コード例 #1
ファイル: stack-overflow.cpp プロジェクト: 292388900/hhvm
void handleStackOverflow(ActRec* calleeAR) {
   * First synchronize registers.
   * We're called in two situations: either this is the first frame after a
   * re-entry, in which case calleeAR->m_sfp is enterTCHelper's native stack,
   * or we're called in the middle of one VM entry (from a func prologue).  We
   * want to raise the exception from the caller's FCall instruction in the
   * second case, and in the first case we have to raise in a special way
   * inside this re-entry.
   * Either way the stack depth is below the calleeAR by numArgs, because we
   * haven't run func prologue duties yet.
  auto& unsafeRegs = vmRegsUnsafe();
  auto const isReentry = calleeAR == vmFirstAR();
  auto const arToSync = isReentry ? calleeAR : calleeAR->m_sfp;
  unsafeRegs.fp = arToSync;
  unsafeRegs.stack.top() =
    reinterpret_cast<Cell*>(calleeAR) - calleeAR->numArgs();
  auto const func_base = arToSync->func()->base();
  // calleeAR m_soff is 0 in the re-entry case, so we'll set pc to the func
  // base.  But it also doesn't matter because we're going to throw a special
  // VMReenterStackOverflow in that case so the unwinder won't worry about it.
  unsafeRegs.pc = arToSync->func()->unit()->at(func_base + calleeAR->m_soff);
  tl_regState = VMRegState::CLEAN;

  if (!isReentry) {
     * The normal case - we were called via FCall, or FCallArray.  We need to
     * construct the pc of the fcall from the return address (which will be
     * after the fcall). Because fcall is a variable length instruction, and
     * because we sometimes delete instructions from the instruction stream, we
     * need to use fpi regions to find the fcall.
    const FPIEnt* fe = liveFunc()->findPrecedingFPI(
    vmpc() = liveUnit()->at(fe->m_fcallOff);
    raise_error("Stack overflow");
  } else {
     * We were called via re-entry.  Leak the params and the ActRec, and tell
     * the unwinder that there's nothing left to do in this "entry".
     * Also, the caller hasn't set up the m_invName area on the ActRec (unless
     * it was a magic call), since it's the prologue's responsibility if it's a
     * non-magic call.  We can just null it out since we're fatalling.
    vmsp() = reinterpret_cast<Cell*>(calleeAR + 1);
    throw VMReenterStackOverflow();
コード例 #2
ファイル: unwind-x64.cpp プロジェクト: KOgames/hhvm
void sync_regstate(_Unwind_Context* context) {
  assertx(tl_regState == VMRegState::DIRTY);

  uintptr_t frameRbp = _Unwind_GetGR(context, Debug::RBP);
  uintptr_t frameRip = _Unwind_GetIP(context);
  FTRACE(2, "syncing regstate for rbp: {:#x} rip: {:#x}\n", frameRbp, frameRip);

   * fixupWork expects to be looking at the first frame that is out of
   * the TC.  We have RBP/RIP for the TC frame that called out here,
   * so we make a fake ActRec here to give it what it expects.
   * Note: this doesn't work for IndirectFixup situations.  However,
   * currently IndirectFixup is only used for destructors, which
   * aren't allowed to throw, so this is ok.
  ActRec fakeAr;
  fakeAr.m_sfp = reinterpret_cast<ActRec*>(frameRbp);
  fakeAr.m_savedRip = frameRip;

  mcg->fixupMap().fixupWork(g_context.getNoCheck(), &fakeAr);
  tl_regState = VMRegState::CLEAN;
  FTRACE(2, "synced vmfp: {} vmsp: {} vmpc: {}\n", vmfp(), vmsp(), vmpc());
コード例 #3
ファイル: heap-collect.cpp プロジェクト: akirakoyasu/hhvm
void collectImpl(const char* phase) {
    VMRegAnchor _;
    if (t_eager_gc && RuntimeOption::EvalFilterGCPoints) {
        t_eager_gc = false;
        auto pc = vmpc();
        if (t_surprise_filter.test(pc)) return;
        TRACE(2, "eager gc %s at %p\n", phase, pc);
    } else {
        TRACE(2, "normal gc %s at %p\n", phase, vmpc());
    Marker mkr;
コード例 #4
TCA fcallHelper(ActRec* ar) {

  if (LIKELY(!RuntimeOption::EvalFailJitPrologs)) {
    auto const tca = mcg->getFuncPrologue(
    if (tca) return tca;

