コード例 #1
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: banketree/faplayer
int config_AutoSaveConfigFile( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    int ret = VLC_SUCCESS;
    bool save = false;

    assert( p_this );

    /* Check if there's anything to save */
    module_t **list = module_list_get (NULL);
    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);
    for (size_t i_index = 0; list[i_index] && !save; i_index++)
        module_t *p_parser = list[i_index];
        module_config_t *p_item, *p_end;

        if( !p_parser->i_config_items ) continue;

        for( p_item = p_parser->p_config, p_end = p_item + p_parser->confsize;
             p_item < p_end && !save;
             p_item++ )
            save = p_item->b_autosave && p_item->b_dirty;

    if (save)
        /* Note: this will get the read lock recursively. Ok. */
        ret = SaveConfigFile (p_this, NULL, true);
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);

    module_list_free (list);
    return ret;
コード例 #2
ファイル: core.c プロジェクト: Aakash-729/vlc
 * config_GetPsz: get the string value of a string variable
 * This function is used to get the value of variables which are internally
 * represented by a string (CONFIG_ITEM_STRING, CONFIG_ITEM_*FILE,
 * Important note: remember to free() the returned char* because it's a
 *   duplicate of the actual value. It isn't safe to return a pointer to the
 *   actual value as it can be modified at any time.
char * config_GetPsz( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_name )
    module_config_t *p_config;

    p_config = config_FindConfig( p_this, psz_name );

    /* sanity checks */
    if( !p_config )
        msg_Err( p_this, "option %s does not exist", psz_name );
        return NULL;

    if (!IsConfigStringType (p_config->i_type))
        msg_Err( p_this, "option %s does not refer to a string", psz_name );
        return NULL;

    /* return a copy of the string */
    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);
    char *psz_value = strdupnull (p_config->value.psz);
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);

    return psz_value;
コード例 #3
ファイル: core.c プロジェクト: Aakash-729/vlc
 * config_GetFloat: get the value of a float variable
 * This function is used to get the value of variables which are internally
 * represented by a float (CONFIG_ITEM_FLOAT).
float config_GetFloat( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_name )
    module_config_t *p_config;

    p_config = config_FindConfig( p_this, psz_name );

    /* sanity checks */
    if( !p_config )
        msg_Err( p_this, "option %s does not exist", psz_name );
        return -1;

    if (!IsConfigFloatType (p_config->i_type))
        msg_Err( p_this, "option %s does not refer to a float", psz_name );
        return -1;

    float val;

    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);
    val = p_config->value.f;
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);
    return val;
コード例 #4
ファイル: interrupt.c プロジェクト: 0xheart0/vlc
static vlc_interrupt_t *vlc_interrupt_get(void)
    vlc_interrupt_t *ctx = NULL;

    if (vlc_interrupt_refs > 0)
        ctx = vlc_threadvar_get(vlc_interrupt_var);
    return ctx;
コード例 #5
ファイル: messages.c プロジェクト: FLYKingdom/vlc-1
static void vlc_vaLogCallback(libvlc_int_t *vlc, int type,
                              const vlc_log_t *item, const char *format,
                              va_list ap)
    vlc_logger_t *logger = libvlc_priv(vlc)->logger;

    assert(logger != NULL);
    logger->log(logger->sys, type, item, format, ap);
コード例 #6
ファイル: messages.c プロジェクト: 371816210/vlc_vlc
 * Emit a log message. This function is the variable argument list equivalent
 * to vlc_Log().
void vlc_vaLog (vlc_object_t *obj, int type, const char *module,
                const char *format, va_list args)
    if (obj != NULL && obj->i_flags & OBJECT_FLAGS_QUIET)

    /* Get basename from the module filename */
    char *p = strrchr(module, '/');
    if (p != NULL)
        module = p;
    p = strchr(module, '.');

    size_t modlen = (p != NULL) ? (p - module) : 1;
    char modulebuf[modlen + 1];
    if (p != NULL)
        memcpy(modulebuf, module, modlen);
        modulebuf[modlen] = '\0';
        module = modulebuf;

    /* Fill message information fields */
    vlc_log_t msg;

    msg.i_object_id = (uintptr_t)obj;
    msg.psz_object_type = (obj != NULL) ? obj->psz_object_type : "generic";
    msg.psz_module = module;
    msg.psz_header = NULL;

    for (vlc_object_t *o = obj; o != NULL; o = o->p_parent)
        if (o->psz_header != NULL)
            msg.psz_header = o->psz_header;

