( -1 );

	/* Paste from sub.
	if( vips_insert_paste_region( or, ir[1], &insert->rsub ) )
		return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
コード例 #5
/* Write a set of tiles across the strip.
static int
layer_write_tile( Write *write, Layer *layer, VipsRegion *strip )
	VipsImage *im = layer->image;
	VipsRect *area = &strip->valid;

	VipsRect image;
	int x;

	image.left = 0;
	image.top = 0;
	image.width = im->Xsize;
	image.height = im->Ysize;

	for( x = 0; x < im->Xsize; x += write->tilew ) {
		VipsRect tile;

		tile.left = x;
		tile.top = area->top;
		tile.width = write->tilew;
		tile.height = write->tileh;
		vips_rect_intersectrect( &tile, &image, &tile );

		/* Have to repack pixels.
		pack2tiff( write, layer, strip, &tile, write->tbuf );

		printf( "Writing %dx%d tile at position %dx%d to image %s\n",
			tile.width, tile.height, tile.left, tile.top,
			TIFFFileName( layer->tif ) );
#endif /*DEBUG_VERBOSE*/

		if( TIFFWriteTile( layer->tif, write->tbuf, 
			tile.left, tile.top, 0, 0 ) < 0 ) {
			vips_error( "vips2tiff", 
				"%s", _( "TIFF write tile failed" ) );
			return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
コード例 #6
ファイル: insert.c プロジェクト: ImageKit/libvips
/* Paste in parts of ir that fall within or --- ir is an input REGION for an 
 * image positioned at pos within or.
static int
vips_insert_paste_region( VipsRegion *or, VipsRegion *ir, VipsRect *pos )
	VipsRect ovl;

	/* Does any of the sub-image appear in the area we have been asked
	 * to make?
	vips_rect_intersectrect( &or->valid, pos, &ovl );
	if( !vips_rect_isempty( &ovl ) ) {
		/* Find the part of in we need.
		ovl.left -= pos->left;
		ovl.top -= pos->top;

		/* Paint this area of pixels into or.
		if( vips_region_prepare_to( ir, or, &ovl, 
			ovl.left + pos->left, ovl.top + pos->top ) )
			return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
コード例 #7
ファイル: replicate.c プロジェクト: alon/libvips
static int
vips_replicate_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b, 
	gboolean *stop )
	VipsRegion *ir = (VipsRegion *) seq;
	VipsImage *in = (VipsImage *) a;
	VipsRect *r = &or->valid;
	int twidth = in->Xsize;
	int theight = in->Ysize;

	int x, y;
	VipsRect tile;

	/* Find top left of tiles we need.
	int xs = (r->left / twidth) * twidth;
	int ys = (r->top / theight) * theight;

	/* The tile enclosing the top-left corner of the requested area.
	tile.left = xs;
	tile.top = ys;
	tile.width = twidth;
	tile.height = theight;

	/* If the request fits inside a single tile, we can just pointer-copy.
	if( vips_rect_includesrect( &tile, r ) ) {
		VipsRect irect;

		/* Translate request to input space.
		irect = *r;
		irect.left -= xs;
		irect.top -= ys;
		if( vips_region_prepare( ir, &irect ) )
			return( -1 );

		if( vips_region_region( or, ir, r, irect.left, irect.top ) )
			return( -1 );

		return( 0 );

	for( y = ys; y < VIPS_RECT_BOTTOM( r ); y += theight )
		for( x = xs; x < VIPS_RECT_RIGHT( r ); x += twidth ) {
			VipsRect paint;

			/* Whole tile at x, y
			tile.left = x;
			tile.top = y;
			tile.width = twidth;
			tile.height = theight;

			/* Which parts touch the area of the output we are
			 * building.
			vips_rect_intersectrect( &tile, r, &paint );

			/* Translate back to ir coordinates.
			paint.left -= x;
			paint.top -= y;

			g_assert( !vips_rect_isempty( &paint ) );

			/* Render into or.
			if( vips_region_prepare_to( ir, or, &paint,
				paint.left + x,
				paint.top + y ) )
				return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
コード例 #8
ファイル: embed.c プロジェクト: FlavioFalcao/libvips
static int
vips_embed_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
	VipsRegion *ir = (VipsRegion *) seq;
	VipsEmbed *embed = (VipsEmbed *) b;
	VipsRect *r = &or->valid;