  // Check for stack overflow in the same place func prologues make their
  // StackCheck::Early check (see irgen-func-prologue.cpp).  This handler also
  // cleans and syncs vmRegs for us.
  if (checkCalleeStackOverflow(ar)) handleStackOverflow(ar);

  try {
    VMRegAnchor _(ar);
    if (doFCall(ar, vmpc())) {
      return mcg->tx().uniqueStubs.resumeHelperRet;
    // We've been asked to skip the function body (fb_intercept).  The vmregs
    // have already been fixed; indicate this with a nullptr return.
    return nullptr;
  } catch (...) {
    // The VMRegAnchor above took care of us, but we need to tell the unwinder
    // (since ~VMRegAnchor() will have reset tl_regState).
    tl_regState = VMRegState::CLEAN;
コード例 #5
ファイル: unwind.cpp プロジェクト: BwRy/hhvm
// Unwind the frame for a builtin.  Currently only used when switching
// modes for hphpd_break and fb_enable_code_coverage.
void unwindBuiltinFrame() {
  auto& stack = vmStack();
  auto& fp = vmfp();

  assert(fp->m_func->name()->isame(s_hphpd_break.get()) ||

  // Free any values that may be on the eval stack.  We know there
  // can't be FPI regions and it can't be a generator body because
  // it's a builtin frame.
  auto const evalTop = reinterpret_cast<TypedValue*>(vmfp());
  while (stack.topTV() < evalTop) {

  // Free the locals and VarEnv if there is one
  auto rv = make_tv<KindOfNull>();
  frame_free_locals_inl(fp, fp->m_func->numLocals(), &rv);

  // Tear down the frame
  Offset pc = -1;
  ActRec* sfp = g_context->getPrevVMState(fp, &pc);
  assert(pc != -1);
  fp = sfp;
  vmpc() = fp->m_func->unit()->at(pc);
  stack.pushNull(); // return value
コード例 #6
ファイル: fixup.cpp プロジェクト: bradparks/hhvm
FixupMap::fixupWorkSimulated(ExecutionContext* ec) const {
  TRACE(1, "fixup(begin):\n");

  auto isVMFrame = [] (ActRec* ar, const vixl::Simulator* sim) {
    // If this assert is failing, you may have forgotten a sync point somewhere
    bool ret =
      uintptr_t(ar) - s_stackLimit >= s_stackSize &&
    assert(!ret ||
           (ar >= vmStack().getStackLowAddress() &&
            ar < vmStack().getStackHighAddress()) ||
    return ret;

  // For each nested simulator (corresponding to nested VM invocations), look at
  // its PC to find a potential fixup key.
  // Callstack walking is necessary, because we may get called from a
  // uniqueStub.
  for (int i = ec->m_activeSims.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
    auto const* sim = ec->m_activeSims[i];
    auto* rbp = reinterpret_cast<ActRec*>(sim->xreg(JIT::ARM::rVmFp.code()));
    auto tca = reinterpret_cast<TCA>(sim->pc());
    TRACE(2, "considering frame %p, %p\n", rbp, tca);

    while (rbp && !isVMFrame(rbp, sim)) {
      tca = reinterpret_cast<TCA>(rbp->m_savedRip);
      rbp = rbp->m_sfp;

    if (!rbp) continue;

    auto* ent = m_fixups.find(tca);
    if (!ent) {

    if (ent->isIndirect()) {

    VMRegs regs;
    regsFromActRec(tca, rbp, ent->fixup, &regs);
    TRACE(2, "fixup(end): func %s fp %p sp %p pc %p\b",
          regs.m_fp, regs.m_sp, regs.m_pc);
    vmfp() = const_cast<ActRec*>(regs.m_fp);
    vmpc() = reinterpret_cast<PC>(regs.m_pc);
    vmsp() = regs.m_sp;

  // This shouldn't be reached.
コード例 #7
ファイル: unwind.cpp プロジェクト: BwRy/hhvm
UnwindAction enterUnwinder() {
  auto fault = g_context->m_faults.back();
  return unwind(
    vmfp(),    // by ref
    vmStack(), // by ref
    vmpc(),    // by ref
コード例 #8
ファイル: cmd_out.cpp プロジェクト: shixiao/hhvm
void CmdOut::onBeginInterrupt(DebuggerProxy &proxy, CmdInterrupt &interrupt) {
    TRACE(2, "CmdOut::onBeginInterrupt\n");
    assert(!m_complete); // Complete cmds should not be asked to do work.