    /* Pass message to the callback */
    libvlc_priv_t *priv = obj ? libvlc_priv (obj->p_libvlc) : NULL;

#ifdef _WIN32
    va_list ap;

    va_copy (ap, args);
    Win32DebugOutputMsg (priv ? &priv->log.verbose : NULL, type, &msg, format, ap);
    va_end (ap);

    if (priv) {
        vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&priv->log.lock);
        priv->log.cb (priv->log.opaque, type, &msg, format, args);
        vlc_rwlock_unlock (&priv->log.lock);
コード例 #7
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: Aakash-729/vlc
int config_AutoSaveConfigFile( vlc_object_t *p_this )
    int ret = 0;

    assert( p_this );

    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);
    if (config_dirty)
        /* Note: this will get the read lock recursively. Ok. */
        ret = config_SaveConfigFile (p_this);
        config_dirty = (ret != 0);
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);

    return ret;
コード例 #8
ファイル: core.c プロジェクト: IAPark/vlc
 * config_GetInt: get the value of an int variable
 * This function is used to get the value of variables which are internally
 * represented by an integer (CONFIG_ITEM_INTEGER and
int64_t config_GetInt( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_name )
    module_config_t *p_config = config_FindConfig( psz_name );

    /* sanity checks */
    if( !p_config )
        msg_Err( p_this, "option %s does not exist", psz_name );
        return -1;


    int64_t val;

    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);
    val = p_config->value.i;
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);
    return val;
コード例 #9
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: banketree/faplayer
 * config_SaveConfigFile: Save a module's config options.
 * This will save the specified module's config options to the config file.
 * If psz_module_name is NULL then we save all the modules config options.
 * It's no use to save the config options that kept their default values, so
 * we'll try to be a bit clever here.
 * When we save we mustn't delete the config options of the modules that
 * haven't been loaded. So we cannot just create a new config file with the
 * config structures we've got in memory.
 * I don't really know how to deal with this nicely, so I will use a completly
 * dumb method ;-)
 * I will load the config file in memory, but skipping all the sections of the
 * modules we want to save. Then I will create a brand new file, dump the file
 * loaded in memory and then append the sections of the modules we want to
 * save.
 * Really stupid no ?
static int SaveConfigFile( vlc_object_t *p_this, const char *psz_module_name,
                           bool b_autosave )
    module_t *p_parser;
    char *permanent = NULL, *temporary = NULL;

    if( config_PrepareDir( p_this ) )
        msg_Err( p_this, "no configuration directory" );
        return -1;

    /* List all available modules */
    module_t **list = module_list_get (NULL);

    char *bigbuf = NULL;
    size_t bigsize = 0;
    FILE *file = config_OpenConfigFile (p_this);
    if (file != NULL)
        struct stat st;

        /* Some users make vlcrc read-only to prevent changes.
         * The atomic replacement scheme breaks this "feature",
         * so we check for read-only by hand. */
        if (fstat (fileno (file), &st)
         || !(st.st_mode & S_IWUSR))
            msg_Err (p_this, "configuration file is read-only");
            goto error;

        bigsize = (st.st_size < LONG_MAX) ? st.st_size : 0;
        bigbuf = malloc (bigsize + 1);
        if (bigbuf == NULL)
            goto error;

        /* backup file into memory, we only need to backup the sections we
         * won't save later on */
        char *p_index = bigbuf;
        char *line = NULL;
        size_t bufsize;
        ssize_t linelen;
        bool backup = false;

        while ((linelen = getline (&line, &bufsize, file)) != -1)
            char *p_index2;

            if ((line[0] == '[') && (p_index2 = strchr(line,']')))
                /* we found a new section, check if we need to do a backup */
                backup = true;
                for (int i = 0; (p_parser = list[i]) != NULL; i++)
                    if (!strncmp (line + 1, p_parser->psz_object_name,
                                  strlen (p_parser->psz_object_name))
                     && ((psz_module_name == NULL)
                      || !strcmp (psz_module_name, p_parser->psz_object_name)))
                        backup = false; /* no, we will rewrite it! */

            /* save line if requested and line is valid (doesn't begin with a
             * space, tab, or eol) */
            if (backup && !memchr ("\n\t ", line[0], 3))
                memcpy (p_index, line, linelen);
                p_index += linelen;
        fclose (file);
        file = NULL;
        free (line);
        *p_index = '\0';
        bigsize = p_index - bigbuf;

     * Save module config in file
    permanent = config_GetConfigFile (p_this);
    if (!permanent)
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;

    if (asprintf (&temporary, "%s.%u", permanent, getpid ()) == -1)
        temporary = NULL;
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;