	Rect ovl;
	int i;
	VipsPel *p;
	int plsk;

	/* Entirely within the input image? Generate the subimage and copy
	 * pointers.
	if( vips_rect_includesrect( &embed->rsub, r ) ) {
		VipsRect need;

		need = *r;
		need.left -= embed->x;
		need.top -= embed->y;
		if( vips_region_prepare( ir, &need ) ||
			vips_region_region( or, ir, r, need.left, need.top ) )
			return( -1 );

		return( 0 );

	/* Does any of the input image appear in the area we have been asked 
	 * to make? Paste it in.
	vips_rect_intersectrect( r, &embed->rsub, &ovl );
	if( !vips_rect_isempty( &ovl ) ) {
		/* Paint the bits coming from the input image.
		ovl.left -= embed->x;
		ovl.top -= embed->y;
		if( vips_region_prepare_to( ir, or, &ovl, 
			ovl.left + embed->x, ovl.top + embed->y ) )
			return( -1 );
		ovl.left += embed->x;
		ovl.top += embed->y;

	switch( embed->extend ) {
		VIPS_GATE_START( "vips_embed_gen: work1" );

		/* Paint the borders a solid value.
		for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
			vips_region_paint( or, &embed->border[i], 
				embed->extend == 0 ? 0 : 255 );

		VIPS_GATE_STOP( "vips_embed_gen: work1" );


		VIPS_GATE_START( "vips_embed_gen: work2" );

		/* Paint the borders a solid value.
		for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
			vips_region_paint_pel( or, &embed->border[i], 
				embed->ink ); 

		VIPS_GATE_STOP( "vips_embed_gen: work2" );


		/* Extend the borders.
		for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) {
			VipsRect todo;
			VipsRect edge;

			vips_rect_intersectrect( r, &embed->border[i], &todo );
			if( !vips_rect_isempty( &todo ) ) {
				vips_embed_find_edge( embed, &todo, i, &edge );

				/* Did we paint any of the input image? If we
				 * did, we can fetch the edge pixels from
				 * that.
				if( !vips_rect_isempty( &ovl ) ) {
					p = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, 
						edge.left, edge.top );
					plsk = VIPS_REGION_LSKIP( or );
				else {
					/* No pixels painted ... fetch
					 * directly from the input image.
					edge.left -= embed->x;
					edge.top -= embed->y;
					if( vips_region_prepare( ir, &edge ) )
						return( -1 );
					p = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir,
						 edge.left, edge.top );
					plsk = VIPS_REGION_LSKIP( ir );

				vips_embed_paint_edge( embed, 
					or, i, &todo, p, plsk );


		g_assert( 0 );

	return( 0 );
コード例 #9
ファイル: affine.c プロジェクト: Jondeen/libvips
static int
vips_affine_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
	VipsRegion *ir = (VipsRegion *) seq;
	const VipsAffine *affine = (VipsAffine *) b;
	const VipsImage *in = (VipsImage *) a;
	const int window_size = 
		vips_interpolate_get_window_size( affine->interpolate );
	const int window_offset = 
		vips_interpolate_get_window_offset( affine->interpolate );
	const VipsInterpolateMethod interpolate = 
		vips_interpolate_get_method( affine->interpolate );

	/* Area we generate in the output image.
	const VipsRect *r = &or->valid;
	const int le = r->left;
	const int ri = VIPS_RECT_RIGHT( r );
	const int to = r->top;
	const int bo = VIPS_RECT_BOTTOM( r );

	const VipsRect *iarea = &affine->trn.iarea;
	const VipsRect *oarea = &affine->trn.oarea;

	int ps = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( in );
	int x, y, z;
	VipsRect image, want, need, clipped;

	printf( "vips_affine_gen: "
		"generating left=%d, top=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n", 
		r->height );
#endif /*DEBUG_VERBOSE*/

	/* We are generating this chunk of the transformed image. This takes
	 * us to space 4.
	want = *r;
	want.left += oarea->left;
	want.top += oarea->top;

	/* Find the area of the input image we need. This takes us to space 3. 
	vips__transform_invert_rect( &affine->trn, &want, &need );

	/* That does round-to-nearest, because it has to stop rounding errors
	 * growing images unexpectedly. We need round-down, so we must
	 * add half a pixel along the left and top. But we are int :( so add 1
	 * pixel. 
	 * Add an extra line along the right and bottom as well, for rounding.
	vips_rect_marginadjust( &need, 1 );