    m_needsVMInterrupt = false;

    if (m_skippingOverPopR) {
        m_complete = true;

    int currentVMDepth = g_context->m_nesting;
    int currentStackDepth = proxy.getStackDepth();

    // Deeper or same depth? Keep running.
    if ((currentVMDepth > m_vmDepth) ||
            ((currentVMDepth == m_vmDepth) && (currentStackDepth >= m_stackDepth))) {
        TRACE(2, "CmdOut: deeper, keep running...\n");

    if (interrupt.getInterruptType() == ExceptionHandler) {
        // If we're about to enter an exception handler we turn interrupts on to
        // ensure we stop when control reaches the handler. The normal logic below
        // will decide if we're done at that point or not.
        TRACE(2, "CmdOut: exception thrown\n");
        m_needsVMInterrupt = true;

    TRACE(2, "CmdOut: shallower stack depth, done.\n");
    int depth = decCount();
    if (depth == 0) {
        PC pc = vmpc();
        // Step over PopR following a call
        if (*reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(pc) == Op::PopR) {
            m_skippingOverPopR = true;
            m_needsVMInterrupt = true;
        } else {
            m_complete = true;
    } else {
        TRACE(2, "CmdOut: not complete, step out again.\n");
        onSetup(proxy, interrupt);
コード例 #9
ファイル: cmd_next.cpp プロジェクト: facebook/hhvm
void CmdNext::onSetup(DebuggerProxy& proxy, CmdInterrupt& interrupt) {
  TRACE(2, "CmdNext::onSetup\n");
  assertx(!m_complete); // Complete cmds should not be asked to do work.
  m_stackDepth = proxy.getStackDepth();
  m_vmDepth = g_context->m_nesting;
  m_loc = interrupt.getFileLine();
  ActRec *fp = vmfp();
  if (!fp) {
    // If we have no frame just wait for the next instruction to be interpreted.
    m_needsVMInterrupt = true;
  PC pc = vmpc();
  stepCurrentLine(interrupt, fp, pc);
コード例 #10
TCA fcallHelper(ActRec* ar, void* sp) {
  try {
    TCA tca =
      mcg->getFuncPrologue((Func*)ar->m_func, ar->numArgs(), ar);
    if (tca) {
      return tca;
    if (!ar->m_func->isClonedClosure()) {
       * If the func is a cloned closure, then the original
       * closure has already run the prologue, and the prologues
       * array is just being used as entry points for the
       * dv funclets. Dont run the prologue again.
      VMRegAnchor _(ar);
      if (g_context->doFCall(ar, vmpc())) {
        return tx->uniqueStubs.resumeHelperRet;
      // We've been asked to skip the function body
      // (fb_intercept). frame, stack and pc have
      // already been fixed - flag that with a negative
      // return address.
      return (TCA)-ar->m_savedRip;
    setupAfterPrologue(ar, sp);
    assert(ar == vmfp());
    return tx->uniqueStubs.resumeHelper;
  } catch (...) {
      The return address is set to __fcallHelperThunk,
      which has no unwind information. Its "logically"
      part of the tc, but the c++ unwinder wont know
      that. So point our return address at the called
      function's return address (which will be in the
      Note that the registers really are clean - we
      cleaned them in the try above - so we just
      have to tell the unwinder that.
    tl_regState = VMRegState::CLEAN;
    framePtr->m_savedRip = ar->m_savedRip;
コード例 #11
ファイル: memory-profile.cpp プロジェクト: Mo-k-tec/hhvm
// stack trace helper
static ProfileStackTrace getStackTrace() {
  ProfileStackTrace trace;

  if (g_context.isNull()) return trace;
  VMRegAnchor _;
  ActRec *fp = vmfp();
  if (!fp) return trace;
  PC pc = vmpc();

  const Func *f = fp->m_func;
  Unit *u = f->unit();
  Offset off = pc - u->entry();
  for (;;) {
    trace.push_back({ f, off, fp->resumed() });
    fp = g_context->getPrevVMStateUNSAFE(fp, &off);
    if (!fp) break;
    f = fp->m_func;
  return trace;
コード例 #12
ファイル: enter-tc.cpp プロジェクト: apeabody/hhvm
void enterTC(TCA start, ActRec* stashedAR) {
  if (debug) {

  assertx(((uintptr_t)vmsp() & (sizeof(Cell) - 1)) == 0);
  assertx(((uintptr_t)vmfp() & (sizeof(Cell) - 1)) == 0);