    /* Configuration lock must be taken before vlcrc serializer below. */
    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);

    /* The temporary configuration file is per-PID. Therefore SaveConfigFile()
     * should be serialized against itself within a given process. */
    static vlc_mutex_t lock = VLC_STATIC_MUTEX;
    vlc_mutex_lock (&lock);

    int fd = vlc_open (temporary, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
    if (fd == -1)
        vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;
    file = fdopen (fd, "wt");
    if (file == NULL)
        msg_Err (p_this, "cannot create configuration file: %m");
        vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);
        close (fd);
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        module_list_free (list);
        goto error;

    fprintf( file,
        "### lines beginning with a '#' character are comments\n"
        "\n" );

    /* Ensure consistent number formatting... */
    locale_t loc = newlocale (LC_NUMERIC_MASK, "C", NULL);
    locale_t baseloc = uselocale (loc);

    /* We would take the config lock here. But this would cause a lock
     * inversion with the serializer above and config_AutoSaveConfigFile().
    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);*/

    /* Look for the selected module, if NULL then save everything */
    for (int i = 0; (p_parser = list[i]) != NULL; i++)
        module_config_t *p_item, *p_end;

        if( psz_module_name && strcmp( psz_module_name,
                                       p_parser->psz_object_name ) )

        if( !p_parser->i_config_items )

        if( psz_module_name )
            msg_Dbg( p_this, "saving config for module \"%s\"",
                     p_parser->psz_object_name );

        fprintf( file, "[%s]", p_parser->psz_object_name );
        if( p_parser->psz_longname )
            fprintf( file, " # %s\n\n", p_parser->psz_longname );
            fprintf( file, "\n\n" );

        for( p_item = p_parser->p_config, p_end = p_item + p_parser->confsize;
             p_item < p_end;
             p_item++ )
            if ((p_item->i_type & CONFIG_HINT) /* ignore hint */
             || p_item->b_removed              /* ignore deprecated option */
             || p_item->b_unsaveable)          /* ignore volatile option */

            /* Do not save the new value in the configuration file
             * if doing an autosave, and the item is not an "autosaved" one. */
            bool b_retain = b_autosave && !p_item->b_autosave;

            if (IsConfigIntegerType (p_item->i_type))
                int64_t val = b_retain ? p_item->saved.i : p_item->value.i;
                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text,
                              (p_item->i_type == CONFIG_ITEM_BOOL)
                                  ? N_("boolean") : N_("integer"),
                              val == p_item->orig.i,
                              p_item->psz_name, "%"PRId64, val);
                p_item->saved.i = val;
            if (IsConfigFloatType (p_item->i_type))
                float val = b_retain ? p_item->saved.f : p_item->value.f;
                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text, N_("float"),
                              val == p_item->orig.f,
                              p_item->psz_name, "%f", val);
                p_item->saved.f = val;
                const char *psz_value = b_retain ? p_item->saved.psz
                                                 : p_item->value.psz;
                bool modified;

                assert (IsConfigStringType (p_item->i_type));

                if (b_retain && (psz_value == NULL)) /* FIXME: hack */
                    psz_value = p_item->orig.psz;

                modified =
                    (psz_value != NULL)
                        ? ((p_item->orig.psz != NULL)
                            ? (strcmp (psz_value, p_item->orig.psz) != 0)
                            : true)
                        : (p_item->orig.psz != NULL);

                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text, N_("string"),
                              !modified, p_item->psz_name, "%s",
                              psz_value ? psz_value : "");

                if ( !b_retain )

                    free ((char *)p_item->saved.psz);
                    if( (psz_value && p_item->orig.psz &&
                         strcmp( psz_value, p_item->orig.psz )) ||
                        !psz_value || !p_item->orig.psz)
                        p_item->saved.psz = strdupnull (psz_value);
                        p_item->saved.psz = NULL;

            if (!b_retain)
                p_item->b_dirty = false;
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);

    module_list_free (list);
    if (loc != (locale_t)0)
        uselocale (baseloc);
        freelocale (loc);

     * Restore old settings from the config in file
    if (bigsize)
        fwrite (bigbuf, 1, bigsize, file);