	/* We need to fetch a larger area for the interpolator.
	need.left -= window_offset;
	need.top -= window_offset;
	need.width += window_size - 1;
	need.height += window_size - 1;

	/* Now go to space 2, the expanded input image. This is the one we
	 * read pixels from. 
	need.left += window_offset;
	need.top += window_offset;

	/* Clip against the size of (2).
	image.left = 0;
	image.top = 0;
	image.width = in->Xsize;
	image.height = in->Ysize;
	vips_rect_intersectrect( &need, &image, &clipped );

	printf( "vips_affine_gen: "
		"preparing left=%d, top=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n", 
		clipped.height );
#endif /*DEBUG_VERBOSE*/

	if( vips_rect_isempty( &clipped ) ) {
		vips_region_black( or );
		return( 0 );
	if( vips_region_prepare( ir, &clipped ) )
		return( -1 );

	VIPS_GATE_START( "vips_affine_gen: work" ); 

	/* Resample! x/y loop over pixels in the output image (5).
	for( y = to; y < bo; y++ ) {
		/* Input clipping rectangle. We offset this so we can clip in
		 * space 2. 
		const int ile = iarea->left + window_offset;
		const int ito = iarea->top + window_offset;
		const int iri = ile + iarea->width;
		const int ibo = ito + iarea->height;

		/* Derivative of matrix.
		const double ddx = affine->trn.ia;
		const double ddy = affine->trn.ic;

		/* Continuous cods in transformed space.
		const double ox = le + oarea->left - affine->trn.odx;
		const double oy = y + oarea->top - affine->trn.ody;

		/* Continuous cods in input space.
		double ix, iy;

		VipsPel *q;

		/* To (3).
		ix = affine->trn.ia * ox + affine->trn.ib * oy;
		iy = affine->trn.ic * ox + affine->trn.id * oy;

		/* And the input offset in (3). 
		ix -= affine->trn.idx;
		iy -= affine->trn.idy;

		/* Finally to 2. 
		ix += window_offset;
		iy += window_offset;

		q = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, le, y );

		for( x = le; x < ri; x++ ) {
			int fx, fy; 	

			fx = FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR( ix );
			fy = FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR( iy );

			/* Clip against iarea.
			if( fx >= ile &&
				fx < iri &&
				fy >= ito &&
				fy < ibo ) {
				/* Verify that we can read the whole stencil.
				 * With DEBUG on this will range-check.
				g_assert( VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir, 
					(int) ix - window_offset,
					(int) iy - window_offset ) );
				g_assert( VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir, 
					(int) ix - window_offset + 
						window_size - 1,
					(int) iy - window_offset + 
						window_size - 1 ) );

				interpolate( affine->interpolate, 
					q, ir, ix, iy );
			else {
				for( z = 0; z < ps; z++ ) 
					q[z] = 0;

			ix += ddx;
			iy += ddy;
			q += ps;

	VIPS_GATE_STOP( "vips_affine_gen: work" ); 

	return( 0 );
コード例 #10
ファイル: mapim.c プロジェクト: lovell/libvips
static int
vips_mapim_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
	VipsRect *r = &or->valid;
	VipsRegion **ir = (VipsRegion **) seq;
	const VipsImage **in_array = (const VipsImage **) a;
	const VipsMapim *mapim = (VipsMapim *) b; 
	const VipsResample *resample = VIPS_RESAMPLE( mapim );
	const VipsImage *in = in_array[0];
	const int window_size = 
		vips_interpolate_get_window_size( mapim->interpolate );
	const int window_offset = 
		vips_interpolate_get_window_offset( mapim->interpolate );
	const VipsInterpolateMethod interpolate = 
		vips_interpolate_get_method( mapim->interpolate );
	const int ps = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( in );
	const int clip_width = resample->in->Xsize;
	const int clip_height = resample->in->Ysize;

	VipsRect bounds, image, clipped;
	int x, y, z;
	printf( "vips_mapim_gen: "
		"generating left=%d, top=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n", 
		r->height );
#endif /*DEBUG_VERBOSE*/

	/* Fetch the chunk of the mapim image we need, and find the max/min in
	 * x and y.
	if( vips_region_prepare( ir[1], r ) )
		return( -1 );