  if (Trace::moduleEnabled(Trace::ringbuffer, 1)) {
    auto skData = SrcKey{liveFunc(), vmpc(), liveResumed()}.toAtomicInt();
    Trace::ringbufferEntry(Trace::RBTypeEnterTC, skData, (uint64_t)start);

  tl_regState = VMRegState::DIRTY;
  enterTCImpl(start, stashedAR);
  tl_regState = VMRegState::CLEAN;

  vmfp() = nullptr;
コード例 #13
ファイル: exceptions.cpp プロジェクト: 292388900/hhvm
void throwable_init(ObjectData* throwable) {

  auto trace = HHVM_FN(debug_backtrace)(exception_get_trace_options());
    make_tv<KindOfArray>(trace.detach()), throwable->propVec()[s_traceIdx]);

  VMRegAnchor _;
  auto const fp = vmfp();
  if (UNLIKELY(!fp)) return;
  if (UNLIKELY(fp->func()->isBuiltin())) {
  } else {
    assertx(throwable->propVec()[s_fileIdx].m_type == KindOfNull);
    assertx(throwable->propVec()[s_lineIdx].m_type == KindOfNull);
    auto const unit = fp->func()->unit();
    auto const file = const_cast<StringData*>(unit->filepath());
    auto const line = unit->getLineNumber(unit->offsetOf(vmpc()));
    cellDup(make_tv<KindOfString>(file), throwable->propVec()[s_fileIdx]);
    cellDup(make_tv<KindOfInt64>(line), throwable->propVec()[s_lineIdx]);
コード例 #14
ファイル: backtrace.cpp プロジェクト: aruiz14/hhvm
Array createBacktrace(const BacktraceArgs& btArgs) {
  auto bt = Array::Create();

  // If there is a parser frame, put it at the beginning of the backtrace.
  if (btArgs.m_parserFrame) {
        s_file, btArgs.m_parserFrame->filename,
        s_line, btArgs.m_parserFrame->lineNumber

  VMRegAnchor _;
  // If there are no VM frames, we're done.
  if (!rds::header() || !vmfp()) return bt;

  int depth = 0;
  ActRec* fp = nullptr;
  Offset pc = 0;

  // Get the fp and pc of the top frame (possibly skipping one frame).

  if (btArgs.m_skipTop) {
    fp = getPrevActRec(vmfp(), &pc);
    // We skipped over the only VM frame, we're done.
    if (!fp) return bt;
  } else {
    fp = vmfp();
    auto const unit = fp->func()->unit();
    pc = unit->offsetOf(vmpc());

  // Handle the top frame.
  if (btArgs.m_withSelf) {
    // Builtins don't have a file and line number.
    if (!fp->func()->isBuiltin()) {
      auto const unit = fp->func()->unit();
      auto const filename = fp->func()->filename();

      ArrayInit frame(btArgs.m_parserFrame ? 4 : 2, ArrayInit::Map{});
      frame.set(s_file, Variant{const_cast<StringData*>(filename)});
      frame.set(s_line, unit->getLineNumber(pc));
      if (btArgs.m_parserFrame) {
        frame.set(s_function, s_include);
        frame.set(s_args, Array::Create(btArgs.m_parserFrame->filename));

  // Handle the subsequent VM frames.
  Offset prevPc = 0;
  for (auto prevFp = getPrevActRec(fp, &prevPc);
       fp != nullptr && (btArgs.m_limit == 0 || depth < btArgs.m_limit);
       fp = prevFp, pc = prevPc,
         prevFp = getPrevActRec(fp, &prevPc)) {
    // Do not capture frame for HPHP only functions.
    if (fp->func()->isNoInjection()) continue;

    ArrayInit frame(7, ArrayInit::Map{});

    auto const curUnit = fp->func()->unit();
    auto const curOp = *reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(curUnit->at(pc));
    auto const isReturning =
      curOp == Op::RetC || curOp == Op::RetV ||
      curOp == Op::CreateCont || curOp == Op::Await ||

    // Builtins and generators don't have a file and line number
    if (prevFp && !prevFp->func()->isBuiltin()) {
      auto const prevUnit = prevFp->func()->unit();
      auto prevFile = prevUnit->filepath();
      if (prevFp->func()->originalFilename()) {
        prevFile = prevFp->func()->originalFilename();
      frame.set(s_file, Variant{const_cast<StringData*>(prevFile)});