     * Flush to disk and replace atomically
    fflush (file); /* Flush from run-time */
    if (ferror (file))
        vlc_unlink (temporary);
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        msg_Err (p_this, "cannot write configuration file");
        clearerr (file);
        goto error;
#ifndef WIN32
#ifdef __APPLE__
    fsync (fd); /* Flush from OS */
    fdatasync (fd); /* Flush from OS */
    /* Atomically replace the file... */
    if (vlc_rename (temporary, permanent))
        vlc_unlink (temporary);
    /* (...then synchronize the directory, err, TODO...) */
    /* ...and finally close the file */
    vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
    fclose (file);
#ifdef WIN32
    /* Windows cannot remove open files nor overwrite existing ones */
    vlc_unlink (permanent);
    if (vlc_rename (temporary, permanent))
        vlc_unlink (temporary);
    vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);

    free (temporary);
    free (permanent);
    free (bigbuf);
    return 0;

    if( file )
        fclose( file );
    free (temporary);
    free (permanent);
    free (bigbuf);
    return -1;
コード例 #10
 * Emit a log message. This function is the variable argument list equivalent
 * to vlc_Log().
void vlc_vaLog (vlc_object_t *obj, int type, const char *module,
                const char *format, va_list args)
    if (obj != NULL && obj->i_flags & OBJECT_FLAGS_QUIET)

    /* C locale to get error messages in English in the logs */
    locale_t c = newlocale (LC_MESSAGES_MASK, "C", (locale_t)0);
    locale_t locale = uselocale (c);

#ifndef __GLIBC__
    /* Expand %m to strerror(errno) - only once */
    char buf[strlen(format) + 2001], *ptr;
    strcpy (buf, format);
    ptr = (char*)buf;
    format = (const char*) buf;

    for( ;; )
        ptr = strchr( ptr, '%' );
        if( ptr == NULL )

        if( ptr[1] == 'm' )
            char errbuf[2001];
            size_t errlen;

#ifndef WIN32
            strerror_r( errno, errbuf, 1001 );
            int sockerr = WSAGetLastError( );
            if( sockerr )
                strncpy( errbuf, net_strerror( sockerr ), 1001 );
                WSASetLastError( sockerr );
            if ((sockerr == 0)
             || (strcmp ("Unknown network stack error", errbuf) == 0))
                strncpy( errbuf, strerror( errno ), 1001 );
            errbuf[1000] = 0;

            /* Escape '%' from the error string */
            for( char *percent = strchr( errbuf, '%' );
                 percent != NULL;
                 percent = strchr( percent + 2, '%' ) )
                memmove( percent + 1, percent, strlen( percent ) + 1 );

            errlen = strlen( errbuf );
            memmove( ptr + errlen, ptr + 2, strlen( ptr + 2 ) + 1 );
            memcpy( ptr, errbuf, errlen );
            break; /* Only once, so we don't overflow */

        /* Looks for conversion specifier... */
        while( *ptr && ( strchr( "diouxXeEfFgGaAcspn%", *ptr ) == NULL ) );
        if( *ptr )
            ptr++; /* ...and skip it */

    /* Fill message information fields */
    msg_item_t msg;

    msg.i_object_id = (uintptr_t)obj;
    msg.psz_object_type = (obj != NULL) ? obj->psz_object_type : "generic";
    msg.psz_module = module;
    msg.psz_header = NULL;

    for (vlc_object_t *o = obj; o != NULL; o = o->p_parent)
        if (o->psz_header != NULL)
            msg.psz_header = o->psz_header;

    /* Pass message to subscribers */
    libvlc_priv_t *priv = libvlc_priv (obj->p_libvlc);

    va_list ap;

    va_copy (ap, args);
    if (priv->b_color)
        PrintColorMsg (&priv->i_verbose, type, &msg, format, ap);
        PrintMsg (&priv->i_verbose, type, &msg, format, ap);
    va_end (ap);

    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&msg_lock);
    for (msg_subscription_t *sub = msg_head; sub != NULL; sub = sub->next)
        va_copy (ap, args);
        sub->func (sub->opaque, type, &msg, format, ap);
        va_end (ap);
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&msg_lock);

    uselocale (locale);
    freelocale (c);
コード例 #11
ファイル: file.c プロジェクト: Aakash-729/vlc
 * Saves the in-memory configuration into a file.
 * @return 0 on success, -1 on error.
int config_SaveConfigFile (vlc_object_t *p_this)

    if( config_PrepareDir( p_this ) )
        msg_Err( p_this, "no configuration directory" );
        return -1;

     * Save module config in file
    char *temporary;
    char *permanent = config_GetConfigFile (p_this);
    if (permanent == NULL)
        return -1;
    if (asprintf (&temporary, "%s.%u", permanent, getpid ()) == -1)
        free (permanent);
        return -1;
        struct stat st;