	VIPS_GATE_START( "vips_mapim_gen: work" ); 

	vips_mapim_region_minmax( ir[1], r, &bounds ); 

	VIPS_GATE_STOP( "vips_mapim_gen: work" ); 

	/* The bounding box of that area is what we will need from @in. Add
	 * enough for the interpolation stencil as well.
	bounds.width += window_size - 1;
	bounds.height += window_size - 1;

	/* Clip against the expanded image.
	image.left = 0;
	image.top = 0;
	image.width = in->Xsize;
	image.height = in->Ysize;
	vips_rect_intersectrect( &bounds, &image, &clipped );

	printf( "vips_mapim_gen: "
		"preparing left=%d, top=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n", 
		clipped.height );
#endif /*DEBUG_VERBOSE*/

	if( vips_rect_isempty( &clipped ) ) {
		vips_region_black( or );
		return( 0 );
	if( vips_region_prepare( ir[0], &clipped ) )
		return( -1 );

	VIPS_GATE_START( "vips_mapim_gen: work" ); 

	/* Resample! x/y loop over pixels in the output image (5).
	for( y = 0; y < r->height; y++ ) {
		VipsPel * restrict p = 
			VIPS_REGION_ADDR( ir[1], r->left, y + r->top );
		VipsPel * restrict q = 
			VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, r->left, y + r->top );

		switch( ir[1]->im->BandFmt ) {
			ULOOKUP( unsigned char ); break; 
			LOOKUP( signed char ); break; 
			ULOOKUP( unsigned short ); break; 
			LOOKUP( signed short ); break; 
			ULOOKUP( unsigned int ); break; 
			LOOKUP( signed int ); break; 

			LOOKUP( float ); break; 

			LOOKUP( double ); break;


	VIPS_GATE_STOP( "vips_mapim_gen: work" ); 

	return( 0 );
コード例 #11
/* A new strip has arrived! The strip has at least enough pixels in to 
 * write a line of tiles or a set of scanlines.  
 * - write a line of tiles / set of scanlines
 * - shrink what we can to the layer below
 * - move our strip down by the tile height
 * - copy the overlap with the previous strip
static int
layer_strip_arrived( Layer *layer )
	Write *write = layer->write;

	int result;
	VipsRect new_strip;
	VipsRect overlap;
	VipsRect image_area;

	if( write->tile ) 
		result = layer_write_tile( write, layer, layer->strip );
		result = layer_write_strip( write, layer, layer->strip );
	if( result )
		return( -1 );

	if( layer->below &&
		layer_strip_shrink( layer ) ) 
		return( -1 );

	/* Position our strip down the image.  
	 * Expand the strip if necessary to make sure we have an even 
	 * number of lines. 
	layer->y += write->tileh;
	new_strip.left = 0;
	new_strip.top = layer->y;
	new_strip.width = layer->image->Xsize;
	new_strip.height = write->tileh;

	image_area.left = 0;
	image_area.top = 0;
	image_area.width = layer->image->Xsize;
	image_area.height = layer->image->Ysize;
	vips_rect_intersectrect( &new_strip, &image_area, &new_strip ); 

	if( (new_strip.height & 1) == 1 )
		new_strip.height += 1;

	/* What pixels that we will need do we already have? Save them in 
	 * overlap.
	vips_rect_intersectrect( &new_strip, &layer->strip->valid, &overlap );
	if( !vips_rect_isempty( &overlap ) ) {
		if( vips_region_buffer( layer->copy, &overlap ) )
			return( -1 );
		vips_region_copy( layer->strip, layer->copy, 
			&overlap, overlap.left, overlap.top );

	if( !vips_rect_isempty( &new_strip ) ) {
		if( vips_region_buffer( layer->strip, &new_strip ) ) 
			return( -1 );

		/* And copy back again.
		if( !vips_rect_isempty( &overlap ) ) 
			vips_region_copy( layer->copy, layer->strip, 
				&overlap, overlap.left, overlap.top );

	return( 0 );
コード例 #12
/* Shrink what pixels we can from this strip into the layer below. If the
 * strip below fills, recurse.
static int
layer_strip_shrink( Layer *layer )
	Layer *below = layer->below;
	VipsRegion *from = layer->strip;
	VipsRegion *to = below->strip;

	VipsRect target;
	VipsRect source;