      // In the normal method case, the "saved pc" for line number printing is
      // pointing at the cell conversion (Unbox/Pop) instruction, not the call
      // itself. For multi-line calls, this instruction is associated with the
      // subsequent line which results in an off-by-n. We're subtracting one
      // in order to look up the line associated with the FCall/FCallArray
      // instruction. Exception handling and the other opcodes (ex. BoxR)
      // already do the right thing. The emitter associates object access with
      // the subsequent expression and this would be difficult to modify.
      auto const opAtPrevPc =
        *reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(prevUnit->at(prevPc));
      Offset pcAdjust = 0;
      if (opAtPrevPc == Op::PopR ||
          opAtPrevPc == Op::UnboxR ||
          opAtPrevPc == Op::UnboxRNop) {
        pcAdjust = 1;
                prevFp->func()->unit()->getLineNumber(prevPc - pcAdjust));

    // Check for include.
    String funcname{const_cast<StringData*>(fp->func()->name())};
    if (fp->func()->isClosureBody()) {
      // Strip the file hash from the closure name.
      String fullName{const_cast<StringData*>(fp->func()->baseCls()->name())};
      funcname = fullName.substr(0, fullName.find(';'));

    // Check for pseudomain.
    if (funcname.empty()) {
      if (!prevFp && !btArgs.m_withPseudoMain) continue;
      else if (!prevFp) funcname = s_main;
      else funcname = s_include;

    frame.set(s_function, funcname);

    if (!funcname.same(s_include)) {
      // Closures have an m_this but they aren't in object context.
      auto ctx = arGetContextClass(fp);
      if (ctx != nullptr && !fp->func()->isClosureBody()) {
        frame.set(s_class, Variant{const_cast<StringData*>(ctx->name())});
        if (fp->hasThis() && !isReturning) {
          if (btArgs.m_withThis) {
            frame.set(s_object, Object(fp->getThis()));
          frame.set(s_type, s_arrow);
        } else {
          frame.set(s_type, s_double_colon);

    bool const mayUseVV = fp->func()->attrs() & AttrMayUseVV;

    auto const withNames = btArgs.m_withArgNames;
    auto const withValues = btArgs.m_withArgValues;
    if (!btArgs.m_withArgNames && !btArgs.m_withArgValues) {
      // do nothing
    } else if (funcname.same(s_include)) {
      if (depth != 0) {
        auto filepath = const_cast<StringData*>(curUnit->filepath());
        frame.set(s_args, make_packed_array(filepath));
    } else if (!RuntimeOption::EnableArgsInBacktraces || isReturning) {
      // Provide an empty 'args' array to be consistent with hphpc.
      frame.set(s_args, empty_array());
    } else {
      auto args = Array::Create();
      auto const nparams = fp->func()->numNonVariadicParams();
      auto const nargs = fp->numArgs();
      auto const nformals = std::min<int>(nparams, nargs);

      if (UNLIKELY(mayUseVV) &&
          UNLIKELY(fp->hasVarEnv() && fp->getVarEnv()->getFP() != fp)) {
        // VarEnv is attached to eval or debugger frame, other than the current
        // frame. Access locals thru VarEnv.
        auto varEnv = fp->getVarEnv();
        auto func = fp->func();
        for (int i = 0; i < nformals; i++) {
          auto const argname = func->localVarName(i);
          auto const tv = varEnv->lookup(argname);

          Variant val;
          if (tv != nullptr) { // the variable hasn't been unset
            val = withValues ? tvAsVariant(tv) : "";

          if (withNames) {
            args.set(String(const_cast<StringData*>(argname)), val);
          } else {
      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < nformals; i++) {
          Variant val = withValues ? tvAsVariant(frame_local(fp, i)) : "";

          if (withNames) {
            auto const argname = fp->func()->localVarName(i);
            args.set(String(const_cast<StringData*>(argname)), val);
          } else {