        /* Some users make vlcrc read-only to prevent changes.
         * The atomic replacement scheme breaks this "feature",
         * so we check for read-only by hand. */
        if (stat (permanent, &st) == 0 && !(st.st_mode & S_IWUSR))
            msg_Err (p_this, "configuration file is read-only");
            goto error;

    /* Configuration lock must be taken before vlcrc serializer below. */
    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);

    /* The temporary configuration file is per-PID. Therefore this function
     * should be serialized against itself within a given process. */
    static vlc_mutex_t lock = VLC_STATIC_MUTEX;
    vlc_mutex_lock (&lock);

    int fd = vlc_open (temporary, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR);
    if (fd == -1)
        vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        goto error;
    FILE *file = fdopen (fd, "wt");
    if (file == NULL)
        msg_Err (p_this, "cannot create configuration file: %s",
        vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);
        close (fd);
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        goto error;

    fprintf( file,
        "### lines beginning with a '#' character are comments\n"
        "\n" );

    /* Ensure consistent number formatting... */
    locale_t loc = newlocale (LC_NUMERIC_MASK, "C", NULL);
    locale_t baseloc = uselocale (loc);

    /* We would take the config lock here. But this would cause a lock
     * inversion with the serializer above and config_AutoSaveConfigFile().
    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&config_lock);*/

    /* Look for the selected module, if NULL then save everything */
    size_t count;
    module_t **list = module_list_get (&count);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
        module_t *p_parser = list[i];
        module_config_t *p_item, *p_end;

        if( !p_parser->i_config_items )

        fprintf( file, "[%s]", module_get_object (p_parser) );
        if( p_parser->psz_longname )
            fprintf( file, " # %s\n\n", p_parser->psz_longname );
            fprintf( file, "\n\n" );

        for( p_item = p_parser->p_config, p_end = p_item + p_parser->confsize;
             p_item < p_end;
             p_item++ )
            if (!CONFIG_ITEM(p_item->i_type)   /* ignore hint */
             || p_item->b_removed              /* ignore deprecated option */
             || p_item->b_unsaveable)          /* ignore volatile option */

            if (IsConfigIntegerType (p_item->i_type))
                int64_t val = p_item->value.i;
                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text,
                             (CONFIG_CLASS(p_item->i_type) == CONFIG_ITEM_BOOL)
                                  ? N_("boolean") : N_("integer"),
                              val == p_item->orig.i,
                              p_item->psz_name, "%"PRId64, val);
            if (IsConfigFloatType (p_item->i_type))
                float val = p_item->value.f;
                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text, N_("float"),
                              val == p_item->orig.f,
                              p_item->psz_name, "%f", val);
                const char *psz_value = p_item->value.psz;
                bool modified;

                assert (IsConfigStringType (p_item->i_type));

                modified = !!strcmp (psz_value ? psz_value : "",
                                     p_item->orig.psz ? p_item->orig.psz : "");
                config_Write (file, p_item->psz_text, N_("string"),
                              !modified, p_item->psz_name, "%s",
                              psz_value ? psz_value : "");
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&config_lock);

    module_list_free (list);
    if (loc != (locale_t)0)
        uselocale (baseloc);
        freelocale (loc);

     * Flush to disk and replace atomically
    fflush (file); /* Flush from run-time */
    if (ferror (file))
        vlc_unlink (temporary);
        vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
        msg_Err (p_this, "cannot write configuration file");
        fclose (file);
        goto error;
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__ANDROID__)
    fsync (fd); /* Flush from OS */
    fdatasync (fd); /* Flush from OS */
#if defined (_WIN32) || defined (__OS2__)
    /* Windows cannot (re)move open files nor overwrite existing ones */
    fclose (file);
    vlc_unlink (permanent);
    /* Atomically replace the file... */
    if (vlc_rename (temporary, permanent))
        vlc_unlink (temporary);
    /* (...then synchronize the directory, err, TODO...) */
    /* ...and finally close the file */
    vlc_mutex_unlock (&lock);
#if !defined (_WIN32) && !defined (__OS2__)
    fclose (file);

    free (temporary);
    free (permanent);
    return 0;

    free (temporary);
    free (permanent);
    return -1;
コード例 #12
ファイル: messages.c プロジェクト: AsamQi/vlc
 * Emit a log message. This function is the variable argument list equivalent
 * to vlc_Log().
void vlc_vaLog (vlc_object_t *obj, int type, const char *module,
                const char *format, va_list args)
    if (obj != NULL && obj->i_flags & OBJECT_FLAGS_QUIET)