	/* Our pixels might cross a strip boundary in the layer below, so we
	 * have to write repeatedly until we run out of pixels.
	for(;;) {
		/* The pixels the layer below needs.
		target.left = 0;
		target.top = below->write_y;
		target.width = below->image->Xsize;
		target.height = to->valid.height;
		vips_rect_intersectrect( &target, &to->valid, &target );

		/* Those pixels need this area of this layer. 
		source.left = target.left * 2;
		source.top = target.top * 2;
		source.width = target.width * 2;
		source.height = target.height * 2;

		/* Of which we have these available.
		vips_rect_intersectrect( &source, &from->valid, &source );

		/* So these are the pixels in the layer below we can provide.
		target.left = source.left / 2;
		target.top = source.top / 2;
		target.width = source.width / 2;
		target.height = source.height / 2;

		/* None? All done.
		if( vips_rect_isempty( &target ) ) 

		(void) vips_region_shrink( from, to, &target );

		below->write_y += target.height;

		/* If we've filled the strip below, let it know.
		 * We can either fill the region, if it's somewhere half-way
		 * down the image, or, if it's at the bottom, get to the last
		 * real line of pixels.
		if( below->write_y == VIPS_RECT_BOTTOM( &to->valid ) ||
			below->write_y == below->height ) {
			if( layer_strip_arrived( below ) )
				return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
コード例 #13
static ReadSlide *
readslide_new( const char *filename, VipsImage *out, 
	int level, gboolean autocrop, const char *associated )
	ReadSlide *rslide;
	int64_t w, h;
	const char *error;
	const char *background;
	const char * const *properties;
	char *associated_names;

	if( level && 
		associated ) {
		vips_error( "openslide2vips",
			"%s", _( "specify only one of level or associated "
			"image" ) );
		return( NULL );

	rslide = VIPS_NEW( out, ReadSlide );
	memset( rslide, 0, sizeof( *rslide ) );
	g_signal_connect( out, "close", G_CALLBACK( readslide_destroy_cb ),
		rslide );

	rslide->level = level;
	rslide->autocrop = autocrop;
	rslide->associated = g_strdup( associated );

	/* Non-crazy defaults, override below if we can.
	rslide->tile_width = 256;
	rslide->tile_height = 256;

	rslide->osr = openslide_open( filename );
	if( rslide->osr == NULL ) {
		vips_error( "openslide2vips", 
			"%s", _( "unsupported slide format" ) );
		return( NULL );

	error = openslide_get_error( rslide->osr );
	if( error ) {
		vips_error( "openslide2vips",
			_( "opening slide: %s" ), error );
		return( NULL );

	if( level < 0 || 
		level >= openslide_get_level_count( rslide->osr ) ) {
		vips_error( "openslide2vips",
			"%s", _( "invalid slide level" ) );
		return( NULL );

	if( associated &&
		check_associated_image( rslide->osr, associated ) )
		return( NULL );

	if( associated ) {
		openslide_get_associated_image_dimensions( rslide->osr,
			associated, &w, &h );
		vips_image_set_string( out, "slide-associated-image",
			associated );
		vips_image_pipelinev( out, VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_THINSTRIP, NULL );
	else {
		char buf[256];
		const char *value;

		openslide_get_level_dimensions( rslide->osr,
			level, &w, &h );
		rslide->downsample = openslide_get_level_downsample(
			rslide->osr, level );
		vips_image_set_int( out, "slide-level", level );
		vips_image_pipelinev( out, VIPS_DEMAND_STYLE_SMALLTILE, NULL );

		/* Try to get tile width/height. An undocumented, experimental
		 * feature.
		vips_snprintf( buf, 256, 
			"openslide.level[%d].tile-width", level );
		if( (value = openslide_get_property_value( rslide->osr, buf )) )
			rslide->tile_width = atoi( value );
		vips_snprintf( buf, 256, 
			"openslide.level[%d].tile-height", level );
		if( (value = openslide_get_property_value( rslide->osr, buf )) )
			rslide->tile_height = atoi( value );
		if( value )
			VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "readslide_new: found tile-size\n" );