      // Builtin extra args are not stored in varenv.
      if (UNLIKELY(mayUseVV) && nargs > nparams && fp->hasExtraArgs()) {
        for (int i = nparams; i < nargs; i++) {
          auto arg = fp->getExtraArg(i - nparams);
      frame.set(s_args, args);

    if (btArgs.m_withMetadata && !isReturning) {
      if (UNLIKELY(mayUseVV) && UNLIKELY(fp->hasVarEnv())) {
        auto tv = fp->getVarEnv()->lookup(s_86metadata.get());
        if (tv != nullptr && tv->m_type != KindOfUninit) {
          frame.set(s_metadata, tvAsVariant(tv));
      } else {
        auto local = fp->func()->lookupVarId(s_86metadata.get());
        if (local != kInvalidId) {
          auto tv = frame_local(fp, local);
          if (tv->m_type != KindOfUninit) {
            frame.set(s_metadata, tvAsVariant(tv));


  return bt;
コード例 #15
ファイル: cmd_next.cpp プロジェクト: facebook/hhvm
void CmdNext::onBeginInterrupt(DebuggerProxy& proxy, CmdInterrupt& interrupt) {
  TRACE(2, "CmdNext::onBeginInterrupt\n");
  assertx(!m_complete); // Complete cmds should not be asked to do work.

  ActRec *fp = vmfp();
  if (!fp) {
    // If we have no frame just wait for the next instruction to be interpreted.
    m_needsVMInterrupt = true;
  PC pc = vmpc();
  Unit* unit = fp->m_func->unit();
  Offset offset = unit->offsetOf(pc);
  TRACE(2, "CmdNext: pc %p, opcode %s at '%s' offset %d\n",

  int currentVMDepth = g_context->m_nesting;
  int currentStackDepth = proxy.getStackDepth();

  TRACE(2, "CmdNext: original depth %d:%d, current depth %d:%d\n",
        m_vmDepth, m_stackDepth, currentVMDepth, currentStackDepth);

  // Where are we on the stack now vs. when we started? Breaking the answer down
  // into distinct variables helps the clarity of the algorithm below.
  bool deeper = false;
  bool originalDepth = false;
  if ((currentVMDepth == m_vmDepth) && (currentStackDepth == m_stackDepth)) {
    originalDepth = true;
  } else if ((currentVMDepth > m_vmDepth) ||
             ((currentVMDepth == m_vmDepth) &&
              (currentStackDepth > m_stackDepth))) {
    deeper = true;

  m_needsVMInterrupt = false; // Will be set again below if still needed.

  // First consider if we've got internal breakpoints setup. These are used when
  // we can make an accurate prediction of where execution should flow,
  // eventually, and when we want to let the program run normally until we get
  // there.
  if (hasStepOuts() || hasStepResumable()) {
    TRACE(2, "CmdNext: checking internal breakpoint(s)\n");
    if (atStepOutOffset(unit, offset)) {
      if (deeper) return; // Recursion
      TRACE(2, "CmdNext: hit step-out\n");
    } else if (atStepResumableOffset(unit, offset)) {
      if (m_stepResumableId != getResumableId(fp)) return;
      TRACE(2, "CmdNext: hit step-cont\n");
      // We're in the resumable we expect. This may be at a
      // different stack depth, though, especially if we've moved from
      // the original function to the resumable. Update the depth
      // accordingly.
      if (!originalDepth) {
        m_vmDepth = currentVMDepth;
        m_stackDepth = currentStackDepth;
        deeper = false;
        originalDepth = true;
    } else if (interrupt.getInterruptType() == ExceptionHandler) {
      // Entering an exception handler may take us someplace we weren't
      // expecting. Adjust internal breakpoints accordingly. First case is easy.
      if (deeper) {
        TRACE(2, "CmdNext: exception handler, deeper\n");
      // For step-conts, we ignore handlers at the original level if we're not
      // in the original resumable. We don't care about exception handlers
      // in resumables being driven at the same level.
      if (hasStepResumable() && originalDepth &&
          (m_stepResumableId != getResumableId(fp))) {
        TRACE(2, "CmdNext: exception handler, original depth, wrong cont\n");
      // Sometimes we have handlers in generated code, i.e., Continuation::next.
      // These just help propagate exceptions so ignore those.
      if (fp->m_func->line1() == 0) {
        TRACE(2, "CmdNext: exception handler, ignoring func with no source\n");
      if (fp->m_func->isBuiltin()) {
        TRACE(2, "CmdNext: exception handler, ignoring builtin functions\n");
      TRACE(2, "CmdNext: exception handler altering expected flow\n");
    } else {
      // We have internal breakpoints setup, but we haven't hit one yet. Keep
      // running until we reach one.
      TRACE(2, "CmdNext: waiting to hit internal breakpoint...\n");
    // We've hit one internal breakpoint at a useful place, or decided we don't,
    // need them, so we can remove them all now.