    /* Get basename from the module filename */
    char *p = strrchr(module, '/');
    if (p != NULL)
        module = p;
    p = strchr(module, '.');

    size_t modlen = (p != NULL) ? (p - module) : 1;
    char modulebuf[modlen];
    if (p != NULL)
        memcpy(modulebuf, module, modlen);
        modulebuf[modlen] = '\0';
        module = modulebuf;

    /* C locale to get error messages in English in the logs */
    locale_t c = newlocale (LC_MESSAGES_MASK, "C", (locale_t)0);
    locale_t locale = uselocale (c);

#ifndef __GLIBC__
    /* Expand %m to strerror(errno) - only once */
    char buf[strlen(format) + 2001], *ptr;
    strcpy (buf, format);
    ptr = (char*)buf;
    format = (const char*) buf;

    for( ;; )
        ptr = strchr( ptr, '%' );
        if( ptr == NULL )

        if( ptr[1] == 'm' )
            char errbuf[2001];
            size_t errlen;

#ifndef _WIN32
            strerror_r( errno, errbuf, 1001 );
            int sockerr = WSAGetLastError( );
            if( sockerr )
                strncpy( errbuf, net_strerror( sockerr ), 1001 );
                WSASetLastError( sockerr );
            if ((sockerr == 0)
             || (strcmp ("Unknown network stack error", errbuf) == 0))
                strncpy( errbuf, strerror( errno ), 1001 );
            errbuf[1000] = 0;

            /* Escape '%' from the error string */
            for( char *percent = strchr( errbuf, '%' );
                 percent != NULL;
                 percent = strchr( percent + 2, '%' ) )
                memmove( percent + 1, percent, strlen( percent ) + 1 );

            errlen = strlen( errbuf );
            memmove( ptr + errlen, ptr + 2, strlen( ptr + 2 ) + 1 );
            memcpy( ptr, errbuf, errlen );
            break; /* Only once, so we don't overflow */

        /* Looks for conversion specifier... */
        while( *ptr && ( strchr( "diouxXeEfFgGaAcspn%", *ptr ) == NULL ) );
        if( *ptr )
            ptr++; /* ...and skip it */

    /* Fill message information fields */
    vlc_log_t msg;

    msg.i_object_id = (uintptr_t)obj;
    msg.psz_object_type = (obj != NULL) ? obj->psz_object_type : "generic";
    msg.psz_module = module;
    msg.psz_header = NULL;

    for (vlc_object_t *o = obj; o != NULL; o = o->p_parent)
        if (o->psz_header != NULL)
            msg.psz_header = o->psz_header;

    /* Pass message to the callback */
    libvlc_priv_t *priv = obj ? libvlc_priv (obj->p_libvlc) : NULL;

#ifdef _WIN32
    va_list ap;

    va_copy (ap, args);
    Win32DebugOutputMsg (priv ? &priv->log.verbose : NULL, type, &msg, format, ap);
    va_end (ap);

    if (priv) {
        vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&priv->log.lock);
        priv->log.cb (priv->log.opaque, type, &msg, format, args);
        vlc_rwlock_unlock (&priv->log.lock);

    uselocale (locale);
    freelocale (c);
コード例 #13
ファイル: messages.c プロジェクト: OneDream/faplayer
 * Add a message to a queue
 * This function provides basic functionnalities to other msg_* functions.
 * It adds a message to a queue (after having printed all stored messages if it
 * is full). If the message can't be converted to string in memory, it issues
 * a warning.
void msg_GenericVa (vlc_object_t *p_this, int i_type,
                           const char *psz_module,
                           const char *psz_format, va_list _args)
    char *       psz_str = NULL;                 /* formatted message string */
    va_list      args;

    assert (p_this);

    if( p_this->i_flags & OBJECT_FLAGS_QUIET ||
        (p_this->i_flags & OBJECT_FLAGS_NODBG && i_type == VLC_MSG_DBG) )

    msg_bank_t *bank = libvlc_bank (p_this->p_libvlc);
    locale_t locale = uselocale (bank->locale);

#ifndef __GLIBC__
    /* Expand %m to strerror(errno) - only once */
    char buf[strlen( psz_format ) + 2001], *ptr;
    strcpy( buf, psz_format );
    ptr = (char*)buf;
    psz_format = (const char*) buf;

    for( ;; )
        ptr = strchr( ptr, '%' );
        if( ptr == NULL )

        if( ptr[1] == 'm' )
            char errbuf[2001];
            size_t errlen;