		/* Some images have a bounds in the header. Crop to 
		 * that if autocrop is set. 
		if( rslide->autocrop ) 
			if( !get_bounds( rslide->osr, &rslide->bounds ) )
				rslide->autocrop = FALSE; 
		if( rslide->autocrop ) {
			VipsRect image;

			rslide->bounds.left /= rslide->downsample;
			rslide->bounds.top /= rslide->downsample;
			rslide->bounds.width /= rslide->downsample;
			rslide->bounds.height /= rslide->downsample;

			/* Clip against image size.
			image.left = 0;
			image.top = 0;
			image.width = w;
			image.height = h;
			vips_rect_intersectrect( &rslide->bounds, &image, 
				&rslide->bounds );

			/* If we've clipped to nothing, ignore bounds.
			if( vips_rect_isempty( &rslide->bounds ) )
				rslide->autocrop = FALSE;
		if( rslide->autocrop ) {
			w = rslide->bounds.width;
			h = rslide->bounds.height;

	rslide->bg = 0xffffff;
	if( (background = openslide_get_property_value( rslide->osr,
		rslide->bg = strtoul( background, NULL, 16 );

	if( w <= 0 || 
		h <= 0 || 
		rslide->downsample < 0 ) {
		vips_error( "openslide2vips", _( "getting dimensions: %s" ),
			openslide_get_error( rslide->osr ) );
		return( NULL );
	if( w > INT_MAX || 
		h > INT_MAX ) {
		vips_error( "openslide2vips",
			"%s", _( "image dimensions overflow int" ) );
		return( NULL );

	if( !rslide->autocrop ) {
		rslide->bounds.left = 0;
		rslide->bounds.top = 0;
		rslide->bounds.width = w;
		rslide->bounds.height = h;

	vips_image_init_fields( out, w, h, 4, VIPS_FORMAT_UCHAR,

	for( properties = openslide_get_property_names( rslide->osr );
		*properties != NULL; properties++ )
		vips_image_set_string( out, *properties,
			openslide_get_property_value( rslide->osr,
			*properties ) );

	associated_names = g_strjoinv( ", ", (char **)
		openslide_get_associated_image_names( rslide->osr ) );
	vips_image_set_string( out, 
		"slide-associated-images", associated_names );
	VIPS_FREE( associated_names );

	return( rslide );
コード例 #14
ファイル: draw_rect.c プロジェクト: DINKIN/libvips
static int
vips_draw_rect_build( VipsObject *object )
	VipsDraw *draw = VIPS_DRAW( object );
	VipsDrawink *drawink = VIPS_DRAWINK( object );
	VipsArea *ink = VIPS_AREA( drawink->ink );
	VipsDrawRect *draw_rect = (VipsDrawRect *) object;
	int left = draw_rect->left;
	int top = draw_rect->top;
	int width = draw_rect->width;
	int height = draw_rect->height;

	VipsRect image;
	VipsRect rect; 
	VipsRect clip;

	if( VIPS_OBJECT_CLASS( vips_draw_rect_parent_class )->build( object ) )
		return( -1 );

	/* Also use a solid fill for very narrow unfilled rects.
	if( !draw_rect->fill &&
		width > 2 &&
		height > 2 ) 
		return( vips_draw_rect( draw->image, 
				ink->data, ink->n, 
				left, top, width, 1, NULL ) ||
			vips_draw_rect( draw->image, 
				ink->data, ink->n, 
				left + width - 1, top, 1, height, NULL ) ||
			vips_draw_rect( draw->image, 
				ink->data, ink->n, 
				left, top + height - 1, width, 1, NULL ) ||
			vips_draw_rect( draw->image, 
				ink->data, ink->n, 
				left, top, 1, height, NULL ) );

	image.left = 0;
	image.top = 0;
	image.width = draw->image->Xsize;
	image.height = draw->image->Ysize;
	rect.left = left;
	rect.top = top;
	rect.width = width;
	rect.height = height;
	vips_rect_intersectrect( &rect, &image, &clip );

	if( !vips_rect_isempty( &clip ) ) {
		VipsPel *to = 
			VIPS_IMAGE_ADDR( draw->image, clip.left, clip.top );

		VipsPel *q;
		int x, y;

		/* We plot the first line pointwise, then memcpy() it for the
		 * subsequent lines.