  if (interrupt.getInterruptType() == ExceptionHandler) {
    // If we're about to enter an exception handler we turn interrupts on to
    // ensure we stop when control reaches the handler. The normal logic below
    // will decide if we're done at that point or not.
    TRACE(2, "CmdNext: exception handler\n");
    m_needsVMInterrupt = true;

  if (m_skippingAwait) {
    m_skippingAwait = false;

  if (deeper) {
    TRACE(2, "CmdNext: deeper, setup step out to get back to original line\n");
    // We can nuke the entire location filter here since we'll re-install it
    // when we get back to the old level. Keeping it installed may be more
    // efficient if we were on a large line, but there is a penalty for every
    // opcode executed while it's installed and that's bad if there's a lot of
    // code called from that line.

  if (originalDepth && (m_loc == interrupt.getFileLine())) {
    TRACE(2, "CmdNext: not complete, still on same line\n");
    stepCurrentLine(interrupt, fp, pc);

  TRACE(2, "CmdNext: operation complete.\n");
  m_complete = (decCount() == 0);
  if (!m_complete) {
    TRACE(2, "CmdNext: repeat count > 0, start fresh.\n");
    onSetup(proxy, interrupt);
コード例 #16
ファイル: event-hook.cpp プロジェクト: andrewDDC/hhvm
bool EventHook::RunInterceptHandler(ActRec* ar) {
  const Func* func = ar->func();
  if (LIKELY(func->maybeIntercepted() == 0)) return true;

  // Intercept only original generator / async function calls, not resumption.
  if (ar->resumed()) return true;

  Variant* h = get_intercept_handler(func->fullNameStr(),
  if (!h) return true;

   * In production mode, only functions that we have assumed can be
   * intercepted during static analysis should actually be
   * intercepted.
  if (RuntimeOption::RepoAuthoritative &&
      !RuntimeOption::EvalJitEnableRenameFunction) {
    if (!(func->attrs() & AttrInterceptable)) {
      raise_error("fb_intercept was used on a non-interceptable function (%s) "
                  "in RepoAuthoritative mode", func->fullName()->data());

  VMRegAnchor _;

  PC savePc = vmpc();

  Variant doneFlag = true;
  Variant called_on;

  if (ar->hasThis()) {
    called_on = Variant(ar->getThis());
  } else if (ar->hasClass()) {
    // For static methods, give handler the name of called class
    called_on = Variant(const_cast<StringData*>(ar->getClass()->name()));
  Variant intArgs =

  Variant ret = vm_call_user_func(h->asCArrRef()[0], intArgs);
  if (doneFlag.toBoolean()) {
    Offset pcOff;
    ActRec* outer = g_context->getPrevVMState(ar, &pcOff);

    frame_free_locals_inl_no_hook<true>(ar, ar->func()->numLocals());
    Stack& stack = vmStack();
    stack.top() = (Cell*)(ar + 1);
    cellDup(*ret.asCell(), *stack.allocTV());

    vmfp() = outer;
    vmpc() = outer ? outer->func()->unit()->at(pcOff) : nullptr;

    return false;
  vmfp() = ar;
  vmpc() = savePc;

  return true;
コード例 #17
ファイル: backtrace.cpp プロジェクト: AojiaoZero/hhvm
Array createBacktrace(const BacktraceArgs& btArgs) {
  Array bt = Array::Create();

  // If there is a parser frame, put it at the beginning of
  // the backtrace
  if (btArgs.m_parserFrame) {
        s_file, btArgs.m_parserFrame->filename,
        s_line, btArgs.m_parserFrame->lineNumber

  VMRegAnchor _;
  if (!vmfp()) {
    // If there are no VM frames, we're done
    return bt;

  int depth = 0;
  ActRec* fp = nullptr;
  Offset pc = 0;

  // Get the fp and pc of the top frame (possibly skipping one frame)
    if (btArgs.m_skipTop) {
      fp = g_context->getPrevVMState(vmfp(), &pc);
      if (!fp) {
        // We skipped over the only VM frame, we're done
        return bt;
    } else {
      fp = vmfp();
      Unit *unit = vmfp()->m_func->unit();
      pc = unit->offsetOf(vmpc());

    // Handle the top frame
    if (btArgs.m_withSelf) {
      // Builtins don't have a file and line number
      if (!fp->m_func->isBuiltin()) {
        Unit* unit = fp->m_func->unit();
        const char* filename = fp->m_func->filename()->data();
        Offset off = pc;