#ifndef WIN32
            strerror_r( errno, errbuf, 1001 );
            int sockerr = WSAGetLastError( );
            if( sockerr )
                strncpy( errbuf, net_strerror( sockerr ), 1001 );
                WSASetLastError( sockerr );
            if ((sockerr == 0)
             || (strcmp ("Unknown network stack error", errbuf) == 0))
                strncpy( errbuf, strerror( errno ), 1001 );
            errbuf[1000] = 0;

            /* Escape '%' from the error string */
            for( char *percent = strchr( errbuf, '%' );
                 percent != NULL;
                 percent = strchr( percent + 2, '%' ) )
                memmove( percent + 1, percent, strlen( percent ) + 1 );

            errlen = strlen( errbuf );
            memmove( ptr + errlen, ptr + 2, strlen( ptr + 2 ) + 1 );
            memcpy( ptr, errbuf, errlen );
            break; /* Only once, so we don't overflow */

        /* Looks for conversion specifier... */
        while( *ptr && ( strchr( "diouxXeEfFgGaAcspn%", *ptr ) == NULL ) );
        if( *ptr )
            ptr++; /* ...and skip it */

    /* Convert message to string  */
    vlc_va_copy( args, _args );
    if( vasprintf( &psz_str, psz_format, args ) == -1 )
        psz_str = NULL;
    va_end( args );

    if( psz_str == NULL )
        int canc = vlc_savecancel (); /* Do not print half of a message... */
#ifdef __GLIBC__
        fprintf( stderr, "main warning: can't store message (%m): " );
        char psz_err[1001];
#ifndef WIN32
        /* we're not using GLIBC, so we are sure that the error description
         * will be stored in the buffer we provide to strerror_r() */
        strerror_r( errno, psz_err, 1001 );
        strncpy( psz_err, strerror( errno ), 1001 );
        psz_err[1000] = '\0';
        fprintf( stderr, "main warning: can't store message (%s): ", psz_err );
        vlc_va_copy( args, _args );
        /* We should use utf8_vfprintf - but it calls malloc()... */
        vfprintf( stderr, psz_format, args );
        va_end( args );
        fputs( "\n", stderr );
        vlc_restorecancel (canc);
        uselocale (locale);
    uselocale (locale);

    /* Fill message information fields */
    msg_item_t msg;

    msg.i_type = i_type;
    msg.i_object_id = (uintptr_t)p_this;
    msg.psz_object_type = p_this->psz_object_type;
    msg.psz_module = psz_module;
    msg.psz_msg = psz_str;
    msg.psz_header = NULL;

    for (vlc_object_t *o = p_this; o != NULL; o = o->p_parent)
        if (o->psz_header != NULL)
            msg.psz_header = o->psz_header;

    PrintMsg( p_this, &msg );

    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&bank->lock);
    for (int i = 0; i < bank->i_sub; i++)
        msg_subscription_t *sub = bank->pp_sub[i];
        libvlc_priv_t *priv = libvlc_priv( sub->instance );
        msg_bank_t *bank = priv->msg_bank;
        void *val = vlc_dictionary_value_for_key( &bank->enabled_objects,
                                                  msg.psz_module );
        if( val == kObjectPrintingDisabled ) continue;
        if( val != kObjectPrintingEnabled  ) /*if not allowed */
            val = vlc_dictionary_value_for_key( &bank->enabled_objects,
                                                msg.psz_object_type );
            if( val == kObjectPrintingDisabled ) continue;
            if( val == kObjectPrintingEnabled  ); /* Allowed */
            else if( !bank->all_objects_enabled ) continue;
        switch( msg.i_type )
            case VLC_MSG_INFO:
            case VLC_MSG_ERR:
                if( sub->verbosity < 0 ) continue;
            case VLC_MSG_WARN:
                if( sub->verbosity < 1 ) continue;
            case VLC_MSG_DBG:
                if( sub->verbosity < 2 ) continue;

        sub->func (sub->opaque, &msg);
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&bank->lock);
    free (msg.psz_msg);
コード例 #14
 * Add a message to a queue
 * This function provides basic functionnalities to other msg_* functions.
 * It adds a message to a queue (after having printed all stored messages if it
 * is full). If the message can't be converted to string in memory, it issues
 * a warning.
void msg_GenericVa (vlc_object_t *p_this, int i_type,
                           const char *psz_module,
                           const char *psz_format, va_list _args)
    size_t      i_header_size;             /* Size of the additionnal header */
    vlc_object_t *p_obj;
    char *       psz_str = NULL;                 /* formatted message string */
    char *       psz_header = NULL;
    va_list      args;

    assert (p_this);

    if( p_this->i_flags & OBJECT_FLAGS_QUIET ||
        (p_this->i_flags & OBJECT_FLAGS_NODBG && i_type == VLC_MSG_DBG) )

    msg_bank_t *bank = libvlc_bank (p_this->p_libvlc);
    locale_t locale = uselocale (bank->locale);