		q = to;
		for( x = 0; x < clip.width; x++ ) {
			vips__drawink_pel( drawink, q );
			q += draw->psize;

		q = to + draw->lsize;
		for( y = 1; y < clip.height; y++ ) {
			memcpy( q, to, clip.width * draw->psize );
			q += draw->lsize;

	return( 0 );
コード例 #15
ファイル: affine.c プロジェクト: binarytemple/debian-vips
static int
vips_affine_gen( VipsRegion *or, void *seq, void *a, void *b, gboolean *stop )
	VipsRegion *ir = (VipsRegion *) seq;
	const VipsAffine *affine = (VipsAffine *) b;
	const VipsImage *in = (VipsImage *) a;
	const int window_size = 
		vips_interpolate_get_window_size( affine->interpolate );
	const int window_offset = 
		vips_interpolate_get_window_offset( affine->interpolate );
	const VipsInterpolateMethod interpolate = 
		vips_interpolate_get_method( affine->interpolate );

	/* Area we generate in the output image.
	const VipsRect *r = &or->valid;
	const int le = r->left;
	const int ri = VIPS_RECT_RIGHT( r );
	const int to = r->top;
	const int bo = VIPS_RECT_BOTTOM( r );

	const VipsRect *iarea = &affine->trn.iarea;
	const VipsRect *oarea = &affine->trn.oarea;

	int ps = VIPS_IMAGE_SIZEOF_PEL( in );
	int x, y, z;
	VipsRect image, want, need, clipped;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "affine: generating left=%d, top=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n", 
		r->height );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	/* We are generating this chunk of the transformed image.
	want = *r;
	want.left += oarea->left;
	want.top += oarea->top;

	/* Find the area of the input image we need.
	vips__transform_invert_rect( &affine->trn, &want, &need );

	/* That does round-to-nearest, because it has to stop rounding errors
	 * growing images unexpectedly. We need round-down, so we must
	 * add half a pixel along the left and top. But we are int :( so add 1
	 * pixel. 
	 * Add an extra line along the right and bottom as well, for rounding.
	vips_rect_marginadjust( &need, 1 );

	/* Now go to space (2) above.
	need.left += iarea->left;
	need.top += iarea->top;

	/* Add a border for interpolation. 
	need.width += window_size - 1;
	need.height += window_size - 1;
	need.left -= window_offset; 
	need.top -= window_offset;

	/* Clip against the size of (2).
	image.left = 0;
	image.top = 0;
	image.width = in->Xsize;
	image.height = in->Ysize;
	vips_rect_intersectrect( &need, &image, &clipped );

	/* Outside input image? All black.
	if( vips_rect_isempty( &clipped ) ) {
		vips_region_black( or );
		return( 0 );

	/* We do need some pixels from the input image to make our output -
	 * ask for them.
	if( vips_region_prepare( ir, &clipped ) )
		return( -1 );

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "affine: preparing left=%d, top=%d, width=%d, height=%d\n", 
		clipped.height );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	/* Resample! x/y loop over pixels in the output image (5).
	for( y = to; y < bo; y++ ) {
		/* Input clipping rectangle. 
		const int ile = iarea->left;
		const int ito = iarea->top;
		const int iri = iarea->left + iarea->width;
		const int ibo = iarea->top + iarea->height;

		/* Derivative of matrix.
		const double ddx = affine->trn.ia;
		const double ddy = affine->trn.ic;

		/* Continuous cods in transformed space.
		const double ox = le + oarea->left - affine->trn.odx;
		const double oy = y + oarea->top - affine->trn.ody;

		/* Continuous cods in input space.
		double ix, iy;

		VipsPel *q;

		/* To (3).
		ix = affine->trn.ia * ox + affine->trn.ib * oy;
		iy = affine->trn.ic * ox + affine->trn.id * oy;

		/* Now move to (2).
		ix += iarea->left;
		iy += iarea->top;

		/* And the input offset.
		ix -= affine->trn.idx;
		iy -= affine->trn.idy;

		q = VIPS_REGION_ADDR( or, le, y );

		for( x = le; x < ri; x++ ) {
			int fx, fy; 	

			fx = FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR( ix );
			fy = FAST_PSEUDO_FLOOR( iy );

			/* Clipping! 
			if( fx < ile || fx >= iri || fy < ito || fy >= ibo ) {
				for( z = 0; z < ps; z++ ) 
					q[z] = 0;
			else {
				interpolate( affine->interpolate, 
					q, ir, ix, iy );

			ix += ddx;
			iy += ddy;
			q += ps;

	return( 0 );