        ArrayInit frame(btArgs.m_parserFrame ? 4 : 2, ArrayInit::Map{});
        frame.set(s_file, filename);
        frame.set(s_line, unit->getLineNumber(off));
        if (btArgs.m_parserFrame) {
          frame.set(s_function, s_include);
          frame.set(s_args, Array::Create(btArgs.m_parserFrame->filename));
  // Handle the subsequent VM frames
  Offset prevPc = 0;
  for (ActRec* prevFp = g_context->getPrevVMState(fp, &prevPc);
       fp != nullptr && (btArgs.m_limit == 0 || depth < btArgs.m_limit);
       fp = prevFp, pc = prevPc,
         prevFp = g_context->getPrevVMState(fp, &prevPc)) {
    // do not capture frame for HPHP only functions
    if (fp->m_func->isNoInjection()) {

    ArrayInit frame(7, ArrayInit::Map{});

    auto const curUnit = fp->m_func->unit();
    auto const curOp = *reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(curUnit->at(pc));
    auto const isReturning =
      curOp == Op::RetC || curOp == Op::RetV ||
      curOp == Op::CreateCont || curOp == Op::Await ||

    // Builtins and generators don't have a file and line number
    if (prevFp && !prevFp->m_func->isBuiltin() && !fp->resumed()) {
      auto const prevUnit = prevFp->m_func->unit();
      auto prevFile = prevUnit->filepath();
      if (prevFp->m_func->originalFilename()) {
        prevFile = prevFp->m_func->originalFilename();
      frame.set(s_file, const_cast<StringData*>(prevFile));

      // In the normal method case, the "saved pc" for line number printing is
      // pointing at the cell conversion (Unbox/Pop) instruction, not the call
      // itself. For multi-line calls, this instruction is associated with the
      // subsequent line which results in an off-by-n. We're subtracting one
      // in order to look up the line associated with the FCall/FCallArray
      // instruction. Exception handling and the other opcodes (ex. BoxR)
      // already do the right thing. The emitter associates object access with
      // the subsequent expression and this would be difficult to modify.
      auto const opAtPrevPc =
        *reinterpret_cast<const Op*>(prevUnit->at(prevPc));
      Offset pcAdjust = 0;
      if (opAtPrevPc == OpPopR || opAtPrevPc == OpUnboxR) {
        pcAdjust = 1;
                prevFp->m_func->unit()->getLineNumber(prevPc - pcAdjust));

    // check for include
    String funcname = const_cast<StringData*>(fp->m_func->name());
    if (fp->m_func->isClosureBody()) {
      static StringData* s_closure_label =
      funcname = s_closure_label;

    // check for pseudomain
    if (funcname.empty()) {
      if (!prevFp) continue;
      funcname = s_include;

    frame.set(s_function, funcname);

    if (!funcname.same(s_include)) {
      // Closures have an m_this but they aren't in object context
      Class* ctx = arGetContextClass(fp);
      if (ctx != nullptr && !fp->m_func->isClosureBody()) {
        frame.set(s_class, ctx->name()->data());
        if (fp->hasThis() && !isReturning) {
          if (btArgs.m_withThis) {
            frame.set(s_object, Object(fp->getThis()));
          frame.set(s_type, "->");
        } else {
          frame.set(s_type, "::");

    Array args = Array::Create();
    if (btArgs.m_ignoreArgs) {
      // do nothing
    } else if (funcname.same(s_include)) {
      if (depth) {
        frame.set(s_args, args);
    } else if (!RuntimeOption::EnableArgsInBacktraces || isReturning) {
      // Provide an empty 'args' array to be consistent with hphpc
      frame.set(s_args, args);
    } else {
      const int nparams = fp->m_func->numNonVariadicParams();
      int nargs = fp->numArgs();
      int nformals = std::min(nparams, nargs);

      if (UNLIKELY(fp->hasVarEnv() && fp->getVarEnv()->getFP() != fp)) {
        // VarEnv is attached to eval or debugger frame, other than the current
        // frame. Access locals thru VarEnv.
        auto varEnv = fp->getVarEnv();
        auto func = fp->func();
        for (int i = 0; i < nformals; i++) {
          TypedValue *arg = varEnv->lookup(func->localVarName(i));
      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < nformals; i++) {
          TypedValue *arg = frame_local(fp, i);

      /* builtin extra args are not stored in varenv */
      if (nargs > nparams && fp->hasExtraArgs()) {
        for (int i = nparams; i < nargs; i++) {
          TypedValue *arg = fp->getExtraArg(i - nparams);
      frame.set(s_args, args);

  return bt;