#ifndef __GLIBC__
    /* Expand %m to strerror(errno) - only once */
    char buf[strlen( psz_format ) + 2001], *ptr;
    strcpy( buf, psz_format );
    ptr = (char*)buf;
    psz_format = (const char*) buf;

    for( ;; )
        ptr = strchr( ptr, '%' );
        if( ptr == NULL )

        if( ptr[1] == 'm' )
            char errbuf[2001];
            size_t errlen;

#ifndef WIN32
            strerror_r( errno, errbuf, 1001 );
            int sockerr = WSAGetLastError( );
            if( sockerr )
                strncpy( errbuf, net_strerror( sockerr ), 1001 );
                WSASetLastError( sockerr );
            if ((sockerr == 0)
             || (strcmp ("Unknown network stack error", errbuf) == 0))
                strncpy( errbuf, strerror( errno ), 1001 );
            errbuf[1000] = 0;

            /* Escape '%' from the error string */
            for( char *percent = strchr( errbuf, '%' );
                 percent != NULL;
                 percent = strchr( percent + 2, '%' ) )
                memmove( percent + 1, percent, strlen( percent ) + 1 );

            errlen = strlen( errbuf );
            memmove( ptr + errlen, ptr + 2, strlen( ptr + 2 ) + 1 );
            memcpy( ptr, errbuf, errlen );
            break; /* Only once, so we don't overflow */

        /* Looks for conversion specifier... */
        while( *ptr && ( strchr( "diouxXeEfFgGaAcspn%", *ptr ) == NULL ) );
        if( *ptr )
            ptr++; /* ...and skip it */

    /* Convert message to string  */
    vlc_va_copy( args, _args );
    if( vasprintf( &psz_str, psz_format, args ) == -1 )
        psz_str = NULL;
    va_end( args );

    if( psz_str == NULL )
        int canc = vlc_savecancel (); /* Do not print half of a message... */
#ifdef __GLIBC__
        fprintf( stderr, "main warning: can't store message (%m): " );
        char psz_err[1001];
#ifndef WIN32
        /* we're not using GLIBC, so we are sure that the error description
         * will be stored in the buffer we provide to strerror_r() */
        strerror_r( errno, psz_err, 1001 );
        strncpy( psz_err, strerror( errno ), 1001 );
        psz_err[1000] = '\0';
        fprintf( stderr, "main warning: can't store message (%s): ", psz_err );
        vlc_va_copy( args, _args );
        /* We should use utf8_vfprintf - but it calls malloc()... */
        vfprintf( stderr, psz_format, args );
        va_end( args );
        fputs( "\n", stderr );
        vlc_restorecancel (canc);
        uselocale (locale);
    uselocale (locale);

    msg_item_t * p_item = malloc (sizeof (*p_item));
    if (p_item == NULL)
        return; /* Uho! */

    vlc_gc_init (p_item, msg_Free);
    p_item->psz_module = p_item->psz_msg = p_item->psz_header = NULL;

    i_header_size = 0;
    p_obj = p_this;
    while( p_obj != NULL )
        char *psz_old = NULL;
        if( p_obj->psz_header )
            i_header_size += strlen( p_obj->psz_header ) + 4;
            if( psz_header )
                psz_old = strdup( psz_header );
                psz_header = xrealloc( psz_header, i_header_size );
                snprintf( psz_header, i_header_size , "[%s] %s",
                          p_obj->psz_header, psz_old );
                psz_header = xmalloc( i_header_size );
                snprintf( psz_header, i_header_size, "[%s]",
                          p_obj->psz_header );
        free( psz_old );
        p_obj = p_obj->p_parent;

    /* Fill message information fields */
    p_item->i_type =        i_type;
    p_item->i_object_id =   (uintptr_t)p_this;
    p_item->psz_object_type = p_this->psz_object_type;
    p_item->psz_module =    strdup( psz_module );
    p_item->psz_msg =       psz_str;
    p_item->psz_header =    psz_header;

    PrintMsg( p_this, p_item );

    vlc_rwlock_rdlock (&bank->lock);
    for (int i = 0; i < bank->i_sub; i++)
        msg_subscription_t *sub = bank->pp_sub[i];
        sub->func (sub->opaque, p_item, 0);
    vlc_rwlock_unlock (&bank->lock);
    msg_Release (p_item);